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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240903TUE: Q897

240903TUE: Q897
What is love? Have you ever felt it?
사랑이란 무엇인가요? 느껴본 적이 있나요?

Love is the deep emotion that brings joy, meaning, and connection to our lives, making everything worthwhile.

사랑은 우리 삶에 기쁨, 의미, 연결을 가져다주어 모든 것을 가치 있게 만드는 깊은 감정입니다.




240903TUE: Q897

What is love? Have you ever felt it?


Love is one of the most powerful and complex emotions we can experience.

It impacts every aspect of our lives in ways that are both profound and subtle.

Love is what brings joy to our hearts, comfort to our souls, and meaning to our everyday lives.

When you feel love, whether it’s for a partner, a family member, a close friend, or even something you’re passionate about, it fills you with happiness and a deep sense of satisfaction.


Yes, I have felt love.

It’s an experience that is hard to describe but impossible to forget.

When you love someone or something, it has the power to uplift you, to make you feel like you can take on anything.

Love is essential to our well-being because it nourishes our spirits and gives life its deepest meaning.

It’s what helps us push through difficult times, what drives us to care for and support others, and what inspires us to be the best version of ourselves.


Love is the reason we form connections with others.

It’s what bonds us together and makes us feel less alone in the world.

Love is the foundation of our most important relationships, whether they’re with family, friends, or significant others.

It’s what makes these relationships meaningful and what keeps them strong over time.


In the end, love is what we live for.

It’s the purpose behind our actions, the reason we strive to be better, and the force that makes life truly worth living.

Whether it’s the love we receive or the love we give, it’s the most vital and enriching part of our human experience.

Love is the heartbeat of our existence, the driving force behind our most meaningful actions, and the essence of what it means to live a fulfilling life.


Words 296 of 72802

Characters 1647 of 436138

Characters excluding spaces 1368 of 369229








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