[CSP 대본 092] A Multi-State Tornado Outbreak
092_230501_230403_A Multi-State Tornado Outbreak
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Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 UK Food Supply Crisis; The Sea Glider: The Future Of Travel. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired March 01, 2023 - 04:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. COY WIRE, CNN 10 A
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CNN 10
A Multi-State Tornado Outbreak; Trump Will Be Arraigned on Tuesday. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired April 03, 2023 - 04:00 ET
What's up, everyone?
I'm Coy Wire, coming to you from Houston, Texas, today. Rise up.
I am here covering all the action at this year's final four and the college basketball national championship game.
I am so grateful to be here with you to help you jump start your week right here on CNN 10.
Now we do start today with some tragic news for our lead story.
The communities in the South and Midwest regions of the United States were hit by severe tornadoes, more than 50 preliminary tornado reports were recorded Friday in at least seven states and communities across the country faced absolute devastation this weekend.
Neighborhoods were leveled with homes and businesses destroyed, the roofs of buildings were torn off by wind and as of Sunday, when we recorded our show, 27 people have been reported dead.
And the threat of more tornadoes had shifted to the southern plains where nearly 13 million people in north Texas, including the Dallas-Fort Worth area face an enhanced risk for severe weather.
The latest destructive weather across the South and Midwest comes just a week after a severe tornado walloped up the southeast, killing at least another 26 people and destroying much of Rolling Fork, Mississippi.
In addition, storms have also knocked out power to these struggling communities.
When we recorded our show Sunday, more than 30,000 customers in Arkansas remained impacted by power outages, with hundreds of thousands more without power across the south and northeast, including 120,000 in Pennsylvania, 73,000 in Ohio.
The governors of Indiana, Iowa, Illinois and Arkansas have all declared emergency or disaster declarations in their states to provide immediate assistance to impacted counties.
President Joe Biden has also issued a major disaster declaration for Arkansas.
We'll hear now from CNN meteorologist Derek Van Dam who's currently in Wynne, Arkansas, assessing the damage.
We are in badly devastated Wynne, Arkansas, where electrical vehicles and companies are on the scene, trying to assess the initial damage here that the mayor described has literally split his town in half.
And we are standing directly in that path from this devastating tornado.
I want you to see behind me, this is a home, that is a living room and that's somebody's piano.
There's no music being played there today.
This house has been vacated.
There have been injuries.
Overnight, there were active search and recovery efforts taking place.
We've walked around this area.
The Wynne high school here in Arkansas, home to the Yellowjackets, their home football field was decimated by this tornado and I want you to see it from the air because you can notice the kind of indiscriminate nature of a tornado and how its path of destruction is very concentrated.
It's literally like peeling back the skin off of an orange, took the artificial turf and ripped it off of their home field.
But on the other side of the football field, it was left untouched so were some homes.
but the areas where it hit hardest of course, completely devastated and we have seen just the true nature of how incredible Mother Nature can be.
It is a scary morning as we get first light and get a idea of just how bad this tornado really was.
Former President Donald Trump is expected to appear in a New York courtroom tomorrow, following a formal criminal charge late last week by a Manhattan grand jury.
The charges include more than 30 counts related to business fraud, but the specific details of the indictment have not been made public.
This is the first time in U.S. history that a current or former president has been criminally charged.
But did you know that Ulysses S. Grant was once arrested for speeding.
That's right, speeding on his horse-drawn carriage all the way back in 1872.
Now, in response to the charges, the former president has maintained his innocence and claims that the charges are politically motivated.
The unprecedented nature of bringing a former U.S. president in for criminal charges has activated a complex choreographed security effort in the city of New York.
CNN's Shimon Prokupecz is in Manhattan as the city prepares for Tuesday's arraignment.
With an unprecedented indictment comes immense security challenges.
The NYPD, along with court officers, U.S. marshals and the United States secret service are running through logistics of how Tuesday's historic arraignment of the former president will go down.
Law enforcement sources telling CNN officials are conducting a dry run of Trump's movements including his motorcade route to the courthouse in downtown Manhattan where he is expected to be arraigned Tuesday afternoon.
How he will get inside the courtroom flanked by Secret Service and what will the arrest process look like.
Will he be treated like any other defendant?
The former president expected to be fingerprinted and photographed for a mug shot.
It's a massive effort starting when Trump arrives by plane Monday, securing Trump Tower, the court and the motorcade route.
In this case though where you have a former president and certainly a president with as large a following as former President Trump, there's a lot of unique concerns that are going to come into play.
I think that the bigger unknown here is going to come in the form of protests or potential protests.
Officials are also bracing for protests after Trump urged his supporters to protest his arrest when news of the indictment reportedly neared.
So far, the mayor's office says there are no credible threats to the city and out of an abundance of caution, every member of the NYPD, some 35,000 officers, are reporting for duty in uniform and prepared for mobilization.
The challenge for the NYPD is going to be protecting everybody's First Amendment right, allowing everybody to have their voice heard and to do so in a way that keeps the peace.
Next, we're catching up with Nelly Cheboi who was named CNN Hero of the Year.
Her non-profit organization TechLit has gained widespread recognition for its efforts to up-cycle old computers and provide tech education to rural communities in Kenya.
We'll delve into Nelly's experiences since winning the award and here firsthand what it meant to achieve such a momentous victory.
Nelly Cheboi.
You can only imagine, like, how crazy it was when I was named the CNN Hero of the Year.
I thought I was like, I'm about to fall down.
I look at the audience.
You know, it was my mom screaming back at me.
Like most women that come before her, they die in poverty, like, that's all they know -- poverty.
I don't think it can get any bigger than that.
It was really heartwarming to see that the work was bigger than me now.
We also congratulate Nelly Cheboi.
The president of Kenya congratulated me, talked about TechLit, which has become a household name in Kenya.
Everyone knows that we are teaching kids computer skills.
What I'm really excited about is the future in Kenya and in the rest of the continent where kids are going to be learning about the tech world.
Let's start with him.
There's hope like poverty has an expiration date, right?
When you were growing up in poverty, you think of yourself as less than.
I knew just how powerful the kids celebrating this award was, I wanted to turn that into like hey, yes, this can happen for you, too. Yes.
Ten-second trivia:
Who invented the game of basketball?
Jerry West, James Naismith, Abner Doubleday or Walter Camp?
On December 21st, 1891, PE instructor James Naismith using a soccer ball and two peach baskets created what was called a new game of ball.
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is from right here in Texas.
We've had a ball covering what's been called the wildest final four of all time, women's and men's.
Last night in the women's championship game, it was LSU winning it all.
They've been led all season by superstar Angel Reese and their hall of fame coach, of course, Kim Mulkey, who has some of the most flamboyant fashion in all of sports.
You go, Tigers! Congrats to LSU.
And tonight, right here in Houston in that stadium behind me, the men's title game.
It'll be San Diego State and UConn playing for all the marbles.
I caught up with the head coaches from each team and found out that they are both superstitious.
I wear the same shoes, the same socks, you know, I'm -- I'm -- I'm trying to stay consistent with what I've got on for every game.
We're on a win streak, I don't want to change anything.
Same shoes, how long you've been wearing them?
They've been through two Gatorade baths, two cutting down of nets.
Is it true that you've been wearing a certain same sort of a clothing article for superstitious reasons?
Yeah, I -- that's definitely true, as well as the socks.
But the socks are unremarkable, they're just a blue pair.
But the same pair.
Same pair and I've gone back to an older pair of shoes that I won at Rhode Island when we -- when we won in the NCAA tournament there.
Now, I'm not superstitious, but I am sometimes a little bit stitious.
How about you? Any superstitions?
One thing we always do though because we believe it keeps the good mojo flowing is give a shout-out every show to show you some love.
Today's shout out is going to Rochester, Minnesota.
Willow Creek Middle School, go Wildcats!
We see you, we hope you and everyone watching around the world have a wonderful one.
I'm Coy Wire and we are CNN 10.
** 독해 및 어휘 정리
*** 오역, 오타 등 수정이 필요한 부분을 발견하시면 방에 공유 부탁드립니다.
CNN 10
A Multi-State Tornado Outbreak; Trump Will Be Arraigned on Tuesday. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired April 03, 2023 - 04:00 ET
What's up, everyone?
I'm Coy Wire, coming to you from Houston, Texas, today. Rise up.
코이 와이어, CNN 10 앵커:
여러분, 안녕하세요?
저는 오늘 텍사스 휴스턴에서 당신을 만나러 온 코이 와이어입니다. 일어나세요.
I am here covering all the action at this year's final four and the college basketball national championship game.
I am so grateful to be here with you to help you jump start your week right here on CNN 10.
저는 올해의 마지막 4강과 대학 농구 전국 선수권 대회의 모든 액션을 취재하고 있습니다.
CNN 10에서 한 주를 시작할 수 있도록 도와주셔서 감사합니다.
Jumpstart 추가적인 도움을 주어 무언가를 더 빨리 시작하거나 개선하다
Jumpstart / verb /ˈdʒʌmpˌstɑrt/ to start or improve something more quickly by giving it extra help: These recordings jump-started her career.
Now we do start today with some tragic news for our lead story.
The communities in the South and Midwest regions of the United States were hit by severe tornadoes, more than 50 preliminary tornado reports were recorded Friday in at least seven states and communities across the country faced absolute devastation this weekend.
Neighborhoods were leveled with homes and businesses destroyed, the roofs of buildings were torn off by wind and as of Sunday, when we recorded our show, 27 people have been reported dead.
이제 오늘은 우리의 주요 이야기에 대한 몇 가지 비극적인 소식으로 시작합니다.
미국 남부와 중서부 지역의 지역사회는 심각한 토네이도에 강타당했고, 금요일 최소 7개 주에서 50건 이상의 예비 토네이도 보고가 기록되었으며, 이번 주말 전국의 지역사회는 절대적인 파괴에 직면했습니다.
이웃들은 주택과 상점들이 파괴되고 건물의 지붕이 바람에 찢겨져 나갔으며 우리가 쇼를 녹화한 일요일 현재까지 27명이 사망한 것으로 보고되었습니다.
Preliminary 예비의
형용사 1.예비적인, 준비의; 서문의; 임시의; 시초의
a preliminary examination
예비 시험([구어] prelim)
명사 1.사전 준비, 예비 행위; 서두, 서론, 서문 ((to))
2.[영] 예비 시험, [스코] 모의 시험
And the threat of more tornadoes had shifted to the southern plains where nearly 13 million people in north Texas, including the Dallas-Fort Worth area face an enhanced risk for severe weather.
The latest destructive weather across the South and Midwest comes just a week after a severe tornado walloped up the southeast, killing at least another 26 people and destroying much of Rolling Fork, Mississippi.
그리고 더 많은 토네이도의 위협은 달라스-포트워스 지역을 포함한 북부 텍사스의 거의 1,300만 명의 사람들이 악천후의 강화된 위험에 직면하고 있는 남부 평원으로 옮겨졌습니다.
남부와 중서부를 가로지르는 최근의 파괴적인 날씨는 남동부를 강타한 토네이도가 최소 26명의 사망자를 발생시켰으며 미시시피주 롤링 포크의 많은 부분을 파괴한 지 불과 일주일 만에 발생했습니다.
Destructive 파괴적인
1.파괴적인, 해를 끼치는 ((of, to))
a destructive typhoon
파괴적인 태풍
2.파괴주의적인, 부정적인
destructive criticism
파괴적 비평
Walloped 강타하다
Wallop[wɑːləp] (3인칭 단수 현재 : wallops)
1.뒤뚝거리며 가다, 뒤뚱뒤뚱 가다
2.부글부글 끓어오르다
1.구타하다, 호되게 때리다; 강타하다
2.(경기에서) 철저히 참패시키다
1.구타, 강타력
In addition, storms have also knocked out power to these struggling communities.
When we recorded our show Sunday, more than 30,000 customers in Arkansas remained impacted by power outages, with hundreds of thousands more without power across the south and northeast, including 120,000 in Pennsylvania, 73,000 in Ohio.
게다가, 폭풍은 또한 이러한 어려움을 겪고 있는 지역사회에 전기를 공급하지 못하게 했습니다.
일요일 쇼를 녹화했을 때 아칸소 주의 3만 명 이상의 고객들이 정전의 영향을 받았으며 펜실베이니아 주의 12만 명, 오하이오 주의 73,000명을 포함하여 남부와 북동부에 걸쳐 수십만 명 이상의 고객들이 정전의 영향을 받았습니다.
Outages 정전
1.(정전에 의한) 기계의 운전 정지, 사용 불능
2.정전; (가스·물 등의) 공급 정지; 정전 시간, 공급 정지 기간
The governors of Indiana, Iowa, Illinois and Arkansas have all declared emergency or disaster declarations in their states to provide immediate assistance to impacted counties.
President Joe Biden has also issued a major disaster declaration for Arkansas.
인디애나, 아이오와, 일리노이, 아칸소 주지사들은 모두 피해를 입은 카운티에 즉각적인 지원을 제공하기 위해 각 주에 비상 또는 재난 선언을 선포했습니다.
조 바이든 대통령도 아칸소 주에 중대한 재난 선언을 발표했습니다.
Declare 선언하다
1.선언[포고]하다, 공표하다(proclaim); 선고하다
declare a state of emergency
비상사태를 선포하다
He declare d that her allegation was a lie.
그는 그녀의 주장이 허위라고 단언했다.
Declared 선언한
1.선언한, 언명한, 공공연한
2.신고한, 가격 표기의
We'll hear now from CNN meteorologist Derek Van Dam who's currently in Wynne, Arkansas, assessing the damage.
지금 CNN 기상학자 데릭 반 댐 씨의 소식을 들어보겠습니다. 그는 현재 아칸소 주 윈에서 피해 상황을 조사하고 있습니다.
Assess 조사하다, 평가하다
1.사정하다 ((at))
2.평가하다 ((at))
assess a house at 30,000,000 won
가옥을 3천만 원으로 평가하다
3.할당하다, 부과하다(impose) ((on, upon))
assess 50,000 won on land
토지에 5만 원을 과세하다
(비디오 테이프 시작)
We are in badly devastated Wynne, Arkansas, where electrical vehicles and companies are on the scene, trying to assess the initial damage here that the mayor described has literally split his town in half.
And we are standing directly in that path from this devastating tornado.
데릭 밴담 CNN 기상학자:
우리는 전기 자동차와 회사들이 현장에 있는 아칸소 주 윈에 있는 심하게 황폐화된 곳에 있습니다. 시장이 묘사한 초기 피해를 평가하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 말 그대로 그의 마을을 반으로 나누었습니다.
그리고 우리는 이 파괴적인 토네이도로부터 바로 그 길에 서 있습니다.
I want you to see behind me, this is a home, that is a living room and that's somebody's piano.
There's no music being played there today.
This house has been vacated.
There have been injuries.
여러분이 제 뒤를 보시면, 이것은 집이고, 거실이고, 저것은 누군가의 피아노입니다.
오늘은 거기서 연주되는 음악이 없습니다.
이 집은 비어 있습니다.
부상자가 발생했습니다.
Overnight, there were active search and recovery efforts taking place.
We've walked around this area.
The Wynne high school here in Arkansas, home to the Yellowjackets, their home football field was decimated by this tornado and I want you to see it from the air because you can notice the kind of indiscriminate nature of a tornado and how its path of destruction is very concentrated.
밤새 수색과 복구 작업이 활발하게 진행되었습니다.
우리는 이 지역을 걸어다녔습니다.
여기 아칸소에 있는 윈 고등학교는 옐로재킷의 고향입니다. 그들의 축구장은 이 토네이도에 의해 파괴되었습니다. 저는 여러분이 공중에서 그것을 보기를 바랍니다. 왜냐하면 여러분은 토네이도의 무차별적인 성질과 그 파괴 경로가 얼마나 집중되어 있는지를 알 수 있기 때문입니다.
Decimate 파괴하다
kill, destroy, or remove a large percentage or part of.
"the project would decimate the fragile wetland wilderness"
1.(특히 고대 로마에서 처벌로서) 열 명에 한 명씩 제비 뽑아 죽이다
2.많은 사람을 죽이다
a population decimated by disease
병으로 격감한 인구
3.…의 10분의 1을 제거하다
Indiscriminate 무차별적인
1.무차별의, 가리지 않는, 마구잡이의; 무계획적인
It's literally like peeling back the skin off of an orange, took the artificial turf and ripped it off of their home field.
But on the other side of the football field, it was left untouched so were some homes.
but the areas where it hit hardest of course, completely devastated and we have seen just the true nature of how incredible Mother Nature can be.
말 그대로 오렌지 껍질을 벗겨내고 인조잔디를 집에서 떼어내는 것과 같습니다.
하지만 축구장 반대편에는, 몇몇 집들이 그대로 방치되어 있었습니다.
하지만 그것이 가장 심하게 강타한 지역들은 물론 완전히 황폐화되었고 우리는 대자연이 얼마나 놀라운지의 진정한 본질을 보았습니다.
Turf 잔디
1.잔디, 잔디밭
2.[영] 뗏장(sod), [a ~] 한 조각의 잔디
1.잔디로 덮다, …에 잔디를 심다; 매장하다(bury)
2.…에서 토탄(土炭)을 캐다
Untouched 방치된
1.손대지 않은; 아직 착수되지 않은; 본디대로의, 손상되지 않은, 상하지 않은
2.논급[언급]되지 않은
3.감동되지 않은, 마음이 흔들리지 않은
It is a scary morning as we get first light and get a idea of just how bad this tornado really was.
우리가 첫 번째 날을 밝히고 이 토네이도가 정말 얼마나 나빴는지를 알게 되는 무서운 아침입니다.
(비디오 테이프 끝)
Former President Donald Trump is expected to appear in a New York courtroom tomorrow, following a formal criminal charge late last week by a Manhattan grand jury.
The charges include more than 30 counts related to business fraud, but the specific details of the indictment have not been made public.
This is the first time in U.S. history that a current or former president has been criminally charged.
지난주 말 맨해튼 대배심의 정식 형사고발에 이어 내일도 도널드 트럼프 전 대통령이 뉴욕 법정에 출석할 것으로 보입니다.
혐의에는 업무상 사기와 관련된 혐의가 30여 건 포함돼 있지만 구체적인 공소 내용은 공개되지 않고 있습니다.
미국 역사상 현직 대통령이나 전직 대통령이 형사 입건된 것은 이번이 처음입니다.
Courtroom 법정
grand jury 대배심, 기소 배심 ((12-23인으로 구성))
Indictment 기소, 공소
1.기소 (절차), 고발
2.(대배심에 의한 정식의) 기소[고발](장), 공소(公訴)
bring in an indictment against
…을 (정식으로) 기소하다
3.((일반적으로)) 비난, 징벌, 제재
an indictmentof contemporary morality
현시대의 도덕성에 대한 비난
But did you know that Ulysses S. Grant was once arrested for speeding.
That's right, speeding on his horse-drawn carriage all the way back in 1872.
하지만 여러분은 율리시스 S. 그랜트가 한때 과속으로 체포되었다는 것을 알고 있었나요.
맞습니다. 1872년에 말이 끄는 마차를 타고 질주했습니다.
Now, in response to the charges, the former president has maintained his innocence and claims that the charges are politically motivated.
The unprecedented nature of bringing a former U.S. president in for criminal charges has activated a complex choreographed security effort in the city of New York.
지금은 혐의에 대해서는 전 전 대통령이 무죄를 유지하면서 정치적 의도가 있는 혐의라고 주장하고 있습니다.
전직 미국 대통령을 범죄 혐의로 불러들이는 전례 없는 성격이 뉴욕시의 복잡한 안보 활동을 활성화시켰습니다.
Choreographed 계획된, 통제된
plan and control (an event or operation).
"the committee choreographs the movement of troops"
CNN's Shimon Prokupecz is in Manhattan as the city prepares for Tuesday's arraignment.
CNN의 시몬 프로쿠펙스 기자는 화요일 기소를 준비하고 있는 맨해튼에 있습니다.
Arraignment 기소
[UC] (피고의) 죄상 인부(認否); 비난, 규탄
(비디오 테이프 시작)
With an unprecedented indictment comes immense security challenges.
The NYPD, along with court officers, U.S. marshals and the United States secret service are running through logistics of how Tuesday's historic arraignment of the former president will go down.
시몬 프로쿠펙츠, CNN 수석 범죄 및 사법부 특파원 (나레이션):
전례 없는 기소로 인해 엄청난 보안 문제가 발생합니다.
뉴욕 경찰국은 법원, 연방보안관, 미국 비밀경호국과 함께 화요일에 있었던 전직 대통령에 대한 역사적인 기소가 어떻게 진행될 것인지를 조사하고 있습니다.
NYPD 뉴욕 경찰국, New York City Police Department
The New York City Police Department (NYPD) is the largest and one of the oldest municipal police departments in the United States, with approximately 36,000 officers and 19,000 civilian employees.
Marshals 연방 보안관
1.[군사] (육군) 원수(元帥) (( [미]에서는 General of the Army, [영]에서는 Field-Marshal)); 군최고 사령관
the marshal of France
프랑스 육군 원수
2.[미] 연방 보안관 ((연방 법원의 집행관)), (어떤 주에서) 경찰[소방] 서장
1.정렬시키다, 집결시키다
marshal people into a line
사람들을 일렬로 정렬시키다
marshal facts
사실을 정리하다
1.정렬[집합]하다, 정리[정돈]되다
Logistics 세부 계획
1.[군사] 병참술[학], 병참 업무
2.(업무의) 세부 계획
3.로지스틱스, 물류 관리
Law enforcement sources telling CNN officials are conducting a dry run of Trump's movements including his motorcade route to the courthouse in downtown Manhattan where he is expected to be arraigned Tuesday afternoon.
How he will get inside the courtroom flanked by Secret Service and what will the arrest process look like.
Will he be treated like any other defendant?
CNN 관계자들은 화요일 오후 그가 기소될 것으로 예상되는 맨해튼 중심가의 법원으로 가는 자동차 행렬 경로를 포함해 트럼프 대통령의 동선을 사전 조사하고 있다고 말했습니다.
그가 어떻게 비밀경호국과 나란히 있는 법정 안으로 들어갈 것인지, 그리고 체포 과정은 어떻게 될 것인지.
그는 다른 피고인들처럼 대우받을 것입니까?
Motorcade 자동차 행렬
Flank 측면에 서다
1.옆구리, (소 등의) 옆구리 살
a flank of beef
소의 옆구리 살
2.(건물·산 등의) 측면; [군사] 대열의 측면, (좌우)익(翼)(wing); 측보(側堡)
a flank attack
측면 공격
1.…의 측면에 서다 ((with, by)); …의 측면을 지키다[방어하다]
2.측면을 공격하다
1.측면에 위치하다; (…와) 측면을 접하다 ((on, upon))
2.측면을 보이다
Defendant 피고인
1.피고(인), 피고측(opp. plaintiff)
1.피고의, 피고측의
The former president expected to be fingerprinted and photographed for a mug shot.
It's a massive effort starting when Trump arrives by plane Monday, securing Trump Tower, the court and the motorcade route.
전 대통령은 머그샷을 위해 지문을 채취하고 사진을 찍기를 기대했습니다.
트럼프가 월요일 비행기로 도착해 트럼프 타워와 법원, 차량 행렬 경로를 확보하는 것부터 시작하는 대규모 노력입니다.
In this case though where you have a former president and certainly a president with as large a following as former President Trump, there's a lot of unique concerns that are going to come into play.
I think that the bigger unknown here is going to come in the form of protests or potential protests.
케네스 코리, 전 뉴욕 경찰국장:
하지만 이 경우 전직 대통령이 있고 트럼프 전 대통령만큼 많은 지지자를 가진 대통령이 있는 경우에는 많은 독특한 우려가 작용할 것입니다.
저는 여기서 더 큰 미지의 것이 시위나 잠재적인 시위의 형태로 올 것이라고 생각합니다.
Officials are also bracing for protests after Trump urged his supporters to protest his arrest when news of the indictment reportedly neared.
트럼프 대통령이 기소 소식이 전해지자 지지자들에게 체포에 항의하라고 촉구하자 관계자들도 시위에 대비하고 있습니다.
Brace 대비하다
1.버팀대로 받치다, 떠받치다 ((up)); (…으로) 보강하다 ((with))
2.(팽팽히) 죄다 ((up)), 버티다 ((up))
1.기운을 내다 ((up)), (공격 등에) 대비하다 ((for))
1.버팀대, 지주(支柱)
2.꺾쇠, 거멀못; (타래송곳의) 굽은 자루
Near 다가오다
Verb. come near to (someone or something); approach.
So far, the mayor's office says there are no credible threats to the city and out of an abundance of caution, every member of the NYPD, some 35,000 officers, are reporting for duty in uniform and prepared for mobilization.
지금까지 시장실은 시에 대한 신뢰할 수 있는 위협은 없으며 충분한 주의를 기울여 약 3만 5천 명의 경찰관들이 제복을 입고 출동 준비를 하고 있다고 밝혔습니다.
Mobilization 동원, 출동
industrial mobilization
산업 동원
2.(금융의) 유통
3.(부동산의) 동산화
The challenge for the NYPD is going to be protecting everybody's First Amendment right, allowing everybody to have their voice heard and to do so in a way that keeps the peace.
뉴욕 경찰의 도전은 모든 사람의 수정헌법 제1조 권리를 보호하는 것이며, 모든 사람이 그들의 목소리를 듣고 평화를 유지하는 방식으로 그렇게 할 수 있도록 하는 것입니다.
Amendment 미국 헌법 수정 조항
1.개정, 수정(안)
move an amendment to the Constitution
헌법 개정을 제안하다
3.[the A~s] (미국 헌법의) 수정 조항
First Amendment right 수정헌법 제1조
(비디오 테이프 끝)
Next, we're catching up with Nelly Cheboi who was named CNN Hero of the Year.
Her non-profit organization TechLit has gained widespread recognition for its efforts to up-cycle old computers and provide tech education to rural communities in Kenya.
We'll delve into Nelly's experiences since winning the award and here firsthand what it meant to achieve such a momentous victory.
다음은 CNN 올해의 영웅으로 선정된 넬리 체보이를 만나보겠습니다.
그녀의 비영리 단체 TechLit는 오래된 컴퓨터를 업데이트하고 케냐의 시골 지역 사회에 기술 교육을 제공하려는 노력으로 널리 인정을 받았습니다.
수상 이후 넬리의 경험과 이처럼 중대한 승리를 거둔 것이 무엇을 의미했는지 직접 알아보겠습니다.
Recognition 인정
1.인식, 인정, 인지(認知)
give recognition to
…을 인정하다
2.알아봄, 면식(面識); 인사, 절
escape recognition
들키지 않다, 간파되지 않다
3.[때때로 a ~] 알아줌, 표창, 보수, 보답, 사례
Delve 자세히 알아보다
1.탐구하다, 깊이 파고들다 ((into, among))
2.아래로 급경사지다
1.[고어·시어] 파다(dig), (파내어) 손에 넣다
1.동굴(den), 움푹 팬 곳[땅]
Firsthand 직접
1.직접(으로), 바로(at first hand); 직접 체험으로
1.직접의(direct); 직접 (체험에 의해서) 얻은, 직접 구입한
firsthand information
직접 얻은 정보
(비디오 테이프 시작)
Nelly Cheboi.
앤더슨 쿠퍼와 켈리 리파, CNN 최고의 CNN 히어로즈 진행자:
넬리 체보이.
You can only imagine, like, how crazy it was when I was named the CNN Hero of the Year.
I thought I was like, I'm about to fall down.
I look at the audience.
You know, it was my mom screaming back at me.
CNN 올해의 영웅 넬리 체보이:
제가 CNN 올해의 영웅으로 선정되었을 때 얼마나 미쳤는지 상상만 하실 수 있을 것입니다.
저는 제가 곧 쓰러질 것 같다고 생각했습니다.
저는 관객들을 봤어요.
엄마가 나한테 소리 지르셔서 그랬어요.
Like most women that come before her, they die in poverty, like, that's all they know -- poverty.
I don't think it can get any bigger than that.
저희 어머니 이전 세대의 대부분의 여성들처럼, 그들은 가난 속에서 죽습니다. 그들이 아는 것은 오직 가난뿐입니다.
그보다 더 커질 수는 없을 것 같습니다.
It was really heartwarming to see that the work was bigger than me now.
지금의 나보다 일이 더 큰 것을 보니 정말 마음이 따뜻했습니다.
We also congratulate Nelly Cheboi.
윌리엄 루토 케냐 대통령:
우리는 또한 넬리 체보이를 축하합니다.
The president of Kenya congratulated me, talked about TechLit, which has become a household name in Kenya.
Everyone knows that we are teaching kids computer skills.
케냐의 대통령은 저를 축하해주었고, 케냐에서 널리 알려진 TechLit에 대해 이야기했습니다.
모든 사람들은 우리가 아이들에게 컴퓨터 기술을 가르치고 있다는 것을 알고 있습니다.
Household name 아주 유명한 것 또는 사람
: a person or thing whose name is very well-known. a famous actor who has become a household name.
What I'm really excited about is the future in Kenya and in the rest of the continent where kids are going to be learning about the tech world.
제가 정말로 흥분되는 것은 케냐와 다른 대륙의 아이들이 기술 세계에 대해 배울 수 있는 미래입니다.
Continent 대륙
대륙, 육지, (섬·반도에 대하여) 본토
Let's start with him.
그 사람부터 시작하죠.
There's hope like poverty has an expiration date, right?
가난에도 만기가 있다는 희망이 있습니다. 그렇죠?
When you were growing up in poverty, you think of yourself as less than.
I knew just how powerful the kids celebrating this award was, I wanted to turn that into like hey, yes, this can happen for you, too. Yes.
가난하게 자랐을 때, 여러분은 자신을 보다 적게 생각합니다.
저는 이 상을 축하하는 아이들이 얼마나 강력한지 알고 있었습니다. 저는 이 상을 여러분에게도 일어날 수 있는 것처럼 만들고 싶었습니다. 네.
(비디오 테이프 끝)
Ten-second trivia:
Who invented the game of basketball?
Jerry West, James Naismith, Abner Doubleday or Walter Camp?
10초 상식 퀴즈:
누가 농구 게임을 발명했습니까?
제리 웨스트, 제임스 네이스미스, 애브너 더블데이, 월터 캠프?
On December 21st, 1891, PE instructor James Naismith using a soccer ball and two peach baskets created what was called a new game of ball.
1891년 12월 21일 체육 강사 제임스 네이스미스는 축구공과 두 개의 복숭아 바구니를 사용하여 새로운 공 게임이라고 불리는 것을 만들었습니다.
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is from right here in Texas.
We've had a ball covering what's been called the wildest final four of all time, women's and men's.
Last night in the women's championship game, it was LSU winning it all.
They've been led all season by superstar Angel Reese and their hall of fame coach, of course, Kim Mulkey, who has some of the most flamboyant fashion in all of sports.
You go, Tigers! Congrats to LSU.
10점 만점에 10점을 받은 오늘의 이야기는 바로 여기 텍사스에서 일어난 일입니다.
우리는 역대 가장 거친 결승전이라고 불리는 네 번의 경기를 치렀습니다. 여자부와 남자부입니다.
어젯밤 여자 챔피언 결정전에서 LSU가 다 이겼어요.
그들은 슈퍼스타 앙헬 리스와 그들의 명예의 전당 코치인 킴 멀키에 의해 모든 스포츠에서 가장 화려한 패션을 가지고 있습니다.
어서 가, 타이거스! LSU에게 축하인사를 보냅니다.
LSU : LSU Tigers women's basketball
The LSU Tigers women's basketball team represents Louisiana State University in NCAA Division I women's college basketball.
Flamboyant 현란한
1.타는 듯한, 현란한
2.눈부신, 이채를 띤
And tonight, right here in Houston in that stadium behind me, the men's title game.
It'll be San Diego State and UConn playing for all the marbles.
그리고 오늘 밤, 바로 여기 휴스턴에서 제 뒤에 있는 경기장에서 열리는 남자 타이틀 게임이 있습니다.
샌디에이고 주립대와 U콘이 모든 구슬들을 위해 경기할 것입니다.
play for all the marbles 큰 이익을 기대하며 큰 위험을 무릅쓰다
US. Slang. to take a great risk in the hope of a great gain.
I caught up with the head coaches from each team and found out that they are both superstitious.
각 팀 감독들을 만났는데 둘 다 미신을 믿는다는 것을 알게 되었습니다.
Superstitious 미신을 믿는
1.미신의, 미신적인
superstitious fears
미신적 공포
2.미신에 사로잡힌
(비긴 비디오 클립)
I wear the same shoes, the same socks, you know, I'm -- I'm -- I'm trying to stay consistent with what I've got on for every game.
We're on a win streak, I don't want to change anything.
브라이언 더처 샌디에이고 남자 농구 코치:
저는 같은 신발, 같은 양말을 신습니다. 저는 모든 경기에서 제가 신었던 것들을 일관되게 유지하려고 노력하고 있습니다.
우리는 연승 중입니다. 저는 아무것도 바꾸고 싶지 않습니다.
win streak 연승
A winning streak, also known as a win streak or hot streak, is an uninterrupted sequence of success in games or competitions, commonly measured by at least 2 wins that are uninterrupted by losses or ties/draws. In sports, it can be applied to teams, and individuals.
Same shoes, how long you've been wearing them?
똑같은 신발을 신은 지 얼마나 됐어요?
They've been through two Gatorade baths, two cutting down of nets.
그들은 두 번의 게토레이 목욕을 했고, 두 번은 그물을 베었습니다.
Is it true that you've been wearing a certain same sort of a clothing article for superstitious reasons?
당신이 미신적인 이유로 같은 종류의 옷을 입고 있었다는 것이 사실입니까?
article of clothing 의류
Definitions of article of clothing. a covering designed to be worn on a person's body. synonyms: clothing, habiliment, vesture, wear, wearable.
Article 물품, 물건
1.(신문·잡지의) 기사, 논설, (학술지·책의) (소)논문 ((on, about))
an article on China
중국에 관한 기사
2.물품(item), 물건, 품목; (같은 종류의 것의) 한 개, 하나
articles of food[toilet]
Yeah, I -- that's definitely true, as well as the socks.
But the socks are unremarkable, they're just a blue pair.
댄 헐리 UCON 남자 농구 코치:
네, 저는 -- 그건 확실히 사실입니다. 양말도요.
하지만 그 양말은 눈에 띄지 않아요. 그저 파란색 한 켤레일 뿐이에요.
But the same pair.
하지만 같은 한 쌍.
Same pair and I've gone back to an older pair of shoes that I won at Rhode Island when we -- when we won in the NCAA tournament there.
저는 로드아일랜드에서 NCAA 토너먼트에서 우승했을 때 제가 우승했던 오래된 신발로 돌아갔습니다.
(비디오 클립 끝)
Now, I'm not superstitious, but I am sometimes a little bit stitious.
How about you? Any superstitions?
저는 미신을 믿지는 않지만, 가끔은 가식적일 때가 있습니다.
당신은요? 어떤 미신을 믿나요?
One thing we always do though because we believe it keeps the good mojo flowing is give a shout-out every show to show you some love.
하지만 우리가 항상 하는 한가지 일이 있어요, 우리는 그것이 마법의 주문과 같은 기운을 계속 흐르게 한다고 믿기 때문이에요. 그것은 여러분에게 사랑을 보여주기 위해서 모든 방송에서 함성을 보내는 것입니다.
mojo 마법적인 힘, 주문
/ a magic charm, talisman, or spell.
"someone must have their mojo working over at the record company"
/ magic power.
"the name has no mojo"
Today's shout out is going to Rochester, Minnesota.
Willow Creek Middle School, go Wildcats!
오늘의 함성은 미네소타주 로체스터로 갑니다.
윌로우 크릭 중학교, 와일드캣츠!
We see you, we hope you and everyone watching around the world have a wonderful one.
우리는 당신을 보고, 우리는 당신과 전 세계를 지켜보는 모든 사람들이 멋진 한 편이 되기를 바랍니다.
I'm Coy Wire and we are CNN 10.
저는 코이 와이어이고 CNN 10입니다.
** 어휘, 문장 정리
Jumpstart 추가적인 도움을 주어 무언가를 더 빨리 시작하거나 개선하다
I am so grateful to be here with you to help you jump start your week right here on CNN 10.
Preliminary 예비의
The communities in the South and Midwest regions of the United States were hit by severe tornadoes, more than 50 preliminary tornado reports were recorded Friday in at least seven states and communities across the country faced absolute devastation this weekend.
Destructive 파괴적인
Walloped 강타하다
The latest destructive weather across the South and Midwest comes just a week after a severe tornado walloped up the southeast, killing at least another 26 people and destroying much of Rolling Fork, Mississippi.
Outages 정전
When we recorded our show Sunday, more than 30,000 customers in Arkansas remained impacted by power outages, with hundreds of thousands more without power across the south and northeast, including 120,000 in Pennsylvania, 73,000 in Ohio.
Declare 선언하다
The governors of Indiana, Iowa, Illinois and Arkansas have all declared emergency or disaster declarations in their states to provide immediate assistance to impacted counties.
Assess 조사하다, 평가하다
We'll hear now from CNN meteorologist Derek Van Dam who's currently in Wynne, Arkansas, assessing the damage.
Decimate 파괴하다
Indiscriminate 무차별적인
The Wynne high school here in Arkansas, home to the Yellowjackets, their home football field was decimated by this tornado and I want you to see it from the air because you can notice the kind of indiscriminate nature of a tornado and how its path of destruction is very concentrated.
Turf 잔디
Untouched 방치된
It's literally like peeling back the skin off of an orange, took the artificial turf and ripped it off of their home field.
But on the other side of the football field, it was left untouched so were some homes.
Courtroom 법정
grand jury 대배심, 기소 배심 ((12-23인으로 구성))
Indictment 기소, 공소
Former President Donald Trump is expected to appear in a New York courtroom tomorrow, following a formal criminal charge late last week by a Manhattan grand jury.
The charges include more than 30 counts related to business fraud, but the specific details of the indictment have not been made public.
This is the first time in U.S. history that a current or former president has been criminally charged.
Choreographed 계획된, 통제된
The unprecedented nature of bringing a former U.S. president in for criminal charges has activated a complex choreographed security effort in the city of New York.
Arraignment 기소
CNN's Shimon Prokupecz is in Manhattan as the city prepares for Tuesday's arraignment.
NYPD 뉴욕 경찰국, New York City Police Department
Marshals 연방 보안관
Logistics 세부 계획
The NYPD, along with court officers, U.S. marshals and the United States secret service are running through logistics of how Tuesday's historic arraignment of the former president will go down.
Motorcade 자동차 행렬
Flank 측면에 서다
Defendant 피고인
Law enforcement sources telling CNN officials are conducting a dry run of Trump's movements including his motorcade route to the courthouse in downtown Manhattan where he is expected to be arraigned Tuesday afternoon.
How he will get inside the courtroom flanked by Secret Service and what will the arrest process look like.
Will he be treated like any other defendant?
Brace 대비하다
Near 다가오다
Officials are also bracing for protests after Trump urged his supporters to protest his arrest when news of the indictment reportedly neared.
Mobilization 동원, 출동
So far, the mayor's office says there are no credible threats to the city and out of an abundance of caution, every member of the NYPD, some 35,000 officers, are reporting for duty in uniform and prepared for mobilization.
Amendment 미국 헌법 수정 조항
First Amendment right 수정헌법 제1조
The challenge for the NYPD is going to be protecting everybody's First Amendment right, allowing everybody to have their voice heard and to do so in a way that keeps the peace.
Recognition 인정
Delve 자세히 알아보다
Firsthand 직접
Her non-profit organization TechLit has gained widespread recognition for its efforts to up-cycle old computers and provide tech education to rural communities in Kenya.
We'll delve into Nelly's experiences since winning the award and here firsthand what it meant to achieve such a momentous victory.
Household name 아주 유명한 것 또는 사람
The president of Kenya congratulated me, talked about TechLit, which has become a household name in Kenya.
Continent 대륙
What I'm really excited about is the future in Kenya and in the rest of the continent where kids are going to be learning about the tech world.
LSU : LSU Tigers women's basketball
Flamboyant 현란한
Last night in the women's championship game, it was LSU winning it all.
They've been led all season by superstar Angel Reese and their hall of fame coach, of course, Kim Mulkey, who has some of the most flamboyant fashion in all of sports.
You go, Tigers! Congrats to LSU.
play for all the marbles 큰 이익을 기대하며 큰 위험을 무릅쓰다
It'll be San Diego State and UConn playing for all the marbles.
Superstitious 미신을 믿는
I caught up with the head coaches from each team and found out that they are both superstitious.
win streak 연승
We're on a win streak, I don't want to change anything.
article of clothing 의류
Article 물품, 물건
Is it true that you've been wearing a certain same sort of a clothing article for superstitious reasons?
mojo 마법적인 힘, 주문
One thing we always do though because we believe it keeps the good mojo flowing is give a shout-out every show to show you some love.
** 복습용 문장
And we start with a remarkable story that has transpired here in Buffalo, New York, this past week.
Bills' player Damar Hamlin was tragically injured, suffering cardiac arrest in the first quarter of their game last Monday.
And in an unprecedented move, Bills players and head coach Sean McDermott refused to play on.
In the past, games have always played on, but these NFL players prioritize their mental health over the outcome of the game.
I am so grateful to be here with you to help you jump start your week right here on CNN 10.
The communities in the South and Midwest regions of the United States were hit by severe tornadoes, more than 50 preliminary tornado reports were recorded Friday in at least seven states and communities across the country faced absolute devastation this weekend.
The latest destructive weather across the South and Midwest comes just a week after a severe tornado walloped up the southeast, killing at least another 26 people and destroying much of Rolling Fork, Mississippi.
When we recorded our show Sunday, more than 30,000 customers in Arkansas remained impacted by power outages, with hundreds of thousands more without power across the south and northeast, including 120,000 in Pennsylvania, 73,000 in Ohio.
The governors of Indiana, Iowa, Illinois and Arkansas have all declared emergency or disaster declarations in their states to provide immediate assistance to impacted counties.
We'll hear now from CNN meteorologist Derek Van Dam who's currently in Wynne, Arkansas, assessing the damage.
The Wynne high school here in Arkansas, home to the Yellowjackets, their home football field was decimated by this tornado and I want you to see it from the air because you can notice the kind of indiscriminate nature of a tornado and how its path of destruction is very concentrated.
It's literally like peeling back the skin off of an orange, took the artificial turf and ripped it off of their home field.
But on the other side of the football field, it was left untouched so were some homes.
Former President Donald Trump is expected to appear in a New York courtroom tomorrow, following a formal criminal charge late last week by a Manhattan grand jury.
The charges include more than 30 counts related to business fraud, but the specific details of the indictment have not been made public.
This is the first time in U.S. history that a current or former president has been criminally charged.
The unprecedented nature of bringing a former U.S. president in for criminal charges has activated a complex choreographed security effort in the city of New York.
CNN's Shimon Prokupecz is in Manhattan as the city prepares for Tuesday's arraignment.
The NYPD, along with court officers, U.S. marshals and the United States secret service are running through logistics of how Tuesday's historic arraignment of the former president will go down.
Law enforcement sources telling CNN officials are conducting a dry run of Trump's movements including his motorcade route to the courthouse in downtown Manhattan where he is expected to be arraigned Tuesday afternoon.
How he will get inside the courtroom flanked by Secret Service and what will the arrest process look like.
Will he be treated like any other defendant?
Officials are also bracing for protests after Trump urged his supporters to protest his arrest when news of the indictment reportedly neared.
So far, the mayor's office says there are no credible threats to the city and out of an abundance of caution, every member of the NYPD, some 35,000 officers, are reporting for duty in uniform and prepared for mobilization.
The challenge for the NYPD is going to be protecting everybody's First Amendment right, allowing everybody to have their voice heard and to do so in a way that keeps the peace.
Her non-profit organization TechLit has gained widespread recognition for its efforts to up-cycle old computers and provide tech education to rural communities in Kenya.
We'll delve into Nelly's experiences since winning the award and here firsthand what it meant to achieve such a momentous victory.
The president of Kenya congratulated me, talked about TechLit, which has become a household name in Kenya.
What I'm really excited about is the future in Kenya and in the rest of the continent where kids are going to be learning about the tech world.
Last night in the women's championship game, it was LSU winning it all.
They've been led all season by superstar Angel Reese and their hall of fame coach, of course, Kim Mulkey, who has some of the most flamboyant fashion in all of sports.
You go, Tigers! Congrats to LSU.
It'll be San Diego State and UConn playing for all the marbles.
I caught up with the head coaches from each team and found out that they are both superstitious.
We're on a win streak, I don't want to change anything.
Is it true that you've been wearing a certain same sort of a clothing article for superstitious reasons?
One thing we always do though because we believe it keeps the good mojo flowing is give a shout-out every show to show you some love.
** END
[CNN10 대본 정리] 202303 전체 지문
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