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[CSP 대본 096] THE RETURN OF CNN 10 | August 14, 2023
096_230828_230814_THE RETURN OF CNN 10


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096_230828_230814_THE RETURN OF CNN 10

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CNN.com - Transcripts

Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 More Schools Switching To Four-Day Week; Climate Event El Nino; Minneapolis Dog Jumped Kennel Wall To Be With Friend. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired August 14, 2023 - 04:00   ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT B



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** 원본 스크립트


CNN 10


More Schools Switching To Four-Day Week; Climate Event El Nino; Minneapolis Dog Jumped Kennel Wall To Be With Friend. Aired 4-4:10a ET


Aired August 14, 2023 - 04:00   ET





Hello lovely people, and welcome to a brand-new season.

I'm Coy Wire.

This is CNN 10.

And we are back.

Hope you all had an awesome summer.

Thanks to all of you who kept in touch on social media.

I am pumped up, ready to rock this new season with all of you.


We are right here for you to break down the most important news as it happens from social studies to science, on and on and, we have some brand-new segments lined up, up these sleeves for you this season as well.

So let's get this show on the road, shall we?


With all of us being back together, again, let's take a theme for the day.

How about returning, and as students across the country head back to school this year, did you know that a growing number are going to be returning to a four-day school week.

In fact, 24 states, 850 districts in the United States will have a shorter school week this year.


Why you ask?

Well, schools are adopting this method to help deal with budgetary constraints and staffing shortages.

They're also hoping a four-day school week will help students feel less burned out and more focused.

But there are downsides as well including studies showing lower test scores, worse academic comprehension and lower graduation rates.

Let's break down this debate with a little more specific data.





Could a four-day school week become the norm?

Well, more school districts are trying it out.

24 states have at least one school district using a shortened week, some 850 districts and all.

That's a 31% increase since 2019.

Shorter weeks can help schools with budgetary constraints, staff shortages and student attendance.

That flexibility can increase teacher morale, and decrease burnout in the classroom.

Four-day weeks have traditionally been more common in rural areas.

Now, they're gaining steam in metro areas like Denver, Phoenix and San Antonio as well.


But research shows there are drawbacks to a shortened school week.

One study found lower math achievement in some districts with four-day weeks, but the ill effects vanished in districts with longer school days.

A second study found higher absenteeism and lower on time graduation rates compared with five-day students.

Shorter school weeks can also be heading for parents costing families an extra $5,000 to $9,000 a year in childcare as more school districts shorten the week, you can expect to hear more about this debate.





10 second trivia.

Which of these weather patterns is a warm phase signaled by weaker trade winds and warmer ocean water?



El Nino,

La Nina,

or Derecho?


El Nino, Spanish for the little boy, is this irregular weather pattern that occurs in the Pacific Ocean.


Sticking to our returning theme this summer brought back some really warm temperatures in many parts of the country.

The summer of 2023 and parts of the nation has seen record high temperatures at times and some projections say we could see a new record for the warmest year ever recorded.


A big reason, weather models are showing one of the strongest El Ninos in decades.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or NOAA announced the presence of those El Nino conditions on June 8.

Years where El Ninos are present tend to be hotter as warm ocean waters that originate in the Pacific Ocean can influence global weather patterns.

These events happen every two to seven years and they vary in intensity.

Scientists are still searching for why this happens but the pattern can last for weeks or months.


More now from meteorologist Jennifer Gray, mom of one of our very own CNN Tenors Caden, we see you Caden.





We've heard so much talk about El Nino.

But what is it?

In fact, it's a weather phenomenon that happens between the Pacific ocean and the atmosphere.

It can have an influence on the temperature and the weather all over the world.


In the springtime, the trade winds start to relax and in a normal year they come back during the Asia monsoon in the summer.

During an El Nino year, they don't.

In fact, some years, the trade winds can even reverse, that has a huge impact on the Pacific Ocean.


During a normal year, warm water is pooled on the west side of the ocean, cooler water on the east side.

That results in cooler waters off the coast of California and warmer waters in the western Pacific.

During an El Nino year, that thermocline tilt goes away and so warm water is spilled all the way over to the east side of the Pacific that increases convection, it also brings thunderstorms to the coast of California and droughts to the western side of the Pacific.

We all know that El Nino will impact the world.

The only question is, how will it affect you?





This fall will be a big test for another type of return, the return of workers to the workplace.

Major companies are asking remote workers to come on back as many as 1 million U.S. workers are facing return orders.

Even zoom, the company that powered remote working for millions is asking its employees to get on back to the cubicle.

But even with all these changing mandates, the traditional office space isn't what it used to be.


Once these buildings and skyscrapers were full of busy workers, now after the pandemic, less than 50% of office workers are going back in person.

And that's a problem for the people that own these buildings as you can imagine, without as many tenants to pay rent many of these landlords are having to get creative.

Our CNN Business and Politics Correspondent Vanessa Yurkevich has more.





They're statuesque, vast and staggering and they’re empty.

Skyscrapers and office buildings, one stacked high with businesses are experiencing high vacancy rates in the U.S. nearly 19%, 5.5% higher than before the pandemic.

The pandemic emptied offices around the country, today the number of people returning to in-person work is less than 50% in 10 major metro areas, forcing companies to rethink physical office space.

Half of the biggest global companies say they'll need less real estate in the next three years, leaving landlords with loans to pay in a bind.


Steven Durels runs the leasing at SL Green, New York City's largest commercial landlord with more than 30 million square feet of space to rent, the collapsing demand for office space means their tenant vacancy rate shot up from 3% pre-pandemic to 10% today that calls for some creativity.



You can build a set in here, you can have a fight scene in here.



SL Green is now working with Backlot, a company that connects landlords at 332 buildings across New York and New Jersey with film and TV companies.

This episode of Law and Order was filmed in this vacant office in midtown Manhattan, the watcher on Netflix and these East Side offices.



I think people are starting to look holistically at how they can support a revenue stream.



This year, SL Green says it will earn $3 million from film and TV shoots.



It's really helped mitigate the loss of income during the downtime periods.


Empty office buildings could be turned into residential, a big need.

This project in Washington D.C. once an office building is being turned into apartments, but that's not an easy quick fix process, less than 1% of apartments nationwide are converted from commercial properties.

And across the river in Arlington, Virginia, the city is trying to get ahead of its empty office space problem at 22%.



I'm sitting right today in northeastern D.C. campus.

Last year, university was not allowed to take up space in an office building.



Thanks to new city zoning laws, that's now possible along with seven new types of commercial businesses like animal boarding, hydroponic farms, and pickleball.

Vanessa Yurkevich, CNN, Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey.





Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is about some puppy pals named Brenda and Linda.

Two stray pups who are the best of friends at a Minneapolis Animal Shelter.

Well, when they got separated something doggone adorable happened.

Brenda took matters into her own paws climbing a five-foot concrete wall to join her buddy.

That's the type of puppy love that lasts forever.

And get this, the shelter, they're only going to let people adopt them if they're a package deal.


All right, that's about all we have time for, for today.

It's so good to be back with all of you.

And I can't wait until you see some of our new segments this year.

One of them has to do with all the teachers out there so teachers stay on your toes and keep on shining.


Now, it's time for my favorite part of the day.

My first shout out of the school year goes to Austin, Texas.

Canyon Vista Middle School, rise up.


Thanks for subscribing and commenting on our CNN 10 YouTube Page.

We hope you and everyone watching around the world have a wonderful one.

I'm Coy Wire.

And we are CNN 10.




** 독해 및 어휘 정리


*** 오역, 오타 등 수정이 필요한 부분을 발견하시면 방에 공유 부탁드립니다.


CNN 10


More Schools Switching To Four-Day Week; Climate Event El Nino; Minneapolis Dog Jumped Kennel Wall To Be With Friend. Aired 4-4:10a ET


Aired August 14, 2023 - 04:00   ET





Hello lovely people, and welcome to a brand-new season.

I'm Coy Wire.

This is CNN 10.

And we are back.

Hope you all had an awesome summer.

Thanks to all of you who kept in touch on social media.

I am pumped up, ready to rock this new season with all of you.


코이 와이어, CNN 10 앵커:

안녕하세요 사랑스러운 여러분, 새로운 시즌에 오신 것을 환영합니다.

저는 코이 와이어입니다.

여기는 CNN 10입니다.

그리고 우리는 돌아왔습니다.

다들 멋진 여름 보내셨기를 바랍니다.

SNS로 계속 연락해주신 여러분께 감사드립니다.

저는 여러분 모두와 함께 새로운 시즌을 즐길 준비가 되어 있습니다.


Brand-new 아주 새로운, 갓 만들어진



ADJ. 1.아주 새로운, 신품의; 갓 만들어진[들여온, 태어난]


Keep in touch 계속 연락하다


Keep in touch:

to continue to talk to or write to someone.


We are right here for you to break down the most important news as it happens from social studies to science, on and on and, we have some brand-new segments lined up, up these sleeves for you this season as well.

So let's get this show on the road, shall we?


우리는 여러분들께 사회학에서 과학에 이르기까지, 그리고 계속해서 일어나는 가장 중요한 뉴스들을 소개하기 위해 바로 여기에 있습니다. 그리고 우리는 이번 시즌에도 여러분을 위해 새로운 코너들이 늘어서 있습니다.

그럼 이 쇼를 진행해 볼까요?


break down 파헤치다, 분석하다


a. : to divide into parts or categories. b. : to separate (something, such as a chemical compound) into simpler substances : decompose. c. : to take apart especially for storage or shipment and for later reassembling.


Segments 코너, 부분




1.단편, 조각, 구분, 부분, 분절

the segment s of an orange

오렌지 조각

2.[수학] 선분(線分)(= line ~), (원의) 호(弧)

Transitive verb

1.분할하다, 가르다

2.(세포 증식에 의해) 분절[분리]하다

Intransitive verb

1.갈라지다, 분열하다



With all of us being back together, again, let's take a theme for the day.

How about returning, and as students across the country head back to school this year, did you know that a growing number are going to be returning to a four-day school week.

In fact, 24 states, 850 districts in the United States will have a shorter school week this year.


우리 모두가 다시 뭉쳤으니, 오늘의 주제를 정해봅시다.

복귀가 어떨까요, 그리고 올해 전국의 학생들이 다시 학교로 돌아감에 따라, 점점 더 많은 학생들이 주 4일제 수업으로 돌아오고 있다는 것을 알고 계셨나요.

사실, 미국의 24개 주, 850개의 지역에서 올해는 주간 수업일수가 단축될 예정입니다.


Districts 지역, 구역


an area of a country or town that has fixed borders that are used for official purposes, or that has a particular feature that makes it different from surrounding areas:

공식적인 목적으로 사용되는 고정된 국경을 가지고 있거나 주변 지역과 다른 특별한 특징을 가지고 있는 국가 또는 마을의 지역



1.지구, 지역, 구역 ((행정·사법·선거·교육 등의)), 관구, 행정구, 시[군]의 한 구역 (=area)

the shopping[business] district of a town

도시의 쇼핑[상업] 지구

2.(하원 의원·주의회 의원의) 선거구

Transitive verb

1.지구[관구]로 나누다, [미] 선거구로 나누다


Why you ask?

Well, schools are adopting this method to help deal with budgetary constraints and staffing shortages.

They're also hoping a four-day school week will help students feel less burned out and more focused.

But there are downsides as well including studies showing lower test scores, worse academic comprehension and lower graduation rates.

Let's break down this debate with a little more specific data.


그렇게 하는 이유가 뭘까요?

자, 학교들은 예산 제약과 인력 부족을 해결하는 것을 돕기 위해 이 방법을 채택하고 있습니다.

그들은 또한 주 4일 수업이 학생들이 피곤함을 덜 느끼고 집중하는데 도움이 되기를 바라고 있습니다.

하지만 낮은 시험 점수, 학업 이해력 저하 그리고 낮은 졸업률을 보여주는 연구들을 포함한 부정적인 측면들도 있습니다.

조금 더 구체적인 자료를 가지고 이 논쟁을 풀어보겠습니다.


Adopt 채택하다



(3rd person singular present : adopts)

Transitive verb

1.<사상·이론·방법·의견·정책 등을> 채용[채택]하다(take up), 고르다(choose); (자기의 것으로서) 받아들이다; <외국어 등을> 차용하다

adopt a method

한 방법을 택하다

2.양자[양녀]로 삼다, 입양하다 ((as)); (상속인·친구·시민)으로 받아들이다 ((into))

Tim was adopted when he was two.

팀은 두 살 때 입양되었다.

3.<이름·태도 등을> 취하다, 선택하다


Budgetary 예산상의



ADJ. 1.예산상의


Constraints 제약, 압박, 억제




1.강제, 압박; 속박

2.거북[조심]스러움, 어색함

3.(감정·욕망의) 억제


Downsides 부정적인 측면

the negative aspect of something otherwise regarded as good or desirable.


Graduation 졸업, 학위 취득




1.[U] [영] 학위 취득, [주로 미] (각종 학교로부터의) 졸업, [UC/] [미] 졸업식(cf. COMMENCEMENT), [영] (대학의) 학위 수여식

a graduation thesis

졸업 논문

2.[pl.] 눈금

3.등급[계급] (매김)




(비디오 클립 시작)



Could a four-day school week become the norm?

Well, more school districts are trying it out.

24 states have at least one school district using a shortened week, some 850 districts and all.

That's a 31% increase since 2019.

Shorter weeks can help schools with budgetary constraints, staff shortages and student attendance.

That flexibility can increase teacher morale, and decrease burnout in the classroom.

Four-day weeks have traditionally been more common in rural areas.

Now, they're gaining steam in metro areas like Denver, Phoenix and San Antonio as well.


신원 미상의 남성:

주 4일 수업이 일반적인 것으로 정착할 수 있을까요?

음, 더 많은 학군에서 주 4일 수업을 시행하고 있습니다.

24개 주에서는 하루를 줄인 수업일수를 사용하는 학군이 적어도 하나 이상 있으며, 이는 850개 이상의 학군에 해당됩니다.

이는 2019년 이후 31% 증가한 수치입니다.

수업일수가 짧아지면 학교의 예산 제약, 직원 부족, 학생 출석률에 도움이 될 수 있습니다.

그 유연성은 선생님의 사기를 높이고 교실에서의 과중한 스트레스를 줄일 수 있습니다.

전통적으로 주 4일 근무는 시골 지역에서 더 흔했습니다.

이제 덴버, 피닉스, 샌안토니오 같은 대도시에서도 인기를 얻고 있습니다.


Flexibility 유연성, 융통성




1.구부리기[휘기] 쉬움, 굴곡성, 유연성; 나긋나긋함

2.다루기 쉬움, 유순함

3.적응성, 융통성, 탄력성


Morale 사기, 의욕




1.사기 ((군대·집단의)); 의욕, 의기(意氣)

improve the morale

사기를 높이다

2.도덕, 도의


Decrease 줄다, 감소하다



(3rd person singular present : decreases)

Intransitive verb

1.줄다, 감소하다

His influence slowly decreased.

그의 영향력은 서서히 줄었다.

2.<온도계 등이> 내리다

Transitive verb

1.줄이다, 감소[축소, 저하]시키다; (뜨개질의) <코수를> 줄이다


1.[UC/] 감소, 축소; [C] 감소량[액]

a rapid[sharp] decrease in population

인구의 급감


gaining steam 힘을 얻다, 활기를 띄다


idiom. informal. : to increase in strength, force, or energy.

The campaign quickly gained/gathered steam.


But research shows there are drawbacks to a shortened school week.

One study found lower math achievement in some districts with four-day weeks, but the ill effects vanished in districts with longer school days.

A second study found higher absenteeism and lower on time graduation rates compared with five-day students.

Shorter school weeks can also be heading for parents costing families an extra $5,000 to $9,000 a year in childcare as more school districts shorten the week, you can expect to hear more about this debate.


그러나 연구에 의하면 주간 수업일수 단축에는 단점이 있습니다.

한 연구는 주 4일제인 일부 지역에서 수학 성취도가 더 낮다는 것을 발견했지만, 수업일수가 더 긴 지역에서는 그 나쁜 영향이 사라졌습니다.

두 번째 연구에서는 5일 근무 학생과 비교하여 결석률이 높고 졸업률이 낮은 것으로 나타났습니다.

주간 수업일수를 단축하면 가정에 추가로 매년 5,000달러에서 9,000달러의 육아비용이 발생할 수 있으며, 학군에서 주를 단축하는 경우 이 논란에 대해 더 많은 이야기를 들게 될 것으로 예상됩니다.


Drawbacks 단점, 결점




1.약점, 결점 ((in)); 장애, 고장 ((to))

2.공제 ((from))

3.환불금, 환불 세금, 관세 환급(還給)

drawback cargo

관세 환급 화물


ill effects 나쁜 영향


also ill-effects. plural noun. If something has ill effects, it causes problems or damage. Some people are still suffering ill effects from the contamination of their water.


Vanish 사라지다, 없애다



(3rd person singular present : vanishes)

Intransitive verb

1.(갑자기) 사라지다, 없어지다

vanish away like smoke

연기처럼 사라지다

2.<빛·빛깔이> 희미해지다, 소멸하다

Transitive verb

1.보이지 않게 하다, …의 모습을 감추다[없애다]

one's vanished youth

잃어버린 청춘


1.소음(消音) ((이중 모음 [ou], [ei]의 [u, i]음))


Absenteeism 결석, 결근




1.부재지주 제도

2.장기 결석[결근], 계획적 결근 ((노동 쟁의 전술의 하나))


Debate 논쟁, 토론



(3rd person singular present : debates)

Intransitive verb

1.논쟁[토론]하다, 토론에 참가하다 ((on, about)), (=discuss)

debate on[about] a question

어떤 문제에 대해 토론하다

2.숙고하다 ((of, about))

Transitive verb



( debate +wh. to do) I was debating in my mind whether to go or not.

갈까 말까 숙고 중이었다.


1.[UC/] 토론, 토의, 논쟁 ((upon)); [the ~s] (의회의) 토의록, 토론 보고서 (=argument)

the question under debate

논쟁 중인 문제




(비디오 클립 끝)



10 second trivia.

Which of these weather patterns is a warm phase signaled by weaker trade winds and warmer ocean water?



El Nino,

La Nina,

or Derecho?


El Nino, Spanish for the little boy, is this irregular weather pattern that occurs in the Pacific Ocean.



10초 상식 퀴즈.

무역풍이 약해지고 바닷물이 따뜻해지면서 나타나는 따뜻한 날씨 패턴은 이 중 무엇입니까?





아니면 데레초?


어린 소년을 뜻하는 스페인어인 엘니뇨는 태평양에서 일어나는 불규칙한 날씨 패턴입니다.


Nor'easter 노르이스터, 북동풍

노르이스터는 미국 북동부의 해안성 눈폭풍이 북상하면서 만들어내는 강력한 겨울폭풍을 말합니다.


northeaster[nɔ́:rθí:stər; (항해) nɔ́:rí:stər]


1.북동(의 강)풍 ((略 nor’easter))


A Nor'easter is a storm along the East Coast of North America, so called because the winds over the coastal area are typically from the northeast. These storms may occur at any time of year but are most frequent and most violent between September and April.


El Nino 엘니뇨 현상


El Nino[él-ní:njou]

1.엘니뇨 현상 ((페루 앞바다 적도 부근의 중부 태평양 해역의 해면 온도가 급상승하는 현상, cf. LA NIÑA))


La Nina 라니냐 현상


La Nina[lɑ:-ní:njə]

1.라니냐 현상 ((엘니뇨의 반대 현상으로, 적도 부근의 동부 태평양에서 해면의 수온이 급강하하는 현상; cf. EL NIÑO))


Derecho 폭풍 현상의 일종


A derecho is a widespread, long-lived, straight-line wind storm that is associated with a fast-moving group of severe thunderstorms known as a mesoscale convective system. Derechos can cause hurricanic and tornadic level winds, heavy rains, and flash floods. 


Sticking to our returning theme, this summer brought back some really warm temperatures in many parts of the country.

The summer of 2023 and parts of the nation has seen record high temperatures at times and some projections say we could see a new record for the warmest year ever recorded.


우리의 “복귀"라는 주제를 계속 이어나가보겠습니다. 이번 여름은 전국 많은 지역에서 정말 높은 기온과 함께 돌아왔습니다.

2023년 여름, 국내 일부 지역에서 가끔씩 기록적인 고온을 관측되었으며, 일부 예측에 따르면 역대 최고 기온을 갱신할 새로운 기록을 세울 수도 있다고 합니다.


Projections 예상, 예측


1. an estimate or forecast of a future situation based on a study of present trends.

"plans based on projections of slow but positive growth"


estimate forecast prediction calculation prognosis prognostication reckoning expectation forecasting estimation computation extrapolation

2. the presentation of an image on a surface, especially a cinema screen.

3. the presentation or promotion of someone or something in a particular way.

4. a thing that extends outwards from something else.


A big reason, weather models are showing one of the strongest El Ninos in decades.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or NOAA announced the presence of those El Nino conditions on June 8.

Years where El Ninos are present tend to be hotter as warm ocean waters that originate in the Pacific Ocean can influence global weather patterns.

These events happen every two to seven years and they vary in intensity.

Scientists are still searching for why this happens but the pattern can last for weeks or months.


기상 모델들이 수십 년 만에 가장 강력한 엘니뇨 중 하나를 보여주고 있는 것이 큰 이유입니다.

국립해양대기청 (NOAA) 은 6월 8일 엘니뇨 현상의 존재를 발표했습니다.

엘니뇨가 있는 해는 태평양에서 발원한 따뜻한 바닷물이 전세계 기후 패턴에 영향을 미칠 수 있기 때문에 더 더운 경향이 있습니다.

이러한 사건들은 2년에서 7년마다 한 번씩 발생하며, 강도는 다양합니다.

과학자들은 이러한 현상이 왜 발생하는지에 대해 아직도 연구 중에 있지만, 이러한 패턴은 주 단위에서 몇 개월 동안 지속될 수 있습니다.


weather models 기상 모델


Weather models carve up the atmosphere into a large number of grid boxes, vertically and horizontally. We take what we know about the weather now – readings from all levels of the atmosphere and under the ocean known as 'observations' – and feed it in.


NOAA The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 국립해양대기청


The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration is a Washington, D.C.–based scientific and regulatory agency within the United States Department of Commerce, a United States federal government department. 


Originate 시작되다, 유래하다



(3rd person singular present : originates)

Transitive verb

1.시작하다, 일으키다

2.창설하다; 창작하다, 발명하다, 창조하다; 고안하다, 짜내다, 생각해 내다

He originated a new teaching method.

그는 새 교수법을 창안했다.

Intransitive verb

1.비롯하다, 일어나다, 시작되다, 생기다, 유래하다; 고안되다 ((from, in, with))

Coal has originated from the decay of plants.

석탄은 식물이 썩어 된 것이다.

2.<열차·버스가> (…에서) 시발하다, 발차하다 ((at, in))

The flight originates in New York.

그 항공편은 뉴욕 발이다.


More now from meteorologist Jennifer Gray, mom of one of our very own CNN Tenors Caden, we see you Caden.


이제부터 기상학자 제니퍼 그레이가 더 많은 내용을 전해드립니다. 그녀는 우리 CNN 10의 애청자 케이든의 엄마이기도 합니다. 케이든에게 인사 보냅니다.


CNN tenor CNN 10 + suffix or : CNN 10을 사랑하는 사람, CNN 10의 애청자


-or (Cyrillic spelling -ор) Suffix appended to words to create a masculine noun, usually denoting a profession or a performer.




(비디오 클립 시작)



We've heard so much talk about El Nino.

But what is it?

In fact, it's a weather phenomenon that happens between the Pacific ocean and the atmosphere.

It can have an influence on the temperature and the weather all over the world.


제니퍼 그레이, CNN 기상학자:

우리는 엘니뇨에 대해 많은 이야기를 들어왔습니다.

하지만 그것은 뭔가요?

사실, 이것은 태평양과 대기 사이에서 일어나는 기상 현상입니다.

이것은 전세계의 기온과 날씨에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.


In the springtime, the trade winds start to relax and in a normal year they come back during the Asia monsoon in the summer.

During an El Nino year, they don't.

In fact, some years, the trade winds can even reverse, that has a huge impact on the Pacific Ocean.


봄이 되면 무역풍이 완화되고, 일반적인 해에는 여름에 아시아 몬순 기간 동안 다시 돌아옵니다.

엘니뇨 현상이 있는 해에는 그렇지 않습니다.

사실, 어떤 해에는 무역풍이 역전될 수도 있고, 이것은 태평양에 큰 영향을 미칩니다.


Monsoon 장마, 호우




1.[the ~] 몬순, 계절풍 ((특히 인도양에서 여름은 남서에서, 겨울은 북동에서 불어오는))

2.[the ~] 인도의 우기(雨期)



During a normal year, warm water is pooled on the west side of the ocean, cooler water on the east side.

That results in cooler waters off the coast of California and warmer waters in the western Pacific.

During an El Nino year, that thermocline tilt goes away and so warm water is spilled all the way over to the east side of the Pacific that increases convection, it also brings thunderstorms to the coast of California and droughts to the western side of the Pacific.

We all know that El Nino will impact the world.

The only question is, how will it affect you?


일반적인 해에는 바다의 서쪽에는 따뜻한 물이, 동쪽에는 시원한 물이 고입니다.

이로 인해 캘리포니아 해안은 더 시원해지고 서태평양은 더 따뜻한 물이 됩니다.

엘니뇨 현상이 있는 해 동안, 변온층이 기우는 것이 사라지므로 따뜻한 물이 태평양의 동쪽 끝까지 쏟아지며 대류가 증가합니다. 또한 이로 인해 캘리포니아 해안에는 뇌우를, 태평양의 서쪽에는 가뭄을 일으킵니다.

엘니뇨가 세계에 영향을 미칠 것이라는 것은 우리 모두가 알고 있습니다.

유일한 질문은, 그게 여러분에게 어떤 영향을 미칠까요?


Pool on 모으다, 모집하다, 모금하다


pooled on 모이다

Pool on: to collect something such as money in order for it to be used by several different people or groups:


Thermocline 변온층



1.(호소(湖沼)의 수온이 급격히 변하는) 변온층, (수온) 약층(躍層)


1.경사, 기울기(slant)2.(중세의) 말타고 하는 창(槍) 시합, (창의) 찌르기3.기울이다, 비스듬하게 하다 ((up)), <목을> 갸웃하다4.<물건을> 뒤엎다 ((over)); <용기·마차 등을> 기울여서 속을 비우다 ((out, up))5.기울다, 비스듬해지다6.마상(馬上) 창시합을 하다(joust), ((일반적으로)) 시합을 하다, 창으로 찌르다


A thermocline is the transition layer between the warmer mixed water at the surface and the cooler deep water below. It is relatively easy to tell when you have reached the thermocline in a body of water because there is a sudden change in temperature.


Convection 전달, 운반




1.전달, 운반

2.(열·공기의) 대류(對流), 환류(還流)

3.대기의 대류, ((특히)) 상승 기류




(비디오 클립 끝)



This fall will be a big test for another type of return, the return of workers to the workplace.

Major companies are asking remote workers to come on back as many as 1 million U.S. workers are facing return orders.

Even zoom, the company that powered remote working for millions is asking its employees to get on back to the cubicle.

But even with all these changing mandates, the traditional office space isn't what it used to be.



이번 가을은 직장으로 돌아가는 근로자들의 복귀라는 또 다른 형태의 시험을 받게 될 것입니다.

주요 기업들은 원격 근무자들에게 복귀를 요청하고 있으며, 약 100만 명의 미국 근로자들이 복귀 지시를 받고 있습니다.

수백만 명의 원격 근무를 가능하게 한 회사 줌 (Zoom) 조차도 직원들에게 사무실로 돌아오라고 요청하고 있습니다.

하지만 이러한 변화하는 규정들이 있더라도, 기존의 사무실 공간은 예전과 같지 않습니다.


Face 직면하다, 맞서다



Transitive verb

1.<사람·건물이> 향하다, …에 면하다(look toward(s))

2.<위험·재난 등에> 정면으로 대하다, 대항하다(confront); 용감하게 맞서다(brave)

Intransitive verb

1.<건물이> (어느 방향을) 향하다, 면하다(look) ((on, onto, to, toward))

2.방향 전환하다


Cubicle 칸막이 등으로 구분된 작은 공간


a small partitioned-off area of a room, for example one containing a shower or toilet, or a desk in an office.




1.(기숙사 등의 칸막이한) 작은 침실, (도서관의) 개인용 열람석, (수영장 등의) 탈의실


Mandates 규정, 임무, 지령, 지시



(3rd person singular present : mandates)


1.명령, 지령, 지시; 임무

a royal mandate

국왕의 칙령

2.(상급 법원에서 하급 법원으로 보내는) 직무 집행 영장

Transitive verb

1.위임 통치국으로 지정하다

a mandated territory

위임 통치령

2.권한을 위양하다


Once these buildings and skyscrapers were full of busy workers, now after the pandemic, less than 50% of office workers are going back in person.

And that's a problem for the people that own these buildings as you can imagine, without as many tenants to pay rent, many of these landlords are having to get creative.

Our CNN Business and Politics Correspondent Vanessa Yurkevich has more.


한때는 이 건물들과 고층 빌딩들이 바쁜 근로자들로 가득 차 있었지만, 이제는 팬데믹 이후에는 사무실 근로자들의 절반 이하만이 직접 출근하고 있습니다.

예상하실 수 있듯이, 이러한 건물을 소유한 사람들에게는 문제가 됩니다. 많은 세입자들이 임대료를 지불하지 않기 때문에, 많은 임대인들이 창의적인 방법을 동원해야 합니다.

CNN 비즈니스 및 정치부의 바네사 유르케비치 특파원이 자세한 내용을 전해드립니다.


Skyscrapers 마천루, 초고층 빌딩



A skyscraper is a tall, continuously habitable building having multiple floors. Modern sources currently define skyscrapers as being at least 100 meters or 150 meters in height, though there is no universally accepted definition, other than being very tall high-rise buildings. 




(비디오테이프 시작)



They're statuesque, vast and staggering and they’re empty.

Skyscrapers and office buildings, one stacked high with businesses are experiencing high vacancy rates in the U.S. nearly 19%, 5.5% higher than before the pandemic.

The pandemic emptied offices around the country, today the number of people returning to in-person work is less than 50% in 10 major metro areas, forcing companies to rethink physical office space.

Half of the biggest global companies say they'll need less real estate in the next three years, leaving landlords with loans to pay in a bind.


바네사 유르케비치, CNN 비즈니스 & 정치부 특파원:

건물들이 조각상처럼 위엄 있고, 거대하며, 압도적입니다. 그리고 건물들이 비어 있습니다.

미국의 초고층 건물들과 사무실 건물들은 거의 19%의 공실률을 경험하고 있고 이는 팬데믹 이전보다 5.5%나 높은 수치입니다.

팬데믹으로 전국의 사무실이 텅 비었는데, 오늘날 10개 주요 대도시 지역에서 직접 업무에 복귀하는 사람들의 수가 50% 미만이어서 기업들은 물리적인 사무실 공간을 재고해야 합니다.

세계에서 가장 큰 기업들 중 절반이 향후 3년 동안은 부동산이 덜 필요하다고 하며, 이로 인해 임대인들은 빚을 갚아야 할 처지에 놓이게 됩니다.


Statuesque 조각상 같은, 위엄 있는




1.조각상 같은, 조각상을 연상시키는, 움직이지 않는

2.위엄 있는; 윤곽이 고른, 우아한, 당당한


Vast 광대한, 거대한



(Comparative : vaster)


1.광대[거대]한, 광막한 (=huge)

a vast expanse of desert

광막한 사막

2.<수·양·금액이> 막대한

spend a vast sum of money

거액의 돈을 쓰다


1.[the[a] ~] 광활한 넓이

the vast(s)[a vast] of ocean

광활한 대양


Staggering 압도적인




1.비틀거리는, 비틀거리게 하는

a staggering blow

강한 일격

2.망설이는; 혼비백산케 하는, 압도[경이]적인

a staggering piece of news

망연자실케 하는 소식


Stack 쌓아 올리다, 쌓다



(3rd person singular present : stacks)


1.더미, 퇴적(堆積), 쌓아 올림

2.낟가리, 쌓은 짚[건초] 더미

Transitive verb

1.<낟가리 등을> 쌓다, 쌓아 올리다 ((up)); <총을> 걸다

2.<패를> 속임수로 섞어 맞추다

Intransitive verb

1.(산더미같이) 쌓이다 ((up))

2.열[무리]을 이루다 ((up))


Rethink 재고하다, 생각을 고치다



(3rd person singular present : rethinks)

Transitive verb, Intransitive verb

1.재고하다, 생각을 고치다


1.[보통 a ~] 재고(再考)

have a rethink



Bind 묶다, 매다



(3rd person singular present : binds)


1.묶다, 동이다(tie), 매다 ((with, in, to)); 결박하다; 포박하다

bind one's hair with a ribbon

리본으로 머리를 묶다

2.둘러 감다

The ivy bound itself about a tree.

담쟁이 덩쿨이 나무에 휘감겨 있었다.

Intransitive verb

1.<흙·모래·눈 등이> 굳어지다

2.<약속 등이> 구속력이 있다


1.묶는[동이는] 것 ((끈, 실, 밧줄 따위))



Steven Durels runs the leasing at SL Green, New York City's largest commercial landlord with more than 30 million square feet of space to rent, the collapsing demand for office space means their tenant vacancy rate shot up from 3% pre-pandemic to 10% today that calls for some creativity.


스티븐 듀렐스는 SL Green에서 임대를 운영하고 있습니다. 뉴욕 시에서 가장 큰 상업용 부동산 임대업자로 3천만 평방피트 이상의 임대할 수 있는 공간을 가지고 있습니다. 사무실 공간에 대한 수요가 급격히 감소하면서 공실률이 코로나 이전 3%에서 현재 10%로 급증하였고 이에 대한 창의적인 대안이 필요해졌습니다.


shoot up 솟아오르다, 치솟다


shoot up

phrasal verb of shoot

1. (especially of a child) grow taller rapidly.

"when she hit thirteen she shot up to a startling 5 foot 9"

2. cause great damage to something by shooting.

"they shot up the building"



You can build a set in here, you can have a fight scene in here.


아만다 바이젠탈, 영업 및 생산 책임자, 백로트:

여기에 세트를 만들 수도 있고, 여기서 싸우는 장면을 찍을 수도 있습니다.



SL Green is now working with Backlot, a company that connects landlords at 332 buildings across New York and New Jersey with film and TV companies.

This episode of Law and Order was filmed in this vacant office in midtown Manhattan, the watcher on Netflix and these East Side offices.



SL Green은 현재 뉴욕과 뉴저지 전역의 332개 건물들의 임대인들과 영화 및 TV 회사를 연결하는 회사인 백로트와 협력하고 있습니다.

“Law and Order”의 이 에피소드는 맨하탄 미드타운의 텅 빈 사무실, 넷플릭스의 “The Watcher”, 그리고 이 이스트 사이드 사무실에서 촬영되었습니다.


"Law and Order"의 이 에피소드는 맨하탄 미드타운의 이 빈 사무실에서 촬영이 이루어졌습니다. 넷플릭스의 “The Watcher”는 이러한 동쪽 사무실들에서 촬영되었습니다.



I think people are starting to look holistically at how they can support a revenue stream.



저는 사람들이 수익 흐름을 어떻게 전체적으로 지원할 수 있는지에 대해 고민하기 시작하는 것 같다고 생각합니다.


Holistically 전체적으로


Holistically /hə(ʊ)ˈlɪstɪkli,hɒˈlɪstɪkli/ adverb PHILOSOPHY

in a way that is characterized by the belief that the parts of something are intimately interconnected and explicable only by reference to the whole.

"the damage caused by unethical behaviour needs to be examined holistically"


Revenue 수익, 정기적인 수입





the public revenue

국고 세입

2.[U] 수익, (정기적인) 수입; 수입의 출처; 수입 항목

3.[pl.] 총수입, 재원(財源), 수입 총액



This year, SL Green says it will earn $3 million from film and TV shoots.



올해, SL Green은 영화와 TV 촬영으로 3백만 달러를 벌 것이라고 말합니다.



It's really helped mitigate the loss of income during the downtime periods.


스티븐 듀렐스, EVP & 리스 이사, 설리번, 그린 부동산 주식회사:

다운타임 기간 동안의 소득 손실을 줄이는 데 큰 도움이 되었습니다.


Mitigate 덜어주다, 완화하다



(3rd person singular present : mitigates)

Transitive verb

1.완화하다, 누그러뜨리다, 덜어주다, 진정시키다

mitigate pain[grief]

고통[슬픔]을 덜다


Downtime 정지 시간, 중단 시간




1.[U] 정지[중단] 시간 ((공장·기계의)), [컴퓨터] 비사용 시간, 고장 시간, (사람의) 휴양 기간


Empty office buildings could be turned into residential, a big need.

This project in Washington D.C. once an office building is being turned into apartments, but that's not an easy quick fix process, less than 1% of apartments nationwide are converted from commercial properties.

And across the river in Arlington, Virginia, the city is trying to get ahead of its empty office space problem at 22%.


비어있는 사무실 건물들은 주거지로 바뀔 수 있습니다, 수요가 아주 큽니다.

한때 사무실 건물이었던 곳을 아파트로 바꾸는 작업 진행하는 워싱턴 D.C.의 이 프로젝트는, 쉽고 빠른 작업 과정이 아닙니다. 전국의 1% 미만의 아파트만이 상업용 부동산에서 개조된 상태입니다.

버지니아주 알링턴 지역의 강 건너 도시에서는 사무실 공간 공실률이 현재 22%라는 문제를 극복하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다.


Nationwide 전국적인, 전국적으로





nationwide scale

전국적인 규모




Converted 전환된, 변환된


Converted[kənvə́:rtid] ADJ.



a converted cruiser

개장 순양함




I'm sitting right today in northeastern D.C. campus.

Last year, university was not allowed to take up space in an office building.


라이언 투힐, 알링턴 경제 개발 담당 이사:

저는 오늘 미국 워싱턴 D.C. 북동부 지역의 캠퍼스에 있습니다.

지난해, 대학교는 사무실 건물에서 자리를 차지하는 것이 허용되지 않았습니다.



Thanks to new city zoning laws, that's now possible along with seven new types of commercial businesses like animal boarding, hydroponic farms, and pickleball.

Vanessa Yurkevich, CNN, Egg Harbor Township, New Jersey.



새로운 도시 구역 법률 덕분에, 동물 보호소, 수경재배 농장, 피클볼 등 7가지 새로운 상업 업종과 함께 이제 그것이 가능해졌습니다.

뉴저지 에그하버 타운쉽에서 CNN의 바네사 유르케비치였습니다.


animal boarding 애완동물 숙박시설


Pet boarding is a lodging facility that's similar to daycare for kids except that you can leave your dog or cat for an overnight or extended stay. These places are sometimes called pet hotels, pet boarding facilities, catteries or dog boarding kennels.


hydroponic farms 수경재배지


Hydroponics is the technique of growing plants using a water-based nutrient solution rather than soil, and can include an aggregate substrate, or growing media, such as vermiculite, coconut coir, or perlite. Hydroponic production systems are used by small farmers, hobbyists, and commercial enterprises.




(끝 비디오 테이프)



Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is about some puppy pals named Brenda and Linda.

Two stray pups who are the best of friends at a Minneapolis Animal Shelter.

Well, when they got separated something doggone adorable happened.

Brenda took matters into her own paws climbing a five-foot concrete wall to join her buddy.

That's the type of puppy love that lasts forever.

And get this, the shelter, they're only going to let people adopt them if they're a package deal.



오늘 10점 만점에 10점을 받은 이야기는 브렌다와 린다라는 이름을 가진 강아지 친구들에 관한 내용입니다.

미네아폴리스 동물 보호소에서 가장 친한 친구인 두 마리의 유기 강아지들입니다.

그 둘이 다른 방으로 분리된 후에 너무나도 귀여운 일이 발생했습니다.

브렌다는 친구를 만나기 위해 5피트(약 1.5미터) 높이의 콘크리트 벽을 오르락내리락하며 문제를 스스로 해결했습니다.

그런 종류의 강아지 사랑은 영원히 지속되는 것입니다.

그리고 여기서 놀라운 건, 보호소에서는 그 둘을 함께 입양하는 사람들만 받을 거라는 것입니다.


Pal 친구, 단짝, 동료



(3rd person singular present : pals)


1.동료, 단짝; 친구, 동무


Intransitive verb

1.친구가 되다 ((up)), 친구로서 교제하다 ((around; with))


Doggone 엄청나게, 놀랍도록, 매우



1.[A] 저주할, 괘씸한, 비참한; 더러운

2.괘씸하게, 지긋지긋하게

3.빌어먹을, 제기랄


Doggone /ˈdɒɡɒn/ INFORMAL•NORTH AMERICAN adjective

used to express feelings of annoyance, surprise, or pleasure.

"now just a doggone minute"


damn; darn (used to express surprise, irritation, or anger).

"from that moment, doggone it if I didn't see a motivation in Joey!"


All right, that's about all we have time for, for today.

It's so good to be back with all of you.

And I can't wait until you see some of our new segments this year.

One of them has to do with all the teachers out there so teachers, stay on your toes and keep on shining.


좋아요, 오늘은 여기서 시간이 다 되었네요.

여러분들과 함께 다시 만나게 되어 정말 좋습니다.

그리고 올해 새롭게 준비하는 코너들을 보여드리는 것이 기다려지네요.

그 중 한 코너는 모든 선생님들과 관련이 있는 내용이니, 선생님들은 긴장을 늦추지 마시고 계속해서 지금처럼 좋은 모습 보여주시길 바랍니다.


have to do with -와 관련이 있다


have — to do with

phrase of do

be connected with (someone or something) to the extent specified.

"John's got nothing to do with that terrible murder"

have no contact or dealings with.

"Billy and his father have had nothing to do with each other for nearly twenty years"


stay on your toes 긴장을 늦추지 않다, 경계심을 유지하다


remain alert and ready

phrase. If you say that someone or something keeps you on your toes, you mean that they cause you to remain alert and ready for anything that might happen.


keep on shining 계속 지금처럼 좋은 일을 해주세요


When used in this way, it basically means to keep on "shining" or "excelling", or "being a good person". So, "shine on" as a closing of the letter could be explained like this. Goodbye, and shine on, Anthony/ Goodbye, and keep excelling, Anthony/Goodbye, and keep being a good person, Anthony.


Now, it's time for my favorite part of the day.

My first shout out of the school year goes to Austin, Texas.

Canyon Vista Middle School, rise up.


이제 제가 하루 중 가장 좋아하는 시간입니다.

새로운 학년의 첫번째 함성은 텍사스 오스틴으로 보내드립니다.

캐년 비스타 중학교, 일어나세요.


Thanks for subscribing and commenting on our CNN 10 YouTube Page.

We hope you and everyone watching around the world have a wonderful one.

I'm Coy Wire.

And we are CNN 10.


저희 CNN 10 유튜브 페이지를 구독해주시고 댓글 달아주셔서 감사합니다.

우리는 여러분과 전 세계를 시청하는 모든 분들이 멋진 하루를 보내시기를 바랍니다.

저는 코이 와이어입니다.

그리고 저희는 CNN 10입니다.






** 어휘, 문장 정리


Brand-new 아주 새로운, 갓 만들어진

Keep in touch 계속 연락하다


Hello lovely people, and welcome to a brand-new season.

I'm Coy Wire.

This is CNN 10.

And we are back.

Hope you all had an awesome summer.

Thanks to all of you who kept in touch on social media.

I am pumped up, ready to rock this new season with all of you.


break down 파헤치다, 분석하다

Segments 코너, 부분


We are right here for you to break down the most important news as it happens from social studies to science, on and on and, we have some brand-new segments lined up, up these sleeves for you this season as well.

So let's get this show on the road, shall we?


Districts 지역, 구역


In fact, 24 states, 850 districts in the United States will have a shorter school week this year.


Adopt 채택하다

Budgetary 예산상의

Constraints 제약, 압박, 억제

Downsides 부정적인 측면

Graduation 졸업, 학위 취득


Well, schools are adopting this method to help deal with budgetary constraints and staffing shortages.

They're also hoping a four-day school week will help students feel less burned out and more focused.

But there are downsides as well including studies showing lower test scores, worse academic comprehension and lower graduation rates.

Let's break down this debate with a little more specific data.


Flexibility 유연성, 융통성

Morale 사기, 의욕

Decrease 줄다, 감소하다

gaining steam 힘을 얻다, 활기를 띄다


That flexibility can increase teacher morale, and decrease burnout in the classroom.

Four-day weeks have traditionally been more common in rural areas.

Now, they're gaining steam in metro areas like Denver, Phoenix and San Antonio as well.


Drawbacks 단점, 결점

ill effects 나쁜 영향

Vanish 사라지다, 없애다

Absenteeism 결석, 결근

Debate 논쟁, 토론


But research shows there are drawbacks to a shortened school week.

One study found lower math achievement in some districts with four-day weeks, but the ill effects vanished in districts with longer school days.

A second study found higher absenteeism and lower on time graduation rates compared with five-day students.

Shorter school weeks can also be heading for parents costing families an extra $5,000 to $9,000 a year in childcare as more school districts shorten the week, you can expect to hear more about this debate.


Nor'easter 노르이스터, 북동풍

El Nino 엘니뇨 현상

La Nina 라니냐 현상

Derecho 폭풍 현상의 일종


10 second trivia.

Which of these weather patterns is a warm phase signaled by weaker trade winds and warmer ocean water?

Nor'easter, El Nino, La Nina, or Derecho?


El Nino, Spanish for the little boy, is this irregular weather pattern that occurs in the Pacific Ocean.


Projections 예상, 예측


The summer of 2023 and parts of the nation has seen record high temperatures at times and some projections say we could see a new record for the warmest year ever recorded.


weather models 기상 모델

NOAA The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration 국립해양대기청

Originate 시작되다, 유래하다


A big reason, weather models are showing one of the strongest El Ninos in decades.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or NOAA announced the presence of those El Nino conditions on June 8.

Years where El Ninos are present tend to be hotter as warm ocean waters that originate in the Pacific Ocean can influence global weather patterns.

These events happen every two to seven years and they vary in intensity.

Scientists are still searching for why this happens but the pattern can last for weeks or months.


CNN tenor CNN 10 + suffix or : CNN 10을 사랑하는 사람, CNN 10의 애청자


More now from meteorologist Jennifer Gray, mom of one of our very own CNN Tenors Caden, we see you Caden.


Monsoon 장마, 호우


In the springtime, the trade winds start to relax and in a normal year they come back during the Asia monsoon in the summer.


Pool on 모으다, 모집하다, 모금하다

Thermocline 변온층

Convection 전달, 운반


During a normal year, warm water is pooled on the west side of the ocean, cooler water on the east side.

That results in cooler waters off the coast of California and warmer waters in the western Pacific.

During an El Nino year, that thermocline tilt goes away and so warm water is spilled all the way over to the east side of the Pacific that increases convection, it also brings thunderstorms to the coast of California and droughts to the western side of the Pacific.


Face 직면하다, 맞서다

Cubicle 칸막이 등으로 구분된 작은 공간

Mandates 규정, 임무, 지령, 지시


This fall will be a big test for another type of return, the return of workers to the workplace.

Major companies are asking remote workers to come on back as many as 1 million U.S. workers are facing return orders.

Even zoom, the company that powered remote working for millions is asking its employees to get on back to the cubicle.

But even with all these changing mandates, the traditional office space isn't what it used to be.


Skyscrapers 마천루, 초고층 빌딩


Once these buildings and skyscrapers were full of busy workers, now after the pandemic, less than 50% of office workers are going back in person.


Statuesque 조각상 같은, 위엄 있는

Vast 광대한, 거대한

Staggering 압도적인

Stack 쌓아 올리다, 쌓다

Rethink 재고하다, 생각을 고치다

Bind 묶다, 매다


They're statuesque, vast and staggering and they’re empty.

Skyscrapers and office buildings, one stacked high with businesses are experiencing high vacancy rates in the U.S. nearly 19%, 5.5% higher than before the pandemic.

The pandemic emptied offices around the country, today the number of people returning to in-person work is less than 50% in 10 major metro areas, forcing companies to rethink physical office space.

Half of the biggest global companies say they'll need less real estate in the next three years, leaving landlords with loans to pay in a bind.


shoot up 솟아오르다, 치솟다


Steven Durels runs the leasing at SL Green, New York City's largest commercial landlord with more than 30 million square feet of space to rent, the collapsing demand for office space means their tenant vacancy rate shot up from 3% pre-pandemic to 10% today that calls for some creativity.


Holistically 전체적으로

Revenue 수익, 정기적인 수입


I think people are starting to look holistically at how they can support a revenue stream.


Mitigate 덜어주다, 완화하다

Downtime 정지 시간, 중단 시간


It's really helped mitigate the loss of income during the downtime periods.


Nationwide 전국적인, 전국적으로

Converted 전환된, 변환된


This project in Washington D.C. once an office building is being turned into apartments, but that's not an easy quick fix process, less than 1% of apartments nationwide are converted from commercial properties.


animal boarding 애완동물 숙박시설

hydroponic farms 수경재배지


Thanks to new city zoning laws, that's now possible along with seven new types of commercial businesses like animal boarding, hydroponic farms, and pickleball.


Pal 친구, 단짝, 동료

Doggone 엄청나게, 놀랍도록, 매우


Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is about some puppy pals named Brenda and Linda.

Two stray pups who are the best of friends at a Minneapolis Animal Shelter.

Well, when they got separated something doggone adorable happened.


have to do with -와 관련이 있다

stay on your toes 긴장을 늦추지 않다, 경계심을 유지하다

keep on shining 계속 지금처럼 좋은 일을 해주세요


All right, that's about all we have time for, for today.

It's so good to be back with all of you.

And I can't wait until you see some of our new segments this year.

One of them has to do with all the teachers out there so teachers, stay on your toes and keep on shining.


** 복습용 문장


Hello lovely people, and welcome to a brand-new season.

I'm Coy Wire.

This is CNN 10.

And we are back.

Hope you all had an awesome summer.

Thanks to all of you who kept in touch on social media.

I am pumped up, ready to rock this new season with all of you.


We are right here for you to break down the most important news as it happens from social studies to science, on and on and, we have some brand-new segments lined up, up these sleeves for you this season as well.

So let's get this show on the road, shall we?


In fact, 24 states, 850 districts in the United States will have a shorter school week this year.


Well, schools are adopting this method to help deal with budgetary constraints and staffing shortages.

They're also hoping a four-day school week will help students feel less burned out and more focused.

But there are downsides as well including studies showing lower test scores, worse academic comprehension and lower graduation rates.

Let's break down this debate with a little more specific data.


That flexibility can increase teacher morale, and decrease burnout in the classroom.

Four-day weeks have traditionally been more common in rural areas.

Now, they're gaining steam in metro areas like Denver, Phoenix and San Antonio as well.


But research shows there are drawbacks to a shortened school week.

One study found lower math achievement in some districts with four-day weeks, but the ill effects vanished in districts with longer school days.

A second study found higher absenteeism and lower on time graduation rates compared with five-day students.

Shorter school weeks can also be heading for parents costing families an extra $5,000 to $9,000 a year in childcare as more school districts shorten the week, you can expect to hear more about this debate.


10 second trivia.

Which of these weather patterns is a warm phase signaled by weaker trade winds and warmer ocean water?

Nor'easter, El Nino, La Nina, or Derecho?


El Nino, Spanish for the little boy, is this irregular weather pattern that occurs in the Pacific Ocean.


The summer of 2023 and parts of the nation has seen record high temperatures at times and some projections say we could see a new record for the warmest year ever recorded.


A big reason, weather models are showing one of the strongest El Ninos in decades.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration or NOAA announced the presence of those El Nino conditions on June 8.

Years where El Ninos are present tend to be hotter as warm ocean waters that originate in the Pacific Ocean can influence global weather patterns.

These events happen every two to seven years and they vary in intensity.

Scientists are still searching for why this happens but the pattern can last for weeks or months.


More now from meteorologist Jennifer Gray, mom of one of our very own CNN Tenors Caden, we see you Caden.


In the springtime, the trade winds start to relax and in a normal year they come back during the Asia monsoon in the summer.


During a normal year, warm water is pooled on the west side of the ocean, cooler water on the east side.

That results in cooler waters off the coast of California and warmer waters in the western Pacific.

During an El Nino year, that thermocline tilt goes away and so warm water is spilled all the way over to the east side of the Pacific that increases convection, it also brings thunderstorms to the coast of California and droughts to the western side of the Pacific.


This fall will be a big test for another type of return, the return of workers to the workplace.

Major companies are asking remote workers to come on back as many as 1 million U.S. workers are facing return orders.

Even zoom, the company that powered remote working for millions is asking its employees to get on back to the cubicle.

But even with all these changing mandates, the traditional office space isn't what it used to be.


Once these buildings and skyscrapers were full of busy workers, now after the pandemic, less than 50% of office workers are going back in person.


They're statuesque, vast and staggering and they’re empty.

Skyscrapers and office buildings, one stacked high with businesses are experiencing high vacancy rates in the U.S. nearly 19%, 5.5% higher than before the pandemic.

The pandemic emptied offices around the country, today the number of people returning to in-person work is less than 50% in 10 major metro areas, forcing companies to rethink physical office space.

Half of the biggest global companies say they'll need less real estate in the next three years, leaving landlords with loans to pay in a bind.


Steven Durels runs the leasing at SL Green, New York City's largest commercial landlord with more than 30 million square feet of space to rent, the collapsing demand for office space means their tenant vacancy rate shot up from 3% pre-pandemic to 10% today that calls for some creativity.


I think people are starting to look holistically at how they can support a revenue stream.


It's really helped mitigate the loss of income during the downtime periods.


This project in Washington D.C. once an office building is being turned into apartments, but that's not an easy quick fix process, less than 1% of apartments nationwide are converted from commercial properties.


Thanks to new city zoning laws, that's now possible along with seven new types of commercial businesses like animal boarding, hydroponic farms, and pickleball.


Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is about some puppy pals named Brenda and Linda.

Two stray pups who are the best of friends at a Minneapolis Animal Shelter.

Well, when they got separated something doggone adorable happened.


All right, that's about all we have time for, for today.

It's so good to be back with all of you.

And I can't wait until you see some of our new segments this year.

One of them has to do with all the teachers out there so teachers, stay on your toes and keep on shining.


** END


[CNN10 대본 정리] 202308 전체 지문

(업데이트 예정)


23년 5월 26일 방송분 이후부터 방학 기간 동안 휴방입니다.
6월부터 8월까지 3개월간은 5월 지문을 3개 학습하며 전체 지문 정리 포스팅은 8월부터 다시 시작합니다.



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