[CSP 대본 090] "America's First Solar-Powered Town"
090_230306_230201_"America's First Solar-Powered Town"

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090_230306_230201_"America's First Solar-Powered Town" | February 1, 2023
090_230306_230201_"America's First Solar-Powered Town" 학습용 노션 공유 페이지 https://private-trowel-5e9.notion.site/090_230306_230201_-America-s-First-Solar-Powered-Town-February-1-2023-40d011d4d046455fbcfa4f39b86afbda 영상+대본 포스팅 h
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Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Winter Storm Impacts 40M Across U.S.; America`s First Solar-Powered Town. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired February 01, 2023 - 04:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. CO
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CNN 10
Winter Storm Impacts 40M Across U.S.; America's First Solar-Powered Town. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired February 01, 2023 - 04:00 ET
Hello, everyone.
It's your boy Coy, wishing you a wonderful Wednesday.
We're halfway through the week so let's lock in and keep aiming to be a little better today than we were yesterday.
Time now for the best 10 minutes in news, and we start today with what is being called a triple threat of winter weather in the United States.
More than 40 million people from New Mexico to West Virginia are under various forms of winter weather alerts.
Roads in many of these places were considered very dangerous.
And one person has already lost their life in a 10-car pileup in Austin, Texas.
Since Monday, EMS crews in the Dallas-Fort Worth area have responded to at least 142 traffic accidents while the forecast shows there will be periods of reprieve over the next two days.
Roads will likely be dangerously slick throughout the storm as temperatures remain low.
Millions of people across the southern and central parts of the nation are bracing for an ice storm which could pose a triple threat: ice, sleet and snow.
Officials have already closed schools and roads in anticipation of the conditions.
In fact, driving in certain areas is already so dangerous in large part because many cities and towns, they're just not equipped to handle this kind of weather.
So please tell your family and friends to be careful.
Now, let's talk about a different type of storm, hurricanes.
Today, we're highlighting a community that's built to withstand them.
Babcock Ranch in coastal Florida calls itself America's first solar-powered town and it never lost any power during the devastating hurricane Ian which wreaked havoc on communities all around it.
The town which is located 12 miles inland from Fort Myers has streets that are specifically designed to funnel flood waters away from houses.
And landscaping -- well, that's designed to guard against storm surge.
Many of us have either been directly impacted or know somebody who's seen their home or business destroyed by hurricanes, but could the way we design cities be the answer?
CNN chief climate correspondent Bill Weir traveled to Babcock Ranch which is designed to weather the weather.
When Hurricane Ian brought gusts over 150 miles an hour, much of the power grid in its path did not stand a chance.
Look at that.
And thanks to two feet of rain, even communities miles from the storm surge could not escape life-altering floods.
But even as white caps ripped across the lake in Anthony Grande's (ph) backyard, he was chilled out in front of the TV.
You know, that's one of the things I said to my wife when we were -- were sitting there watching TV, I'm like, I don't have any fear right now.
Anthony and the 2,000 families around him never lost power and did not flood because they live in Babcock Ranch, a community about 15 miles from Ft. Myers, which is 100 percent solar powered.
I even held on to my generator not knowing what was really going to happen.
So my wife was like, get rid of it.
I'm like, no, I'm not getting rid of it.
I'm not doing it.
That's what we -- we go through the test.
And this was the test.
This was the test.
This was a big test. So.
And now you can let go of the generator?
I did. I gave it to a friend.
Jennifer Langwell (ph) was nervous during the storm because with a Ph.D. in civil engineering, she helped design this place.
I literally got my construction drawings out and I looked at the wind load that my house was designed to, and I looked at my finished floor elevation, and I looked at the road elevation, and I just mentally was crunching numbers because I was like, this is going to be bad.
And it was.
But their interconnected lakes and protected wetlands saved them from flooding.
And the 700,000 solar panels in their 150 megawatt array all held solid.
I always assumed that solar panels and hurricanes don't mix, that it would turn them into projectiles, but you didn't lose any or --
No. That's the beautiful thing about engineering, right, is that you understand the wind loads and you understand the stress and the strain and you design to that.
This place is the brainchild of Syd Kitson, an NFL offensive lineman turned developer, who bought a massive cattle ranch, sold most of it to Florida as a nature preserve, and set out to build the cleanest, most resilient town in America.
Here's the elementary school.
We have a field house over there which is now housing people as a shelter.
Right. I guess it's fitting that the mascot of Babcock High are the Trail Blazers.
Trail Blazers.
Everything's very well thought out here.
I've got to say, my heart still breaks.
I feel a little guilty leaving the damage --
But it's a relief to come to a place unscathed like this.
Yes, we're feeling the guilt too being out here.
Are you?
Yes, absolutely.
Yes. I mean we've certainly got it really good out here.
It's unfortunate to feel guilty about it.
I feel relieved that we're not adding to what first responders have to deal with and that we're able to help the community.
So, we have people here making meals.
We're taking in laundry from sheriffs and firefighters that are in from out of town.
Because we were resilient, because we were durable, we're able to help in that way.
Ten-second trivia: Which of these sports invented in 1965 is the official state sport of Washington?
Tennis, squash, pickleball or badminton?
Pickleball was created on Bainbridge Island, Washington, by Joel Pritchard and some friends as a backyard game for kids.
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10.
Aunt Nora, a passionate prize-winning pickleball playing prodigy giving us some tips on how to dominate in the fastest growing sport in America via her niece, CNN senior producer Janelle Davis.
Pickleball is the fastest growing U.S. sport with about 5 million players.
This addicting game is a mashup of tennis, ping pong and badminton.
I even got hooked and I'm lucky to take my game to the next level.
Lucky for me, I have a national competitor in my family.
That's Aunt Nora in the white skirt.
We go way back.
Clearly, she's going easy on me here but at just under five feet, she dominates on the court and has won countless trophies.
I will play five days a week, anywhere from two to five hours a day.
I am truly an addict.
She lives in Washington state, the birthplace of pickleball and here are her three tips to take your game to the next level.
Number one: add spin to your dink.
Okay, let's back up for the newbies watching.
This part of the court is the non-volley zone, known as the kitchen.
Experienced players keep the ball low and get in an offensive position near the kitchen, giving your opponent less time to react.
One of the best shots for this is called the dink, a short soft hit into your opponent's kitchen.
Here's how it's done --
You're going to get low and then you're going to come up and lift it like you would.
But instead of stopping right there, you're going to roll your hand forward.
That spin makes your shots lethal.
To practice, play a game starting near the kitchen hitting dinks back and forth, keep it low and slow.
You'll learn accuracy and patience.
You need to have a lot of patience with your dink shots.
Your opponent will make a mistake before you do if you have patience.
Number two, master the drop shot, one of the hardest shots.
The drop is a soft hit from deep in the court that drops into your opponent's kitchen, allowing you to explode towards the net and go on the attack.
To do the drop shot, you want to get low and lift just to your chest.
You'll need a loose grip, control swing and to get low, being short like my eye helps too.
Number three, time your split step.
That's the ready position.
You don't want to be moving as you hit the ball.
You want to be stabilized.
The best players can predict where the ball is going and quickly position themselves for the return.
Now, you're ready to play.
All right. Today, it's officially Black History Month and February 1st is National Freedom Day, honoring the signing of the 13th Amendment by President Abraham Lincoln which abolished slavery in the U.S.
Today is also hashtag your word Wednesday.
Follow me @CoyWire on Insta, Snapchat and TikTok, and put your challenge words in the comment section of my most recent post and we'll choose one fun one to work into tomorrow's show.
The last word was pulchritudinous meaning beautiful.
Shout out to the pulchritudinous people at James Madison Middle School in Roanoke, Virginia.
Thanks for subscribing and commenting on our CNN 10 YouTube channel.
I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10, and I'll see you tomorrow.
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CNN 10
Winter Storm Impacts 40M Across U.S.; America's First Solar-Powered Town. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired February 01, 2023 - 04:00 ET
Hello, everyone.
It's your boy Coy, wishing you a wonderful Wednesday.
We're halfway through the week so let's lock in and keep aiming to be a little better today than we were yesterday.
코이 와이어, CNN 10 앵커:
안녕하세요 여러분.
여러분의 친구 코이입니다. 여러분이 멋진 수요일을 보내시길 바랍니다.
일주일의 절반이 지났으니 더 열심히 해서 오늘은 어제보다 조금 더 나아지는 것을 목표로 삼아봅시다.
Lock in 전념하다, 더 열심히, 집중해서 하다 Fix firmly in position, commit to something.
Keep aiming 계속 목표하다
Time now for the best 10 minutes in news, and we start today with what is being called a triple threat of winter weather in the United States.
More than 40 million people from New Mexico to West Virginia are under various forms of winter weather alerts.
Roads in many of these places were considered very dangerous.
And one person has already lost their life in a 10-car pileup in Austin, Texas.
이제 뉴스에서 최고의 10분을 위한 시간입니다. 우리는 오늘 미국의 겨울 날씨와 관련된 3중 위협에 대한 내용으로 시작합니다.
뉴멕시코에서 웨스트버지니아까지 4천만 명 이상의 사람들이 다양한 형태의 겨울 날씨 경보를 받고 있습니다.
이러한 많은 곳의 도로들은 매우 위험하다고 여겨졌습니다.
그리고 한 명이 이미 텍사스 오스틴에서 10중 추돌 사고로 목숨을 잃었습니다.
Pile-up: Noun 1.(자동차의) 다중[연쇄] 충돌[추돌]
Since Monday, EMS crews in the Dallas-Fort Worth area have responded to at least 142 traffic accidents while the forecast shows there will be periods of reprieve over the next two days.
Roads will likely be dangerously slick throughout the storm as temperatures remain low.
댈러스-포트워스 지역의 응급 구조대원들은 월요일 이후 최소 142건의 교통사고에 대응했으며 기상청은 앞으로 이틀 동안 유예기간이 있을 것임을 보여줍니다.
기온이 계속 낮기 때문에 폭풍이 몰아치는 동안 도로는 위험할 정도로 미끄러울 것입니다.
EMS: Emergency Medical Services, 응급 의료 서비스: Emergency Medical Services, more commonly known as EMS, is a system that responds to emergencies in need of highly skilled pre-hospital clinicians.
Reprieve 유예, 연기, 취소
Reprieve [rɪˈpriːv] Verb 1.(사형수의) 형 집행을 취소하다[유예하다] 2.(공장 폐쇄 등의 계획을) 취소[보류]하다 Noun 1.(사형수의) 형 집행 취소[유예] (=stay of execution) 2.(나쁜 일의) 유예[연기]
Slick 미끄럽다
Slick [slɪk] ADJ. 1.(겉만) 번드르르한[매끄러운] 2.(진실성은 없어 보이면서) 구변 좋은, 말을 번지르르하게 하는 (=glib) Noun 1.(바다 위로) 기름이 떠다니는 지역 2.(젖어서) 번들거리는 곳 Verb 1.(머리에 기름 등을 발라) 매끈하게[반지르르하게] 하다
Millions of people across the southern and central parts of the nation are bracing for an ice storm which could pose a triple threat: ice, sleet and snow.
Officials have already closed schools and roads in anticipation of the conditions.
In fact, driving in certain areas is already so dangerous in large part because many cities and towns, they're just not equipped to handle this kind of weather.
So please tell your family and friends to be careful.
남부와 중부 지역에 걸쳐 수백만 명의 사람들이 얼음, 진눈깨비, 눈 등 세 가지 위협이 될 수 있는 얼음 폭풍에 대비하고 있습니다.
관계자들은 상황을 예상하여 이미 학교와 도로를 폐쇄했습니다.
사실, 특정 지역에서 운전하는 것은 많은 도시와 마을들이 이런 종류의 날씨를 감당할 수 있는 장비를 갖추고 있지 않기 때문에 이미 매우 위험합니다.
그러니 여러분의 가족과 친구들에게 조심하라고 말해주세요.
Bracing [ˈbreɪsɪŋ] ADJ. 1.(차가우면서) 상쾌한 bracing sea air 상쾌한 바다 바람
Brace 대비하다
Brace [breɪs] Noun 1.버팀대, 죔쇠 a neck brace (목 부상자용) 목 보조기 2.치아 교정기
Verb 1.(스스로) 대비를 하다, 대비시키다 2.(넘어지지 않게) 버팅기다
Pose a triple threat 세 가지 위협이 되다, 삼중으로 위협을 가하다
Pose [poʊz] Verb 1.(위협·문제 등을) 제기하다
to pose a threat/challenge/danger/risk
위협/도전/위험/위험을 제기하다
2.(특히 진지한 생각을 요하는) 질문을 제기하다
1.(특히 그림·사진 촬영을 위한) 포즈[자세]
He adopted a relaxed pose for the camera.
그는 카메라를 향해 느긋한 포즈를 취했다.
2.뻐기기, 으스대기 (=affectation)
Sleet 진눈깨비
Sleet [sliːt] Noun 1.진눈깨비 Verb 1.진눈깨비가 오다
Anticipation 예상
Anticipation [ænˌtɪsɪˈpeɪʃn] Noun 1.예상, 예측 2.기대, 고대
Now, let's talk about a different type of storm, hurricanes.
Today, we're highlighting a community that's built to withstand them.
Babcock Ranch in coastal Florida calls itself America's first solar-powered town and it never lost any power during the devastating hurricane Ian which wreaked havoc on communities all around it.
이제, 다른 유형의 폭풍인 허리케인에 대해 이야기해 봅시다.
오늘, 우리는 허리케인을 견딜 수 있도록 만들어진 마을에 주목해보려고 합니다.
플로리다 해안에 있는 밥콕 목장은 스스로를 미국 최초의 태양열 마을이라고 부르는데, 그 주변 지역사회에 대혼란을 일으킨 파괴적인 허리케인 이안이 발생하는 동안 그 마을은 전력을 전혀 잃지 않았습니다.
Highlight 강조하다
Highlight [ˈhaɪlaɪt] Verb 1.(특히 사람들이 더 많은 관심을 기울이도록) 강조하다
2.(텍스트컴퓨터 화면 등에) 하이라이트[강조] 표시를 하다
Noun 1.하이라이트, 가장 좋은[흥미로운] 부분 2.(머리의) 부분 염색한 부분 (→lowlights)
Withstand 견뎌내다 1.견뎌[이겨] 내다 (=resist, stand up to)
Babcock Ranch: Babcock Ranch is the first solar powered town in America. It is underway in South Florida. Model homes are available now. Learn more today.
Ranch 목장 [ræntʃ] 1.(특히 북미·오스트레일리아의 대규모) 목장 (→dude ranch)
Solar-powered 태양열 동력의
Devastating 파괴적인
Devastating [ˈdevəsteɪtɪŋ] ADJ. 1.대단히 파괴적인, 엄청난 손상을 가하는 (=disastrous)
2.엄청나게 충격적인 3.굉장한, 대단히 인상적인[강력한]
Wreak 피해를 입히다
Wreak [riːk] Verb 1.(큰 피해 등을) 입히다[가하다] (→wrought)
Havoc 큰 피해
Havoc [ˈhævək] Noun 1.대파괴, 큰 혼란[피해]
The town which is located 12 miles inland from Fort Myers has streets that are specifically designed to funnel flood waters away from houses.
And landscaping -- well, that's designed to guard against storm surge.
Many of us have either been directly impacted or know somebody who's seen their home or business destroyed by hurricanes, but could the way we design cities be the answer?
포트 마이어스에서 12마일 떨어진 내륙에 위치한 이 마을에는 홍수로 인한 물을 집 밖으로 끌어 내보내기 위해 특별히 설계된 길들이 있습니다.
그리고 조경은 -- 음, 그것은 폭풍 해일을 막기 위해 설계되었습니다.
우리 중 많은 사람들이 폭풍에 직접적인 영향을 받았거나 허리케인으로 집이나 회사가 파괴되는 것을 경험한 누군가를 알고 있습니다. 하지만 도시를 설계하는 방식이 그 해결책이 될 수 있을까요?
Fort Myers: 포트 마이어스 Fort Myers (or Ft. Myers) is a city in southwestern Florida and the county seat and commercial center of Lee County, Florida, United States.
Specifically 특별히
Specifically [spəˈsɪfɪkli] ADV 1.분명히, 명확하게 2.특별히
liquid vitamins specifically designed for children
아동들을 위해 특별히 고안된 액체 비타민
3.구체적으로 말하면
Funnel 이동시키다, 끌어내다
Funnel [ˈfʌnl] Noun 1.깔때기 2.(배엔진 등에 달린 금속으로 된) 굴뚝
Verb 1.(깔때기같이 좁은 공간 속을) 이동하다[이동시키다]
Landscaping 조경
CNN chief climate correspondent Bill Weir traveled to Babcock Ranch which is designed to weather the weather.
빌 위어 CNN 기후 담당 기자가 날씨를 견디기 위해 고안된 밥콕 목장을 방문했습니다.
Weather the weather 날씨를 견디다
Weather [ˈweðə(r)] 1.날씨, 기상, 일기 2.일기 예보, 기상 통보 3.햇빛[비바람]에 변하다[변하게 하다 ]4.(역경 등을) 무사히 헤쳐 나가다[견디다]
(비디오 테이프 시작)
When Hurricane Ian brought gusts over 150 miles an hour, much of the power grid in its path did not stand a chance.
빌 위어, CNN 기후 특파원 (나레이션):
허리케인 이안이 시속 150마일 이상의 돌풍을 몰고 왔을 때, 그 경로에 있는 전력망의 많은 부분이 먹통이 되었습니다.
Gusts 돌풍
Gust [ɡʌst] Noun 1.세찬 바람, 돌풍 A gust of wind blew his hat off. 한줄기 돌풍이 불어와 그의 모자를 날려 버렸다.
2.(감정이 갑자기) 한바탕 터짐 a gust of laughter 한바탕 터진 웃음
Verb 1.(갑자기) 몰아치다 winds gusting up to 60 mph 시속 60마일까지 몰아치는 바람
The power grid 전력망
Path 경로
Path [pæθ] Noun 1.길(사람들이 지나다녔거나 만들어서 생긴 작은 길) (→footpath) 2.(사람·사물이 나아가는) 길[방향] (→flight path), (=way) 3.(행동) 계획, (목표에 이르는) 길
stand a chance (of doing something) 가망이 있다, 승산이 있다
1.(~을 할) 가능성이 있다
Look at that.
And thanks to two feet of rain, even communities miles from the storm surge could not escape life-altering floods.
저것 좀 보세요.
그리고 비가 2피트나 내렸기 때문에, 심지어 폭풍 해일로부터 수 마일 떨어진 마을에서도 인생을 뒤흔드는 홍수를 피할 수는 없었습니다.
Life-altering 인생을 바꾸는 (것)
But even as white caps ripped across the lake in Anthony Grande's (ph) backyard, he was chilled out in front of the TV.
하지만 앤서니 그란데는 뒷마당에서 거대한 파도가 호수를 가로지르는 동안에도 TV 앞에서 여유로운 시간을 보냈습니다.
White caps rip across the lake 거대한 파도가 호수를 가로지르다: When ocean waves break, air and sea water mix to form whitecaps. Beneath the surface of the whitecap, a mixture of air and sea water form a violent turbulent flow known as a bubble plume.
White-capping or top-breaking is steepness-induced wave-breaking, which occurs in deeper water when the wave height becomes too large compared to the wavelength.
Rip across 쪼개다, 가로지르다
Rip…across 1.…을 둘로 자르다[쪼개다]
She ripped the bread across to share it with her brother.
그녀는 동생과 나눠먹을 수 있게 빵을 둘로 잘랐다.
Ph People here
Chill out 여유롭다, 긴장을 풀다
1.긴장을 풀다[열을 식히다]
They sometimes meet up to chill out and watch a movie.
그들은 가끔 만나 긴장을 풀고 영화를 본다.
Chill out: intended to induce or enhance a relaxed mood, a period of relaxation.
You know, that's one of the things I said to my wife when we were -- were sitting there watching TV, I'm like, I don't have any fear right now.
앤서니 그란데, 밥콕 목장 주민:
우리가 앉아서 TV를 보고 있을 때 제 아내에게 했던 말 중 하나죠. “나는 지금 전혀 무섭지가 않아.”
Fear [fɪr] Noun 1.공포, 두려움, 무서움
Verb 1.(…을) 두려워[무서워]하다 2.(…일까 봐) 우려[염려]하다
Anthony and the 2,000 families around him never lost power and did not flood because they live in Babcock Ranch, a community about 15 miles from Ft. Myers, which is 100 percent solar powered.
앤서니와 그의 주변에 있는 2,000명의 가족들은 포트 마이어스에서 약 15마일 떨어진 마을인 밥콕 목장에 살고 있기 때문에 전력을 잃지 않았고 홍수도 나지 않았습니다. 밥콕 목장은 100% 태양열 에너지로만 작동하는 마을입니다.
I even held on to my generator not knowing what was really going to happen.
So my wife was like, get rid of it.
I'm like, no, I'm not getting rid of it.
I'm not doing it.
That's what we -- we go through the test.
And this was the test.
저는 심지어 정말 무슨 일이 일어날지 모르는 채 발전기를 붙잡고 있었습니다.
그래서 아내는 그것을 없애라고 말했죠.
아니, 난 그걸 없애지 않을 거야.
그건 안 할 거야.
그것이 우리가 테스트를 하는 과정이었던 거예요.
그리고 이게 그 테스트였습니다.
Held on to 붙들려 있다
Get rid of 제거하다
1.면하다, 제거하다, 끝내다. (=be freed [relieved] of, eliminate.)
Go through 통과하다
go through 1.(법률·계약 등이) 통과[성사]되다
go through something
1.(특히 무엇을 찾기 위해) ~을 살펴보다[조사하다]
I always start the day by going through my email.
나는 언제나 이메일을 살펴보는 것으로 나의 하루를 시작한다.
2.(특히 거듭해서) ~을 검토[고려]하다
Let’s go through the arguments again.
그 주장들을 다시 검토해 봅시다.
3.(일련의 행동·방법·절차를) 거치다
Certain formalities have to be gone through before you can emigrate.
해외로 이주를 하려면 그 전에 특정한 요식을 거쳐야 한다.
This was the test.
이게 테스트였군요.
This was a big test. So.
이게 큰 테스트였죠. 그렇게.
And now you can let go of the generator?
이제 발전기는 필요없다고요?
Let go of 놓다
Let go of 1.[쥐고 있던 것]을 놓다, …에서 손을 놓다
** 정전이 되었을 때 임시전력을 공급하는 발전기가 필요없다는 것을 깨달았기 때문에 발전기를 그만 놓아줄 수 있게 (발전기가 이제는 필요없게) 되었다.
I did. I gave it to a friend.
네. 그건 친구한테 줬어요.
Jennifer Langwell (ph) was nervous during the storm because with a Ph.D. in civil engineering, she helped design this place.
제니퍼 랭웰(ph)은 토목공학 박사학위를 받은 뒤 이곳의 설계를 도왔기 때문에 폭풍이 몰아치는 동안 긴장했습니다.
Jennifer Langwell 제니퍼 랭웰
Civil engineering 토목 공학
I literally got my construction drawings out and I looked at the wind load that my house was designed to, and I looked at my finished floor elevation, and I looked at the road elevation, and I just mentally was crunching numbers because I was like, this is going to be bad.
제니퍼 랭웰, 밥콕 목장 주민:
저는 말 그대로 제 집이 설계된 풍하중을 보고, 완성된 바닥 높이를 보고, 도로 높이를 보고, 머릿속으로 수치를 암산해내고 있었어요. 왜냐하면 저는 상황이 안좋을 것이라고 생각했기 때문이에요.
The wind load 풍하중: 풍하중이란, 바람이 (가설)구조물에 불 때 단위면적 당 가해지는 힘입니다. 기호는 W입니다. (kN/m2) 조금 더 정확한 표현입니다.
Floor elevation 바닥 높이
Floor [flɔː(r)] 1.(방의) 바닥 2.(차량의) 바닥 3.어안이 벙벙하게 만들다 4.(특히 스포츠 경기에서) 때려눕히다
Elevation [ˌelɪˈveɪʃn] 1.승진, 승격 2.해발 높이, 고도 3.(지면보다) 높은 곳
Road elevation 도로 표고
Crunch numbers: 수치를 분석하다 It refers to large-scale processing of numerical data often by mainframe computers.
Crunch [krʌntʃ]
Noun 1.으드득[뽀드득 등](단단한 것이 으스러질 때 나는 소리)
2.(흔히 불쾌한) 중대 상황[정보]
Verb 1.(시끄럽게) 아작아작[오도독] 씹다
2.(단단한 것을[이] 으스러뜨려[으스러져]) 으드득[뽀드득 등]거리다 (=scrunch)
ADJ. 1.(회의스포츠 경기 등이 성공할 수 있는 마지막 기회가 될지도 모르게) 중대한
And it was.
But their interconnected lakes and protected wetlands saved them from flooding.
And the 700,000 solar panels in their 150 megawatt array all held solid.
그리고 상황이 좋지 않았습니다.
그러나 그들의 상호 연결된 호수와 보호된 습지는 그들을 홍수로부터 구했습니다.
그리고 그들의 150 메가와트 배열에 있는 70만 개의 태양 전지판들은 모두 견고하게 유지되었습니다.
Interconnected 상호 연결된, 상호 연락[연결]된, 상관된
Wetland 습지(대)
Solar panels 태양 전지판
Megawatt 메가와트: - W(와트)는 '단위 시간 당 얼마만큼의 전기를 생산하는지'를 나타내는 단위이다. 1MW=1,000kW=1,000,000W이다.
Array 배열, 배치
Array Noun 1.(인상적인) 집합체[모음/무리] 2.(메모리) 배열
Verb 1.(보기 좋게) 배열하다[진열하다] 2.(전투 대열로) 배치하다
Hold solid 단단히 잡다, 견고하게 유지하다
I always assumed that solar panels and hurricanes don't mix, that it would turn them into projectiles, but you didn't lose any or --
저는 항상 태양 전지판과 허리케인의 조합은 좋은 결과를 내지 못할 것이고, 전지판들을 공중에 모두 날려버릴 것이라고 예상했지만, 여러분들은 아무것도 잃지 않았죠?
Assume 추정하다, 예상하다
Assume [əˈsuːm] Verb 1.(사실일 것으로) 추정[상정]하다
2.(권력·책임을) 맡다 (=take)
3.(특질·양상을) 띠다[취하다] (=take on)
Do not mix: 잘 어울리지 않는다. 잘 맞지 않다. 좋은 결과를 내지 못한다. : 1. : to not be friendly (with others) She doesn't mix with the people in town. Our families don't mix (with each other). : to not be able to be combined or put together in a way that has good results.
Projectiles 발사체: a missile designed to be fired from a gun. an object propelled through the air, especially one thrown as a weapon.
No. That's the beautiful thing about engineering, right, is that you understand the wind loads and you understand the stress and the strain and you design to that.
그랬죠. 공학의 아름다운 점은 바람의 하중을 이해하고, 스트레스와 긴장을 이해하고, 그것을 설계한다는 것입니다.
Strain 부담, 긴장
Strain [streɪn] Noun 1.부담, 중압[압박](감) 2.압력, 압박
Verb 1.(근육 등을) 혹사하다[무리하게 사용하다], 염좌[좌상]를 입다 2.안간힘을 쓰다
This place is the brainchild of Syd Kitson, an NFL offensive lineman turned developer, who bought a massive cattle ranch, sold most of it to Florida as a nature preserve, and set out to build the cleanest, most resilient town in America.
이곳은 NFL 공격 라인맨에서 개발자로 이직한 시드 킷슨의 아이디어로 만들어진 장소입니다. 그는 거대한 소 목장을 사들여 대부분을 플로리다에 자연보호구역으로 팔았습니다. 그리고 미국에서 가장 깨끗하고 가장 회복력 있는 마을을 건설하기 시작했습니다.
Brainchild 아이디어, 발명품
Syd Kitson 시드 킷슨
Cattle ranch 대규모 소 방목장
Preserve 보존하다
Preserve [prɪzɜːrv] Verb 1.(특정한 자질특색 등을) 지키다[보호하다] 2.(원래 상태좋은 상태를 유지하도록) 보존[관리]하다
Noun 1.전유물 2.설탕 절임, 잼
Resilient 회복력이 있는, 회복탄력성이 있는
Resilient [rɪˈzɪliənt] ADJ. 1.(충격·부상 등에 대해) 회복력 있는 2.탄력 있는
Here's the elementary school.
We have a field house over there which is now housing people as a shelter.
여기 초등학교가 있어요.
우리 마을은 저쪽에 대피소로써 현재 사람들을 수용하고 있는 야전 주택을 가지고 있습니다.
Be housing 거처를 제공하고 있다
House Noun 1.집, 주택, 가옥 (→penthouse, safe house, show house)
2.식구들, 집안사람들 (=household)
Verb 1.살 곳을 주다, 거처를 제공하다
The government is committed to housing the refugees.
정부는 난민들의 거처 마련에 몰두하고 있다.
The gallery houses 2,000 works of modern art.
그 미술관에서는 현대 회화 2 000 점을 소장하고 있다.
Housing [ˈhaʊzɪŋ] Noun 1.주택(특히 주택의 형태·가격·상태와 관련해서 언급할 때 씀)
2.주택 공급 3.하우징(기계 부품을 덮는 단단한 덮개)
Shelter 주거지, 대피소
Shelter [ˈʃeltə(r)] Noun 1.(인간 생활의 세 가지 기본 요소 중) 주거지
2.(비바람·위험·공격으로부터의) 피신[대피]
Verb 1.(비·바람·위험 등을[으로부터]) 막아 주다[피할/쉴 곳을 제공하다], 보호하다
2.(어느 장소에서 비바람·위험 등을) 피하다
Right. I guess it's fitting that the mascot of Babcock High are the Trail Blazers.
맞아요. 밥콕 고등학교 마스코트가 트레일 블레이저스라는 게 맞는 것 같아요.
Mascot [mæskɑːt] Noun 1.(행운의) 마스코트
Trail Blazers: 트레일 블레이저스, 미국 프로 농구팀 이름: The Portland Trail Blazers are an American professional basketball team based in Portland, Oregon. The Trail Blazers compete in the National Basketball Association as a member of the league's Western Conference Northwest Division.
Trail Blazers.
Everything's very well thought out here.
트레일 블레이저스예요.
여기에 있는 모든 것이 잘 고려해서 구성되어 있어요.
Well thought out: 신중하게 고려하고 구성된 adjective. : carefully considered and formed.
I've got to say, my heart still breaks.
I feel a little guilty leaving the damage --
아직도 가슴이 아프다는 말을 해야겠어요.
그런 피해를 남기고 떠났다는 게 조금 죄책감이 들어요.
But it's a relief to come to a place unscathed like this.
그래도 이런 곳에 오니 안심이 되네요.
Relief 안심, 안도
Relief [rɪˈliːf] (Verb : relieve) Noun 1.안도, 안심 a sense of relief 안도감
2.(고통·불안 등의) 경감[완화/제거] modern methods of pain relief 현대적인 진통법들
3.구호품, 구호물자; 구호 (=aid) famine relief 기아 구호품
Unscathed 다치지 않은, 아무 탈 없는 (=unharmed)
Yes, we're feeling the guilt too being out here.
네, 우리도 여기에 있다는 죄책감을 느끼고 있어요.
Are you?
죄책감을 느끼세요?
Yes, absolutely.
Yes. I mean we've certainly got it really good out here.
네, 물론이죠.
네, 그러니까 우리가 확실히 여기서 일을 아주 잘 해냈다는 거예요.
Certainly 확실히, 분명히, 틀림없이
Certainly 1.틀림없이, 분명히 (=definitely)
Without treatment, she will almost certainly die.
치료를 안 받으면 그녀는 거의 틀림없이 사망할 것이다.
2.그럼요, 물론이지요
‘May I see your passport, Mr Scott?’ ‘Certainly.’
‘스콧 씨, 여권 좀 보여주시겠어요?’ ‘그럼요.’
It's unfortunate to feel guilty about it.
I feel relieved that we're not adding to what first responders have to deal with and that we're able to help the community.
So, we have people here making meals.
We're taking in laundry from sheriffs and firefighters that are in from out of town.
Because we were resilient, because we were durable, we're able to help in that way.
그것에 대해 죄책감을 느끼는 것은 안타까운 일이에요.
저는 우리가 응급구조대원들이 처리해야 하는 업무를 더 늘리지 않고 있고 피해 지역을 도울 수 있다는 것에 안도감을 느껴요.
그래서, 우리는 여기서 사람들이 식사를 만들도록 하고 있어요.
우리는 도시 밖에서 들어오는 보안관과 소방관들로부터 세탁물을 받고 있어요.
우리가 회복력이 있었기 때문에, 내구성이 있었기 때문에, 우리는 그런 방식으로 도울 수 있었습니다.
First responder 응급 의료요원 (→emergency services): a person whose job entails being the first on the scene of an emergency, such as a firefighter or police officer.
Deal with 처리하다, 다루다
deal with something 1.(문제·과제 등을) 처리하다
to deal with enquiries / issues / complaints
문의 사항들/쟁점들/불만[고충] 사항들을 처리하다
2.(주제·소재로) ~을 다루다
Her poems often deal with the subject of death.
그녀의 시들은 흔히 죽음이라는 주제를 다룬다.
deal with somebody 1.~를 (상)대하다 (=handle)
She is used to dealing with all kinds of people in her job.
그녀는 직장에서 온갖 종류의 사람들을 상대하는 데 익숙해 있다.
deal with somebody/something 1.~와 거래하다
Take in 받다
take something in
1.(몸속으로) ~을 섭취[흡수]하다 (→관련 명사는 intake)
Fish take in oxygen through their gills.
물고기는 아가미를 통해 산소를 섭취한다.
2.(옷을) 줄이다 (↔let out)
3.~을 포함[포괄]하다
The tour takes in six European capitals.
그 순회공연에는 유럽 6개 수도가 포함된다[들어 있다].
take somebody in
1.~를 (자기 집에) 받아들이다[자기 집에서 지내게 하다]
to take in lodgers
하숙인을 받다
2.~를 속이다[현혹하다] (=deceive)
Don’t be taken in by his charm—he’s ruthless.
그의 매력에 속지[현혹되지] 마. 그는 무자비해.
Sheriffs 보안관
1.보안관(미국에서 county나 town의 민선 치안 담당관)
2.(잉글랜드·웨일스에서) 주 장관(왕의 대리인으로서 일부 법률적 의무를 대행하거나 의식에 참석함)
3.(스코틀랜드에서) 판사
Durable 내구성이 있는, 오래가는
(비디오 테이프 끝)
Ten-second trivia: Which of these sports invented in 1965 is the official state sport of Washington?
Tennis, squash, pickleball or badminton?
10초 상식 퀴즈: 이 스포츠들 중 어느 것이 1965년에 발명된 워싱턴의 공식적인 주 스포츠인가요?
테니스, 스쿼시, 피클볼, 배드민턴?
Invent 발명하다
Who invented the steam engine?
증기 기관은 누가 발명했습니까?
2.(사실이 아닌 것을) 지어내다[날조하다]
What excuse did he invent this time?
이번에는 그가 어떤 변명을 지어냈지?
Pickleball 피클볼: an American game resembling tennis, in which players use short-handled bats to hit a perforated plastic ball over a net.
Pickleball was created on Bainbridge Island, Washington, by Joel Pritchard and some friends as a backyard game for kids.
피클볼은 워싱턴주 베인브리지 섬에서 조엘 프리처드와 몇몇 친구들에 의해 아이들을 위한 뒷마당 게임으로 만들어졌습니다.
Bainbridge Island 베인브리지 섬: Bainbridge Island is a small city in western Washington state. It’s connected to Seattle by ferry.
Joel Pritchard 조엘 프리처드
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10.
10점 만점에 10점을 받은 오늘의 이야기입니다.
Aunt Nora, a passionate prize-winning pickleball playing prodigy giving us some tips on how to dominate in the fastest growing sport in America via her niece, CNN senior producer Janelle Davis.
열정적으로 상을 수상한 피클볼 경기 신동 노라 이모는 그녀의 조카인 CNN 수석 프로듀서 자넬 데이비스를 통해 우리에게 미국에서 가장 빠르게 성장하는 스포츠를 지배하는 방법에 대한 몇 가지 팁을 제공하려고 합니다.
Prodigy [prɑːdədʒi] 영재, 신동
Dominate 지배하다
Dominate [dɑːmɪneɪt] Verb 1.(특히 불쾌한 방식으로) 지배[군림]하다 2.(...의) 가장 중요한[두드러지는] 특징이 되다 3.(어떤 장소에서) 가장 크다[높다/두드러지다]
Janelle Davis 자넬 데이비스
(비디오 테이프 시작)
Pickleball is the fastest growing U.S. sport with about 5 million players.
This addicting game is a mashup of tennis, ping pong and badminton.
I even got hooked and I'm lucky to take my game to the next level.
자넬 데이비스, CNN 수석 프로듀서 (나레이션):
피클볼은 약 5백만 명의 선수들이 있는 가장 빠르게 성장하는 미국 스포츠입니다.
이 중독성 있는 게임은 테니스, 탁구, 배드민턴이 혼합된 버전의 스포츠입니다.
저 또한 심지어 중독되었고 제가 하는 게임의 수준을 다음 레벨로 끌어올릴 수 있어서 행운입니다.
Mashup 매시업(여러 가지 자료에서 요소들을 따와 새로운 노래·비디오·컴퓨터 파일 등을 만든 것): a mixture or fusion of disparate elements.
Lucky for me, I have a national competitor in my family.
That's Aunt Nora in the white skirt.
운이 좋게도, 우리 가족 중에 전국적인 경기선수가 있어요.
하얀 스커트를 입은 사람이 저희 이모 노라입니다.
Competitor 1.(특히 사업에서) 경쟁자[경쟁 상대] 2.(시합) 참가자
We go way back.
Clearly, she's going easy on me here but at just under five feet, she dominates on the court and has won countless trophies.
우리는 아주 오랫동안 알고 지낸 사이예요.
분명히, 이모는 이 게임에서 저에게 너그럽지만, 불과 5피트도 안 되는 거리에서, 그녀는 코트를 지배하고 수많은 트로피를 획득했습니다.
I will play five days a week, anywhere from two to five hours a day.
I am truly an addict.
노라 데이비스, 전국 피클볼 선수:
저는 일주일에 5일, 하루에 2시간에서 5시간 정도 게임을 해요.
저는 정말 중독자예요.
She lives in Washington state, the birthplace of pickleball and here are her three tips to take your game to the next level.
J. 데이비스:
그녀는 피클볼의 발상지인 워싱턴 주에 살고 있으며 여기 당신의 게임을 다음 단계로 끌어올리기 위한 그녀의 세 가지 팁이 있습니다.
Birthplace 1.(특히 유명인의) 생가[출생지] 2.(무엇의) 발생지
Number one: add spin to your dink.
Okay, let's back up for the newbies watching.
첫 번째: 딩크샷에 스핀을 더하세요.
좋아요, 시청중인 초심자분들을 위해 도움을 드려볼까요.
Dink 드롭 샷(drop shot)
The dink is hit from the non-volley or kitchen line.
A soft shot hit on a bounce from the NVZ intended to arc over the net and land within the opposing NVZ either straight across or diagonally crosscourt. An effective dink arcs downward as it crosses the net, creating a more difficult shot to return than a power shot.
Back up 도와주다
back somebody/something up
1.~을 뒷받침하다[도와주다]
I’ll back you up if they don’t believe you.
그들이 네 말을 안 믿으면 내가 도와줄게.
2.지지하다 (→관련 명사는 backup)
Newbies 초보자, 초심자
뉴비, (특히 컴퓨터 사용의) 초보자 (=novice)
This part of the court is the non-volley zone, known as the kitchen.
Experienced players keep the ball low and get in an offensive position near the kitchen, giving your opponent less time to react.
코트의 이 부분은 키친으로 알려진 논발리존입니다.
경험이 많은 선수들은 공을 낮게 유지하고 키친 근처에서 공격적인 위치에 있게 되어 상대편이 반응할 시간을 덜 줍니다.
Non-volley zone: The non-volley zone is the court area within 7 feet on both sides of the net 2. Volleying is prohibited within the non-volley zone. This rule prevents players from executing smashes from a position within the zone 3.
Opponent 상대편, 반대편
1.(게임·대회·논쟁 등의) 상대 (=adversary)
a political opponent
정치적 상대
2.(…에 대한) 반대자
One of the best shots for this is called the dink, a short soft hit into your opponent's kitchen.
Here's how it's done --
이를 위한 최고의 샷 중 하나는 딩크라고 불리는 것으로, 상대의 키친에 짧은 소프트 히트입니다.
이것이 그 방법입니다.
You're going to get low and then you're going to come up and lift it like you would.
But instead of stopping right there, you're going to roll your hand forward.
N. 데이비스:
몸을 숙인 다음에 다시 무릎을 펴고 일어나서 팔을 들어올리는 것처럼 말이죠.
하지만 바로 거기서 멈추는 대신에, 손을 앞으로 회전할 거예요.
That spin makes your shots lethal.
To practice, play a game starting near the kitchen, hitting dinks back and forth, keep it low and slow.
You'll learn accuracy and patience.
J. 데이비스:
그 회전은 당신의 샷을 치명적으로 만듭니다.
연습하기 위해서는, 키친 근처에서 시작하면서 딩크샷을 앞뒤로 치면서 경기를 진행하고, 그것을 계속 낮게 유지하고, 천천히 하세요.
여러분은 정확성과 인내심을 배우게 될 것입니다.
Lethal 치명적인
1.치명적인(죽음을 초래할 정도의), (=deadly, fatal)
a lethal dose of poison
치사량의 독극물
2.치명적인(돌이킬 수 없는 해악을 초래하는)
You and that car—it’s a lethal combination!
당신과 저 자동차, 이건 치명적인 결합이야!
You need to have a lot of patience with your dink shots.
Your opponent will make a mistake before you do if you have patience.
N. 데이비스:
당신은 딩크 샷에 많은 인내심을 가질 필요가 있습니다.
인내심이 있다면 상대가 먼저 실수를 저지를 것입니다.
Number two, master the drop shot, one of the hardest shots.
The drop is a soft hit from deep in the court that drops into your opponent's kitchen, allowing you to explode towards the net and go on the attack.
J. 데이비스:
2번, 가장 어려운 샷 중 하나인 드롭 샷을 마스터합니다.
드롭 샷은 코트 깊숙한 곳에서 상대편 키친으로 떨어지는 부드러운 타구로, 네트를 향해 폭발하며 공격을 진행할 수 있습니다.
Drop shot 드롭 샷: Noun. (chiefly in tennis or squash) a softly hit shot, usually with backspin, which drops abruptly to the ground. Verb. use a drop shot against (an opponent).
Explode 폭발하다, 터뜨리다
1.(폭탄이[을]) 터지다[터뜨리다], 폭발하다[폭파시키다] (→implode), (=blow up)
2.폭발하다, 폭발적으로 …이 되다
3.(갑자기 강한 감정을) 터뜨리다
To do the drop shot, you want to get low and lift just to your chest.
N. 데이비스:
드롭 샷을 하기 위해서, 여러분은 몸을 낮추고 팔을 가슴 높이까지 들어올려야 할 거예요.
You'll need a loose grip, control swing and to get low, being short like my eye helps too.
J. 데이비스:
당신은 느슨한 그립과 컨트롤 스윙이 필요할 것이고, 낮게 공을 보내세요. 자세를 낮게 유지하면 시야에도 도움이 됩니다.
Number three, time your split step.
That's the ready position.
You don't want to be moving as you hit the ball.
You want to be stabilized.
The best players can predict where the ball is going and quickly position themselves for the return.
세 번째, 스플릿 스텝의 알맞은 타이밍을 맞추세요.
준비 자세입니다.
당신은 공을 칠 때 움직이는 것을 원하지 않을 거예요.
안정된 자세가 더 좋을 거예요.
최고의 선수들은 공이 어디로 가는지 예측하고 빠르게 복귀를 위해 자신의 위치를 정할 수 있습니다.
Stabilize 안정되다, 안정시키다 (→destabilize): make or become unlikely to give way or overturn. make or become unlikely to change, fail, or decline.
Predict 예측[예견]하다 (=forecast)
Position 자리를 잡다, 위치를 정하다
Noun 1.(자리 잡고 있는) 위치 2.(있어야 할·알맞은) 자리, 제자리
Verb 1.(특정한 위치에) 두다[배치하다], …의 자리를 잡다 (=place)
Now, you're ready to play.
이제 여러분은 게임을 할 준비가 되었습니다.
(비디오 테이프 끝)
All right. Today, it's officially Black History Month and February 1st is National Freedom Day, honoring the signing of the 13th Amendment by President Abraham Lincoln which abolished slavery in the U.S.
좋아요. 오늘은 공식적으로 흑인 역사의 달이고 2월 1일은 미국의 노예제도를 폐지한 에이브러햄 링컨 대통령의 수정헌법 13조에 서명한 것을 기념하는 국가 자유의 날입니다.
Amendment 법의 개정
1.(법 등의) 개정[수정]
to introduce/propose/table an amendment
개정[수정]을 제기하다
2.미국 헌법 수정 조항
Abolish (법률·제도·조직을) 폐지하다
Slavery 노예, 노예제도
1.노예 (상태·신분) 2.노예제도 (↔freedom)
Today is also “hashtag your word Wednesday”.
Follow me @CoyWire on Insta, Snapchat and TikTok, and put your challenge words in the comment section of my most recent post and we'll choose one fun one to work into tomorrow's show.
The last word was pulchritudinous meaning beautiful.
오늘은 또한 “여러분의 단어를 해시태그하는 수요일”입니다.
인스타, 스냅챗, 틱톡의 @CoyWire 계정에서 저를 팔로우하고, 제가 가장 최근에 올린 글의 댓글 부분에 여러분의 도전 단어를 넣으면 우리는 내일 프로그램에 참여할 재미있는 단어 하나를 고를 거예요.
마지막 단어는 아름답다는 의미의 “pulchritudinous”였습니다.
Hashtag 해시태그
Noun. a word or phrase preceded by a hash sign (#), used on social media sites and applications, especially Twitter, to identify digital content on a specific topic.
Verb. add a hashtag to (digital content) to identify it as concerning a specific topic.
Work into 참여하다
work … into 1.서서히[애써] 나아가다, 노력하여 얻다 2.…으로 가공하다 3.반죽하다, 개다
Pulchritudinous [pʌ̀lkritjú:dənəs] ADJ. 몸매[외모]가 아름다운
Shout out to the pulchritudinous people at James Madison Middle School in Roanoke, Virginia.
Thanks for subscribing and commenting on our CNN 10 YouTube channel.
버지니아주 로아노크에 있는 제임스 매디슨 중학교의 아름다운 사람들에게 Shout out 합니다.
CNN 10 유튜브 채널을 구독하고 댓글을 달아주셔서 감사합니다.
I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10, and I'll see you tomorrow.
저는 코이 와이어이고 여기는 CNN 10입니다. 내일 뵙겠습니다.
** 어휘, 문장 정리
Lock in 전념하다, 더 열심히, 집중해서 하다 Fix firmly in position, commit to something.
Keep aiming 계속 목표하다
We're halfway through the week so let's lock in and keep aiming to be a little better today than we were yesterday.
Pile-up: Noun 1.(자동차의) 다중[연쇄] 충돌[추돌]
And one person has already lost their life in a 10-car pileup in Austin, Texas.
EMS: Emergency Medical Services, 응급 의료 서비스: Emergency Medical Services, more commonly known as EMS, is a system that responds to emergencies in need of highly skilled pre-hospital clinicians.
Reprieve 유예, 연기, 취소
Slick 미끄럽다
Since Monday, EMS crews in the Dallas-Fort Worth area have responded to at least 142 traffic accidents while the forecast shows there will be periods of reprieve over the next two days.
Roads will likely be dangerously slick throughout the storm as temperatures remain low.
Brace 대비하다
Pose a triple threat 세 가지 위협이 되다, 삼중으로 위협을 가하다
Sleet 진눈깨비
Anticipation 예상
Millions of people across the southern and central parts of the nation are bracing for an ice storm which could pose a triple threat: ice, sleet and snow.
Officials have already closed schools and roads in anticipation of the conditions.
Highlight 강조하다
Withstand 견뎌내다 1.견뎌[이겨] 내다 (=resist, stand up to)
Babcock Ranch: Babcock Ranch is the first solar powered town in America. It is underway in South Florida. Model homes are available now. Learn more today.
Ranch 목장 [ræntʃ] 1.(특히 북미·오스트레일리아의 대규모) 목장 (→dude ranch)
Solar-powered 태양열 동력의
Devastating 파괴적인
Wreak 피해를 입히다
Havoc 큰 피해
Now, let's talk about a different type of storm, hurricanes.
Today, we're highlighting a community that's built to withstand them.
Babcock Ranch in coastal Florida calls itself America's first solar-powered town and it never lost any power during the devastating hurricane Ian which wreaked havoc on communities all around it.
Fort Myers: 포트 마이어스 Fort Myers (or Ft. Myers) is a city in southwestern Florida and the county seat and commercial center of Lee County, Florida, United States.
Specifically 특별히
Funnel 이동시키다, 끌어내다
Landscaping 조경
The town which is located 12 miles inland from Fort Myers has streets that are specifically designed to funnel flood waters away from houses.
And landscaping -- well, that's designed to guard against storm surge.
Weather the weather 날씨를 견디다
Weather [ˈweðə(r)] 1.날씨, 기상, 일기 2.일기 예보, 기상 통보 3.햇빛[비바람]에 변하다[변하게 하다 ]4.(역경 등을) 무사히 헤쳐 나가다[견디다]
CNN chief climate correspondent Bill Weir traveled to Babcock Ranch which is designed to weather the weather.
Gusts 돌풍
The power grid 전력망
Path 경로
stand a chance (of doing something) 가망이 있다, 승산이 있다
1.(~을 할) 가능성이 있다
When Hurricane Ian brought gusts over 150 miles an hour, much of the power grid in its path did not stand a chance.
Life-altering 인생을 바꾸는 (것)
Look at that.
And thanks to two feet of rain, even communities miles from the storm surge could not escape life-altering floods.
White caps rip across the lake 거대한 파도가 호수를 가로지르다: When ocean waves break, air and sea water mix to form whitecaps. Beneath the surface of the whitecap, a mixture of air and sea water form a violent turbulent flow known as a bubble plume.
White-capping or top-breaking is steepness-induced wave-breaking, which occurs in deeper water when the wave height becomes too large compared to the wavelength.
Rip across 쪼개다, 가로지르다
Ph People here
Chill out 여유롭다, 긴장을 풀다
Chill out: intended to induce or enhance a relaxed mood, a period of relaxation.
But even as white caps ripped across the lake in Anthony Grande's (ph) backyard, he was chilled out in front of the TV.
Fear [fɪr] Noun 1.공포, 두려움, 무서움 Verb 1.(…을) 두려워[무서워]하다 2.(…일까 봐) 우려[염려]하다
You know, that's one of the things I said to my wife when we were -- were sitting there watching TV, I'm like, I don't have any fear right now.
Held on to 붙들려 있다
Get rid of 제거하다 1.면하다, 제거하다, 끝내다. (=be freed [relieved] of, eliminate.)
Go through 통과하다
I even held on to my generator not knowing what was really going to happen.
So my wife was like, get rid of it.
I'm like, no, I'm not getting rid of it.
Let go of 놓다 Let go of 1.[쥐고 있던 것]을 놓다, …에서 손을 놓다
And now you can let go of the generator?
Civil engineering 토목 공학
Jennifer Langwell (ph) was nervous during the storm because with a Ph.D. in civil engineering, she helped design this place.
The wind load 풍하중: 풍하중이란, 바람이 (가설)구조물에 불 때 단위면적 당 가해지는 힘입니다. 기호는 W입니다. (kN/m2) 조금 더 정확한 표현입니다.
Floor elevation 바닥 높이
Elevation [ˌelɪˈveɪʃn] 1.승진, 승격 2.해발 높이, 고도 3.(지면보다) 높은 곳
Road elevation 도로 표고
Crunch numbers: 수치를 분석하다 It refers to large-scale processing of numerical data often by mainframe computers.
I literally got my construction drawings out and I looked at the wind load that my house was designed to, and I looked at my finished floor elevation, and I looked at the road elevation, and I just mentally was crunching numbers because I was like, this is going to be bad.
Interconnected 상호 연결된, 상호 연락[연결]된, 상관된
Wetland 습지(대)
Solar panels 태양 전지판
Megawatt 메가와트: - W(와트)는 '단위 시간 당 얼마만큼의 전기를 생산하는지'를 나타내는 단위이다. 1MW=1,000kW=1,000,000W이다.
Array 배열, 배치
Hold solid 단단히 잡다, 견고하게 유지하다
And it was. But their interconnected lakes and protected wetlands saved them from flooding. And the 700,000 solar panels in their 150 megawatt array all held solid.
Assume 추정하다, 예상하다
Do not mix: 잘 어울리지 않는다. 잘 맞지 않다. 좋은 결과를 내지 못한다. : 1. : to not be friendly (with others) She doesn't mix with the people in town. Our families don't mix (with each other). : to not be able to be combined or put together in a way that has good results.
Projectiles 발사체: a missile designed to be fired from a gun. an object propelled through the air, especially one thrown as a weapon.
I always assumed that solar panels and hurricanes don't mix, that it would turn them into projectiles, but you didn't lose any or --
Strain 부담, 긴장
No. That's the beautiful thing about engineering, right, is that you understand the wind loads and you understand the stress and the strain and you design to that.
Brainchild 아이디어, 발명품
Cattle ranch 대규모 소 방목장
Preserve 보존하다
Resilient 회복력이 있는, 회복탄력성이 있는
This place is the brainchild of Syd Kitson, an NFL offensive lineman turned developer, who bought a massive cattle ranch, sold most of it to Florida as a nature preserve, and set out to build the cleanest, most resilient town in America.
Be housing 거처를 제공하고 있다
Shelter 주거지, 대피소
We have a field house over there which is now housing people as a shelter.
Mascot [mæskɑːt] Noun 1.(행운의) 마스코트
Trail Blazers: 트레일 블레이저스, 미국 프로 농구팀 이름
Right. I guess it's fitting that the mascot of Babcock High are the Trail Blazers.
Well thought out: 신중하게 고려하고 구성된 adjective. : carefully considered and formed.
Everything's very well thought out here.
Relief 안심, 안도
Unscathed 다치지 않은, 아무 탈 없는 (=unharmed)
But it's a relief to come to a place unscathed like this.
Certainly 확실히, 분명히, 틀림없이
Yes. I mean we've certainly got it really good out here.
First responder 응급 의료요원 (→emergency services): a person whose job entails being the first on the scene of an emergency, such as a firefighter or police officer.
Deal with 처리하다, 다루다
Take in 받다
Sheriffs 보안관
Durable 내구성이 있는, 오래가는
It's unfortunate to feel guilty about it.
I feel relieved that we're not adding to what first responders have to deal with and that we're able to help the community.
So, we have people here making meals.
We're taking in laundry from sheriffs and firefighters that are in from out of town.
Because we were resilient, because we were durable, we're able to help in that way.
Invent 발명하다
Pickleball 피클볼: an American game resembling tennis, in which players use short-handled bats to hit a perforated plastic ball over a net.
Ten-second trivia: Which of these sports invented in 1965 is the official state sport of Washington?
Tennis, squash, pickleball or badminton?
Bainbridge Island 베인브리지 섬: Bainbridge Island is a small city in western Washington state. It’s connected to Seattle by ferry.
Pickleball was created on Bainbridge Island, Washington, by Joel Pritchard and some friends as a backyard game for kids.
Prodigy [prɑːdədʒi] 영재, 신동
Dominate 지배하다
Aunt Nora, a passionate prize-winning pickleball playing prodigy giving us some tips on how to dominate in the fastest growing sport in America via her niece, CNN senior producer Janelle Davis.
Mashup 매시업(여러 가지 자료에서 요소들을 따와 새로운 노래·비디오·컴퓨터 파일 등을 만든 것): a mixture or fusion of disparate elements.
This addicting game is a mashup of tennis, ping pong and badminton.
Competitor 1.(특히 사업에서) 경쟁자[경쟁 상대] 2.(시합) 참가자
Lucky for me, I have a national competitor in my family.
Birthplace 1.(특히 유명인의) 생가[출생지] 2.(무엇의) 발생지
She lives in Washington state, the birthplace of pickleball and here are her three tips to take your game to the next level.
Dink 드롭 샷(drop shot)
Back up 도와주다
Newbies 초보자, 초심자
Number one: add spin to your dink.
Okay, let's back up for the newbies watching.
Opponent 상대편, 반대편
Experienced players keep the ball low and get in an offensive position near the kitchen, giving your opponent less time to react.
Lethal 치명적인
That spin makes your shots lethal.
Drop shot 드롭 샷: Noun. (chiefly in tennis or squash) a softly hit shot, usually with backspin, which drops abruptly to the ground. Verb. use a drop shot against (an opponent).
Explode 폭발하다, 터뜨리다
Number two, master the drop shot, one of the hardest shots.
The drop is a soft hit from deep in the court that drops into your opponent's kitchen, allowing you to explode towards the net and go on the attack.
Stabilize 안정되다, 안정시키다 (→destabilize): make or become unlikely to give way or overturn. make or become unlikely to change, fail, or decline.
Predict 예측[예견]하다 (=forecast)
Position 자리를 잡다, 위치를 정하다
Number three, time your split step.
That's the ready position.
You don't want to be moving as you hit the ball.
You want to be stabilized.
The best players can predict where the ball is going and quickly position themselves for the return.
** 복습용 문장
We're halfway through the week so let's lock in and keep aiming to be a little better today than we were yesterday.
And one person has already lost their life in a 10-car pileup in Austin, Texas.
Since Monday, EMS crews in the Dallas-Fort Worth area have responded to at least 142 traffic accidents while the forecast shows there will be periods of reprieve over the next two days.
Roads will likely be dangerously slick throughout the storm as temperatures remain low.
Millions of people across the southern and central parts of the nation are bracing for an ice storm which could pose a triple threat: ice, sleet and snow.
Officials have already closed schools and roads in anticipation of the conditions.
Now, let's talk about a different type of storm, hurricanes.
Today, we're highlighting a community that's built to withstand them.
Babcock Ranch in coastal Florida calls itself America's first solar-powered town and it never lost any power during the devastating hurricane Ian which wreaked havoc on communities all around it.
The town which is located 12 miles inland from Fort Myers has streets that are specifically designed to funnel flood waters away from houses.
And landscaping -- well, that's designed to guard against storm surge.
CNN chief climate correspondent Bill Weir traveled to Babcock Ranch which is designed to weather the weather.
When Hurricane Ian brought gusts over 150 miles an hour, much of the power grid in its path did not stand a chance.
Look at that.
And thanks to two feet of rain, even communities miles from the storm surge could not escape life-altering floods.
But even as white caps ripped across the lake in Anthony Grande's (ph) backyard, he was chilled out in front of the TV.
You know, that's one of the things I said to my wife when we were -- were sitting there watching TV, I'm like, I don't have any fear right now.
I even held on to my generator not knowing what was really going to happen.
So my wife was like, get rid of it.
I'm like, no, I'm not getting rid of it.
And now you can let go of the generator?
Jennifer Langwell (ph) was nervous during the storm because with a Ph.D. in civil engineering, she helped design this place.
I literally got my construction drawings out and I looked at the wind load that my house was designed to, and I looked at my finished floor elevation, and I looked at the road elevation, and I just mentally was crunching numbers because I was like, this is going to be bad.
And it was. But their interconnected lakes and protected wetlands saved them from flooding. And the 700,000 solar panels in their 150 megawatt array all held solid.
I always assumed that solar panels and hurricanes don't mix, that it would turn them into projectiles, but you didn't lose any or --
No. That's the beautiful thing about engineering, right, is that you understand the wind loads and you understand the stress and the strain and you design to that.
This place is the brainchild of Syd Kitson, an NFL offensive lineman turned developer, who bought a massive cattle ranch, sold most of it to Florida as a nature preserve, and set out to build the cleanest, most resilient town in America.
We have a field house over there which is now housing people as a shelter.
Right. I guess it's fitting that the mascot of Babcock High are the Trail Blazers.
Everything's very well thought out here.
But it's a relief to come to a place unscathed like this.
Yes. I mean we've certainly got it really good out here.
It's unfortunate to feel guilty about it.
I feel relieved that we're not adding to what first responders have to deal with and that we're able to help the community.
So, we have people here making meals.
We're taking in laundry from sheriffs and firefighters that are in from out of town.
Because we were resilient, because we were durable, we're able to help in that way.
Ten-second trivia: Which of these sports invented in 1965 is the official state sport of Washington?
Tennis, squash, pickleball or badminton?
Pickleball was created on Bainbridge Island, Washington, by Joel Pritchard and some friends as a backyard game for kids.
Aunt Nora, a passionate prize-winning pickleball playing prodigy giving us some tips on how to dominate in the fastest growing sport in America via her niece, CNN senior producer Janelle Davis.
This addicting game is a mashup of tennis, ping pong and badminton.
Lucky for me, I have a national competitor in my family.
She lives in Washington state, the birthplace of pickleball and here are her three tips to take your game to the next level.
Number one: add spin to your dink.
Okay, let's back up for the newbies watching.
Experienced players keep the ball low and get in an offensive position near the kitchen, giving your opponent less time to react.
That spin makes your shots lethal.
Number two, master the drop shot, one of the hardest shots.
The drop is a soft hit from deep in the court that drops into your opponent's kitchen, allowing you to explode towards the net and go on the attack.
Number three, time your split step.
That's the ready position.
You don't want to be moving as you hit the ball.
You want to be stabilized.
The best players can predict where the ball is going and quickly position themselves for the return.
** END
[CNN10 대본 정리] 202301 전체 지문
[CNN10 대본 정리] 202301 전체 지문
[CNN10 대본 정리] 202301 전체 지문 January 2023 공식 페이지 지문 목록 확인하기 (최신 날짜 내림차순) https://transcripts.cnn.com/show/sn CNN.com - Transcripts Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Note: This page is continually
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[CNN10 대본 정리] 202302 전체 지문 February 2023 공식 페이지 지문 목록 확인하기 (최신 날짜 내림차순) https://transcripts.cnn.com/show/sn CNN.com - Transcripts Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Note: This page is continuall
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