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[CSP 대본 078] Does Twitter Have A Bot Problem?

[CSP 대본 078] Does Twitter Have A Bot Problem?
078_221017_220915_Does Twitter Have A Bot Problem? | September 15, 2022

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078_221017_220915_Does Twitter Have A Bot Problem?

078_221017_220915_Does Twitter Have A Bot Problem? 학습용 노션 공유 페이지 https://private-trowel-5e9.notion.site/078_221017_220915_Does-Twitter-Have-A-Bot-Problem-b1d4c5158675439c8b731c908116aa6b 영상+대본 포스팅 https://jesswithpp.tistor


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Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Rising Prices In The U.S.; How Many Fake Accounts Exist On Twitter. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired September 15, 2022 - 04:00   ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED. CARL AZ


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** 원본 스크립트

CNN 10

Rising Prices In The U.S.; How Many Fake Accounts Exist On Twitter. Aired 4-4:10a ET

Aired September 15, 2022 - 04:00 ET


Happy Friday eve, everyone.
I'm Coy, aka bald dude, aka handsome Squidward.
I'm thankful to be hanging with you this week right here on CNN 10.

Today, we have an awesome show for you, so let's go.

Now, we've talked a lot this year about inflation when prices go up and your money doesn't go as far.
It's been a constant concern for families, consumers and investors.
And in the U.S., it's been growing.

A new report this week shows it's up 8.3 percent from a year ago and it's at a nearly four decade high overall.
This news has worried financial markets and analysts are concerned it could mean the start of a recession though some economists have argued we're already in a recession right now.

On Tuesday, stock markets recorded their largest daily loss in two years in reaction to this inflation report.
Up until now, consumers have mostly powered through and haven't been spending less.
New data is showing that many families are starting to spend less on things like electronics and furniture as the price of basic essentials like food get more expensive.

Still, the current job market continues to show signs of being strong, but economists fear that the only way for the Federal Reserve to slow inflation is to continue to raise interest rates so high that unemployment increases and potentially cause an official recession.

This new inflation report is bad news for President Biden who said that the economy was on its way to recovery.
The report instead showed that the U.S. economy has a long way to go before inflation is under control.
For now, workers have lost buying power with inflation moving more quickly than wage increases.
And the price of basic necessities is becoming unattainable for many families.


These inflation numbers seem to catch everybody off-guard.
Most economists were expecting price rises to cool in August.
Instead, headline inflation actually rose by 0.1 percent compared to the previous month, and that's despite the fact that a key driver for inflation, the price of gas actually fell.

So that means that price rises have spread beyond energy and into other areas of the economy.
The cost of shelter, medical care and food, all rising sharply.

Investors shock was reflected on Wall Street with the deepest losses for stocks since the darkest days of the pandemic in June 2020.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by more than 1,200 points.
Tech stocks took the biggest hit, the likes of Apple, Facebook parent Meta and chipmaker Nvidia all seeing huge losses.

Judging by the reaction on Wall Street Tuesday, it seems investors are betting that a so-called soft landing is becoming less and less likely.

Rahel Solomon, CNN, New York.


Next, some news out in northern California where firefighters are battling a major wildfire they're calling the Mosquito Fire.
It's the largest wildfire currently burning in California.
It began west of Lake Tahoe on September 6 near Mosquito Ridge Road.
It's where it's got its name from.

Now it came after weeks of extreme heat.
So far, the fire has consumed over 50,000 acres and is spreading into the Sierra Nevada mountains and it was only 20 percent contained on Wednesday.
More than 11,000 people have been forced to flee.
It's burned 46 structures overall and at least 25 homes.

And the fire is a triple threat.
The blaze is now headed toward a dry forest area amid a water shortage and in a drought-ravaged area making the homes and land fuel for the fire.
But the Mosquito Fire is just one of many fires burning across the country.
There are 93 large active fires across the western part of the U.S. right now.
More than 800,000 acres have already burned this fire season and local fire teams are using everything they can to contain the blazes.


The Mosquito Fire reared its head Tuesday, but fire crews came out swinging.

Tanker drops that have been flying over at treetop level.

Tankers whisking above the tree line, dumping retardant by the thousands of gallons to meet the advancing flames.

Helicopters disappearing into choking smoke plumes to drop water.
Ground crews ready to stop their foe with lines built by hand tools, sweat and strength.

Massive machinery deployed in the form of dozers, carving wide lines in the earth.
And a firing operation initiated by those boots on the ground creating a human-made line of fire, with the goal of stopping the fire in this stubborn dry terrain.



All right.
Animal lovers, here's your totally random fact of the day.
Did you know in Switzerland, it's illegal to own just one guinea pig?

That's right.
Under article 13 of Switzerland's animal protection ordinance, guinea pigs are considered to be social creatures and must be given adequate social contact with animals of the same species.
Hashtag squad goals.

So next time you're at your pet store, remember, no lonely guinea pigs.
Now, that's random.


Next, details about Elon Musk's potential purchase of Twitter which he agreed to buy for $44 billion back in April.
Within a couple weeks, though, Musk was like hold up, and he tried to back away from the deal, accusing Twitter of having too many bots and lying about the number of fake accounts on the platform.

Let's hear more details from Claire Duffy, a CNN business writer covering the business of big tech.
She'll also dive into a new tool from Twitter that helps the platform determine what's a bot and what's not.


In April, Elon Musk agreed to buy Twitter for $44 billion.
But within a couple of weeks, he started to get cold feet.
He accused Twitter of having too many bots and of lying about the number of bots on its platform.
One of the tools that both experts and Elon Musk have used to better understand the prevalence of bots on Twitter's platform is called Botometer.

To test out how it works, we can look at my Twitter account and see how it rates me.

The Botometer score is from zero to five.
The zero being most likely to be a human account and five being most likely to be a bot account.
As you can see, the tool rated my account is 0.5 out of 5.
So most likely to be a human.

Another cool thing about this tool is if you go into this details section, you can see tweets by time of day and day of the week.
Now, with a bot account, you might see that the account is tweeting all through the night because it's managed by software and it doesn't need a human to get up and tweet late at night.

You might also see that they send the same number of tweets every single day of the week which a human just typically wouldn't do.

It's important to know that the tool doesn't actually prove whether an account is a bot or not.
What it does is it looks at the behavior of an account and decides whether it looks more like a human account or something that's automated, something that's managed by software.

We won't know how many bots there are on Twitter.
I don't know if we'll ever know how many bots there are on Twitter because bots exist on sort of a gradient.
There's human at one -- on one side of bot, and another side, but many, many accounts on Twitter are run by some combination of humans and bots.

There are also some good bot accounts, automated accounts that help spread news or information about events in the world.
We can take a look at this account, Earthquake Bot, which tweets about earthquakes that are happening all around the world to warn people when they've happened.
Botometer rates this account as a 4.1 out of 5, most likely to be run by automated software.
And the account does say in its description that it's a bot.
It's run by a computer.

Twitter does allow these good bots.
It even has a label where they can transparently identify themselves to viewers who might not otherwise know that they were run by a computer.

Now, of course, there are the bad bots that you've probably seen if you're on Twitter.
The bots that might be trying to get you to buy cryptocurrency or that might be impersonating another real human account.

Elon Musk for one would say that these bots can detract from the user experience and could take away from the long-term value of Twitter.

Everyone's known that bots have existed on Twitter since its inception.
It's been incredibly well reported.

One of the things that I'm a little bit skeptical of here is the idea that you would know that bots exist on Twitter and that they're just part of the ecosystem and they're part and parcel to the platform in many ways.

Twitter, of course, is it does a lot to detect and remove those bad bot accounts.
The company says that it uses both human and automated systems to review accounts and that it removes about a million bot accounts every day.

This is a huge, huge task, and it's really challenging in particular because it has to be scaled through AI or machine learning.
You basically can't have humans go through 300 million accounts, right?

And so AI and machine learning are not perfect tools.
They will have a lot of false positives and false negatives.
They will say this account is a bot when it's not and vice versa.


We can't wait to hear what you think about the 10 out of 10 we found for today.

The first ever four-door Ferrari.
This model was just revealed by the Italian carmaker.
It's called the Purosangue.
The new car is their first full-size seated ride, so you can bring your whole crew if you wanted to.
With over 700 horsepower, it's set to be the fastest SUV in the world, going zero to 60 in 3.3 seconds, and hitting top speeds of more than 190 miles per hour.

But before you rush to the local Ferrari dealer, warning, it ain't cheap.
Four hundred thousand dollars.

All right.
Now to my favorite part of the day, we want to give a friendly shout out to Saint Jude Apostle Catholic School in Sandy Springs, Georgia.

We see you and we hope you and everyone watching around the world have a wonderful one.

I'm Coy.
Thanks for watching CNN 10.


** 파파고 번역

파파고 번역기의 영한 번역 그대로의 문장을 다듬지 않고 붙여넣기한 것이기 때문에 학습에 혼동을 줄 수 있는 오역이 있는 점 참고하시기 바랍니다.

CNN 10

Rising Prices In The U.S.; How Many Fake Accounts Exist On Twitter. Aired 4-4:10a ET

Aired September 15, 2022 - 04:00 ET


CNN 10

미국의 물가 상승; 얼마나 많은 가짜 계정이 트위터에 존재하는지. 4-4:10a ET 방송

2022년 9월 15일 방송 - 04:00 미국 동부 표준시

급히 작성된 대본입니다 이 사본은 최종 형식이 아닐 수 있으며 업데이트될 수 있습니다.

Happy Friday eve, everyone.
I'm Coy, aka bald dude, aka handsome Squidward.
I'm thankful to be hanging with you this week right here on CNN 10.

코이 와이어, CNN 10 앵커:
행복한 금요일 이브 되세요, 여러분.
난 코이, 대머리, 잘생긴 스퀴드워드라고 해
이번 주에 바로 여기 CNN 10에서 여러분과 함께 할 수 있어서 감사합니다.

Today, we have an awesome show for you, so let's go.

오늘 멋진 방송을 여러분을 위해 준비했으니, 갑시다.

Now, we've talked a lot this year about inflation when prices go up and your money doesn't go as far.
It's been a constant concern for families, consumers and investors.
And in the U.S., it's been growing.

자, 올해 우리는 물가가 오르고 여러분의 돈이 그만큼 멀리 가지 않을 때 인플레이션에 대해 많이 이야기했습니다.
그것은 가족, 소비자, 그리고 투자자들에게 지속적인 걱정거리였다.
그리고 미국에서, 그것은 증가하고 있습니다.

A new report this week shows it's up 8.3 percent from a year ago and it's at a nearly four decade high overall.
This news has worried financial markets and analysts are concerned it could mean the start of a recession though some economists have argued we're already in a recession right now.

이번 주 발표된 새로운 보고서에 따르면 1년 전보다 8.3% 증가했으며 전체적으로 거의 40년 만에 최고치를 기록했습니다.
이 소식은 금융 시장을 걱정하게 했고 분석가들은 이것이 경기 침체의 시작을 의미할 수 있다고 우려하고 있다. 비록 일부 경제학자들은 우리가 지금 이미 경기 침체에 빠져 있다고 주장하지만 말이다.

On Tuesday, stock markets recorded their largest daily loss in two years in reaction to this inflation report.
Up until now, consumers have mostly powered through and haven't been spending less.
New data is showing that many families are starting to spend less on things like electronics and furniture as the price of basic essentials like food get more expensive.

화요일, 주식 시장은 이 인플레이션 보고서에 대한 반응으로 2년 만에 가장 큰 일일 손실을 기록했다.
지금까지 소비자들은 대부분 전력을 공급받았고 지출을 줄이지 않았다.
새로운 데이터는 많은 가족들이 식품과 같은 기본 필수품의 가격이 더 비싸짐에 따라 전자제품과 가구와 같은 것에 돈을 덜 쓰기 시작한다는 것을 보여주고 있다.

Still, the current job market continues to show signs of being strong, but economists fear that the only way for the Federal Reserve to slow inflation is to continue to raise interest rates so high that unemployment increases and potentially cause an official recession.

여전히 현재 고용시장이 강세를 보이고 있지만, 경제학자들은 연방준비제도이사회가 인플레이션을 늦추기 위한 유일한 방법은 실업률이 증가하여 공식적인 경기 침체를 초래할 수 있는 높은 금리를 계속 올리는 것이라고 우려하고 있다.

This new inflation report is bad news for President Biden who said that the economy was on its way to recovery.
The report instead showed that the U.S. economy has a long way to go before inflation is under control.
For now, workers have lost buying power with inflation moving more quickly than wage increases.
And the price of basic necessities is becoming unattainable for many families.

이 새로운 인플레이션 보고서는 경제가 회복의 길로 가고 있다고 말한 바이든 대통령에게 나쁜 소식이다.
그 보고서는 대신 미국 경제가 인플레이션을 통제하기까지는 갈 길이 멀다는 것을 보여주었다.
일단 임금 인상보다 인플레이션이 더 빠르게 움직이면서 근로자들은 구매력을 잃었다.
그리고 기본 필수품의 가격은 많은 가정에서 달성할 수 없는 것이 되고 있다.


(비디오 시작)

These inflation numbers seem to catch everybody off-guard.
Most economists were expecting price rises to cool in August.
Instead, headline inflation actually rose by 0.1 percent compared to the previous month, and that's despite the fact that a key driver for inflation, the price of gas actually fell.

라헬 솔로몬 CNN 특파원:
이 인플레이션 수치는 모두를 당황하게 하는 것 같다.
대부분의 경제학자들은 8월에 물가 상승이 진정될 것으로 예상하고 있었다.
대신 헤드라인 물가상승률은 실제로 전월 대비 0.1% 상승했고, 이는 물가상승의 핵심 동력인 휘발유 가격이 실제로 하락했음에도 불구하고다.

So that means that price rises have spread beyond energy and into other areas of the economy.
The cost of shelter, medical care and food, all rising sharply.

그래서 그것은 가격 상승이 에너지를 넘어 경제의 다른 분야로 확산되었다는 것을 의미한다.
주거비, 의료비, 식비가 모두 급격히 상승하고 있다.

Investors shock was reflected on Wall Street with the deepest losses for stocks since the darkest days of the pandemic in June 2020.
The Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by more than 1,200 points.
Tech stocks took the biggest hit, the likes of Apple, Facebook parent Meta and chipmaker Nvidia all seeing huge losses.

2020년 6월 대유행의 가장 어두운 날 이후 주식 손실이 가장 큰 월가에 투자자 충격이 반영됐다.
다우존스 산업평균지수는 1,200포인트 이상 하락했다.
기술주들이 가장 큰 타격을 입었고, 애플, 페이스북 모기업 메타, 칩 제조업체 엔비디아와 같은 주식들은 모두 큰 손실을 보았다.

Judging by the reaction on Wall Street Tuesday, it seems investors are betting that a so-called soft landing is becoming less and less likely.

화요일 월가의 반응을 보면 투자자들은 소위 연착륙 가능성이 점점 낮아지고 있다는 데 베팅하고 있는 것 같다.

Rahel Solomon, CNN, New York.

라헬 솔로몬, CNN, 뉴욕입니다.


(비디오 종료)

Next, some news out in northern California where firefighters are battling a major wildfire they're calling the Mosquito Fire.
It's the largest wildfire currently burning in California.
It began west of Lake Tahoe on September 6 near Mosquito Ridge Road.
It's where it's got its name from.

다음은 캘리포니아 북부에서 소방관들이 대형 산불과 싸우고 있는 모기의 화재라고 부르는 뉴스입니다.
현재 캘리포니아에서 불타고 있는 산불 중 가장 큰 산불이다.
그것은 9월 6일 모스 리지 로드 근처에서 타호 호수 서쪽에서 시작되었습니다.
그 이름이 유래된 곳이죠.

Now it came after weeks of extreme heat.
So far, the fire has consumed over 50,000 acres and is spreading into the Sierra Nevada mountains and it was only 20 percent contained on Wednesday.
More than 11,000 people have been forced to flee.
It's burned 46 structures overall and at least 25 homes.

이제 그것은 몇 주간의 극심한 더위 뒤에 왔다.
이번 산불은 지금까지 5만 에이커 이상을 태워버렸고 시에라 네바다 산맥으로 번지고 있으며 수요일에는 겨우 20%만 진압되었다.
11,000명 이상의 사람들이 피난을 가야 했다.
전체 46개의 건물과 최소 25채의 집이 불에 탔습니다.

And the fire is a triple threat.
The blaze is now headed toward a dry forest area amid a water shortage and in a drought-ravaged area making the homes and land fuel for the fire.
But the Mosquito Fire is just one of many fires burning across the country.
There are 93 large active fires across the western part of the U.S. right now.
More than 800,000 acres have already burned this fire season and local fire teams are using everything they can to contain the blazes.

그리고 그 화재는 세 가지 위협이다.
불은 현재 물 부족과 가뭄으로 황폐해진 지역에서 주택과 토지가 불에 기름을 붓고 있는 건조한 숲 지역으로 향하고 있다.
하지만 모기의 화재는 전국에서 타오르는 많은 화재 중 하나일 뿐입니다.
현재 미국 서부 전역에 걸쳐 93건의 대형 화재가 발생하고 있습니다.
80만 에이커 이상이 이미 이번 화재철에 불탔고 지역 소방대는 불길을 잡기 위해 모든 것을 사용하고 있다.


(비디오 시작)

The Mosquito Fire reared its head Tuesday, but fire crews came out swinging.

모깃불은 화요일 고개를 들었지만 소방관들은 흔들며 나왔다.

Tanker drops that have been flying over at treetop level.

신원 미상 남성:
나무 꼭대기에서 날아온 유조선 낙하물.

Tankers whisking above the tree line, dumping retardant by the thousands of gallons to meet the advancing flames.

유조선이 나무 줄 위를 휙휙 지나가며 수천 갤런의 난연제를 쏟아 붓고 불길을 잡습니다.

Helicopters disappearing into choking smoke plumes to drop water.
Ground crews ready to stop their foe with lines built by hand tools, sweat and strength.

질식할 것 같은 연기 속으로 사라져가는 헬리콥터가 물을 떨어뜨리기 위해 펄럭인다.
지상 요원들은 수공구, 땀, 힘으로 만든 선으로 적을 막을 준비가 되어 있다.

Massive machinery deployed in the form of dozers, carving wide lines in the earth.
And a firing operation initiated by those boots on the ground creating a human-made line of fire, with the goal of stopping the fire in this stubborn dry terrain.

거대한 기계들이 도저 형태로 배치되어 지구에 넓은 선을 조각한다.
그리고 지상의 부츠에 의해 시작된 사격 작전은 인간이 만든 불길을 만들고, 이 완고하고 건조한 지역에서 불을 멈추는 것을 목표로 한다.


(비디오 종료)


(비디오 클립 시작)

All right.
Animal lovers, here's your totally random fact of the day.
Did you know in Switzerland, it's illegal to own just one guinea pig?

동물 애호가 여러분, 여기 여러분의 완전히 뜬금없는 사실이 있습니다.
스위스에서는 기니피그를 하나만 소유하는 것이 불법이라는 것을 알고 있었나요?

That's right.
Under article 13 of Switzerland's animal protection ordinance, guinea pigs are considered to be social creatures and must be given adequate social contact with animals of the same species.
Hashtag squad goals.

스위스 동물보호조례 제13조에 따르면 기니피그는 사회적 동물로 간주돼 같은 종의 동물과 적절한 사회적 접촉이 이뤄져야 한다.
해쉬태그 스쿼드 골.

So next time you're at your pet store, remember, no lonely guinea pigs.
Now, that's random.

그러니 다음에 애완동물 가게에 가면 외로운 기니피그는 안 된다는 것을 기억하세요.
자, 그건 무작위입니다.


(비디오 클립 종료)

Next, details about Elon Musk's potential purchase of Twitter which he agreed to buy for $44 billion back in April.
Within a couple weeks, though, Musk was like hold up, and he tried to back away from the deal, accusing Twitter of having too many bots and lying about the number of fake accounts on the platform.

다음으로, 일론 머스크가 지난 4월에 440억 달러에 구매하기로 동의한 트위터의 잠재적인 구매에 대한 세부 사항입니다.
그러나, 몇 주 안에, 머스크는 마치 보류된 것 같았고, 그는 트위터가 너무 많은 봇을 가지고 있고 플랫폼에 있는 가짜 계정의 수에 대해 거짓말을 한다고 비난하면서 거래에서 물러서려고 했다.

Let's hear more details from Claire Duffy, a CNN business writer covering the business of big tech.
She'll also dive into a new tool from Twitter that helps the platform determine what's a bot and what's not.

빅테크 사업을 다루는 CNN의 비즈니스 작가 클레어 더피로부터 더 자세한 이야기를 들어봅시다.
그녀는 또한 플랫폼이 무엇이 봇이고 무엇이 아닌지를 결정하는 데 도움이 되는 트위터의 새로운 도구에 뛰어들 것이다.


(비디오 시작)

In April, Elon Musk agreed to buy Twitter for $44 billion.
But within a couple of weeks, he started to get cold feet.
He accused Twitter of having too many bots and of lying about the number of bots on its platform.
One of the tools that both experts and Elon Musk have used to better understand the prevalence of bots on Twitter's platform is called Botometer.

클레어 더피, 작가, CNN 비즈니스:
4월에, 일론 머스크는 440억 달러에 트위터를 사는 것에 동의했다.
하지만 몇 주 안에, 그는 겁을 먹기 시작했습니다.
그는 트위터가 너무 많은 봇을 가지고 있고 플랫폼에 있는 봇의 수에 대해 거짓말을 한다고 비난했다.
전문가와 일론 머스크가 트위터 플랫폼에서 봇의 보급을 더 잘 이해하기 위해 사용한 도구 중 하나는 바로미터라고 불린다.

To test out how it works, we can look at my Twitter account and see how it rates me.

어떻게 작동하는지 테스트하기 위해, 우리는 내 트위터 계정을 보고 그것이 나를 어떻게 평가하는지 볼 수 있다.

The Botometer score is from zero to five.
The zero being most likely to be a human account and five being most likely to be a bot account.
As you can see, the tool rated my account is 0.5 out of 5.
So most likely to be a human.

바로미터 점수는 0점부터 5점까지입니다.
0은 인간 계정일 가능성이 가장 높고 5는 봇 계정일 가능성이 가장 높다.
보시다시피 제 계정에서 평가된 툴은 5점 만점에 0.5점입니다.
그래서 인간일 가능성이 높습니다.

Another cool thing about this tool is if you go into this details section, you can see tweets by time of day and day of the week.
Now, with a bot account, you might see that the account is tweeting all through the night because it's managed by software and it doesn't need a human to get up and tweet late at night.

이 도구의 또 다른 멋진 점은 이 세부 정보 섹션에 들어가면 시간과 요일별로 트윗을 볼 수 있다는 것이다.
이제, 봇 계정을 사용하면, 당신은 그 계정이 밤새도록 트윗을 하는 것을 볼 수 있을 것이다. 왜냐하면 그것은 소프트웨어에 의해 관리되고 있고 밤늦게 일어나서 트윗할 사람이 필요하지 않기 때문이다.

You might also see that they send the same number of tweets every single day of the week which a human just typically wouldn't do.

당신은 또한 그들이 보통 사람이 하지 않는 것과 같은 수의 트윗을 매일 보내는 것을 볼 수 있다.

It's important to know that the tool doesn't actually prove whether an account is a bot or not.
What it does is it looks at the behavior of an account and decides whether it looks more like a human account or something that's automated, something that's managed by software.

도구가 실제로 계정이 봇인지 아닌지를 증명하지 못한다는 것을 아는 것이 중요하다.
그것은 계정의 행동을 보고 그것이 인간 계정과 더 비슷해 보이는지 아니면 소프트웨어에 의해 관리되는 무언가에 더 가까워 보이는지를 결정하는 것입니다.

We won't know how many bots there are on Twitter.
I don't know if we'll ever know how many bots there are on Twitter because bots exist on sort of a gradient.
There's human at one -- on one side of bot, and another side, but many, many accounts on Twitter are run by some combination of humans and bots.

샘 울리, "봇"의 공동 저자:
우리는 트위터에 얼마나 많은 봇이 있는지 알 수 없을 것이다.
트위터에 얼마나 많은 봇이 있는지 알 수 있을지 모르겠습니다. 봇은 일종의 경사도에 존재하기 때문입니다.
한 쪽에는 인간이 있고, 다른 쪽에는 인간이 있습니다. 하지만 트위터의 많은 계정들은 인간과 봇의 조합에 의해 운영됩니다.

There are also some good bot accounts, automated accounts that help spread news or information about events in the world.
We can take a look at this account, Earthquake Bot, which tweets about earthquakes that are happening all around the world to warn people when they've happened.
Botometer rates this account as a 4.1 out of 5, most likely to be run by automated software.
And the account does say in its description that it's a bot.
It's run by a computer.

또한 좋은 봇 계정, 세계의 사건들에 대한 뉴스나 정보를 퍼뜨리는 것을 돕는 자동화된 계정도 있다.
우리는 이 계정인 지진 봇을 볼 수 있습니다. 이 계정에는 전 세계에서 일어나고 있는 지진에 대한 트윗이 있습니다. 지진이 일어났을 때 사람들에게 경고하기 위해서죠.
바로미터는 이 계정을 5점 만점에 4.1점으로 평가하며, 자동화 소프트웨어에 의해 실행될 가능성이 가장 높다.
설명서에 봇이라고 적혀있네요
그것은 컴퓨터로 작동한다.

Twitter does allow these good bots.
It even has a label where they can transparently identify themselves to viewers who might not otherwise know that they were run by a computer.

트위터는 이러한 좋은 봇을 허용한다.
그것은 심지어 그들이 컴퓨터에 의해 운영되었다는 것을 모를 수도 있는 시청자들에게 투명하게 그들 자신을 식별할 수 있는 라벨도 가지고 있다.

Now, of course, there are the bad bots that you've probably seen if you're on Twitter.
The bots that might be trying to get you to buy cryptocurrency or that might be impersonating another real human account.

물론, 여러분이 트위터에 있다면 아마 보셨을 나쁜 봇들이 있습니다.
당신이 암호화폐를 사도록 유도하거나 다른 실제 인간 계정을 사칭하는 봇이 될 수 있다.

Elon Musk for one would say that these bots can detract from the user experience and could take away from the long-term value of Twitter.

일론 머스크는 이 봇들이 사용자 경험을 떨어뜨리고 트위터의 장기적인 가치를 빼앗을 수 있다고 말할 것이다.

Everyone's known that bots have existed on Twitter since its inception.
It's been incredibly well reported.

봇이 트위터에 처음 등장할 때부터 존재했다는 것은 누구나 알고 있다.
믿을 수 없을 정도로 잘 보도되었다.

One of the things that I'm a little bit skeptical of here is the idea that you would know that bots exist on Twitter and that they're just part of the ecosystem and they're part and parcel to the platform in many ways.

제가 여기서 약간 회의적인 것 중 하나는 봇이 트위터에 존재한다는 것과 봇은 생태계의 일부일 뿐이고 여러 면에서 플랫폼의 일부라는 것을 알 수 있다는 것입니다.

Twitter, of course, is it does a lot to detect and remove those bad bot accounts.
The company says that it uses both human and automated systems to review accounts and that it removes about a million bot accounts every day.

물론 트위터는 나쁜 봇 계정을 탐지하고 제거하는 데 많은 역할을 합니다.
그 회사는 인간과 자동화된 시스템을 모두 사용하여 계정을 검토하고 매일 약 100만 개의 봇 계정을 제거한다고 말한다.

This is a huge, huge task, and it's really challenging in particular because it has to be scaled through AI or machine learning.
You basically can't have humans go through 300 million accounts, right?

이것은 거대하고 거대한 작업이며, 특히 AI나 기계 학습을 통해 확장되어야 하기 때문에 정말 어렵다.
기본적으로 인간이 3억 개의 계정을 전부 확인하게 할 수는 없습니다. 그렇죠?

And so AI and machine learning are not perfect tools.
They will have a lot of false positives and false negatives.
They will say this account is a bot when it's not and vice versa.

그래서 인공지능과 기계 학습은 완벽한 도구가 아니다.
그들은 잘못된 긍정과 잘못된 부정들을 많이 가질 것이다.
그들은 이 계정이 그렇지 않을 때 봇이라고 말할 것이고, 그 반대도 마찬가지입니다.


(비디오 종료)

We can't wait to hear what you think about the 10 out of 10 we found for today.

오늘 저희가 찾은 10점 중 10점 코너 소식에 대한 여러분의 의견을 듣고 싶습니다.

The first ever four-door Ferrari.
This model was just revealed by the Italian carmaker.
It's called the Purosangue.
The new car is their first full-size seated ride, so you can bring your whole crew if you wanted to.
With over 700 horsepower, it's set to be the fastest SUV in the world, going zero to 60 in 3.3 seconds, and hitting top speeds of more than 190 miles per hour.

최초의 4도어 페라리입니다.
이 모델은 이탈리아 자동차 메이커에 의해 방금 공개되었다.
그것은 푸로산게라고 불립니다.
새 차는 그들의 첫 번째 풀사이즈 좌석 승차이기 때문에, 원한다면 전체 승무원을 데려올 수 있다.
700마력 이상의 힘을 가진 이 차는 0.3초 만에 60마력으로 달리고 최고 시속 190마일이 넘는 최고 속도를 내는 세계에서 가장 빠른 SUV가 될 것이다.

But before you rush to the local Ferrari dealer, warning, it ain't cheap.
Four hundred thousand dollars.

하지만 지역 페라리 딜러에게 경고하기 전에, 그것은 싸지 않습니다.
40만 달러요.

All right.
Now to my favorite part of the day, we want to give a friendly shout out to Saint Jude Apostle Catholic School in Sandy Springs, Georgia.

이제 제가 좋아하는 하루 중, 조지아주 샌디 스프링스에 있는 세인트 주드 사도 가톨릭 학교에 다정한 함성을 지르고 싶습니다.

We see you and we hope you and everyone watching around the world have a wonderful one.

우리는 당신을 보고 당신과 전 세계를 보고 있는 모든 사람들이 멋진 것을 갖기를 바랍니다.

I'm Coy.
Thanks for watching CNN 10.

난 코이야.
CNN 10을 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다.



** END
