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Question Diary 220530MON 220530MON 069 Did you love someone and thought you would never forget him? No. I would like to say no since I can't really remember much about it. All that remains in my mind are blurred and bad memories.
DPM220530MON Daily Practice Materials DPM220530MON Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q116 - 220530MON Q116 - 220530MON Q116. Do you have any rules that you follow in your daily life? 일상생활에서 지키는 자신만의 규칙이 있나요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. I always try to arrive at meetings on time. I hate being late. I think this is one of the most important rules to follow in order to be successful. My answer to this question. Yes. I have specific and clear rules that I follow in my dail..
Question Diary 220529SUN 220529SUN What is the meaning of your life? Beautiful thing. I live to stay beautiful, helpful, inspiring, kind and lovely for the world and people around me. My life in my view is for feeling achieved, happy, proud of myself, beloved and ambitious. I love beautiful things in my life. I love food, arts, music and people. Life for everyone should be beautiful even while in disasters.
DPM220529SUN Daily Practice Materials DPM220529SUN Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q115 - 220529SUN Q115 - 220529SUN Q115. Is there anything that you should have done today? 오늘 했어야 했던 일이 있나요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. I should have dropped off my clothes at the dry cleaners today. Now I might have to wear a dirty shirt to work tomorrow. I am a bit upset. My answer to this question. Yes. There were many things I should have done today. Recently, timely and interesti..
Question Diary 220528SUN 220528SUN 067 How are you feeling right now? Worried and uncomfortable. I was in the bed to sleep but I felt uncomfortable to have a sleep because something feels like missing. I had many things going on today. Having the washer dryer delivery, ultrasound appointment, eating out, doing some postponed plans, and having a rest for myself feeling unwell after the test. I just found that I was actua..
DPM220528SAT Daily Practice Materials DPM220528SAT Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q114 - 220528SAT Q114 - 220528SAT Q114. Are you a positive or negative thinker? 당신은 긍정적으로 생각하나요, 아니면 부정적으로 생각하나요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. I like to think that I am a positive thinker. In order to be productive and get things done, I try to always focus on the positive side of life. My answer to this question. I would like to always be a positive thinker even while struggling to be ..
Question Diary 220527FRI 220527FRI 066 Eraser? No. Thanks. I was hesitating to answer this question because it was strange to ask random people out of the blue. I thought this app was perfect at the beginning but now I am getting doubtful. I still keep doing this since it has the great questions more than the strange.
DPM220527FRI Daily Practice Materials DPM220527FRI Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q113 - 220527FRI Q113 - 220527FRI Q113. What time is it? 지금 몇 시인가요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. Right now it is 12 p.m. in the daytime. There is a nice spring breeze coming through my open window. Today is a holiday, so perhaps I will take a nap. My answer to this question. It's seven twenty-eight in the morning right now. I feel like this is quite a timely question again because I am ..
Question Diary 220526THU 220526THU 065 Do you like maths? I like math. I used to like math a lot and in my memory, I was quite good at it but I have been doing nothing related to math for a long time. Learning math can seem useless in real life but it’s actually very useful to improve your thinking and comprehension abilities. I am sure that you can live a better life with a better ability in math.
DPM220526THU Daily Practice Materials DPM220526THU Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q112 - 220526THU Q112 - 220526THU Q112. When you were a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? 어린 시절, 어른이 되면 무엇이 되고 싶었나요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. When I was a child, I wanted to be a pilot. I have always had an interest in airplanes. Being able to fly an airplane is still a dream of mine. My answer to this question. What I wanted to be when I was young was changed a few t..
Question Diary 220525WED 220525WED 064 What do you think death will look like? I thought about this before, and always feel death will be truly dark and void. Just nothing. It is not really Christian’s answer for this but I can’t guess anything else even while I am a Christian. I am scared about death but I don’t think about it seriously. I just focus on what is on today, my goals, and myself.
