Question Diary 240521TUE: Q792
240521TUE: Q792Why did you love him?왜 그를 사랑했나요?I loved him for a combination of his appearance, voice, attitude, intelligence, and personality, but sometimes love just happens without clear reasons.외모, 목소리, 태도, 지성, 성격 등이 복합적으로 작용해 사랑했지만 때로는 뚜렷한 이유 없이 사랑이 일어나기도 합니다. - 240521TUE: Q792Why did you love him? It's true that love can be a complex and mysterious emotion, and it's often difficult to put ..
Question Diary 240519SUN: Q790
240519SUN: Q790How do you cope up with so much stress?당신은 어떻게 스트레스에 대처합니까?To manage stress, I use a combination of deep breathing, getting enough rest, reading, writing, talking to others, exercising, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.스트레스 관리를 위해 심호흡, 충분한 휴식, 독서, 글쓰기, 타인과의 대화, 운동, 건강한 생활습관 유지 등의 방법을 복합적으로 사용합니다. - 240519SUN: Q790How do you cope up with so much stress? Stress is something we al..