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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240525SAT: Q796 240525SAT: Q796Eraser?지우개?I prefer typing and erasable pens over traditional pencils and erasers, so I rarely use erasers anymore.저는 기존 연필과 지우개보다 타이핑이나 지울 수 있는 펜을 선호하기 때문에 이제는 지우개를 거의 사용하지 않습니다. - 240525SAT: Q796Eraser? I must admit that I don't fully understand this question.However, I can share my thoughts on erasers and my personal experiences with them. I prefer typing to handwriting, so I h..
Question Diary 240524FRI: Q795 240524FRI: Q795Do you like math?당신은 수학을 좋아합니까?I like math and appreciate its value and skills, but I am not passionate about it and currently do not engage with it much.저는 수학을 좋아하고 수학의 가치와 기술을 높이 평가하지만, 수학에 대해 열정적이지 않고 현재는 많이 관계되어 있지 않습니다. - 240524FRI: Q795Do you like math? I would say I am leaning towards yes for this question.I used to like math a lot, but now I do not really do anything relat..
Question Diary 240523THU: Q794 240523THU: Q794What do you think death will look like?죽음은 어떤 모습일까요?When considering death, I envision a void where all sensations, thoughts, and experiences cease.죽음을 생각할 때 모든 감각과 생각과 경험이 멈추는 공허가 상상됩니다. - 240523THU: Q794What do you think death will look like? When I think about death, I imagine a void where all sensations, thoughts, and experiences cease.This idea helps us understand our mortali..
Question Diary 240522WED: Q793 240522WED: Q793Would you be with someone who doesn't have the same beliefs as you?당신과 같은 신념을 가지고 있지 않은 사람과 함께 하시겠습니까?Whether I would be with someone who holds different beliefs depends on the specific beliefs and how they affect our relationship.제가 다른 신념을 가진 사람과 함께 할 것인지 여부는 구체적인 신념과 그 신념이 우리 관계에 어떤 영향을 미치는지에 달려 있습니다. - 240522WED: Q793Would you be with someone who doesn't have the same beliefs a..
Question Diary 240521TUE: Q792 240521TUE: Q792Why did you love him?왜 그를 사랑했나요?I loved him for a combination of his appearance, voice, attitude, intelligence, and personality, but sometimes love just happens without clear reasons.외모, 목소리, 태도, 지성, 성격 등이 복합적으로 작용해 사랑했지만 때로는 뚜렷한 이유 없이 사랑이 일어나기도 합니다. - 240521TUE: Q792Why did you love him? It's true that love can be a complex and mysterious emotion, and it's often difficult to put ..
Question Diary 240520MON: Q791 240520MON: Q791Do you have the right friends?진정한 친구들이 있습니까?Luckily, I believe I still have the right friends.운 좋게도, 저는 여전히 진정한 친구들이 있다고 생각합니다. - 240520MON: Q791Do you have the right friends? As we grow and change, so do our relationships.It can be hard to maintain the same connections that we had when we were younger.Luckily, I believe I still have the right friends. As we get older, it's harder..
Question Diary 240519SUN: Q790 240519SUN: Q790How do you cope up with so much stress?당신은 어떻게 스트레스에 대처합니까?To manage stress, I use a combination of deep breathing, getting enough rest, reading, writing, talking to others, exercising, and maintaining a healthy lifestyle.스트레스 관리를 위해 심호흡, 충분한 휴식, 독서, 글쓰기, 타인과의 대화, 운동, 건강한 생활습관 유지 등의 방법을 복합적으로 사용합니다. - 240519SUN: Q790How do you cope up with so much stress? Stress is something we al..
Question Diary 240518SAT: Q789 240518SAT: Q789Is there anything you regret doing or not doing today?오늘 한 일이나 안 한 일 중에 후회되는 일이 있습니까?Today, I have no significant regrets as we had a wonderful time celebrating Isaac's birthday and creating cherished memories together.오늘은 아이작의 생일을 축하하고 함께 소중한 추억을 만들어 가는 멋진 시간을 보냈기 때문에 큰 후회는 없습니다. - 240518SAT: Q789Is there anything you regret doing or not doing today? While minor regrets are a par..
Question Diary 240517FRI: Q788 240517FRI: Q788How are you today?오늘 기분이 어때요?Feeling tired but excited for the weekend ahead despite recent lack of sleep, prioritizing rest for a positive outlook and enjoyable activities.최근에 잠을 못 자서 피곤하지만 다가올 주말을 생각하면 신이 납니다. 긍정적인 태도와 즐거운 시간을 보내기 위해 휴식을 우선시하려고 합니다. - 240517FRI: Q788How are you today? Today, I'm feeling a bit tired but also excited about the upcoming weekend.I haven't been sleep..
Question Diary 240516THU: Q787 240516THU: Q787What is the language you want to learn?당신이 배우고 싶은 언어는 무엇입니까?I want to learn English now, though I used to study Japanese. While I still like other languages, English is my priority for education and career. If I have time later, I might revisit Japanese.예전에는 일본어를 공부했지만 지금은 영어를 배우고 싶습니다. 여전히 다른 외국어들을 좋아하지만, 교육과 직업에 있어서 영어가 우선입니다. 나중에 시간이 된다면 일본어를 다시 공부할 수도 있습니다. - 240516THU: Q787Wh..
Question Diary 240515WED: Q786 240515WED: Q786Make your biggest dream come true or solve your biggest regret?가장 큰 꿈을 이루는 것과 가장 큰 후회를 해결하는 것 중에 어떤 것을 선택하시겠습니까?I choose to pursue my biggest dream over dwelling on regrets, believing that focusing on aspirations brings growth and fulfillment.저는 후회에 집착하는 대신 큰 꿈을 추구하는 것을 선택하겠습니다. 목표에 집중하는 것이 성장과 만족을 가져다준다고 믿기 때문입니다.  240515WED: Q786Make your biggest dream come true or solve your b..
Question Diary 240514TUE: Q785 240514TUE: Q785What is the biggest problem that you are facing now?당신이 지금 직면한 가장 큰 문제는 무엇입니까?The biggest challenge I'm facing right now is my tendency to procrastinate, which causes stress and anxiety by delaying tasks and responsibilities.제가 지금 직면한 가장 큰 어려움은 일과 책임을 미루면서 스트레스와 불안을 유발할 수 있는 미루는 성향입니다. - 240514TUE: Q785What is the biggest problem that you are facing now? The most significant chall..
Question Diary 240513MON: Q784 240513MON: Q784What is your biggest problem now?지금 가장 큰 문제는 무엇입니까?My minor issues don't worry me much, thankfully.감사하게도, 사소한 문제들이 있지만 크게 걱정되지 않습니다. - 240513MON: Q784What is your biggest problem now? I'm dealing with a few minor problems, but nothing that qualifies as a serious concern at the moment.It's fortunate that I can approach these issues with a positive mindset and acknowledge that I'm n..
Question Diary 240512SUN: Q783 240512SUN: Q783My 3 Best Wishes가장 바라는 세 가지 소원My three wishes encapsulate my aspirations for a life filled with abundance, joy, and purpose.저의 세 가지 소원은 풍요, 기쁨, 목적으로 가득 찬 삶에 대한 열망을 담고 있습니다. - 240512SUN: Q783My 3 Best Wishes Choosing just three wishes can indeed be challenging, considering the myriad of desires we all harbor within us.For me, my wishes are deeply rooted in what I prioritize in life..
Question Diary 240511SAT: Q782 240511SAT: Q782I'm lonely. y'all wanna be friends?외로워요. 다들 친구할래요?Maybe we could become friends, but it really depends on the person.친구가 될 수도 있지만, 그건 정말 사람에 따라 다릅니다. - 240511SAT: Q782I'm lonely. y'all wanna be friends? Maybe we could become friends, but it really depends on the person.Making friends can be relatively easy, but keeping those connections strong is a whole other story.It takes a lot..
Question Diary 240510FRI: Q781 240510FRI: Q781How to live?어떻게 살아야 할까요?Living a fulfilling life involves finding balance in various aspects contributing to our well-being and happiness, guided by understanding our values, maintaining positivity, and prioritizing fitness, family, and freedom.행복하고 만족스러운 삶을 살기 위해서는 우리의 가치를 이해하고 긍정적인 태도를 유지하며 건강, 가족, 자유를 우선시하는 것이 중요합니다. - 240510FRI: Q781How to live? Living a fulfilling life involv..
