전체 글 (2273) 썸네일형 리스트형 Question Diary 250127MON: Q1043 250127MON: Q1043What is one word you don’t want to hear, even as a joke? 농담으로라도 듣고 싶지 않은 단어는 무엇인가요?I don’t want to hear anything discouraging or hurtful, even as a joke.농담으로라도 낙담시키거나 상처를 주는 말은 듣고 싶지 않습니다. - 250127MON: Q1043What is one word you don’t want to hear, even as a joke? I don’t like hearing anything that puts me down or discourages me, even if it’s meant as a joke.I can’t think of a .. Question Diary 250126SUN: Q1042 250126SUN: Q1042Where do you place the most emphasis in your life, the past, the present or the future?당신의 삶에서 과거, 현재 또는 미래 중에서 가장 중점을 두는 곳은 어디입니까?I focus on the present but also plan for the future while learning from the past.저는 보통은 현재에 집중하지만 또한 과거로부터 배우면서 미래를 계획합니다. - 250126SUN: Q1042Where do you place the most emphasis in your life, the past, the present or the future? I focus most on the pr.. Question Diary 250125SAT: Q1041 250125SAT: Q1041What is the biggest difference between how others see you and how you see yourself?다른 사람들이 나를 보는 방식과 나 자신을 보는 방식의 가장 큰 차이점은 무엇입니까?People see me as quiet and calm, but I know I’m stronger and more resilient than they think.사람들은 저를 조용하고 차분한 사람으로 보지만, 저는 생각보다 더 강하고 회복력이 뛰어나다는 것을 알고 있습니다. - 250125SAT: Q1041What is the biggest difference between how others see you and how you see your.. Question Diary 250124FRI: Q1040 250124FRI: Q1040Do you have anything you wanted to do for a long while? Why didn't you do that so far?오랫동안 하고 싶었던 일이 있나요? 왜 지금까지 하지 않았나요?I want to start my own business, but fear of failure has held me back.저는 사업을 시작하고 싶지만 실패에 대한 두려움 때문에 망설이고 있습니다. - 250124FRI: Q1040Do you have anything you wanted to do for a long while? Why didn't you do that so far? I can’t think of anything specific I’ve been.. Question Diary 250123THU: Q1039 250123THU: Q1039What is the first thing you did when you got up this morning?오늘 아침에 일어났을 때 가장 먼저 한 일은 무엇인가요?I started my day checking my phone, then played Nonogram for fun.휴대폰을 확인하며 하루를 시작한 다음 재미로 노노그램을 플레이했습니다. - 250123THU: Q1039What is the first thing you did when you got up this morning? The first thing I did this morning was check my phone.It’s a habit I’ve picked up, and I usually start by.. Question Diary 250122WED: Q1038 250122WED: Q1038What made you dissatisfied recently?최근에 불만족스러웠던 점은 무엇인가요?I felt dissatisfied recently when someone broke a promise because I value trust and respect.신뢰와 존중을 중시하기 때문에 최근에 누군가가 약속을 어겼을 때 불만스러웠습니다. - 250122WED: Q1038What made you dissatisfied recently? I often feel dissatisfied with certain things, but I also find joy in small, positive moments.Recently, I was disappointed when some.. Question Diary 250121TUE: Q1037 250121TUE: Q1037What is the best place that you have been to? Why?가본 곳 중 가장 좋았던 곳은 어디인가요? 그 이유는 무엇인가요?A sky-high restaurant in Sydney is my favorite place because of its tender steak, stunning views, and unforgettable atmosphere.시드니의 초고층 레스토랑은 부드러운 스테이크와 멋진 전망, 잊을 수 없는 분위기 때문에 가장 좋아하는 장소입니다. - 250121TUE: Q1037What is the best place that you have been to? Why? It’s hard to choose, but one of the .. [CNN10 대본 113] Season's Most Significant Storm Yet Question Diary 250120MON: Q1036 250120MON: Q1036Do you think the 'you' at present time is the person you wanted to be in the past?현재의 당신이 과거에 당신이 되고 싶었던 사람이라고 생각하십니까?I'm not exactly who I wanted to be, but I'm still growing and learning.저는 제가 되고 싶었던 사람은 아니지만, 여전히 성장하고 배우고 있습니다. - 250120MON: Q1036Do you think the 'you' at present time is the person you wanted to be in the past? No, I don’t think I’m the person I wanted to be.Wh.. Question Diary 250119SUN: Q1035 250119SUN: Q1035Can a person live without love?사람이 사랑 없이 살 수 있을까요?A person might survive without love, but life would feel lonely and less meaningful.사람은 사랑 없이도 살아남을 수 있지만, 삶은 외롭고 덜 의미 있게 느껴질 것입니다. - 250119SUN: Q1035Can a person live without love? Whether a person can live without love is a tricky question.While I believe in the idea behind “All you need is love”, I also think it’s possible to s.. Question Diary 250118SAT: Q1034 250118SAT: Q1034Name three gifts that you wish to have the most.가장 갖고 싶은 선물 세 가지를 말하세요.I wish for a house, a quiet electric car with a sleek black exterior, and a shopping complex.집, 세련된 검은색 외관의 조용한 전기차, 그리고 쇼핑 센터를 원합니다. - 250118SAT: Q1034Name three gifts that you wish to have the most. If I could choose three gifts that I wish for the most, the first would definitely be a house.Right now, I’m a.. Question Diary 250117FRI: Q1033 250117FRI: Q1033Do you believe in destiny?여러분은 운명을 믿나요?I believe in destiny, but I also think our actions shape the outcome.저는 운명을 믿지만, 우리의 행동이 그 결과를 만들어낸다고도 생각합니다. - 250117FRI: Q1033Do you believe in destiny? Yes, I believe in destiny, but not entirely.To me, destiny is something that exists alongside human effort and choice.While there are certain moments or paths in life that feel inevitable,.. Question Diary 250116THU: Q1032 250116THU: Q1032Have you ever suffered difficulties recently?최근에 어려움을 겪은 적이 있습니까?I’ve faced some minor challenges recently, but I’m staying persistent and moving forward.최근 몇 가지 사소한 어려움에 직면했지만, 끈기 있게 앞으로 나아가고 있습니다. - 250116THU: Q1032Have you ever suffered difficulties recently? I haven’t faced any major difficulties recently, but like anyone else, I’ve had some minor challenges.It’s natural to e.. Question Diary 250115WED: Q1031 250115WED: Q1031What do you do during the break?쉬는 시간에는 무엇을 하시나요?During breaks, I balance planning, learning, and resting to stay refreshed and productive.쉬는 시간 동안 계획, 학습, 휴식의 균형을 맞춰 회복과 함께 생산적인 상태를 유지합니다. - 250115WED: Q1031What do you do during the break? During my breaks, I like to keep things balanced between productivity and relaxation.It’s a time for me to reset, catch up on what’s importan.. Question Diary 250114TUE: Q1030 250114TUE: Q1030Who do you want to be with?누구와 함께 있고 싶으세요?I want to be with people who inspire me and help me grow.저는 저에게 영감을 주고 성장하는 데 도움을 주는 사람들과 함께하고 싶습니다. - 250114TUE: Q1030Who do you want to be with? I want to be with people I can learn from.They are those who inspire, challenge, and help me grow.Lifelong learning is a priority for me, and being around people with different perspectives and.. Question Diary 250113MON: Q1029 250113MON: Q1029If you had to express yourself in one word (sentence), what would it be?한 단어(문장)로 자신을 표현해야 한다면 무엇을 표현하시겠습니까?I would express myself as persistent, yet fragile, balancing strength and vulnerability in life.저는 자신을 끈기 있으면서도 연약한 사람으로 표현하고 싶습니다. 이는 삶에서 강인함과 연약함을 균형 있게 가지고 있음을 의미합니다. - 250113MON: Q1029If you had to express yourself in one word (sentence), what would it be? If I had to e.. 이전 1 2 3 4 ··· 143 다음