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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240515WED: Q786


240515WED: Q786
Make your biggest dream come true or solve your biggest regret?
가장 큰 꿈을 이루는 것과 가장 큰 후회를 해결하는 것 중에 어떤 것을 선택하시겠습니까?

I choose to pursue my biggest dream over dwelling on regrets, believing that focusing on aspirations brings growth and fulfillment.

저는 후회에 집착하는 대신 큰 꿈을 추구하는 것을 선택하겠습니다. 목표에 집중하는 것이 성장과 만족을 가져다준다고 믿기 때문입니다.



240515WED: Q786

Make your biggest dream come true or solve your biggest regret?


When faced with the choice of realizing my biggest dream or rectifying my greatest regret, I unequivocally opt to pursue my dream.
While regrets may linger, I'm steadfast in my decision to focus on my aspirations instead of dwelling on past missteps.


Regrets are an inevitable part of life, but fixating on them can impede progress and personal growth.
Although I acknowledge my regrets, I refuse to let them shape my future.

Instead, I direct my energy toward pursuing my cherished dreams and aspirations.


Furthermore, determining which regret is the "biggest" is futile.

Regrets vary in magnitude and significance.

Rather than quantifying and comparing them, I prioritize manifesting my dreams.


Realizing my biggest dream promises fulfillment, satisfaction, and personal achievement.

It represents the culmination of my aspirations, ambitions, and desires.

Pursuing my dream transcends reality, offering boundless potential, hope, and passion.


Choosing to make my biggest dream a reality isn't solely about reaching a specific goal.

It's about embracing the journey, pushing boundaries, and discovering my potential. It's about living a purposeful, passionate life.


In essence, my decision to prioritize my dream is rooted in optimism, ambition, and a belief in possibility.

While regrets may linger, they pale in comparison to the fulfillment that comes from pursuing one's dreams.

Thus, I choose to pursue my biggest dream without hesitation, embarking on a journey of growth and fulfillment.


Words 227 of 41687

Characters 1483 of 252347

Characters excluding spaces 1272 of 213792









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