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DPM220525WED Daily Practice Materials DPM220525WED Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q111 - 220525WED Q111 - 220525WED Q111. Are there any challenges you would like to have a go at one day? 언젠가 도전해보고 싶은 일이 있나요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. One day I would really like to start my own business. I would probably start a design company. I would like to know how it feels to be my own boss. My answer to this question. Yes. There are some challenges that I would like to have a..
Question Diary 220524TUE 220524TUE 063 Would you be with someone who doesn't have the same beliefs as you? It depends on what it is and who they are. I will say yes most times because someone who doesn't have the same beliefs as me is rather helpful than interrupting me all the time. People have their own expression style so if it doesn't go with my style well, the same beliefs as mine from them will not matter. If I th..
DPM220524TUE Daily Practice Materials DPM220524TUE Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q110 - 220524TUE Q110 - 220524TUE Q110. Which do you prefer, rainy days or sunny days? 비오는 날과 맑은 날 중 어떤 날을 더 좋아하나요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. I prefer sunny days because I can go out and do anything I want. Of course, we need rain for flowers to grow, but it limits the activities I can do. My answer to this question. I prefer sunny days to rainy days since I hate the cold. Usually, i..
CNN10 영작 후 낭독 연습 CWP057 - 220523MON Jess 영작 후 낭독 연습 0523 CWP057 - 220523MON 057_220523_220407_A Storm On The Sun 1. Summary of this story : Carl started the show by mentioning spring break coming soon and stories of sun, sand, and squid. The first topic was about a warning sign for a recession. A major international bank is predicting that a recession could be on the horizon for the United States. Deutsche Bank says because inflat..
PPLEB016. 1-6 Past perfect Tense A/V-았/었었어요 - 220523MON PPLEB016. 1-6 Past perfect Tense A/V-았/었었어요 - 220523MON PPLEB016. 1-6 Past perfect Tense A/V-았/었었어요 - 220523MON 교재 페이지 56-58 Unit 1. Tenses - 06 Past perfect Tense A/V-았/었었어요 06 Past perfect Tense A/V-았/었었어요 과거 완료 시제 - Adjective (형용사) / Verb (동사) -았/었었어요 미국에 갔었어요. I have been to the U.S. (I went to, and have already returned from, the U.S.) 중국에서 살았었어요. I (have) lived in China. (I don't live in C..
Question Diary 220523MON 220523MON 062 Why did you love him? This is an ambiguous question because you don’t know who you are talking about. For Isaac, I liked his appearance firstly because he is very cute and has beautiful eyes. I like people who are kind, warmhearted and look innocent and pure.
DPM220523MON Daily Practice Materials DPM220523MON Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q109 - 220523MON Q109 - 220523MON Q109. Are you a perfectionist or fairly easygoing? 당신은 완벽주의자인가요? 아니면 꽤 느긋한 사람인가요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. I'm fairly easygoing. No one can ever be perfect, so it's best to just do as well as you can. Striving for perfection will only lead to disappointment. My answer to this question. I am surely both, but a more easy going type. I used to be quite..
Question Diary 220522SUN 220522SUN 061 Do you have the right friends? I think I have the right friends in my home country but not many here. That's why I am working on my English harder and harder. I can only get along with people who are similar to me so I am trying to make more chances to meet those people. If I talk about Korean migrants around me, it can be controversial so I won't. Some of them are surely good peop..
DPM220522SUN Daily Practice Materials DPM220522SUN Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q108 - 220522SUN Q108 - 220522SUN Q108. Have you had any memorable encounters lately? 최근에 기억에 남을 만한 만남이 있었나요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. Last week in the park, I met a woman who works for the Singapore embassy. She was fun to talk to and invited me to an event next week. My answer to this question. Yes, I have had some memorable encounters. One old guy was from Sydney and he visited m..
Question Diary 220521SAT 220521SAT 060 How do you cope up with so much stress? The best solution for coping up with too much stress for me would be good sleep. I am the one who gets stressed out too easily, so I have tried many ways. Singing along, sleeping longer, watching something that makes you forget everything, and anything distracting the bad mood helps me cope with stress. I found that I will get more stressed o..
DPM220521SAT Daily Practice Materials DPM220521SAT Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q107 - 220521SAT Q107 - 220521SAT Q107. Do you have someone you could call your best friend? 가장 친한 친구라고 부를 수 있는 사람이 있나요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. My best friend from middle school is still my best friend today. He knows me better than anyone else. I can call him and talk to him about anything. My answer to this question. Yes. I have some friends I can call my best friends. I would s..
