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[CSP 대본 099] President Biden puts guardrails on artificial intelligence

[CSP 대본 099] President Biden puts guardrails on artificial intelligence | November 1, 2023
099_231204_231101_President Biden puts guardrails on artificial intelligence



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Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Why Millions of Venezuelan Residents Leaving the Country and Heading North; President Biden Puts Guardrails on Artificial Intelligence; A Coyote Outrun Police on an Airport Runway. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired November 01,



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CNN 10


Why Millions of Venezuelan Residents Leaving the Country and Heading North; President Biden Puts Guardrails on Artificial Intelligence; A Coyote Outrun Police on an Airport Runway. Aired 4-4:10a ET


Aired November 01, 2023 - 04:00   ET





What's up, sunshine.

Hope you got more treats than tricks last night.

Happy Halloween.

This year is flying by, it's Wednesday, November 1st.

I swear it feels like just yesterday. It was October.

It's the start of a glorious gauntlet of holidays.

Let's make it a wonderful time of the year. Shall we?

We start today with “Pop quiz, hot shot.”


Ten second trivia.

Caracas is the capital of what South American nation?

Venezuela, Peru, Columbia, or Bolivia?


Caracas is the capital of Venezuela located in a valley within the Andes mountains.


Venezuela, where we take you now, is once one of the wealthiest countries in South America.

And did you know that it says on the world's largest oil reserves, but for the past 15 years or so, the economy has been in shambles and that has added to why many Venezuelans have been fleeing.

In the U.S. that has contributed to a migrant crisis.


In August alone, the Department of Homeland Security said, it encountered more than 55,000 migrants from Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua at the Mexico border.

So, what has happened to Venezuela's economy and where does all of this leave everyday Venezuelans?

CNN's Stefano Pozzebon explains.





Hundreds of thousands of migrants entering the U.S. are from Venezuela.

But this country's economy collapsed in 2014, almost a decade ago.

So what is causing this later spike right now?



Venezuelan among the top nationalities of migrants arriving in the U.S.



Venezuela was once one of the richest countries in South America, but it never recovered since it entered recession in 2014.

When the price of oil and other commodities plummeted in 2015, Venezuela's revenues dried up almost overnight.

And the entire country basically went bankrupt.

Inflation was rampant and most of everyday goods were impossible to find.


Since then, the socioeconomic crisis has not improved under the government of authoritarian leader Nicolas Maduro.

And research shows that more than 80% of the population here, still live below the poverty line.

While they may not have all headed to the U.S. between 2014 and 2020, more than 4 million Venezuelans left the country, according to the United nations.


Right now, more than 7.7 millions live outside of Venezuela.

And that is about 25% of the population.

To give you an idea, it's like if the entire population of California and Texas left the U.S. in less than a decade.


In the last few years, a growing number has started moving north directly towards the U.S. southern border through the Darien Gap, a dense stretch of jungle that connects South America and Central America.


Social media has also played a significant role because more and more people are documenting their trip and posting it on the likes of Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and TikTok.

Informal migrant networks and businesses that help people just at the beginning of the journey have also sped up the pace of migration.

More than 400,000 people have already crossed the jungle as of September this year.

And the largest group are from Venezuela.


Currently, there are over half a million Venezuelan migrants in the U.S.

This month, the White House has started deporting Venezuelan migrants who had entered the country illegally, directly back here to Caracas.


Political change in Venezuela is not happening anytime soon, with most opposition candidates bar from running for election.

And over 270 political prisoners are still behind bars.

Countries in the region are saying that they're looking for concerted solutions to handle this historic migration flow.

But as long as Venezuela remains in such dire straits, this emergency only seems destined to continue.





Now, we continue our coverage of AI, Artificial Intelligence.

Developments in the world of AI are happening fast.

The hope is that it can spur innovation in health, science, and technology.

The fear is that it might harm national security, replace human workers and upend entire industries.


Monday, President Biden unveiled an executive order to address concerns over safety.

Executive Orders are signed into law by the president bypassing congressional approval.

But they're far less powerful than congressional laws because they can be challenged in court and canceled by future presidents.

Let's turn to CNN's Mike Valerio, to learn more about what this order contains.





So today matters because this is the first set of federal regulations governing artificial intelligence that have been made.

But there are still huge challenges ahead.



Artificial intelligence technology is advancing rapidly.

And the federal government is scrambling to keep up.



I'm about to sign an executive order.

The executive order, that is the most significant action any government anywhere in the world has ever taken on AI safety, security and trust.



The White House unveiling, a sweeping new executive order Monday aimed at mitigating the risks of AI while also harnessing its potential.



To realize the promise of AI and avoid the risk, we need to govern this technology.



According to the Biden administration, the order will require all AI developers to share results of their safety tests with the federal government.

Before they're released to the public, compel companies to notify the government if an AI model in development poses national security, economic, or health risks, ease immigration barriers for skilled workers to study and stay in the U.S., establish standards to prevent AI production of dangerous biological materials, and develop best practices to minimize the risks of AI displacing human workers.

Among a number of other key concerns, Harvard's Bruce Schneier says getting AI regulation right, is critical.



They're not freewheeling technology, they're more like pharmaceuticals.

You get them wrong and people die.



He says, AI has the potential to transform the way we live and work for the better.

If the technology is kept in check.



This is going to be the beginning of a very long and national process, but it's to start, it's an important start.



Now, just one more important point to stress, this is an executive order.

This is not a law governing artificial intelligence.

The Congress is hosting ongoing hearings through the rest of the year to talk with experts and figure out the best ways to create legislation, to put up guardrails for artificial intelligence.

That's the latest here in Los Angeles, I'm Mike Valerio.





Today's story getting a 10 out of 10, a coyote trying to absquatulate from an airport.

Police on the prowl for a coyote in its howl at an airport in LA on the runway dodging planes.

Who would win the race of this wild and frantic chase of a coyote on the loose.

Here's CNN's Jeanne Moos.





At least this coyote is smart enough to look before crossing a runway, turns out it was running away from the airport police at Van Nuys Airport in Los Angeles.

A chopper from KCAL was stopping by to refuel when it captured the coyote chase.


We couldn't tell if the police were beeping, but we do know there was no roadrunner in sight.

We can't tell you much of anything about the coyote that did not introduce itself.



My name is Coyote, Wile E. Coyote.



So really all our Wile E. reporter can do is play comical chase music, and let the video roll.

Coyote sightings here in the San Fernando valley are so common.

There's a Facebook page devoted to them with posts like,

"Coyotes in my house. Two coyotes just walked into my house through the garage. Dog scared them away."


It was the police vehicle's mission to scare the airport coyote away.

Unlike Wile E. Coyote, airport coyote did not end up flattened.

A spokesperson for Van Nuys Airport told CNN we are happy to report that the coyote was able to find its way safely out.

Ready for departure subject only to its own, coyote control.

“You’re clear for takeoff.”

Jeanne Moos CNN, New York.





All right, congrats to @amani2626 from Prairie Trail in Olathe, Kansas.

You are the winner of #YourWordWednesday for absquatulate, a verb meaning to leave abruptly.

Well done.


Before I absquatulate on up out here, our first school shout out of November goes to the Mavericks, the Mighty Mavericks in Mrs. Rams (ph) class at United Middle School and Laredo, Texas.

Thank you for the epic shout out on TikTok.

And thanks to everyone who submitted vocab words.


You're making us smarter, words, use them.

I'm Coy Wire.

And we are CNN 10.




** 독해 및 어휘 정리


*** 오역, 오타 등 수정이 필요한 부분을 발견하시면 방에 공유 부탁드립니다.


CNN 10


Why Millions of Venezuelan Residents Leaving the Country and Heading North; President Biden Puts Guardrails on Artificial Intelligence; A Coyote Outrun Police on an Airport Runway. Aired 4-4:10a ET


Aired November 01, 2023 - 04:00   ET





What's up, sunshine.

Hope you got more treats than tricks last night.

Happy Halloween.

This year is flying by, it's Wednesday, November 1st.

I swear it feels like just yesterday. It was October.

It's the start of a glorious gauntlet of holidays.

Let's make it a wonderful time of the year. Shall we?

We start today with “Pop quiz, hot shot.”


코이 와이어, CNN 10 앵커:

안녕하세요, 햇살같은 여러분.

어젯밤에 장난보다 선물을 더 많이 얻으셨기를 바랍니다.

해피 할로윈입니다.

올해가 빠르게 지나가고 있습니다. 오늘은 11월 1일 수요일입니다.

정말 어제 같은 느낌이 드는데요. 아직 10월이었던 것 같아요.

이제 곧 화려한 연휴가 시작될 거에요.

우리 함께 멋진 연말을 보내봅시다. 어떠세요?

오늘은 "Pop quiz, hot shot"으로 시작합니다.


Sunshine: 햇볕이 내리쬐는 밝고 따뜻한 날씨, 또는 사람에 대한 애정적인 말투로 쓰이는 말.

'Sunshine' is used as a friendly form of address to someone you like or who is always upbeat and smiling.


Tricks: 장난, 속임수, 속임을 이용한 행동.

trick or treat 사탕을 주지 않으면 장난칠 거야


said by children to ask for candy when visiting someone's home on Halloween, typically in costume.


go from door to door on Halloween asking for candy with the exclamation “trick or treat”.


Flying by: 빠르게 지나가다. 시간이 빠르게 흐르다.


Glorious: 영광스러운, 빛나는, 멋진.


Gauntlet: 어려운 과제나 시련의 연속을 뜻하는 말.

어려운 상황이나 시련을 의미하는데, 이 문맥에서는 휴가 기간 동안의 다양한 이벤트와 활동을 지칭하는 표현.


Pop quiz: 갑작스럽게 내는 짧고 급한 시험.


Pop Quiz Hotshot

Pop Quiz Hotshot was a game show hosted by the Nostalgia Critic. Contestants are "kidnapped" by General Anesthetic (played by Fard Muhammad) as the Critic's new "friends". They are forced to answer pop culture-related questions, accumulating points throughout rounds.


Ten second trivia.

Caracas is the capital of what South American nation?

Venezuela, Peru, Columbia, or Bolivia?


10초 상식퀴즈입니다.

카라카스는 어느 남아메리카 국가의 수도입니까?

베네수엘라, 페루, 콜롬비아, 볼리비아?


Trivia: 사소한, 잡학지식적인 정보나 사실.


Caracas is the capital of Venezuela located in a valley within the Andes mountains.


카라카스는 안데스 산맥 안에 있는 계곡에 위치한 베네수엘라의 수도입니다.


Venezuela, where we take you now, is once one of the wealthiest countries in South America.

And did you know that it says on the world's largest oil reserves, but for the past 15 years or so, the economy has been in shambles and that has added to why many Venezuelans have been fleeing.

In the U.S. that has contributed to a migrant crisis.


지금 우리가 이야기하고 있는 베네수엘라는 한때 남아메리카에서 가장 부유한 국가 중 하나였습니다.

그리고 세계에서 가장 큰 석유 보유량을 갖고 있다는 사실을 알고 계셨나요? 하지만 지난 15년 동안 경제가 망가지고 많은 베네수엘라 사람들이 그 이유로 떠났다는 것을 알고 계셨나요?

미국에서 그것이 이민자 위기의 원인이 되고 있습니다.


World's largest oil reserves 세계 최대 규모의 석유 보유량

전 세계에서 가장 많은 양의 석유가 저장되어 있는 것을 의미합니다.

Refers to the greatest quantity of oil stored or available for use compared to any other region or nation globally.


Reserves 보유 자산, 저장된 것

특정 자원이나 재화를 보유하거나 저장하는 것을 의미합니다.

Denotes the act of holding or storing specific resources or goods for future use or as a backup.


Shambles 혼돈, 파탄, 비참한 상태

매우 비참하거나 혼돈스러운 상황을 의미합니다.

Indicates a state of extreme chaos, disorder, or misery.


Fleeing 대피하다, 도망가다

어딘가로부터 빠르게 떠나거나 피하는 것을 의미합니다.

Refers to the act of quickly departing or escaping from a particular place or situation.


Contributed 기여하다, 공헌하다

어떤 결과를 만들거나 상황을 형성하는 데 도움을 주는 것을 의미합니다.

Indicates aiding in the creation of a certain outcome or shaping a situation.


Migrant crisis 이민자 위기

이주자 위기. 이주자들의 비상적인 상황 또는 문제를 나타냅니다.

Refers to a situation characterized by a large influx or overwhelming numbers of migrants seeking refuge or immigration, often resulting in challenges for the hosting regions or countries in terms of resources, accommodation, legal issues, or societal integration.


In August alone, the Department of Homeland Security said, it encountered more than 55,000 migrants from Venezuela, Cuba, and Nicaragua at the Mexico border.

So, what has happened to Venezuela's economy and where does all of this leave everyday Venezuelans?

CNN's Stefano Pozzebon explains.


지난 8월에만 미국 국토 안보부가 멕시코 국경에서 베네수엘라, 쿠바 및 니카라과 출신 이민자 55,000명 이상을 만났다고 발표했습니다.

그렇다면 베네수엘라 경제는 어떤 상황에 놓여있고, 이러한 상황이 일반 베네수엘라 국민에게 어떤 영향을 미치는 걸까요?

CNN의 스테파노 포즈본이 설명합니다.


Encountered 마주치다

마주치거나 부딪치다.

To come across or face something, often unexpectedly.


Migrants 이주자, 이민자

다른 지역으로 이동하는 사람.

Individuals who move from one place to another, typically across borders or countries, seeking better living conditions or opportunities.


Department of Homeland Security 미국 국토 안보부

미국의 안보를 담당하는 부처.

A governmental organization in the United States responsible for safeguarding the country against various threats and ensuring homeland security.


Venezuela's economy 베네수엘라의 경제

베네수엘라의 경제 상태.

The overall financial system, trade, and economic condition within the country of Venezuela.


Everyday Venezuelans 일반 베네수엘라 국민들

일상적인 베네수엘라 시민.

Common citizens or inhabitants of Venezuela who live their daily lives amid the economic and social situation in the country.


Explains 설명하다

명확히 전달하다.

To make clear or understandable by providing details or information about a certain subject or situation.


Mexico border 멕시코 국경

멕시코와 인접한 지역.

The dividing line or area between Mexico and another country, often used to denote the boundary between Mexico and the United States in this context.




(비디오테이프 시작)



Hundreds of thousands of migrants entering the U.S. are from Venezuela.

But this country's economy collapsed in 2014, almost a decade ago.

So what is causing this later spike right now?


스테파노 포즈본 CNN 특파원:

수십만 명의 이민자가 미국으로 들어오는데, 그 중 많은 사람들이 베네수엘라 출신입니다.

하지만 이 나라의 경제는 거의 10년 전인 2014년에 붕괴되었습니다.

그렇다면 왜 지금에서야 이렇게 뒤늦게 급증하고 있는 걸까요?


Correspondent 특파원, 기자

통신원, 특히 언론사나 방송국에서 특정 지역 또는 사건에 대해 보도하는 기자.


Hundreds of thousands 수십만의

수십만 명의.

Refers to a large number, specifically tens of thousands of individuals.


Entering 들어오는

진입하거나 들어오는.

The act of coming into or gaining access to a specific location or country.


Venezuela 베네수엘라

남미 대륙 북쪽에 있는 국가.

A country located on the northern part of the South American continent.


Economy 경제


The system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services within a specific region or country.


Collapsed 붕괴되다

완전히 무너지거나 붕괴되다.

To fall apart or fail suddenly, often referring to a severe breakdown or failure.


Almost a decade ago 거의 10년 전

거의 10년 전에.

Refers to a time nearly ten years in the past, indicating a significant period ago.


Causing 일으키는


Leading to or resulting in a particular situation or outcome.


Spike 급증

갑작스러운 증가.

A sudden, sharp increase or rise in something, often in numbers or statistics.



Venezuelan among the top nationalities of migrants arriving in the U.S.


신원 미상의 여성:

미국에 도착하는 이민자들 중 베네수엘라 출신이 주요 국적에 속합니다.


Top nationalities 주요 국적

주요 국적.

Refers to the most significant or prominent national origins or citizenships.



Venezuela was once one of the richest countries in South America, but it never recovered since it entered recession in 2014.

When the price of oil and other commodities plummeted in 2015, Venezuela's revenues dried up almost overnight.

And the entire country basically went bankrupt.

Inflation was rampant and most of everyday goods were impossible to find.



베네수엘라는 한때 남미에서 가장 부유한 국가 중 하나였지만, 2014년 경기 침체에 빠진 이후로 회복되지 않았습니다.

2015년 석유와 기타 상품의 가격이 급락하면서 베네수엘라의 수입은 거의 순식간에 바닥을 쳤습니다.

그 결과 전국적으로 파산하게 되었고, 인플레이션은 만연하게 되어 일상 소비재 대부분이 찾기 어려운 상황이었습니다.


Venezuela 베네수엘라

남미 대륙 북쪽에 위치한 국가.

A country located on the northern coast of South America.


Richest 가장 부유한

가장 많은 재산이나 부를 가진.

Having the most wealth or resources among others in a particular context.


Recession 경기 후퇴, 불경기

경제적으로 불안한 시기.

A period of economic decline characterized by a decrease in economic activity and overall slowdown.


Price of oil and other commodities 석유 및 다른 상품 가격

석유와 다른 상품의 가격.

The cost or value of oil and other goods that are traded in the market.


Plummeted 급락하다

급격히 떨어지거나 추락하다.

To drop or fall sharply and suddenly.


Revenues 수익

수입이나 수익.

Income or earnings generated by a company or a country from its activities.


Bankrupt 파산하다

파산 상태에 있는.

Unable to pay debts or financial obligations, often resulting in a legal status of insolvency.


Inflation 인플레이션, 물가 상승.

The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, eroding purchasing power.


Rampant 만연한, 지배적이거나 통제할 수 없는.

Widespread or uncontrollable, often used to describe negative situations or issues that are prevalent.


Since then, the socioeconomic crisis has not improved under the government of authoritarian leader Nicolas Maduro.

And research shows that more than 80% of the population here, still live below the poverty line.

While they may not have all headed to the U.S. between 2014 and 2020, more than 4 million Venezuelans left the country, according to the United nations.


그 이후로 사회경제적 위기는 니콜라스 마두로 독재 정권 아래 개선되지 않았습니다.

연구에 따르면 여기 인구의 80% 이상이 아직도 생존 최저 수준 아래에서 살고 있다는 것을 보여줍니다. 2014년부터 2020년 사이에 모든 베네수엘라인이 미국으로 향하지는 않았더라도, 유엔에 따르면 400만 명 이상의 베네수엘라인이 이 나라를 떠나갔습니다.


Socioeconomic crisis 사회경제적 위기

사회와 경제적인 위기.

A situation of simultaneous social and economic difficulties or challenges affecting a region or country.


Authoritarian leader 독재적 지도자

권력을 독점하는 지도자.

A ruler or figure in power who exercises strict and centralized control, often suppressing opposition or dissent.


Nicolas Maduro 니콜라스 마두로

베네수엘라의 정치인으로 2013년부터 대통령 직을 맡았다.

A Venezuelan politician who has been the President of Venezuela since 2013.


Poverty line 빈곤선, 생존 최저 수준

The minimum income level deemed necessary to secure the basic needs of life such as food, shelter, and clothing.


United Nations 유엔, 국제 연합 기구

An international organization established to promote peace, security, and cooperation among nations worldwide.


Right now, more than 7.7 millions live outside of Venezuela.

And that is about 25% of the population.

To give you an idea, it's like if the entire population of California and Texas left the U.S. in less than a decade.


현재 베네수엘라 밖에는 770만 명 이상이 살고 있습니다.

그리고 그것은 인구의 약 25%에 해당합니다.

예를 들면, 캘리포니아와 텍사스의 전체 인구가 10년도 안되어 미국을 떠난 것과 같습니다.


In the last few years, a growing number has started moving north directly towards the U.S. southern border through the Darien Gap, a dense stretch of jungle that connects South America and Central America.


지난 몇 년 동안, 남아메리카와 중앙 아메리카를 연결하는 밀림의 밀집된 지역인 다리엔 갭을 통해 미국 남부 국경을 향해 직접 북쪽으로 이동하는 인원수가 증가하기 시작했습니다.


Darien Gap 다리엔 갭

A dense stretch of jungle that acts as a barrier between South America and Central America.


Social media has also played a significant role because more and more people are documenting their trip and posting it on the likes of Facebook, WhatsApp, Instagram and TikTok.

Informal migrant networks and businesses that help people just at the beginning of the journey have also sped up the pace of migration.

More than 400,000 people have already crossed the jungle as of September this year.

And the largest group are from Venezuela.


페이스북, 왓츠앱, 인스타그램, 틱톡 등에 자신의 여행기를 기록해 올리는 사람들이 늘고 있기 때문에 소셜미디어도 상당한 역할을 했습니다.

여행의 시작과 동시에 사람들을 돕는 비공식적인 이주자 네트워크와 사업들도 이주의 속도를 높였습니다.

올해 9월 현재 이미 40만 명 이상이 정글을 횡단했습니다.

그리고 가장 큰 그룹은 베네수엘라 출신입니다.


Social media 소셜 미디어

인터넷을 통해 사용자들이 정보를 공유하고 소통하는 디지털 플랫폼.

Digital platforms on the internet where users share information, interact, and engage with each other.


The likes of 과 같은, ~와 같은 것들

Similar things or entities of a comparable nature.


Informal migrant networks 비공식 이민 네트워크, 비공식적인 이민자들의 연결망

Unofficial connections or associations among migrants aiding their movement from one place to another.


Sped up 가속화시키다

Speed up 의 과거형

Accelerated or increased the speed or pace of something.


Pace of migration 이민 속도

The rate or speed at which migration, the movement of people from one place to another, occurs.


As of September this year 올해 9월 현재

Referring to the time up to September in the current year.

'as of'는 '기준일로부터', '기준으로 하여'라는 의미를 가지며, 특정한 날짜나 시점을 기준으로 한 상태나 정보를 나타냅니다.


Currently, there are over half a million Venezuelan migrants in the U.S.

This month, the White House has started deporting Venezuelan migrants who had entered the country illegally, directly back here to Caracas.


현재, 미국에는 50만 명이 넘는 베네수엘라 이민자들이 있습니다.

이달 들어 백악관은 불법 입국한 베네수엘라 이민자들을 곧바로 이곳 카라카스로 추방하기 시작했습니다.


Political change in Venezuela is not happening anytime soon, with most opposition candidates bar from running for election.

And over 270 political prisoners are still behind bars.

Countries in the region are saying that they're looking for concerted solutions to handle this historic migration flow.

But as long as Venezuela remains in such dire straits, this emergency only seems destined to continue.


대부분의 야당 후보들이 선거에 출마하는 것을 금지하고 있는 가운데 베네수엘라의 정치적 변화는 조만간 일어나지 않을 것입니다.

그리고 270명이 넘는 정치범들이 아직도 감옥에 갇혀있습니다.

이 지역 국가들은 이 역사적인 이주 흐름을 처리하기 위한 공동 해결책을 찾고 있다고 말하고 있습니다.

하지만 베네수엘라가 이처럼 극심한 곤경에 처해있는 한, 이 비상사태는 계속될 수밖에 없는 것 같습니다.

Anytime soon

In the near future; in a short amount of time from now.


Opposition candidates 야당 후보들

Political candidates representing parties or groups opposing the ruling government.


Bar from running 출마 금지

To prevent someone from being able to participate as a candidate in an election.


Political prisoners 정치범

정치적 이유로 구금된 사람들.

Individuals detained or imprisoned due to their political beliefs or actions.


Behind bars 감옥에 수감된

In prison; incarcerated or held in confinement.


Concerted solutions 공동으로 노력하는 해결책.

Collaborative or coordinated efforts to find answers or resolutions to a problem.


Dire straits 극심한 어려움

A situation of extreme difficulty or distress.




(비디오테이프 끝)



Now, we continue our coverage of AI, Artificial Intelligence.

Developments in the world of AI are happening fast.

The hope is that it can spur innovation in health, science, and technology.

The fear is that it might harm national security, replace human workers and upend entire industries.



지금부터 AI, 인공지능에 대한 보도를 이어가겠습니다.

AI 분야의 발전은 빠르게 진행되고 있습니다.

이것이 건강, 과학 및 기술 분야에서 혁신을 촉진할 수 있다는 희망이 있습니다.

그러나 우려되는 점은 국가 안보를 해치고, 인간 노동자를 대체하고, 산업 전반을 망치게 될지도 모른다는 것입니다.


Spur 촉진하다

Stimulate or encourage the development or improvement of something.


Upend 전복시키다

To disrupt or completely change the traditional way of doing something.


Monday, President Biden unveiled an executive order to address concerns over safety.

Executive Orders are signed into law by the president bypassing congressional approval.

But they're far less powerful than congressional laws because they can be challenged in court and canceled by future presidents.

Let's turn to CNN's Mike Valerio, to learn more about what this order contains.


월요일, 바이든 대통령이 안전 문제에 대응하기 위한 행정명령을 발표했습니다.
행정명령은 대통령이 의회 승인을 거치지 않고 서명하는 법령입니다.

하지만 이 법안들은 법정에서 이의를 제기받거나 미래의 대통령들에 의해 취소될 수 있기 때문에 의회법에 비해 훨씬 약한 법입니다.

CNN의 마이크 발레리오 기자를 만나 이 명령에 어떤 내용이 담겨있는지 자세히 알아보겠습니다.


Unveiled 공개하다


To make something known or reveal something to the public for the first time.


Executive order 대통령 행정명령

A directive or command issued by the President of a country to manage government operations without requiring congressional approval.


Address concerns 우려 사안을 다루다.

To deal with or handle issues or worries that have been raised or expressed.


Bypassing 우회하여 지나가다

우회하여 지나가다.

To go around something, typically a procedure or process, avoiding its usual course or steps.


Congressional approval 의회 승인

The official consent or agreement given by a legislative body, such as the Congress, for a decision or action to take effect.


Challenged in court 법정에서 공방 받다

법정에서 공방 받다.

To question or dispute the validity or legality of something through legal proceedings.




(비디오테이프 시작)



So today matters because this is the first set of federal regulations governing artificial intelligence that have been made.

But there are still huge challenges ahead.


마이크 발레리오, CNN 뉴스 소스 국가 특파원:

그래서 오늘은 중요한 날입니다. 이것이 인공지능을 규제하는 첫 번째 연방 규정이기 때문입니다.

하지만 앞으로도 큰 과제가 많이 남아 있습니다.


Federal regulations 연방 규정

연방 규정.

Rules or laws established by the federal government to control or manage certain activities or sectors.


Governing 다스리는


To control or direct the actions or policies related to a particular subject.



Artificial intelligence technology is advancing rapidly.

And the federal government is scrambling to keep up.


(화면 밖 목소리):

인공 지능 기술은 빠르게 발전하고 있습니다.

연방 정부도 이를 따라잡기 위해 분주하게 노력하고 있습니다.


Voice-over 내레이션

내레이션(Narration): 시나리오 용어로 장면 밖에서 들려오는 목소리

A technique in film or broadcasting where an unseen narrator provides commentary or explanation over the visuals.


Federal government 연방 정부

The national or central government of a country, particularly in a federal system where power is shared between a central authority and regional units.


Scrambling 북돋다


Making hurried efforts or striving urgently to achieve or catch up with something.


Keep up 따라잡다


To maintain the same pace or level as something else, especially in a competitive or changing environment.



I'm about to sign an executive order.

The executive order, that is the most significant action any government anywhere in the world has ever taken on AI safety, security and trust.


조 바이든 (D) 미국 대통령:

행정명령에 서명하려고 합니다.

그 행정명령은 인공지능 안전, 보안 및 신뢰에 관하여 전 세계 어느 정부에서도 어느 곳에서도 사상 처음으로 이루어진 가장 중대한 조치입니다.


Executive order 대통령 행정명령

대통령 행정명령.

A directive or official command issued by the President that holds the force of law without requiring approval from Congress.



The White House unveiling, a sweeping new executive order Monday aimed at mitigating the risks of AI while also harnessing its potential.



백악관은 월요일 AI의 위험을 완화하는 동시에 AI의 잠재력을 활용하기 위한 전면적인 새로운 행정명령을 발표했습니다.


White House 백악관

The official residence and workplace of the President of the United States, located in Washington, D.C.


Unveiling 공개

The act of revealing or introducing something previously concealed or not known to the public.


Sweeping 대규모의

Comprehensive or extensive in scope, covering a wide range of aspects or issues.


Mitigating 완화하는

To make something less severe, serious, or painful; to alleviate or lessen the impact or effects.


Harnessing 이용하는

Utilizing or controlling something effectively for a particular purpose or goal.


Potential 잠재력

The latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness.



To realize the promise of AI and avoid the risk, we need to govern this technology.



인공지능의 약속을 실현하고 위험을 피하기 위해 우리는 이 기술을 통제해야 합니다.



According to the Biden administration, the order will require all AI developers to share results of their safety tests with the federal government.

Before they're released to the public, compel companies to notify the government if an AI model in development poses national security, economic, or health risks, ease immigration barriers for skilled workers to study and stay in the U.S., establish standards to prevent AI production of dangerous biological materials, and develop best practices to minimize the risks of AI displacing human workers.

Among a number of other key concerns, Harvard's Bruce Schneier says getting AI regulation right, is critical.



바이든 행정부에 따르면, 이 명령은 모든 AI 개발자들이 자신들의 안전 테스트 결과를 연방 정부와 공유하도록 요구할 것입니다.

기업들은 일반에 공개되기 전에 개발 중인 AI 모델이 국가 안보, 경제 또는 보건 위험을 초래할 경우 정부에 통보하고, 숙련된 노동자들이 미국에서 공부하고 머물 수 있도록 이민 장벽을 완화하고, 위험한 생물학적 물질의 AI 생산을 방지하기 위한 표준을 수립하고, AI가 인간 노동자를 대체하는 위험을 최소화하기 위한 모범 사례를 개발하도록 강제합니다.

하버드의 브루스 슈나이어(Bruce Schneier)는 여러 가지 주요 관심사 중에서도 AI 규제를 제대로 하는 것이 매우 중요하다고 말합니다.


Administration 행정부

The officials in the executive branch of government responsible for overseeing the implementation of policies and laws.


Compel 강요하다

To force or require someone or something to do something by exerting pressure or authority.


Pose 내세우다

To present or create a particular quality, threat, or risk.


Dangerous Biological Materials 위험한 생물학적 물질

Hazardous substances or elements of biological origin that pose risks to health or the environment.


Displacing Human Workers 인력 대체

The act of substituting or replacing human labor with automation or AI technologies.



They're not freewheeling technology, they're more like pharmaceuticals.

You get them wrong and people die.


하버드 케네디 스쿨의 브루스 슈나이어 (Bruce Schneier):

그것들은 자유분방한 기술이 아니라, 오히려 의약품과 유사합니다.

잘못 이해하면 사람들이 죽습니다.


freewheeling technology 자율 주행 기술

자율 주행 기술은 사용자의 개입 없이 자유롭게 움직일 수 있는 기술을 지칭합니다. 주로 자율 주행 차량, 로봇 등에 사용됩니다.


Pharmaceuticals 제약품

약물 또는 의약품을 의미하며, 의학적인 목적으로 질병을 치료하거나 예방하기 위해 사용됩니다.


Pharmaceutic [fɑ̀:rməsú:tik(əl)]


1.조제의, 제약의, 약학의; 약제(사)의


1.조합약(調合藥), 제약



He says, AI has the potential to transform the way we live and work for the better.

If the technology is kept in check.



그는 AI는 우리의 삶과 일의 방식을 더 나은 방향으로 변화시킬 수 있는 잠재력을 가지고 있다고 말합니다.

그 기술을 계속 체크하고 있는 경우에만 말이죠.



This is going to be the beginning of a very long and national process, but it's to start, it's an important start.



이것은 매우 길고 국가적인 과정의 시작이 될 것입니다. 하지만 이것은 시작하는 것이고, 중요한 시작입니다.



Now, just one more important point to stress, this is an executive order.

This is not a law governing artificial intelligence.

The Congress is hosting ongoing hearings through the rest of the year to talk with experts and figure out the best ways to create legislation, to put up guardrails for artificial intelligence.

That's the latest here in Los Angeles, I'm Mike Valerio.



이제, 한가지 더 중요한 점은, 행정명령입니다.

이것은 인공지능을 관리하는 법률이 아닙니다.

의회는 올해 남은 기간 동안 전문가들과 회의를 개최하여 입법을 만들고 인공지능을 위한 가장 적절한 방법을 찾아내고 인공지능에 대한 안전 장치를 설정하기 위한 노력을 하고 있습니다.

이상 로스앤젤레스의 최신 소식이었습니다. 마이크 발레리오였습니다.


Congress 의회

Congress refers to the legislative branch of the United States government, which is responsible for making laws, comprising two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives.


Legislation 입법, 법률

Legislation pertains to the process of making or enacting laws through the legislative body (such as Congress) and the laws themselves that are created through this process.


Guardrails 안전 장치, 방호장치

In this context, "guardrails" metaphorically refers to regulations or measures put in place to ensure safety, control, or limits within a particular system or context, often used to prevent misuse or potential dangers.




(비디오테이프 끝)



Today's story getting a 10 out of 10, a coyote trying to absquatulate from an airport.

Police on the prowl for a coyote in its howl at an airport in LA on the runway dodging planes.

Who would win the race of this wild and frantic chase of a coyote on the loose.

Here's CNN's Jeanne Moos.



10점 만점에 10점을 받은 오늘의 이야기는 공항에서 도망치려는 코요테의 이야기입니다.

LA에 있는 어느 한 공항에서 비행기를 피해 활주로에서 울부짖으며 도망치는 코요테를 수색 중인 경찰입니다.

자유롭게 돌아다니는 코요테를 쫓는 이 야생적이고 소란스러운 추격전에서 누가 이기게 될까요?

CNN의 지니 무스 기자입니다.


Absquatulate 급히 떠나다, 도망가다

To depart quickly or escape, often in a hurried manner.


Prowl 배회하다, 기웃거리다

To move stealthily or sneakily, typically while searching for something.


Dodging 피하다, 회피하다

Evading or avoiding by moving quickly or unexpectedly.


Frantic 미친 듯한, 매우 허둥대는, 소란스러운

Acting out of control due to extreme anxiety or distress.


Coyote 코요테

A species of small, carnivorous canids often found in North America, known for their adaptability and nocturnal behavior.


on the loose 자유롭게 돌아다니는, 풀려난

Not confined or restrained, wandering freely or escaped from control.




(비디오테이프 시작)



At least this coyote is smart enough to look before crossing a runway, turns out it was running away from the airport police at Van Nuys Airport in Los Angeles.

A chopper from KCAL was stopping by to refuel when it captured the coyote chase.


지니 무스, CNN 내셔널 뉴스 특파원:

적어도 이 코요테는 활주로를 건너기 전에 조심스럽게 둘러볼 수는 있을 정도로 똑똑합니다. 이 코요테는 사실 로스앤젤레스의 반 누이스 공항에서 공항 경찰로부터 도망치고 있었던 것으로 밝혀졌습니다.

KCAL의 헬리콥터가 연료 보충을 위해 잠시 들렸을 때 이 코요테 추격 장면을 포착했습니다.


turns out 알고 보니, 결과적으로

Indicates a revelation or discovery of something unexpected or contrary to previous belief.


Van Nuys Airport 반누이스 공항

An airport located in Van Nuys, a neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles, California, often used for private and corporate flights.


A chopper from KCAL KCAL의 헬기

A helicopter affiliated with or belonging to KCAL, which could be a reference to a local television station in Los Angeles.


We couldn't tell if the police were beeping, but we do know there was no roadrunner in sight.

We can't tell you much of anything about the coyote that did not introduce itself.


우리는 경찰이 경적을 울리고 있는지는 알 수 없었지만, 우리가 아는 바로는 시야에 로드 러너가 보이지 않았습니다.

우리는 스스로를 소개하지 않은 코요테에 대해서는 많은 것을 알려줄 수 없습니다.


Roadrunner 길을 달리는 새

A fast-running bird species known for its speed and agility, commonly found in North and Central America, characterized by its ability to sprint on roads and open terrains.


Roadrunner [│roʊdrʌnə(r)]


1.뻐꾸깃과(科)의 일종 ((미국 남서부·멕시코산(産)))



My name is Coyote, Wile E. Coyote.


신원 미상의 남성:

제 이름은 코요테, 와일 E 코요테 입니다.



So really all our Wile E. reporter can do is play comical chase music, and let the video roll.

Coyote sightings here in the San Fernando valley are so common.

There's a Facebook page devoted to them with posts like,

"Coyotes in my house. Two coyotes just walked into my house through the garage. Dog scared them away."



그래서 우리의 와일 E. 기자가 할 수 있는 일은 코믹한 추격 음악을 틀어놓고 비디오를 재생하는 것뿐입니다.

이곳 샌 페르난도 계곡에서 코요테가 목격되는 것은 아주 흔한 일입니다.

그 코요테들에게 헌정된 페이스북 페이지가 있습니다. 그 페이지에는 다음과 같은 게시물이 올라옵니다.

"우리 집에 코요테 두 마리가 차고를 통해 우리 집에 막 들어왔습니다. 개가 그들을 겁주어 쫓아냈습니다."


Coyote sightings 코요테 목격

Observations or instances of spotting coyotes.


Devoted 헌신적인, 전념하는

Having strong dedication, commitment, or loyalty towards something or someone.


It was the police vehicle's mission to scare the airport coyote away.

Unlike Wile E. Coyote, airport coyote did not end up flattened.

A spokesperson for Van Nuys Airport told CNN we are happy to report that the coyote was able to find its way safely out.

Ready for departure subject only to its own, coyote control.

“You’re clear for takeoff.”

Jeanne Moos CNN, New York.


공항 코요테를 겁주어 쫓아내는 것이 경찰 차량의 임무였습니다.

Wile E. Coyote와 달리, 공항 코요테는 바닥에 납작하게 눌러지지는 않았습니다.

반 누이스 공항의 대변인은 CNN에 코요태가 안전하게 탈출할 수 있었다는 소식을 전하게 되어 기쁘다고 말했습니다.

출발 준비는 오직 코요테 통제하에 있습니다.

"이륙해도 좋습니다."

뉴욕에서 CNN 지니 무스입니다.


Flattened 납작해진, 압축된

Made or pressed into a flat or level shape, typically implying being compressed or squashed.


Spokesperson 대변인, 발표자

An individual authorized to speak on behalf of a group, organization, or entity, conveying official statements or information to the public or the media.




(비디오테이프 끝)



All right, congrats to @amani2626 from Prairie Trail in Olathe, Kansas.

You are the winner of #YourWordWednesday for absquatulate, a verb meaning to leave abruptly.

Well done.



좋아요. 칸자스 주 올레이서의 프레리 트레일에 사는 @amani2626님, 축하드립니다.

당신은 갑자기 떠난다는 뜻의 동사인 'absquatulate'로 #YourWordWednesday의 이벤트의 우승자입니다.

잘 했어요.


Congrats 축하합니다

축하를 나타내는 축약된 형태로, 'congratulations'의 줄임말.


Abruptly 갑자기, 예기치 못하게

Suddenly or unexpectedly, without warning or preparation.


Before I absquatulate on up out here, our first school shout out of November goes to the Mavericks, the Mighty Mavericks in Mrs. Rams (ph) class at United Middle School and Laredo, Texas.

Thank you for the epic shout out on TikTok.

And thanks to everyone who submitted vocab words.


제가 여기서 떠나기 전에, 11월의 첫 학교 지명은 텍사스 주 라레도에 위치한 유나이티드 중학교의 멋진 매버릭스(Mavericks)가 선정되었습니다. 램스 선생님의 반에서 열심히 공부하고 있는 매버릭스 여러분, 여러분의 아주 멋진 TikTok 소식에 감사드립니다.

그리고 단어를 제출해주신 모든 분들께도 감사드립니다.


Epic 서사시적인, 웅장한

Heroic, grand, or impressive in scale or character.


the epic shout out 웅장한 인사, 훌륭한 인사

A grand or impressive greeting or acknowledgment, often used to denote something exceptional or remarkable.


Submitted 제출된, 제출하다

Delivered, presented, or formally provided, often in response to a request or requirement.


You're making us smarter, words, use them.

I'm Coy Wire.

And we are CNN 10.


여러분이 우리를 더 똑똑하게 만들고 있어요. 단어들을 사용해보세요.

저는 코이 와이어입니다.

그리고 저희는 CNN 10입니다.






** 어휘 정리


Sunshine: 햇볕이 내리쬐는 밝고 따뜻한 날씨, 또는 사람에 대한 애정적인 말투로 쓰이는 말.

'Sunshine' is used as a friendly form of address to someone you like or who is always upbeat and smiling.


Tricks: 장난, 속임수, 속임을 이용한 행동.

trick or treat 사탕을 주지 않으면 장난칠 거야


said by children to ask for candy when visiting someone's home on Halloween, typically in costume.


go from door to door on Halloween asking for candy with the exclamation “trick or treat”.


Flying by: 빠르게 지나가다. 시간이 빠르게 흐르다.


Glorious: 영광스러운, 빛나는, 멋진.


Gauntlet: 어려운 과제나 시련의 연속을 뜻하는 말.

어려운 상황이나 시련을 의미하는데, 이 문맥에서는 휴가 기간 동안의 다양한 이벤트와 활동을 지칭하는 표현.


Pop quiz: 갑작스럽게 내는 짧고 급한 시험.


Pop Quiz Hotshot

Pop Quiz Hotshot was a game show hosted by the Nostalgia Critic. Contestants are "kidnapped" by General Anesthetic (played by Fard Muhammad) as the Critic's new "friends". They are forced to answer pop culture-related questions, accumulating points throughout rounds.


Trivia: 사소한, 잡학지식적인 정보나 사실.


World's largest oil reserves 세계 최대 규모의 석유 보유량

전 세계에서 가장 많은 양의 석유가 저장되어 있는 것을 의미합니다.

Refers to the greatest quantity of oil stored or available for use compared to any other region or nation globally.


Reserves 보유 자산, 저장된 것

특정 자원이나 재화를 보유하거나 저장하는 것을 의미합니다.

Denotes the act of holding or storing specific resources or goods for future use or as a backup.


Shambles 혼돈, 파탄, 비참한 상태

매우 비참하거나 혼돈스러운 상황을 의미합니다.

Indicates a state of extreme chaos, disorder, or misery.


Fleeing 대피하다, 도망가다

어딘가로부터 빠르게 떠나거나 피하는 것을 의미합니다.

Refers to the act of quickly departing or escaping from a particular place or situation.


Contributed 기여하다, 공헌하다

어떤 결과를 만들거나 상황을 형성하는 데 도움을 주는 것을 의미합니다.

Indicates aiding in the creation of a certain outcome or shaping a situation.


Migrant crisis 이민자 위기

이주자 위기. 이주자들의 비상적인 상황 또는 문제를 나타냅니다.

Refers to a situation characterized by a large influx or overwhelming numbers of migrants seeking refuge or immigration, often resulting in challenges for the hosting regions or countries in terms of resources, accommodation, legal issues, or societal integration.


Encountered 마주치다

마주치거나 부딪치다.

To come across or face something, often unexpectedly.


Migrants 이주자, 이민자

다른 지역으로 이동하는 사람.

Individuals who move from one place to another, typically across borders or countries, seeking better living conditions or opportunities.


Department of Homeland Security 미국 국토 안보부

미국의 안보를 담당하는 부처.

A governmental organization in the United States responsible for safeguarding the country against various threats and ensuring homeland security.


Venezuela's economy 베네수엘라의 경제

베네수엘라의 경제 상태.

The overall financial system, trade, and economic condition within the country of Venezuela.


Everyday Venezuelans 일반 베네수엘라 국민들

일상적인 베네수엘라 시민.

Common citizens or inhabitants of Venezuela who live their daily lives amid the economic and social situation in the country.


Explains 설명하다

명확히 전달하다.

To make clear or understandable by providing details or information about a certain subject or situation.


Mexico border 멕시코 국경

멕시코와 인접한 지역.

The dividing line or area between Mexico and another country, often used to denote the boundary between Mexico and the United States in this context.


Correspondent 특파원, 기자

통신원, 특히 언론사나 방송국에서 특정 지역 또는 사건에 대해 보도하는 기자.


Hundreds of thousands 수십만의

수십만 명의.

Refers to a large number, specifically tens of thousands of individuals.


Entering 들어오는

진입하거나 들어오는.

The act of coming into or gaining access to a specific location or country.


Venezuela 베네수엘라

남미 대륙 북쪽에 있는 국가.

A country located on the northern part of the South American continent.


Economy 경제


The system of production, distribution, and consumption of goods and services within a specific region or country.


Collapsed 붕괴되다

완전히 무너지거나 붕괴되다.

To fall apart or fail suddenly, often referring to a severe breakdown or failure.


Almost a decade ago 거의 10년 전

거의 10년 전에.

Refers to a time nearly ten years in the past, indicating a significant period ago.


Causing 일으키는


Leading to or resulting in a particular situation or outcome.


Spike 급증

갑작스러운 증가.

A sudden, sharp increase or rise in something, often in numbers or statistics.


Top nationalities 주요 국적

주요 국적.

Refers to the most significant or prominent national origins or citizenships.


Venezuela 베네수엘라

남미 대륙 북쪽에 위치한 국가.

A country located on the northern coast of South America.


Richest 가장 부유한

가장 많은 재산이나 부를 가진.

Having the most wealth or resources among others in a particular context.


Recession 경기 후퇴, 불경기

경제적으로 불안한 시기.

A period of economic decline characterized by a decrease in economic activity and overall slowdown.


Price of oil and other commodities 석유 및 다른 상품 가격

석유와 다른 상품의 가격.

The cost or value of oil and other goods that are traded in the market.


Plummeted 급락하다

급격히 떨어지거나 추락하다.

To drop or fall sharply and suddenly.


Revenues 수익

수입이나 수익.

Income or earnings generated by a company or a country from its activities.


Bankrupt 파산하다

파산 상태에 있는.

Unable to pay debts or financial obligations, often resulting in a legal status of insolvency.


Inflation 인플레이션, 물가 상승.

The rate at which the general level of prices for goods and services is rising, eroding purchasing power.


Rampant 만연한, 지배적이거나 통제할 수 없는.

Widespread or uncontrollable, often used to describe negative situations or issues that are prevalent.


Socioeconomic crisis 사회경제적 위기

사회와 경제적인 위기.

A situation of simultaneous social and economic difficulties or challenges affecting a region or country.


Authoritarian leader 독재적 지도자

권력을 독점하는 지도자.

A ruler or figure in power who exercises strict and centralized control, often suppressing opposition or dissent.


Nicolas Maduro 니콜라스 마두로

베네수엘라의 정치인으로 2013년부터 대통령 직을 맡았다.

A Venezuelan politician who has been the President of Venezuela since 2013.


Poverty line 빈곤선, 생존 최저 수준

The minimum income level deemed necessary to secure the basic needs of life such as food, shelter, and clothing.


United Nations 유엔, 국제 연합 기구

An international organization established to promote peace, security, and cooperation among nations worldwide.


Darien Gap 다리엔 갭

A dense stretch of jungle that acts as a barrier between South America and Central America.


Social media 소셜 미디어

인터넷을 통해 사용자들이 정보를 공유하고 소통하는 디지털 플랫폼.

Digital platforms on the internet where users share information, interact, and engage with each other.


The likes of 과 같은, ~와 같은 것들

Similar things or entities of a comparable nature.


Informal migrant networks 비공식 이민 네트워크, 비공식적인 이민자들의 연결망

Unofficial connections or associations among migrants aiding their movement from one place to another.


Sped up 가속화시키다

Speed up 의 과거형

Accelerated or increased the speed or pace of something.


Pace of migration 이민 속도

The rate or speed at which migration, the movement of people from one place to another, occurs.


As of September this year 올해 9월 현재

Referring to the time up to September in the current year.

'as of'는 '기준일로부터', '기준으로 하여'라는 의미를 가지며, 특정한 날짜나 시점을 기준으로 한 상태나 정보를 나타냅니다.


Anytime soon

In the near future; in a short amount of time from now.


Opposition candidates 야당 후보들

Political candidates representing parties or groups opposing the ruling government.


Bar from running 출마 금지

To prevent someone from being able to participate as a candidate in an election.


Political prisoners 정치범

정치적 이유로 구금된 사람들.

Individuals detained or imprisoned due to their political beliefs or actions.


Behind bars 감옥에 수감된

In prison; incarcerated or held in confinement.


Concerted solutions 공동으로 노력하는 해결책.

Collaborative or coordinated efforts to find answers or resolutions to a problem.


Dire straits 극심한 어려움

A situation of extreme difficulty or distress.


Spur 촉진하다

Stimulate or encourage the development or improvement of something.


Upend 전복시키다

To disrupt or completely change the traditional way of doing something.


Unveiled 공개하다


To make something known or reveal something to the public for the first time.


Executive order 대통령 행정명령

A directive or command issued by the President of a country to manage government operations without requiring congressional approval.


Address concerns 우려 사안을 다루다.

To deal with or handle issues or worries that have been raised or expressed.


Bypassing 우회하여 지나가다

우회하여 지나가다.

To go around something, typically a procedure or process, avoiding its usual course or steps.


Congressional approval 의회 승인

The official consent or agreement given by a legislative body, such as the Congress, for a decision or action to take effect.


Challenged in court 법정에서 공방 받다

법정에서 공방 받다.

To question or dispute the validity or legality of something through legal proceedings.


Federal regulations 연방 규정

연방 규정.

Rules or laws established by the federal government to control or manage certain activities or sectors.


Governing 다스리는


To control or direct the actions or policies related to a particular subject.


Voice-over 내레이션

내레이션(Narration): 시나리오 용어로 장면 밖에서 들려오는 목소리

A technique in film or broadcasting where an unseen narrator provides commentary or explanation over the visuals.


Federal government 연방 정부

The national or central government of a country, particularly in a federal system where power is shared between a central authority and regional units.


Scrambling 북돋다


Making hurried efforts or striving urgently to achieve or catch up with something.


Keep up 따라잡다


To maintain the same pace or level as something else, especially in a competitive or changing environment.


Executive order 대통령 행정명령

대통령 행정명령.

A directive or official command issued by the President that holds the force of law without requiring approval from Congress.


White House 백악관

The official residence and workplace of the President of the United States, located in Washington, D.C.


Unveiling 공개

The act of revealing or introducing something previously concealed or not known to the public.


Sweeping 대규모의

Comprehensive or extensive in scope, covering a wide range of aspects or issues.


Mitigating 완화하는

To make something less severe, serious, or painful; to alleviate or lessen the impact or effects.


Harnessing 이용하는

Utilizing or controlling something effectively for a particular purpose or goal.


Potential 잠재력

The latent qualities or abilities that may be developed and lead to future success or usefulness.


Administration 행정부

The officials in the executive branch of government responsible for overseeing the implementation of policies and laws.


Compel 강요하다

To force or require someone or something to do something by exerting pressure or authority.


Pose 내세우다

To present or create a particular quality, threat, or risk.


Dangerous Biological Materials 위험한 생물학적 물질

Hazardous substances or elements of biological origin that pose risks to health or the environment.


Displacing Human Workers 인력 대체

The act of substituting or replacing human labor with automation or AI technologies.


freewheeling technology 자율 주행 기술

자율 주행 기술은 사용자의 개입 없이 자유롭게 움직일 수 있는 기술을 지칭합니다. 주로 자율 주행 차량, 로봇 등에 사용됩니다.


Pharmaceuticals 제약품

약물 또는 의약품을 의미하며, 의학적인 목적으로 질병을 치료하거나 예방하기 위해 사용됩니다.


Congress 의회

Congress refers to the legislative branch of the United States government, which is responsible for making laws, comprising two houses: the Senate and the House of Representatives.


Legislation 입법, 법률

Legislation pertains to the process of making or enacting laws through the legislative body (such as Congress) and the laws themselves that are created through this process.


Guardrails 안전 장치, 방호장치

In this context, "guardrails" metaphorically refers to regulations or measures put in place to ensure safety, control, or limits within a particular system or context, often used to prevent misuse or potential dangers.


Absquatulate 급히 떠나다, 도망가다

To depart quickly or escape, often in a hurried manner.


Prowl 배회하다, 기웃거리다

To move stealthily or sneakily, typically while searching for something.


Dodging 피하다, 회피하다

Evading or avoiding by moving quickly or unexpectedly.


Frantic 미친 듯한, 매우 허둥대는, 소란스러운

Acting out of control due to extreme anxiety or distress.


Coyote 코요테

A species of small, carnivorous canids often found in North America, known for their adaptability and nocturnal behavior.


on the loose 자유롭게 돌아다니는, 풀려난

Not confined or restrained, wandering freely or escaped from control.


turns out 알고 보니, 결과적으로

Indicates a revelation or discovery of something unexpected or contrary to previous belief.


Van Nuys Airport 반누이스 공항

An airport located in Van Nuys, a neighborhood in the San Fernando Valley region of Los Angeles, California, often used for private and corporate flights.


A chopper from KCAL KCAL의 헬기

A helicopter affiliated with or belonging to KCAL, which could be a reference to a local television station in Los Angeles.


Roadrunner 길을 달리는 새

A fast-running bird species known for its speed and agility, commonly found in North and Central America, characterized by its ability to sprint on roads and open terrains.


Coyote sightings 코요테 목격

Observations or instances of spotting coyotes.


Devoted 헌신적인, 전념하는

Having strong dedication, commitment, or loyalty towards something or someone.


Flattened 납작해진, 압축된

Made or pressed into a flat or level shape, typically implying being compressed or squashed.


Spokesperson 대변인, 발표자

An individual authorized to speak on behalf of a group, organization, or entity, conveying official statements or information to the public or the media.


Congrats 축하합니다

축하를 나타내는 축약된 형태로, 'congratulations'의 줄임말.


Abruptly 갑자기, 예기치 못하게

Suddenly or unexpectedly, without warning or preparation.


Epic 서사시적인, 웅장한

Heroic, grand, or impressive in scale or character.


the epic shout out 웅장한 인사, 훌륭한 인사

A grand or impressive greeting or acknowledgment, often used to denote something exceptional or remarkable.


Submitted 제출된, 제출하다

Delivered, presented, or formally provided, often in response to a request or requirement.


** END


[CNN10 대본 정리] 202311 전체 지문

(업데이트 예정)



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