[CSP 대본 100] EPA proposes 10-year deadline to remove lead pipes across US
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Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 U.N. Holding Its Annual Climate Summit COP28; EPA Proposes 10-Year Deadline To Remove Lead Pipes Across U.S.; Henry Kissinger, A Dominating And Polarizing Force In U.S. Foreign Policy, Dies At 100. Aired 4-4:10a ET Ai
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CNN 10
U.N. Holding Its Annual Climate Summit COP28; EPA Proposes 10-Year Deadline To Remove Lead Pipes Across U.S.; Henry Kissinger, A Dominating And Polarizing Force In U.S. Foreign Policy, Dies At 100. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired December 01, 2023 - 04:00 ET
What's up, lovely people.
It's December 1st and my favorite day of the week Friyay.
I'm Coy Wire.
This is CNN 10, only 31 days left in the year 2023.
Let's finish this week, finish this year strong.
First up, news from the world's climate summit happening in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
It's called COP28.
The letters stand for Conference of the Parties, and the numbers stand for the 28th year that this summit is taking place.
It's organized by the United Nations for the countries that are members of the U.N. framework convention on climate change.
Let's go to Faiz Jamil now for more about COP's history and what it hopes to accomplish.
COP stands for Conference of the Parties.
The gatherings are intense technical negotiations brokered by the U.N.
Countries are meant to work together to coordinate a global effort to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions, but progress at success of COP summits has been limited.
The first climate COP summit took place in Berlin in 1995 and representatives from more than 170 states or territories attended.
Two years later at COP3 in Japan, countries agreed to the Kyoto Protocol in which 37 industrialized states or territories were legally bound to start reducing their emissions.
But the biggest polluter at the time, the United States refused to ratify the agreement because it didn't oblige developing nations like China to cut emissions.
And without the United States and China on board, the Kyoto Protocol began to crumble.
Then at COP21 in Paris, there was a breakthrough.
The Paris Agreement was adopted by more than 190 parties, including the U.S. and China.
Its ambition was to limit global warming to well below two, but preferably 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrialized levels.
Since then, progress has been slow and pledges by governments across the world haven't gone far enough, even as deadly extreme weather has gotten more intense and cost of in action has skyrocketed.
At COP26 in Glasgow, countries signed an agreement that for the first time acknowledged the role of fossil fuels in the climate crisis.
But the conference also had its shortcomings.
India successfully demanded that the final agreement would commit countries to phase down rather than phase out planet heating coal.
COP27 in Egypt saw countries agreeing to set up a loss and damage fund to help vulnerable nations hit by climate disasters.
But while the intent to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius was reaffirmed, progress so far has fallen far short, where scientists say it needs to be.
Now at this year's summit already global delegates have agreed to establish a damage fund for those nations hit hardest by the climate crisis.
The United Arab Emirates and Germany already pledged 100 million dollars to this fund.
The U.K. promised 60 million pounds.
The U.S. committed 17.5 million dollars and Japan contributed 10 million.
Since last year's summit in Egypt, more than 80 countries have voiced support for language around phasing out fossil fuels.
However, many wish to continue using fossil fuels as long as the climate pollution is captured before it enters the atmosphere.
Moving on now to news back in the United States, the environmental protection agency proposed to remove lead pipes from the US water system.
Why? Lead is an extremely toxic heavy metal and studies have linked exposure to it to significant health and developmental problems, especially for kids.
New lead pipes have been banned in the U.S. since the 1980s, but there are still about 9 million lead service lines in the country according to the EPA.
And Illinois and Rhode Island are the states with the highest proportions of service lines due for replacement.
The EPA proposal says lead service lines must be replaced within 10 years.
The project will require billions of dollars, but the agency analysis suggests that the benefits would be 4 to 10 times greater.
Ten second trivia.
What sport helped ease mounting tensions between China and the U.S. during the height of the cold war?
Ping Pong, Pickleball, Tennis, or Badminton?
Chinese leader Mao Zedong invited the U.S. table tennis team to China in 1971.
Those matches helped break the ice ahead of the Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's groundbreaking secret trip to China months later.
One of the most influential and controversial foreign policy figures in American history, Henry Kissinger has died.
The former U.S. Secretary of State and National Security Advisor was 100 years old.
CNN's Richard Roth has a look back at the defining moments of Kissinger's career.
I know all of you will want to hear from the new Secretary of State.
Henry Kissinger never really needed an introduction on the world stage again, Kissinger, the most famous statesman of the last half of the 20th Century, celebrated and controversial.
As Richard Nixon's National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, the diplomat wielded enormous power and influence, so trusted that it was Kissinger who went to China on a secret mission to explore a historic opening of U.S. relations with communist China.
Whoever went would be alone in Beijing with no communication.
And therefore, if he didn't know Nixon's mind, he might do foolish things.
Vietnam casualties mounted as the Vietnamese gained territory.
Nixon and an undiplomatic Kissinger thought more bombing of the north would help.
Kissinger approved secret bombings of north Vietnamese units in Cambodia without congressional approval.
He would say sometimes statesmen have to choose among evils, moral compromises in messy conflicts, Kissinger, and his Vietnamese counterpart lay duck toe were awarded the Nobel peace prize for their role in negotiating a ceasefire.
I have to say, I have never dealt with a group of people as treacherous as the North Vietnamese leadership.
Kissinger insisted trouble on the homefront hurt chances to succeed in Vietnam.
We lost the war because we were divided.
And also because we were too uncertain about what we wanted.
Kissinger's support for a coup in Chile and pro U.S. military strong men in other parts of the world, drew criticism.
Arrest Henry Kissinger for war crime.
Kissinger's legacy would be contested decades later when he testified in Congress at the age of 91.
In the Middle East, Kissinger performed what came to be known as shuttle diplomacy, to separate Israeli and Arab forces, setting the stage for future peace accords.
When Nixon resigned, as President, Kissinger stayed on as Gerald Ford's Secretary of State.
His opinion is still widely sought after, by governments and businesses, after leaving public office.
You want to leave your country better off than you found it.
And there's nothing in private life you can do that's as interesting and as fulfilling.
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 comes from Lowell, Massachusetts, where a middle school opened its own barber shop.
Any student at Sullivan Middle School can receive a free haircut from a professional barber during school on Mondays by booking an appointment online.
The salon named Husky Kutz after the school's mascot aims to break down barriers like finances and maybe transportation that could keep kids from access to looking and feeling their best.
If any of y'all ever need a fresh cut, come holla at your boy, I'll take care of it for you.
Have you looking like Mr. Clean?
All right, superstars, I have had an awesome week sharing and learning with you.
Thank you for what I believe is your greatest superpower.
Your curiosity, being open and curious about news happening near and far, not content to maintain the status quo.
That's what it's all about.
Multi-millionaire and advisor to U.S. President's Bernard Baruch once said, "Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton asked why."
Now, shout out time, Mrs. Becker's class at Nautilus Middle School in Miami Beach, Florida. Muchas gracias for all the lovely letters.
I can't tell you how much this means to me.
My heart completely melted in a puddle all over the floor.
All right, now Rockets racking it out at Neenah Middle School in Neenah, Wisconsin, rise up. Go out and make someone smile today y'all.
Remember you are more powerful than you know.
I'm Coy Wire.
This is CNN 10.
It's been a blessing to spend this week with you.
** 독해 및 어휘 정리
*** 오역, 오타 등 수정이 필요한 부분을 발견하시면 방에 공유 부탁드립니다.
CNN 10
U.N. Holding Its Annual Climate Summit COP28; EPA Proposes 10-Year Deadline To Remove Lead Pipes Across U.S.; Henry Kissinger, A Dominating And Polarizing Force In U.S. Foreign Policy, Dies At 100. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired December 01, 2023 - 04:00 ET
CNN 10
유엔, 연례 기후 정상회의 COP28 개최; 미국 전역의 납 파이프를 제거 10년 기한 제안; 미국 외교 정책에서 지배적이고 극단적인 영향을 끼친 헨리 키신저가 100세에 별세. 동부 표준시로 4시부터 4시 10분까지 방영됨.
방송 날짜: 2023년 12월 1일 - 동부 표준시 04:00
이는 급히 작성된 대본입니다. 이 복사본은 최종 형태가 아닐 수 있으며 업데이트될 수 있습니다.
COP28 (Conference of the Parties 28) 유엔이 주최하는 매년 열리는 기후 총회인 COP28
The annual climate summit organized by the United Nations, known as COP28.
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) 미국의 환경보호청
The United States' Environmental Protection Agency, responsible for environmental protection and regulation.
Lead Pipes 납관이라고도 하는 물을 운반하는데 사용되는 배관
Pipes used for transporting water that are made of lead.
Dominating 주도적이거나 지배적인
Exerting control, authority, or influence over others.
Polarizing 갈라놓는, 양극화를 초래하는
Causing division or disagreement within a group, creating extreme differences in opinions or beliefs.
Force 힘, 영향력, 세력
Power, influence, or strength, often suggesting a commanding presence.
Foreign Policy 외교 정책, 다른 국가와의 관계를 조절하는 정책
A government's strategy concerning its interactions with other nations, managing international relations.
Rush Transcript 급조된 대본 또는 텍스트
A hastily prepared script or text, subject to updates or revisions.
What's up, lovely people.
It's December 1st and my favorite day of the week Friyay.
I'm Coy Wire.
This is CNN 10, only 31 days left in the year 2023.
Let's finish this week, finish this year strong.
코이 와이어, CNN 10 앵커:
안녕하세요, 사랑스러운 여러분.
오늘은 12월 1일이고 제가 가장 좋아하는 요일인 금요일이에요.
저는 코이 와이어입니다.
여기는 CNN 10이고, 2023년이 단 31일밖에 남지 않았습니다.
이번 주를 잘 마무리하고, 올해를 힘차게 마무리해봐요.
Friyay 금요일을 기리거나 기뻐하는 말로 사용되는 신조어
A playful term combining "Friday" and "yay," expressing excitement or celebration for the arrival of Friday.
Finish strong 강하게 끝내다, 결의를 가지고 마무리하다
To conclude something with determination and energy, to end on a positive or powerful note.
Lovely people 사랑스러운 사람들
Affectionate term for endearing or pleasant individuals.
What's up 어떻게 지내세요?, 안부를 묻는 인사
A casual greeting asking how someone is doing or what's going on.
First up, news from the world's climate summit happening in Dubai in the United Arab Emirates.
It's called COP28.
The letters stand for Conference of the Parties, and the numbers stand for the 28th year that this summit is taking place.
It's organized by the United Nations for the countries that are members of the U.N. framework convention on climate change.
Let's go to Faiz Jamil now for more about COP's history and what it hopes to accomplish.
우선, 아랍에미리트 연합국의 두바이에서 진행 중인 세계 기후 정상회담 소식입니다.
이것은 COP28이라고 불립니다.
COP는 당사자 회의(Conference of the Parties)를 의미하며, 숫자는 이 정상회의가 열리는 28번째 해를 나타냅니다.
이 회의는 기후 변화에 관한 유엔 기후변화 협약에 가입한 국가들을 위해 유엔이 주관합니다.
이제 파이즈 자밀 기자를 통해 COP의 역사 및 이 회의가 이루고자 하는 목표에 대해 더 자세히 알아보겠습니다.
Climate summit 기후 정상회담, 기후 정책과 관련된 중요한 회의
A significant meeting or conference concerning climate policies and issues.
COP28 (Conference of the Parties 28)
COP28, 기후변화 협약에 가입한 국가들의 연례 회의
COP28 refers to the annual gathering of nations that are signatories to the climate change convention.
Conference of the Parties 협약 총회, 국제 협약에 가입한 회원국들의 회의
Meetings involving member countries that are signatories to an international treaty or agreement.
United Nations (U.N.) 유엔, 국제 기구로서 세계 평화와 협력을 증진하기 위해 설립된 조직
An international organization established to promote world peace and cooperation.
Framework Convention on Climate Change
기후 변화에 관한 기본협약, 기후 변화에 대응하기 위한 국제 협약
An international treaty aimed at addressing climate change.
(비디오 테이프 시작)
COP stands for Conference of the Parties.
The gatherings are intense technical negotiations brokered by the U.N.
Countries are meant to work together to coordinate a global effort to reach net zero greenhouse gas emissions, but progress at success of COP summits has been limited.
The first climate COP summit took place in Berlin in 1995 and representatives from more than 170 states or territories attended.
파이즈 자밀, CNN 수석 프로듀서:
COP는 당사국 회의(Conference of the Parties)를 의미합니다.
이 모임은 유엔이 중재하는 과정으로 강도 높은 전문적인 논의를 포함합니다.
각국은 온실가스 순 배출 제로에 도달하기 위한 전 세계적인 노력을 조정하기 위해 협력해야 하지만, COP 정상회의의 발전과 성과에는 한계가 있었습니다.
첫 번째 기후 COP 정상회의는 1995년 베를린에서 열렸으며 170개국 이상의 주 또는 영토의 대표들이 참석했습니다.
Intense 강렬한, 격렬한, 심한
Strong, extreme, or very serious.
Technical negotiations 기술적인 협상, 전문적인 논의
Discussions or talks that involve specialized knowledge or expertise in a particular field.
Brokered 중재된, 조정된
Mediated or facilitated, especially in negotiations or discussions.
Coordinate 조정하다, 협력하다
To organize, synchronize, or collaborate.
Net zero greenhouse gas emissions
순 영산소 배출량, 온실 가스 배출을 최소화하거나 상쇄하여 영산소 상태로 만드는 것
Achieving a balance between the amount of greenhouse gases produced and removed from the atmosphere.
Progress at success 성공적인 진전, 성과를 거둔 발전
Achievements or advancements towards success.
Limited 제한된, 한정된
Restricted or confined within certain boundaries or constraints.
Representatives 대표자, 대리인
Individuals or officials who act or speak on behalf of a group or entity.
Territories 영토, 지역, 영토적 관할 구역
Regions or areas under a specific jurisdiction or authority.
Two years later at COP3 in Japan, countries agreed to the Kyoto Protocol in which 37 industrialized states or territories were legally bound to start reducing their emissions.
But the biggest polluter at the time, the United States refused to ratify the agreement because it didn't oblige developing nations like China to cut emissions.
And without the United States and China on board, the Kyoto Protocol began to crumble.
2년 후인 일본에서 열린 COP3에서, 국가들은 37개의 산업화된 국가 또는 영토가 배출 감축을 시작하는 데 법적으로 구속되는 교토 프로토콜에 합의했습니다.
하지만 당시 가장 큰 오염원인 미국은 중국과 같은 개발도상국이 배출을 줄이도록 강제하는 조항이 없어 이 협정의 비준을 거부했습니다.
미국과 중국이 참여하지 않으면서 교토 프로토콜은 무너지기 시작했습니다.
Kyoto Protocol 교토 프로토콜, 온실 가스 감축을 위한 국제 협약
An international treaty aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Industrialized states or territories 산업화된 국가 또는 영토
Countries or regions that have undergone significant industrial development.
Legally bound 법적으로 구속되다, 의무화되다
Obligated or required by law or legal agreement.
Emissions 배출, 방출, 발생
The release or discharge of substances, especially gases or pollutants, into the environment.
Ratify 비준하다, 승인하다
To officially approve or confirm a treaty, agreement, or contract.
Developing nations 개발도상국, 발전 도중에 있는 국가들
Countries that are in the process of industrialization and economic growth.
Refused to ratify 비준을 거부하다
Declined or rejected official approval or confirmation of a treaty or agreement.
Crumble 붕괴하다, 무너지다
To fall apart or disintegrate gradually.
On board 참여하거나 동의하여 지원하다
Agreeing to participate or support a plan, project, or agreement.
Then at COP21 in Paris, there was a breakthrough.
The Paris Agreement was adopted by more than 190 parties, including the U.S. and China.
Its ambition was to limit global warming to well below two, but preferably 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrialized levels.
Since then, progress has been slow and pledges by governments across the world haven't gone far enough, even as deadly extreme weather has gotten more intense and cost of in action has skyrocketed.
그 후 파리에서 열린 COP21에서 돌파구가 생겼습니다.
파리 협정은 미국과 중국을 포함한 190개 이상의 당사국이 채택했습니다.
그 목표는 지구 온난화를 산업화 이전의 수준과 비교했을 때 기온 상승을 2도 이하로 제한하지만 가급적 1.5도 이하로 제한하는 것이었습니다.
그 이후로 치명적인 극단적 기후 현상이 더욱 강해지고 무질서한 상황으로 인한 비용이 급증함에도 불구하고 진전이 더뎠고 전 세계 정부들의 약속은 충분히 이루어지지 않았습니다.
Breakthrough 돌파구, 중요한 발전
Significant progress or development, achieving a notable advance or success.
Paris Agreement 파리 협정, 기후변화에 대응하기 위한 국제 협정
An international agreement aimed at combating climate change.
Parties 당사자, 회원국 또는 단체
Participants, member states, or entities involved in an agreement or treaty.
Limit global warming 지구 온난화를 제한하다
To control or restrict the increase in global average temperature.
Preferably 가능하면, 원하는 대로라면
If possible, under the best conditions or circumstances.
Celsius 섭씨
A unit of temperature measurement.
Pre-industrialized levels 산업화 이전 수준
Referring to conditions or metrics before the industrial revolution.
Progress has been slow 진전이 느림
Advancements or developments have been sluggish or not as fast as expected.
Deadly extreme weather 치명적인 극한 기상
Severe weather conditions causing death or significant damage.
At COP26 in Glasgow, countries signed an agreement that for the first time acknowledged the role of fossil fuels in the climate crisis.
But the conference also had its shortcomings.
India successfully demanded that the final agreement would commit countries to phase down rather than phase out planet heating coal.
글래스고에서 열린 COP26에서 각국은 처음으로 기후 위기에서 화석 연료의 역할을 인정하는 협정에 서명했습니다.
그러나 회의에는 단점도 있었습니다.
인도는 최종 합의안이 행성을 가열하는 석탄을 완전히 폐기하는 대신 단계적으로 감축하도록 국가들을 약속하도록 성공적으로 요구했습니다.
Acknowledge 인정하다, 승인하다
Recognized or accepted the existence or truth of something.
Fossil fuels 화석 연료, 석탄, 석유, 천연 가스와 같은 자연의 연료
Natural fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas formed from the remains of ancient organisms.
Climate crisis 기후 위기, 지구 온난화와 같은 환경 문제로 인한 위기 상황
An urgent situation arising from environmental issues like global warming or climate change.
Shortcomings 결점, 부족함, 단점
Deficiencies or inadequacies, limitations or weaknesses in something.
Demand 요구하다, 요청하다
Request or call for something forcefully or urgently.
Commit 헌신하다, 약속하다
To dedicate oneself or promise to a particular course of action or belief.
Phase down 단계적으로 감소시키다
Gradually reduce or decrease in stages.
Phase out 단계적으로 폐지하다, 제거하다
Gradually eliminate or remove completely over time.
Planet heating coal 지구 온난화를 유발하는 석탄
Coal that contributes significantly to global warming or heating of the planet.
COP27 in Egypt saw countries agreeing to set up a loss and damage fund to help vulnerable nations hit by climate disasters.
But while the intent to limit warming to 1.5 degrees Celsius was reaffirmed, progress so far has fallen far short, where scientists say it needs to be.
이집트에서 열린 COP27에서 국가들은 기후 재해로 피해를 입은 취약 국가들을 지원하기 위한 손실과 피해 기금을 설립하기로 합의했습니다.
그러나 온난화를 섭씨 1.5도로 제한하려는 의도는 재확인되었지만, 지금까지의 진전은 과학자들이 요구하는 수준에는 크게 부족한 면이 있습니다.
Loss and damage fund 피해 및 손실 기금, 기후 재해로 피해를 입은 취약한 국가들을 돕기 위한 기금
Fund designated to assist vulnerable nations affected by climate disasters.
Vulnerable nations 취약한 나라들, 위험에 노출된 국가들
Countries at risk or exposed to significant dangers or threats.
Intent 의도, 의지
Purpose or determination to do something, the plan or aim behind an action.
Limit warming 온난화 제한, 지구 온난화를 억제하거나 제한하려는 노력
Efforts to control or restrict the increase in global temperature.
Reaffirmed 재확인된, 다시 확인된
Confirmed or reiterated again.
Fallen far short 크게 부족하다, 기대에 못 미치다
Not meeting the expected level or standard, significantly lacking or insufficient.
(비디오 테이프 종료)
Now at this year's summit already global delegates have agreed to establish a damage fund for those nations hit hardest by the climate crisis.
The United Arab Emirates and Germany already pledged 100 million dollars to this fund.
The U.K. promised 60 million pounds.
The U.S. committed 17.5 million dollars and Japan contributed 10 million.
이제 올해 정상회담에서 이미 전 세계 대표들은 기후 위기로 가장 큰 피해를 입은 국가들을 위한 피해 기금을 설립하기로 합의했습니다.
아랍에미리트 연합과 독일은 이미 이 기금에 1억 달러를 약속했습니다.
영국은 6천만 파운드를 약속했습니다.
미국은 1750만 달러를 약속했고, 일본은 1천만 달러를 기부했습니다.
Delegates 대표자들, 대표 단체원
Representatives or members of an organization or group.
Establish 설립하다, 수립하다
To set up or create something, typically an organization, system, or fund.
Damage fund 피해 기금, 피해를 입은 곳을 돕기 위한 자금
Fund designated to assist areas or entities affected by some form of damage or crisis.
Hit hardest 가장 심하게 타격을 입은, 가장 심각한 피해를 받은
Suffering the most severe impacts or experiencing the most serious consequences.
Climate crisis 기후 위기, 지구 온난화로 인한 심각한 상황
A critical situation caused by global warming or climate change.
Pledged 약속하다, 서약하다
Promised or committed to doing something.
Committed 헌신적인, 전념하는
Dedicated or devoted to a cause or action.
Contributed 기여한, 공헌한
Provided or given, especially to a common purpose or cause.
Pounds 파운드, 영국의 화폐 단위
The currency unit of the United Kingdom.
Since last year's summit in Egypt, more than 80 countries have voiced support for language around phasing out fossil fuels.
However, many wish to continue using fossil fuels as long as the climate pollution is captured before it enters the atmosphere.
작년 이집트 정상회의 이후 80개국 이상이 화석 연료를 폐기하기 위한 내용을 지지했습니다.
그러나 많은 국가들이 기후 오염이 대기로 들어가기 전에 포집될 수 있다면 화석 연료를 계속 사용하길 원합니다.
Summit 정상회담, 회의
A meeting or conference, often involving heads of state or high-level officials.
Voiced support 지지를 표명하다, 목소리를 내어 지지를 표명하다
Expressed agreement or approval for a particular idea or stance.
Phasing out 단계적 폐지, 점진적으로 없애기
Gradually eliminating or discontinuing something over time.
Climate pollution 기후 오염, 온실 가스 등 기후에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 물질
Substances like greenhouse gases that have negative impacts on the climate.
Captured 포착된, 잡힌
Seized or caught, often in the context of preventing or controlling something.
Atmosphere 대기, 공기 주변의 층
The envelope of gases surrounding the Earth or another planet.
Language around ~에 관한 언어, ~ 주제에 대한 표현
Expressions or discussions concerning a particular topic or issue.
Moving on now to news back in the United States, the environmental protection agency proposed to remove lead pipes from the US water system.
이제 다시 미국 소식으로 돌아와서, 미국의 환경 보호 기관이 미국의 수도 시스템에서 납 파이프를 제거하기를 제안했습니다.
Why? Lead is an extremely toxic heavy metal and studies have linked exposure to it to significant health and developmental problems, especially for kids.
New lead pipes have been banned in the U.S. since the 1980s, but there are still about 9 million lead service lines in the country according to the EPA.
And Illinois and Rhode Island are the states with the highest proportions of service lines due for replacement.
왜냐하면 납은 극도로 독성이 강한 중금속이며, 연구들은 납에 노출되는 것이 특히 어린이들에게 중대한 건강 및 발달 문제와 연관되어 있다고 합니다.
미국에서는 1980년대부터 새로운 납 파이프의 사용이 금지되었지만, 환경 보호 기관(EPA)에 따르면 미국에는 아직도 약 900만개의 납 수도관이 남아있습니다.
일리노이주와 로드아일랜드주가 교체가 필요한 수도관 비율이 가장 높은 주입니다.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 환경보호청, 미국의 환경 보호를 담당하는 연방 기관
A federal agency responsible for environmental protection in the United States.
Proposed 제안된, 제안하다
Suggested or put forward for consideration or discussion.
Lead pipes 납 수도관, 납으로 만들어진 물 파이프
Pipes used in plumbing systems made from lead, a toxic metal.
Water system 상하수도 시스템, 물 공급 및 배수 시스템
Infrastructure related to the supply and drainage of water.
Lead 납, 중금속으로 유독물질
A toxic heavy metal that can cause serious health issues when ingested or absorbed.
Back in 다시, 되돌아가서
Returning or going to a previous location or situation.
The EPA proposal says lead service lines must be replaced within 10 years.
The project will require billions of dollars, but the agency analysis suggests that the benefits would be 4 to 10 times greater.
환경 보호 기관의 제안에 따르면 납 수도관은 10년 안에 교체되어야 합니다.
이 프로젝트는 수십억 달러가 필요하지만, 기관의 분석에 따르면 그 혜택은 4배에서 10배가 더 클 것으로 예상됩니다.
Lead service lines 납 배관, 물 공급을 위한 납으로 된 파이프
Pipes made from lead used in supplying water.
Replaced 대체되다, 교체되다
Substituted or exchanged with something else.
Ten second trivia.
What sport helped ease mounting tensions between China and the U.S. during the height of the cold war?
Ping Pong, Pickleball, Tennis, or Badminton?
10초 상식 퀴즈.
냉전이 한창일 때 고조된 중국과 미국 사이의 긴장을 완화하는 데 도움이 된 스포츠는?
탁구, 피클볼, 테니스, 배드민턴?
Tensions 긴장, 팽팽한 상황 또는 관계
A state of strained relations or a situation with stress or strain.
Cold War 냉전, 20세기 후반 미국과 소련 간의 대립과 긴장 관계
The period of political and military tension between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II.
Ping Pong 탁구, 공을 패들로 치며 하는 라켓 스포츠
Table tennis, a racket sport played by hitting a lightweight ball back and forth across a table.
Pickleball 피클볼, 라켓과 플라스틱 공을 이용하는 새로운 라켓 스포츠
A paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, played with a perforated plastic ball.
Tennis 테니스, 라켓과 공을 사용하는 스포츠
A racket sport played between two players or teams using a ball and a net-divided court.
Badminton 배드민턴, 네트를 사이에 두고 라켓과 셔틀콕으로 하는 스포츠
A racket sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net.
Chinese leader Mao Zedong invited the U.S. table tennis team to China in 1971.
Those matches helped break the ice ahead of the Secretary of State Henry Kissinger's groundbreaking secret trip to China months later.
1971년 중국 지도자인 마오쩌둥은 미국 탁구 팀을 중국으로 초청했습니다.
이 경기들은 몇 달 뒤 국무장관 헨리 키신저의 획기적인 중국 비밀 방문에 앞서 두 나라 간의 친밀감을 형성하는 데 도움을 주었습니다.
Break the ice 얼음을 깨다, 관계를 더욱 따뜻하게 하다
To create a more relaxed or friendly atmosphere, especially at the beginning of a meeting or interaction.
Secretary of State 국무장관, 나라의 외교 정책을 책임지는 고위 관리자
A high-ranking government official responsible for a country's foreign affairs and diplomacy.
Groundbreaking 획기적인, 새로운 지평을 여는
Innovative or pioneering, marking the beginning of something new or significant.
Secret trip 비밀 여행, 공식적으로 공개되지 않은 나라 간의 방문
A journey or visit between countries that is not officially disclosed or announced.
Chinese leader 중국의 지도자, 중국 정부나 인민해방군의 최고 지도자
The top figure in the Chinese government or the leader of the People's Liberation Army in China.
Mao Zedong 마오쩌둥, 중국 공산당의 수립자이자 최고 지도자
The founder and top leader of the Communist Party of China.
Table tennis team 탁구 대표팀, 탁구 경기를 하는 팀
A group of players representing a country in table tennis competitions.
One of the most influential and controversial foreign policy figures in American history, Henry Kissinger has died.
The former U.S. Secretary of State and National Security Advisor was 100 years old.
CNN's Richard Roth has a look back at the defining moments of Kissinger's career.
미국 역사상 가장 영향력 있고 논란이 많은 외교 정책 인물 중 하나인 헨리 키신저가 사망했습니다.
전 미국 국무장관이자 국가 안보 보좌관인 그의 나이는 100세였습니다.
CNN의 리처드 로스가 키신저의 경력에서 중요한 순간들을 되돌아보았습니다.
Influential 영향력 있는, 중요한
Having the power to affect or alter outcomes, significant or important.
Controversial 논란이 되는, 분쟁을 일으키는
Provoking disagreement or argument, causing controversy or debate.
Foreign policy 외교 정책, 국가의 외교 활동을 결정하는 정책
A government's strategy or approach in dealing with other countries, shaping international relations.
Secretary of State 국무장관, 나라의 외교 정책을 책임지는 고위 관리자
A high-ranking government official responsible for a country's foreign affairs and diplomacy.
National Security Advisor 국가안보보좌관, 국가 안보에 관련된 문제를 조언하는 고위 관료
A senior official providing advice on national security issues to the head of state.
Defining moments 결정적인 순간, 중요한 사건
Critical or significant events that shape or define a person's career or life.
Former 전임의, 이전의
Having previously held a particular position or status.
Look back 되돌아보다, 회고하다
To review or reflect on past events or history.
(비디오 테이프 시작)
I know all of you will want to hear from the new Secretary of State.
신원을 알 수 없는 남성:
여러분 모두가 새로운 국무장관의 의견을 듣고 싶어할 것입니다.
Henry Kissinger never really needed an introduction on the world stage again, Kissinger, the most famous statesman of the last half of the 20th Century, celebrated and controversial.
리처드 로스, CNN 특파원:
헨리 키신저는 세계 무대에서 다시 소개될 필요가 없었습니다. 그는 20세기 후반 가장 유명한 정치인으로, 칭송받기도 했고 논란의 대상이기도 했습니다.
Statesman 정치인, 국가 지도자
A respected and experienced political leader, especially known for skillful diplomacy and significant contributions.
Introduction 소개, 입장을 알리는 것
The act of presenting someone for the first time or informing others about something or someone.
World stage 세계 무대, 국제 사회에서의 활동과 영향력
The global platform or arena where international activities and influences take place.
Last half 후반, 시간적인 어느 기간의 후반부
The second part or period of a specified duration, usually referring to a chronological timeframe.
Celebrated 축하받는, 기념하는
Commemorated or honored for achievements, praised or recognized positively.
Controversial 논란의, 분쟁을 일으키는
Provoking disagreement or debate, causing differing opinions or arguments.
As Richard Nixon's National Security Advisor and Secretary of State, the diplomat wielded enormous power and influence, so trusted that it was Kissinger who went to China on a secret mission to explore a historic opening of U.S. relations with communist China.
리처드 닉슨 대통령의 국가 안보 보좌관이자 국무장관으로, 이 외교관은 엄청난 권력과 영향력을 행사했습니다. 신뢰를 받아 비밀 임무를 맡아 중국으로 가서 미국의 공식적인 관계 개선을 탐구하였던 역사적인 순간을 헨리 키신저가 담당했습니다.
National Security Advisor 국가안보보좌관, 국가 안보에 관련된 문제를 조언하는 고위 관리자
A high-ranking official who advises the head of state on national security matters.
Secretary of State 국무장관, 나라의 외교 정책을 책임지는 고위 관리자
A high-ranking government official responsible for a country's foreign affairs and diplomacy.
Diplomat 외교관, 외교 활동을 수행하는 사람
A person skilled in managing international relations and negotiations between countries.
Wielded enormous power 엄청난 권력을 행사했다, 큰 권력을 행사했다
Exercised tremendous authority or control over a situation or group.
Historic opening 역사적인 개방, 역사적으로 중요한 시작
A significant or pivotal beginning in history, often involving the commencement of relations or actions.
Communist China 공산주의 중국, 중국 공산주의 정부
Refers to the government of China under the leadership of the Communist Party.
Whoever went would be alone in Beijing with no communication.
And therefore, if he didn't know Nixon's mind, he might do foolish things.
헨리 키신저, 전 국무장관:
누구든지 중국에 혼자 가게 되면 그 사람은 어떠한 통신 수단도 없이 혼자 있어야 합니다.
그러므로 닉슨 대통령의 의견을 모르고서는 어리석은 행동을 할 수도 있습니다.
Former Secretary of State 전 국무장관, 이전에 국무장관으로 있었던 사람
A person who previously held the position of Secretary of State, responsible for a country's foreign affairs.
Nixon's mind 닉슨의 생각, 닉슨의 의견이나 생각
Refers to the thoughts, intentions, or opinions of President Nixon.
Foolish things 어리석은 행동, 경솔한 행위
Actions or behaviors lacking good sense or judgment.
Henry Kissinger 헨리 키신저, 미국의 전 국무장관
Former Secretary of State for the United States.
Communication 의사 소통, 정보 교환
The exchange of information or messages between individuals or groups.
Vietnam casualties mounted as the Vietnamese gained territory.
Nixon and an undiplomatic Kissinger thought more bombing of the north would help.
베트남군이 영토를 확보하면서 베트남 사상자는 늘었습니다.
닉슨과 외교적인 능력이 부족한 키신저는 북부지역에 대한 더 많은 폭격이 도움이 될 것으로 생각했습니다.
Casualties 사상자, 희생자
People who are killed, injured, or wounded in a specific event, often related to war or accidents.
Mounted 늘어났다, 증가했다
Increased in number or intensity.
Undiplomatic 비외교적인, 외교적으로 행동하지 않는
Acting or speaking without the tact or skill expected in diplomatic situations.
Bombing 폭격, 폭탄으로 공격하는 것
The act of attacking or striking a place with bombs.
Nixon 닉슨, 미국의 전 대통령 리처드 닉슨
Richard Nixon, former President of the United States.
Kissinger approved secret bombings of north Vietnamese units in Cambodia without congressional approval.
He would say sometimes statesmen have to choose among evils, moral compromises in messy conflicts, Kissinger, and his Vietnamese counterpart lay duck toe were awarded the Nobel peace prize for their role in negotiating a ceasefire.
키신저는 의회 승인 없이 캄보디아의 북베트남 부대에 대한 비밀 폭격을 승인했습니다.
그는 때때로 정치인들은 나쁜 선택지들 중에서 선택해야 하며, 혼란스러운 갈등에서의 도덕적 타협이라고 말하기도 했습니다. 키신저와 베트남 대표 르 덕 토는 휴전 협상에 기여한 데 대해 노벨 평화상을 받았습니다.
Congressional approval 의회 승인, 국회의 승인을 받는 것
The official endorsement or permission granted by a legislative body such as Congress.
Secret bombings 비밀 폭격, 비공개로 진행되는 폭격
Covert or clandestine airstrikes carried out without public knowledge or disclosure.
Choose among evils 악 중에서 선택하다, 악 중에서 골라야 하는 상황
To make decisions when faced with options that are all morally or ethically unpleasant.
Moral compromises 도덕적 타협, 윤리적인 타협
Settlements or agreements that involve ethical or moral concessions.
Messy conflicts 혼란스러운 분쟁, 복잡한 갈등
Complex or disorderly disputes or battles characterized by confusion and difficulty.
Ceasefire 휴전, 전투 중지
A temporary suspension of fighting or hostilities, often an agreement to stop warfare temporarily.
Nobel Peace Prize 노벨 평화상, 세계 평화를 증진시키는 공로로 수여되는 상
An international award given to individuals or organizations that have made significant contributions to world peace.
I have to say, I have never dealt with a group of people as treacherous as the North Vietnamese leadership.
솔직히 말하자면, 북베트남 지도부처럼 기만적인 사람들을 상대해본 것은 처음입니다.
Treacherous 반역적인, 속임수가 많은
Deceptive, untrustworthy, or inclined to betray others' trust or loyalty.
Dealt with 다루다, 대응하다
Interacted or managed a situation or individuals in a particular way.
Kissinger insisted trouble on the homefront hurt chances to succeed in Vietnam.
키신저는 국가 내부의 문제가 베트남에서 성공할 기회를 방해한다고 주장했습니다.
Insisted 주장하다, 단언하다
To assert or state something firmly, often despite opposition or doubt.
Trouble on the homefront 국내 문제, 국내에서의 문제
Problems or issues occurring within a country, often referring to domestic concerns or conflicts.
Homefront 국내, 가정에서
The domestic or national sphere, relating to issues within a country.
We lost the war because we were divided.
And also because we were too uncertain about what we wanted.
우리는 분열되어 있었기 때문에 전쟁에서 패배했습니다.
그리고 무엇을 원하는지에 대해 너무 불확실했기 때문입니다.
Kissinger's support for a coup in Chile and pro U.S. military strong men in other parts of the world, drew criticism.
키신저가 칠레의 쿠데타와 세계 다른 지역의 친미 군부 실세들을 지지한 것은 비난을 불러일으켰습니다.
Coup 쿠데타, 정권 전복
A sudden, illegal seizure of power from a government, usually by a small group.
Pro U.S. 미국 지지의, 미국을 지원하는
In favor of or supportive of the United States or its interests.
Military strong men 군인 지도자, 군사적인 강력한 인물
Authoritative leaders, often with military backgrounds, characterized by strength or dominance.
Arrest Henry Kissinger for war crime.
신원을 알 수 없는 남성:
헨리 키신저를 전쟁범죄로 체포하라.
War crime 전쟁 범죄, 전쟁 중 국제법에 위반되는 범죄
Violations of international law that occur during armed conflict.
Unidentified 확인되지 않은, 식별되지 않은
Not recognized or acknowledged, not known or identified.
Kissinger's legacy would be contested decades later when he testified in Congress at the age of 91.
In the Middle East, Kissinger performed what came to be known as shuttle diplomacy, to separate Israeli and Arab forces, setting the stage for future peace accords.
키신저의 업적은 91세에 의회에서 증언한 지 수십 년 후에도 논쟁의 여지가 남았습니다.
중동에서 키신저는 이스라엘과 아랍국가 간의 분리를 위해 '셔틀 외교'로 알려진 것을 진행하여 향후 평화 협정을 위한 발판을 마련했습니다.
Legacy 유산, 후손에게 남기는 것
Something left behind or handed down, often referring to accomplishments or impacts for future generations.
Contested 논쟁의 여지가 있는, 경합하는
Subject to debate, disagreement, or dispute.
Decades later 수십 년 후에
Many years later, typically referring to a span of multiple decades.
Testified 증언하다, 증언을 하다
To provide evidence or speak under oath in a court or legislative hearing.
Congress 의회, 국회
The legislative branch of the United States government.
Shuttle diplomacy 셔틀 외교, 왕복 외교
Negotiation method involving traveling back and forth between conflicting parties to reach an agreement.
Israeli and Arab forces 이스라엘과 아랍국가의 군대
Military units or armed forces of Israel and various Arab nations.
Peace accords 평화 협정, 조약
Formal agreements or treaties aimed at establishing peace between conflicting parties.
When Nixon resigned, as President, Kissinger stayed on as Gerald Ford's Secretary of State.
His opinion is still widely sought after, by governments and businesses, after leaving public office.
닉슨 대통령이 사퇴한 후, 키신저는 대통령으로 취임한 제럴드 포드의 국무장관으로 남았습니다.
공직을 떠난 후에도 정부와 기업들이 여전히 그의 의견을 널리 찾고 있습니다.
Resigned 사퇴하다, 사임하다
To formally step down from a position or office, usually voluntarily.
Stayed on 계속해서 남다, 유지하다
Remained in a position or situation, didn't leave or resign.
Gerald Ford 제럴드 포드, 미국의 전 대통령
Gerald Ford, former President of the United States.
Widely sought after 널리 찾는, 많이 필요로 하는
In high demand or frequently sought by many.
Leaving public office 공직을 떠날 때
Exiting from a governmental position or role in the public sector.
You want to leave your country better off than you found it.
And there's nothing in private life you can do that's as interesting and as fulfilling.
당신은 나라를 떠날 때 자신이 발견했을 때보다 더 나은 상태로 떠나고 싶습니다.
그리고 사생활에서는 이 일보다 더 흥미로우면서 이보다 더 만족스러운 것은 없습니다.
Better off 더 나은 상태로, 더 좋은 상황으로
In a more favorable or improved condition compared to before.
Private life 사적 생활, 개인적인 삶
Personal aspects of life that are not open to public observation.
Fulfilling 충족감을 주는, 만족스러운
Providing a sense of satisfaction or contentment.
(비디오 테이프 종료)
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 comes from Lowell, Massachusetts, where a middle school opened its own barber shop.
Any student at Sullivan Middle School can receive a free haircut from a professional barber during school on Mondays by booking an appointment online.
The salon named Husky Kutz after the school's mascot aims to break down barriers like finances and maybe transportation that could keep kids from access to looking and feeling their best.
오늘의 10점 만점에 10점을 받은 이야기는 매사추세츠주 로웰에 있는 한 중학교에서 자체 이발소를 개장한 것입니다.
설리번 중학교의 모든 학생들은 매주 월요일에 학교에서 온라인으로 예약을 하면 전문 이발사로부터 무료 헤어컷을 받을 수 있습니다.
학교의 마스코트의 이름을 따온 '허스키 컷츠'라는 미용실은 학생들이 최고로 보이고 기분 좋게 느낄 수 있도록 만드는 데에 필요한 금전적 부분과 아마도 교통 등의 장벽을 깨는 것을 목표로 합니다.
Barber shop 이발소
A place where people, typically men, get their hair cut and styled.
Professional barber 전문 이발사
A trained individual skilled in cutting and styling hair.
Mascot 마스코트
A symbol or figure representing a particular organization, typically an animal or character.
Break down barriers 장벽을 허물다
To remove obstacles or challenges that prevent access or participation.
If any of y'all ever need a fresh cut, come holla at your boy, I'll take care of it for you.
Have you looking like Mr. Clean?
All right, superstars, I have had an awesome week sharing and learning with you.
Thank you for what I believe is your greatest superpower.
Your curiosity, being open and curious about news happening near and far, not content to maintain the status quo.
That's what it's all about.
만약 여러분 중 누구라도 새로운 헤어컷이 필요하다면 저에게 말해주세요, 제가 대신 처리해 드리겠습니다.
미스터 클린처럼 여러분을 멋지게 만들어 줄게요!
좋아요, 슈퍼스타 여러분, 저는 여러분과 함께 배우고 공유한 멋진 한 주를 보냈습니다.
내가 믿는 여러분의 가장 큰 초능력에 대해 고맙습니다.
여러분의 호기심, 가까이서나 먼 곳에서 일어나는 뉴스에 대해 열려 있고 호기심을 갖는 것입니다. 여기서 멈추지 않고 상황을 유지하려 들지 않는 것입니다. 그게 중요한 거죠.
Fresh cut 새롭게 받은 미용, 새롭게 다듬은 스타일
A new or recently styled haircut or grooming.
Holla at 소리치다, 부르다
To get someone's attention or contact someone, often informally or casually.
Take care of 돌보다, 처리하다
To handle or manage something for someone else.
Superstars 슈퍼스타, 명예 스타
People who are exceptionally talented or famous in their field.
Maintain the status quo 현 상황을 유지하다
To keep things the way they currently are, without any change or disruption.
All about ~에 관한 모든 것, 중요한 부분
Everything related to a particular topic or the essential aspect of something.
Multi-millionaire and advisor to U.S. President's Bernard Baruch once said, "Millions saw the apple fall, but Newton asked why."
미국 대통령의 고문이자 수천만장자였던 버나드 바루크는 이렇게 말했습니다. "수백만 명이 사과가 떨어지는 걸 봤지만, 뉴턴은 왜 그런지 물었다."
Multi-millionaire 수천만장자
A person possessing assets or wealth worth millions of dollars.
Bernard Baruch 버나드 바루크, 미국의 투자가 및 고문
Bernard Baruch, an American financier and advisor.
Now, shout out time, Mrs. Becker's class at Nautilus Middle School in Miami Beach, Florida. Muchas gracias for all the lovely letters.
I can't tell you how much this means to me.
My heart completely melted in a puddle all over the floor.
이제 소식 전하기 시간입니다. 플로리다 주 마이애미 비치의 노틸러스 중학교 베커 선생님의 반, 정말로 많은 사랑스러운 편지들을 보내주셔서 너무 감사합니다.
이것이 저에게 얼마나 큰 의미가 있는 일인지 말로 설명할 수 없어요.
제 마음이 바닥에 완전히 녹아버릴 것 같았답니다.
Shout out 대표적인 인사, 인사말
A public greeting or acknowledgment given to someone, often as a form of recognition or appreciation.
Muchas gracias 많은 감사, 스페인어로 '정말 고맙습니다'
Spanish for "Thank you very much."
Puddle all over the floor 바닥 전체에 강이 되어 흘러내린 것처럼
Metaphorically suggests overwhelming emotions that cause one's heart to melt like a puddle spreading across the floor.
Completely melted in a puddle 완전히 녹아 바닥을 적시다
Figuratively describes being emotionally affected to an intense degree, as if one's heart melted entirely like a liquid and spread across the floor.
All right, now Rockets racking it out at Neenah Middle School in Neenah, Wisconsin, rise up. Go out and make someone smile today y'all.
Remember you are more powerful than you know.
I'm Coy Wire.
This is CNN 10.
It's been a blessing to spend this week with you.
좋아요, 이제 위스콘신 주 니나 중학교에서 로켓이 열심히 활약 중이에요. 일어나세요. 오늘 누군가에게 웃음을 선사하세요.
여러분은 생각보다 더 강력하다는 것을 기억하세요.
저는 코이 와이어입니다.
여기는 CNN 10입니다.
이번 주를 여러분과 함께 할 수 있어 축복이었습니다.
Rockets 학교 또는 팀의 이름이나 상징 중 하나
Referring to a name or symbol associated with a school or team.
Racking it out 활동하거나 활발하게 움직이는 것
Engaging in activities energetically or actively.
Neenah Middle School 위스콘신 주의 니나 중학교
The name of a specific middle school located in Neenah, Wisconsin.
Rise up 높아져라, 나아가라
Encouragement to move forward, improve, or take action.
** 어휘 정리
COP28 (Conference of the Parties 28) 유엔이 주최하는 매년 열리는 기후 총회인 COP28
The annual climate summit organized by the United Nations, known as COP28.
EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) 미국의 환경보호청
The United States' Environmental Protection Agency, responsible for environmental protection and regulation.
Lead Pipes 납관이라고도 하는 물을 운반하는데 사용되는 배관
Pipes used for transporting water that are made of lead.
Dominating 주도적이거나 지배적인
Exerting control, authority, or influence over others.
Polarizing 갈라놓는, 양극화를 초래하는
Causing division or disagreement within a group, creating extreme differences in opinions or beliefs.
Force 힘, 영향력, 세력
Power, influence, or strength, often suggesting a commanding presence.
Foreign Policy 외교 정책, 다른 국가와의 관계를 조절하는 정책
A government's strategy concerning its interactions with other nations, managing international relations.
Rush Transcript 급조된 대본 또는 텍스트
A hastily prepared script or text, subject to updates or revisions.
Friyay 금요일을 기리거나 기뻐하는 말로 사용되는 신조어
A playful term combining "Friday" and "yay," expressing excitement or celebration for the arrival of Friday.
Finish strong 강하게 끝내다, 결의를 가지고 마무리하다
To conclude something with determination and energy, to end on a positive or powerful note.
Lovely people 사랑스러운 사람들
Affectionate term for endearing or pleasant individuals.
What's up 어떻게 지내세요?, 안부를 묻는 인사
A casual greeting asking how someone is doing or what's going on.
Climate summit 기후 정상회담, 기후 정책과 관련된 중요한 회의
A significant meeting or conference concerning climate policies and issues.
COP28 (Conference of the Parties 28)
COP28, 기후변화 협약에 가입한 국가들의 연례 회의
COP28 refers to the annual gathering of nations that are signatories to the climate change convention.
Conference of the Parties 협약 총회, 국제 협약에 가입한 회원국들의 회의
Meetings involving member countries that are signatories to an international treaty or agreement.
United Nations (U.N.) 유엔, 국제 기구로서 세계 평화와 협력을 증진하기 위해 설립된 조직
An international organization established to promote world peace and cooperation.
Framework Convention on Climate Change
기후 변화에 관한 기본협약, 기후 변화에 대응하기 위한 국제 협약
An international treaty aimed at addressing climate change.
Intense 강렬한, 격렬한, 심한
Strong, extreme, or very serious.
Technical negotiations 기술적인 협상, 전문적인 논의
Discussions or talks that involve specialized knowledge or expertise in a particular field.
Brokered 중재된, 조정된
Mediated or facilitated, especially in negotiations or discussions.
Coordinate 조정하다, 협력하다
To organize, synchronize, or collaborate.
Net zero greenhouse gas emissions
순 영산소 배출량, 온실 가스 배출을 최소화하거나 상쇄하여 영산소 상태로 만드는 것
Achieving a balance between the amount of greenhouse gases produced and removed from the atmosphere.
Progress at success 성공적인 진전, 성과를 거둔 발전
Achievements or advancements towards success.
Limited 제한된, 한정된
Restricted or confined within certain boundaries or constraints.
Representatives 대표자, 대리인
Individuals or officials who act or speak on behalf of a group or entity.
Territories 영토, 지역, 영토적 관할 구역
Regions or areas under a specific jurisdiction or authority.
Kyoto Protocol 교토 프로토콜, 온실 가스 감축을 위한 국제 협약
An international treaty aimed at reducing greenhouse gas emissions.
Industrialized states or territories 산업화된 국가 또는 영토
Countries or regions that have undergone significant industrial development.
Legally bound 법적으로 구속되다, 의무화되다
Obligated or required by law or legal agreement.
Emissions 배출, 방출, 발생
The release or discharge of substances, especially gases or pollutants, into the environment.
Ratify 비준하다, 승인하다
To officially approve or confirm a treaty, agreement, or contract.
Developing nations 개발도상국, 발전 도중에 있는 국가들
Countries that are in the process of industrialization and economic growth.
Refused to ratify 비준을 거부하다
Declined or rejected official approval or confirmation of a treaty or agreement.
Crumble 붕괴하다, 무너지다
To fall apart or disintegrate gradually.
On board 참여하거나 동의하여 지원하다
Agreeing to participate or support a plan, project, or agreement.
Breakthrough 돌파구, 중요한 발전
Significant progress or development, achieving a notable advance or success.
Paris Agreement 파리 협정, 기후변화에 대응하기 위한 국제 협정
An international agreement aimed at combating climate change.
Parties 당사자, 회원국 또는 단체
Participants, member states, or entities involved in an agreement or treaty.
Limit global warming 지구 온난화를 제한하다
To control or restrict the increase in global average temperature.
Preferably 가능하면, 원하는 대로라면
If possible, under the best conditions or circumstances.
Celsius 섭씨
A unit of temperature measurement.
Pre-industrialized levels 산업화 이전 수준
Referring to conditions or metrics before the industrial revolution.
Progress has been slow 진전이 느림
Advancements or developments have been sluggish or not as fast as expected.
Deadly extreme weather 치명적인 극한 기상
Severe weather conditions causing death or significant damage.
Acknowledge 인정하다, 승인하다
Recognized or accepted the existence or truth of something.
Fossil fuels 화석 연료, 석탄, 석유, 천연 가스와 같은 자연의 연료
Natural fuels like coal, oil, and natural gas formed from the remains of ancient organisms.
Climate crisis 기후 위기, 지구 온난화와 같은 환경 문제로 인한 위기 상황
An urgent situation arising from environmental issues like global warming or climate change.
Shortcomings 결점, 부족함, 단점
Deficiencies or inadequacies, limitations or weaknesses in something.
Demand 요구하다, 요청하다
Request or call for something forcefully or urgently.
Commit 헌신하다, 약속하다
To dedicate oneself or promise to a particular course of action or belief.
Phase down 단계적으로 감소시키다
Gradually reduce or decrease in stages.
Phase out 단계적으로 폐지하다, 제거하다
Gradually eliminate or remove completely over time.
Planet heating coal 지구 온난화를 유발하는 석탄
Coal that contributes significantly to global warming or heating of the planet.
Loss and damage fund 피해 및 손실 기금, 기후 재해로 피해를 입은 취약한 국가들을 돕기 위한 기금
Fund designated to assist vulnerable nations affected by climate disasters.
Vulnerable nations 취약한 나라들, 위험에 노출된 국가들
Countries at risk or exposed to significant dangers or threats.
Intent 의도, 의지
Purpose or determination to do something, the plan or aim behind an action.
Limit warming 온난화 제한, 지구 온난화를 억제하거나 제한하려는 노력
Efforts to control or restrict the increase in global temperature.
Reaffirmed 재확인된, 다시 확인된
Confirmed or reiterated again.
Fallen far short 크게 부족하다, 기대에 못 미치다
Not meeting the expected level or standard, significantly lacking or insufficient.
Delegates 대표자들, 대표 단체원
Representatives or members of an organization or group.
Establish 설립하다, 수립하다
To set up or create something, typically an organization, system, or fund.
Damage fund 피해 기금, 피해를 입은 곳을 돕기 위한 자금
Fund designated to assist areas or entities affected by some form of damage or crisis.
Hit hardest 가장 심하게 타격을 입은, 가장 심각한 피해를 받은
Suffering the most severe impacts or experiencing the most serious consequences.
Climate crisis 기후 위기, 지구 온난화로 인한 심각한 상황
A critical situation caused by global warming or climate change.
Pledged 약속하다, 서약하다
Promised or committed to doing something.
Committed 헌신적인, 전념하는
Dedicated or devoted to a cause or action.
Contributed 기여한, 공헌한
Provided or given, especially to a common purpose or cause.
Pounds 파운드, 영국의 화폐 단위
The currency unit of the United Kingdom.
Summit 정상회담, 회의
A meeting or conference, often involving heads of state or high-level officials.
Voiced support 지지를 표명하다, 목소리를 내어 지지를 표명하다
Expressed agreement or approval for a particular idea or stance.
Phasing out 단계적 폐지, 점진적으로 없애기
Gradually eliminating or discontinuing something over time.
Climate pollution 기후 오염, 온실 가스 등 기후에 부정적인 영향을 미치는 물질
Substances like greenhouse gases that have negative impacts on the climate.
Captured 포착된, 잡힌
Seized or caught, often in the context of preventing or controlling something.
Atmosphere 대기, 공기 주변의 층
The envelope of gases surrounding the Earth or another planet.
Language around ~에 관한 언어, ~ 주제에 대한 표현
Expressions or discussions concerning a particular topic or issue.
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) 환경보호청, 미국의 환경 보호를 담당하는 연방 기관
A federal agency responsible for environmental protection in the United States.
Proposed 제안된, 제안하다
Suggested or put forward for consideration or discussion.
Lead pipes 납 수도관, 납으로 만들어진 물 파이프
Pipes used in plumbing systems made from lead, a toxic metal.
Water system 상하수도 시스템, 물 공급 및 배수 시스템
Infrastructure related to the supply and drainage of water.
Lead 납, 중금속으로 유독물질
A toxic heavy metal that can cause serious health issues when ingested or absorbed.
Back in 다시, 되돌아가서
Returning or going to a previous location or situation.
Lead service lines 납 배관, 물 공급을 위한 납으로 된 파이프
Pipes made from lead used in supplying water.
Replaced 대체되다, 교체되다
Substituted or exchanged with something else.
Tensions 긴장, 팽팽한 상황 또는 관계
A state of strained relations or a situation with stress or strain.
Cold War 냉전, 20세기 후반 미국과 소련 간의 대립과 긴장 관계
The period of political and military tension between the United States and the Soviet Union after World War II.
Ping Pong 탁구, 공을 패들로 치며 하는 라켓 스포츠
Table tennis, a racket sport played by hitting a lightweight ball back and forth across a table.
Pickleball 피클볼, 라켓과 플라스틱 공을 이용하는 새로운 라켓 스포츠
A paddle sport that combines elements of tennis, badminton, and table tennis, played with a perforated plastic ball.
Tennis 테니스, 라켓과 공을 사용하는 스포츠
A racket sport played between two players or teams using a ball and a net-divided court.
Badminton 배드민턴, 네트를 사이에 두고 라켓과 셔틀콕으로 하는 스포츠
A racket sport played using racquets to hit a shuttlecock across a net.
Break the ice 얼음을 깨다, 관계를 더욱 따뜻하게 하다
To create a more relaxed or friendly atmosphere, especially at the beginning of a meeting or interaction.
Secretary of State 국무장관, 나라의 외교 정책을 책임지는 고위 관리자
A high-ranking government official responsible for a country's foreign affairs and diplomacy.
Groundbreaking 획기적인, 새로운 지평을 여는
Innovative or pioneering, marking the beginning of something new or significant.
Secret trip 비밀 여행, 공식적으로 공개되지 않은 나라 간의 방문
A journey or visit between countries that is not officially disclosed or announced.
Chinese leader 중국의 지도자, 중국 정부나 인민해방군의 최고 지도자
The top figure in the Chinese government or the leader of the People's Liberation Army in China.
Mao Zedong 마오쩌둥, 중국 공산당의 수립자이자 최고 지도자
The founder and top leader of the Communist Party of China.
Table tennis team 탁구 대표팀, 탁구 경기를 하는 팀
A group of players representing a country in table tennis competitions.
Influential 영향력 있는, 중요한
Having the power to affect or alter outcomes, significant or important.
Controversial 논란이 되는, 분쟁을 일으키는
Provoking disagreement or argument, causing controversy or debate.
Foreign policy 외교 정책, 국가의 외교 활동을 결정하는 정책
A government's strategy or approach in dealing with other countries, shaping international relations.
Secretary of State 국무장관, 나라의 외교 정책을 책임지는 고위 관리자
A high-ranking government official responsible for a country's foreign affairs and diplomacy.
National Security Advisor 국가안보보좌관, 국가 안보에 관련된 문제를 조언하는 고위 관료
A senior official providing advice on national security issues to the head of state.
Defining moments 결정적인 순간, 중요한 사건
Critical or significant events that shape or define a person's career or life.
Former 전임의, 이전의
Having previously held a particular position or status.
Look back 되돌아보다, 회고하다
To review or reflect on past events or history.
Statesman 정치인, 국가 지도자
A respected and experienced political leader, especially known for skillful diplomacy and significant contributions.
Introduction 소개, 입장을 알리는 것
The act of presenting someone for the first time or informing others about something or someone.
World stage 세계 무대, 국제 사회에서의 활동과 영향력
The global platform or arena where international activities and influences take place.
Last half 후반, 시간적인 어느 기간의 후반부
The second part or period of a specified duration, usually referring to a chronological timeframe.
Celebrated 축하받는, 기념하는
Commemorated or honored for achievements, praised or recognized positively.
Controversial 논란의, 분쟁을 일으키는
Provoking disagreement or debate, causing differing opinions or arguments.
National Security Advisor 국가안보보좌관, 국가 안보에 관련된 문제를 조언하는 고위 관리자
A high-ranking official who advises the head of state on national security matters.
Secretary of State 국무장관, 나라의 외교 정책을 책임지는 고위 관리자
A high-ranking government official responsible for a country's foreign affairs and diplomacy.
Diplomat 외교관, 외교 활동을 수행하는 사람
A person skilled in managing international relations and negotiations between countries.
Wielded enormous power 엄청난 권력을 행사했다, 큰 권력을 행사했다
Exercised tremendous authority or control over a situation or group.
Historic opening 역사적인 개방, 역사적으로 중요한 시작
A significant or pivotal beginning in history, often involving the commencement of relations or actions.
Communist China 공산주의 중국, 중국 공산주의 정부
Refers to the government of China under the leadership of the Communist Party.
Former Secretary of State 전 국무장관, 이전에 국무장관으로 있었던 사람
A person who previously held the position of Secretary of State, responsible for a country's foreign affairs.
Nixon's mind 닉슨의 생각, 닉슨의 의견이나 생각
Refers to the thoughts, intentions, or opinions of President Nixon.
Foolish things 어리석은 행동, 경솔한 행위
Actions or behaviors lacking good sense or judgment.
Henry Kissinger 헨리 키신저, 미국의 전 국무장관
Former Secretary of State for the United States.
Communication 의사 소통, 정보 교환
The exchange of information or messages between individuals or groups.
Casualties 사상자, 희생자
People who are killed, injured, or wounded in a specific event, often related to war or accidents.
Mounted 늘어났다, 증가했다
Increased in number or intensity.
Undiplomatic 비외교적인, 외교적으로 행동하지 않는
Acting or speaking without the tact or skill expected in diplomatic situations.
Bombing 폭격, 폭탄으로 공격하는 것
The act of attacking or striking a place with bombs.
Nixon 닉슨, 미국의 전 대통령 리처드 닉슨
Richard Nixon, former President of the United States.
Congressional approval 의회 승인, 국회의 승인을 받는 것
The official endorsement or permission granted by a legislative body such as Congress.
Secret bombings 비밀 폭격, 비공개로 진행되는 폭격
Covert or clandestine airstrikes carried out without public knowledge or disclosure.
Choose among evils 악 중에서 선택하다, 악 중에서 골라야 하는 상황
To make decisions when faced with options that are all morally or ethically unpleasant.
Moral compromises 도덕적 타협, 윤리적인 타협
Settlements or agreements that involve ethical or moral concessions.
Messy conflicts 혼란스러운 분쟁, 복잡한 갈등
Complex or disorderly disputes or battles characterized by confusion and difficulty.
Ceasefire 휴전, 전투 중지
A temporary suspension of fighting or hostilities, often an agreement to stop warfare temporarily.
Nobel Peace Prize 노벨 평화상, 세계 평화를 증진시키는 공로로 수여되는 상
An international award given to individuals or organizations that have made significant contributions to world peace.
Treacherous 반역적인, 속임수가 많은
Deceptive, untrustworthy, or inclined to betray others' trust or loyalty.
Dealt with 다루다, 대응하다
Interacted or managed a situation or individuals in a particular way.
Insisted 주장하다, 단언하다
To assert or state something firmly, often despite opposition or doubt.
Trouble on the homefront 국내 문제, 국내에서의 문제
Problems or issues occurring within a country, often referring to domestic concerns or conflicts.
Homefront 국내, 가정에서
The domestic or national sphere, relating to issues within a country.
Coup 쿠데타, 정권 전복
A sudden, illegal seizure of power from a government, usually by a small group.
Pro U.S. 미국 지지의, 미국을 지원하는
In favor of or supportive of the United States or its interests.
Military strong men 군인 지도자, 군사적인 강력한 인물
Authoritative leaders, often with military backgrounds, characterized by strength or dominance.
War crime 전쟁 범죄, 전쟁 중 국제법에 위반되는 범죄
Violations of international law that occur during armed conflict.
Unidentified 확인되지 않은, 식별되지 않은
Not recognized or acknowledged, not known or identified.
Legacy 유산, 후손에게 남기는 것
Something left behind or handed down, often referring to accomplishments or impacts for future generations.
Contested 논쟁의 여지가 있는, 경합하는
Subject to debate, disagreement, or dispute.
Decades later 수십 년 후에
Many years later, typically referring to a span of multiple decades.
Testified 증언하다, 증언을 하다
To provide evidence or speak under oath in a court or legislative hearing.
Congress 의회, 국회
The legislative branch of the United States government.
Shuttle diplomacy 셔틀 외교, 왕복 외교
Negotiation method involving traveling back and forth between conflicting parties to reach an agreement.
Israeli and Arab forces 이스라엘과 아랍국가의 군대
Military units or armed forces of Israel and various Arab nations.
Peace accords 평화 협정, 조약
Formal agreements or treaties aimed at establishing peace between conflicting parties.
Resigned 사퇴하다, 사임하다
To formally step down from a position or office, usually voluntarily.
Stayed on 계속해서 남다, 유지하다
Remained in a position or situation, didn't leave or resign.
Gerald Ford 제럴드 포드, 미국의 전 대통령
Gerald Ford, former President of the United States.
Widely sought after 널리 찾는, 많이 필요로 하는
In high demand or frequently sought by many.
Leaving public office 공직을 떠날 때
Exiting from a governmental position or role in the public sector.
Better off 더 나은 상태로, 더 좋은 상황으로
In a more favorable or improved condition compared to before.
Private life 사적 생활, 개인적인 삶
Personal aspects of life that are not open to public observation.
Fulfilling 충족감을 주는, 만족스러운
Providing a sense of satisfaction or contentment.
Barber shop 이발소
A place where people, typically men, get their hair cut and styled.
Professional barber 전문 이발사
A trained individual skilled in cutting and styling hair.
Mascot 마스코트
A symbol or figure representing a particular organization, typically an animal or character.
Break down barriers 장벽을 허물다
To remove obstacles or challenges that prevent access or participation.
Fresh cut 새롭게 받은 미용, 새롭게 다듬은 스타일
A new or recently styled haircut or grooming.
Holla at 소리치다, 부르다
To get someone's attention or contact someone, often informally or casually.
Take care of 돌보다, 처리하다
To handle or manage something for someone else.
Superstars 슈퍼스타, 명예 스타
People who are exceptionally talented or famous in their field.
Maintain the status quo 현 상황을 유지하다
To keep things the way they currently are, without any change or disruption.
All about ~에 관한 모든 것, 중요한 부분
Everything related to a particular topic or the essential aspect of something.
Multi-millionaire 수천만장자
A person possessing assets or wealth worth millions of dollars.
Bernard Baruch 버나드 바루크, 미국의 투자가 및 고문
Bernard Baruch, an American financier and advisor.
Shout out 대표적인 인사, 인사말
A public greeting or acknowledgment given to someone, often as a form of recognition or appreciation.
Muchas gracias 많은 감사, 스페인어로 '정말 고맙습니다'
Spanish for "Thank you very much."
Puddle all over the floor 바닥 전체에 강이 되어 흘러내린 것처럼
Metaphorically suggests overwhelming emotions that cause one's heart to melt like a puddle spreading across the floor.
Completely melted in a puddle 완전히 녹아 바닥을 적시다
Figuratively describes being emotionally affected to an intense degree, as if one's heart melted entirely like a liquid and spread across the floor.
Rockets 학교 또는 팀의 이름이나 상징 중 하나
Referring to a name or symbol associated with a school or team.
Racking it out 활동하거나 활발하게 움직이는 것
Engaging in activities energetically or actively.
Neenah Middle School 위스콘신 주의 니나 중학교
The name of a specific middle school located in Neenah, Wisconsin.
Rise up 높아져라, 나아가라
Encouragement to move forward, improve, or take action.
** END
[CNN10 대본 정리] 202312 전체 지문
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