[CSP 대본 091] Inside the UK Vegetable Shortage
091_230327_230301_Inside the UK Vegetable Shortage
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091_230327_230301_Inside the UK Vegetable Shortage
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Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 UK Food Supply Crisis; The Sea Glider: The Future Of Travel. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired March 01, 2023 - 04:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. COY WIRE, CNN 10 A
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CNN 10
UK Food Supply Crisis; The Sea Glider: The Future Of Travel. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired March 01, 2023 - 04:00 ET
Hello, everyone. Wonderful Wednesday to you.
I know we're just halfway through the week but we're going to keep grinding and shining because that's just what we do.
I'm Coy. This is CNN 10, and we've got a rendezvous with the news.
We're going to start with news on a vegetable shortage in the United Kingdom.
Certain fruits and veggies are having to be rationed at most major supermarkets and four of the biggest supermarkets in the United Kingdom say they're putting purchase limits on some staple items like tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.
Experts say this could go on for months.
Some farmers are saying that they're not harvesting any tomatoes, peppers or eggplants when they usually do at this time of year.
A number of factors like bad weather conditions in Spain and Morocco, high energy costs over the winter and even the impact of Brexit and the labor shortages are causing the lack of production.
Here's CNN anchor and correspondent Isa Soares in London who's been speaking with local shoppers.
Row upon row of empty baskets, empty shelves.
A supply gap in fruit and veg has hit UK supermarkets, the shortages affecting shoppers nationwide.
I went for lunch, and I couldn't find it, like tomatoes, cucumbers or lettuce.
It was quite annoying when you weren't trying to get your private day in, and you can't actually get it.
The fruits I want to they're gone, nothing there.
To deal with the shortages, major British supermarkets are imposing limits on items like tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.
The UK's minister for the environment food and rural affairs said a disruption should only last a few weeks, and meanwhile encouraged people to eat more seasonally.
Let them eat turnips, she said.
I'm conscious that consumers want a year-round choice and that is what our supermarkets and food and growers' food producers and growers around the world try to satisfy.
Supermarkets are blaming the recent shortages on poor weather conditions in key growing regions.
Britain produces a fraction of the food it consumes, relying instead on overseas imports.
And key supplies in southern Europe and North Africa, in particular Spain and Morocco, have seen harvests hit by extreme weather conditions.
But while climate change plays a significant role in warmer than average temperatures, the government faces another inconvenient truth -- Brexit, the cause of widespread supply chain disruption.
Because of the interruption with trade and Europe who kind of underpin our food supply, it means that there's less food coming in from Europe.
We're producing less food.
So basically, our food security is in real trouble.
Labor shortages due to a lack of migrant workers and soaring energy prices following Russia's invasion of Ukraine have pushed the gap even wider as farmers struggle with front-end costs.
And those costs are passed on to the consumer.
Consumers already grappling with record high grocery prices and the worst cost of living crisis in decades.
Ten-second trivia:
Where would you find the world's oldest airport?
Paris, France; Hamburg, Germany; Maryland, USA; or North Carolina, USA?
Flights began at Maryland's College Park Airport in 1909 when Wilbur Wright trained two military pilots.
And up next, we're continuing with part two of our feature from yesterday on the future of travel.
New technology in the years to come will likely change travel as we know it forever. The planes, trains and automobiles we use today may someday be as antiquated as the horse and buggy.
Thought leaders in the travel industry are formulating plans that might make travel faster, cheaper and safer.
From hyperloops to air taxis to supersonic jets, here's CNN's Rahel Solomon with more on "The Next Frontier".
From highways to railways, flight paths to bike lanes, we have plenty of mobility options on the ground and in the air.
But could the next frontier in transit take place over water?
One sea-bearing startup is looking to turn coastlines into corridors.
Water transportation is super important because 40 percent of the world lives within coastal communities.
I'm Billy Thalheimer, co-founder and CEO at Regent.
I'm Mike Klinker, one of the co-founders and CTO at Regent.
The next frontier is better transportation and when I say better, I mean efficient and sustainable.
It's faster, it's easy and affordable and accessible.
Rhode Island-based company Regent is aiming to enhance the way we travel between seaboard cities and islands with a new mode of transportation, the sea glider.
The sea glider is really a mix between a boat and airplane.
You took the two, smashed them together.
They combined the affordability and accessibility and convenience of a boat, of ferry transportation with the high speed and long ranges of an aircraft.
The all-electric maritime vehicle is designed to float, foil and fly along dock-to-dock routes.
The sea glider has three modes of operation.
It can be floating, so, like a normal boat would, floating on the surface of the water, driving around in the inner harbor areas.
It has a hydrofoiling mode where you're up above the surface of water on these still so the passengers and the vehicle are insulated with any waves.
The last mode is the fly mode.
The sea glider takes advantage of a few water and air efficiencies to operate.
Underwater wings called hydrofoils help lift the sea glider, reduce drag and allow for a smooth ride above the waves.
When it's time to take off, the hydrofoils retract and the sea glider won't fly within a wingspan of the water surface, benefiting from an aerodynamic principle called ground effect to glide along a cushion of air.
The sea gliders were powered by 12 by 100 horsepower electric motors and propellers on the leading edge of the wing.
Those are all fueled by battery technologists, the same batteries that go into electric cars today.
The first sea glider called Viceroy will carry 12 passengers, two crew and service short hauls up to 290 kilometers at speeds just under 300 kilometers per hour.
Regent is still in the prototype phase, but Thalheimer says they've already proven that technology works.
Regent just hit our two-year anniversary.
We built the first sea glider prototype and actually proved that this mode of transportation is possible.
This is how we typically test our quarter scale prototype sea glider.
So, we're really experimenting with all operations floating, foiling.
When you get out of this tight area like this out into the open water, that's when we take off and we become that wing and ground effect that high-speed flying vehicle.
And inside, they're developing the avionics which will be operated by a captain.
There's really two ways that you control the sea glider.
You have a power lever and a side stick joystick.
So, think of it like you can turn left right with the joystick and you can go, tell the vehicle to go fast or go slow.
It's very intuitive, much like driving a car or driving a boat.
While Regent seems to be moving along rather quickly, the co- founders say it has an all been smooth sailing.
One of the biggest challenges for building a sea glider is that we are really pushing physics to the max.
So, it's really the combination of all these different really advanced technologies that allows us to do this full mission, but it's really a physics challenge for us.
I think the other challenge we had was just the fact that this is so new, this has not existed before.
So, as we've gone out to customers, there's a lot of education we need to do.
You know, what is it? How does it work? How is it crude? How is it certified?
Thalheimer says they have a $7 billion backlog in pre-orders across the airline and ferry industries.
As for next steps, Regent is currently building a full-scale prototype and has ambitions for passenger test flights by the end of 2024, and by 2050, they hope to have large capacity sea gliders in operation with ranges up to 800 kilometers.
For today's story getting a 10 out of 10, sticking with our aviation theme, a record-breaking paper airplane.
A team of young Boeing engineers put themselves on the map when they set a new Guinness World Record by folding, then flying a paper airplane that went 290 feet.
Holy origami, that star near the length of a football field y'all.
It took them 20 minutes to fold the plane just right, making sure to craft it with as much weight as possible, helping them create the greatest amount of momentum after the toss.
Speaking of map, dad joke alert, I got an email the other day explaining how to read maps backwards.
It was spam.
Shout out to Stevens Middle School in Pasco, Washington. We see you.
And I'll see all of you tomorrow.
I'm Coy Wire and we are CNN 10.
** 독해 및 어휘 정리
*** 오역, 오타 등 수정이 필요한 부분을 발견하시면 방에 공유 부탁드립니다.
CNN 10
UK Food Supply Crisis; The Sea Glider: The Future Of Travel. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired March 01, 2023 - 04:00 ET
Hello, everyone. Wonderful Wednesday to you.
I know we're just halfway through the week but we're going to keep grinding and shining because that's just what we do.
코이 와이어, CNN 10 앵커:
안녕하세요 여러분. 멋진 수요일이에요.
일주일의 절반밖에 남지 않았다는 것을 알지만, 계속 해오던 대로 우리는 계속 열심히 일하고 밝은 모습으로 지내기로 해요.
Grinding 열심히 일하거나 공부하다 working or studying laboriously
Grind 1.(맷돌로) 타다, 찧다, 빻다, 갈아 가루로 만들다, 씹어 으깨다, 잘게 부수다; 마멸시키다(wear away) 2.[종종 수동형으로] 아주 지치게 하다(wear out), (특히 착취 등으로) 괴롭히다, 학대[압박]하다, 짓밟다 ((down))
I'm Coy. This is CNN 10, and we've got a rendezvous with the news.
저는 코이 그리고 여기는 CNN 10입니다. 여러분들께 예정대로 전해드릴 뉴스를 준비했습니다.
Rendezvous 약속
1.만날 약속, 회합
avoir (un) rendez-vous avec qn
…와 만날 약속이 있다
2.만나는 장소,집합장소
arriver le premier au rendez-vous
약속 장소에 제일 먼저 도착하다
3.[구어] 예약환자, 예약손님
We're going to start with news on a vegetable shortage in the United Kingdom.
Certain fruits and veggies are having to be rationed at most major supermarkets and four of the biggest supermarkets in the United Kingdom say they're putting purchase limits on some staple items like tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.
우리는 영국의 채소 부족에 대한 뉴스로 시작하려고 합니다.
특정 과일과 채소는 대부분의 주요 슈퍼마켓에서 공급을 받아야 하는 상태이고 영국에서 가장 큰 슈퍼마켓 중 4곳은 토마토, 고추, 오이와 같은 주요 품목에 구매개수 제한을 두고 있다고 합니다.
Ration 공급하다
1.배급[지급, 공급]하다 ((to)); 급식하다 ((out))
ration out food to an army
군대에 식량을 배급하다
2.…을 배급제로 하다
ration meat
고기를 배급제로 하다
Staple 주요한
1.[보통 pl.] 주요 산물, 중요 상품
2.(유행·계절 등에 관계 없는) 기본 식료품 ((설탕·소금 등))
1.기본적인, 주요한, 중요한; 대량 생산의, 잘 팔리는; 주로 생산[수출]되는; 주로 이용되는
Transitive verb
1.분류하다, 선별하다
Experts say this could go on for months.
Some farmers are saying that they're not harvesting any tomatoes, peppers or eggplants when they usually do at this time of year.
A number of factors like bad weather conditions in Spain and Morocco, high energy costs over the winter and even the impact of Brexit and the labor shortages are causing the lack of production.
전문가들은 이 상황이 몇 달 동안 지속될 수 있다고 합니다.
어떤 농부들은 매년 이맘때면 보통 수확하던 토마토, 고추, 가지를 전혀 수확하지 못하고 있다고 합니다.
스페인과 모로코의 악천후, 겨울 동안의 높은 에너지 비용, 심지어 브렉시트와 노동력 부족 등의 영향과 같은 많은 요인들이 생산 부족을 야기하고 있습니다.
Brexit: the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union.
Here's CNN anchor and correspondent Isa Soares in London who's been speaking with local shoppers.
런던에서 CNN 앵커이자 특파원인 이사 소아레스가 현지 소비자들과 이야기를 나누고 있습니다.
(비디오 테이프 시작)
Row upon row of empty baskets, empty shelves.
A supply gap in fruit and veg has hit UK supermarkets, the shortages affecting shoppers nationwide.
이사 소아레스, CNN 특파원 (나레이션):
빈 바구니들, 빈 선반들이 늘어져 있습니다.
과일과 채소의 공급 격차가 영국 슈퍼마켓을 강타했고, 그 부족은 전국 소비자들에게 영향을 미치고 있습니다.
I went for lunch, and I couldn't find it, like tomatoes, cucumbers or lettuce.
신원 미상의 여성:
점심을 먹으러 갔는데 토마토, 오이, 상추 같은 것을 찾을 수가 없었어요.
It was quite annoying when you weren't trying to get your private day in, and you can't actually get it.
신원 미상의 여성:
따로 쉬는 날에 시간을 내려고 노력하지 않는다면, 그래서 그것을 실제로 구입할 수 없다면, 꽤 짜증이 나는 일이에요.
Private day: a day that you are allowed to take off work for private reasons,
The fruits I want to they're gone, nothing there.
신원 미상의 여성:
제가 사려던 과일들은 전부 팔렸어요. 거기엔 아무것도 없어요.
To deal with the shortages, major British supermarkets are imposing limits on items like tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.
이 부족 현상에 대처하기 위해, 영국의 주요 슈퍼마켓들은 토마토, 오이, 고추와 같은 품목들의 구입개수에 제한을 가하고 있습니다.
Impose 강제하다
Transitive verb
1.지우다, 과하다, 부과하다(lay)
impose taxes on[upon] a person's property
…의 재산에 과세하다
2.강요[강제]하다(force) ((on, upon))
impose one's opinion uponothers
자기 의견을 남에게 강요하다
Intransitive verb
1.속이다; (…에) 편승하다 ((on, upon))
impose upona person's kindness
…의 친절을 이용하다
2.(남의 일에) 주제넘게 나서다, 말참견하다; 강요하다
The UK's minister for the environment food and rural affairs said a disruption should only last a few weeks, and meanwhile encouraged people to eat more seasonally.
Let them eat turnips, she said.
영국의 환경 식품 및 농촌 문제 장관은 혼란은 몇 주 동안만 지속될 것이라고 말하면서, 한편으로 사람들에게 제철 작물을 더 많이 먹을 것을 권장했습니다.
사람들에게 순무를 먹도록 하라고 말했습니다.
Disruption 혼란
1.붕괴; 분열; 중단, 두절; 혼란
2.분열[붕괴]된 상태
3.[the D~] 스코틀랜드 교회 분열 ((1843년 국교로부터의))
Seasonally 계절적으로
Turnips 순무
1.순무 ((식물 및 그 뿌리))
2.유행이 지난 대형 회중 시계
I'm conscious that consumers want a year-round choice and that is what our supermarkets and food and growers' food producers and growers around the world try to satisfy.
테레즈 커피, 영국 환경부 장관:
저는 소비자들이 일년 내내 자유롭게 선택할 수 있기를 원하고 그것은 우리의 슈퍼마켓과 식품, 재배자들의 식품 생산자와 재배자들이 전 세계에서 소비자들을 만족시키려고 노력하는 부분이라는 것을 잘 알고 있습니다.
Year-round: happening, continuing, or available through the whole year.
Supermarkets are blaming the recent shortages on poor weather conditions in key growing regions.
Britain produces a fraction of the food it consumes, relying instead on overseas imports.
슈퍼마켓들은 최근의 부족 현상을 주요 성장 지역의 열악한 날씨 탓으로 돌리고 있습니다.
영국은 대신 해외 수입에 의존하면서 소비하는 식품의 작은 일부분만을 생산합니다.
Fraction (소량의) 일부
1.파편, 단편, 소부분
2.소량, 조금, 미소; 우수리
in a fraction of a second
1초의 몇 분의 1 동안에, 순식간에
Transitive verb, Intransitive verb
And key supplies in southern Europe and North Africa, in particular Spain and Morocco, have seen harvests hit by extreme weather conditions.
그리고 남부 유럽과 북아프리카, 특히 스페인과 모로코의 주요 공급품은 극심한 기후 조건으로 인해 수확량이 타격을 입었습니다.
But while climate change plays a significant role in warmer than average temperatures, the government faces another inconvenient truth -- Brexit, the cause of widespread supply chain disruption.
그러나 기후 변화가 평균 기온보다 더 높아지면서 수확량에 큰 영향을 미치는 동시에, 정부는 또 다른 불편한 진실에 직면해 있습니다. 그것은 광범위한 공급망 혼란의 원인인 브렉시트입니다.
Because of the interruption with trade and Europe who kind of underpin our food supply, it means that there's less food coming in from Europe.
We're producing less food.
So basically, our food security is in real trouble.
리즈 웹스터 세이브 브리티시 파밍 회장:
무역의 중단과 우리의 식량 공급을 뒷받침하는 유럽 때문인데, 유럽 때문이라는 것은 유럽에서 들어오는 식량이 더 적어졌다는 뜻입니다.
우리는 식량을 적게 생산하고 있습니다.
그래서 기본적으로, 우리의 식량 안보는 정말로 어려움에 처해 있습니다.
1.버팀목을 대다, 토대를 보강하다
underpin a sagging building
기울어진 건물에 버팀목을 대다
2.지지[응원]하다, 실증하다
Labor shortages due to a lack of migrant workers and soaring energy prices following Russia's invasion of Ukraine have pushed the gap even wider as farmers struggle with front-end costs.
And those costs are passed on to the consumer.
Consumers already grappling with record high grocery prices and the worst cost of living crisis in decades.
이주노동자 부족에 따른 노동력 부족과 러시아의 우크라이나 침공에 따른 에너지 비용 급등으로 농민들이 선불금 지급에 어려움을 겪으면서 수요의 격차가 더욱 커졌습니다.
그리고 그 비용은 소비자에게 전가됩니다.
소비자들은 이미 기록적인 식료품 가격과 수십 년 만에 최악의 생활비 위기와 씨름하고 있습니다.
1.[미] 선불용의; 착수금의, 선불금의
2.프런트 엔드 방식의
Grapple with ~와 싸우다, 씨름하다
(비디오 테이프 끝)
Ten-second trivia:
Where would you find the world's oldest airport?
Paris, France; Hamburg, Germany; Maryland, USA; or North Carolina, USA?
10초 상식 퀴즈:
세계에서 가장 오래된 공항은 어디서 찾을 수 있을까요?
프랑스의 파리, 독일의 함부르크, 미국의 메릴랜드, 또는 미국의 노스캐롤라이나?
Flights began at Maryland's College Park Airport in 1909 when Wilbur Wright trained two military pilots.
비행은 1909년 윌버 라이트가 두 명의 군사 조종사를 훈련시켰을 때 메릴랜드의 칼리지 파크 공항에서 시작되었습니다.
Wilbur Wright 윌버 라이트
The Wright brothers, Orville Wright and Wilbur Wright, were American aviation pioneers generally credited with inventing, building, and flying the world's first successful motor-operated airplane.
And up next, we're continuing with part two of our feature from yesterday on the future of travel.
New technology in the years to come will likely change travel as we know it forever. The planes, trains and automobiles we use today may someday be as antiquated as the horse and buggy.
다음으로, 우리는 어제에 이어 여행의 미래 특집 2부를 계속 이어나갈 것입니다.
미래의 새로운 기술은 우리가 알고 있는 여행을 영원히 바꿀 것입니다. 오늘날 우리가 사용하는 비행기, 기차, 자동차는 언젠가 말과 마차만큼 구식이 될 수도 있습니다.
Automobile 자동차
1.자동차( motorcar) ((특히 승용차))
2.일이 빠른 사람, 기민한 사람
Antiquated 구식의
1.고풍스런, 시대에 뒤진; 노후한; 노령의
Buggy 마차
1.[미] (말 한 필이 끄는) 4륜 경마차, [영] 2륜 경마차
3.[구어] 자동차, 고물차
Thought leaders in the travel industry are formulating plans that might make travel faster, cheaper and safer.
From hyperloops to air taxis to supersonic jets, here's CNN's Rahel Solomon with more on "The Next Frontier".
관광산업의 전문가들은 여행을 더 빠르고, 더 싸고, 더 안전하게 만들 수 있는 계획을 세우고 있습니다.
하이퍼루프 (고속 운송 시스템) 에서 항공 택시, 초음속 제트기에 이르기까지 CNN의 라헬 솔로몬이 "넥스트 프론티어 (새로운 개척지)"에 대해 더 자세히 보도합니다.
Thought leader: an expert on a particular subject whose ideas and opinions influence other people, especially in business.
Formulate plans 계획을 세우다
1.명확히[조직적으로] 말하다
formulate a theory
이론을 체계적으로 나타내다
3.조직적으로 세우다
Hyperloops 고속 운송 시스템
A hyperloop is a proposed high-speed transportation system for both public and goods transport. The idea was picked up by Elon Musk to describe a modern project ...
Supersonic 초음속의
1.초음속의(opp. subsonic), 초음속을 내는
supersonic speed 초음속
2.초음파의 ((주파수가 가청 극한인 20,000 헤르츠 이상))
supersonic waves 초음파
Frontier 경계지, 개척지와 미개척지의 중간지대
1.(국가간의) 국경 (지방) ((between, with))
2.[the ~] 변경 (지대) ((개척 시대의 개척지와 미개척지의 경계 지방))
live in log huts on the frontier
변경에서 통나무집 생활을 하다
The Next Frontier: 다음 개척지
In a new six-episode series, CNN's 'The Next Frontier' will look into possible ways of living in the future and how the cities of tomorrow are being imagined today. Hosted by CNN Business Correspondent Rahel Solomon, the show meets the architects, designers, and others working on our future way of life.
(비디오 테이프 시작)
From highways to railways, flight paths to bike lanes, we have plenty of mobility options on the ground and in the air.
라헬 솔로몬, CNN 비즈니스 특파원 (나레이션):
고속도로에서 철도, 비행로에서 자전거 도로에 이르기까지 지상과 공중에는 우리가 이용할 수 있는 다양한 이동 수단의 선택지들이 있습니다.
But could the next frontier in transit take place over water?
하지만 운송업의 새로운 변화가 물 위에서 일어날 수 있을까요?
In transit: in the process of being transported. Some of the goods were lost in transit.
운송의 과정중에, 운송업의
Noun 1.통과, 통행, 횡단 2.변화, 추이, 변천
Transitive verb 1.횡단하다, 가로지르다 2.통과하다
Intransitive verb 1.통과하다, 횡단하다
One sea-bearing startup is looking to turn coastlines into corridors.
한 해상 운송 스타트업은 해안선을 주요 수송 경로로 바꾸는 것을 고려하고 있습니다.
Sea-bearing 바다를 건너다니는, 해상 운송의의
Startup 신규 사업체
the action or process of setting something in motion.
"the start-up of marketing in Europe"
a newly established business.
plural noun: start-ups; plural noun: startups
"problems facing start-ups and small firms in rural areas"
1.(조업) 개시, 시동
1.창업할 시의, 개업용의, 신투자를 할 때의
Corridor 주요 수송 경로
1.복도, 회랑(回廊)
2.회랑 지대
3.인구 밀집 지대, 주요 수송 경로
Water transportation is super important because 40 percent of the world lives within coastal communities.
빌리 탈하이머, CEO, 리젠트:
세계의 40%가 해안 지역에 살고 있기 때문에 수상 교통은 매우 중요합니다.
I'm Billy Thalheimer, co-founder and CEO at Regent.
저는 리젠트의 공동 설립자이자 CEO인 빌리 탈하이머입니다.
CEO: chief executive officer 최고 경영자
I'm Mike Klinker, one of the co-founders and CTO at Regent.
마이크 클링커, CTO, 섭정:
저는 리젠트 사의 공동 설립자이자 CTO인 마이크 클링커입니다.
CTO (Chief Technology Officer): Chief Technology Officer의 줄임말로 최고기술경영자를 뜻한다. CTO는 기술을 효과적으로 활용하고 관리, 획득하기 위한 모든 활동을 총괄하며 그와 관련한 유용한 정보를 CEO에게 조언해준다.
The next frontier is better transportation and when I say better, I mean efficient and sustainable.
It's faster, it's easy and affordable and accessible.
다음 개척지는 더 나은 교통수단이고, 제가 말하는 더 나은 교통 수단이란 효율적이고 지속 가능한 교통수단을 의미합니다.
그것은 더 빠르고, 쉽고, 저렴하며, 접근하기 쉽습니다.
Rhode Island-based company Regent is aiming to enhance the way we travel between seaboard cities and islands with a new mode of transportation, the sea glider.
로드아일랜드에 본사를 둔 리젠트 사는 새로운 교통수단인 해상 글라이더를 이용해 해안 도시와 섬 사이를 이동하는 방식을 개선하는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
The sea glider is really a mix between a boat and airplane.
You took the two, smashed them together.
해상 글라이더는 정말로 보트와 비행기의 혼합물이에요.
보트와 비행기 두 가지를 잘 혼합했고 정말 성공적으로 잘 해냈어요.
Glider 글라이더, 활공기
1.글라이더, 활공기; 미끄러지듯 움직이는 사람[것]
2.글라이더 조종사
3.(베란다 같은 곳에 두는) 그네 의자
What does smashed it mean in slang?
something extremely well
idiom. informal. to succeed or do something extremely well: I'm so proud of my team - they totally smashed it.
They combined the affordability and accessibility and convenience of a boat, of ferry transportation with the high speed and long ranges of an aircraft.
그들은 보트와 페리 운송이 가진 경제성, 접근성, 편리함, 그리고 항공기의 빠른 속도와 긴 운송가능거리를 결합했습니다.
Affordability 경제성
The all-electric maritime vehicle is designed to float, foil and fly along dock-to-dock routes.
모든 것이 전력기반인 이 해상 운송수단은 부두에서 부두까지의 항로를 따라 수면 위를 떠다니고, 달리고, 비행할 수 있도록 설계되었습니다.
All-electric: 1.모두 전력에 의한
Maritime 해상의
1.바다(위)의, 해사(海事)의, 해운 상의; 해상 무역의
maritime affairs 해사
2.해안 가까이 사는, 연해(沿海)의, 해변의; 바다에 접한
a maritime nation 해양 국가
3.선원 특유의, 뱃사람다운
Foil: 달리다 (of a hunted animal) run over or cross (ground or a scent or track) in such a way as to confuse the hounds.
The sea glider has three modes of operation.
It can be floating, so, like a normal boat would, floating on the surface of the water, driving around in the inner harbor areas.
It has a hydrofoiling mode where you're up above the surface of water on these still so the passengers and the vehicle are insulated with any waves.
The last mode is the fly mode.
해상 글라이더는 세 가지 작동 모드가 있습니다.
그것은 물 위에 떠 있을 수 있습니다. 그래서, 보통의 보트가 물 위에 떠다니는 것과 같이 항구 안쪽을 돌아다닐 수 있습니다.
수면 위로 올라가는 하이드로 포일링 모드 (수중익선 모드) 를 가지고 있어서 승객과 운송 수단이 어떤 파도를 만나든지 그것으로부터 벗어날 수 있습니다.
마지막 모드는 비행 모드입니다.
Hydrofoil: 수중익선(水中翼船)은 선체 밑에 날개가 설치되어, 선체를 수면에서 띄우도록 만들어진 배를 말한다. 수중익 , 배의 속도를 증가시키는 장치의 일종 ; 수중익선.
: a large boat that is able to travel quickly above the surface of the water on wing-like structures
Insulate 절연, 단열, 방음하다
1.절연[단열, 방음]하다 2.분리[격리]하다, 고립시키다
The sea glider takes advantage of a few water and air efficiencies to operate.
Underwater wings called hydrofoils help lift the sea glider, reduce drag and allow for a smooth ride above the waves.
When it's time to take off, the hydrofoils retract and the sea glider won't fly within a wingspan of the water surface, benefiting from an aerodynamic principle called ground effect to glide along a cushion of air.
해상 글라이더는 물과 공기의 몇 가지 효율성을 이용하여 작동합니다.
수중익이라고 불리는 수중 날개는 해상 글라이더를 들어올리고, 항력을 줄이고, 파도 위를 부드럽게 탈 수 있도록 도와줍니다.
이륙할 시간이 되면, 수중익은 후퇴하고 해상 글라이더는 수면의 날개 폭 내에서 날지 않을 것이며, 이는 공기의 쿠션을 따라 미끄러지듯 움직이는 지면 효과라고 불리는 공기역학 원리의 혜택을 받습니다.
Underwater wings 수중날개: It employs variable buoyancy in a similar way to a profiling float, but unlike a float, which can move only up and down, an underwater glider is fitted with hydrofoils (underwater wings) that allow it to glide forward while descending through the water.
Retract 후퇴하다, 철회하다
Transitive verb
1.쑥 들어가게 하다, 오그라뜨리다
retract fangs
엄니를 집어넣다
2.취소하다, 철회하다
Intransitive verb
1.쑥 들어가다, 오그라들다
2.한 말을 취소[철회]하다 ((from))
Wingspan 양쪽날개 폭
1.(비행기의) 날개 길이, 날개 폭 ((한쪽 날개 끝에서 다른 쪽 날개 끝까지의 길이))
Aerodynamic 1.공기 역학의
Ground effect 1.지면[지표] 효과 ((지표 또는 지표 근방에서 고속 자동차·비행기에 가해지는 부력[상승력]))
The sea gliders were powered by 12 by 100 horsepower electric motors and propellers on the leading edge of the wing.
Those are all fueled by battery technologists, the same batteries that go into electric cars today.
해상 글라이더는 날개 끝에 달린 100마력의 전기 모터와 프로펠러로 12기의 동력을 공급받았습니다.
그것들은 모두 배터리 기술자들에게 공급받는데, 오늘날 전기 자동차에 들어가는 배터리와 동일한 배터리 기술에 의해 연료가 공급됩니다.
Horsepower 마력 (1마력: 1초당 75kg*1m)
the rate at which work is done.
1.[기계] 마력 ((1초에 75 kg을 1m 높이에 올리는 힘의 단위; 略 hp, h.p., HP, H.P.))
2.[구어] 달성[생산] 능력; 힘, 재능
intellectual horsepower
지적 능력
Technologist 기술자: an expert in a particular field of technology.
The first sea glider called Viceroy will carry 12 passengers, two crew and service short hauls up to 290 kilometers at speeds just under 300 kilometers per hour.
바이스로이라고 불리는 최초의 해상 글라이더는 시속 300킬로미터 미만의 속도로 12명의 승객, 2명의 승무원, 서비스 쇼트홀을 290킬로미터까지 실어 나를 것입니다.
Short haul: Short-haul is used to describe things that involve transporting passengers or goods over short distances.
Transitive verb
1.세게 잡아당기다, 끌어당기다; 끌고 가다
haul in a net 그물을 잡아당기다
2.운반하다, 차로 나르다
haul freight 화물을 운반하다
Intransitive verb
1.잡아당기다(pull), 끌어당기다
haul at[(up)on] a rope 밧줄을 잡아당기다
2.어떤 방향으로 나아가다, 방침을 바꾸다, 방향을 바꾸다, [항해] 침로[진로]를 돌리다
The wind haul ed around to the east. 바람이 방향을 동쪽으로 바꿨다.
1.[a ~] 세게 잡아당김; 끌어당김, 끌기, 견인; 운반[운송] (거리); 운반물, 화물, 운반량
2.[a ~] 한 그물에 잡힌 고기 (분량), 그물 끌어 올리기
a good haul of fish 풍어, 많은 어획량
Regent is still in the prototype phase, but Thalheimer says they've already proven that technology works.
리젠트는 아직 시제품 단계에 있지만 탈하이머는 기술이 작동한다는 것을 이미 증명했다고 합니다.
Regent just hit our two-year anniversary.
We built the first sea glider prototype and actually proved that this mode of transportation is possible.
리젠트가 2주년 기념일을 맞이했어요.
우리는 최초의 해상 글라이더 시제품을 만들었고, 실제로 이 운송 방식이 가능하다는 것을 증명했습니다.
Prototype 시제품, 견본
1.원형(原型)(archetype); 견본, 전형; (후대 사물의) 선조, 원조(元祖)
the prototype of a character (소설에서) 인물의 원형
Transitive verb
1.…의 원형[견본]을 만들다
This is how we typically test our quarter scale prototype sea glider.
So, we're really experimenting with all operations floating, foiling.
이것이 우리가 일반적으로 4분의 1 규모의 해상 글라이더 시제품을 테스트하는 방법이에요.
그래서 우리는 떠다니거나 달리는 모든 작업을 실험하고 있습니다.
When you get out of this tight area like this out into the open water, that's when we take off and we become that wing and ground effect that high-speed flying vehicle.
이렇게 좁은 지역을 벗어나 탁 트인 해상으로 들어가면, 이륙하고 그 날개와 지면 효과를 활용하여 고속 비행체가 됩니다.
And inside, they're developing the avionics which will be operated by a captain.
그리고 내부에서, 그들은 선장에 의해 작동될 항공전자공학 기술을 개발하고 있습니다.
Avionics 1.pl. [단수 취급] 항공 전자 공학
There's really two ways that you control the sea glider.
You have a power lever and a side stick joystick.
So, think of it like you can turn left right with the joystick and you can go, tell the vehicle to go fast or go slow.
It's very intuitive, much like driving a car or driving a boat.
해상 글라이더를 조종하는 데는 두 가지 방법이 있습니다.
파워 레버와 사이드 스틱 조이스틱이 있습니다.
조이스틱을 이용해 왼쪽으로 오른쪽으로 돌리면 운송 수단을 빨리 가게 하거나 천천히 가게 할 수 있습니다.
그것은 매우 직관적인데, 마치 자동차를 운전하거나 보트를 운전하는 것과 같아요.
Intuitive 직관적인
1.직관[지각]에 의한
2.직관[지각]에 의해 인식된
3.직관력 있는
While Regent seems to be moving along rather quickly, the co-founders say it has an all been smooth sailing.
리젠트가 다소 빠르게 움직이고 있는 것처럼 보이지만, 공동 설립자들은 모든 것이 순조롭다고 합니다.
One of the biggest challenges for building a sea glider is that we are really pushing physics to the max.
So, it's really the combination of all these different really advanced technologies that allows us to do this full mission, but it's really a physics challenge for us.
해상 글라이더를 만들기 위한 가장 큰 도전 중 하나는 우리가 물리학의 활용을 최대치로 끌어올리고 있다는 것입니다.
그래서, 이 모든 다양한 첨단 기술들의 조합이 우리가 이 완전한 임무를 수행할 수 있게 해주지만, 이것은 우리에게 정말 물리학적으로 도전인 일입니다.
I think the other challenge we had was just the fact that this is so new, this has not existed before.
So, as we've gone out to customers, there's a lot of education we need to do.
You know, what is it? How does it work? How is it crude? How is it certified?
제 생각에 우리가 겪었던 또 다른 도전은 이것이 너무 새롭고 이전에는 존재하지 않았다는 사실이었습니다.
그래서 우리가 고객들을 대상으로 한 만큼, 우리가 해야 할 많은 교육이 있습니다.
있잖아요, 그게 무엇인가요? 어떻게 작동하나요? 얼마나 초기단계인가요? 어떻게 승인을 받나요?
Crude 초기의, 날것의
1.천연 그대로의, 인공을 가하지 않은; 생짜의, 날것의, 가공하지 않은, 정제하지 않은(opp. refined), (=raw)
crude material(s) 원료
2.익지 않은, 소화가 안 된, 초기인
1.[U] 미정제품, 원료; 원유(= ~ oil)
Certify 자격을 인증, 공인하다
1.(서명 날인한 문서로) 증명하다, 인증(認證)하다; [미] 지급을 보증...
certify a check
수표의 지급을 보증하다
2.…에게 증명서[면허장]를 교부[발행]하다
Intransitive verb
1.(사실 등을) 보증[증명]하다 ((to)), (…의) 증인이 되다 ((for))
certify to a person's character
…의 사람됨을 보증하다
Thalheimer says they have a $7 billion backlog in pre-orders across the airline and ferry industries.
As for next steps, Regent is currently building a full-scale prototype and has ambitions for passenger test flights by the end of 2024, and by 2050, they hope to have large capacity sea gliders in operation with ranges up to 800 kilometers.
탈하이머는 항공사와 선박 업계 전반에 걸쳐 70억 달러의 예약 주문이 밀려있다고 합니다.
다음 단계로 리젠트는 현재 본격적인 시제품을 제작 중이며 2024년 말까지 승객 시험비행을 목표로 하고 있으며, 2050년까지 최대 사거리 800km의 대용량 해상 글라이더를 운용할 수 있기를 희망하고 있습니다.
Backlog (밀려서 쌓인) 주문
1.(오래 타게) 난로 안쪽에 넣어 두는 큰 장작
2.주문 잔고, 체화(滯貨); 잔무(殘務); 예비 저장품, 비축
Transitive verb
1.(일 등을) 미처리된 채로 쌓아두다, 후일 처리분으로 접수하다
Intransitive verb
1.(미처리인 채) 쌓이다
(비디오 테이프 끝)
For today's story getting a 10 out of 10, sticking with our aviation theme, a record-breaking paper airplane.
A team of young Boeing engineers put themselves on the map when they set a new Guinness World Record by folding, then flying a paper airplane that went 290 feet.
Holy origami, that star near the length of a football field y'all.
It took them 20 minutes to fold the plane just right, making sure to craft it with as much weight as possible, helping them create the greatest amount of momentum after the toss.
10점 만점에 10점을 받은 오늘의 이야기로, 우리의 비행 관련 주제를 고수하면서, 기록을 깨는 종이 비행기에 대한 소식입니다.
보잉사의 젊은 엔지니어 팀이 접고 날려보낸 종이비행기가 290피트를 날아간 것으로 기네스 세계 기록을 세우면서 유명세를 떨쳤습니다.
세상에, 그 기록은 거의 축구 경기장 거리입니다.
그들이 비행기를 정확하게 접는 데 20분이 걸렸고, 가능한 한 가장 무겁게 비행기를 만드는 것을 확실히 하면서, 그리고 그것이 던진 후 최대의 추진력을 만들어내는 데 도움이 되었습니다.
Aviation 비행, 항공
1.비행, 항공; 비행[항공]술(aeronautics); 항공기 산업
an aviation cap
2.항공기 산업
3.[집합적] 군용기 ((인원·무기를 포함))
Boeing 1.보잉사(社) ((미국의 항공기 제조 회사)), 그 항공기
Put someone or something on the map: 누군가 또는 무엇인가를 유명하게 하다. bring someone or something to prominence.
Momentum 타성, 힘, 여세
2.[UC/] (움직이고 있는 물체 등의) 타성; 힘, 여세, 추진력
Speaking of map, dad joke alert, I got an email the other day explaining how to read maps backwards.
It was spam.
지도 얘기가 나와서 말인데, 아재 개그 경보입니다. 며칠 전에 maps를 거꾸로 읽는 방법을 설명하는 이메일을 받았어요.
그건 스팸 메일이었어요.
Shout out to Stevens Middle School in Pasco, Washington. We see you.
워싱턴 패스코에 있는 스티븐스 중학교에게 Shout out을 보냅니다. 축하합니다.
We see you: According to Urban Dictionary, it is usually used as a way of recognizing someone's recent accomplishment; for example, congratulating a friend who has progressed in her career (“Ok, miss Vice President, I see you!”) or even acknowledging a friend who put together an outfit really well (“Love those shoes. I see you!”).
And I'll see all of you tomorrow.
I'm Coy Wire and we are CNN 10.
그리고 여러분 모두 내일 뵙겠습니다.
저는 코이 와이어, 우리는 CNN 10입니다.
** 어휘, 문장 정리
Grinding 열심히 일하거나 공부하다 working or studying laboriously
I know we're just halfway through the week but we're going to keep grinding and shining because that's just what we do.
Rendezvous 약속
I'm Coy. This is CNN 10, and we've got a rendezvous with the news.
Ration 공급하다
Staple 주요한
Certain fruits and veggies are having to be rationed at most major supermarkets and four of the biggest supermarkets in the United Kingdom say they're putting purchase limits on some staple items like tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.
Brexit: the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union.
A number of factors like bad weather conditions in Spain and Morocco, high energy costs over the winter and even the impact of Brexit and the labor shortages are causing the lack of production.
Private day: a day that you are allowed to take off work for private reasons,
It was quite annoying when you weren't trying to get your private day in, and you can't actually get it.
Impose 강제하다
To deal with the shortages, major British supermarkets are imposing limits on items like tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.
Disruption 혼란
Seasonally 계절적으로
Turnips 순무
The UK's minister for the environment food and rural affairs said a disruption should only last a few weeks, and meanwhile encouraged people to eat more seasonally.
Let them eat turnips, she said.
Year-round: happening, continuing, or available through the whole year.
I'm conscious that consumers want a year-round choice and that is what our supermarkets and food and growers' food producers and growers around the world try to satisfy.
Fraction (소량의) 일부
Britain produces a fraction of the food it consumes, relying instead on overseas imports.
Underpin 버팀목을 대다, 뒷받침하다
Because of the interruption with trade and Europe who kind of underpin our food supply, it means that there's less food coming in from Europe.
Front-end 선불금의
Grapple with ~와 싸우다, 씨름하다
Labor shortages due to a lack of migrant workers and soaring energy prices following Russia's invasion of Ukraine have pushed the gap even wider as farmers struggle with front-end costs.
And those costs are passed on to the consumer.
Consumers already grappling with record high grocery prices and the worst cost of living crisis in decades.
Automobile 자동차
Antiquated 구식의
Buggy 마차
New technology in the years to come will likely change travel as we know it forever. The planes, trains and automobiles we use today may someday be as antiquated as the horse and buggy.
Thought leader: an expert on a particular subject whose ideas and opinions influence other people, especially in business.
Formulate plans 계획을 세우다
Hyperloops 고속 운송 시스템
Supersonic 초음속의
Frontier 경계지, 개척지와 미개척지의 중간지대
The Next Frontier: 다음 개척지
Thought leaders in the travel industry are formulating plans that might make travel faster, cheaper and safer.
From hyperloops to air taxis to supersonic jets, here's CNN's Rahel Solomon with more on "The Next Frontier".
In transit: in the process of being transported. Some of the goods were lost in transit.
운송의 과정중에, 운송업의
But could the next frontier in transit take place over water?
Sea-bearing 바다를 건너다니는
Startup 신규 사업체
Corridor 주요 수송 경로
One sea-bearing startup is looking to turn coastlines into corridors.
CEO: chief executive officer 최고 경영자
I'm Billy Thalheimer, co-founder and CEO at Regent.
CTO (Chief Technology Officer): Chief Technology Officer의 줄임말로 최고기술경영자를 뜻한다. CTO는 기술을 효과적으로 활용하고 관리, 획득하기 위한 모든 활동을 총괄하며 그와 관련한 유용한 정보를 CEO에게 조언해준다.
I'm Mike Klinker, one of the co-founders and CTO at Regent.
Glider 글라이더, 활공기
What does smashed it mean in slang?
something extremely well
idiom. informal. to succeed or do something extremely well: I'm so proud of my team - they totally smashed it.
The sea glider is really a mix between a boat and airplane.
You took the two, smashed them together.
Affordability 경제성
They combined the affordability and accessibility and convenience of a boat, of ferry transportation with the high speed and long ranges of an aircraft.
All-electric: 1.모두 전력에 의한
Maritime 해상의
Foil: 달리다 (of a hunted animal) run over or cross (ground or a scent or track) in such a way as to confuse the hounds.
The all-electric maritime vehicle is designed to float, foil and fly along dock-to-dock routes.
Hydrofoil: 수중익선(水中翼船)은 선체 밑에 날개가 설치되어, 선체를 수면에서 띄우도록 만들어진 배를 말한다. 수중익 , 배의 속도를 증가시키는 장치의 일종 ; 수중익선.
: a large boat that is able to travel quickly above the surface of the water on wing-like structures
Insulate 절연, 단열, 방음하다
The sea glider has three modes of operation.
It can be floating, so, like a normal boat would, floating on the surface of the water, driving around in the inner harbor areas.
It has a hydrofoiling mode where you're up above the surface of water on these still so the passengers and the vehicle are insulated with any waves.
The last mode is the fly mode.
Underwater wings 수중날개, 수중익: It employs variable buoyancy in a similar way to a profiling float, but unlike a float, which can move only up and down, an underwater glider is fitted with hydrofoils (underwater wings) that allow it to glide forward while descending through the water.
Retract 후퇴하다, 철회하다
Wingspan 양쪽날개 폭
Aerodynamic 1.공기 역학의
Ground effect 1.지면[지표] 효과 ((지표 또는 지표 근방에서 고속 자동차·비행기에 가해지는 부력[상승력]))
The sea glider takes advantage of a few water and air efficiencies to operate.
Underwater wings called hydrofoils help lift the sea glider, reduce drag and allow for a smooth ride above the waves.
When it's time to take off, the hydrofoils retract and the sea glider won't fly within a wingspan of the water surface, benefiting from an aerodynamic principle called ground effect to glide along a cushion of air.
Horsepower 마력 (1마력: 1초당 75kg*1m)
Technologist 기술자: an expert in a particular field of technology.
The sea gliders were powered by 12 by 100 horsepower electric motors and propellers on the leading edge of the wing.
Those are all fueled by battery technologists, the same batteries that go into electric cars today.
Prototype 시제품, 견본
We built the first sea glider prototype and actually proved that this mode of transportation is possible.
Avionics 1.pl. [단수 취급] 항공 전자 공학
And inside, they're developing the avionics which will be operated by a captain.
Intuitive 직관적인
It's very intuitive, much like driving a car or driving a boat.
Crude 초기의, 날것의
Certify 자격을 인증, 공인하다
I think the other challenge we had was just the fact that this is so new, this has not existed before.
So, as we've gone out to customers, there's a lot of education we need to do.
You know, what is it? How does it work? How is it crude? How is it certified?
Backlog (밀려서 쌓인) 주문
Thalheimer says they have a $7 billion backlog in pre-orders across the airline and ferry industries.
Aviation 비행, 항공
Boeing 1.보잉사(社) ((미국의 항공기 제조 회사)), 그 항공기
Put someone or something on the map: 누군가 또는 무엇인가를 유명하게 하다. bring someone or something to prominence.
Momentum 타성, 힘, 여세
For today's story getting a 10 out of 10, sticking with our aviation theme, a record-breaking paper airplane.
A team of young Boeing engineers put themselves on the map when they set a new Guinness World Record by folding, then flying a paper airplane that went 290 feet.
Holy origami, that star near the length of a football field y'all.
It took them minutes to fold the plane just right, making sure to craft it with as much weight as possible, helping them create the greatest amount of momentum after the toss.
We see you: According to Urban Dictionary, it is usually used as a way of recognizing someone's recent accomplishment; for example, congratulating a friend who has progressed in her career (“Ok, miss Vice President, I see you!”) or even acknowledging a friend who put together an outfit really well (“Love those shoes. I see you!”).
Shout out to Stevens Middle School in Pasco, Washington. We see you.
** 복습용 문장
I know we're just halfway through the week but we're going to keep grinding and shining because that's just what we do.
I'm Coy. This is CNN 10, and we've got a rendezvous with the news.
Certain fruits and veggies are having to be rationed at most major supermarkets and four of the biggest supermarkets in the United Kingdom say they're putting purchase limits on some staple items like tomatoes, peppers and cucumbers.
A number of factors like bad weather conditions in Spain and Morocco, high energy costs over the winter and even the impact of Brexit and the labor shortages are causing the lack of production.
It was quite annoying when you weren't trying to get your private day in, and you can't actually get it.
To deal with the shortages, major British supermarkets are imposing limits on items like tomatoes, cucumbers and peppers.
The UK's minister for the environment food and rural affairs said a disruption should only last a few weeks, and meanwhile encouraged people to eat more seasonally.
Let them eat turnips, she said.
I'm conscious that consumers want a year-round choice and that is what our supermarkets and food and growers' food producers and growers around the world try to satisfy.
Britain produces a fraction of the food it consumes, relying instead on overseas imports.
Because of the interruption with trade and Europe who kind of underpin our food supply, it means that there's less food coming in from Europe.
Labor shortages due to a lack of migrant workers and soaring energy prices following Russia's invasion of Ukraine have pushed the gap even wider as farmers struggle with front-end costs.
And those costs are passed on to the consumer.
Consumers already grappling with record high grocery prices and the worst cost of living crisis in decades.
New technology in the years to come will likely change travel as we know it forever. The planes, trains and automobiles we use today may someday be as antiquated as the horse and buggy.
Thought leaders in the travel industry are formulating plans that might make travel faster, cheaper and safer.
From hyperloops to air taxis to supersonic jets, here's CNN's Rahel Solomon with more on "The Next Frontier".
But could the next frontier in transit take place over water?
One sea-bearing startup is looking to turn coastlines into corridors.
I'm Billy Thalheimer, co-founder and CEO at Regent.
I'm Mike Klinker, one of the co-founders and CTO at Regent.
They combined the affordability and accessibility and convenience of a boat, of ferry transportation with the high speed and long ranges of an aircraft.
The all-electric maritime vehicle is designed to float, foil and fly along dock-to-dock routes.
The sea glider has three modes of operation.
It can be floating, so, like a normal boat would, floating on the surface of the water, driving around in the inner harbor areas.
It has a hydrofoiling mode where you're up above the surface of water on these still so the passengers and the vehicle are insulated with any waves.
The last mode is the fly mode.
The sea glider takes advantage of a few water and air efficiencies to operate.
Underwater wings called hydrofoils help lift the sea glider, reduce drag and allow for a smooth ride above the waves.
When it's time to take off, the hydrofoils retract and the sea glider won't fly within a wingspan of the water surface, benefiting from an aerodynamic principle called ground effect to glide along a cushion of air.
The sea gliders were powered by 12 by 100 horsepower electric motors and propellers on the leading edge of the wing.
Those are all fueled by battery technologists, the same batteries that go into electric cars today.
We built the first sea glider prototype and actually proved that this mode of transportation is possible.
And inside, they're developing the avionics which will be operated by a captain.
It's very intuitive, much like driving a car or driving a boat.
I think the other challenge we had was just the fact that this is so new, this has not existed before.
So, as we've gone out to customers, there's a lot of education we need to do.
You know, what is it? How does it work? How is it crude? How is it certified?
Thalheimer says they have a $7 billion backlog in pre-orders across the airline and ferry industries.
For today's story getting a 10 out of 10, sticking with our aviation theme, a record-breaking paper airplane.
A team of young Boeing engineers put themselves on the map when they set a new Guinness World Record by folding, then flying a paper airplane that went 290 feet.
Holy origami, that star near the length of a football field y'all.
It took them minutes to fold the plane just right, making sure to craft it with as much weight as possible, helping them create the greatest amount of momentum after the toss.
Shout out to Stevens Middle School in Pasco, Washington. We see you.
** END
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