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3_____Writing Practice/EBS 입트영 영작 (2108-2112)

입트영 영작 009 - 210825WED Treehouses


입트영 영작 009 - 210825WED Treehouses


JESS 009 - 0825WED

(0825WED Treehouses)



1. How have the ways children play changed over the years?


I heard kids nowadays have taken a liking to treehouses which is a good thing for them. I used to go hiking with my family every Sunday when I was a little kid. My grandmother had a small farm on the mountain, so we had lunch there, went looking around nature, and brought some spring water home with a couple of bottles each person. Nowadays children are into smart devices too much, so they don't really have a time with nature.


2. What are some games you used to play as a kid that aren’t as common now?


When I was a little tiny kid, I used to have a ball in the playground which was frequented by all my neighborhood friends. I guess some children would still go crazy for swings. I was one of those children. I had a friend group for playing with swings and we had really good fun together. We were playing in many different ways. Viking, being a turtle and standing on the swing were my favorite repertory for it.


3. Some parents worry about the safety of treehouses. How can they be made safer?


I don't know much about treehouses, but I guess building a treehouse lower and making sure kids know the cautions for it would help.

