분류 전체보기 (2256) 썸네일형 리스트형 영어 일기 Q013 - 220216WED Q013 - 220216WED Q013. Do you have any hobbies? 취미가 있나요? Q013. Do you have any hobbies? I used to enjoy various hobbies regularly, but after Covid-19 outbreaks, I stopped almost all of them. It was lucky that I could start this English journey not long after it, so I could have a more productive and fulfilling time. I love singing, drawing, working on my computer, swimming, ballet and pilates cl.. 영어 일기 Q012 - 220215TUE Q012 - 220215TUE Q012. Do you believe in fortune-telling? 점을 믿나요? This routine is always uploaded with another routine, which is daily reading practice of a 60 days curriculum book. That one is now on the 12th day and one day ahead from this. So I am writing one more answer today because I just felt like proceeding the same day count for the two, then It allows me to remember easier. In my previ.. 영어 일기 Q011 - 220215TUE Q011 - 220215TUE Q011. What is your favorite color? 어떤 색을 좋아하나요? My favorite color is black. It is neat, long-lasting, and just cool. And suits all the other colors. I also like brown, navy colors for similar reasons. The author's favorite color is blue. It is the color that they like to wear, and they think it is the color which makes them relaxed and comfortable. When I was younger, I used to .. CNN10 영작 후 낭독 연습 CWP043 - 220214MON CWP043 - 220214MON 043_220214_220112_A Missile Test And Fish Try To Drive | January 12, 2022 1. Summary of this story : Carl started the objective source for world news on Wednesday with a report on a new missile test by North Korea. The secretive communist country reportedly launched a ballistic missile on Tuesday that traveled from the northern part of the nation to the ocean between North Kor.. 영어 일기 Q010 - 220214MON Q010 - 220214MON Q010. Are you happy or unhappy with your current self? 현재 자신의 모습이 만족스러운가요, 아니면 불만족스러운가요? I like my previous answer from 2 years ago, which I would like to write the same today again. I am always happy with my current self, also will have been. But I want to be better and improve everyday. The author's answer was also similar to mine. Overall, They are happy with their current s.. 영어 일기 Q009 - 220213SUN Q009 - 220213SUN Q009. If you were granted one wish, what would you wish for? 한 가지 소원이 허락된다면, 어떤 소원을 빌 건가요? I would wish for a superpower which is able to read people's minds whenever I want. I can be as rich as I want and distinguish who is a really good person. This was my previous answer 2 years ago and still it should be the best wish in my head now. The author said, I would wish for people’.. 영어 일기 Q008 - 220212SAT Q008 - 220212SAT Q008. Is there anything that is just “non-negotiable” for you? 절대 ‘양보할 수 없는’것이 있나요? I believe manners and respecting each other’s boundaries are the most important part in any relationship, not only for strangers but also for family and anyone you are close with. This manner of thinking is the most non-negotiable thing in my life. Since everyone has the right to be respected, of.. 영어 일기 Q007 - 220211FRI Q007 - 220211FRI Q007. What are you into these days? 요즘 무엇에 빠져 있나요? This morning when I was on the way to work on the bus, I was thinking about this question and what I am really into nowadays. I wish I could say I am really into improving my skills for my work, but to be honest, I think I am still really into improving my English more than work. I have been trying to improve my English as hard .. 영어 일기 Q006 - 220210THU Q006 - 220210THU Q006. What was the most expensive thing that you bought today? 오늘 산 물건 중에 가장 비싼 것은 무엇이었나요? Today and the day I answered this question last time, both days I bought nothing. I didn’t spend any money today but I did spend a large amount of money yesterday. I transferred the rent yesterday and also exchanged currency a lot. I bought a bottle of probiotic capsules on the day before .. 영어 일기 Q005 - 220209WED Q005 - 220209WED Q005. What is your favorite sport? 좋아하는 운동은 무엇인가요? I am not really talented physically but still enjoy some easy life sports. Last time for this answer, I wrote about swimming. I am not great at it but I still like to swim. I enjoy riding bicycles as well and also I hope I can make time for dance class I used to take for fun. From a sample diary entry, their favorite sport is ba.. 영어 일기 Q004 - 220208TUE Q004 - 220208TUE Q004. What three words would you use to describe today? 오늘을 세 단어로 표현한다면, 어떤 단어를 쓸 건가요? I had to skip this routine yesterday since I was almost dying with my exhausted body. To be honest, yesterday wasn’t a very good day to describe and choose words for it, but today was an unbelievably amazing and grateful day. I would describe today as having been “proud”, because I did a great.. 영어 일기 Q003 - 220207MON Q003 - 220207MON Q003. Have you talked to anyone over the phone today? 오늘 누구와 전화로 이야기한 적이 있나요? Actually, I haven’t talked to anyone on the phone today. I usually have to talk with many customers on the workplace’s phone all day. Some of my friends love to talk on the phone, and we used to be talking on the phone for more than a couple of hours. I am busy with work, study and tasks nowadays so I .. 영어 일기 Q002 - 220206SUN Q002 - 220206SUN Q002. If you could cry on anyone’s shoulder, whose would it be? 누군가에게 하소연할 수 있다면, 그게 누가 될 수 있나요? I would cry on my partner Isaac’s shoulder. He is always supportive and solves my problems. Also, my older sister would be another person I can rely on. She is overseas and we can only talk on video call, but we still look after each other. Some close friends of mine will also make m.. 영어 일기 Q001 - 220205SAT Q001 - 220205SAT Q001. Where would you like to visit the most? 가장 방문해보고 싶은 곳은 어디인가요? I would most like to visit Fiji. It is one of the most beautiful and relaxing places in the world. I’d like to take in the beautiful scenery there and try some traditional foods too. I used to work on this book almost 2 years ago, but I stopped doing it because I lost motivation. Now, I resume this work again an.. 하루 3줄 영어 일기 - 한빛비즈 하루 3줄 영어 일기 - 한빛비즈 하루 3줄 영어 일기 시작 220205 2022년 2월 5일, 소개로 우연히 들어가게 된 '매일 영어 읽기 + 일기 쓰기' 라는 카톡 그룹챗에 일기를 어떻게 쓸까 하다가 방 책꽂이 깊숙한 곳 잠들어 있던 책이 떠올랐다. 영어하루 3줄 영어 일기 라는 영작연습용 질문과 샘플 답변이 366일치 들어있는 영작용 교재를 (2017년 출판, 2018년 구입) 2년 전쯤에 아이잭이랑 같이 매일 꾸준히 해보려다가 몇주 못가고 오래 묵혀두고 있었던 게 생각났고 바로 그날 스터디 카톡방에 인증을 시작했다. 초반에는 1분을 넘길 줄 알고 적당히 썼는데 막상 낭독 녹음을 해보니 1분을 애매하게 못넘겨서 넉넉하게 1,000자 이상을 써서 넘기기 시작했고 현재 10일차에 접어들었다. (2202.. CNN10 영작 후 낭독 연습 CWP042 - 220207MON CWP042 - 220207MON 042_220207_220111_Two Sleeps A Day? | January 11, 2022 1. Summary of this story : First topic was about a meeting held by a US government official and a Russian government official. Main focus for it was about the Ukraine conflict situation. There has been international tensions in Ukraine, in addition to the civil conflict taking place inside Ukraine. Second topic was about c.. 이전 1 ··· 126 127 128 129 130 131 132 ··· 141 다음