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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 241204WED: Q989 241204WED: Q989If you were able to have any powers, what would you want?당신이 어떤 힘을 가질 수 있다면 무엇을 원하시나요?If I could have any power, I’d choose mind reading to better understand and help others.제가 힘을 가질 수 있다면 다른 사람들을 더 잘 이해하고 돕기 위해 마인드 리딩을 선택하고 싶습니다. - 241204WED: Q989If you were able to have any powers, what would you want? If I could have any superpower, I would choose the ability to read minds.The ..
Question Diary 241203TUE: Q988 241203TUE: Q988Are you unhappy if you are poor?당신은 가난하면 불행합니까?Happiness depends on many things, but financial stability helps reduce stress and enjoy life more fully.행복은 여러 가지에 달려 있지만 재정적 안정은 스트레스를 줄이고 삶을 더 온전히 즐기는 데 도움이 됩니다. - 241203TUE: Q988Are you unhappy if you are poor? While money alone doesn't guarantee happiness, it significantly affects how secure and content we feel.Having enough to me..
Question Diary 241202MON: Q987 241202MON: Q987What's wrong with you?무슨 일이 있나요?Nothing is wrong. I’m doing well and focused on finishing my course and exams.아무 문제 없습니다. 저는 잘 지내고 있고, 듣는 과정을 마치고 시험 준비에 집중하고 있습니다. - 241202MON: Q987What's wrong with you? Nothing is wrong with me.It’s a bit difficult to understand the full context of this question, but I can say that I’m doing okay and feeling quite satisfied with how things are go..
Question Diary 241201SUN: Q986 241201SUN: Q986What is life?인생이란 무엇인가요?Life is a journey of time, growth, connections, and making the most of every moment.삶은 시간, 성장, 관계, 그리고 매 순간을 최대한 즐기는 여정입니다. - 241201SUN: Q986What is life? I believe life is time itself.Every moment we experience, whether big or small, is a part of what makes up our lives.Life feels like a journey, full of opportunities to learn, grow, and try new things.It ..
Question Diary 241130SAT: Q985 241130SAT: Q985What do you think is the purpose of life?인생의 목적이 무엇이라고 생각하시나요?For me, the purpose of life is to enjoy each moment, grow, and create meaningful experiences.저에게 인생의 목적은 매 순간을 즐기고 성장하며 의미 있는 경험을 만드는 것입니다. - 241130SAT: Q985What do you think is the purpose of life? The purpose of life is different for everyone, but for me, it’s about enjoying each moment and filling my time with things..
Question Diary 241129FRI: Q984 241129FRI: Q984Do you have the reckless behavior you did recently?최근에 한 무모한 행동이 있습니까?I haven’t done anything reckless recently, but I take thoughtful risks for growth and new experiences.최근에 무모한 일을 한 적이 없지만 저는 성장과 새로운 경험을 위해 신중한 위험을 감수하는 편입니다. - 241129FRI: Q984Do you have the reckless behavior you did recently? I don’t think I’ve done anything reckless recently.While some of my actions might see..
Question Diary 241128THU: Q983 241128THU: Q983What did you most appreciate today?오늘 가장 감사한 점은 무엇인가요?Today, I appreciated being healthy, safe, and seeing my plans go smoothly.오늘 저는 건강하고 안전하고 계획이 순조롭게 진행되는 것에 감사했습니다. - 241128THU: Q983What did you most appreciate today? Today, I most appreciated that I am well and safe.It’s something I often take for granted, but when I stop to think about it, being healthy and secure is one of ..
Question Diary 241127WED: Q982 241127WED: Q982With whom did you spend the most time so far? Why?지금까지 누구와 가장 많은 시간을 보냈나요? 왜 그럴까요?I’ve spent the most time with my family because they’ve always been there for me.저는 가족과 가장 많은 시간을 함께 보냈고 그 이유는 그들이 항상 제 곁에 있었기 때문입니다. - 241127WED: Q982With whom did you spend the most time so far? Why? I believe my family is still the group of people I’ve spent the most time with so far.For more than..
Question Diary 241126TUE: Q981 241126TUE: Q981If you can change the world now, what would you like to change first?지금 세상을 바꿀 수 있다면 무엇을 먼저 바꾸고 싶으신가요?If I could change the world, I’d start by improving my surroundings to inspire positive change and create a ripple effect.만약 세상을 바꿀 수 있다면, 제 주변 환경을 개선하여 긍정적인 변화를 만들고 이를 통해 더 큰 영향을 퍼뜨리고 싶습니다. - 241126TUE: Q981If you can change the world now, what would you like to change first? If ..
Question Diary 241125MON: Q980 241125MON: Q980When do you feel comfortable?언제가 편하신가요?I feel comfortable when my body is relaxed, my mind is at ease, and I can enjoy simple, peaceful moments.저는 몸이 편안하고 마음이 평온하며, 단순하고 평화로운 순간을 즐길 수 있을 때 편안함을 느낍니다. - 241125MON: Q980When do you feel comfortable? I feel comfortable when both my body and mind are free from stress.For me, comfort means being physically relaxed and mentally at ease.I..
Question Diary 241124SUN: Q979 241124SUN: Q979If you have recently learned something new, please write it down.최근에 새로운 것을 배운 적이 있다면 적어주세요.Recently, I’ve learned patience, empathy, improved my Excel skills, and started using Xero to build confidence for my future career.최근 저는 인내와 공감에 대해 배우고, 엑셀 기술을 향상시켰으며, Xero를 사용하기 시작하면서 앞으로의 커리어에 대한 자신감을 키웠습니다. - 241124SUN: Q979If you have recently learned something new, please write it dow..
Question Diary 241123SAT: Q978 241123SAT: Q978What food do you want to eat right now?지금 어떤 음식을 먹고 싶으신가요?I’m not hungry now after dinner, but I might have some dumplings later if I feel like a snack.저녁을 먹어서 지금은 배가 고프지 않지만, 나중에 간식이 먹고 싶어지면 만두를 먹을 수도 있습니다. - 241123SAT: Q978What food do you want to eat right now? Right now, I don’t feel like eating anything because I just had dinner.I enjoyed a sushi set and some udon, which was ..
Question Diary 241122FRI: Q977 241122FRI: Q977What does your first image look like?당신의 첫인상은 어떻게 보이나요?People usually see me as kind and friendly, though I may sometimes seem reserved at first.보통은 저를 친절하고 다정하게 보지만, 가끔씩 첫인상이 조용하거나 신중해 보일 수도 있습니다. - 241122FRI: Q977What does your first image look like? My first image is usually described in a positive way.Most people see me as kind, friendly, and approachable.Sometimes, they even ..
Question Diary 241121THU: Q976 241121THU: Q976What do you think is a better life?더 나은 삶이란 무엇이라고 생각하시나요?A better life is one where you feel happy, fulfilled, and true to yourself, based on your own values and goals.더 나은 삶은 자신의 가치와 목표에 따라 행복하고 성취감을 느끼며 자신에게 진실하다고 느끼는 삶입니다. - 241121THU: Q976What do you think is a better life? I believe it’s hard to say one life is better than another because everyone has their own definition of ..
Question Diary 241120WED: Q975 241120WED: Q975Which one are you focusing on past, present and future?과거, 현재, 미래 중 어느 것에 집중하고 계신가요?I focus on the present while planning for the future and use the past only as a guide.저는 미래를 계획하면서 현재에 집중하고 과거는 참고만 하려고 합니다. - 241120WED: Q975Which one are you focusing on past, present and future? I’m mainly focused on the present.Living in the moment and making the most of each day is important t..
Question Diary 241119TUE: Q974 241119TUE: Q974Where do you want to go the most?어디를 가장 가고 싶으신가요?I want to go somewhere warm and relaxing, like a tropical beach, to unwind and enjoy nature.열대지역의 해변처럼 따뜻하고 편안한 곳에 가서 긴장을 풀고 자연을 즐기고 싶습니다. - 241119TUE: Q974Where do you want to go the most? I really want to go somewhere relaxing and beautiful, like a beach destination.The idea of sitting by the ocean, feeling the warm sun, and liste..
