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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 230211SAT: Q327 230211SAT: Q327 Please write down one secret you have. I don't think it can be a secret if I can write it down in public. People love to know about other people's secrets and gossips though, I would rather not to know because knowing someone's secret is a kind of burden. To make this scroll longer, I might write down something minor that relates to my personal story. I am a very ambitious person..
Question Diary 230210FRI: Q326 230210FRI: Q326 Who has had the greatest impact on your life direction? At first, I was thinking I don't have any specific person who has had the greatest impact on my life direction because I am the first person who decides everything in my life, but I have had some people who made a positive impact on my life and who I should appreciate still. Some authors that wrote my favorite books, my home..
Question Diary 230209THU: Q325 230209THU: Q325 Who gave you the most happiness? Why? I believe Isaac is the one who gave me the most happiness aside from me, because in recent years, he has been the person who spends the biggest effort and time to make me happy. I am really thankful for him trying hard to make sure that I always stay happy. That's something I should consider as a blessing in my life. I am quite an individuali..
Question Diary 230208WED: Q324 230208WED: Q324 What did you most appreciate today? I just started my day, so I would talk about what I most appreciated yesterday instead. The most appreciated event was definitely that I safely received all the items that I ordered from South Korea, and they look beautiful and a lot better than I expected. Retail therapy is definitely what makes your life wonderful and satisfying instantly. Ev..
Question Diary 230207TUE: Q323 230207TUE: Q323 Have you been in tears recently? Of course, yes. As I have written about this quite many times already, I am a person who is full of emotions and crying easily, laughing more easily, getting upset, or feeling sympathy. I wouldn't detail the reason why I was tearing last time because it is a bit too much information and quite a personal story. I don't cry loud but just cry in mute..
Question Diary 230206MON: Q322 230206MON: Q322 What is your most memorable childhood experience? It's hard to choose just one because I have many memories that I consider memorable though, I would choose one of the family times doing something together when I was a little. I sang and danced a lot in front of my family, we drew our own cartoon books together, watched animations and movies together, went out to have various act..
Question Diary 230205SUN: Q321 230205SUN: Q321 Did you have any experience that changed you in recent times? I would say yes, because I think even minor experiences change me somehow. I had a big argument yesterday, finished my long term project yesterday as well, met new people a lot at my work as usual, had some conversations with my new friends, and many different things are happening every single day. I don't think recent..
Question Diary 230204SAT 230204SAT 320 Would you challenge if the chances of success and failure are 50:50? Yes, I would challenge if the chances of success and failure are 50:50. That's truly who I am, always trying adventures and challenges. I always try something if I hesitate whether I try or not, because I know I will regret more when I don't even though I fail. I don't think 50 percent of failure is not critical b..
Question Diary 230203FRI 230203FRI 319 What does friendship mean to you? Friendship is a kind of making another family. You can see your friends as team members or family members, someone you can spend time with enjoying various things like food, information, goals, emotions, and almost everything. Friendship is another type of love. It's like growing plants so you need to keep on watching and have enough affection. For..
Question Diary 230202THU 230202THU 318 What do you think of the most when you are alone? When I am alone, I don't see very big differences because I just think the same things unless I am concentrating on listening to someone's story. I usually think about my to-do list whenever I have time. I usually think about what I should do next and check my memo app on my smartphone. I remind myself of my ultimate goals, this yea..
Question Diary 230201WED 230201WED 317 Please describe yourself using what you have & (own) now. This is quite a creative question. I am very helpful, like a smartphone. You can find various features and it's quite fast whatever you expect it to do. You can get addicted easily but it has limited time to use so it needs to be recharged for enough time. Many features are quite useful but not many people use all of them.
Question Diary 230131TUE 230131TUE 316 What do you think you should do to be happier? Healthier lifestyles will make me happier. I think I should sleep more to be happier, but at the same time, I think I should sleep less to be happier, so I just keep my lifestyle as it is. I should make more time to laugh, eat healthier, stay more positive and productive, and think positive and optimistic. I think I am still happy enou..
Question Diary 230130MON 230130MON 315 What do you do in your free time? I usually think about my plans and check my to-do list, it sounds like workaholic though, that's who I am actually. If I don't do anything productive and entirely enjoy my free time, mainly I sleep on the couch or in my bed, sometimes watch random YouTube videos, online surfing looking for something that I am interested in. For the next five years,..
Question Diary 230129SUN 230129SUN 314 What gift have you wanted to receive the most? It might be buildings, methods bringing me passive incomes or money trees if I can choose anything. In realistic ways, actually I have received anything I wanted to receive. Isaac gets me anything I want to have. My car, computer, macbook, air fryer, wallet, anything fancy and expensive that I wanted to have. What a good life I am livi..
Question Diary 230128SAT 230128SAT 313 What is the one word that you do not want to hear even as a joke? I have several words that I don't want to hear even as a joke of course, but I don't want to write because it doesn't feel good to see those words. I hate people cursing too often and disrespectful in public. It looks really vulgar and pathetic and is the last thing I want to see from my people. Talking about my fami..
Question Diary 230127FRI 230127FRI 312 Where do you place the most emphasis in your life, the past, the present or the future? I always want to place the most emphasis in my life in the present because I believe that it is the best way to stay happy. I remember the really good quotes about this question. Depressed people live in the past, anxious people live in the future, and happy people live in the present. Sometimes..
