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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 241118MON: Q973 241118MON: Q973Have you lied recently?최근에 거짓말을 한 적이 있습니까?I haven't lied recently, as honesty is very important to me and helps build trust and strong relationships.정직함은 저에게 매우 중요하고 신뢰와 강한 관계를 구축하는 데 도움이 되기 때문에 최근에 거짓말을 한 적이 없습니다. - 241118MON: Q973Have you lied recently? No, I don’t think I’ve lied recently.Honesty is a value I hold close, and I make an effort to be truthful in everything I do.To..
Question Diary 241117SUN: Q972 241117SUN: Q972What is your strong point?당신의 강점은 무엇인가요?My strongest point is my persistence and dedication to reaching my goals, supported by my sensitivity and attention to detail.제 가장 큰 강점은 목표를 향한 끈기와 헌신이며, 이는 세심함과 꼼꼼함을 통해 뒷받침됩니다. - 241117SUN: Q972What is your strong point? My strongest point is persistence.I’m determined and willing to push through challenges to reach my goals.Once I set my ..
Question Diary 241116SAT: Q971 241116SAT: Q971Who is the person I hate the most?제가 가장 싫어하는 사람은 누구인가요?I dislike traits like rudeness, jealousy, and negativity, and I try to avoid them to treat others with respect and positivity.저는 무례함, 질투, 부정적인 태도를 싫어하고, 다른 사람을 존중하고 긍정적으로 대하기 위해 그런 사람을 피하려고 노력합니다. - 241116SAT: Q971Who is the person I hate the most? When I think about the people I’ve disliked most, it’s not pleasant, but it hel..
Question Diary 241115FRI: Q970 241115FRI: Q970What is the biggest problem you face right now?현재 직면한 가장 큰 문제는 무엇인가요?Right now, my biggest problem is balancing my course, family issues, and finding a new place to live.현재 저의 가장 큰 문제는 학업, 가족 문제, 그리고 새 집을 찾는 것을 균형 있게 관리하는 것입니다. - 241115FRI: Q970What is the biggest problem you face right now? The biggest problem I’m dealing with right now is managing my priorities and staying focus..
Question Diary 241114THU: Q969 241114THU: Q969What is the principle of your life?당신의 삶의 원칙은 무엇인가요?My life is guided by honesty, diligence, sincerity, consistency, persistence, and balanced relationships.제 삶을 이끄는 것은 정직, 성실, 진실성, 일관성, 끈기, 그리고 균형 잡힌 관계입니다. - 241114THU: Q969What is the principle of your life? The principles that guide my life are honesty, diligence, sincerity, consistency, and persistence.These values help me sta..
Question Diary 241113WED: Q968 241113WED: Q968What did you think about the most today?오늘 가장 많이 생각한 것은 무엇인가요?Today, I mostly thought about my exams and managing my tasks one step at a time.오늘 저는 시험과 해야 할 일들을 하나씩 처리하는 것에 대해 주로 생각했습니다. - 241113WED: Q968What did you think about the most today? Today, most of my thoughts were about my exams from yesterday and today.They’re really important, so I’ve been focused on doing my best an..
Question Diary 241112TUE: Q967 241112TUE: Q967What is your favorite food?가장 좋아하는 음식이 무엇인가요?I love many types of food, but right now, my favorites are malatang, salmon sashimi, and smoky barbecue.저는 다양한 종류의 음식을 좋아하지만 현재 제가 가장 좋아하는 음식은 마라탕, 연어회, 숯불 바베큐입니다. - 241112TUE: Q967What is your favorite food? It’s really hard for me to pick just one favorite food because I enjoy so many different types.Lately, though, I’ve been loving C..
Question Diary 241111MON: Q966 241111MON: Q966If you raise a child, what kind of parent would you like to be?자녀를 키운다면 어떤 부모가 되고 싶으신가요?I’d want to be a supportive and loving parent who is both a friend and a guide to my child.저는 아이의 친구이자 길잡이가 되어주는 지지해주고 사랑하는 부모가 되고 싶습니다. - 241111MON: Q966If you raise a child, what kind of parent would you like to be? If I were to raise a child, I’d want to be a parent who is both a friend and ..
Question Diary 241110SUN: Q965 241110SUN: Q965Which place makes you happy?어느 곳이 당신을 행복하게 하나요?Places like the swimming pool, nature, home, and favorite restaurants make me feel happy and relaxed.수영장, 자연, 집, 좋아하는 식당과 같은 곳이 저를 행복하고 편안하게 만듭니다. - 241110SUN: Q965Which place makes you happy? There are a few places that make me truly happy.One of them is the swimming pool.Swimming makes me feel free and relaxed, helping me clear my m..
Question Diary 241109SAT: Q964 241109SAT: Q964How was your school life?학교 생활은 어땠나요?My school life was normal with good friends and teachers, some challenges, and fun moments that shaped who I am today.제 학교 생활은 좋은 친구들과 선생님들, 몇 가지 어려움과 즐거운 순간들로 이루어진 평범한 생활이었습니다. - 241109SAT: Q964How was your school life? My school life was pretty normal, not very special but not bad either.What made it enjoyable were the friends and teachers I ..
Question Diary 241108FRI: Q963 241108FRI: Q963Please write down what you have been interested in recently.최근 관심을 갖고 있는 것을 적어주세요.Lately, I’ve been focused on swimming, improving my English, and dreaming about travel.최근에 저는 수영, 영어 실력 향상, 여행에 대한 꿈에 집중하고 있습니다. - 241108FRI: Q963Please write down what you have been interested in recently. Lately, I've been really focused on things that bring me both personal growth and enjoyment.On..
Question Diary 241107THU: Q962 241107THU: Q962Do you want to settle in one place? Or do you want to be free?한곳에 정착하고 싶나요? 아니면 자유롭게 살고 싶나요?While freedom is exciting, having a place to call home is more important for feeling happy and content.자유롭게 사는 것도 설레는 일이지만, 행복과 만족감을 위해서는 집이라 부를 수 있는 곳을 갖는 것이 더 중요합니다. - 241107THU: Q962Do you want to settle in one place? Or do you want to be free? For me, it’s a bit of both, but having a pl..
Question Diary 241106WED: Q961 241106WED: Q961What do you want to say to you after five years?5년 후의 나에게 하고 싶은 말은 무엇인가요?In five years, I’d tell myself, “You did great, stayed focused, and enjoyed the journey.”5년 후의 나에게 정말 잘해왔고, 집중하며 과정을 즐겼다고 말하고 싶습니다. - 241106WED: Q961What do you want to say to you after five years? If I could say something to myself five years from now, it would be words of encouragement and gratitude.I’d tel..
Question Diary 241105TUE: Q960 241105TUE: Q960Can you be happy if you have a lot of money?많은 돈이 있다면 행복할 수 있을까요?While money isn’t everything, it provides stability and freedom, making happiness easier to achieve.돈이 전부는 아니지만, 안정감과 자유를 제공해주어 행복에 더 쉽게 다가갈 수 있게 합니다. - 241105TUE: Q960Can you be happy if you have a lot of money? While it’s not the only factor in happiness, I do think money plays a significant role.Having financial s..
Question Diary 241104MON: Q959 241104MON: Q959If you have 100 million now in your hands, and you have to spend all of this money within today, what do you want to do?지금 1억이 손에 있고 오늘 안에 모두 써야 한다면, 어떻게 쓰고 싶나요?If I had 100 million to spend in a day, I’d focus on investments like property, stocks, and experiences that offer both enjoyment and future value.만약 하루 안에 1억을 써야 한다면, 저는 부동산, 주식 같은 투자, 그리고 즐거움과 미래 가치를 모두 제공하는 경험을 하는 것에 집중..
Question Diary 241103SUN: Q958 241103SUN: Q958Do you have recent difficulties?최근에 어려움이 있었나요?I’ve had recent challenges with relationships, but setting boundaries has helped me feel happier and more balanced.최근 대인관계에서 어려움이 있었지만, 바운더리를 설정하면서 더 행복하고 균형 잡힌 상태를 유지할 수 있게 되었습니다. - 241103SUN: Q958Do you have recent difficulties? Yes, I’ve faced some recent difficulties, mainly related to relationships.I’m generally good at managing m..
