[CSP 대본 093] A Roller Coaster Of A Show | May 1, 2023
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Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Ya Ya The Panda Returns Home After 20 Years; Wild Breathtaking Ride to Six Flags Magic Mountain. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired May 01, 2023 - 04:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND
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CNN 10
Ya Ya The Panda Returns Home After 20 Years; Wild Breathtaking Ride to Six Flags Magic Mountain. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 01, 2023 - 04:00 ET
Happy Monday and Happy May to you.
I'm so grateful to be back coming to you from CNN Center reporting from the NFL Draft last week, really was special, though, in large part because I got to meet so many of you, Liberty High School, you rock. What's up Wilbert.
I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10.
And we start with a story we brought you last week, an update on Ya Ya the panda sent to a Memphis Zoo two decades ago from China.
The moment encapsulated a high point in U.S.-China relations.
Remember pandas are used as diplomatic gifts in China.
But pandemonium surface, when many people in China and some animal advocates accused the zoo of mistreatment after a video came out showing the ones furry, cuddly panda looking skinny was scraggly fur.
However American and Chinese scientists concluded after a joint investigation that Ya Ya has a genetic fur and skin condition and that pandas at this zoo, (quote), "received excellent care." (unquote).
But reputational damage had already been done.
Anti-American panda propaganda flooded feeds on Chinese social media, causing outrage.
The plan all along was for Ya Ya to stay at the Memphis Zoo for 20 years and return this spring and Ya Ya is now back in China.
It was a highly anticipated homecoming.
Our Will Ripley has more about this panda that was once a sign of friendship, but has now become a symbol of growing tension between the U.S. and China.
In China, a hero's welcome for Ya Ya the panda.
At the end of a 16-hour flight from Memphis to Shanghai.
Crowds gathered outside the airport trying to catch just a glimpse of Ya Ya's crate.
Her first moments back on Chinese soil.
She'll spend the next month in quarantine at the Shanghai zoo, where immediate feeding frenzy is in full swing.
And many Chinese have been watching closely and looking forward to Ya Ya's return.
This geriatric giant panda is a household name in China for all the wrong reasons.
When Ya Ya's panda playmate died of heart disease in February, pictures of Ya Ya with scraggly fur and sagging skin sparked online pandemonium.
A Chinese social media frenzy fueled by false claims.
Rampant rumors denied by the zoo of panda abuse and neglect in the U.S.
Outrage amplified by anti-American sentiment.
Ya Ya, come back home.
Bring Ya Ya home became a rallying cry for millions of Chinese.
The panda's picture plastered on billboards from Beijing to the Big Apple.
It's true, Ya Ya was young and fluffy when she arrived at the Memphis Zoo 20 years ago.
On a long-term multimillion dollar lease from China.
U.S. and Chinese scientists say she has a genetic condition affecting her skin and fur, a condition that worsens with old age.
No impact on her quality of life, just her looks.
They even issued a joint statement saying the fact is, Ya Ya had excellent care.
But facts don't always matter in a world full of fake news.
Anti-American panda propaganda is filling the feeds of Chinese social media users.
No mention of the healthy pandas at two other American zoos, but plenty of pictures of an active and playful panda in Russia, a panda Chinese state media praises for improving bilateral ties.
Ya Ya's saga will end where it began.
The Beijing zoo where she'll live out her final years.
She just might be the world's most politicized Panda, a beloved bear that brought the U.S. and China closer now being used to divide.
WILL RIPLEY (On camera):
China has been using pandas as a political tool for decades.
They are national treasures and China is very selective about which countries get these million dollar a year panda loans, the U.S. had not one in two decades.
Ya Ya was the last one.
But they also heavily censored social media and allowed this online backlash to grow to the point that people were calling for all pandas to be pulled out of the U.S. and panda diplomacy to end altogether.
And only on Wednesday did the Foreign Ministry of China say that in fact, the pandas at the Memphis Zoo were well taken care of and actually loved by the American people. Halfhearted attempt perhaps to dial back some of this controversy.
All right, you all learn studying some very important staple subjects in your schools every day, right, social studies, history, math, science, the arts, on and on.
But in today's world, there are some other important topics that might not always be easy to talk about.
One school in the San Diego area is having their fifth graders tackle issues like racism, bullying, pollution, even gun violence through animations.
Our Camila Bernal explains more.
Good morning. Buenos dias.
The day begins for these fifth graders with the usual subjects, math, science, reading, and even P.E.
Those may appear easy in comparison to talking about gun violence, global warming, bullying, racism.
I chose racism because for me racism is something really -- something that I see often and something that happens and I feel like all people should be treated the same way, not because they're different.
Because inside, we're all the same.
Christian Lopez is just one of the more than 500 5th grade students tackling these issues at the National School District just outside of San Diego.
The students choose a topic.
Yeah, I did like world hunger.
I feel bad, I really feel bad about, because they don't have the life I have.
We can donate to help them get food and fresh water.
And then use animation --
Do you think guns should be allowed? Well, I don't.
-- to explain their thoughts.
Immigration is a problem for everyone.
They separate individuals from another, that's a form of injustice.
If these are the issues, these are the components that these young people will face as they become adult, then I believe that it is our responsibility to support them in learning how to maneuver some of the nuances.
But maneuvering wasn't always easy.
According to animator David Heredi, who created this five-week program.
It makes people uncomfortable when you put them in a situation to talk about something that is not their lived experience.
And because of that, I think it's unfair to put a muzzle on a child who wants to express what they're feeling.
So instead you allow them to talk through their art.
Just because they're a different race doesn't mean that you have to be rude or to like not to be nice to them, because it's really hurtful for those people.
They found ways to help solve or highlight the issues.
No matter what color we are, we all are humans.
And then, they got to feel like celebrities as they share their animations with the world.
It allows us to actually stop and listen to what's going on in the world of a child and have them offer a potential solution to that problem.
When you're kind to someone they're going to be kind to someone else or you, you should always be kind.
The students feel heard and say they will continue to explore these social justice issues.
We could still keep working on and progress to make it better.
Ten second trivia.
In 1817, "The Aerial Walk" considered to be the world's first modern roller coaster opened in what city?
Paris, France,
Brooklyn, New York,
London, England,
or Anaheim, California?
"The Promenades-Aeriennes" or "The Aerial Walk" debuted in Paris.
Passengers walked up a set of stairs, wrote a bench down at 40 miles per hour, Woo-hoo.
Now the folks in Paris from the 19th Century would have said, ooh la la wae wae- to the rollercoasters nowadays.
They've evolved so much and they're so fast.
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is an amusement park that you could call the roller coaster capital of the world.
Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California is home to a whopping 20 roller coasters more than any other theme park on the planet.
Some coasters given chills and thrills are called Wonder Woman, flight of courage, Twisted Colossus.
And how about the X2 with its 360-degree rotating seats and head-first, face down drops.
That's enough to send you on an emotional roller coaster.
You know, the most difficult part of a roller coaster is the anticipation of climbing that first big incline.
The rest is mostly downhill.
Now, it's time for my favorite part of this show.
Special shout out today is going to North Kingstown Rhode Island, Davisville Middle School, rise up.
Thanks for subscribing and commenting on our CNN 10 YouTube Channel.
Have a great Motivation Monday, everyone.
Remember life presents choices.
We make decisions.
Those decisions become our destiny.
I'm Coy Wire, and we are CNN 10.
** 독해 및 어휘 정리
*** 오역, 오타 등 수정이 필요한 부분을 발견하시면 방에 공유 부탁드립니다.
CNN 10
Ya Ya The Panda Returns Home After 20 Years; Wild Breathtaking Ride to Six Flags Magic Mountain. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 01, 2023 - 04:00 ET
Happy Monday and Happy May to you.
I'm so grateful to be back coming to you from CNN Center reporting from the NFL Draft last week, really was special, though, in large part because I got to meet so many of you, Liberty High School, you rock. What's up Wilbert.
코이 와이어, CNN 10 앵커:
여러분, 행복한 월요일, 그리고 행복한 5월 보내세요.
지난 주 NFL 선발전 후 CNN 센터로 방송을 하러 돌아오게 되어서 정말 감사합니다. 하지만 많은 분들을 만나뵙게 되어 정말 특별한 시간이었습니다. 리버티 고등학교 여러분들을 만나뵙게 되어 영광입니다. 윌버트씨께도 인사를 보냅니다.
I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10.
And we start with a story we brought you last week, an update on Ya Ya the panda sent to a Memphis Zoo two decades ago from China.
The moment encapsulated a high point in U.S.-China relations.
Remember pandas are used as diplomatic gifts in China.
But pandemonium surface, when many people in China and some animal advocates accused the zoo of mistreatment after a video came out showing the ones furry, cuddly panda looking skinny was scraggly fur.
저는 코이 와이어, 여기는 CNN 10입니다.
그리고 우리는 지난 주에 여러분에게 전해드렸던 이야기로 시작합니다. 판다 야야가 20년 전 중국에서 멤피스 동물원으로 보내졌습니다.
그 순간은 미-중 관계의 정점을 장식했습니다.
중국에서 판다가 외교 선물로 사용된다는 것을 기억하세요.
하지만 보송보송하고 껴안고 싶은 판다들이 말라 보이는 것을 보여주는 비디오가 나온 후 중국의 많은 사람들과 일부 동물 옹호자들이 동물원에서 판다를 잘못 관리하고 있다고 의심하면서 판다들의 거칠어보이는 털이 대혼란의 표면이 되었습니다.
But pandemonium surface, / when many people in China and some animal advocates accused the zoo of mistreatment / after a video came out showing the ones furry, cuddly panda looking skinny / was scraggly fur.
하지만 보송보송하고 껴안고 싶은 판다들이 말라 보이는 것을 보여주는 비디오가 나온 후 중국의 많은 사람들과 일부 동물 옹호자들이 동물원에서 판다를 잘못 관리하고 있다고 의심하면서 판다의 거칠어보이는 털이 대혼란의 표면이 되었습니다.
Memphis Zoo 미국 테네시주 멤피스에 위치한 동물원
The Memphis Zoo, located in Midtown, Memphis, Tennessee, United States, is home to more than 3,500 animals representing over 500 different species. Created in April 1906, the zoo has been a major tenant of Overton Park for more than 100 years.
Encapsulate 요약하다, 핵심을 보여주다
1.캡슐에 넣다[싸다]
1. express the essential features of (something)
2. enclose (something) in or as if in a capsule.
Diplomatic 외교상의
1.[A] 외교의, 외교상의; 외교관의
establish[break off, restore] diplomatic relations
외교 관계를 수립하다[단절하다, 회복하다]
2.외교적 수완이 있는, 교섭[흥정]에 능한, 외교적인 언사에 능한
You are so diplomatic .
말솜씨가 참 능란하시네요.
3.[A] 고문서학의, 원문대로의
Pandemonium 대혼란
1.[UC/] 대혼란; [C] 대혼란의 장소, 수라장
2.[종종 P~] 복마전(伏魔殿), 지옥
Advocate 옹호자, 지지자
Transitive verb
1.옹호[변호, 지지]하다(support); 주장[창도]하다
advocate war[peace]
전쟁[평화]을 주장하다
1.창도자, 지지[옹호]자 ((of, for))
an advocate of children's right
어린이 인권론자
2.대변자, 중재자
Mistreatment 학대
1.[명사] abuse, mistreatment, maltreatment, ill-treatment, [동사] abuse, mistreat, maltreat, ill-treat, treat sb
Cuddly 껴안고 싶은
1.껴안고 싶은
endearing and pleasant to cuddle, especially as a result of being soft or plump.
Scraggly 고르지 못한
2.고르지 못한, 들쭉날쭉한
However American and Chinese scientists concluded after a joint investigation that Ya Ya has a genetic fur and skin condition and that pandas at this zoo, (quote), "received excellent care." (unquote).
그러나 미국과 중국 과학자들은 공동 조사 후 야야가 유전적인 이유로 털과 피부에 문제를 가지고 있으며 이 동물원의 판다들은 "훌륭한 보살핌을 받았다"고 결론을 내렸습니다.
Conclude 결말짓다
Transitive verb
1.끝내다, 결말짓다, 끝맺다, 완결하다 ((by, with)), (=finish)
conclude an argument
논쟁을 마치다
2.체결하다, 맺다(settle)
conclude a treaty of friendship
우호 조약을 체결하다
Investigation 조사 보고
1.[UC/] 조사, 수사, 연구(examination) ((of, into)); 취조, 음미
2.연구 논문, 조사 보고
But reputational damage had already been done.
Anti-American panda propaganda flooded feeds on Chinese social media, causing outrage.
The plan all along was for Ya Ya to stay at the Memphis Zoo for 20 years and return this spring and Ya Ya is now back in China.
It was a highly anticipated homecoming.
Our Will Ripley has more about this panda that was once a sign of friendship, but has now become a symbol of growing tension between the U.S. and China.
하지만 이미 평판은 나빠졌습니다.
중국 소셜미디어에 판다와 관련된 반미 선전물이 넘쳐나 분노를 자아냈습니다.
계획은 야야가 멤피스 동물원에서 20년 동안 머물다가 이번 봄에 돌아오는 것이었고 야야는 지금 중국으로 돌아갔습니다.
그것은 매우 기대되는 귀향이었습니다.
저희 윌 리플리 특파원이 한때 우정의 표시였지만 이제는 미국과 중국 사이의 긴장이 고조되는 상징이 된 이 판다에 대해 더 많은 내용을 전해드립니다.
Reputational 평판과 관련된
1. relating to the reputation of someone or something, especially when it is affected negatively. The cost of this reputational damage to the banks may at some stage be quantified. Synonyms and related words. Bad for your reputation.
Propaganda 선전, 주장
1.[U] [보통 관사 없이] 선전, 선전 방법[조직, 운동]; [종종 경멸] 선전하는 주의[주장]
antiwar propaganda
반전 선전
2.선전 단체
3.[the P~] [가톨릭] 해외 포교 성성(聖省), [the (College of) P~] 포교 신학교
Outrage 분노
1.불법 (행위), 무도(無道); 난폭, 폭행, 유린, 모욕; 무례, 학대
an outrage against[on] humanity
인륜에 어긋나는 행위
2.격분, 격노, 분개
Transitive verb
1.범하다, 어기다, 위반하다
Anticipated 기대하던
1.기대하던, 대망의
(비디오 테이프 시작)
In China, a hero's welcome for Ya Ya the panda.
At the end of a 16-hour flight from Memphis to Shanghai.
Crowds gathered outside the airport trying to catch just a glimpse of Ya Ya's crate.
Her first moments back on Chinese soil.
She'll spend the next month in quarantine at the Shanghai zoo, where immediate feeding frenzy is in full swing.
윌 리플리, CNN 특파원:
중국에서 판다 야야를 위한 환영인사입니다.
멤피스에서 상하이까지 16시간의 비행 끝에 야야가 들어있는 상자를 살짝 보기 위해 공항 밖에 모인 군중들입니다.
야야가 중국 땅을 밟는 첫 순간입니다.
야야는 다음 달에 상하이 동물원에 격리될 예정인데, 그곳에서는 즉각적으로 먹이를 충분히 공급할 예정입니다.
Crate 나무 상자
1.(병·따위를 운반하는) 나무 상자, (짐을 보호하는) 나무틀; (과실 등을 나르는) 대[버들]바구니
2.(수리를 요할 정도의) 낡은 자동차[비행기]
Transitive verb
1.나무 상자[대바구니]에 채워 넣다
Frenzy 격분
1.[UC/] 격분, 격앙; 열광; 광포, 광란; 발작
a frenzy of rage
Transitive verb
1.격분하게 하다, 광포하게 하다 (→frenzied)
in full swing 한창으로
in full activity[swing]
And many Chinese have been watching closely and looking forward to Ya Ya's return.
신원 미상의 여성:
그리고 많은 중국인들이 야야의 귀환을 예의 주시하고 기대하고 있습니다.
This geriatric giant panda is a household name in China for all the wrong reasons.
When Ya Ya's panda playmate died of heart disease in February, pictures of Ya Ya with scraggly fur and sagging skin sparked online pandemonium.
A Chinese social media frenzy fueled by false claims.
이 노인성 자이언트 판다는 잘못된 이유로 중국에서 널리 알려진 이름입니다.
야야와 함께 놀던 친구가 2월에 심장병으로 사망했을 때, 고르지 못한 털과 처진 피부를 가진 야야의 사진은 온라인에서 대혼란을 일으켰습니다.
허위 주장에 불붙은 중국 소셜미디어 광풍이 일었습니다.
Geriatric 노인병의, 노인의
geriatric medicine
노인 의학
1.노인, 노인병 환자
2.케케묵은 것[사람]
Sagging 축 늘어진, 처진
(3rd person singular present : sags)
1.가라앉다, 꺼지다; 기울다; 중간이 휘다, 처지다;
a sag ging roof
내려앉은 지붕
2.느슨해지다, 처지다
Transitive verb
1.축 늘어지게 하다, 처지게 하다; 약하게 하다
1.늘어짐, 처짐; (길의) 침하(沈下)
2.(시세의) 하락, 점락(漸落)
Rampant rumors denied by the zoo of panda abuse and neglect in the U.S.
Outrage amplified by anti-American sentiment.
판다 학대와 방치의 동물원이 부인한 만연한 소문들은 반미 감정으로 증폭되었습니다.
Rampant 만연한, 마구 퍼진
1.유행하는, 마구 퍼지는, 성한
a rampant rumor
손쓸 수 없이 퍼지는 소문
2.만연하는, 무성한, 우거진
3.사나운, 광포한, 과격한; 자유분방한
a rampant leopard
사나운 표범
Amplified 증폭시키다
1.확대[증대]하다(enlarge); 넓히다, 확장하다(extend)
The story only amplified his fear.
그 이야기는 그의 공포심을 크게 할 뿐이었다.
2.더욱 상세히 하다, 부연하다
He amplified the matter by illustrations.
그는 예를 들어 그것을 부연했다.
Intransitive verb
1.상세히 설명하다, 부연하다(expatiate) ((on))
He amplified on the accident.
그는 그 사고에 대해 자세히 설명했다.
Sentiment 감정
1.[UC/] (고상한) 감정, 정서, 정감, 정조(情操); (예술품에서 풍기는) 정취, 세련된 감정 (=feeling)
2.감정적인 생각
3.감정에 흐르는 경향, 정에 약함, 다정다감, 감상(感傷)
Ya Ya, come back home.
신원 미상 남성:
야야, 집으로 돌아와.
Bring Ya Ya home became a rallying cry for millions of Chinese.
The panda's picture plastered on billboards from Beijing to the Big Apple.
야야를 집으로 데려오는 것은 수백만 명의 중국인들의 함성이 되었습니다.
이 판다의 사진은 베이징에서 뉴욕까지 광고판에 도배되어 있습니다.
rallying cry 함성, 성원
1.(단체·운동 등의) 표어, 슬로건(slogan)
2.함성, 성원 소리
Plastered 석고로 만들어진
1.술 취한
1. INFORMAL very drunk.
"I went out and got totally plastered"
2. covered with or made of plaster.
"coarsely plastered brickwork"
It's true, Ya Ya was young and fluffy when she arrived at the Memphis Zoo 20 years ago.
On a long-term multimillion dollar lease from China.
사실입니다, 중국으로부터 수백만 달러의 장기 임대로 야야가 20년 전 멤피스 동물원에 도착했을 때는 어리고 털이 보송보송했습니다.
U.S. and Chinese scientists say she has a genetic condition affecting her skin and fur, a condition that worsens with old age.
No impact on her quality of life, just her looks.
They even issued a joint statement saying the fact is, Ya Ya had excellent care.
But facts don't always matter in a world full of fake news.
미국과 중국의 과학자들은 그 판다가 피부와 털에 영향을 주는 유전적 질환을 가지고 있다고 말하는데, 이는 나이가 들수록 악화되는 질환입니다.
그녀의 삶의 질에 영향은 없고, 단지 그녀의 외모에만 영향을 미칩니다.
과학자들은 심지어 공동 성명을 발표했는데, 사실은 야야가 훌륭한 대접을 받았다는 것입니다.
하지만 가짜 뉴스로 가득한 세상에서 진실이 항상 중요한 것은 아닙니다.
Anti-American panda propaganda is filling the feeds of Chinese social media users.
No mention of the healthy pandas at two other American zoos, but plenty of pictures of an active and playful panda in Russia, a panda Chinese state media praises for improving bilateral ties.
반미 판다 선전물이 중국 소셜미디어 이용자들의 먹잇감이 되었습니다.
다른 두 개의 미국 동물원의 건강한 판다에 대한 언급은 없지만, 러시아에서 활동적이고 장난기 많은 팬더의 사진이 많이 있었고, 한 판다 중국 관영 매체는 양국 관계를 개선했다고 이를 칭찬하고 있습니다.
Praise 칭찬하다
1.칭찬, 찬양
2.[pl.] 칭찬의 말
Transitive verb
praise the music highly
그 음악을 격찬하다
Bilateral 쌍방의
1.쌍방의, 양당의
2.양쪽 (면)이 있는
1.두 사람[나라]간의 회의[토론]
2.(특히 국제 무역의) 양자간 협정
Ya Ya's saga will end where it began.
The Beijing zoo where she'll live out her final years.
She just might be the world's most politicized Panda, a beloved bear that brought the U.S. and China closer now being used to divide.
야야의 이야기는 그것이 시작된 곳에서 끝날 것입니다.
야야가 말년을 보낼 베이징 동물원입니다.
야야는 아마도 세계에서 가장 정치적으로 다루어진 판다일 것입니다. 미국과 중국을 가깝게 만들어준 사랑스러운 곰었지만 이제는 양국을 분열시키는 데에 이용되고 있습니다.
Saga 전설, 무용담
1.(중세 북유럽의) 전설
2.무용담, 모험담, 사화(史話)
3.대하 소설(= ~ novel)
Politicize 정치적으로 다루다
Transitive verb
1.정치[정당]화하다, 정치적으로 다루다
2.정치에 관심을 갖게 하다
Intransitive verb
1.정치에 종사하다[관심을 가지다], 정치를 논하다
WILL RIPLEY (On camera):
China has been using pandas as a political tool for decades.
They are national treasures and China is very selective about which countries get these million dollar a year panda loans, the U.S. had not one in two decades.
Ya Ya was the last one.
But they also heavily censored social media and allowed this online backlash to grow to the point that people were calling for all pandas to be pulled out of the U.S. and panda diplomacy to end altogether.
And only on Wednesday did the Foreign Ministry of China say that in fact, the pandas at the Memphis Zoo were well taken care of and actually loved by the American people. Halfhearted attempt perhaps to dial back some of this controversy.
WILL RIPLEY (화면에 등장):
중국은 수십 년 동안 판다를 정치적 도구로 사용해 왔습니다.
그것들은 국보이고 중국은 어느 나라가 일년에 백만 달러의 판다 대출을 받게 될지에 대해 매우 선별적입니다. 미국은 20년 동안 한 번도 선택되지 못했습니다.
야야가 마지막이었습니다.
하지만 그들은 또한 소셜 미디어를 엄격하게 검열하면서도 사람들이 모든 판다들을 미국에서 철수시키고 판다 외교를 완전히 끝낼 것을 요구할 정도로 온라인 반발이 커지도록 허용했습니다.
그리고 수요일에서야 중국 외교부는 멤피스 동물원의 판다들이 미국인들에게 잘 보살핌을 받았고 실제로 사랑을 받았다고 말했습니다. 아마도 이 논쟁의 일부를 되돌리려는 내키지 않는 시도일 것입니다.
Censored 검열하다
1.(출판물·서신 등의) 검열관, 비평[비난]자
2.(고대 로마의) 감찰관
Transitive verb
1.검열하다, 검열하여 삭제하다 ((out))
Backlash 반발, 반발하다
1. a strong negative reaction by a large number of people, especially to a social or political development.
2.백래시 ((부품간의 헐거움으로 인한 역행))
Intransitive verb
1.역회전하다, 반발하다, 릴낚싯줄이 얽히다
Diplomacy 외교
1.[U] 외교(술), 외교적 수완, 절충의 재능(tact)
Halfhearted 내키지 않는, 성의 없는
1.마음이 내키지 않는, 냉담한
a halfhearted response
성의 없는 반응
(비디오 테이프 끝)
All right, you all learn studying some very important staple subjects in your schools every day, right, social studies, history, math, science, the arts, on and on.
But in today's world, there are some other important topics that might not always be easy to talk about.
One school in the San Diego area is having their fifth graders tackle issues like racism, bullying, pollution, even gun violence through animations.
Our Camila Bernal explains more.
자, 여러분 모두가 학교에서 아주 중요한 과목들을 매일 배웁니다. 사회, 역사, 수학, 과학, 예술 등등.
하지만 오늘날 세상에는 항상 이야기하기에는 쉽지 않은 다른 중요한 주제들이 있습니다.
샌디에고 지역의 한 학교는 5학년 학생들이 인종차별, 왕따, 환경 오염, 심지어는 총기 폭력과 같은 문제들을 애니메이션을 통해 다루도록 하고 있습니다.
카밀라 버날 특파원이 더 자세히 설명해드릴 것입니다.
Staple 중요한
1.[보통 pl.] 주요 산물, 중요 상품
2.(유행·계절 등에 관계 없는) 기본 식료품 ((설탕·소금 등))
1.기본적인, 주요한, 중요한; 대량 생산의, 잘 팔리는; 주로 생산[수출]되는; 주로 이용되는
Transitive verb
1.분류하다, 선별하다
Bullying 괴롭힘
1.약자를 괴롭히기
(비디오 테이프 시작)
Good morning. Buenos dias.
신원 미상의 여성:
좋은 아침이에요. 좋은 아침.
Buenos dias
Buenos días is a Spanish interjection meaning good day or, more often, good morning.
The day begins for these fifth graders with the usual subjects, math, science, reading, and even P.E.
카밀라 버날 CNN 국제 특파원:
수학, 과학, 독서, 그리고 심지어 체육까지 이 5학년 학생들에게 하루가 시작됩니다.
P.E. (Physical Education) 체육
(Inflected form : 체육이, 체육도, 체육만)
1.physical education ((abb.)PE), physical training ((abb.)PT)
그는 고등학교에서 체육을 가르친다
He teaches physical education at[in] a high school.
Those may appear easy in comparison to talking about gun violence, global warming, bullying, racism.
그것들은 총기 폭력, 지구 온난화, 괴롭힘, 인종차별에 대해 이야기하는 것과 비교하면 쉬워 보일 수 있습니다.
Comparison 비교
1.비교, 대조 ((with, to, between))
The Appalachians are a poor comparison to the Rockies.
애팔래치아 산맥은 로키 산맥과 비교도 안 된다.
2.[보통 부정문에서] 유사, 필적(하는 것)
There's no comparison between them.
(너무 차이가 나서) 그들은 비교가 안 된다, 하늘과 땅 차이다.
3.비유, 비김; [수사학] 비유(적 표현)(cf. SIMILE, METAPHOR) ((to))
the comparison of the heart to a pump
심장을 펌프에 비유함
I chose racism because for me racism is something really -- something that I see often and something that happens and I feel like all people should be treated the same way, not because they're different.
Because inside, we're all the same.
크리스찬 로페즈, 5학년 학생:
저는 인종차별을 선택했어요. 왜냐하면 인종차별은 제가 자주 보는 것이고 일어나는 일이기 때문이에요. 저는 모든 사람들이 같은 방식으로 대우받아야 한다고 생각합니다. 그들이 다르기 때문이 아니라 내면은 우리 모두 같기 때문이에요.
Christian Lopez is just one of the more than 500 5th grade students tackling these issues at the National School District just outside of San Diego.
The students choose a topic.
크리스찬 로페즈는 샌디에고 바로 외곽의 국립 학군에서 이러한 문제를 해결하는 500명 이상의 5학년 학생들 중 단 한 명일 뿐입니다.
학생들은 주제를 선택합니다.
Tackle 문제를 단호하게 해결하다
1. make determined efforts to deal with (a problem or difficult task).
"police have launched an initiative to tackle rising crime"
District 지역
1.지구, 지역, 구역 ((행정·사법·선거·교육 등의)), 관구, 행정구, 시[군]의 한 구역 (=area)
the shopping[business] district of a town
도시의 쇼핑[상업] 지구
2.(하원 의원·주의회 의원의) 선거구
Transitive verb
1.지구[관구]로 나누다, [미] 선거구로 나누다
Yeah, I did like world hunger.
I feel bad, I really feel bad about, because they don't have the life I have.
악셀 6세, 5학년 학생:
네, 저는 세계의 기근 문제로 주제를 정했어요.
정말 그것에 대해서 유감이에요. 왜냐하면 그들은 제가 누리는 삶을 누릴 수 없기 때문입니다.
We can donate to help them get food and fresh water.
신원 미상의 여성:
우리는 그들이 음식과 신선한 물을 얻는 것을 돕기 위해 기부할 수 있습니다.
And then use animation --
그리고 애니메이션을 사용합니다 -
Do you think guns should be allowed? Well, I don't.
신원 미상 남성:
여러분은 총이 허용되어야 한다고 생각합니까? 글쎄요, 저는 그렇게 생각하지 않아요.
-- to explain their thoughts.
- 그들의 생각을 설명하기 위해서.
Immigration is a problem for everyone.
They separate individuals from another, that's a form of injustice.
신원 미상의 여성:
이민자 문제는 모두의 문제입니다.
그들은 개인과 다른 개인을 분리합니다. 그것은 일종의 부정입니다.
Immigration 이민자
1.(입국) 이주, 이민; [U] 입국 관리[심사]
2.[집합적] (입국) 이민단, 이민자; (일정 기간 내의) 이민(자)수
Injustice 부정, 불공평
1.불법, 부정, 불공평
without injustice to anyone
누구에게도 불공평하지 않도록, 치우침 없이
2.[U] 권리 침해, 부당한 조치
in injustice to a person
…의 권리를 침해하여; …를 부당하게 취급하여
3.부정[불법] 행위, 비행
If these are the issues, these are the components that these young people will face as they become adult, then I believe that it is our responsibility to support them in learning how to maneuver some of the nuances.
샤밀라 크래프트, 국립 학군, 교육감 보조 교육 서비스:
만약 이것들이 문제라면, 이 어린 친구들이 어른이 되면서 직면하게 될 구성 요소들입니다. 그러면 저는 그들이 미묘한 차이를 어떻게 다루는지를 배우는 것을 지원하는 것이 우리의 책임이라고 믿습니다.
Maneuver 처리하다
1.책략 , 술책, 공작, 책동, 교묘한 조작[조치]
2.작전 행동
Transitive verb
1.연습시키다, 작전적으로 행동하게 하다, 교묘히 이동시키다; 계략을 써서 …하게 하다; 조종하다;
Intransitive verb
1.작전 행동을 취하다, 연습하다; 책략을 쓰다, 책동하다; (교묘하게) 처리하다
Nuances 미묘한 차이
1.뉘앙스; 빛깔의 엷고 짙은 정도, 음영(陰影); (표현·감정·의미·색채·음색 등의) 미묘한 차이
Transitive verb
1.…에 뉘앙스를 주다
But maneuvering wasn't always easy.
According to animator David Heredi, who created this five-week program.
하지만 이 5주짜리 프로그램을 만든 애니메이션 제작자 데이비드 에레디의 말에 따르면 연습이 항상 쉬운 것은 아니었습니다.
It makes people uncomfortable when you put them in a situation to talk about something that is not their lived experience.
And because of that, I think it's unfair to put a muzzle on a child who wants to express what they're feeling.
데이비드 헤레디, 창립자, 유색인종 영웅들:
당신이 그들을 그들의 살아있는 경험이 아닌 것에 대해 이야기하는 상황에 놓이게 할 때, 그것은 사람들을 불편하게 만듭니다.
그리고 그것 때문에, 저는 그들이 느끼는 것을 표현하고 싶어하는 아이들에게 입막음을 하는 것은 잘못되었다고 생각합니다.
Muzzle 입막음, 주둥이, 부리
1.총구, 포구
2.(개·고양이 등의) 주둥이 ((코·입 부분)), 부리 (=nose)
Transitive verb
1.부리망을 씌우다
muzzle a fierce dog
맹견에게 부리망을 씌우다
2.입막음하다, 말 못하게 하다; 억압하다
So instead you allow them to talk through their art.
그래서 대신 그들이 그들의 예술을 통해 이야기하도록 허용하는 거군요.
Just because they're a different race doesn't mean that you have to be rude or to like not to be nice to them, because it's really hurtful for those people.
그들이 다른 인종이라고 해서 무례하게 굴거나 그들에게 잘해주지 않아야 한다는 것은 잘못 되었어요. 왜냐하면 그들에게는 정말 상처가 되기 때문입니다.
Hurtful 고통을 주는
1.(육체적·정신적으로) 고통을 주는
2.(건강 등에) 해로운, 유해한(injurious) ((to))
hurtful to the health
건강에 해로운
They found ways to help solve or highlight the issues.
그들은 문제를 해결하거나 주목을 끌기 위한 방법을 찾았습니다.
Highlight 강조하다
Transitive verb
1.특히 밝게 하다
2.돋보이게 하다, 눈에 띄게 하다; 강조하다(emphasize), …에 흥미를 집중시키다
highlight his good point
그의 장점을 강조하다
No matter what color we are, we all are humans.
우리가 어떤 피부색을 가졌든, 우리는 모두가 똑같은 인간입니다.
And then, they got to feel like celebrities as they share their animations with the world.
그리고 나서, 그들은 그들의 애니메이션을 세상과 공유하면서 연예인처럼 느끼게 되었습니다.
It allows us to actually stop and listen to what's going on in the world of a child and have them offer a potential solution to that problem.
그것은 우리가 실제로 멈추고 아이들의 세계에서 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 듣고 그들이 그 문제에 대한 잠재적인 해결책을 제공하도록 합니다.
When you're kind to someone they're going to be kind to someone else or you, you should always be kind.
신원 미상의 여성:
당신이 누군가에게 친절할 때 그들은 다른 사람이나 당신에게 친절하게 대할 거예요, 항상 친절해야 합니다.
The students feel heard and say they will continue to explore these social justice issues.
학생들은 사람들이 그들의 이야기를 듣는 것을 느끼고 이러한 사회 정의 문제를 계속해서 탐구하게 될 것입니다.
We could still keep working on and progress to make it better.
우리는 더 나은 작업을 위해 계속 노력하고 진행할 수 있습니다.
(비디오 테이프 끝)
Ten second trivia.
In 1817, "The Aerial Walk" considered to be the world's first modern roller coaster opened in what city?
Paris, France,
Brooklyn, New York,
London, England,
or Anaheim, California?
10초 상식 퀴즈.
1817년, 세계 최초의 현대식 롤러코스터로 여겨지는 "에어리얼 워크"가 어느 도시에서 개장되었습니까?
파리, 프랑스,
브루클린, 뉴욕,
런던, 영국,
아니면 캘리포니아 애너하임?
"The Promenades-Aeriennes" or "The Aerial Walk" debuted in Paris.
Passengers walked up a set of stairs, wrote a bench down at 40 miles per hour, Woo-hoo.
"프로메나데스-에리엔" 또는 "에어리얼 워크"는 파리에서 데뷔했습니다.
승객들은 한 세트의 계단을 걸어 올라갔고, 시속 40마일로 벤치를 내려놓았습니다.
Now the folks in Paris from the 19th Century would have said, ooh la la wae wae- to the rollercoasters nowadays.
They've evolved so much and they're so fast.
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is an amusement park that you could call the roller coaster capital of the world.
Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California is home to a whopping 20 roller coasters more than any other theme park on the planet.
19세기 파리의 사람들은 요즘 롤러코스터를 타는 사람들에게 이렇게 말했을 것입니다. 어머나 세상에.
롤러코스터는 매우 많이 진화했고 매우 빠릅니다.
10점 만점에 10점을 받은 오늘의 이야기는 세계의 롤러코스터 수도라고 부를 수 있는 놀이공원입니다.
캘리포니아 발렌시아에 있는 식스 플래그 매직 마운틴은 지구상의 다른 어떤 테마 파크보다 무려 20개 이상의 롤러코스터가 더 많이 있는 곳입니다.
Evolve 진화시키다
Transitive verb
1.서서히 발전[전개]시키다, 끌어내다
evolve a scheme
계획을 서서히 전개시키다
Intransitive verb
1.서서히 발전[전개]하다, 점진적으로 변화하다
evolve into
…으로 진화하다
Six Flags Magic Mountain
Six Flags Magic Mountain, formerly known and colloquially referred to as simply Magic Mountain, is a 209-acre amusement park located in Valencia, California, 35 miles northwest of downtown Los Angeles. It opened on May 29, 1971, as a development of the Newhall Land and Farming Company and Sea World Inc.
Whopping 굉장히, 굉장한
1.굉장한, 엄청난(thumping)
1.엄청나게, 굉장히
Some coasters given chills and thrills are called Wonder Woman, flight of courage, Twisted Colossus.
And how about the X2 with its 360-degree rotating seats and head-first, face down drops.
That's enough to send you on an emotional roller coaster.
오싹함과 스릴을 주는 몇몇 코스터들은 원더우먼, 용기의 비행, 비틀린 거상이라고 불립니다.
그리고 360도 회전식 시트와 헤드퍼스트가 장착된 X2는 어떻습니까.
그 정도면 감정적으로 급격한 변화를 느낄 수 있을 겁니다.
Colossus 거상, 거대한 것
1.거상(巨像), [C~] 아폴로 신(神)의 거상 ((세계 7대 불가사의의 하나로 Rhodes 항구에 있었음))
2.거인, 거대한 것; 큰 인물, 위인
You know, the most difficult part of a roller coaster is the anticipation of climbing that first big incline.
The rest is mostly downhill.
롤러코스터를 타면서 가장 어려운 부분은 첫 번째 큰 경사면을 오르는 것에 대한 기대입니다.
나머지는 대부분 내리막길입니다.
Anticipation 예상, 기대
1.예상, 예기, 예견
2.기대, 희망
The child waited with eager anticipation for Christmas.
그 아이는 기대로 가슴을 졸이며 크리스마스를 기다렸다.
3.예감, 직감, 선견
Incline 경사, 비탈
Transitive verb
1.내키게 하다; …으로 향하게 하다, …의 경향이 생기게 하다 (→inclined)
( incline+[목]+todo) incline a person's mind to do
…에게 …할 마음이 내키게 하다
2.기울이다, 경사지게 하다
Intransitive verb
1.기울다, 비탈지다; 몸을 기울이다
incline to one side
한쪽으로 기울다
2.(…에) 가깝다, 비슷하다(approximate) ((to, toward))
purple inclining to[toward] blue
푸른 빛이 도는 자주색
1.경사, 기울기; 사면(斜面), 비탈
a steep incline
가파른 경사면
Downhill 내리막길
1.내리막길, 몰락
2.활강 (경기)
1.[A] 내리막(길)의, 더 나빠진(worse)
2.활강 (경기)의
1.내리받이로, 기슭쪽으로
Now, it's time for my favorite part of this show.
Special shout out today is going to North Kingstown Rhode Island, Davisville Middle School, rise up.
자, 이제 제가 방송 중 가장 좋아하는 시간입니다.
오늘의 특별한 함성은 노스킹스타운 로드아일랜드, 데이비스빌 중학교에게 돌아갑니다, 모두 모이세요.
rise up 하나가 되어 모이다
To come together as one.
Thanks for subscribing and commenting on our CNN 10 YouTube Channel.
Have a great Motivation Monday, everyone.
Remember life presents choices.
We make decisions.
Those decisions become our destiny.
I'm Coy Wire, and we are CNN 10.
CNN 10 YouTube 채널을 구독하고 댓글을 달아주셔서 감사합니다.
모두 즐거운 월요일 보내세요.
인생은 선택들을 제시한다는 것을 기억하세요.
우리는 결정을 내립니다.
그 결정들은 우리의 운명이 됩니다.
저는 코이 와이어이고, 저희는 CNN 10입니다.
Present 제시하다
1. give or award formally or ceremonially.
"the duke presented certificates to the men"
2. formally introduce (someone) to someone else.
"may I present my wife?"
3. introduce or announce the various items of (a broadcast show) as a participant.
"the Late Show was presented by Cynthia Rose"
4. exhibit (a particular state or appearance) to others.
"the EC presented a united front over the crisis"
(of a patient) come forward for initial medical examination for a particular condition or symptom.
"the patient presented with mild clinical encephalopathy"
(of an illness) manifest itself.
(of a part of a fetus) be directed towards the cervix during labour.
7. hold out or aim (a firearm) at something so as to be ready to fire.
"they were to present their rifles, take aim, and fire"
** 어휘, 문장 정리
Encapsulate 요약하다, 핵심을 보여주다
Diplomatic 외교상의
Pandemonium 대혼란
Advocate 옹호자, 지지자
Mistreatment 학대
Cuddly 껴안고 싶은
Scraggly 고르지 못한
I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10.
And we start with a story we brought you last week, an update on Ya Ya the panda sent to a Memphis Zoo two decades ago from China.
The moment encapsulated a high point in U.S.-China relations.
Remember pandas are used as diplomatic gifts in China.
But pandemonium surface, when many people in China and some animal advocates accused the zoo of mistreatment after a video came out showing the ones furry, cuddly panda looking skinny was scraggly fur.
Conclude 결말짓다
Investigation 조사 보고
However American and Chinese scientists concluded after a joint investigation that Ya Ya has a genetic fur and skin condition and that pandas at this zoo, (quote), "received excellent care." (unquote).
Reputational 평판과 관련된
Propaganda 선전, 주장
Outrage 분노
Anticipated 기대하던
But reputational damage had already been done.
Anti-American panda propaganda flooded feeds on Chinese social media, causing outrage.
The plan all along was for Ya Ya to stay at the Memphis Zoo for 20 years and return this spring and Ya Ya is now back in China.
It was a highly anticipated homecoming.
Our Will Ripley has more about this panda that was once a sign of friendship, but has now become a symbol of growing tension between the U.S. and China.
Crate 나무 상자
Frenzy 격분
in full swing 한창으로
In China, a hero's welcome for Ya Ya the panda.
At the end of a 16-hour flight from Memphis to Shanghai.
Crowds gathered outside the airport trying to catch just a glimpse of Ya Ya's crate.
Her first moments back on Chinese soil.
She'll spend the next month in quarantine at the Shanghai zoo, where immediate feeding frenzy is in full swing.
Geriatric 노인병의, 노인의
Sagging 축 늘어진, 처진
This geriatric giant panda is a household name in China for all the wrong reasons.
When Ya Ya's panda playmate died of heart disease in February, pictures of Ya Ya with scraggly fur and sagging skin sparked online pandemonium.
A Chinese social media frenzy fueled by false claims.
Rampant 만연한, 마구 퍼진
Amplified 증폭시키다
Sentiment 감정
Rampant rumors denied by the zoo of panda abuse and neglect in the U.S.
Outrage amplified by anti-American sentiment.
rallying cry 함성, 성원
Plastered 석고로 만들어진
Bring Ya Ya home became a rallying cry for millions of Chinese.
The panda's picture plastered on billboards from Beijing to the Big Apple.
Praise 칭찬하다
Bilateral 쌍방의
Anti-American panda propaganda is filling the feeds of Chinese social media users.
No mention of the healthy pandas at two other American zoos, but plenty of pictures of an active and playful panda in Russia, a panda Chinese state media praises for improving bilateral ties.
Saga 전설, 무용담
Politicize 정치적으로 다루다
Ya Ya's saga will end where it began.
The Beijing zoo where she'll live out her final years.
She just might be the world's most politicized Panda, a beloved bear that brought the U.S. and China closer now being used to divide.
Censored 검열하다
Backlash 반발, 반발하다
Diplomacy 외교
Halfhearted 내키지 않는, 성의 없는
China has been using pandas as a political tool for decades.
They are national treasures and China is very selective about which countries get these million dollar a year panda loans, the U.S. had not one in two decades.
Ya Ya was the last one.
But they also heavily censored social media and allowed this online backlash to grow to the point that people were calling for all pandas to be pulled out of the U.S. and panda diplomacy to end altogether.
And only on Wednesday did the Foreign Ministry of China say that in fact, the pandas at the Memphis Zoo were well taken care of and actually loved by the American people. Halfhearted attempt perhaps to dial back some of this controversy.
Staple 중요한
Bullying 괴롭힘
All right, you all learn studying some very important staple subjects in your schools every day, right, social studies, history, math, science, the arts, on and on.
But in today's world, there are some other important topics that might not always be easy to talk about.
One school in the San Diego area is having their fifth graders tackle issues like racism, bullying, pollution, even gun violence through animations.
Our Camila Bernal explains more.
P.E. (Physical Education) 체육
The day begins for these fifth graders with the usual subjects, math, science, reading, and even P.E.
Comparison 비교
Those may appear easy in comparison to talking about gun violence, global warming, bullying, racism.
Tackle 문제를 단호하게 해결하다
District 지역
Christian Lopez is just one of the more than 500 5th grade students tackling these issues at the National School District just outside of San Diego.
The students choose a topic.
Immigration 이민자
Injustice 부정, 불공평
Immigration is a problem for everyone.
They separate individuals from another, that's a form of injustice.
Maneuver 처리하다
Nuances 미묘한 차이
If these are the issues, these are the components that these young people will face as they become adult, then I believe that it is our responsibility to support them in learning how to maneuver some of the nuances.
Muzzle 입막음, 주둥이, 부리
It makes people uncomfortable when you put them in a situation to talk about something that is not their lived experience.
And because of that, I think it's unfair to put a muzzle on a child who wants to express what they're feeling.
Hurtful 고통을 주는
Just because they're a different race doesn't mean that you have to be rude or to like not to be nice to them, because it's really hurtful for those people.
Highlight 강조하다
They found ways to help solve or highlight the issues.
Evolve 진화시키다
Whopping 굉장히, 굉장한
Now the folks in Paris from the 19th Century would have said, ooh la la wae wae- to the rollercoasters nowadays.
They've evolved so much and they're so fast.
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is an amusement park that you could call the roller coaster capital of the world.
Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California is home to a whopping 20 roller coasters more than any other theme park on the planet.
Colossus 거상, 거대한 것
Some coasters given chills and thrills are called Wonder Woman, flight of courage, Twisted Colossus.
And how about the X2 with its 360-degree rotating seats and head-first, face down drops.
That's enough to send you on an emotional roller coaster.
Anticipation 예상, 기대
Incline 경사, 비탈
Downhill 내리막길
You know, the most difficult part of a roller coaster is the anticipation of climbing that first big incline.
The rest is mostly downhill.
** 복습용 문장
I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10.
And we start with a story we brought you last week, an update on Ya Ya the panda sent to a Memphis Zoo two decades ago from China.
The moment encapsulated a high point in U.S.-China relations.
Remember pandas are used as diplomatic gifts in China.
But pandemonium surface, when many people in China and some animal advocates accused the zoo of mistreatment after a video came out showing the ones furry, cuddly panda looking skinny was scraggly fur.
However American and Chinese scientists concluded after a joint investigation that Ya Ya has a genetic fur and skin condition and that pandas at this zoo, (quote), "received excellent care." (unquote).
But reputational damage had already been done.
Anti-American panda propaganda flooded feeds on Chinese social media, causing outrage.
The plan all along was for Ya Ya to stay at the Memphis Zoo for 20 years and return this spring and Ya Ya is now back in China.
It was a highly anticipated homecoming.
Our Will Ripley has more about this panda that was once a sign of friendship, but has now become a symbol of growing tension between the U.S. and China.
In China, a hero's welcome for Ya Ya the panda.
At the end of a 16-hour flight from Memphis to Shanghai.
Crowds gathered outside the airport trying to catch just a glimpse of Ya Ya's crate.
Her first moments back on Chinese soil.
She'll spend the next month in quarantine at the Shanghai zoo, where immediate feeding frenzy is in full swing.
This geriatric giant panda is a household name in China for all the wrong reasons.
When Ya Ya's panda playmate died of heart disease in February, pictures of Ya Ya with scraggly fur and sagging skin sparked online pandemonium.
A Chinese social media frenzy fueled by false claims.
Rampant rumors denied by the zoo of panda abuse and neglect in the U.S.
Outrage amplified by anti-American sentiment.
Bring Ya Ya home became a rallying cry for millions of Chinese.
The panda's picture plastered on billboards from Beijing to the Big Apple.
Anti-American panda propaganda is filling the feeds of Chinese social media users.
No mention of the healthy pandas at two other American zoos, but plenty of pictures of an active and playful panda in Russia, a panda Chinese state media praises for improving bilateral ties.
Ya Ya's saga will end where it began.
The Beijing zoo where she'll live out her final years.
She just might be the world's most politicized Panda, a beloved bear that brought the U.S. and China closer now being used to divide.
China has been using pandas as a political tool for decades.
They are national treasures and China is very selective about which countries get these million dollar a year panda loans, the U.S. had not one in two decades.
Ya Ya was the last one.
But they also heavily censored social media and allowed this online backlash to grow to the point that people were calling for all pandas to be pulled out of the U.S. and panda diplomacy to end altogether.
And only on Wednesday did the Foreign Ministry of China say that in fact, the pandas at the Memphis Zoo were well taken care of and actually loved by the American people. Halfhearted attempt perhaps to dial back some of this controversy.
All right, you all learn studying some very important staple subjects in your schools every day, right, social studies, history, math, science, the arts, on and on.
But in today's world, there are some other important topics that might not always be easy to talk about.
One school in the San Diego area is having their fifth graders tackle issues like racism, bullying, pollution, even gun violence through animations.
Our Camila Bernal explains more.
The day begins for these fifth graders with the usual subjects, math, science, reading, and even P.E.
Those may appear easy in comparison to talking about gun violence, global warming, bullying, racism.
Christian Lopez is just one of the more than 500 5th grade students tackling these issues at the National School District just outside of San Diego.
The students choose a topic.
Immigration is a problem for everyone.
They separate individuals from another, that's a form of injustice.
If these are the issues, these are the components that these young people will face as they become adult, then I believe that it is our responsibility to support them in learning how to maneuver some of the nuances.
It makes people uncomfortable when you put them in a situation to talk about something that is not their lived experience.
And because of that, I think it's unfair to put a muzzle on a child who wants to express what they're feeling.
Just because they're a different race doesn't mean that you have to be rude or to like not to be nice to them, because it's really hurtful for those people.
They found ways to help solve or highlight the issues.
Now the folks in Paris from the 19th Century would have said, ooh la la wae wae- to the rollercoasters nowadays.
They've evolved so much and they're so fast.
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is an amusement park that you could call the roller coaster capital of the world.
Six Flags Magic Mountain in Valencia, California is home to a whopping 20 roller coasters more than any other theme park on the planet.
Some coasters given chills and thrills are called Wonder Woman, flight of courage, Twisted Colossus.
And how about the X2 with its 360-degree rotating seats and head-first, face down drops.
That's enough to send you on an emotional roller coaster.
You know, the most difficult part of a roller coaster is the anticipation of climbing that first big incline.
The rest is mostly downhill.
** END
[CNN10 대본 정리] 202304 전체 지문
[CNN10 대본 정리] 202304 전체 지문
[CNN10 대본 정리] 202304 전체 지문 April 2023 공식 페이지 지문 목록 확인하기 (최신 날짜 내림차순) https://transcripts.cnn.com/show/sn CNN.com - Transcripts Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Note: This page is continually u
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[CNN10 대본 정리] 202305 전체 지문 May 2023
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