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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240731WED: Q863

240731WED: Q863
Why do some people play with others' feelings?
왜 어떤 사람들은 다른 사람들의 감정을 가지고 놀까요?

Some people manipulate others' emotions for power or due to a lack of empathy, but it's harmful and unethical.

권력을 위해 또는 공감 부족으로 인해 다른 사람의 감정을 조작하는 사람도 있지만, 해롭고 비윤리적인 행동입니다.




240731WED: Q863

Why do some people play with others' feelings?


Not everyone enjoys toying with others' emotions.

Many people are empathetic and compassionate, aiming to support and uplift those around them.

However, some individuals engage in this behavior for various reasons.


One reason is the sense of power and control it gives them.

Manipulating someone's feelings can make them feel dominant and superior, especially if they feel powerless in other areas of their lives.


Another reason is a lack of empathy.

People who can't understand or share the feelings of others may not realize the harm they are causing.

For them, others' emotions might seem like a game.


Media can influence this behavior too.

Movies and TV shows often glamorize manipulative characters as clever and intelligent, making this behavior seem appealing to some.


However, playing with others' feelings is harmful and unethical.

It causes emotional distress and damages relationships.

Victims should set boundaries and seek support, while those with manipulative tendencies should consider professional help to address the root causes of their behavior.

Words 163 of 63312

Characters 1053 of 381630

Characters excluding spaces 903 of 323392








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