3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-) (1102) 썸네일형 리스트형 Question Diary 230316THU: Q360 230316THU: Q360 Do you believe in 'miracles"? Yes, I do believe in miracles. I would like to say why not? to the questioner. Just meeting someone by accident can be a miracle, some events that you have been looking forward to happen also can be a miracle. Some people would say that any moment that they are breathing and alive is also a miracle. It can be dramatic or huge, but something minor cou.. Question Diary 230315WED: Q359 230315WED: Q359 What was your experience of first love? Now that I can't really remember much about my first love, I don't know and don't even care actually which person, which relationship could be called as my first love, to be honest. It could be the cute boy that I liked because of his appearance when I was in grade 5 in elementary school. It could be the person among two other different boy.. Question Diary 230314TUE: Q358 230314TUE: Q358 What have you continued to do for the longest time? What I have continued to do for the longest time in my life is definitely breathing and staying alive. I can't list anything else if it should be the longest one. I used to be a quitter for a long time and always too unpredictable to be constantly doing something. I should say what I have continued to do the most was playing gam.. Question Diary 230313MON: Q357 230313MON: Q357 Are you a confident person? Yes, I think I am a quite confident person, to be honest. I try not to be too confident because there are thousands of great and humble people everywhere. Staying confident is a good thing for your happiness and it usually helps situations. I don’t like people too showing off but I like confident people. These two groups have quite a big difference. Co.. Question Diary 230312SUN: Q356 230312SUN: Q356 What do you think of before going to bed? I usually think about my plans for the next day before going to bed or what I should have finished but I couldn’t. I remind how I am going to spend the next day better and my plans, appointments, schedules and daily goals. I sometimes think about some big events on the day if it was quite impressive. I think about it and come up with what.. Question Diary 230311SAT: Q355 230311SAT: Q355 What is the most memorable experience you had in recent times? It should be some moments that happened during several days after I arrived in South Korea. It feels quite timely question since I have been thinking that this 3 months will be really memorable and special period in my life and writing about it in my journal quite often. My older sister’s birthday was just one night a.. Question Diary 230310FRI: Q354 230310FRI: Q354 What topic do you like to talk about the most? My favorite topic is about hopes, dreams, and goals. Something productive, inspiring, and positive is the topic I like to talk about the most. This topic also helps me to understand someone new to me and their personality. Everyone loves talking about themselves and so do I when I am with some close people. The frequently written top.. Question Diary 230309THU: Q353 230309THU: Q353 What is the ideal way to die according to you? I think no one can say the ideal way to die because death can never be ideal in any ways. If I have to choose the way I die one day, I would say when I am old enough to die in common sense, in the day that people around me can predict, the way everyone has predicted, with just right timing, without pain, I hope it happen in a sleep j.. Question Diary 230308WED: Q352 230308WED: Q352 Is there any activity that you are doing only for yourself? Yes, I believe this is also the activity that I am doing for myself, but it's not “only” for myself but also for everyone around me. I was trying to come up with some regular activities that I am doing only for myself, but actually, every single thing that I was going to write down, was not only for myself but also for o.. Question Diary 230307TUE: Q351 230307TUE: Q351 Can you love only one person all your life? I would possibly be able to love only one person all my life if the person is the right one for my life. I love reading the same book repeatedly three or more times in a row or watching movies in the same way too, because each time it always gives me different feelings, ideas, and views. I don't easily get bored by repeatedly doing thin.. Question Diary 230306MON: Q350 230306MON: Q350 What is falling in love to you? I was a bit confused with this question whether it means asking my opinion and definition on "falling in love" or whether there is anything getting to love me. Of course, I guess it's about the meaning of falling in love, according to common sense. I would say falling in love is something you can't predict. I don't easily fall in love with random p.. Question Diary 230305SUN: Q349 230305SUN: Q349 What made you smile today? Isaac made me laugh and smile today. We had Japanese ramen for dinner and I laughed a lot while having dinner as always. I rested in my bed almost all day and I feel a lot lighter and better. It's just two days left to take a flight on Tuesday and I am so nervous about it. I triple checked that I finished packing my stuff properly and that I got everyth.. Question Diary 230304SAT: Q348 230304SAT: Q348 Is there any exercise that you do regularly? No, I don't regularly work out anymore. I used to take some private lessons, classes in the city, and make time for working out until Covid19 outbreak, but I totally stopped all of them around 2020. It's quite surprising that actually it has been more than 3 years not doing any regular exercise. I think I am lucky if I think positively.. Question Diary 230303FRI: Q347 230303FRI: Q347 What did you dream of recently? I thought this question was about what I wish and plan to do in the future but it seems what I actually saw in my dream. What I wish to achieve is always very clear because I always write them down on my apps and notebooks. Those are detailed goals about my career, plans to start my own business, and small steps to achieve my 5 goals of this year. .. Question Diary 230302THU: Q346 230302THU: Q346 What are your thoughts on becoming an adult? Becoming an adult for me is just a natural thing in life. Everyone is inevitably bound to become an adult as time goes but it doesn't mean everyone is becoming a good and mature adult, or a better person. Being a good adult might require you to do some actions, like taking responsibilities in your own lives, taking right actions when n.. Question Diary 230301WED: Q345 230301WED: Q345 What do you regret the most? What I regret the most is some stupid choices that I made around 2014 and 2015. I can't believe it's almost 10 years ago, oh my goodness, anyway, I think that was the most difficult and dark period in my life which was created by my mistake. I was going to answer this question just by saying "nothing" or something different at the beginning, but I dec.. 이전 1 ··· 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 ··· 69 다음