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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240610MON: Q812 240610MON: Q812What lies between life and death?삶과 죽음 사이에는 무엇이 있을까요?the space between life and death is a mysterious and personal realm, inspiring deep thoughts and feelings about existence and what comes after.삶과 죽음 사이의 공간은 신비롭고 개인적인 영역으로, 존재와 그 이후에 대한 깊은 생각과 감정을 불러일으킵니다. - 240610MON: Q812What lies between life and death? The space between life and death is complex and deeply personal, inspirin..
Question Diary 240609SUN: Q811 240609SUN: Q811Are you an introvert, or an extrovert?당신은 내성적인 사람입니까, 아니면 외향적인 사람입니까?I am an introvert who finds comfort in solitude and prefers meaningful conversations with a few close friends over large social gatherings.저는 혼자 있는 것에서 편안함을 느끼고, 큰 모임보다는 몇몇 가까운 친구들과 의미 있는 대화를 나누는 것을 선호하는 내성적인 사람입니다. - 240609SUN: Q811Are you an introvert, or an extrovert? Determining whether someone is an introver..
Question Diary 240608SAT: Q810 240608SAT: Q810How can you tell that you are in love?어떻게 사랑에 빠졌다는 것을 알 수 있습니까?When you're in love, you think about the person often, feel excited to spend time together, and envision a future with them.사랑에 빠졌을 때, 그 사람에 대해 자주 생각하고, 함께 시간을 보내는 것에 대해 설레고, 함께 할 미래를 계획합니다. - 240608SAT: Q810How can you tell that you are in love? Love is a complex emotion, but certain feelings can help you recognize it..
Question Diary 240607FRI: Q809 240607FRI: Q809Are you currently feeling happy?현재 행복을 느끼십니까?I'm happy right now because I enjoy my cozy homewear, a well-stocked fridge, and the growth of my Monstera plant.포근한 홈웨어의 감촉이 좋고, 냉장고에 음식이 가득 차 있으며, 몬스테라가 아주 잘 자라고 있기 때문에 지금 행복합니다. - 240607FRI: Q809Are you currently feeling happy? Yes, I am feeling happy at the moment.I tend to maintain a positive attitude and strive to keep my spirits ..
Question Diary 240606THU: Q808 240606THU: Q808If you woke up tomorrow paralyzed from the waist down, would you want to see the next day, and the days after that?만약 내일 하반신 마비로 일어난다면, 그 다음날과 그 다음 날을 보고 싶으신가요?Even if I woke up paralyzed from the waist down, I would still choose to see the next day because life holds intrinsic value and the human spirit can find meaning and purpose despite physical limitations.비록 하반신이 마비되어 깨어나더라도..
Question Diary 240605WED: Q807 240605WED: Q807Just write down anything you think you want to write.쓰고 싶다고 생각되는 것은 무엇이든 적어주세요.Today, I focused on being more productive by catching up on tasks, tending to my plants, preparing for upcoming exams, and maintaining my handwriting routine.오늘은 밀린 일들을 따라잡고, 식물을 가꾸고, 곧 있을 시험을 준비하고, 손글씨 루틴을 유지함으로써 더 생산적이 되는 데 중점을 두었습니다. - 240605WED: Q807Just write down anything you think you want to wri..
Question Diary 240604TUE: Q806 240604TUE: Q806Why haven't you stopped yet? What's kept you going?왜 아직도 그만두지 않았나요? 무엇 때문에 계속 하나요?I continue my writing practice because it helps me improve my English, enjoy a creative challenge, benefit from feedback, organize my thoughts, and reflect on my emotions.영어 실력 향상, 창의적인 도전, 피드백에서 이점, 생각 정리, 감정적인 성찰 등에 도움이 되기 때문에 글쓰기 연습을 계속하고 있습니다. - 240604TUE: Q806Why haven't you stopped yet? What's ..
Question Diary 240603MON: Q805 240603MON: Q805Which movie could you watch over and over again, at any time?언제든지 반복해서 볼 수 있는 영화가 있습니까?I can watch "Amelie" for its charm and beauty, and "Inception" for its complex narrative and stunning visuals, over and over again.그 영화의 매력과 아름다움으로 '아멜리에'를, 복잡한 서사와 놀라운 비주얼로 '인셉션'을 반복해서 볼 수 있습니다. - 240603MON: Q805Which movie could you watch over and over again, at any time? When asked which movi..
Question Diary 240602SUN: Q804 240602SUN: Q804Are you friendzoned?어장관리를 당하고 있습니까?No, I am not friendzoned because I am careful with romantic relationships and haven't faced unreciprocated feelings.아니요, 저는 연애에 신중하기 때문에 어장관리를 당해본 적은 없고 보답받지 못하는 감정을 겪어본 적이 없습니다. - 240602SUN: Q804Are you friendzoned? Simply put, I can say no, I am not friendzoned.In Korea, being friendzoned is often described as being a fish in someone's fishtank..
Question Diary 240601SAT: Q803 240601SAT: Q803What am I most excited about?가장 설레는 일은 무엇입니까?I'm really excited about getting better at swimming, reaching goals in English and school, and just growing in general.수영 실력이 나아지고, 영어와 학업에서 목표를 달성하고, 전반적으로 성장하는 것에 대해 정말 신이 납니다. - 240601SAT: Q803What am I most excited about? What excites me the most is the prospect of self-improvement across various facets of my life.Presently, my enth..
Question Diary 240531FRI: Q802 240531FRI: Q802What keeps you going?무엇이 당신을 계속하게 합니까?Various factors such as personal desires, responsibilities, goals, dreams, others' expectations, habits, ambition, and fun keep me motivated to keep moving forward.개인적인 욕구, 책임감, 목표, 꿈, 타인의 기대, 습관, 야망, 재미 등 다양한 요소들이 저를 계속 앞으로 나아가게 합니다. - 240531FRI: Q802What keeps you going? For me, there are a number of things that keep me going and motivate me..
Question Diary 240530THU: Q801 240530THU: Q801Are you anti-social?당신은 반사회적입니까?I balance between being social and enjoying alone time, depending on my situation and mood.저는 상황과 기분에 따라 사교적인 것과 혼자만의 시간을 즐기는 것 사이에서 균형을 잡습니다. - 240530THU: Q801Are you anti-social? When asked if I am anti-social, I find that I'm somewhere in the middle.I don't reject social rules or isolate myself from society, but I do have some traits that might s..
Question Diary 240529WED: Q800 240529WED: Q800Who hurt you?누가 당신을 아프게 했습니까?Instead of dwelling on past hurts, I focus on the lessons learned, practice forgiveness, and prioritize self-care to live a happy and fulfilling life.저는 과거의 상처에 연연하는 대신 배운 교훈에 집중하고 용서를 실천하며 행복하고 알찬 삶을 살기 위해 자기관리를 최우선으로 하려고 합니다. - 240529WED: Q800Who hurt you? For me, I can honestly say that no one has hurt me in the present.But if I were to think about ..
Question Diary 240528TUE: Q799 240528TUE: Q799Did you love someone and thought you would never forget him?당신은 누군가를 사랑했고 그를 결코 잊지 못할 것이라고 생각했나요?Our relationships shape us deeply, but we must be open to change and focus on the present rather than dwelling on the past.우리의 관계는 우리에게 깊은 영향을 미치지만, 변화에 열려 있고 과거에 머무르기보다는 현재에 집중해야 합니다. - 240528TUE: Q799Did you love someone and thought you would never forget him? I think the answer to t..
Question Diary 240527MON: Q798 240527MON: Q798What is the meaning of your life?당신의 삶의 의미는 무엇입니까?The meaning of my life is a journey of learning, growing, and finding joy in everyday experiences.제 삶의 의미는 배우고 성장하며 일상의 경험 속에서 즐거움을 찾아가는 여정입니다. - 240527MON: Q798What is the meaning of your life? The meaning of my life is a journey filled with experiences, enjoyment, various episodes, and the passage of time.It’s about embracing new..
Question Diary 240526SUN: Q797 240526SUN: Q797How are you feeling right now?지금 몸은 어떠세요?I'm feeling generally well, despite a minor cold, and I'm mentally satisfied and productive.가벼운 감기가 있지만 전반적으로 건강하고 정신적으로는 만족스럽고 생산적인 상태입니다. - 240526SUN: Q797How are you feeling right now? At this moment, I am feeling reasonably well, though not perfect.As winter has set in, the weather has become significantly colder, which has slightly aff..
