[CSP 대본 095] Spain’s Historic Drought | May 3, 2023
095_230731_230503_Spain’s Historic Drought
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Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Spain`s Historic Drought; Large Amount Of Smelly Seaweed; Efforts To Save Kiwis. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired May 03, 2023 - 04:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED.
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CNN 10
Spain's Historic Drought; Large Amount Of Smelly Seaweed; Efforts To Save Kiwis. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 03, 2023 - 04:00 ET
Hello lovely people, good day and good vibes to you from magnificent Miami.
We're here ahead of the huge Formula One race this weekend.
And that guy right there, well, that's the legend seven-time world champ Lewis Hamilton.
He'll be one of the fastest drivers on the planet.
Zoom in at top speeds of about 200 miles per hour.
We hope you're often zooming today as well.
It's Wednesday, May 3, also #yourwordwednesday.
Follow me @coywire on Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok and put your unique vocabulary word in the comment section of my most recent posts.
And we're going to choose one, good one to work in tomorrow's show.
Let's go.
I'm Coy Wire.
This is CNN 10.
And we start in Spain today where they are seeing a major drought.
The Spanish National Weather Service says the country has been in a long-term drought since the end of last year.
In March, the country only received 36% of its average monthly rainfall, which made it the second driest March this century.
But it didn't stop there, that trend continued into last month and we may see it now end up being the driest on record.
These conditions have been caused by soaring temperatures that make it feel like it's mid-summer instead of springtime.
The lack of water, well, it's having a catastrophic impact on farms across the region.
According to the coordinator of farmers and ranchers organizations, the drought has affected about 60% of Spain's countryside, and it's destroyed crops across more than 8 million acres.
That's an area bigger than the entire State of Maryland.
Also, Spaniards have been asked to conserve water by taking quick showers, being mindful when washing dishes and not filling their swimming pools.
Our Senior International Correspondent Fred Pleitgen has more on the very dry conditions in Spain.
From afar, even a natural disaster can look majestic.
But up close, the full impact of the global climate emergency is clear to see.
This is the Sau Reservoir near Barcelona, normally one of the largest bodies of freshwater in this part of Spain, but months of drought and the water levels are so low and the entire medieval village usually underwater has come to light.
(On camera):
The folks here say normally you'd barely be able to see even the tip of the medieval church because it would be almost fully submerged.
But now as you can see the church is very much on land and the authorities here fear things will get much worse once the summer's heat really sets in.
The Sau Reservoir is already at less than 10% capacity.
And that's causing hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland to dry up.
All of this wheat is probably lost.
Farmer Santi Caudevilla shows me why.
The grain should be milky, he said.
We're in a critical moment.
If it doesn't rain, this will end up empty.
We should be seeing the grain come up to here but it's only like this.
If it doesn't rain in the coming week the crop will be zero.
But there is no rain in sight and temperatures in Spain have skyrocketed.
Scientists at the Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology are trying to find ways to make very little water go a longer way.
Chief scientist Joan Girona says efficiency needs to be maximized.
It's our goal, taking the most of our drop of water.
PLEITGEN (voice-over):
Just like the crops, the people in this area are also in survival mode.
Dozens of towns are without water and need to get it trucked in.
The village Castellcir hasn't had any for about a year and residents say they can't even remember the last time it rained.
I don't recall, Juan tells me.
It's been a long time, a year or more without proper rain, nothing.
Back at the Sau Reservoir, authorities are actually draining most of the remaining water to prevent this precious and ever scarcer resource from getting contaminated by the sludge at the bottom of this once mighty lake.
All right, summer is just around the corner.
And if you and your family are thinking about heading to any of the South Florida or Caribbean beaches, you might need to know that you could encounter some seaweed, and by some I mean a whole lot of it.
That's because a record-breaking amount of seaweed known as Sargassum, which can smell like rotten eggs or sulfur when it washes up on shore, is starting to pile up on popular beaches threatening tourism in certain areas.
Check out this NASA image which shows just how enormous this massive blob of floating seaweed is, 13 million tons of it just drifting ominously throughout the Caribbean, stretching all the way to the West Coast of Africa.
CNN's Leyla Santiago reports from a beach in Key West, Florida and tells us how this seaweed phenomenon is just the tip of the iceberg with the peak expected to come later this summer.
This is Sargassum mixed in with a few other things and this is what is inundating Florida's Coast specifically they're expecting the East Coast.
And remember last month we talked about this but now we're actually starting to see it come in and those record numbers that scientists predicted.
So much so that take a look over here, the beach rakers here on this beach and Key West have already a wide and have already done one run through on what's hitting the Florida coast right now.
Let's go for a walk so I can kind of show you how all of this stuff just piles up and again gets pretty smelly, because it decays out here.
And as we mentioned, this is what one scientist told me it's just the tip of the iceberg, more expected.
Because when this is out there, it is not only right now a 5000-mile-long body of seaweed, it is still growing while it's out there, so it is increasing in the amount that will be headed this way.
Ten second trivia.
What country has the southernmost capital in the world?
Argentina, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa?
When it comes to capital cities, Wellington, New Zealand is as low as you can go sitting at 41 degrees south.
Now when you think of New Zealand, you might think of Kiwis which is the country's iconic national bird but the population of these flightless birds has plummeted.
Conservationists say that most people have never seen a kiwi in the wild and estimate that there are only about 70,000 of them left in the country.
But as our Michael Holmes tells us there are now efforts to keep this species alive and thriving in New Zealand.
The fight to save the Kiwi, the iconic flightless bird is taking off in New Zealand.
Ever since people came here we've had a special connection with the animal known as the kiwi, Central Tamari Mirth (ph) sports teams, our rugby league team, our defense force, you know, even when we go overseas, we're known as kiwis.
So it's our duty really to look after the animal that's gifted us its name.
There are about 90 initiatives to save the Kiwis in New Zealand, many of them focusing on removing threats, which have reduced the population by educating dog owners and killing predator species like stoats.
Kiwi is surprisingly tough and resilient.
They got these big fighting claws so now Kiwi can fight off a whole heap of pests from possums and stoats that really the only issue for adult kiwi is roaming dogs.
Where they get hammered as stoats eating the chicks before they get up to that fighting weight.
A group of Kiwis raised in a breeding program was released near Wellington last November.
Experts say that could be the first-time wild Kiwis lived in the area in about a century.
And so far, they seem to be thriving.
We did the first health check a couple of months later.
And we were expecting them to kind of, you know, hold weight or lose a bit of weight.
But the really pleasing result was that half of those birds had put on weight including one bird put on a whopping 400 grams.
So it's like this here, plenty of food on the ladder out on these hills.
That's hopefully room to grow for New Zealand's national treasure and the national effort to save it.
Michael Holmes, CNN.
All right, a final story takes us to America's Heartland where a fur baby is getting today's 10 out of 10 for winning this year's B.A.R.K. Ranger Superintendent of the Gateway Arch Park in St. Louis.
Meet the adorable Betty Faith, the 12-year-old Basset Hound taken the crown adopted back in 2020 after being rescued from a tough breeding and hoarding situation.
Betty has a new leash on life as the top dog at Gateway Arch Park.
B.A.R.K. Ranger is a program run by the National Park Service and B.A.R.K., stands for,
Bag your pet's waste,
Always leash your pet,
Respect wildlife,
and Know where you can go.
That's pretty doggone sweet.
Congrats Betty Faith.
We're giving a special shout out to Delaware Valley High School in Milford, Pennsylvania today.
We see you warriors.
And one other special shout out to Alex at Renfroe and Harper at Talley who watched CNN 10 every day from Decatur, Georgia.
Well, their dad Glenn Levy is our guest producer today.
Rise up.
See you tomorrow everyone.
You are more powerful than you know.
I'm Coy Wire, and we are CNN 10.
** 독해 및 어휘 정리
*** 오역, 오타 등 수정이 필요한 부분을 발견하시면 방에 공유 부탁드립니다.
CNN 10
Spain's Historic Drought; Large Amount Of Smelly Seaweed; Efforts To Save Kiwis. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 03, 2023 - 04:00 ET
Hello lovely people, good day and good vibes to you from magnificent Miami.
We're here ahead of the huge Formula One race this weekend.
And that guy right there, well, that's the legend seven-time world champ Lewis Hamilton.
He'll be one of the fastest drivers on the planet.
Zoom in at top speeds of about 200 miles per hour.
We hope you're often zooming today as well.
코이 와이어, CNN 10 앵커:
안녕하세요, 사랑스러운 여러분, 좋은 하루와 좋은 분위기를 보내시길 바라면서 멋진 마이애미에서 인사드립니다.
우리는 이번 주말에 열리는 아주 큰 포뮬러 원 경주를 앞두고 있습니다.
바로 저기 있는 사람이 전설적인 세계 챔피언 루이스 해밀턴입니다.
그는 지구상에서 가장 빠른 운전자 중 한 명일 것입니다.
시속 약 200마일의 최고 속도로 질주할 수 있으니까요.
오늘 여러분 또한 하고자 하는 일들을 빠르게 잘 진행할 수 있기를 바랍니다.
Magnificent 굉장히 좋은, 멋진
1.장려한, 웅장한, 장엄한, 장대한 (=grand)
a magnificent sight
2.훌륭한, 굉장히 좋은, 멋진, 비할 데 없는(superb)
a magnificent opportunity
절호의 기회
3.격조 높은, 숭고한
a magnificent art
격조 높은 예술
Zoom 질주하다
1.[항공] 급상승, (물가의) 급등2.[영화·TV] 줌 ((영상의 급격한 확대[축소])), [사진] 줌 렌즈3.<비행기가> 급상승하다 ((up))4.붕 소리내다; <자동차·운전자 등이> 붕 소리내며 달리다, 질주하다5.<비행기를> 급상승시키다6.<영상을> 급격히 확대[축소]시키다
1. move or travel very quickly.
"he jumped into his car and zoomed off"
2. (of a camera or user) change smoothly from a long shot to a close-up or vice versa.
It's Wednesday, May 3, also #yourwordwednesday.
Follow me @coywire on Instagram, Snapchat and TikTok and put your unique vocabulary word in the comment section of my most recent posts.
And we're going to choose one, good one to work in tomorrow's show.
Let's go.
5월 3일 수요일, 여러분의 단어를 공유하는 수요일입니다.
인스타그램, 스냅챗, 틱톡에서 저의 계정 @coywire를 팔로우하시고 제 최근 게시물의 댓글란에 여러분만의 독특한 단어를 올려주세요.
그럼 저희가 내일 방송에 나올 좋은 단어를 선택할 거예요.
I'm Coy Wire.
This is CNN 10.
And we start in Spain today where they are seeing a major drought.
The Spanish National Weather Service says the country has been in a long-term drought since the end of last year.
저는 코이 와이어입니다.
여기는 CNN 10입니다.
우리는 오늘 스페인에서 시작합니다. 스페인 사람들은 심각한 가뭄을 겪고 있습니다.
스페인 국립 기상청은 스페인이 지난 해 말부터 장기간 가뭄에 시달리고 있다고 밝혔습니다.
In March, the country only received 36% of its average monthly rainfall, which made it the second driest March this century.
But it didn't stop there, that trend continued into last month and we may see it now end up being the driest on record.
These conditions have been caused by soaring temperatures that make it feel like it's mid-summer instead of springtime.
3월에, 스페인에는 월간 평균 강우량의 36%만의 비가 내렸고, 이 상황은 이번 세기 중 두 번째로 건조한 3월 날씨를 만들었습니다.
하지만 거기서 멈추지 않고, 그 추세는 지난 달까지 계속되었으며 우리는 기록상 가장 건조한 날씨로 끝나는 것을 보게 될지도 모릅니다.
이런 현상들은 치솟는 기온 때문인데 그 기온은 마치 봄이 아닌 한여름인 것처럼 느껴지는 정도입니다.
The lack of water, well, it's having a catastrophic impact on farms across the region.
According to the coordinator of farmers and ranchers organizations, the drought has affected about 60% of Spain's countryside, and it's destroyed crops across more than 8 million acres.
That's an area bigger than the entire State of Maryland.
물 부족은 지역 전체의 농장에 재앙적인 영향을 미치고 있습니다.
농부들과 목장주 단체의 조정자의 말에 따르면, 가뭄은 스페인 시골 지역의 약 60%에 영향을 미쳤고, 8백만 에이커 이상에 걸쳐 농작물을 파괴하고 있습니다.
그것은 메릴랜드 주 전체보다 넓은 면적입니다.
Catastrophic 큰 재앙의, 비극적인
1.대변동[큰 재앙]의; 파멸의, 비극적인; 대단원의
Coordinator 조정자, 의견 등을 종합하는 사람
1.동격으로 하는 것[사람]
2.조정자; (의견 등을) 종합하는 사람, 진행자, 코디네이터
3.등위 접속사
Rancher 농장주
1.농장주, 목장주
2.ranch에서 일하는 사람, 목동; 목장 감독
Also, Spaniards have been asked to conserve water by taking quick showers, being mindful when washing dishes and not filling their swimming pools.
Our Senior International Correspondent Fred Pleitgen has more on the very dry conditions in Spain.
또한, 스페인 사람들은 설거지를 할 때 주의를 기울이고 수영장에 물을 채우지 않음으로써 물을 절약하도록 요청 받았습니다.
우리의 수석 국제 특파원 프레드 플라잇겐은 스페인의 매우 메마른 환경에 대해 자세히 보도했습니다.
Conserve 절약하다
(3rd person singular present : conserves)
Transitive verb
1.보존하다, 유지하다, 보호하다; <자원·에너지 등을> 절약하다
2.설탕 절임으로 하다
1.[보통 pl.] 설탕 절임, 잼(jam), [의학] 당제(糖劑)
(비디오 테이프 시작)
From afar, even a natural disaster can look majestic.
But up close, the full impact of the global climate emergency is clear to see.
프레데릭 플라잇겐, CNN 수석 국제 특파원:
멀리서 보면 자연재해도 장엄하게 보일 수 있습니다.
하지만 가까이서 보면, 지구 기후 비상 사태의 전체적인 영향이 분명히 보입니다.
Majestic 장엄한, 웅장한
1.위엄 있는, 장엄[장중]한, 당당한, 웅장한 (=grand)
The Rocky Mountains in the western United States are majestic.
미국 서부의 로키 산맥은 장대하다.
This is the Sau Reservoir near Barcelona, normally one of the largest bodies of freshwater in this part of Spain, but months of drought and the water levels are so low and the entire medieval village usually underwater has come to light.
이것은 바르셀로나 근처에 있는 사우 저수지입니다. 보통 스페인의 이 지역에서 가장 큰 민물 중 하나입니다. 하지만 몇 달 동안의 가뭄과 저수지의 수위가 너무 낮아서 보통은 물 속에 있던 중세 마을 전체가 밖으로 드러났습니다.
Medieval 중세의
1.중세의, 중세풍의
medieval literature
중세 문학
2.고풍의, 구식의, 케케묵은(antiquated)
(On camera):
The folks here say normally you'd barely be able to see even the tip of the medieval church because it would be almost fully submerged.
But now as you can see the church is very much on land and the authorities here fear things will get much worse once the summer's heat really sets in.
(화면에 등장):
이곳 사람들은 중세 시대에 지어진 교회 건축물이 거의 완전히 물에 잠겨 있기 때문에 평소에는 거의 볼 수 없다고 말합니다.
하지만 지금 보시는 것처럼 교회는 육지에 많이 드러나 있고 이곳 스페인 당국은 여름 더위가 제대로 시작되면 상황이 훨씬 더 악화될 것을 두려워하고 있습니다.
Submerged 침수된, 물에 잠긴
1.수몰[침수]된, 수중(에서)의
3.침수생(沈水生)의, 물속에서 자라는[사는]
(3rd person singular present : submerges)
Transitive verb
1.물에 잠그다, 물속에 넣다[가라앉히다]
2.(…으로) 덮어[싸서] 가리다
Intransitive verb
1.물속에 잠기다, 침몰하다
2.<잠수함 등이> 잠수[잠항]하다
The Sau Reservoir is already at less than 10% capacity.
And that's causing hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland to dry up.
All of this wheat is probably lost.
Farmer Santi Caudevilla shows me why.
사우 저수지의 수위는 이미 10% 미만입니다.
그리고 그 상황은 수십만 에이커의 농지를 완전히 말라버리게 만듭니다.
이 모든 밀은 아마 손실되었을 것입니다.
농부 산티 카우데빌라가 그 이유를 보여줍니다.
Farmland 농지, 농토
1.농지, 농토, 경지
The grain should be milky, he said.
We're in a critical moment.
If it doesn't rain, this will end up empty.
We should be seeing the grain come up to here but it's only like this.
If it doesn't rain in the coming week the crop will be zero.
곡물의 색이 우유빛이어야 한다고 그는 말했습니다.
우리는 지금 위기의 순간에 있습니다.
만약 비가 오지 않는다면, 이 밭은 텅 비게 될 것입니다.
곡식이 여기 무릎까지는 올라와야 하는데 높이가 겨우 이 정도입니다.
다음 주에 비가 오지 않으면 수확량은 아예 없을 것입니다.
But there is no rain in sight and temperatures in Spain have skyrocketed.
Scientists at the Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology are trying to find ways to make very little water go a longer way.
하지만 비가 올 기미는 보이지 않고 스페인의 기온은 치솟았습니다.
농식품 연구소의 과학자들은 아주 적은 양의 물을 더 멀리 보내는 방법을 찾으려고 노력하고 있습니다.
Institute 연구소, 협회
(3rd person singular present : institutes)
Transitive verb
1.세우다, 설립하다(establish), 제정하다
institute a government
정부를 조직하다
2.[문어] <조사를> 시작하다; <소송을> 제기하다; 실행에 옮기다, 시행[실시]하다
institute a new course
새로운 강좌를 개설하다
1.(학술·미술 등의) 회(會), 협회, 연구소
2.(학회 등의) 회관
Chief scientist Joan Girona says efficiency needs to be maximized.
수석 과학자인 조안 지로나는 효율성을 극대화해야 한다고 말합니다.
It's our goal, taking the most of our drop of water.
조안 지로나 고미스, 연구원, IRTA:
우리의 목표는 물 한방울까지도 최대한 활용하는 것입니다.
PLEITGEN (voice-over):
Just like the crops, the people in this area are also in survival mode.
Dozens of towns are without water and need to get it trucked in.
The village Castellcir hasn't had any for about a year and residents say they can't even remember the last time it rained.
플라잇겐 (나레이션):
농작물과 마찬가지로 이 지역 사람들도 생존 모드에 있습니다.
수십 개의 마을에 물이 없어 트럭으로 운반해야 합니다.
카스텔시르 마을에는 약 1년 동안 비가 내리지 않았고 주민들은 마지막으로 언제 비가 내렸는지조차 기억할 수 없다고 말합니다.
I don't recall, Juan tells me.
It's been a long time, a year or more without proper rain, nothing.
기억도 안납니다. 마을의 주민 후안이 제게 말합니다.
꽤 오래 되었어요, 비가 제대로 내리지 않은지 1년이 더 되었는데, 그간 아무 일도 없었습니다.
Back at the Sau Reservoir, authorities are actually draining most of the remaining water to prevent this precious and ever scarcer resource from getting contaminated by the sludge at the bottom of this once mighty lake.
다시 사우 저수지로 돌아가서, 스페인 당국은 이 귀중하고 더 희귀한 자원이 한때 거대했던 호수 바닥의 진흙으로 오염되는 것을 막기 위해 실제로 남아 있는 대부분의 물을 배수하고 있습니다.
Sludge 진흙
1.진흙, 진창
2.반쯤 녹은 눈, [항해] 물에 뜬 작은 얼음덩이
3.(하수 등의) 진창같이 된 찌끼
(비디오 테이프 끝)
All right, summer is just around the corner.
And if you and your family are thinking about heading to any of the South Florida or Caribbean beaches, you might need to know that you could encounter some seaweed, and by some I mean a whole lot of it.
That's because a record-breaking amount of seaweed known as Sargassum, which can smell like rotten eggs or sulfur when it washes up on shore, is starting to pile up on popular beaches threatening tourism in certain areas.
여름이 곧 다가옵니다.
만약 여러분과 여러분의 가족이 남부 플로리다나 카리브해 해변으로 갈 생각을 하고 있다면, 여러분은 해초를 볼 수도 있다는 것을 알아야 할 것입니다. 상당한 양의 해초를 아주 많이 볼 수도 있다는 뜻입니다.
왜냐하면 해안으로 밀려올 때 썩은 달걀이나 유황 냄새가 날 수 있는 사르가섬 (Sargassum) 으로 알려진 기록적인 양의 해초가 특정 지역의 관광을 위협하면서 방문객이 많은 해변가에 쌓이기 시작했기 때문입니다.
Sargassum 사르가섬 (해조류)
Sargassum is a genus of brown macroalgae in the order Fucales. Numerous species are distributed throughout the temperate and tropical oceans of the world, where they generally inhabit shallow water and coral reefs, and the genus is widely known for its planktonic species.
사르가섬은 후칼레스목에 속하는 갈색 대식조류의 한 속입니다. 수많은 종들이 세계의 온대와 열대 해양에 분포하며, 일반적으로 얕은 물과 산호초에서 서식하며, 플랑크톤 종으로 널리 알려져 있습니다.
Check out this NASA image which shows just how enormous this massive blob of floating seaweed is, 13 million tons of it just drifting ominously throughout the Caribbean, stretching all the way to the West Coast of Africa.
CNN's Leyla Santiago reports from a beach in Key West, Florida and tells us how this seaweed phenomenon is just the tip of the iceberg with the peak expected to come later this summer.
이 NASA 사진을 보세요. 떠다니는 해초의 거대한 덩어리가 얼마만큼 큰지를 보여줍니다. 1300만 톤의 해초가 카리브해를 가로질러 불길하게 떠내려가고, 아프리카의 서해안까지 뻗어 있습니다.
이 현상이 올 여름 후반 최고점에 달할 것으로 예상됨에 따라 어떻게 플로리다주 키 웨스트의 한 해변의 해초 현상이 빙산의 일각에 불과한지에 대해 CNN의 레일라 산티아고 기자가 보도합니다.
Blob 덩어리
(3rd person singular present : blobs)
1.(잉크 등의) 얼룩, 물방울, 둥그스름한 작은 덩이
2.(크리켓 타자의) 영점
Transitive verb
1.얼룩지게 하다
Ominously 불길하게
in a way that suggests that something bad is going to happen.
1.불길한, 나쁜 징조의; 험악한(threatening)
an ominous sign
2.[P] …의 전조의, …을 예지(豫知)하고 ((of))
be ominous of failure
실패할 우려가 있다
(비디오 테이프 시작)
This is Sargassum mixed in with a few other things and this is what is inundating Florida's Coast specifically they're expecting the East Coast.
And remember last month we talked about this but now we're actually starting to see it come in and those record numbers that scientists predicted.
So much so that take a look over here, the beach rakers here on this beach and Key West have already a wide and have already done one run through on what's hitting the Florida coast right now.
레일라 산티아고, CNN 특파원:
이것은 사르가섬과 다른 것들이 섞인 것입니다. 이게 플로리다의 해안을 범람시키고 있는 것입니다. 특히 동부 해안이 이 해초에 범람될 것으로 예상되고 있습니다.
그리고 지난 달에 우리가 이 상황에 대해 이야기했던 것을 기억합니다. 하지만 이제 우리는 실제로 그 해초가 들어오고 과학자들이 예측한 기록적인 수치들을 확인하기 시작했습니다.
여기를 보세요, 그런 상황으로 인해 이 해변과 키 웨스트 해변에서 해변을 청소하는 트랙터들이 이미 넓은 지역을 확보했고 플로리다 해안을 강타하고 있는 해초들에 대상으로 이미 한 번의 제거 작업을 수행했습니다.
so much so that
phrase of so
to such an extent that.
"I was fascinated by the company, so much so that I wrote a book about it"
Let's go for a walk so I can kind of show you how all of this stuff just piles up and again gets pretty smelly, because it decays out here.
And as we mentioned, this is what one scientist told me it's just the tip of the iceberg, more expected.
Because when this is out there, it is not only right now a 5000-mile-long body of seaweed, it is still growing while it's out there, so it is increasing in the amount that will be headed this way.
같이 걸어볼까요. 이 모든 것들이 어떻게 쌓이고 또 얼마나 냄새가 나는지 보여드릴 수 있도록 말이에요. 왜냐하면 해초가 여기서 썩기 때문입니다.
그리고 우리가 언급했듯이, 이것은 한 과학자가 제게 말해준 것인데, 지금 상황은 빙산의 일각일 뿐이며, 더 많은 양이 예상된다는 것입니다.
왜냐하면 이것이 밖에 있을 때, 그것은 지금 당장은 5천 마일 길이의 해초이지만, 밖에 있는 동안에도 여전히 자라고 있기 때문입니다. 그래서 이 방향으로 향하게 될 양이 증가하고 있습니다.
Decay 부패하다, 썩다
(3rd person singular present : decays)
Intransitive verb
1.부식[부패]하다, 썩다; <이가> 벌레 먹다, 삭다, 충치가 되다
2.<번영·체력 등이> 쇠하다, 쇠퇴하다(decline); 타락[퇴화]하다(deteriorate)
Transitive verb
1.부패시키다, <이가> 썩게 하다
1.[U] 부식, 문드러짐(rot); 쇠미(衰微), 쇠퇴(decline); 충치; [물리] (방사성 물질의) 자연 붕괴; (대기와의 마찰로 인한 인공위성의) 감속
(비디오 테이프 끝)
Ten second trivia.
What country has the southernmost capital in the world?
Argentina, Australia, New Zealand or South Africa?
10초 상식 퀴즈.
세계에서 가장 남쪽에 위치한 수도가 있는 나라는 어디입니까?
아르헨티나, 호주, 뉴질랜드, 남아프리카 공화국?
When it comes to capital cities, Wellington, New Zealand is as low as you can go sitting at 41 degrees south.
수도들을 얘기할 때, 뉴질랜드의 웰링턴이 41도 남위에 자리잡으면서 가장 남쪽에 위치해 있습니다.
Now when you think of New Zealand, you might think of Kiwis which is the country's iconic national bird but the population of these flightless birds has plummeted.
Conservationists say that most people have never seen a kiwi in the wild and estimate that there are only about 70,000 of them left in the country.
But as our Michael Holmes tells us there are now efforts to keep this species alive and thriving in New Zealand.
지금 여러분이 뉴질랜드를 생각할 때, 뉴질랜드의 상징적인 국가 조류인 키위새를 떠올릴지도 모릅니다. 하지만 날지 못하는 이 새들의 개체수는 급감했습니다.
환경보호론자들은 대부분의 사람들이 야생에서 키위를 본 적이 없으며, 그들 중 약 70,000마리만이 남아 있을 것으로 추정된다고 말합니다.
하지만 마이클 홈즈가 전하는 말에 따르면, 지금 뉴질랜드에서 이 종을 이 세상에 계속 살아있게 하고 번성시키기 위한 노력들이 진행 중이라고 합니다.
Plummet 폭락하다, 수직으로 떨어지다
(3rd person singular present : plummets)
1.다림추, 가늠추; 측심연(測深鉛); 낚싯봉
Intransitive verb
1.수직으로 떨어지다 ((down)), 뛰어들다(plunge), <인기·물가 등이> 폭락하다
(비디오 테이프 시작)
The fight to save the Kiwi, the iconic flightless bird is taking off in New Zealand.
마이클 홈즈 CNN 특파원:
날지 못하는 새의 상징인 키위를 구하기 위한 싸움이 뉴질랜드에서 시작되고 있습니다.
Ever since people came here we've had a special connection with the animal known as the kiwi, Central Tamari Mirth (ph) sports teams, our rugby league team, our defense force, you know, even when we go overseas, we're known as kiwis.
So it's our duty really to look after the animal that's gifted us its name.
폴 워드, 캐피털 키위 프로젝트 팀장:
사람들이 이곳에 온 이후로 우리는 키위라고 알려진 동물과 특별한 관계를 맺고 있습니다. 센트럴 타마리 머스 스포츠팀, 우리의 럭비 리그 팀, 우리의 방위군까지도 말이에요, 아시다시피, 해외에 나갈 때 조차, 우리는 키위로 알려져 있습니다.
그래서 우리에게 그 이름을 준 동물을 잘 돌보는 것은 정말 우리들의 의무입니다.
There are about 90 initiatives to save the Kiwis in New Zealand, many of them focusing on removing threats, which have reduced the population by educating dog owners and killing predator species like stoats.
뉴질랜드에는 키위를 구하기 위한 약 90개의 계획들이 있는데, 그중 많은 계획들이 개 주인들을 교육시키고 족제비들과 같은 포식자 종들을 잡는 방법을 통해 키위새의 개체수를 줄이는 위협을 줄이는 것에 초점을 두고 있습니다.
Initiative 전략, 계획, 방법
plural noun: initiatives
1. the ability to assess and initiate things independently.
2. the power or opportunity to act or take charge before others do.
3. an act or strategy intended to resolve a difficulty or improve a situation; a fresh approach to something.
4. (especially in Switzerland and some US states) the right of citizens outside the legislature to originate legislation.
1.[보통 the ~] 시작; 솔선, 선창, 주도(권)
2.독창력, 창업의 재간, 기업심(起業心)
lack[have] initiative
독창력이 부족하다[있다]
1.처음의, 발단의(beginning)
initiative steps
Predator 약탈자, 포식 동물
2.포식 동물, 육식 동물
Stoat 족제비, 흰담비, 족제비과 동물
The stoat, also known as the Eurasian ermine, Beringian ermine and ermine, is a mustelid native to Eurasia and the northern portions of North America. Because of its wide circumpolar distribution, it is listed as Least Concern on the IUCN Red List.
1.(특히 여름철에) 털이 갈색이 된 때의 흰담비
Kiwi is surprisingly tough and resilient.
They got these big fighting claws so now Kiwi can fight off a whole heap of pests from possums and stoats that really the only issue for adult kiwi is roaming dogs.
Where they get hammered as stoats eating the chicks before they get up to that fighting weight.
키위는 놀랍게도 매우 강인하고 회복력이 있습니다.
키위는 이런 큰 싸움용 발톱을 가지고 있어서 이제 키위는 주머니쥐와 족제비 같은 많은 성가신 것들을 물리칠 수 있습니다. 성체 키위에게 문제가 되는 것은 주로 돌아다니는 개들입니다.
그들이 싸울 수 있는 체중에 도달하기 전에 족제비가 아기 새들을 먹어치우는 상황에서 키위는 큰 타격을 입습니다.
Possum 주머니쥐
Phalangeriformes is a paraphyletic suborder of about 70 species of small to medium-sized arboreal marsupials native to Australia, New Guinea, and Sulawesi. The species are commonly known as possums, gliders, and cuscus.
A group of Kiwis raised in a breeding program was released near Wellington last November.
Experts say that could be the first-time wild Kiwis lived in the area in about a century.
And so far, they seem to be thriving.
번식 프로그램에서 자란 키위 무리가 지난 11월 웰링턴 근처에서 방사되었습니다.
전문가들은 이것이 약 1세기 만에 처음으로 야생 키위가 이 지역에 사는 것일 수 있다고 말합니다.
그리고 지금까지, 그들은 잘 자라고 있는 것처럼 보입니다.
We did the first health check a couple of months later.
And we were expecting them to kind of, you know, hold weight or lose a bit of weight.
But the really pleasing result was that half of those birds had put on weight including one bird put on a whopping 400 grams.
So it's like this here, plenty of food on the ladder out on these hills.
우리는 몇 달 후에 첫 번째 건강 검진을 했습니다.
그리고 우리는 키위새들이 체중을 유지하거나 조금 감량했을 것이라고 예상했습니다.
하지만 정말 기쁜 결과는 그 새들의 절반이 살이 쪘다는 것이었습니다. 그 중 한 마리는 무려 400그램이 쪘습니다.
그러니까 그것은 여기 이 언덕 위에 많은 먹잇감이 있다는 뜻이죠.
Whopping 엄청나게, 굉장히
1.태형(笞刑), 매질
2.대패(大敗), 참패
1.굉장한, 엄청난(thumping) <허풍 등>
1.엄청나게, 굉장히
That's hopefully room to grow for New Zealand's national treasure and the national effort to save it.
Michael Holmes, CNN.
그것이 뉴질랜드의 국보인 키위와 그들을 구하기 위한 국가적인 노력에 대한 성장의 여지가 되기를 바랍니다.
CNN의 마이클 홈즈입니다.
(비디오 테이프 끝)
All right, a final story takes us to America's Heartland where a fur baby is getting today's 10 out of 10 for winning this year's B.A.R.K. Ranger Superintendent of the Gateway Arch Park in St. Louis.
Meet the adorable Betty Faith, the 12-year-old Basset Hound taken the crown adopted back in 2020 after being rescued from a tough breeding and hoarding situation.
Betty has a new leash on life as the top dog at Gateway Arch Park.
자, 마지막 이야기는 우리를 미국의 중심부로 데려갑니다. 그곳에서 게이트웨이 아치 공원의 올해의 B.A.R.K. 레인저 상을 수상한 것으로 오늘의 10점 만점의 10점을 받은 부드러운 털을 가진 강아지를 소개합니다.
12살의 바셋 하운드, 사랑스러운 베티 페이스를 만나보세요. 베티는 어려운 번식 및 비축 상황에서 구조된 후 2020년에 입양되고 왕관을 쓰게 되었습니다.
베티는 게이트웨이 아치 공원의 최고의 개로서 새로운 인생을 시작했습니다.
Hoarding 사재기, 저장, 축적
hoarding · the act of a person or animal that hoards: Depression-era hoarding, when gold coins disappeared from circulation;the hoarding of nuts by chipmunks.
1.[U] 저장, 비장, 퇴장, 축적; [pl.] 저장[축적, 비장]물
B.A.R.K. Ranger is a program run by the National Park Service and B.A.R.K., stands for,
Bag your pet's waste,
Always leash your pet,
Respect wildlife,
and Know where you can go.
That's pretty doggone sweet.
Congrats Betty Faith.
B.A.R.K. 레인저는 국립공원관리국이 운영하는 프로그램이며, B.A.R.K.는 다음을 의미합니다.
반려동물의 배설물을 가방에 담으세요,
항상 반려동물에게 목줄을 하세요,
야생 동물들을 존중하세요,
그리고 어디를 데려갈 수 있는지 알고 계십시오.
정말 멋진 뜻이에요.
베티 페이스를 축하합니다.
Leash 목줄
1.(개 등을 매어 두는) 가죽끈[줄], 사슬
2.[a ~] (한데 묶인 개 등의) 세 마리 한 조
Transitive verb
1.가죽끈으로 매다
2.속박하다, 억제하다
Doggone 꽤나, 상당히
adjective: doggone
used to express feelings of annoyance, surprise, or pleasure.
"now just a doggone minute"
verb: doggone; 3rd person present: doggones; past tense: doggoned; past participle: doggoned; gerund or present participle: doggoning
damn; darn (used to express surprise, irritation, or anger).
"from that moment, doggone it if I didn't see a motivation in Joey!"
1.[A] 저주할, 괘씸한, 비참한; 더러운
1.괘씸하게, 지긋지긋하게
1.빌어먹을, 제기랄
We're giving a special shout out to Delaware Valley High School in Milford, Pennsylvania today.
We see you warriors.
And one other special shout out to Alex at Renfroe and Harper at Talley who watched CNN 10 every day from Decatur, Georgia.
Well, their dad Glenn Levy is our guest producer today.
Rise up.
오늘은 펜실베니아 주 밀포드에 있는 델라웨어 밸리 고등학교에 특별한 함성을 보냅니다.
전사처럼 용감한 여러분, 참 잘 했어요.
그리고 또 다른 특별한 함성은 렌프로에 있는 알렉스와 탈리에 있는 하퍼에게 보냅니다. 그들은 매일 조지아주 디케이터에서 CNN 10을 시청했습니다.
그들의 아버지 글렌 레비가 오늘의 게스트 프로듀서입니다.
모두 일어나세요.
We see you 잘 했어요
“I see you” is commonly used by someone to show another party that they are aware of their efforts.
It is usually used as a way of recognizing someone's recent accomplishment; for example, congratulating a friend who has progressed in her career (“Ok, miss Vice President, I see you!”) or even acknowledging a friend who put together an outfit really well (“Love those shoes. I see you!”).
Rise up 모이세요. 일어나세요.
To take a stand against or to come together as one. The people were oppressed by the government and the leader said we must Rise up and take control.
See you tomorrow everyone.
You are more powerful than you know.
I'm Coy Wire, and we are CNN 10.
내일 봐요, 여러분.
여러분은 여러분이 아는 것보다 더 강인합니다.
저는 코이 와이어이고, 저희는 CNN 10입니다.
** 어휘, 문장 정리
Magnificent 굉장히 좋은, 멋진
Zoom 질주하다
Hello lovely people, good day and good vibes to you from magnificent Miami.
We're here ahead of the huge Formula One race this weekend.
And that guy right there, well, that's the legend seven-time world champ Lewis Hamilton.
He'll be one of the fastest drivers on the planet.
Zoom in at top speeds of about 200 miles per hour.
We hope you're often zooming today as well.
Catastrophic 큰 재앙의, 비극적인
Coordinator 조정자, 의견 등을 종합하는 사람
Rancher 농장주
The lack of water, well, it's having a catastrophic impact on farms across the region.
According to the coordinator of farmers and ranchers organizations, the drought has affected about 60% of Spain's countryside, and it's destroyed crops across more than 8 million acres.
That's an area bigger than the entire State of Maryland.
Conserve 절약하다
Also, Spaniards have been asked to conserve water by taking quick showers, being mindful when washing dishes and not filling their swimming pools.
Our Senior International Correspondent Fred Pleitgen has more on the very dry conditions in Spain.
Majestic 장엄한, 웅장한
From afar, even a natural disaster can look majestic.
Medieval 중세의
This is the Sau Reservoir near Barcelona, normally one of the largest bodies of freshwater in this part of Spain, but months of drought and the water levels are so low and the entire medieval village usually underwater has come to light.
Submerged 침수된, 물에 잠긴
The folks here say normally you'd barely be able to see even the tip of the medieval church because it would be almost fully submerged.
Farmland 농지, 농토
The Sau Reservoir is already at less than 10% capacity.
And that's causing hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland to dry up.
All of this wheat is probably lost.
Farmer Santi Caudevilla shows me why.
Institute 연구소, 협회
Scientists at the Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology are trying to find ways to make very little water go a longer way.
Sludge 진흙
Back at the Sau Reservoir, authorities are actually draining most of the remaining water to prevent this precious and ever scarcer resource from getting contaminated by the sludge at the bottom of this once mighty lake.
Sargassum 사르가섬 (해조류)
All right, summer is just around the corner.
And if you and your family are thinking about heading to any of the South Florida or Caribbean beaches, you might need to know that you could encounter some seaweed, and by some I mean a whole lot of it.
That's because a record-breaking amount of seaweed known as Sargassum, which can smell like rotten eggs or sulfur when it washes up on shore, is starting to pile up on popular beaches threatening tourism in certain areas.
Blob 덩어리
Ominously 불길하게
Check out this NASA image which shows just how enormous this massive blob of floating seaweed is, 13 million tons of it just drifting ominously throughout the Caribbean, stretching all the way to the West Coast of Africa.
Decay 부패하다, 썩다
Let's go for a walk so I can kind of show you how all of this stuff just piles up and again gets pretty smelly, because it decays out here.
Plummet 폭락하다, 수직으로 떨어지다
Now when you think of New Zealand, you might think of Kiwis which is the country's iconic national bird but the population of these flightless birds has plummeted.
Initiative 전략, 계획
Predator 약탈자, 포식 동물
Stoat 족제비, 흰담비, 족제비과 동물
There are about 90 initiatives to save the Kiwis in New Zealand, many of them focusing on removing threats, which have reduced the population by educating dog owners and killing predator species like stoats.
Possums 주머니쥐
Kiwi is surprisingly tough and resilient.
They got these big fighting claws so now Kiwi can fight off a whole heap of pests from possums and stoats that really the only issue for adult kiwi is roaming dogs.
Where they get hammered as stoats eating the chicks before they get up to that fighting weight.
Whopping 엄청나게, 굉장히
We did the first health check a couple of months later.
And we were expecting them to kind of, you know, hold weight or lose a bit of weight.
But the really pleasing result was that half of those birds had put on weight including one bird put on a whopping 400 grams.
So it's like this here, plenty of food on the ladder out on these hills.
Hoarding 사재기, 저장, 축적
All right, a final story takes us to America's Heartland where a fur baby is getting today's 10 out of 10 for winning this year's B.A.R.K. Ranger Superintendent of the Gateway Arch Park in St. Louis.
Meet the adorable Betty Faith, the 12-year-old Basset Hound taken the crown adopted back in 2020 after being rescued from a tough breeding and hoarding situation.
Betty has a new leash on life as the top dog at Gateway Arch Park.
Leash 목줄
Doggone 꽤나, 상당히
B.A.R.K. Ranger is a program run by the National Park Service and B.A.R.K., stands for,
Bag your pet's waste,
Always leash your pet,
Respect wildlife,
and Know where you can go.
That's pretty doggone sweet.
Congrats Betty Faith.
We see you 잘 했어요
Rise up 모이세요. 일어나세요.
We're giving a special shout out to Delaware Valley High School in Milford, Pennsylvania today.
We see you warriors.
And one other special shout out to Alex at Renfroe and Harper at Talley who watched CNN 10 every day from Decatur, Georgia.
Well, their dad Glenn Levy is our guest producer today.
Rise up.
** 복습용 문장
Hello lovely people, good day and good vibes to you from magnificent Miami.
We're here ahead of the huge Formula One race this weekend.
And that guy right there, well, that's the legend seven-time world champ Lewis Hamilton.
He'll be one of the fastest drivers on the planet.
Zoom in at top speeds of about 200 miles per hour.
We hope you're often zooming today as well.
The lack of water, well, it's having a catastrophic impact on farms across the region.
According to the coordinator of farmers and ranchers organizations, the drought has affected about 60% of Spain's countryside, and it's destroyed crops across more than 8 million acres.
That's an area bigger than the entire State of Maryland.
Also, Spaniards have been asked to conserve water by taking quick showers, being mindful when washing dishes and not filling their swimming pools.
Our Senior International Correspondent Fred Pleitgen has more on the very dry conditions in Spain.
From afar, even a natural disaster can look majestic.
This is the Sau Reservoir near Barcelona, normally one of the largest bodies of freshwater in this part of Spain, but months of drought and the water levels are so low and the entire medieval village usually underwater has come to light.
The folks here say normally you'd barely be able to see even the tip of the medieval church because it would be almost fully submerged.
The Sau Reservoir is already at less than 10% capacity.
And that's causing hundreds of thousands of acres of farmland to dry up.
All of this wheat is probably lost.
Farmers, Santi Caudevilla shows me why.
Scientists at the Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology are trying to find ways to make very little water go a longer way.
Back at the Sau Reservoir, authorities are actually draining most of the remaining water to prevent this precious and ever scarcer resource from getting contaminated by the sludge at the bottom of this once mighty lake.
All right, summer is just around the corner.
And if you and your family are thinking about heading to any of the South Florida or Caribbean beaches, you might need to know that you could encounter some seaweed, and by some I mean a whole lot of it.
That's because a record-breaking amount of seaweed known as Sargassum, which can smell like rotten eggs or sulfur when it washes up on shore, is starting to pile up on popular beaches threatening tourism in certain areas.
Check out this NASA image which shows just how enormous this massive blob of floating seaweed is, 13 million tons of it just drifting ominously throughout the Caribbean, stretching all the way to the West Coast of Africa.
Let's go for a walk so I can kind of show you how all of this stuff just piles up and again gets pretty smelly, because it decays out here.
Now when you think of New Zealand, you might think of Kiwis which is the country's iconic national bird but the population of these flightless birds has plummeted.
There are about 90 initiatives to save the Kiwis in New Zealand, many of them focusing on removing threats, which have reduced the population by educating dog owners and killing predator species like stoats.
Kiwi is surprisingly tough and resilient.
They got these big fighting claws so now Kiwi can fight off a whole heap of pests from possums and stoats that really the only issue for adult kiwi is roaming dogs.
Where they get hammered as stoats eating the chicks before they get up to that fighting weight.
We did the first health check a couple of months later.
And we were expecting them to kind of, you know, hold weight or lose a bit of weight.
But the really pleasing result was that half of those birds had put on weight including one bird put on a whopping 400 grams.
So it's like this here, plenty of food on the ladder out on these hills.
All right, a final story takes us to America's Heartland where a fur baby is getting today's 10 out of 10 for winning this year's B.A.R.K. Ranger Superintendent of the Gateway Arch Park in St. Louis.
Meet the adorable Betty Faith, the 12-year-old Basset Hound taken the crown adopted back in 2020 after being rescued from a tough breeding and hoarding situation.
Betty has a new leash on life as the top dog at Gateway Arch Park.
B.A.R.K. Ranger is a program run by the National Park Service and B.A.R.K., stands for,
Bag your pet's waste,
Always leash your pet,
Respect wildlife,
and Know where you can go.
That's pretty doggone sweet.
Congrats Betty Faith.
We're giving a special shout out to Delaware Valley High School in Milford, Pennsylvania today.
We see you warriors.
And one other special shout out to Alex at Renfroe and Harper at Talley who watched CNN 10 every day from Decatur, Georgia.
Well, their dad Glenn Levy is our guest producer today.
Rise up.
** END
[CNN10 대본 정리] 202305 전체 지문
[CNN10 대본 정리] 202305 전체 지문
[CNN10 대본 정리] 202305 전체 지문 May 2023
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