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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240831SAT: Q894

240831SAT: Q894
The Japanese say you have three faces: The first face you show to the world.
The second face, you show to your close friends and family.
The third face, you never show to anyone. It is the truest reflection of who you are.
What are your three faces?
일본인들은 우리에게 세 개의 얼굴이 있다고 말합니다: 첫 번째 얼굴은 세상에 보여주는 얼굴입니다. 두 번째 얼굴은 친한 친구와 가족에게 보여줍니다. 세 번째 얼굴은 아무에게도 보여주지 않는, 자신이 누구인지에 대한 가장 진실된 모습입니다. 당신의 세 얼굴은 무엇인가요?

I haven't fully explored my three faces, but I strive to be genuine and consistent across all my interactions.

저는 아직 세 가지 얼굴을 완전히 탐구하지 못했지만, 모든 상황에서 진실되고 일관되게 행동하려고 노력합니다.




240831SAT: Q894

The Japanese say you have three faces: The first face you show to the world.

The second face, you show to your close friends and family.

The third face, you never show to anyone. It is the truest reflection of who you are.

What are your three faces?


The concept that the Japanese describe as having three faces is a fascinating idea.

It suggests that we present different aspects of ourselves depending on the situation and the people we are with.


I haven’t given much thought to these three faces in my own life.

Previously, I’ve encountered this concept, but it didn’t strike me as particularly crucial.

My focus has always been on being a trustworthy and genuine person, rather than maintaining different personas.

Although I acknowledge that there might be slight variations in how I interact with strangers, friends, family, or when I'm alone, I don't necessarily see these as distinct faces.

Rather, they are different facets of my personality, influenced by context and comfort levels.


If pressed to define my three faces, I might default to the examples provided by the Japanese saying.

However, I prefer to think that these aspects of my identity are not completely separate or hidden from one another.

Instead, they blend together, reflecting a spectrum of who I am across different situations.

My goal is not to have multiple faces but to be as consistent and authentic in every aspect of my life, adapting naturally to the circumstances without losing the essence of who I am.


Words 205 of 71801

Characters 1228 of 430286

Characters excluding spaces 1034 of 364280








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