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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 250105SUN: Q1021 250105SUN: Q1021Do you believe in life after death?당신은 사후의 삶을 믿습니까?I’m unsure about life after death, but I focus on living fully in the present.사후의 삶에 대해서는 확신이 없지만, 현재를 온전히 살아가는 데 집중하고 있습니다. - 250105SUN: Q1021Do you believe in life after death? I can’t say I fully believe in life after death, but I also can’t completely dismiss the idea.My thoughts on it have shifted over time. For much of my l..
Question Diary 250104SAT: Q1020 250104SAT: Q1020What is life?인생이란 무엇인가요?Life is a journey of choices, finding joy in small moments, and making each day meaningful.삶은 선택의 여정이며, 작은 순간들에서 기쁨을 찾고, 매일을 의미 있게 만드는 것입니다. - 250104SAT: Q1020What is life? Life, to me, is like a journey filled with endless opportunities and choices.Along the way, we have the freedom to decide what we want to do, who we want to become, and how we want to s..
Question Diary 250103FRI: Q1019 250103FRI: Q1019What is the biggest lesson in your life so far?지금까지 당신의 인생에서 가장 큰 교훈은 무엇입니까?The biggest lesson I’ve learned is to surround myself with good people and be a positive force in my environment.제가 배운 가장 큰 교훈은 좋은 사람들로 자신을 둘러싸고 주변 환경에 긍정적인 힘이 되는 것입니다. - 250103FRI: Q1019What is the biggest lesson in your life so far? The biggest lesson I’ve learned is the importance of surrounding myself..
Question Diary 250102THU: Q1018 250102THU: Q1018What did you learn today?오늘은 무엇을 배웠어요?Today, I learned to be more patient and improved my travel skills.오늘 저는 더 인내심을 가지는 법과 여행 기술을 향상시키는 법을 배웠습니다. - 250102THU: Q1018What did you learn today? Today, I learned to be more patient and improved my approach to traveling.It was a long journey, and while it came with its challenges, it also offered me valuable lessons. One of the key thi..
Question Diary 250101WED: Q1017 250101WED: Q1017Emotion and Reason, which one do you think is more important?감정과 이성, 어느 쪽이 더 중요하다고 생각하십니까?I believe both emotion and reason are important, and balance is key to good decisions.저는 감정과 이성이 모두 중요하며, 둘의 균형이 좋은 결정을 내리는 열쇠라고 생각합니다. - 250101WED: Q1017Emotion and Reason, which one do you think is more important? I think both emotion and reason are important, and it’s hard to choose one o..
Question Diary 241231TUE: Q1016 241231TUE: Q1016What is 'separation' to you?당신에게 '분리'란 무엇인가요?Separation is a balance between taking time for myself and staying connected with others.분리는 스스로를 위한 시간을 가지는 것과 다른 사람들과의 연결을 유지하는 것 사이의 균형을 맞추는 것입니다. - 241231TUE: Q1016What is 'separation' to you? For me, 'separation' can mean isolation, boundaries, or independence, each with its own purpose. If it’s about isolation, it can feel lonely..
Question Diary 241230MON: Q1015 241230MON: Q1015What image do you have about yourself?자신에 대해 어떤 이미지를 가지고 계신가요?I see myself as both strong and fragile, striving to balance my strengths and weaknesses.저는 자신을 강하면서도 연약한 사람으로 보고 있으며, 제 강점과 약점을 균형 있게 받아들이려고 노력합니다. - 241230MON: Q1015What image do you have about yourself? I have two contrasting images of myself. At times, I see myself as strong and mature.Someone who is capable, indep..
Question Diary 241229SUN: Q1014 241229SUN: Q1014If there is some work that you don't want to do, what is that?하기 싫은 일이 있다면, 그것은 무엇인가요?I avoid work that wastes time, focuses on negativity, or doesn’t align with my values.저는 시간을 낭비하거나, 부정적인 것에 집중하거나, 제 가치관에 맞지 않는 일을 피합니다. - 241229SUN: Q1014If there is some work that you don't want to do, what is that? I don’t want to do anything that feels like a waste of time.Time is valuable, ..
Question Diary 241228SAT: Q1013 241228SAT: Q1013What is the perfect day for you?당신에게 완벽한 날은 언제인가요?A perfect day for me is one where everything goes smoothly, I accomplish my plans, and feel fulfilled.저에게 완벽한 날은 모든 일이 순조롭게 진행되고, 모든 계획을 달성하고, 성취감을 느끼는 날입니다. - 241228SAT: Q1013What is the perfect day for you? The perfect day for me is one where everything goes smoothly, and I accomplish all the tasks and plans I set for myself.It’..
Question Diary 241227FRI: Q1012 241227FRI: Q1012What is your hope?당신의 희망은 무엇입니까?I hope to live a happy, wealthy life and make a positive impact on those around me.행복하고 부유한 삶을 살면서 주변 사람들에게 긍정적인 영향을 미치기를 바랍니다. - 241227FRI: Q1012What is your hope? My hope is to live a life that is both wealthy and happy, filled with convenience, satisfaction, and meaningful connections.I aspire to create a future where I can enjoy financial stabi..
Question Diary 241226THU: Q1011 241226THU: Q1011What are you doing now?지금 무엇을 하고 계세요?I’m doing my daily study routine and preparing to go to sleep.저는 매일 하는 공부를 하고 잠들 준비를 하고 있습니다. - 241226THU: Q1011What are you doing now? Right now, I’m working on my daily study routine, something I prioritize every single day.This time is dedicated to improving myself and staying consistent with my goals.Completing my study tasks is not just a..
Question Diary 241225WED: Q1010 241225WED: Q1010Please write down the name of one person that you are thinking of now. Why?지금 생각하고 있는 한 사람의 이름을 적어주세요. 왜요?I'm thinking of Isaac, my partner, because we’re planning a holiday together, and he brings joy and meaning to my life.저는 저의 배우자인 아이작을 생각하고 있습니다. 왜냐하면 우리가 함께 휴가를 계획하고 있기 때문입니다. 아이작은 제 삶에 기쁨과 의미를 가져다 줍니다. - 241225WED: Q1010Please write down the name of one person that you are ..
Question Diary 241224TUE: Q1009 241224TUE: Q1009If there is something you are afraid of, what is it?당신이 두려워하는 것이 있다면, 그것은 무엇입니까?I’m afraid of damaging what I value, but it motivates me to protect and care for it.저는 소중한 것을 망칠까 두렵지만, 그것을 보호하고 돌보도록 동기부여가 되기도 합니다. - 241224TUE: Q1009If there is something you are afraid of, what is it? I’m afraid of damaging my belongings, especially items I value.For example, I’m not usually scared..
Question Diary 241223MON: Q1008 241223MON: Q1008Do you love yourself?당신은 자신을 사랑하나요?Yes, I love myself by taking care of my well-being and embracing who I am.네, 저는 제 자신을 사랑하며, 제 건강을 돌보고 저 자신을 있는 그대로 받아들이고 있습니다. - 241223MON: Q1008Do you love yourself? Yes, I love myself, and I believe it’s essential for a healthy, fulfilling life.Self-love for me isn’t about being perfect but about accepting who I am and taking responsibility fo..
Question Diary 241222SUN: Q1007 241222SUN: Q1007Are you happy now?당신은 지금 행복하나요?Yes, I’m happy now because I focus on the good and choose to appreciate the present.네, 저는 지금 행복합니다. 좋은 것들에 집중하고 현재를 감사하며 살아가고 있기 때문입니다. - 241222SUN: Q1007Are you happy now? Yes, I’m happy now, and I’m grateful for it.Happiness, for me, is a choice, and I try to focus on the positive aspects of my life.I feel satisfied and fulfilled with where I am, ..
Question Diary 241221SAT: Q1006 241221SAT: Q1006What are your hobbies?당신의 취미는 무엇인가요?My main hobbies are swimming and studying English, both of which I enjoy daily as part of my personal growth.제 주된 취미는 수영과 영어 공부인데, 둘 다 개인적인 성장의 일환으로 매일 즐겁게 하고 있습니다. - 241221SAT: Q1006What are your hobbies? One of my main hobbies is swimming, and I absolutely love it.It’s not just a way to stay fit, but also a time when I can clear my mind and f..
