[CSP 대본 094] The Coronation Of A King | May 2, 2023
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CNN 10
May Day Protest Erupts In Paris As France Seethes About A Hike In The Retirement Age; Coronation Of King Charles III; Sleepy Anteater That Just Won't Get Out of Bed Wins Over The Internet. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 02, 2023 - 04:00 ET
Come on in. Come on in.
Terrific Tuesday to you.
I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10, the best 10 minutes in news.
Yesterday May 1, as you know, was May Day in many countries around the world, commemorating the historic struggles and gains made by workers in the labor movement, much like Labor Day here in the U.S.
But in France yesterday, the holiday turned ugly in Paris as police battled in Workers Union organized protests, with people raging against President Emmanuel Macron's decision to raise the retirement age last month.
The looming decision has been fought persistently and violently for several months.
In January strikes in cities all across France disrupted train services, planes, schools and businesses across France, as more than 1 million people protested at once.
But nothing has stopped French leaders from officially signing into law the very unpopular change to France's pension system.
The country's Constitutional Council, which is similar to the Supreme Court here in the U.S. approved raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 last month.
Some of France's most powerful unions say they're going to keep fighting.
For his part French President Emmanuel Macron believes the current system relying on the working population to pay for a growing age group of retirees is no longer fit for purpose.
And it is worth noting that this new higher pension age will still keep France well below the norm in Europe and in many other developed economies.
These protests are nothing new to the French though.
Our Melissa Bell reports to us from Paris about the long history of protests and strikes in France.
Whether it's over a million protesters on the streets against pension reform, or demonstrations against infrastructure planning, pesticide bans, or the rise in the cost of living, France is no stranger to protests, and strike action.
In fact, the country consistently ranks amongst those most affected by industrial action in Europe.
And for national rail workers alone, there hasn't been a single year without some kind of strike action since 1947.
So why do the French protest and strike so much?
The origins of the spirits of protests here in France go right back to the French Revolution.
And we've had a reminder of that historical threads, the cacerolada (ph) protests with pots and pans, of which we've seen a resurgence that goes right back to medieval times.
We saw it again in the 1830s in a revolution that led to the abdication of Charles X.
There is also, of course, the question of the famous "Droits acquis" these are rights that have been acquired hard won, and that the French don't want to give up.
France does seem to protest more readily and often than many other countries.
And that goes back to that social pact that was created after World War II.
The French are very attached to it and will take to the streets to protect whatever part of it they feel is under assault.
There is also a history of very strong trade unions in this country, and the historical facts that protests can have an effect on the politics of the time.
Ten second trivia.
Talking royalty now, at which of these British landmarks would you see the crowning of a king or queen?
Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, or St Paul's Cathedral?
Westminster Abbey has been the coronation location for every single British monarch since the year 1066.
It's a pretty big deal happening in Westminster Abbey this weekend as King Charles III will officially be crowned on Saturday.
According to Buckingham Palace and expected 3000 guests will attend the coronation versus the 8000 who gathered for the late Queen Elizabeth crowning.
King Charles became king following the death of his mother in September.
Queen Elizabeth II reigned for 70 years, having become queen at the age of 25.
King Charles is expected to sit upon his coronation chair, which has been used by monarchs for more than 700 years.
But listen to this, his crown is estimated to be worth more than $4 million.
And it's all blinged out with gold, rubies, sapphires, garnet and more.
It weighs more than five pounds, making the phrase heavy is the head that wears the crown quite literal.
Max Foster is in London with more.
Not since 1953 that we had a glimpse of this sacred moment.
The crowning of a monarch, Queen Elizabeth, then just 27, thrust to the throne after her father's untimely death.
Her coronation was designed to introduce the young queen to the world and give a morale boost to post-war Britain.
70 years on, and amidst a cost-of-living crisis, King Charles' coronation will have many of the same traditions incorporated, albeit slightly toned down.
Up to 2800 guests in Westminster Abbey, CNN understands, versus the 8000, who gathered for the late queens.
The King has actually ruffled some feathers by not inviting many members of the ancient nobility, including some of the Dukes, in fact.
But instead, actually the King has invited members of the community, so charitable workers, for example.
A sign perhaps that Charles wants to make the monarchy more accessible, though much of the pomp and ceremony will of course remain.
The coronation is first and foremost a religious ceremony.
It culminates in the King's anointing with holy oil, which has been consecrated in Jerusalem.
It's seen as symbolizing the king's commitment to God because, of course, he's a very religious man himself.
He's now the head of the church, and it's a sacred moment.
His wife, Camilla, will also be anointed and crowned.
Charles' sons, William and Harry, will be there.
Although Harry's wife Meghan will remain at home in California with their two young children.
It remains to be seen what role Harry will play in proceedings now that he's set back from his senior role duties.
For many in Britain, the coronation is about more than just another public holiday.
There'll be street parties up and down the U.K.
and 1000s will come here to Buckingham Palace to witness the famous balcony moment to see for the first time the newly crowned king and queen.
Many more will line the streets for the coronation procession, just as they did for Queen Elizabeth seven decades ago.
The King and Queen will travel in this gilded carriage accompanied by a huge military procession.
Nighttime rehearsals spotted in the streets of London as the Capitol gears up for a moment in history.
Max Foster, CNN London.
Did you know giant anteaters can get up to eight feet long.
But listen to this, their tongue is two feet long and they can flick it in and out of their mouth 150 times per minute more than two times per second.
But you can't do that.
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is about a sweet anteater named Eury in North Carolina and all she wants to do is catch some Z's.
Jeanne Moos has more.
What is this thing and why is this keeper having such a hard time waking him up?
Good morning.
Rub his ears.
Want to wake up?
Give him his favorite treat avocado still he puts his paw over his ear.
Eury, the 22-year-old giant anteater just covers his head with his tail a built-in blanket.
This is an everyday thing for me is getting this boy out of bed is difficult.
The Greensboro North Carolina Science Center captioned the video, "our sweet, forever teenager."
Come on Eury.
Come on.
It went massively viral. Who doesn't relate “Just five more minutes.”
“What does he have to get up for?” “Is he late for something?” “Let him sleep!”
But Eury named after the vacuum cleaner brand Eureka needs to get up and take his meds mixed in avocado.
22 is ancient for an anteater.
In the wild they only live to about 14.
(On camera):
Are anteaters dangerous? I bet they could disembowel you with their claws.
That is totally true.
So, we actually don't go in with Eury when he's awake and walking around like this.
Check out the claws on this itchy anteater in South America.
No wonder keeper Kelly Rauch held Eury's leg.
Don't give me the claw.
In case he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
I feel bad for anteaters.
They must be so lonely being that there's no such thing as an uncle eater.
All right, that's about all we have time for, for now.
But first hello to all of our friends in Federal Way Washington.
We're sending a huge shout out to Decatur High School, you rock.
Thanks for subscribing and commenting on our CNN YouTube Channel.
See you tomorrow, everyone.
I'm Coy Wire, and we are CNN 10.
** 독해 및 어휘 정리
*** 오역, 오타 등 수정이 필요한 부분을 발견하시면 방에 공유 부탁드립니다.
CNN 10
May Day Protest Erupts In Paris As France Seethes About A Hike In The Retirement Age; Coronation Of King Charles III; Sleepy Anteater That Just Won't Get Out of Bed Wins Over The Internet. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 02, 2023 - 04:00 ET
Come on in. Come on in.
Terrific Tuesday to you.
I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10, the best 10 minutes in news.
코이 와이어, CNN 10 앵커:
어서 들어오세요.
여러분, 멋진 화요일 보내시길 바랍니다.
저는 코이 와이어입니다. 여기는 CNN 10입니다. 뉴스에서 최고의 10분입니다.
Terrific 멋진
1.굉장한, 빼어난, 지독한, 엄청난(excessive)
at terrific speed
맹렬한 속력으로
2.훌륭한, 아주 멋진, 아주 좋은
a terrific party
아주 신나는 파티
3.무서운, 무시무시한, 소름이 끼치는
Yesterday May 1, as you know, was May Day in many countries around the world, commemorating the historic struggles and gains made by workers in the labor movement, much like Labor Day here in the U.S.
아시다시피 어제 5월 1일은 전 세계 많은 나라에서 국제 노동절이었습니다. 노동운동을 했던 노동자들이 이뤄낸 역사적인 투쟁과 이득을 기념하는 날입니다. 미국의 노동절과 마찬가지로 말이죠.
May Day 국제 노동절
May Day, also called Workers' Day or International Workers' Day, is the day that commemorates the struggles and gains made by workers and the labour movement. It is observed in many countries on May 1.
Commemorating 축하하다
(3rd person singular present : commemorates)
Transitive verb
1.(축사·의식으로) 기념하다, 기념식을 거행하다, 축하하다
2.찬사를 말하다, 받들다
3.기념이 되다
But in France yesterday, the holiday turned ugly in Paris as police battled in Workers Union organized protests, with people raging against President Emmanuel Macron's decision to raise the retirement age last month.
The looming decision has been fought persistently and violently for several months.
In January strikes in cities all across France disrupted train services, planes, schools and businesses across France, as more than 1 million people protested at once.
But nothing has stopped French leaders from officially signing into law the very unpopular change to France's pension system.
그러나 어제 프랑스에서는 지난 달 에마뉘엘 마크롱 대통령이 내린 정년 연장 결정에 반대하는 사람들과 함께 시위를 조직한 노동조합에 경찰이 투쟁을 벌이면서 그 공휴일은 험악하게 변했습니다.
그렇게 갑작스럽게 내려진 결정은 몇 달 동안 집요하고 격렬하게 분쟁을 일으켰습니다.
지난 1월 프랑스 전역의 도시에서 발생한 파업으로 100만명 이상이 한꺼번에 시위를 벌이면서 프랑스 전역의 열차 운행, 항공기, 학교, 기업체 등이 차질을 빚었습니다.
하지만 프랑스의 연금 제도에 일어난 상당히 평판이 좋지 못한 변화에 프랑스 지도자들이 공식적으로 서명하는 것을 그 어떤 것도 막지 못했습니다.
Protest 항의하다
(3rd person singular present : protests)
Transitive verb
1.항의하다, 이의를 제기하다
protest low wages
저임금에 항의하다
2.항의하여[이의를 제기하여] 말하다
He protest s that he did no such thing.
그는 그런 일을 하지 않았다고 항변한다.
Intransitive verb
1.항의하다, 이의를 제기하다 ((against)), (=object)
protest against an action[a measure]
어떤 행동[조치]에 항의하다
2.주장하다, 확언하다
1.[UC/] 항의, 이의의 제기 ((against, to; about))
a protest movement
항의 운동
2.단언, 주장
Looming 어렴풋이 나타나다, 불쑥 나타나다
(3rd person singular present : looms)
Intransitive verb
1.어렴풋이 나타나다, 흐릿하게 보이다
Through the fog a ship loomed on our port bow.
안개 속에서 한 척의 배가 좌현 전방에 어렴풋이 나타났다.
2.불쑥 나타나다
The peak loomed up in front of us.
우리들의 정면에 산봉우리가 불쑥 그 거대한 모습을 드러냈다.
1.[a ~] 몽롱하게 나타남
Disrupt 분열시키다, 혼란시키다
(3rd person singular present : disrupts)
Transitive verb
1.붕괴시키다, 분열시키다
2.(일시적으로) 혼란시키다; 혼란시키다; 일시 불통으로 만들다, 중단[두절]시키다
Intransitive verb
1.분열한, 분쇄된
The country's Constitutional Council, which is similar to the Supreme Court here in the U.S. approved raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 last month.
Some of France's most powerful unions say they're going to keep fighting.
For his part French President Emmanuel Macron believes the current system relying on the working population to pay for a growing age group of retirees is no longer fit for purpose.
And it is worth noting that this new higher pension age will still keep France well below the norm in Europe and in many other developed economies.
These protests are nothing new to the French though.
Our Melissa Bell reports to us from Paris about the long history of protests and strikes in France.
이곳 미국 대법원과 비슷한 프랑스의 헌법재판소는 지난달 정년을 62세에서 64세로 올리는 것을 승인했습니다.
프랑스의 가장 강력한 노조 중 일부는 계속해서 싸울 것이라고 말합니다.
프랑스 대통령 에마뉘엘 마크롱은 증가하는 은퇴자 연령대에 대한 비용을 노동 인구에 의존하는 현재의 시스템이 더 이상 목적에 적합하지 않다고 생각합니다.
그리고 이 새롭게 높여진 연금 연령은 여전히 유럽과 다른 많은 선진 경제국에 비해서 프랑스의 순위를 훨씬 낮게 유지시킨다는 점에 주목할 필요가 있습니다.
그러나 이러한 시위는 프랑스인들에게 전혀 새로운 일이 아닙니다.
저희 특파원 멜리사 벨이 파리에서 프랑스의 시위와 파업의 오랜 역사에 대해 보도합니다.
Constitutional 헌법의
1.헌법(상)의, 입헌적인, 합법의
a constitutional assembly
헌법 제정 의회
2.체질상의, 체격의; 타고난
a constitutional disease
체질성 질환
1.건강을 위한 운동, 산책; [미·속어] 하루 중 처음 먹는 술[마약]
Retiree 퇴직자, 은퇴자
1.퇴직자, 은퇴자
(비디오 테이프 시작)
Whether it's over a million protesters on the streets against pension reform, or demonstrations against infrastructure planning, pesticide bans, or the rise in the cost of living, France is no stranger to protests, and strike action.
멜리사 벨 CNN 파리 특파원:
연금 개혁에 반대하는 백만 명이 넘는 시위자들이든, 사회 기반 시설 계획, 살충제 금지 또는 생활비 인상에 반대하는 시위든, 시위와 파업은 프랑스에서 낯선 일이 아닙니다.
Pesticide 살충제
1.구충제, 살충제
In fact, the country consistently ranks amongst those most affected by industrial action in Europe.
And for national rail workers alone, there hasn't been a single year without some kind of strike action since 1947.
사실, 프랑스는 유럽에서 산업 활동에 가장 영향을 많이 받는 나라 중 하나입니다.
철도 노동자들만 놓고 보더라도 1947년 이후 파업이 없었던 해는 단 한 번도 없었습니다.
Amongst 중에서, 의 사이에
1.…의 사이에, …의 가운데에, …에 둘러싸여
a house among the trees
나무에 둘러싸인 집
2.<동료·동류> …중의 한 사람으로[하나로], <동류>[보통 최상급과 함께] …중에서 뛰어난 (=amid)
She is among the prize winners.
그녀는 수상자의 한 사람이다.
3.…의 사이에서, …의 사이에서 분배하여, …의 사이에서 서로
Divide these among you three.
이것을 너희들 셋이 나누어라.
So why do the French protest and strike so much?
The origins of the spirits of protests here in France go right back to the French Revolution.
And we've had a reminder of that historical threads, the cacerolada (ph) protests with pots and pans, of which we've seen a resurgence that goes right back to medieval times.
We saw it again in the 1830s in a revolution that led to the abdication of Charles X.
There is also, of course, the question of the famous "Droits acquis" these are rights that have been acquired hard won, and that the French don't want to give up.
그렇다면 프랑스인들은 왜 그렇게 시위와 파업을 많이 하는 걸까요?
여기 프랑스에서 시위 정신의 기원은 바로 프랑스 혁명으로 거슬러 올라갑니다.
그리고 우리는 그 역사적 실타래, 냄비와 후라이팬을 든 카세롤라다(ph) 시위를 상기시켰습니다. 우리는 중세 시대로 거슬러 올라가는 부활을 보았습니다.
우리는 1830년대에 찰스 10세의 퇴위를 이끈 혁명에서 그것을 다시 보았습니다.
물론 유명한 "기득권"에 대한 질문도 있습니다. 이것들은 어렵게 얻은 권리이며, 프랑스인들은 포기하고 싶어하지 않습니다.
Thread 실, 선
(3rd person singular present : threads)
1.바느질 실, 꼰실, [영] 삼실, [미] 무명실, 올실
a needle and thread
실꿴 바늘
2.선, 섬조(纖條), 가는 선
a thread of light
한 줄기의 광명
Transitive verb
1.실을 꿰다
2.영사기에 끼워넣다
Intransitive verb
1.요리조리 누비듯 나아가다
thread through a narrow passage
좁은 통로를 빠져나가다
2.(스푼에서 떨어질 때) 실 모양으로 가늘게 늘어지다
Cacerolada 항의 데모
Feminine noun
1.냄비를 두들기며 행하는 항의 데모
2.한 냄비(의 분량)
Resurgence 재기, 부활
1.재기, 부활
Medieval 중세의
1.중세의, 중세풍의
medieval literature
중세 문학
2.고풍의, 구식의, 케케묵은(antiquated)
Abdication 퇴위, 기권
1.[U] 퇴위; (고관의) 사직; (권력의) 포기, 기권
Acquire 획득하다
1.획득한, 기득(旣得)의
2.습득한, 후천적인(opp. innate)
(3rd person singular present : acquires)
Transitive verb
1.취득하다, 획득하다
2.얻다, 배우다, 습득하다; 몸에 익히다, 지니게 되다 (=get)
acquire a foreign language
외국어를 습득하다
3.받게 하다
France does seem to protest more readily and often than many other countries.
And that goes back to that social pact that was created after World War II.
The French are very attached to it and will take to the streets to protect whatever part of it they feel is under assault.
There is also a history of very strong trade unions in this country, and the historical facts that protests can have an effect on the politics of the time.
프랑스는 다른 많은 나라들보다 더 흔하고 자주 시위하는 것처럼 보입니다.
그리고 그것은 제2차 세계대전 이후에 만들어진 사회적 협약으로 거슬러 올라갑니다.
프랑스인들은 그것에 매우 애착이 있고 그들이 공격을 받고 있다고 느끼는 부분이 무엇이든 보호하기 위해 거리로 나갈 것입니다.
이 나라에는 매우 강력한 노동조합의 역사도 있고, 시위가 당시 정치에 영향을 미칠 수 있다는 역사적 사실도 있습니다.
Readily 쉽사리, 선뜻
1.쾌히, 서슴없이, 선뜻; 이의없이
2.쉽사리, 손쉽게; 즉시
Pact 조약, 협정
1.(국가간의) 조약, 협정
a peace pact
평화 조약[협정]
2.(개인간의) 약속, 계약
Transitive verb
1.…와 계약하다, …와의 계약[협정]서에 서명하다
Assault 공격
(3rd person singular present : assaults)
1.(갑작스런) 습격, 급습, 강습, 맹습(violent attack) ((on)); (말로써의) (…에의) 격한 공격, 비난 ((on))
2.접근전, 돌격
Transitive verb
1.급습하다, 구타하다
2.[법] 폭행하다; 성폭행하다, 강간하다
Intransitive verb
1.덮치다, 공격하다
(끝 비디오 테이프)
Ten second trivia.
Talking royalty now, at which of these British landmarks would you see the crowning of a king or queen?
Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, or St Paul's Cathedral?
10초 상식 퀴즈.
지금 왕족에 대해 이야기하자면, 당신은 이 영국의 문화재들 중 어느 곳에서 왕이나 여왕의 왕관을 볼 수 있습니까?
버킹엄 궁전, 런던 타워, 웨스트민스터 사원, 세인트 폴 대성당?
Royalty 왕위, 왕권
(Plural form : royalties)
1.[U] 왕위, 왕권
2.왕족의 한 사람, [집합적] 왕족
3.[U] 왕의 존엄, 왕위(王威); 왕자(王者)의 풍모; 존귀, 장엄
Abbey 대수도원, 대성당
1.대수도[수녀]원 ((abbot 또는 abbess가 관리하던))
2.[종종 A~] 대성당, 대저택 ((원래 대수도원이었음))
Westminster Abbey has been the coronation location for every single British monarch since the year 1066.
웨스트민스터 사원은 1066년부터 모든 영국 군주들의 대관식 장소였습니다.
Coronation 대관식
1.대관[즉위]식, [U] 대관
the coronation oath
대관식 선서
2.[the C~] 국왕 대관식
It's a pretty big deal happening in Westminster Abbey this weekend as King Charles III will officially be crowned on Saturday.
According to Buckingham Palace and expected 3000 guests will attend the coronation versus the 8000 who gathered for the late Queen Elizabeth crowning.
찰스 3세 국왕이 토요일에 공식적으로 즉위하기 때문에 이번 주말 웨스트민스터 사원에서는 상당히 중요한 행사가 일어날 예정입니다.
버킹엄 궁전에 따르면 엘리자베스 여왕의 대관식에 참석한 8000명에 비해 3000명의 하객이 대관식에 참석할 것으로 예상됩니다.
King Charles became king following the death of his mother in September.
Queen Elizabeth II reigned for 70 years, having become queen at the age of 25.
찰스 왕은 9월에 그의 어머니가 사망한 후에 왕이 되었습니다.
엘리자베스 2세 여왕은 25세의 나이에 여왕이 되어 70년간 통치했습니다.
Reign 지배하다, 통치하다
(3rd person singular present : reigns)
1.치세, 왕대(王代)
during five successive reigns
5대 동안 계속하여, 5대에 걸쳐
2.[U] 군림; 통치, 지배
Intransitive verb
1.군림하다, 지배하다, 주권을 잡다 ((over)), (=govern)
reign overpeople
국민을 통치하다
2.세력을 휘두르다, 세도를 부리다(dominate)
The bishop reigns in his city.
주교는 그의 시에서 실권을 가지고 있다.
King Charles is expected to sit upon his coronation chair, which has been used by monarchs for more than 700 years.
But listen to this, his crown is estimated to be worth more than $4 million.
And it's all blinged out with gold, rubies, sapphires, garnet and more.
It weighs more than five pounds, making the phrase “heavy is the head that wears the crown” quite literal.
Max Foster is in London with more.
찰스 왕은 700년 이상 군주들이 사용해온 대관식 의자에 앉을 것으로 예상됩니다.
하지만 이것을 들어보세요, 그의 왕관은 4백만 달러 이상의 가치가 있을 것으로 추정됩니다.
그리고 금, 루비, 사파이어, 가넷 등으로 화려하게 장식되어 있습니다.
그것은 5파운드 이상 무게가 나가는데 “왕관을 쓴 자, 그 무게를 견뎌라.” 라는 문구를 정말 문자 그대로 의미하게 만듭니다.
맥스 포스터가 더 많은 것들과 함께 런던에 있습니다.
Blinged out 화려한 보석과 장식으로 장식된
ˈbliŋd-ˈau̇t. US, informal. : wearing or embellished with flashy jewelry or features.
Heavy is the head that wears the crown.
“Heavy is the head that wears the crown.” Any person who has been in a significant leadership position knows the meaning of that statement. A slightly modified version can be found all the way back in William Shakespeare's “Henry IV” and is often used to talk about the burden and difficulties of being a leader.
(비디오 테이프 시작)
Not since 1953 that we had a glimpse of this sacred moment.
The crowning of a monarch, Queen Elizabeth, then just 27, thrust to the throne after her father's untimely death.
Her coronation was designed to introduce the young queen to the world and give a morale boost to post-war Britain.
70 years on, and amidst a cost-of- living crisis, King Charles' coronation will have many of the same traditions incorporated, albeit slightly toned down.
Up to 2800 guests in Westminster Abbey, CNN understands, versus the 8000, who gathered for the late queens.
맥스 포스터 CNN 로얄 특파원:
1953년 이후로 우리는 이 신성한 순간을 한 번도 본 적이 없습니다.
당시 27세였던 엘리자베스 여왕은 아버지의 갑작스러운 죽음 이후에 왕위에 올랐습니다.
그녀의 대관식은 어린 여왕을 세계에 소개하고 전쟁 후 영국에 사기를 북돋우기 위해 고안되었습니다.
70년 후, 그리고 생활비 위기 속에서, 찰스 왕의 대관식은 비록 약간은 차분해지겠만, 많은 동일한 전통을 통합할 것입니다.
CNN에서 예상하기로는, 이 웨스트민스터 사원에서 열리는 행사에 최대 2800명의 손님이 참석할 것으로 보입니다. 이는 고인이 된 여왕을 위한 과거 행사에 참석한 8000명의 손님들과 비교됩니다.
Sacred 신성한
1.신성한, 성스러운(holy); 신성시되는
the sacred altar
2.종교적 의식에 관한, 종교적인, 성전(聖典)의
a sacred concert
종교 음악회
3.(신에게) 바친, (…을) 모신 ((to))
a tree sacred to the gods
Thrust 떠밀다
(3rd person singular present : thrusts)
1.(와락) 밀다, (세게) 밀치다, 쑤셔 넣다, 떠밀다 ((into, forward)); 들이박다, 헤치고 나아가다 ((into, through)), (=push)
thrust a chair forward
의자를 앞으로 세게 밀치다
2.억지로 …시키다 ((into, on, upon)); (…에서) 부당하게 내몰다, 추방하다 ((out of))
thrust something on[upon] a person
물건을 …에게 억지로 떠맡기다
Intransitive verb
1.밀다, 밀치다, 떠밀다; 찌르다, 찌르려고 덤비다 ((at))
2.돌진하다, 밀어제치고 나아가다 ((through, past)); 끼어들다 ((into))
1.(와락) 밀침, 찌름(stab), 쥐어박음
a thrust with a sword
검으로 한 번 찌르기
2.(연설 등의) 요점, 진의, 취지
Untimely 불시의, 시기상조의
(Comparative : untimelier)
1.때 아닌, 철이 아닌, 불시의
an untimely frost
때 아닌 서리
2.시기상조의, 미숙한
an untimely birth
1.때에 맞지 않게, 때 아니게, 시기를 놓쳐, 너무 일찍 미숙하게
Morale 사기, 의욕
1.사기 ((군대·집단의)); 의욕, 의기(意氣)
improve the morale
사기를 높이다
2.도덕, 도의
Albeit (=even though)
1.비록 …이기는 하나, …(임)에도 불구하고(even though)
The King has actually ruffled some feathers by not inviting many members of the ancient nobility, including some of the Dukes, in fact.
But instead, actually the King has invited members of the community, so charitable workers, for example.
엘리자베스 노튼, 역사학자:
왕은 사실 몇몇 공작들을 포함한 고대 귀족들의 많은 구성원들을 초대하지 않음으로써 약간의 분노를 일으켰습니다.
대신에, 왕은 지역 사회의 구성원들을 초대했습니다. 예를 들어, 자선가들입니다.
Ruffle feathers 기분을 상하게 하다
: to upset or offend people.
Her research has been ruffling feathers for years.
His critical remarks ruffled the feathers of the board members.
I agreed to do what they wanted because I didn't want to ruffle any feathers.
Ruffled 구기다
(3rd person singular present : ruffles)
Transitive verb
1.구기다, 구깃구깃하게 만들다, 주름살지게 하다
2.물결이 일게 하다, 헝클어뜨리다, 깃털을 곤두세우다
He stood there with his hair ruffled by the breeze.
그는 미풍에 머리카락을 날리며 그 자리에 서 있었다.
Intransitive verb
2.물결이 일다, 나부끼다
Feather 깃털
(3rd person singular present : feathers)
1.[집합적] 깃털, 깃(plume, plumage); (모자 등의) 깃털 장식; [pl.] 의상
pluck feathers from a chicken
닭털을 뽑다
2.[U] [집합적] 조류(birds), 엽조
fur and feather
Transitive verb
1.[보통 수동형으로] 깃털로 덮다
2.깃털 장식을 달다, 살깃을 붙이다
Intransitive verb
1.깃털이 나다, 깃이 자라다 ((out))
2.깃털처럼 움직이다[퍼지다], 깃 모양을 이루다
Nobility 귀족
(Plural form : nobilities)
1.[집합적, the ~] [영] 귀족 (계급), 귀족 출신[신분]
a man of true nobility
실로 고결한 사람
3.장엄, 숭고함
Duke 왕족의 공작
1.[영] 공작(fem. DUCHESS, ⇒ NOBILITY 2)
a royal duke
왕족의 공작
2.[역사] (유럽의 공국(公國) 또는 소국(小國)의) 군주, 공(公); 대공(大公)
Transitive verb
1.[미·속어] 때려눕히다, (정신적으로) 상처입히다 ((out))
2.[미·구어] 넘겨주다, 악수하다
Intransitive verb
1.치고받고 싸우다
Charitable 자비로운, 자선의
1.자비로운, 자비심[자애심]이 많은 ((to))
2.관대한, 관용적인(generous)
3.자선의, 자선심이 많은
A sign perhaps that Charles wants to make the monarchy more accessible, though much of the pomp and ceremony will of course remain.
The coronation is first and foremost a religious ceremony.
It culminates in the King's anointing with holy oil, which has been consecrated in Jerusalem.
물론 많은 화려함과 의식이 남아있지만, 찰스가 군주제에 더 쉽게 접근하기를 원한다는 신호일 수 있습니다.
대관식은 무엇보다도 종교적인 의식입니다.
의식은 예루살렘에서 신성하게 세례를 받은 성유로 축성되는 국왕의 세례로 끝납니다.
Monarchy 군주제
(Plural form : monarchies)
1.[U] 군주 정체[정치], 군주제; [C] 군주국
an absolute[a despotic] monarchy
전제 군주국
Pomp 겉치레, 화려한 것
1.화려, 장관
2.[U] 겉치레, 허식, 허영; [보통 pl.] 허식적인 것[행동]; 화려한 것
3.화려한 행렬
Culminates 끝내다, 완결시키다
(3rd person singular present : culminates)
Intransitive verb
1.최고점[극점, 절정]에 달하다; 최고조에 달하다, 전성(全盛)의 극에 달하다; 드디어 (…이) 되다 ((in))
culminate in power
전성의 극에 이르다
2.최고도[자오선]에 달하다, 남중하다
Transitive verb
1.끝내다, 완결시키다, …의 최후를 장식하다; 클라이맥스[최고조]에 이르게 하다(climax)
Consecrate 축성하다, 정화하다, 신성하게 하다
(3rd person singular present : consecrates)
Transitive verb
1.신성하게 하다, 정화하다(hallow); [가톨릭] (미사에서) 성변화(聖變化)시키다, 성별(聖別)하다; 축...
2.(어떤 목적·용도에) 바치다(devote) ((to))
He consecrated his life to church.
그는 교회를 위해 일생을 바쳤다.
3.봉헌하다 ((dedicate 쪽이 일반적임)) ((to))
consecrate a church to divine service
It's seen as symbolizing the king's commitment to God because, of course, he's a very religious man himself.
He's now the head of the church, and it's a sacred moment.
그것은 신에 대한 왕의 헌신을 상징하는 것으로 보여집니다. 물론 그 자신도 매우 종교적인 사람이기 때문입니다.
그는 이제 교회의 수장이고, 그것은 신성한 순간입니다.
His wife, Camilla, will also be anointed and crowned.
Charles' sons, William and Harry, will be there.
Although Harry's wife Meghan will remain at home in California with their two young children.
It remains to be seen what role Harry will play in proceedings now that he's set back from his senior role duties.
그의 아내인 카밀라 또한 기름을 붓고 왕관을 쓸 것입니다.
찰스의 아들인 윌리엄과 해리가 그곳에 있을 것입니다.
비록 해리의 아내 메건은 두 명의 어린 아이들과 함께 캘리포니아의 집에 남을 것입니다.
해리가 선임 역할 임무에서 물러났기 때문에 절차에서 어떤 역할을 할지는 두고 볼 일입니다.
Anoint 연고를 바르다, 성유를 바르다
(3rd person singular present : anoints)
Transitive verb
1.…에 유성 액체[약제]를 바르다 ((with))
anoint the burn with ointment
덴 곳에 연고를 바르다
2.성유(聖油)를 바르다
For many in Britain, the coronation is about more than just another public holiday.
There'll be street parties up and down the U.K.
and 1000s will come here to Buckingham Palace to witness the famous balcony moment to see for the first time the newly crowned king and queen.
영국의 많은 사람들에게, 대관식은 단지 다른 공휴일 그 이상입니다.
영국 전역에서 길거리 파티가 열릴 것입니다.
그리고 1000명의 사람들이 이곳 버킹엄 궁전에 와서 처음으로 새로 왕관을 쓴 왕과 여왕을 볼 수 있는 유명한 발코니의 순간을 목격할 것입니다.
Many more will line the streets for the coronation procession, just as they did for Queen Elizabeth seven decades ago.
The King and Queen will travel in this gilded carriage accompanied by a huge military procession.
Nighttime rehearsals spotted in the streets of London as the Capitol gears up for a moment in history.
Max Foster, CNN London.
70년 전 엘리자베스 여왕에게 했던 것처럼 더 많은 사람들이 대관식 행렬을 위해 거리에 줄을 설 것입니다.
왕과 왕비는 거대한 군대 행렬을 동반한 금박을 입힌 마차를 타고 여행할 것입니다.
국회의사당이 역사의 한 순간을 준비하는 동안 런던 거리에서 야간 리허설이 목격되었습니다.
CNN 런던의 맥스 포스터입니다.
Gilded 금박을 입힌
1.금박을 입힌, 금도금한, 금빛으로 바른; 황금색의
the gilded[gilt] spurs
[영·고어] 훈작사(knight)의 기장(記章)
2.겉만 멋진, 겉모양을 꾸민
3.부자의, 부유한
gilded vices
부자의 악덕
(3rd person singular present : gilds)
Transitive verb
1.금[금박]을 입히다, 금도금하다; 금빛으로 바르다; [시어] 황금빛으로 빛나게 하다
The setting sun gild ed the sky.
석양이 하늘을 황금빛으로 물들였다.
2.(아름답게) 꾸미다, 치장하다, 빛내다; 겉바름하다, 겉꾸리다
gild a lie
거짓말을 미화하다
3.(피로) 붉게 하다
(3rd person singular present : gilds)
gear up 준비하다
gear up
phrasal verb of gear
change to a higher gear.
prepare or equip oneself for something; get ready.
"the region geared up for the tourist season"
(끝 비디오 테이프)
Did you know giant anteaters can get up to eight feet long.
But listen to this, their tongue is two feet long and they can flick it in and out of their mouth 150 times per minute more than two times per second.
But you can't do that.
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is about a sweet anteater named Eury in North Carolina and all she wants to do is catch some Z's.
Jeanne Moos has more.
여러분은 거대한 개미핥기가 8피트까지 자랄 수 있다는 것을 알고 있었나요.
하지만 이것을 들어보세요, 그들의 혀는 2피트 길이이고 그들은 1분에 150번 입안과 입밖으로 1초에 2번 이상 튕길 수 있습니다.
하지만 여러분은 그렇게 할 수 없어요.
10점 만점에 10점을 받은 오늘의 이야기는 노스캐롤라이나에 사는 유리라는 이름의 다정한 개미핥기에 관한 것입니다. 그리고 그녀가 하고 싶은 것은 약간의 수면을 취하는 것입니다.
지니 무스가 더 많은 내용을 전합니다.
Anteaters 개미핥기
1.개미핥기 ((남미산))
Flick 튕기다, 가볍게 치다
(3rd person singular present : flicks)
1.(매·채찍 등으로) 가볍게 치기, (손가락 끝 등으로) 튀기기, 휙휙 움직이기, 휙[딱](하는 소리)
the flick of a whip
채찍의 철썩하는 소리
2.(물·진흙 등의) 튐(splash)
a flick of mud[paint]
진흙[페인트]의 튐
Transitive verb
1.(채찍 등으로) 가볍게 치다; (손가락 끝 등으로) 튀기다; 갑자기[날름] 움직이다; 튀...
flick one's cigar
여송연의 재를 털다
2.탁 움직여 …하다 ((on, off))
flick on[off] the light
전등을 탁 켜다[끄다]
Intransitive verb
1.홱[휙휙] 움직이다[지나가다], 쑥[날름] 나오다 ((out))
A bird flick ed by.
새가 한마리 휙 날아 지나갔다.
2.(카드·페이지 등을) 휙 넘기다, 쓱 훑어보다 ((through))
Catch some Zs :to get some sleep
'Catch some Zs' is both an idiom and an onomatopoeiac meaning to get some sleep, referencing the noise a person makes while sleeping.
(비디오 테이프 시작)
What is this thing and why is this keeper having such a hard time waking him up?
잔 무스 CNN 내셔널 뉴스 특파원:
이게 무엇이고 이 관리인은 왜 그를 깨우는 데 그렇게 어려움을 겪고 있을까요?
Good morning.
노스캐롤라이나 그린스보로 과학 센터의 켈리 라우치:
좋은 아침이야.
Rub his ears.
그의 귀를 문지릅니다.
Rub 비비다, 문지르다
(3rd person singular present : rubs)
1.비비다, 마찰하다; 문질러 닦다
He rubbed his eyes and yawned.
그는 눈을 비비고 하품을 했다.
2.문지르다 ((against, on, over)); 문질러 바르다[넣다] ((into, through)); 문질러 넓히다; 문질러 (…을) 만들다 ((in)); 문질러 떼다[없애다] ((off, from, out of))
She rub bed the tabletop withwax polish.
그녀는 탁자 위를 왁스로 문질렀다.
Want to wake up?
Give him his favorite treat avocado still he puts his paw over his ear.
Eury, the 22-year-old giant anteater just covers his head with his tail a built-in blanket.
그가 가장 좋아하는 아보카도를 그에게 줘도 그는 여전히 그의 발을 귀에 대고 있습니다.
22살의 자이언트 개미핥기 유리는 꼬리로 머리를 가리고 붙박이 담요를 만듭니다.
This is an everyday thing for me, is getting this boy out of bed is difficult.
이것은 저에게 일상적인 일입니다. 이 아이를 침대에서 깨우는 것은 어려운 일이에요.
The Greensboro North Carolina Science Center captioned the video, "our sweet, forever teenager."
그린스보로 노스 캐롤라이나 과학 센터는 비디오에 "우리의 다정하고 영원한 십대 아이"라는 자막을 붙였습니다."
Caption 제목을 붙이다, 자막을 넣다
(3rd person singular present : captions)
1.[미] (신문·페이지 등의) 표제, 제목; (삽화의) 설명문, 캡션; [영화] 자막
2.(법률 문서의) 머리말
Transitive verb
1.[영화] …에 자막을 넣다, 제목을 붙이다, 설명문을 달다
Come on Eury. Come on.
이리 와, 유리. 얼른.
It went massively viral. Who doesn't relate “Just five more minutes.”
“What does he have to get up for?” “Is he late for something?” “Let him sleep!”
그 비디오는 엄청나게 입소문이 났습니다. 어느 누가 “딱 5분만 더”라는 말에 공감하지 않을까요?
그는 무엇 때문에 일어나야 하는 건가요? 그가 무슨 일에 지각을 하는 건가요? 그를 자게 내버려두세요!
But Eury named after the vacuum cleaner brand Eureka needs to get up and take his meds mixed in avocado.
22 is ancient for an anteater.
In the wild they only live to about 14.
하지만 진공청소기 브랜드 유레카의 이름을 따온 개미핥기 유리는 잠에서 깨어나서 아보카도에 섞여있는 약을 먹어야 합니다.
22살은 개미핥기치고는 나이가 많은 편입니다.
야생에서 그들은 약 14살까지만 삽니다.
(On camera):
Are anteaters dangerous? I bet they could disembowel you with their claws.
(화면에 등장):
개미핥기는 위험한가요? 그들은 발톱으로 당신의 배를 가를 수도 있을 거라고 장담해요.
Disembowel 할복하다, 배를 가르다
(3rd person singular present : disembowels)
Transitive verb
1.내장을 꺼내다, …의 배를 가르다 ((새·물고기를 요리할 때는 clean을 씀))
disembowel oneself
That is totally true.
So, we actually don't go in with Eury when he's awake and walking around like this.
그것은 전적으로 사실입니다.
그래서 우리는 사실 유리가 깨어있을 때 이렇게 돌아다니면 같이 들어가지 않습니다.
Check out the claws on this itchy anteater in South America.
No wonder keeper Kelly Rauch held Eury's leg.
남아메리카에 있는 이 피부가 가려운 개미핥기의 발톱을 보세요.
관리자 Kelly Rauch가 유리의 다리를 잡는 것은 당연합니다.
Don't give me the claw.
나한테 발톱을 내밀지 마.
In case he woke up on the wrong side of the bed.
그가 잠에서 깨어나는 것을 대비해서요.
(끝 비디오 테이프)
I feel bad for anteaters.
They must be so lonely being that there's no such thing as an uncle eater.
All right, that's about all we have time for, for now.
But first hello to all of our friends in Federal Way Washington.
We're sending a huge shout out to Decatur High School, you rock.
Thanks for subscribing and commenting on our CNN YouTube Channel.
See you tomorrow, everyone.
I'm Coy Wire, and we are CNN 10.
개미핥기가 불쌍해요.
Uncle eater (Ant eater -> Aunt eater 말장난) 같은 것들이 없어서 Anteater들은 너무 외로울 거예요.
좋아요, 우리가 함께할 수 있는 시간이 다 된 것 같습니다.
하지만 먼저 워싱턴 연방도로에 있는 우리의 모든 친구들에게 인사를 드립니다.
디케이터 고등학교에 큰 함성을 보냅니다. 여러분 멋져요.
CNN YouTube 채널을 구독하고 댓글을 달아주셔서 감사합니다.
내일 봐요, 여러분.
저는 코이 와이어이고, 저희는 CNN 10입니다.
** 어휘, 문장 정리
Terrific 멋진
Terrific Tuesday to you.
May Day 국제 노동절
Commemorating 축하하다
Yesterday May 1, as you know, was May Day in many countries around the world, commemorating the historic struggles and gains made by workers in the labor movement, much like Labor Day here in the U.S.
Protest 항의하다
Looming 어렴풋이 나타나다, 불쑥 나타나다
Disrupt 분열시키다, 혼란시키다
But in France yesterday, the holiday turned ugly in Paris as police battled in Workers Union organized protests, with people raging against President Emmanuel Macron's decision to raise the retirement age last month.
The looming decision has been fought persistently and violently for several months.
In January strikes in cities all across France disrupted train services, planes, schools and businesses across France, as more than 1 million people protested at once.
But nothing has stopped French leaders from officially signing into law the very unpopular change to France's pension system.
Constitutional 헌법의
Retiree 퇴직자, 은퇴자
The country's Constitutional Council, which is similar to the Supreme Court here in the U.S. approved raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 last month.
Some of France's most powerful unions say they're going to keep fighting.
For his part French President Emmanuel Macron believes the current system relying on the working population to pay for a growing age group of retirees is no longer fit for purpose.
Pesticide 살충제
Whether it's over a million protesters on the streets against pension reform, or demonstrations against infrastructure planning, pesticide bans, or the rise in the cost of living, France is no stranger to protests, and strike action.
Amongst 중에서, 의 사이에
In fact, the country consistently ranks amongst those most affected by industrial action in Europe.
Thread 실, 선
Cacerolada 항의 데모
Resurgence 재기, 부활
Medieval 중세의
Abdication 퇴위, 기권
Acquire 획득하다
So why do the French protest and strike so much?
The origins of the spirits of protests here in France go right back to the French Revolution.
And we've had a reminder of that historical threads, the cacerolada (ph) protests with pots and pans, of which we've seen a resurgence that goes right back to medieval times.
We saw it again in the 1830s in a revolution that led to the abdication of Charles X.
There is also, of course, the question of the famous "Droits acquis" these are rights that have been acquired hard won, and that the French don't want to give up.
Readily 쉽사리, 선뜻
Pact 조약, 협정
Assault 공격
France does seem to protest more readily and often than many other countries.
And that goes back to that social pact that was created after World War II.
The French are very attached to it and will take to the streets to protect whatever part of it they feel is under assault.
There is also a history of very strong trade unions in this country, and the historical facts that protests can have an effect on the politics of the time.
Royalty 왕위, 왕권
Abbey 대수도원, 대성당
Talking royalty now, at which of these British landmarks would you see the crowning of a king or queen?
Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, or St Paul's Cathedral?
Coronation 대관식
Westminster Abbey has been the coronation location for every single British monarch since the year 1066.
Reign 지배하다, 통치하다
Queen Elizabeth II reigned for 70 years, having become queen at the age of 25.
Blinged out 화려한 보석과 장식으로 장식된
And it's all blinged out with gold, rubies, sapphires, garnet and more.
Sacred 신성한
Thrust 떠밀다
Untimely 불시의, 시기상조의
Morale 사기, 의욕
Albeit (=even though)
Not since 1953 that we had a glimpse of this sacred moment.
The crowning of a monarch, Queen Elizabeth, then just 27, thrust to the throne after her father's untimely death.
Her coronation was designed to introduce the young queen to the world and give a morale boost to post-war Britain.
70 years on, and amidst a cost-of- living crisis, King Charles' coronation will have many of the same traditions incorporated, albeit slightly toned down.
Up to 2800 guests in Westminster Abbey, CNN understands, versus the 8000, who gathered for the late queens.
Ruffle feathers 기분을 상하게 하다
Ruffled 구기다
Feather 깃털
Nobility 귀족
Duke 왕족의 공작
Charitable 자비로운, 자선의
The King has actually ruffled some feathers by not inviting many members of the ancient nobility, including some of the Dukes, in fact.
But instead, actually the King has invited members of the community, so charitable workers, for example.
Monarchy 군주제
Pomp 겉치레, 화려한 것
Culminates 끝내다, 완결시키다
Consecrate 축성하다, 정화하다, 신성하게 하다
A sign perhaps that Charles wants to make the monarchy more accessible, though much of the pomp and ceremony will of course remain.
The coronation is first and foremost a religious ceremony.
It culminates in the King's anointing with holy oil, which has been consecrated in Jerusalem.
Anoint 연고를 바르다, 성유를 바르다
His wife, Camilla, will also be anointed and crowned.
Gilded 금박을 입힌
gear up 준비하다
Many more will line the streets for the coronation procession, just as they did for Queen Elizabeth seven decades ago.
The King and Queen will travel in this gilded carriage accompanied by a huge military procession.
Nighttime rehearsals spotted in the streets of London as the Capitol gears up for a moment in history.
Max Foster, CNN London.
Anteaters 개미핥기
Flick 튕기다, 가볍게 치다
Catch some Zs :to get some sleep
Did you know giant anteaters can get up to eight feet long.
But listen to this, their tongue is two feet long and they can flick it in and out of their mouth 150 times per minute more than two times per second.
But you can't do that.
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is about a sweet anteater named Eury in North Carolina and all she wants to do is catch some Z's.
Jeanne Moos has more.
Rub 비비다, 문지르다
Rub his ears.
Caption 제목을 붙이다, 자막을 넣다
The Greensboro North Carolina Science Center captioned the video, "our sweet, forever teenager."
Disembowel 할복하다, 배를 가르다
Are anteaters dangerous? I bet they could disembowel you with their claws.
** 복습용 문장
Terrific Tuesday to you.
Yesterday May 1, as you know, was May Day in many countries around the world, commemorating the historic struggles and gains made by workers in the labor movement, much like Labor Day here in the U.S.
But in France yesterday, the holiday turned ugly in Paris as police battled in Workers Union organized protests, with people raging against President Emmanuel Macron's decision to raise the retirement age last month.
The looming decision has been fought persistently and violently for several months.
In January strikes in cities all across France disrupted train services, planes, schools and businesses across France, as more than 1 million people protested at once.
But nothing has stopped French leaders from officially signing into law the very unpopular change to France's pension system.
The country's Constitutional Council, which is similar to the Supreme Court here in the U.S. approved raising the retirement age from 62 to 64 last month.
Some of France's most powerful unions say they're going to keep fighting.
For his part French President Emmanuel Macron believes the current system relying on the working population to pay for a growing age group of retirees is no longer fit for purpose.
Whether it's over a million protesters on the streets against pension reform, or demonstrations against infrastructure planning, pesticide bans, or the rise in the cost of living, France is no stranger to protests, and strike action.
In fact, the country consistently ranks amongst those most affected by industrial action in Europe.
So why do the French protest and strike so much?
The origins of the spirits of protests here in France go right back to the French Revolution.
And we've had a reminder of that historical threads, the cacerolada (ph) protests with pots and pans, of which we've seen a resurgence that goes right back to medieval times.
We saw it again in the 1830s in a revolution that led to the abdication of Charles X.
There is also, of course, the question of the famous "Droits acquis" these are rights that have been acquired hard won, and that the French don't want to give up.
France does seem to protest more readily and often than many other countries.
And that goes back to that social pact that was created after World War II.
The French are very attached to it and will take to the streets to protect whatever part of it they feel is under assault.
There is also a history of very strong trade unions in this country, and the historical facts that protests can have an effect on the politics of the time.
Talking royalty now, at which of these British landmarks would you see the crowning of a king or queen?
Buckingham Palace, Tower of London, Westminster Abbey, or St Paul's Cathedral?
Westminster Abbey has been the coronation location for every single British monarch since the year 1066.
Queen Elizabeth II reigned for 70 years, having become queen at the age of 25.
And it's all blinged out with gold, rubies, sapphires, garnet and more.
Not since 1953 that we had a glimpse of this sacred moment.
The crowning of a monarch, Queen Elizabeth, then just 27, thrust to the throne after her father's untimely death.
Her coronation was designed to introduce the young queen to the world and give a morale boost to post-war Britain.
70 years on, and amidst a cost-of-living crisis, King Charles' coronation will have many of the same traditions incorporated, albeit slightly toned down.
Up to 2800 guests in Westminster Abbey, CNN understands, versus the 8000, who gathered for the late queens.
The King has actually ruffled some feathers by not inviting many members of the ancient nobility, including some of the Dukes, in fact.
But instead, actually the King has invited members of the community, so charitable workers, for example.
A sign perhaps that Charles wants to make the monarchy more accessible, though much of the pomp and ceremony will of course remain.
The coronation is first and foremost a religious ceremony.
It culminates in the King's anointing with holy oil, which has been consecrated in Jerusalem.
His wife, Camilla, will also be anointed and crowned.
Many more will line the streets for the coronation procession, just as they did for Queen Elizabeth seven decades ago.
The King and Queen will travel in this gilded carriage accompanied by a huge military procession.
Nighttime rehearsals spotted in the streets of London as the Capitol gears up for a moment in history.
Max Foster, CNN London.
Did you know giant anteaters can get up to eight feet long.
But listen to this, their tongue is two feet long and they can flick it in and out of their mouth 150 times per minute more than two times per second.
But you can't do that.
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10 is about a sweet anteater named Eury in North Carolina and all she wants to do is catch some Z's.
Jeanne Moos has more.
Rub his ears.
The Greensboro North Carolina Science Center captioned the video, "our sweet, forever teenager."
Are anteaters dangerous? I bet they could disembowel you with their claws.
** END
[CNN10 대본 정리] 202305 전체 지문
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