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Question Diary 250219WED: Q1066 250219WED: Q1066What would you like to tell yourself in the future?미래의 나에게 어떤 말을 해주고 싶나요?I want to tell my future self, "Well done, keep going, and be kind to yourself."저는 미래의 저에게 "잘했어, 계속 나아가고, 자신에게 친절하게 대해줘." 라고 말해주고 싶습니다. - 250219WED: Q1066What would you like to tell yourself in the future? I would like to say, "Well done."No matter where I am or what I have achieved, I want to acknowledge my..
Question Diary 250218TUE: Q1065 250218TUE: Q1065What is your latest accomplishment?최근에 이룬 성과는 무엇입니까?My latest accomplishment is learning new skills and becoming physically stronger.제 최근 성과는 새로운 기술을 배우고 신체적으로 강해진 것입니다. - 250218TUE: Q1065What is your latest accomplishment? Recently, I’ve learned some new skills and experienced new things, which I consider a big accomplishment.Gaining new knowledge and stepping out of my comfort ..
Question Diary 250217MON: Q1064 250217MON: Q1064What is your dream?당신의 꿈은 무엇입니까?My dream is to live a peaceful, stable life with a loving family, financial freedom, and the ability to help others.제 꿈은 사랑하는 가족, 경제적 자유, 그리고 다른 사람들을 도울 수 있는 능력을 갖춘 평화롭고 안정적인 삶을 사는 것입니다. - 250217MON: Q1064What is your dream? My dream is to live a comfortable and peaceful life surrounded by the things and people I love. I hope to own buildings for f..
Question Diary 250216SUN: Q1063 250216SUN: Q1063What are your bad habits?당신의 나쁜 습관은 무엇입니까?I tend to dwell on past negative experiences, but I’m working on letting go.저는 과거의 부정적인 경험을 자꾸 떠올리는 편이지만, 놓아주는 연습을 하고 있습니다. - 250216SUN: Q1063What are your bad habits? I have some bad habits, mostly related to my thoughts and mindset.One of them is that I tend to dwell on past experiences, especially those that made me feel bad or offende..
Question Diary 250215SAT: Q1062 250215SAT: Q1062What are you able to do the best?당신이 가장 잘할 수 있는 것은 무엇입니까?I'm best at organizing data and staying persistent with my goals.저는 데이터를 정리하는 것과 목표를 꾸준히 실천하는 것을 가장 잘합니다. - 250215SAT: Q1062What are you able to do the best? One of the things I do best is keeping records and organizing data.I enjoy structuring information in a clear and efficient way, making it easier to track and understa..
Question Diary 250214FRI: Q1061 250214FRI: Q1061What is the greatest gift you have ever received or given?당신이 지금까지 받았거나 받은 가장 큰 선물은 무엇입니까?My latest trip was the greatest gift because the experience and memories were priceless.최근 여행이 가장 큰 선물이었습니다. 여행에서 만든 경험과 추억이 매우 소중했기 때문입니다. - 250214FRI: Q1061What is the greatest gift you have ever received or given? I think the greatest gift I have ever received was my latest trip.It wasn’t..
Question Diary 250213THU: Q1060 250213THU: Q1060What do you think the world must have?세상에는 무엇이 있어야 한다고 생각하십니까?The world must have love, sympathy, peace, and education for a better future.더 나은 미래를 위해 세상에는 사랑, 공감, 평화, 그리고 교육이 필요합니다. - 250213THU: Q1060What do you think the world must have? I believe the world must have love, sympathy, peace, and education.These four things are essential for creating a better and more balanced wor..
Question Diary 250212WED: Q1059 250212WED: Q1059Is there anyone who is bothering you? Why?당신을 괴롭히는 사람이 있나요? 왜요?A coworker’s mean behavior bothers me, but I focus on my work and stay positive.동료의 무례한 행동이 신경 쓰이지만, 저는 제 일에 집중하고 긍정적으로 생각하려고 합니다. - 250212WED: Q1059Is there anyone who is bothering you? Why? Yes, one of my coworkers has been bothering me because he is quite mean.His attitude and behavior make things uncomfortable at ..
Question Diary 250211TUE: Q1058 250211TUE: Q1058How can you express the future in three words?미래를 세 단어로 어떻게 표현할 수 있을까요?The future is full of hope, growth, and endless possibilities.미래는 희망, 성장, 끝없는 가능성으로 가득 차 있습니다. - 250211TUE: Q1058How can you express the future in three words? I would describe the future with three words, Hope, Growth, and Possibilities. Hope represents the belief that good things are ahead.No matter what cha..
Question Diary 250210MON: Q1057 250210MON: Q1057Please write down one secret you have.당신이 가진 비밀 하나를 적어 주세요.If I have a secret, I’d rather keep it to myself.만약 비밀이 있다면, 그냥 간직하고 싶습니다. - 250210MON: Q1057Please write down one secret you have. I don’t really have many secrets, and even if I did, once I share them, they wouldn’t be secrets anymore.Some things are just personal thoughts or experiences that I prefer to keep to myself ..
Question Diary 250209SUN: Q1056 250209SUN: Q1056Who has had the greatest impact on your life direction?당신의 인생 방향에 가장 큰 영향을 미친 사람은 누구입니까?My partner, closest friends, teachers, and myself have all shaped my life direction.제 배우자, 가장 가까운 친구들, 선생님들, 그리고 저 자신, 이 모두가 제 인생의 방향을 결정해 주었습니다. - 250209SUN: Q1056Who has had the greatest impact on your life direction? Many people have influenced my life in different ways, but the ones who ha..
CNN10 STUDY 인증기록 202501 2025년 1월 인증기록2025.01.01.-2025.01.31.  바쁜 일상에 귀한 시간 내어서 다같이 열심히 공부하고 계신 모든 스터디회원분들 항상 응원하고 감사합니다. 방 개설부터 현재까지 전체 출결 기록https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1aydUoUVHf1SAT4KCGltCUPiCf-3S_zE6z17OO7UzIEA/edit?usp=sharing LET'S STUDY CNN 10 인증기록ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZAAABACADAEAFAGAHAIAJAKALAMANAOAPAQARASATAUAVAWAXAYAZBABBBCBDBEBFBGBHBIBJBKBLBMBNBOBPBQBRBSBTBUBVBWBXBYBZCACBCCCDCECFCGCHCICJCKCLCMC..
Question Diary 250208SAT: Q1055 250208SAT: Q1055Who gave you the most happiness? Why?누가 당신에게 가장 큰 행복을 주었나요? 그 이유는 무엇인가요?Isaac gave me the most happiness because he is my partner and has always been there for me.아이작은 제 배우자로서 항상 제 곁에 있어 주었기에 저에게 가장 큰 행복을 주었습니다. - 250208SAT: Q1055Who gave you the most happiness? Why? I would say Isaac gave me the most happiness because he is my partner.We have spent a long time together, sharing ..
Question Diary 250207FRI: Q1054 250207FRI: Q1054What did you most appreciate today?오늘 무엇을 가장 감사하게 여겼나요?I appreciated my work, a good meal, and some restful time today.오늘은 일, 맛있는 식사, 그리고 휴식할 수 있는 시간에 감사했습니다. - 250207FRI: Q1054What did you most appreciate today? Today had its ups and downs, but I appreciate everything I experienced.Even on days that aren’t perfect, I try to focus on the good moments and be grateful for what I ha..
Question Diary 250206THU: Q1053 250206THU: Q1053Have you been in tears recently?최근에 눈물을 흘린 적이 있나요?I haven’t been in tears recently because I’ve been too busy to watch anything emotional.최근에는 너무 바빠서 감동적인 것을 볼 시간이 없었기 때문에 눈물을 흘린 적이 없습니다. - 250206THU: Q1053Have you been in tears recently? No, I haven’t been in tears recently.Lately, I’ve been busy, so I haven’t had the time to watch anything emotional enough to make me tear up. N..
Question Diary 250205WED: Q1052 250205WED: Q1052What is your most memorable childhood experience?어린 시절 가장 기억에 남는 경험은 무엇입니까?Hiking to my grandmother’s mountain farm every weekend and performing after lunch are my most memorable childhood experiences.매주 할머니의 산속 텃밭에 등산을 가던 일과 점심 식사 후 작은 공연을 했던 순간이 가장 기억에 남는 어린 시절 경험입니다. - 250205WED: Q1052What is your most memorable childhood experience? I have countless childhood memories, so it’..
