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[CSP 대본 097] Iconic City Looks To Become More Accessible

[CSP 대본 097] Iconic City Looks To Become More Accessible | September 1, 2023
097_230925_230901_Iconic City Looks To Become More Accessible



구글독스 문서 링크 (프린트 or 사본저장용)



097_230925_230901_Iconic City Looks To Become More Accessible

097_230925_230901_Iconic City Looks To Become More Accessible 학습용 노션 공유 페이지 https://private-trowel-5e9.notion.site/097_230925_230901_Iconic-City-Looks-To-Become-More-Accessible-b922bb7d5e1e4a91ad2a14d26e4f9a8a?pvs=4 영상+대본 포스



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CNN.com - Transcripts

Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Ahead To The Summer Olympics; College Volleyball Match, Where Attendance Reached A Record High For A Women`s Sporting Event; Wild Finish For T-Rex Costume Race. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired September 01, 2023 - 04:00   ET



Youtube 원본 영상


** 원본 스크립트


CNN 10


Ahead To The Summer Olympics; College Volleyball Match, Where Attendance Reached A Record High For A Women's Sporting Event; Wild Finish For T-Rex Costume Race. Aired 4-4:10a ET


Aired September 01, 2023 - 04:00   ET





Hello, lovely people.

We made it to Friday.

The weekend is upon us.

Anyone have some big plans this weekend?

Message me @coywire on Insta, Snapchat, and Twitter, and TikTok.

I'd love to hear about it.

We have a packed show today, the best 10 minutes in news, let's get to it.


We're going to switch things up today a bit though.

Pop quiz, hotshot.


Which of these cities will host the 2024 Summer Olympics?

Paris, France,

Milan, Italy,

Los Angeles, California,

or Brisbane, Australia?


All of these are future Olympic sites, but the next summer games will be in Paris.


They are less than a year away, the Summer Olympic and Paralympic games and just as the world's best athletes are ramping up their training, Parisians are having to ramp up their preparations to welcome millions of people from all over the world.


Let's break the upcoming games down by the numbers.

Paris has 10 million tickets available for the Olympics.

There are 329 medal events in 32 different sports across 18 days of competition.

Paris tourism says there will be more than a quarter of a million rooms available during the games for accommodations.

And they're predicting that up to 15.9 million people could visit the region next summer.

But Paris is over 2000 years old.

So that city has some really old bones.

It's an added challenge, not just regarding infrastructure, but also the transportation system.

CNN's Jim Bittermann has more.





With less than a year to go before Paris hosts the next Paralympics, officials have been showing off how much work has been done with President Emmanuel Macron, having promised 1.5 billion euros, to ensure the accessibility of the competition to athletes, visitors, and tours.

But accessible is a word scoffed at by some disabled like Franck Maille.

Go for a tour with Maille, a Paralympic winner himself on Paris's most accessible public transport systems.

And you see the problems which face the 350,000 disabled visitors expected to attend next year's games.


When Maille comes into the city, for instance, he uses a renovated train line equipped with elevators, making it accessible, but he points out not accessible without help.

And while there are elevators, they're sometimes hard to find or not functioning, as a disabled British visitor found out.



All of the lists were broken every single one.



And if the most modern subway line has problems, the 13 other older lines of the famous Paris Metro are simply impossible for disabled users.


(On camera):

While the Metro system is, no doubt, the most efficient way to get around Paris, it was built more than a hundred years ago, and most of the stations are like this one, not accessible to anyone who can't go up and down stairs.


The Metro system is gradually making improvements.

Officials don't believe that more than 14% of it will be wheelchair accessible by 2024 in the Olympic games.

Just by comparison, Tokyo system was 90% accessible for the last Olympic games.

Even the mayor of Paris admits there are problems.


ANNE HIDALGO, MAYOR OF PARIS (through translator):

The Metro, which is very ancient, cannot be made totally accessible.



But the mayor quickly pivots to the brand-new tramways built at ground level, which shouldn't be a problem for those in wheelchairs.

And she points out the buses, which are being renovated and equipped with ramps, but the disabled who actually use the buses say, it's not that simple.



Because for example, sometimes the extendable ramp doesn't work or the drivers don't know how to use them.



While the mobility issue remains a priority, there are others, housing for instance, the tens of thousands of hotel rooms and short-term apartment rentals in the city's historic buildings, only a tiny fraction are fully usable by people in wheelchairs.

And there is the further question of access to the bar of the bathrooms in small businesses.

They are part of the Paris scene.

Despite the challenges, Maille is still a big supporter of next year's games.



What I say to people is come, come to see Paris.

That's clear, you know, but don't be surprised that Paris is not more accessible.

That it's not the best of the best because there's still so much work to be done.



Maille and other disability rights activists were hoping the games could transform, not just infrastructure, but also attitudes toward the disabled.

Yet with less than a year ago before the games they say that looks increasingly doubtful.

Jim Bittermann, CNN, Paris.





Look out, a record-breaking moment in sports, the biggest crowd ever at a women's sporting event in the entire world.


On Wednesday, women's volleyball in Lincoln, Nebraska are whopping 92,003 fans filled Memorial Stadium at the University of Nebraska's campus, fans filing in to watch the five-time NCAA champs as they took on and beat Omaha 3-0.

And when the attendance record was announced over the loudspeakers crowd went wild.

The previous world record for most fans at a women's sporting event was set April of 2022 when 91 some thousand soccer fans in Barcelona, Spain for the Barcelona versus Wolfsburg match.

Congrats to all the fans and to Nebraska women's volleyball, go Cornhuskers.


Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is Dino-Mite T-Rexcellent, a Jurassic classic.

Every year Emerald Downs Race track in Auburn, Washington has a 14 and under T-Rex race where the winners wear T-Rex costumes.

But the standout this year was not the winner.

It was the four-year-old best friends who came in last.

Our Jeanne Moos has more.





Move over, thoroughbred race horses.



And they're off in the kids T-Rex race.



Here at Emerald Downs in Washington State, the first to go down was the blue dinosaur and the leader lost his shoe.

A croc, no lace, but that didn't stop the one shoe teenage T-Rex from winning.

Competitors had to be 14 and under long passed when the rest of the contestants had crossed the finish line, the fight for next to last place featured these two stragglers.



Was it hard to run in the suit?



Yeah, it's hard.



How hard?



I'm like, super hard.



Super hard?






I had fun.



Alex Schooley and Sydney Petree are best friends.

Sydney is the daughter of the race track's marketing director.

The two, four-year-olds rock they're warm up and then held hands as the race got underway.



To watch those two little T-Rexes start to waddle, um, they were trying to run, but it was more of a waddle.



Sydney kept chewing on a toy T-Rex.



We got to do the interview first.

We got to do the interview.



Their 100-yard dash was immortalized.



We're about to frame it.

Careful, Alex.



The two stragglers finally crossed the finish line.

Alex, just a few feet ahead of Sydney.



Definitely an amazing best friend moment.



And don't you dare bring up losing, that word is extinct in Sydney the T-Rex's lexicon.



First thing she said to me, when she crossed the finish line, was “Dad. We won. We won.”



Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.





Tiny arms, big dreams, and an awesome attitude.


Our special shout out today is going to Western Hills University High School in Cincinnati, Ohio, rise up.

Let's take great energy, good vibes, and lots of love into this weekend.


No episode Monday because of the Labor Day Holiday.

So I'll see you on Tuesday.

Remember you are more powerful than you know.

I'm Coy Wire.

It's been a blessing to spend this week with you.




** 독해 및 어휘 정리


*** 오역, 오타 등 수정이 필요한 부분을 발견하시면 방에 공유 부탁드립니다.


CNN 10


Ahead To The Summer Olympics; College Volleyball Match, Where Attendance Reached A Record High For A Women's Sporting Event; Wild Finish For T-Rex Costume Race. Aired 4-4:10a ET


Aired September 01, 2023 - 04:00   ET





Hello, lovely people.

We made it to Friday.

The weekend is upon us.

Anyone have some big plans this weekend?

Message me @coywire on Insta, Snapchat, and Twitter, and TikTok.

I'd love to hear about it.

We have a packed show today, the best 10 minutes in news, let's get to it.


코이 와이어, CNN 10 앵커:

안녕하세요, 사랑스러운 여러분.

금요일이 왔어요.

주말이 다가왔어요.

이번 주말에 큰 계획 있는 사람 있나요?

인스타, 스냅챗, 트위터와 틱톡에서 @coywire로 메시지 주세요.

그 계획에 대해 듣고 싶습니다.

오늘은 꽉 찬 방송이 예정되어 있습니다. 최고의 뉴스 10분입니다. 바로 시작하겠습니다.


Packed 꽉 찬




1.꽉 찬, 만원의 ((with))

a packed train

만원 열차

2.<식품이> 팩[상자]에 든

a packed lunch

[영] 팩에 든 도시락


We're going to switch things up today a bit though.

Pop quiz, hotshot.


오늘은 순서를 좀 바꿔보겠습니다.

깜짝 퀴즈를 풀어보세요, 뛰어난 실력자.


Switch 바꾸다, 전환하다


1.[전기] 스위치, 개폐기; 스위치의 개폐 (조작); 전화 교환대

2.(예기치 않은) 전환, 변경

3.[전기] …의 스위치를 넣다, 켜다 ((on)); <전등 등을> 스위치로 끄다 ((off))


5.스위치를 돌리다 ((on, off))

6.전환하다, 교환하다; [미] [철도] 전철하다([영] shunt)


to use a switch to change a device from one state or type of operation to another:

switch the TV off/on


to change suddenly or completely, especially from one thing to another, or to exchange by replacing one person or thing with another:

She started studying English, but switched to History in her second year.


Pop quiz, hotshot. 깜짝 퀴즈를 풀어라, 뛰어난 실력자.


"Pop quiz hotshot"은 영화 '스피드' (Speed)에서 유래된 구문입니다. 이 구문은 긴 설명 없이 갑작스럽게 퀴즈나 시험을 내는 상황을 의미합니다. "Hotshot"은 "뛰어난 실력을 가진 사람"을 의미하며, "pop quiz"는 갑작스러운 시험을 가리킵니다. 따라서 "Pop quiz hotshot"은 "갑작스러운 시험을 보라, 뛰어난 실력자"라는 의미로 해석할 수 있습니다.


“Pop quiz, hot shot…”

From: Speed

Genre: Movies

Who said it?: Howard Payne

The story behind the quote: The quote comes from the first Speed film.


Which of these cities will host the 2024 Summer Olympics?

Paris, France,

Milan, Italy,

Los Angeles, California,

or Brisbane, Australia?


2024년 하계 올림픽을 개최할 도시는?

프랑스 파리,

이탈리아 밀라노,

캘리포니아 로스엔젤레스,

아니면 호주 브리즈번?


All of these are future Olympic sites, but the next summer games will be in Paris.


이 모든 도시들이 미래의 올림픽 경기 장소지만, 다음 하계 올림픽 경기는 파리에서 열릴 것입니다.


They are less than a year away, the Summer Olympic and Paralympic games and just as the world's best athletes are ramping up their training, Parisians are having to ramp up their preparations to welcome millions of people from all over the world.


하계 올림픽과 패럴림픽이 1년도 채 남지 않았는데, 세계 최고의 선수들이 훈련을 강화하고 있는 것처럼, 파리 시민들은 전 세계에서 온 수백만 명의 사람들을 환영하기 위해 준비를 강화해야 합니다.


Ramp up 강화하다, 끌어올리다


ramp sth up

- to increase activity or the level of something

- If a business ramps up its activity, it increases it

- to increase the speed, power, or cost of something



a large increase in activity or in the level of something:

They saw a ramp-up in orders.


Let's break the upcoming games down by the numbers.

Paris has 10 million tickets available for the Olympics.

There are 329 medal events in 32 different sports across 18 days of competition.

Paris tourism says there will be more than a quarter of a million rooms available during the games for accommodations.

And they're predicting that up to 15.9 million people could visit the region next summer.

But Paris is over 2000 years old.

So that city has some really old bones.

It's an added challenge, not just regarding infrastructure, but also the transportation system.

CNN's Jim Bittermann has more.


앞으로 있을 경기를 수치를 통해서 분석해 봅시다.

파리는 올림픽 티켓 천만 장을 가지고 있습니다.

18일간의 대회 기간 동안 32개의 다른 종목에서 329개의 메달 경기가 열립니다.

파리 관광은 이번 경기 동안 숙박시설을 위한 25만개 이상의 객실이 이용 가능할 것이라고 했습니다.

그리고 그들은 내년 여름에 최대 1,590만 명이 이 지역을 방문할 수 있을 것으로 예측하고 있습니다.

하지만 파리는 2000년 이상의 역사를 가지고 있습니다.

그래서 그 도시에는 정말 오래된 시설들이 많습니다.

인프라뿐만 아니라 교통 시스템에 대해서도 추가적인 과제입니다.

CNN의 짐 비터만 기자가 더 많은 정보를 전해드리겠습니다.


old bones 오래된 것


make old bones (third-person singular simple present makes old bones, present participle making old bones, simple past and past participle made old bones)


(informal, chiefly in the negative) To live to an old age.

With his heart condition, he'll never make old bones.

(informal, chiefly in the negative) To last a long time; to last or store well.

It is a nice fruity wine, but it doesn't make old bones.




(비디오테이프 시작)



With less than a year to go before Paris hosts the next Paralympics, officials have been showing off how much work has been done with President Emmanuel Macron, having promised 1.5 billion euros, to ensure the accessibility of the competition to athletes, visitors, and tours.

But accessible is a word scoffed at by some disabled like Franck Maille.

Go for a tour with Maille, a Paralympic winner himself on Paris's most accessible public transport systems.

And you see the problems which face the 350,000 disabled visitors expected to attend next year's games.


짐 비터만 CNN 수석 국제특파원 (나레이션):

파리가 다음 하계 올림픽을 개최하기까지 1년도 채 남지 않은 상황에서, 관계자들은 15억 유로를 약속한 에마뉘엘 마크롱 대통령과 함께 선수들, 방문객들, 그리고 관광객들에게 대회의 접근성을 보장하기 위해 얼마나 많은 노력을 했는지를 보여주고 있습니다.

하지만 "접근성이 좋은"이라는 말은 프랑크 마이예와 같은 일부 장애인들에게 비웃음의 대상이 됩니다.

패럴림픽 우승자인 마이예와 함께 파리에서 가장 접근성이 좋은 대중교통 시스템을 이용해서 투어를 떠나보세요.

내년 대회에 참가할 것으로 예상되는 35만명의 장애인 방문객들이 직면한 문제점을 볼 수 있습니다.


Scoffed 비웃다


scoff[skɔ́ːf, skɑ́f]

(3rd person singular present : scoffs)

Intransitive verb

1.(특히 종교 기타 존중해야 할 것을) 비웃다, 조소하다, 조롱하다(mock), 놀리다 ((at))

scoff at their beliefs

그들의 믿음을 비웃다


1.[보통 pl.] 비웃음, 조롱 ((at))

2.[sing., 보통 the ~] 웃음거리

the scoff of the world

세상의 웃음거리


When Maille comes into the city, for instance, he uses a renovated train line equipped with elevators, making it accessible, but he points out not accessible without help.

And while there are elevators, they're sometimes hard to find or not functioning, as a disabled British visitor found out.


예를 들어, 마이예가 도시에 들어올 때, 그는 엘리베이터를 갖춘 개조된 기차 노선을 사용하여 접근이 가능하지만, 그는 도움 없이 접근이 불가능하다고 지적합니다.

또한, 엘리베이터가 있긴 하지만 장애인인 영국 방문객이 알아낸 대로 때로는 찾기 어렵거나 작동하지 않을 수도 있습니다.

그리고 엘리베이터는 있지만 장애인 영국인 방문객이 발견한 것처럼 때때로 엘리베이터를 찾기가 어렵거나 작동하지 않습니다.


point out 가리키다, 지적하다


phrasal verb of point

direct someone's gaze or attention towards, especially by extending one's finger.

"I pointed out a conical heap of stones"



All of the lists were broken every single one.


신원 미상의 여성:

목록에 있는 모든 시설이 전부 고장났습니다.



And if the most modern subway line has problems, the 13 other older lines of the famous Paris Metro are simply impossible for disabled users.



그리고 만약 가장 최신식인 지하철 노선에 문제가 있다면, 유명한 파리 지하철의 13개의 다른 오래된 노선들은 장애인 이용자들에게는 도저히 이용이 불가능합니다.


(On camera):

While the Metro system is, no doubt, the most efficient way to get around Paris, it was built more than a hundred years ago, and most of the stations are like this one, not accessible to anyone who can't go up and down stairs.


(화면에 등장):

메트로 시스템이 파리를 돌아다니기에 가장 효율적인 방법임에는 의심할 여지가 없지만, 그것은 백 년 이상 전에 지어졌고, 대부분의 역들은 이 역과 마찬가지로 계단을 오르내릴 수 없는 사람들이 접근할 수 없습니다.


The Metro system is gradually making improvements.

Officials don't believe that more than 14% of it will be wheelchair accessible by 2024 in the Olympic games.

Just by comparison, Tokyo system was 90% accessible for the last Olympic games.

Even the mayor of Paris admits there are problems.


메트로 시스템은 점차 개선되고 있습니다.

관계자들은 2024년 올림픽 대회에서는 휠체어 이용 가능한 시설이 14% 이상은 아닐 것으로 예상합니다.

그에 비해 도쿄 시스템은 지난 올림픽 경기에서 90% 접근이 가능했습니다.

파리 시장조차도 문제가 있다고 인정하고 있습니다.


Gradually 점차





in a gradual way; slowly; by degrees.

"the situation gradually improved"


Comparison 비교, 대조


Comparison /kəmˈparɪs(ə)n/ noun


a consideration or estimate of the similarities or dissimilarities between two things or people.

"they drew a comparison between Gandhi's teaching and that of other teachers"



the formation of the comparative and superlative forms of adjectives and adverbs.


Admits 인정하다



(3rd person singular present : admits)

Transitive verb

1.<사람·사물이 사람·사물을> 들이다, 넣다(let in); 입장[입학, 입회]을 허락하다 (=receive)

The window was opened, admit ting fresh air.

신선한 공기가 들어오도록 창문은 열려 있었다.

2.<장소가 사람을> 수용할 수 있다(have room for)

This hall admit s 50 persons.

이 홀은 50명을 수용할 수 있다.

Intransitive verb

1.[사물을 주어로, 보통은 부정문으로] <사실 등이 …의> 여지가 있다, <…을> 허용하다 ((of))

admit of discussion

논의의 여지가 있다

2.…에 들어갈 수단이 되다, …에 이르다[통하다] ((to))

This ticket admit s to the hall.

이 표로 홀에 들어갈 수 있다.


ANNE HIDALGO, MAYOR OF PARIS (through translator):

The Metro, which is very ancient, cannot be made totally accessible.


안 히다르고, 파리 시장 (통역사를 통해):

아주 오래된 지하철은 완전히 이용이 가능하게 만들 수 없습니다.


Ancient 오래된

belonging to the very distant past and no longer in existence.

"the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean"




1.고대의, 먼 옛날의, 태곳적의(opp. modern)

ancient civilization

고대 문명

2.고래(古來)의, 오래된

an ancient custom

고래의 관습



2.고대 문명인 ((고대 그리스·로마 인))



But the mayor quickly pivots to the brand-new tramways built at ground level, which shouldn't be a problem for those in wheelchairs.

And she points out the buses, which are being renovated and equipped with ramps, but the disabled who actually use the buses say, it's not that simple.



하지만 시장은 지면에 건설된 새로운 트램웨이로 방향을 빠르게 전환합니다. 이는 휠체어 이용자들에게는 문제가 되지 않을 것입니다.

그리고 그녀는 경사로가 설치되고 개조되고 있는 버스를 언급했지만 실제로 버스를 이용하는 장애인들은 상황이 그렇게 간단하지 않다고 말합니다.


Pivot to (방식을 ~으로) 전환하다

(especially in a business context) completely change the way in which one does something.

"the teams performed exceptionally by quickly pivoting to meet the increased demand from our customers"



(3rd person singular present : pivots)


1.[기계] 추축(樞軸), 피벗; 선회축(旋回軸); (맷돌 등의) 중쇠

2.중심(점), 요점, (부채 등의) 사북

Transitive verb

1.추축 위에 놓다; …에 추축을 붙이다; 회전하다 ((on, upon))

Intransitive verb

1.(…을 축으로 하여) 선회하다 ((on, upon))

2.(…으로) 결정되다 ((on, upon))


Tramway 전차로





a set of rails which forms the route for a tram.



another term for tram road.



Because for example, sometimes the extendable ramp doesn't work or the drivers don't know how to use them.


프랑크 마이예, APF France handicap:

예를 들어, 연장 가능한 경사로가 작동하지 않거나 운전자가 사용 방법을 모르는 경우가 있기 때문입니다.


Apf France Handicap


APF France handicap is the largest French organization, recognized for public utility, defense and representation of people with disabilities and their relatives.


Extendable 연장가능한


Extendable / adjective / able to be made longer or larger.

"the rolling bag comes with an extendable handle"



While the mobility issue remains a priority, there are others, housing for instance, the tens of thousands of hotel rooms and short-term apartment rentals in the city's historic buildings, only a tiny fraction are fully usable by people in wheelchairs.

And there is the further question of access to the bar of the bathrooms in small businesses.

They are part of the Paris scene.

Despite the challenges, Maille is still a big supporter of next year's games.



이동성 문제는 여전히 우선 순위입니다. 그러나 주택과 같은 다른 문제도 있습니다. 도시의 역사적인 건물에는 수만 개의 호텔 객실과 단기 임대 아파트가 있지만, 그 중 휠체어 이용자에게 완전히 이용 가능한 것은 매우 일부분에 불과합니다.

또한 소규모 사업장의 화장실 바에 대한 접근성 문제도 추가로 고려되어야 합니다.

그것들은 파리 장면의 일부입니다.

이러한 어려움들에도 불구하고, 마이예는 내년의 게임을 여전히 크게 지원하고 있습니다.


Mobility 유동성, 이동성





the ability to move or be moved freely and easily.

"this exercise helps retain mobility in the damaged joints"


the ability to move between different levels in society or employment.

"industrialization would open up increasing chances of social mobility"


Fraction 소량, 작은 부분




1.파편, 단편, 소부분

2.소량, 조금, 미소; 우수리

in a fraction of a second

1초의 몇 분의 1 동안에, 순식간에

Transitive verb, Intransitive verb




What I say to people is come, come to see Paris.

That's clear, you know, but don't be surprised that Paris is not more accessible.

That it's not the best of the best because there's still so much work to be done.



내가 사람들에게 하는 말은 파리로 보러 오라는 것입니다.

그건 분명해요, 아시다시피 파리가 접근성이 더 좋지 않다는 것에 놀라지 마세요.

아직 해야 할 일이 너무 많기 때문에 최상의 조건은 아니라는 것을 알아두세요.



Maille and other disability rights activists were hoping the games could transform, not just infrastructure, but also attitudes toward the disabled.

Yet with less than a year ago before the games they say that looks increasingly doubtful.

Jim Bittermann, CNN, Paris.



마이예와 다른 장애인 권리 운동가들은 이번 경기가 사회 기반 시설뿐만 아니라 장애인들에 대한 태도도 변화시킬 수 있기를 바라고 있습니다.

하지만 경기가 열리기 1년도 채 되지 않은 시점에서 그들은 그것이 점점 더 의심스러워 보인다고 말합니다.

CNN 파리에서 짐 비터만이었습니다.


Activist 운동가


a person who campaigns to bring about political or social change.

"activists have been calling for change"




(끝 비디오테이프)



Look out, a record-breaking moment in sports, the biggest crowd ever at a women's sporting event in the entire world.



주목하세요, 스포츠 역사에 기록을 세우는 순간입니다. 전 세계에서 가장 많은 관중이 참석한 여성 스포츠 행사입니다.


On Wednesday, women's volleyball in Lincoln, Nebraska are whopping 92,003 fans filled Memorial Stadium at the University of Nebraska's campus, fans filing in to watch the five-time NCAA champs as they took on and beat Omaha 3-0.

And when the attendance record was announced over the loudspeakers crowd went wild.

The previous world record for most fans at a women's sporting event was set April of 2022 when 91 some thousand soccer fans in Barcelona, Spain for the Barcelona versus Wolfsburg match.

Congrats to all the fans and to Nebraska women's volleyball, go Cornhuskers.


수요일 네브래스카주 링컨에서 열린 여자 배구 경기에는 무려 92,003명의 팬들이 네브래스카 대학 캠퍼스의 메모리얼 스타디움을 가득 메워 NCAA 5회 우승자들이 오마하를 3-0으로 이기고 우승하는 모습을 보기 위해 줄을 섰습니다.

그리고 관중 기록이 스피커를 통해 발표되자 관중은 열광했습니다.


그리고 확성기를 통해 참석 기록이 발표되자 군중들은 열광했습니다.

종전 여자 스포츠 경기 최다 팬 기록은 2022년 4월 스페인 바르셀로나에서 열린 바르셀로나 대 볼프스부르크의 경기에서 91만여 명의 축구팬이 기록한 것입니다.

모든 팬들과 네브래스카 여자 배구팀, 콘허스커즈에 축하드립니다.


NCAA The National Collegiate Athletic Association 전미 대학 체육 협회


The National Collegiate Athletic Association 전미 대학 체육 협회

The National Collegiate Athletic Association is a member-led organization dedicated to the well-being and lifelong success of college athletes.


Loudspeaker 확성기, 스피커





plural noun: loudspeakers

an apparatus that converts electrical impulses into sound, typically as part of a public address system.

"a muffled announcement is made over the loudspeaker"


Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is Dino-Mite T-Rexcellent, a Jurassic classic.

Every year Emerald Downs Race track in Auburn, Washington has a 14 and under T-Rex race where the winners wear T-Rex costumes.

But the standout this year was not the winner.

It was the four-year-old best friends who came in last.

Our Jeanne Moos has more.


오늘 10점 만점에 10점을 받은 이야기는 굉장히 훌륭합니다. 명작입니다.

매년 워싱턴주 오버른에 위치한 에머랄드 다운 경마장에서 14세 이하의 T-Rex 경주가 열리는데, 우승자는 T-Rex 의상을 입습니다.

하지만 올해 가장 눈에 띈 것은 우승자가 아니라 마지막에 도착한 네 살짜리 절친 친구들입니다.

지니 무스 기자가 더 자세한 내용을 보도합니다.


Dino-Mite T-Rexcellent dynamite excellent 굉장히 훌륭한

Dino(=Dinosaur) T-Rex(=Tyrannosaurus rex)


Jurassic classic ("Jurassic Park" 시리즈처럼) 오랜 시간 동안 사랑받고 기억에 남는 작품


"Jurassic classic"는 영화 "Jurassic Park" 시리즈를 가리키는 표현입니다.

"Jurassic Park"은 1993년에 개봉한 스필버그 감독의 영화로, 공룡을 주제로 한 모험과 공포를 다루고 있습니다. 이 영화 시리즈는 전 세계적으로 인기를 얻어 "Jurassic classic"라는 표현이 생겨났습니다. "Jurassic"은 공룡 시대를 가리키는 지질학적 시대 이름이며, "classic"은 오랜 시간 동안 사랑받고 기억에 남는 작품을 의미합니다. 따라서 "Jurassic classic"은 "Jurassic Park" 시리즈처럼 오랜 시간 동안 사랑받고 기억에 남는 작품을 의미하는 표현입니다.




(비디오테이프 시작)



Move over, thoroughbred race horses.


지니 무스, CNN 내셔널 뉴스 특파원:

비켜라, 순종 경주마들아.


Thoroughbred 순혈종, 순종 (동물, 말)




1.<동물, 특히 말이> 순혈종(純血種)의(purebred)

2.[보통 T~] 서러브레드 종의 <말>


1.순혈종의 말[개] b[T~] 서러브레드 ((말))

2.지체 높은 사람, 교양이 있는 사람, 출신이 좋은 사람



And they're off in the kids T-Rex race.


신원 미상의 남성:

어린이 티라노 경주가 시작됩니다.



Here at Emerald Downs in Washington State, the first to go down was the blue dinosaur and the leader lost his shoe.

A croc, no lace, but that didn't stop the one shoe teenage T-Rex from winning.

Competitors had to be 14 and under long passed when the rest of the contestants had crossed the finish line, the fight for next to last place featured these two stragglers.



워싱턴주의 에머랄드 다운스에서 가장 먼저 넘어진 것은 파란 공룡이었고, 선두는 신발을 잃어버렸습니다.

끈이 없는 크록스입니다. 하지만 그것은 신발 한짝을 잃어버린 십대 티라노가 승리하는 데에 방해되지 않았습니다.

경쟁자들은 14세 이하여야 했는데요, 나머지 참가자들이 결승선을 통과한 후에도, 뒤에서 두 번째 자리를 두고 싸우는 것은 이 두 명의 뒤처진 선수들이었습니다.


Straggler 낙오자, 패잔병



1.낙오자, (일행에서) 떨어진 사람; 패잔병; 귀함(歸艦) 지각자; 부랑인2.멋대로 뻗는 가지3.미조(迷鳥) ((폭풍 등 때문에 잘못 닿은 철새))





plural noun: stragglers

a person in a group who becomes separated from the others, typically because of moving more slowly.

"a few stragglers lingered, talking as they slipped on their coats"

something that grows or spreads irregularly or apart from others of its kind.

"these small trees are the remnant stragglers of their species"



Was it hard to run in the suit?


웨스 페트리, 경기 주최자:

공룡 수트를 입고 뛰는 것이 어려웠니?


Suit 슈트, 한벌옷



a set of outer clothes made of the same fabric and designed to be worn together, typically consisting of a jacket and trousers or a jacket and skirt.

"a pinstriped suit"



Yeah, it's hard.


시드니 페트리, 웨스 페트리의 딸:

응, 어려웠어.



How hard?


웨스 페트리:

얼마나 어려웠어?



I'm like, super hard.


시드니 페트리:

그러니까, 엄청 어려웠어.



Super hard?


웨스 페트리:

엄청 어려워?





시드니 페트리:




I had fun.


알렉스 스쿨리, 레이서:

나는 재미있었어.



Alex Schooley and Sydney Petree are best friends.

Sydney is the daughter of the race track's marketing director.

The two, four-year-olds rock they're warm up and then held hands as the race got underway.



알렉스 스쿨리와 시드니 페트리는 절친한 친구입니다.

시드니는 경주장의 마케팅 담당자의 딸입니다.

이 두 사람, 네 살짜리 아이들은 몸을 풀고 나서 손을 잡고서 경주를 시작했습니다.



To watch those two little T-Rexes start to waddle, um, they were trying to run, but it was more of a waddle.


네이선 스쿨리, 레이서의 아버지:

두 마리 작은 티라노사우르스가 뒤뚱뒤뚱 걷기 시작하는 모습을 보는 것은, 음, 아이들은 달리려고 노력했지만 더 뒤뚱거리기만 했어요.


Waddle 뒤뚱거리다


walk with short steps and a clumsy swaying motion.

"three geese waddled across the road"



(3rd person singular present : waddles)

Intransitive verb

1.<오리나 다리가 짧은 뚱보 등이> 뒤뚱[어기적]거리며 걷다

2.<배·차 등이> 흔들흔들거리며 가다(wobble)


1.뒤뚱거리는 걸음걸이

walk with a waddle

뒤뚱거리며 걷다



Sydney kept chewing on a toy T-Rex.



시드니는 장난감 공룡을 계속해서 씹었습니다.



We got to do the interview first.

We got to do the interview.


웨스 페트리:

우리 인터뷰 먼저 해야 해.

우리 인터뷰 해야 해.



Their 100-yard dash was immortalized.



그들의 100야드 달리기는 불멸의 기록으로 남았습니다.


Immortalize 불멸하게 하다, 영원성을 부여하다



(3rd person singular present : immortalizes)

Transitive verb

1.불멸[불후]하게 하다, <…에게> 영원성을 부여하다

2.<…에게> 불후의 명성을 주다



We're about to frame it.

Careful, Alex.


네이선 스쿨리:

우리는 이 사진을 액자에 담을 예정입니다.

조심해, 알렉스.



The two stragglers finally crossed the finish line.

Alex, just a few feet ahead of Sydney.



두 명의 뒤처진 선수들이 결승선에 마침내 도착했습니다.

알렉스는 시드니보다 몇 피트 정도 약간 앞서서 도착했습니다.



Definitely an amazing best friend moment.


W. 페트리:

정말 놀라운 절친한 친구의 순간이었습니다.



And don't you dare bring up losing, that word is extinct in Sydney the T-Rex's lexicon.



절대로 “진다”라는 것에 대해 언급하지 마세요. 그 단어는 티라노 시드니의 어휘에서 사라진 단어입니다.


Extinct 사라진, 멸종된






(of a species, family, or other group of animals or plants) having no living members; no longer in existence.

"trilobites and dinosaurs are extinct"

2. (of a volcano) not having erupted in recorded history.

"the islands are the remains of extinct volcanoes"



First thing she said to me, when she crossed the finish line, was “Dad. We won. We won.”


웨스 페트리:

결승선을 통과했을 때 시드니가 제게 제일 먼저 한 말은 "아빠. 우리가 이겼어. 우리가 이겼어."였습니다.



Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.



지니 무스, CNN, 뉴욕.




(끝 비디오테이프)



Tiny arms, big dreams, and an awesome attitude.



작은 팔에 큰 꿈, 멋진 태도를 가졌군요.


Our special shout out today is going to Western Hills University High School in Cincinnati, Ohio, rise up.

Let's take great energy, good vibes, and lots of love into this weekend.


오늘 저희의 특별한 함성은 오하이오 주 신시내티에 있는 웨스턴 힐스 대학 고등학교로 올라가겠습니다.

이번 주말에 멋진 에너지, 좋은 분위기, 그리고 많은 사랑을 받으세요.


No episode Monday because of the Labor Day Holiday.

So I'll see you on Tuesday.

Remember you are more powerful than you know.

I'm Coy Wire.

It's been a blessing to spend this week with you.


월요일은 노동절 휴일로 인해 에피소드가 없습니다.

그래서 화요일에 뵙겠습니다.

기억하세요, 당신은 아는 것보다 더 강력합니다.

저는 코이 와이어입니다.

이번 주를 여러분과 함께할 수 있어서 축복 받았습니다.






** 어휘, 문장 정리


Packed 꽉 찬


We have a packed show today, the best 10 minutes in news, let's get to it.


Switch 바꾸다, 전환하다

Pop quiz, hotshot. 깜짝 퀴즈를 풀어라, 뛰어난 실력자.


We're going to switch things up today a bit though.

Pop quiz, hotshot.


Ramp up 강화하다, 끌어올리다


They are less than a year away, the Summer Olympic and Paralympic games and just as the world's best athletes are ramping up their training, Parisians are having to ramp up their preparations to welcome millions of people from all over the world.


old bones 오래된 것


So that city has some really old bones.


Scoffed 비웃다


But accessible is a word scoffed at by some disabled like Franck Maille.


point out 가리키다, 지적하다


When Maille comes into the city, for instance, he uses a renovated train line equipped with elevators, making it accessible, but he points out not accessible without help.


Gradually 점차

Comparison 비교, 대조

Admits 인정하다


The Metro system is gradually making improvements.

Officials don't believe that more than 14% of it will be wheelchair accessible by 2024 in the Olympic games.

Just by comparison, Tokyo system was 90% accessible for the last Olympic games.

Even the mayor of Paris admits there are problems.


Ancient 오래된


The Metro, which is very ancient, cannot be made totally accessible.


Pivot to (방식을 ~으로) 전환하다

Tramway 전차로


But the mayor quickly pivots to the brand-new tramways built at ground level, which shouldn't be a problem for those in wheelchairs.


Extendable 연장가능한


Because for example, sometimes the extendable ramp doesn't work or the drivers don't know how to use them.


Mobility 유동성, 이동성

Fraction 소량, 작은 부분


While the mobility issue remains a priority, there are others, housing for instance, the tens of thousands of hotel rooms and short-term apartment rentals in the city's historic buildings, only a tiny fraction are fully usable by people in wheelchairs.


Activist 운동가


Maille and other disability rights activists were hoping the games could transform, not just infrastructure, but also attitudes toward the disabled.


NCAA The National Collegiate Athletic Association 전미 대학 체육 협회

Loudspeaker 확성기, 스피커


On Wednesday, women's volleyball in Lincoln, Nebraska are whopping 92,003 fans filled Memorial Stadium at the University of Nebraska's campus, fans filing in to watch the five-time NCAA champs as they took on and beat Omaha 3-0.

And when the attendance record was announced over the loudspeakers crowd went wild.


Jurassic classic ("Jurassic Park" 시리즈처럼) 오랜 시간 동안 사랑받고 기억에 남는 작품


Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is Dino-Mite T-Rexcellent, a Jurassic classic.


Thoroughbred 순혈종, 순종 (동물, 말)


Move over, thoroughbred race horses.


Straggler 낙오자, 패잔병


Competitors had to be 14 and under long passed when the rest of the contestants had crossed the finish line, the fight for next to last place featured these two stragglers.


Suit 슈트, 한벌옷


Was it hard to run in the suit?


Waddle 뒤뚱거리다


To watch those two little T-Rexes start to waddle, um, they were trying to run, but it was more of a waddle.


Immortalize 불멸하게 하다, 영원성을 부여하다


Their 100-yard dash was immortalized.


Extinct 사라진, 멸종된


And don't you dare bring up losing, that word is extinct in Sydney the T-Rex's lexicon.


** 복습용 문장


We have a packed show today, the best 10 minutes in news, let's get to it.


We're going to switch things up today a bit though.

Pop quiz, hotshot.


They are less than a year away, the Summer Olympic and Paralympic games and just as the world's best athletes are ramping up their training, Parisians are having to ramp up their preparations to welcome millions of people from all over the world.


So that city has some really old bones.


But accessible is a word scoffed at by some disabled like Franck Maille.


When Maille comes into the city, for instance, he uses a renovated train line equipped with elevators, making it accessible, but he points out not accessible without help.


The Metro system is gradually making improvements.

Officials don't believe that more than 14% of it will be wheelchair accessible by 2024 in the Olympic games.

Just by comparison, Tokyo system was 90% accessible for the last Olympic games.

Even the mayor of Paris admits there are problems.


The Metro, which is very ancient, cannot be made totally accessible.


But the mayor quickly pivots to the brand-new tramways built at ground level, which shouldn't be a problem for those in wheelchairs.


Because for example, sometimes the extendable ramp doesn't work or the drivers don't know how to use them.


While the mobility issue remains a priority, there are others, housing for instance, the tens of thousands of hotel rooms and short-term apartment rentals in the city's historic buildings, only a tiny fraction are fully usable by people in wheelchairs.


Maille and other disability rights activists were hoping the games could transform, not just infrastructure, but also attitudes toward the disabled.


On Wednesday, women's volleyball in Lincoln, Nebraska are whopping 92,003 fans filled Memorial Stadium at the University of Nebraska's campus, fans filing in to watch the five-time NCAA champs as they took on and beat Omaha 3-0.

And when the attendance record was announced over the loudspeakers crowd went wild.


Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is Dino-Mite T-Rexcellent, a Jurassic classic.


Move over, thoroughbred race horses.


Competitors had to be 14 and under long passed when the rest of the contestants had crossed the finish line, the fight for next to last place featured these two stragglers.


Was it hard to run in the suit?


To watch those two little T-Rexes start to waddle, um, they were trying to run, but it was more of a waddle.


Their 100-yard dash was immortalized.


And don't you dare bring up losing, that word is extinct in Sydney the T-Rex's lexicon.


** END


[CNN10 대본 정리] 202309 전체 지문

(업데이트 예정)



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