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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240902MON: Q896

240902MON: Q896
What do you feel right now?
지금 어떤 기분이 드세요?

I'm feeling a mix of contentment and excitement, but also a bit tired from balancing new challenges and daily tasks.

지금 전반적으로 만족하고 기대되지만, 새로운 도전과 일상적인 일들의 균형을 맞추느라 약간 피곤합니다.




240902MON: Q896

What do you feel right now?


Right now, I'm feeling a mix of emotions.

On one hand, I'm content and relatively happy with how things are going in my life.

But at the same time, I'm also quite tired.

It's hard to ignore the fatigue, especially given the circumstances.


We're at the start of a new week, and September has just begun.

This month feels like a fresh start in many ways.

It's the beginning of a new semester, which brings both excitement and a bit of nervousness as I think about the challenges and opportunities ahead.

I've been working hard to finish some assessments that have been tough for me, and while I'm relieved to be almost done with them, it's been exhausting.

Trying to juggle these assessments with my usual daily tasks has been overwhelming at times.


One reason I'm feeling so tired is that I didn't get enough sleep last night.

I stayed up later than I should have, trying to finish some last-minute work.

Now, I'm definitely feeling the effects.

My energy is lower than usual, and I'm already looking forward to getting to bed early tonight to catch up on some much-needed rest.


Despite the tiredness, I'm staying optimistic.

Overall, I'm doing okay, and I'm looking forward to the plans I have for the week and the rest of the month.

There are a few things coming up that I'm genuinely excited about, and that excitement is keeping me motivated, even on days like today when I'm feeling a bit worn out.

It's all about balancing the demands of today with the possibilities of tomorrow, and right now, I'm doing my best to navigate that balance as smoothly as I can.


Words 280 of 72484

Characters 1548 of 434370

Characters excluding spaces 1285 of 367755








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