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1_____PPLE/Korean Textbook 1 (2202-)

PPLEB104 21-1 A/V-군요/는군요 - 230330THU

PPLEB104 21-1 A/V-군요/는군요 - 230330THU

PPLEB104 21-1 A/V-군요/는군요 - 230330THU

교재 페이지 304-305

Unit 21. Discovery and Surprise - 1 A/V-군요/는군요


1 A/V-군요/는군요

Adjective (형용사) / Verb (동사) -군요/는군요

눈이 나쁘군요.

Your vision is bad indeed.


아이스크림을 좋아하는군요.

You really like ice cream!


감기에 걸렸군요.

I see you've caught a cold.

** Grammar Focus


-군요/는군요 is used to express surprise or wonder upon learning something new either by direct observation or experience or by hearing about it from someone else.

It corresponds to 'I see (that)', 'indeed', 'how', or simply an exclamation point (!) in English.

For adjectives, is added to the stem, while for verbs, -는군요 is added.

This expression can also attach to nouns by adding (이)군요.

To express the past tense, it is added to the past tense ending to form -았/었군요.


-Adjective + 군요

크다 + -군요 → 크군요


-Verb + 는군요

먹다 + -는군요 → 먹는군요


+Base Form / -군요

학생이다 / 학생이군요

의사이다 / 의사(이)군요

피곤하다 / 피곤하군요

덥다 / 덥군요


+Base Form / -는군요

가다 / 가는군요

사다 / 사는군요

운동하다 / 운동하는군요

*만들다 / 만드는군요


* Irregular form

** In Conversation


A 부디 씨가 이번에 차를 또 바꿨어요.

A Budi has changed vehicles again.

B 그래요? 부디 씨는 정말 돈이 많군요.

B Really? Budi really does have a lot of money!


A 댄 씨, 인사하세요. 이분이 우리 회사 사장님이세요.

A Dane, please say hello. This is our company president.

B 아, 사장님이시군요. 안녕하세요.

B Oh, the company president! Nice to meet you.


A 우산 있어요? 지금 밖에 비가 와요.

A Do you have an umbrella? It's raining outside now.

B 정말 비가 오는군요. 우산이 없는데 어떻게 하죠?

B Wow, it's really raining! I don't have an umbrella, so what shall I do?

** Check It Out!


In the informal plain style, 군요 changes to -구나/군 in the case of adjectives, -는구나/-는군 in the case of verbs, and -(이)구나/(이)군 in the case of nouns.


A 저 아이가 제 동생이에요.

That boy/girl is my little brother/sister.

B (혼잣말로) 아, 저 아이가 동생이구나.

(To oneself) Oh, so that's his/her little brother/sister


A 엄마, 오늘 학교에서 일이 있어서 늦게 왔어요.

Mom, today I was busy at school, and that's why I'm late.

B. 그래서 늦었구나.

Okay, so (I see) that's why you're late.

** 오늘의 연습 문제

Today's practice - On Your Own

Read the following dialogues and fill in the blanks using-군요/는군요.



A 오늘 아침에 출근하는 데 한 시간이나 걸렸어요.

B 그래요? 월요일이어서 길이 많이 _________________. (막히다)

-> 막히는군요



A 제 여자 친구 사진이에요.

B 여자 친구가 _________________ (예쁘다)

-> 예쁘군요



A 요즘 사람들이 노란색 옷을 많이 입어요.

B 요즘 노란색이 _________________ (유행하다)

-> 유행하는군요



A 점심시간인데 밥 안 먹어요?

B 아, 벌써 _________________ (점심시간이다)

-> 점심시간이군요


