[CSP 대본 080] A Rescue Ride Along
080_221031_221003_A Rescue Ride Along | October 3, 2022
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CNN 10
Search and Rescue Teams Look for Survivors in Ian's Wreckage; Supreme Court Starts New Term; NFL May Change Concussions Rules. Aired 4- 4:10a ET
Aired October 03, 2022 - 04:00 ET
Hello, everyone.
Hope you had a great weekend.
I'm Coy Wire.
It's officially October, National Book Month, and how interesting that you can't spell book without the "boo".
Halloween's just around the corner, too.
Happy to have you here with us at CNN 10.
Important show for you today, so let's get started.
One of the worst storms in United States history battered Florida in the Carolinas last week.
Hurricane Ian pummeled the west coast of Florida just shy of a category 5 hurricane with wind speeds of 150 miles per hour.
Over the weekend, nearly 1 million people were without power and many communities in Florida didn't have access to safe drinking water.
The president and first lady are headed to the state this week to assess the recovery efforts.
Here's what we know so far.
Days after the hurricane slammed into the state, residents are still discovering the damage created by the record high storm surge, intense winds and catastrophic flooding.
The hurricane left some homes and businesses flattened and other parts of the state underwater in a trail of destruction.
Gasoline is still in short supply as cars try to exit for drier land.
Many people who didn't evacuate in time had to be rescued by boat as their homes were left flooded.
Rescue crews evacuated more than one thousand people from flooded areas in southwest and central Florida, many through challenging post-storm conditions.
The number of fatalities from the storm is still unknown but at least 74 people have died in Florida and the Carolinas with more fatalities expected in the coming days.
Unfortunately, it's typical in the wake of a disaster for the death toll to rise because as flood waters recede, search teams are able to access areas previously cut off by dangerous storm conditions.
The storm has left areas of Florida unrecognizable and damage is expected to take months to rebuild.
Some areas will never be the same again.
More now from CNN correspondent Bill Weir who introduces us to the Cajun Navy and Project Dynamo groups who are helping with the rescue efforts.
We see it after every hurricane that after the storm passes and the sun comes out, the shock and anguish really begins for so many people as they assess their losses.
But in that moment, I'd like to go back to the best tip I've ever heard about covering these disasters.
It came from Mr. Rogers who taught my kids that in these horrifying moments, look for the helpers.
WEIR (voice-over):
After Ian's violent visit, this is what's left of the causeway bridge from mainland Florida to Sanibel Island, and this is the now impassable bridge to Pine Island.
So for residents of both boats and helicopters are the only exit options and while Coast Guard Blackhawks and Chinooks buzzed over the barrier islands on the grim day after, two of the only boats in this part of the gulf carries civilian volunteers from the Cajun Navy those good old boys with fast boats and big hearts --
Give us the name of an individual or tell us somebody to go pick up, we'll try to go get them.
And a newer outfit known as Project Dynamo led by a former military intelligence officer more accustomed to saving Americans from Russians in Ukraine or the Taliban in Afghanistan.
When Americans are in trouble in bad spots, usually we do war zones and conflict zones, but Hurricane Ian qualifies.
And you're named after Churchill's operation.
To get the British soldiers off of Dunkirk, yeah.
And now, here we are, we're going to rescue some people off of Sanibel which is cut off from the world right now.
Yeah, yeah.
So it's a, very apropos.
We're trying to help people out if they need help.
You need help?
You need help? You want to get out of here?
I'm in the bedroom.
Give us a minute.
We'll come up.
We'll get it.
We'll come there.
We follow the cry for help ashore on Sanibel to find a gentleman eager to accept the boat lift but unable to convince his better half.
We're going.
But where?
Fort Myers.
The bridge is out.
The bridge is knocked out.
I'm not.
I'm not ready to go.
A cursory stroll around this part of Sanibel reveals plenty of hazards like the hiss of natural gas spewing from a broken tank.
But in one of the most coveted zip codes in Florida, the construction mostly held up which is in stark contrast to Pine Island.
Look at this one.
Absolutely flattened.
Especially the mobile homes or the working class and retirees living in St. James City.
Hey, ma'am, are you okay?
It's your daughter called us.
I can imagine.
When their phone cut out early in the storm, the grandchildren of Nancy and Robert Sharon (ph) were so scared, they called the Cajun Navy and Project Dynamo and begged them to go check for proof of life.
I heard it that they weren't going to do anything after the bridge closed down.
But my granddaughters are in Ohio and she was crying hysterical when I talked to her other point.
She's like we were thinking that you gotten hurt and I said, no, there's no service.
There's no service.
That's the thing.
The uncertainty brings so much.
I knew it, and that's that had me more worried than what was going on at the time, because I knew my family was worried.
It's terrible what we're going through.
There's a terrible set of circumstances.
The destruction is unbelievable.
The suffering is going to be bad.
Hundreds of people are dead right now.
We just haven't found them yet.
So the -- you know, this is true carnage.
It's a war zone.
One, two, three.
Thank you, gentlemen.
But at the same time, I'm really happy that we could be here to help.
It was also so lovely to see Brian and the rest of the guys there show such empathy for the woman who is not ready to leave.
He told me he thought she might be in shock, she doesn't really fully appreciate how unlivable Sanibel is going to be over coming days and so, they'll go back and try to get her again the next day.
Projectdynamo.org or go cajunnavy.org are the ways you might throw them a couple bucks to help gas those boats.
But they'll be out there and we'll keep looking for the helpers.
Let me send it back to you.
Starting today, a new session for the United States Supreme Court, the highest court in the nation with nine justices who decide if laws and government actions are constitutional.
The newest justice on the Supreme Court is Ketanji Brown Jackson who is nominated by President Biden and then confirmed by the U.S. Senate earlier this year.
She takes her seat on the bench for oral arguments today and the new addition will cause the court to invoke one of its honored traditions, the rearrangement of where the justices are seated on the bench when a new justice joins its ranks.
In the courtroom, the justices are seated according to seniority.
So, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Clarence Thomas have the same seats in the center as they did last term but the remaining justices will be shuffled around.
The Supreme Court has a busy season ahead deciding on upcoming cases on voting discrimination, and the college admissions process.
Ten-second trivia:
What pro sports league has the biggest viewership?
Major League Baseball,
National Basketball Association,
National Football League
or Major League Soccer?
Answer is NFL, which in 2021 averaged 17 million viewers per game on TV and digital.
The NFL is under fire this week after the Miami Dolphins quarterback was taken off the field in a stretcher during Thursday night's game.
Last Sunday, Tua Tagovailoa hit his head on the turf and stumbled off the field when playing Buffalo.
He was taken off the field evaluated for concussion but was cleared and allowed to return with what the team called a back injury.
The NFL and the players association launched a joint investigation.
The players association has reportedly fired the unaffiliated neurotrauma consultant involved in clearing Tua to return.
The Dolphins maintained they did follow concussion protocol.
Well, just four days after that hit, Tagovailoa's head was slammed to the turf again, resulting in a frightening scene.
He was taken to the hospital, diagnosed with a concussion.
Tua tweeted on friday that he's feeling better and focused on recovering.
On Saturday, the NFL and the NFLPA began conversations that could result in changes to the current concussion protocol.
Tua Tagovailoa is expected to be interviewed as part of the ongoing investigation in the coming days.
And for today's 10 out of 10, one of America's most iconic landmarks is getting all prettied up for its 100th birthday.
The Hollywood sign in Los Angeles getting a fresh coat of paint.
The last time was 10 years ago.
The painstakingly long process takes two months and 400 gallons of paint and primer.
The sign is one and a half football fields long, with each letter standing 45 feet tall.
Did you know that when the sign was first built in 1923, it originally said "Hollywood land" to lure home buyers to the hillside's real estate development?
Land was then dropped in 1949 and today, Hollywood is a world famous symbol for the entertainment industry.
Well, that's all we have time for, for now.
But before we go, special shout-out to Romig Middle School in Anchorage, Alaska.
Thanks for subscribing and commenting some love on our YouTube channel.
I'm Coy Wire and this is CNN 10.
** 파파고 번역
파파고 번역기의 영한 번역 그대로의 문장을 다듬지 않고 붙여넣기한 것이기 때문에 학습에 혼동을 줄 수 있는 오역이 있는 점 참고하시기 바랍니다.
CNN 10
Search and Rescue Teams Look for Survivors in Ian's Wreckage; Supreme Court Starts New Term; NFL May Change Concussions Rules. Aired 4- 4:10a ET
Aired October 03, 2022 - 04:00 ET
CNN 10
수색 구조대, 허리케인 이안의 잔해에서 생존자 찾기; 대법원이 새 임기를 시작; NFL이 뇌진탕 규칙을 바꿀지도 모른다. 방영 4-4:10a ET
2022년 10월 3일 방송 - 04:00 미국 동부 표준시
급히 작성된 대본입니다 이 사본은 최종 형식이 아닐 수 있으며 업데이트될 수 있습니다.
Hello, everyone.
Hope you had a great weekend.
I'm Coy Wire.
It's officially October, National Book Month, and how interesting that you can't spell book without the "boo".
Halloween's just around the corner, too.
Happy to have you here with us at CNN 10.
Important show for you today, so let's get started.
코이 와이어, CNN 10 앵커:
안녕하세요 여러분.
즐거운 주말 보내셨기를 바랍니다.
난 코이 와이어야
공식적으로 책의 달인 10월인데, "boo" 없이는 책의 철자를 쓸 수 없다는 것이 얼마나 흥미로운 일인가.
할로윈도 얼마 남지 않았어.
CNN 10에 와주셔서 감사합니다.
오늘 중요한 쇼니까 시작합시다.
One of the worst storms in United States history battered Florida in the Carolinas last week.
Hurricane Ian pummeled the west coast of Florida just shy of a category 5 hurricane with wind speeds of 150 miles per hour.
미국 역사상 최악의 폭풍 중 하나가 지난 주 캐롤라이나에서 플로리다를 강타했다.
허리케인 이안은 시속 150마일의 풍속을 가진 5등급 허리케인에 근접한 플로리다 서부 해안을 강타했다.
Over the weekend, nearly 1 million people were without power and many communities in Florida didn't have access to safe drinking water.
The president and first lady are headed to the state this week to assess the recovery efforts.
주말 동안 거의 100만 명의 사람들이 전기가 끊겼고 플로리다의 많은 지역사회는 안전한 식수를 구할 수 없었다.
대통령과 영부인은 복구 노력을 평가하기 위해 이번 주에 주를 방문할 예정입니다.
Here's what we know so far.
Days after the hurricane slammed into the state, residents are still discovering the damage created by the record high storm surge, intense winds and catastrophic flooding.
The hurricane left some homes and businesses flattened and other parts of the state underwater in a trail of destruction.
Gasoline is still in short supply as cars try to exit for drier land.
Many people who didn't evacuate in time had to be rescued by boat as their homes were left flooded.
Rescue crews evacuated more than one thousand people from flooded areas in southwest and central Florida, many through challenging post-storm conditions.
지금까지 우리가 알고 있는 것은 이것이다.
허리케인이 주(州)를 강타한 지 며칠이 지났지만, 주민들은 여전히 기록적인 폭풍 해일과 강한 바람, 그리고 재앙적인 홍수로 인한 피해를 발견하고 있다.
허리케인은 일부 주택과 사업체를 파괴의 흔적으로 물에 잠기게 했다.
자동차들이 더 건조한 땅을 향해 빠져나가려고 하기 때문에 휘발유는 여전히 부족해요.
집이 물에 잠긴 채 방치되면서 제때 대피하지 못한 많은 사람들이 보트로 구조되어야 했다.
구조대원들은 플로리다 남서부와 중부의 침수 지역에서 1,000명 이상의 사람들을 대피시켰으며, 대부분은 폭풍 후의 어려운 상황을 통해 대피했다.
The number of fatalities from the storm is still unknown but at least 74 people have died in Florida and the Carolinas with more fatalities expected in the coming days.
Unfortunately, it's typical in the wake of a disaster for the death toll to rise because as flood waters recede, search teams are able to access areas previously cut off by dangerous storm conditions.
The storm has left areas of Florida unrecognizable and damage is expected to take months to rebuild.
Some areas will never be the same again.
폭풍으로 인한 사망자 수는 아직 알려지지 않았지만 플로리다와 캐롤라이나에서 최소 74명이 사망했으며 앞으로 며칠 동안 더 많은 사망자가 발생할 것으로 예상된다.
불행하게도, 홍수 물이 빠지면서, 수색팀은 위험한 폭풍 상황으로 인해 이전에 단절되었던 지역에 접근할 수 있기 때문에 사망자 수가 증가하는 재난의 경우 전형적이다.
폭풍으로 인해 플로리다의 지역들은 알아볼 수 없게 되었고 피해 복구에는 수개월이 걸릴 것으로 예상된다.
어떤 지역은 다시는 예전과 같지 않을 것이다.
More now from CNN correspondent Bill Weir who introduces us to the Cajun Navy and Project Dynamo groups who are helping with the rescue efforts.
CNN 특파원 빌 위어가 구조 작업을 돕고 있는 케이준 해군과 프로젝트 다이너모 그룹을 소개합니다.
(비디오 시작)
We see it after every hurricane that after the storm passes and the sun comes out, the shock and anguish really begins for so many people as they assess their losses.
But in that moment, I'd like to go back to the best tip I've ever heard about covering these disasters.
It came from Mr. Rogers who taught my kids that in these horrifying moments, look for the helpers.
빌 위어 CNN 기후 담당 수석 특파원:
우리는 폭풍이 지나가고 태양이 떠오른 후에, 많은 사람들이 그들의 손실을 평가하는 충격과 고통이 시작되는 것을 매 허리케인이 지나간 후에 봅니다.
하지만 그 순간, 저는 이 재난들을 다루는 것에 대해 제가 들어본 최고의 방법으로 돌아가고 싶습니다.
로저스 씨가 제 아이들에게 이런 끔찍한 순간에는 도우미들을 찾으라고 가르쳤습니다.
WEIR (voice-over):
After Ian's violent visit, this is what's left of the causeway bridge from mainland Florida to Sanibel Island, and this is the now impassable bridge to Pine Island.
이안의 폭력적인 방문 후에, 이것은 플로리다 본토에서 새니벨 섬으로 가는 둑길 다리 남은 것입니다. 그리고 이것은 파인 아일랜드로 가는 통행할 수 없는 다리입니다.
So for residents of both boats and helicopters are the only exit options and while Coast Guard Blackhawks and Chinooks buzzed over the barrier islands on the grim day after, two of the only boats in this part of the gulf carries civilian volunteers from the Cajun Navy those good old boys with fast boats and big hearts --
따라서 보트와 헬리콥터의 거주자들에게는 유일한 탈출구이며 해안경비대 블랙호크와 치누크들이 다음날 험악한 섬들 위로 윙윙거리는 동안, 걸프만에 있는 이 지역의 유일한 보트 두 척은 빠른 보트와 큰 심장을 가진 선량한 늙은 소년들을 케이준 해군에서 온 민간 자원봉사자들을 태우고 있다.
Give us the name of an individual or tell us somebody to go pick up, we'll try to go get them.
신원 미상 남성:
이름을 알려주시거나 받으러 가실 분을 말씀해주시면 저희가 찾으러 가겠습니다.
And a newer outfit known as Project Dynamo led by a former military intelligence officer more accustomed to saving Americans from Russians in Ukraine or the Taliban in Afghanistan.
그리고 프로젝트 다이너모라고 알려진 새로운 조직은 우크라이나의 러시아인이나 아프가니스탄의 탈레반으로부터 미국인을 구하는 데 더 익숙한 전직 군사 정보 장교가 이끈 것입니다.
When Americans are in trouble in bad spots, usually we do war zones and conflict zones, but Hurricane Ian qualifies.
신원 미상 남성:
미국인들이 좋지 않은 곳에서 곤경에 처했을 때, 우리는 보통 전쟁 지역과 분쟁 지역을 하지만 허리케인 이안은 자격이 있다.
And you're named after Churchill's operation.
그리고 당신은 처칠의 수술에서 이름을 따왔죠
신원 미상 남성:
To get the British soldiers off of Dunkirk, yeah.
던커크에서 영국군들을 빼내려고, 그래.
And now, here we are, we're going to rescue some people off of Sanibel which is cut off from the world right now.
신원 미상 남성:
그리고 지금, 우리는 지금 세상과 단절된 사니벨에서 몇몇 사람들을 구출할 것입니다.
Yeah, yeah.
그래, 그래.
So it's a, very apropos.
신원 미상 남성:
그래서 아주 적절한 제안입니다.
We're trying to help people out if they need help.
신원 미상 남성:
우리는 사람들이 도움이 필요하면 도와주려고 노력하고 있다.
You need help?
도움이 필요하신가요?
You need help? You want to get out of here?
신원 미상 남성:
도움이 필요하신가요? 여기서 나가고 싶어?
I'm in the bedroom.
신원 미상 남성:
나는 침실에 있다.
Give us a minute.
We'll come up.
We'll get it.
We'll come there.
신원 미상 남성:
우리에게 일 분만 주세요.
우리가 잡을 거야.
우리가 거기로 갈게.
We follow the cry for help ashore on Sanibel to find a gentleman eager to accept the boat lift but unable to convince his better half.
우리는 사니벨에 있는 해안가에서 도움을 요청하는 외침에 따라 보트 리프트를 받기를 원하지만 그의 더 나은 반쪽을 설득할 수 없는 신사를 찾는다.
We're going.
신원 미상 남성:
But where?
신원 미상 여성:
하지만 어디?
Fort Myers.
신원 미상 남성:
마이어스 요새.
The bridge is out.
The bridge is knocked out.
신원 미상 남성:
다리가 끊어졌다.
다리가 무너졌다.
I'm not.
I'm not ready to go.
신원 미상 여성:
전 그렇지 않아요.
난 갈 준비가 안 됐어.
A cursory stroll around this part of Sanibel reveals plenty of hazards like the hiss of natural gas spewing from a broken tank.
사니벨의 이 지역을 대충 둘러보면 부서진 탱크에서 뿜어져 나오는 천연 가스의 쉬익 하는 소리와 같은 많은 위험이 드러난다.
But in one of the most coveted zip codes in Florida, the construction mostly held up which is in stark contrast to Pine Island.
그러나 플로리다에서 가장 탐나는 우편번호 중 하나에서, 건설은 파인 아일랜드와 극명한 대조를 이루는 대부분 보류되었다.
Look at this one.
Absolutely flattened.
이것 좀 보세요.
완전히 납작해졌어요.
Especially the mobile homes or the working class and retirees living in St. James City.
특히 이동 주택이나 세인트 제임스 시티에 사는 노동자 계층과 은퇴자들이 그렇다.
Hey, ma'am, are you okay?
It's your daughter called us.
신원 미상 남성:
이봐요, 부인, 괜찮으세요?
따님이 우리한테 전화했어요
I can imagine.
무슨 말인지 알겠어요.
When their phone cut out early in the storm, the grandchildren of Nancy and Robert Sharon (ph) were so scared, they called the Cajun Navy and Project Dynamo and begged them to go check for proof of life.
폭풍우가 몰아칠 때, 낸시와 로버트 샤론의 손자들은 너무 무서워서 케이준 해군과 프로젝트 다이너모에게 전화를 걸어 생사 여부를 확인하러 가라고 간청했다.
I heard it that they weren't going to do anything after the bridge closed down.
But my granddaughters are in Ohio and she was crying hysterical when I talked to her other point.
She's like we were thinking that you gotten hurt and I said, no, there's no service.
There's no service.
낸시 샤론(ph), 허리케인 생존자:
다리가 폐쇄된 후 그들은 아무것도 하지 않을 것이라고 들었다.
하지만 제 손녀들은 오하이오에 있고 제가 그녀의 다른 요점에 대해 말했을 때 그녀는 히스테리를 일으키며 울고 있었습니다.
그녀는 마치 우리가 당신이 다쳤다고 생각하고 있었고 내가 말하길, 아니, 서비스가 없다고 했어.
전화가 먹통이에요.
That's the thing.
The uncertainty brings so much.
그게 문제야.
불확실성은 많은 것을 가져온다.
I knew it, and that's that had me more worried than what was going on at the time, because I knew my family was worried.
저는 그것을 알고 있었고, 그것이 제가 그 당시에 일어났던 일보다 더 걱정했던 것입니다. 왜냐하면 저는 제 가족들이 걱정하고 있다는 것을 알았기 때문입니다.
It's terrible what we're going through.
There's a terrible set of circumstances.
The destruction is unbelievable.
The suffering is going to be bad.
Hundreds of people are dead right now.
We just haven't found them yet.
신원 미상 남성:
우리가 겪고 있는 것은 끔찍하다.
끔찍한 상황들이 있어요.
그 파괴는 믿을 수 없다.
고통은 심할 거야
수백 명의 사람들이 지금 죽었어요
아직 찾지 못했을 뿐이야
So the -- you know, this is true carnage.
It's a war zone.
자, 이것이 진정한 대학살입니다.
여긴 전쟁터야
One, two, three.
하나 둘 셋.
Thank you, gentlemen.
신원 미상 남성:
당신은, 신사 여러분 감사합니다.
But at the same time, I'm really happy that we could be here to help.
신원 미상 남성:
하지만 동시에, 저는 우리가 여기 도움을 줄 수 있어서 정말 기쁩니다.
It was also so lovely to see Brian and the rest of the guys there show such empathy for the woman who is not ready to leave.
He told me he thought she might be in shock, she doesn't really fully appreciate how unlivable Sanibel is going to be over coming days and so, they'll go back and try to get her again the next day.
Projectdynamo.org or go cajunnavy.org are the ways you might throw them a couple bucks to help gas those boats.
But they'll be out there and we'll keep looking for the helpers.
브라이언과 그곳에 있는 다른 남자들이 떠날 준비가 되지 않은 여자에게 그런 공감을 보여주는 것도 너무 사랑스러웠다.
그는 그녀가 충격을 받았을지도 모른다고 생각했고, 그녀는 사니벨이 앞으로 며칠 동안 얼마나 살 수 없을지에 대해 제대로 알지 못하기 때문에, 그들은 돌아가서 다음 날 그녀를 다시 데려오려고 할 것이라고 말했습니다.
Projectdynamo.org 또는 go cajunnavy.org은 당신이 보트 기름 넣는 것을 돕기 위해 그들에게 몇 달러를 던질 수 있는 방법입니다.
하지만 그들은 밖에 있을 것이고 우리는 계속해서 도우미를 찾을 것이다.
Let me send it back to you.
다시 보내드릴게요.
(비디오 종료)
Starting today, a new session for the United States Supreme Court, the highest court in the nation with nine justices who decide if laws and government actions are constitutional.
The newest justice on the Supreme Court is Ketanji Brown Jackson who is nominated by President Biden and then confirmed by the U.S. Senate earlier this year.
She takes her seat on the bench for oral arguments today and the new addition will cause the court to invoke one of its honored traditions, the rearrangement of where the justices are seated on the bench when a new justice joins its ranks.
오늘부터 미국 연방대법원의 새 회기가 시작되는데, 연방대법원은 법과 정부의 조치가 합헌인지 여부를 결정하는 9명의 대법관으로 구성되어 있습니다.
연방대법원에 새로 임명된 판사는 케탄지 브라운 잭슨으로 바이든 대통령이 지명한 뒤 올해 초 미 상원에서 인준을 받았다.
그녀는 오늘 구두 변론을 위해 판사석에 앉고, 새로운 추가는 법원이 명예로운 전통 중 하나인 새로운 대법관이 그 대열에 합류할 때 재판관이 재판관에 앉는 위치를 재조정하게 할 것이다.
In the courtroom, the justices are seated according to seniority.
So, Chief Justice John Roberts and Justice Clarence Thomas have the same seats in the center as they did last term but the remaining justices will be shuffled around.
법정에서는 재판관들이 연공서열에 따라 앉는다.
그래서 존 로버츠 대법원장과 클래런스 토머스 대법관은 지난 임기와 같은 가운데 자리를 차지하고 있지만 나머지 재판관들은 교체를 하게 된다.
The Supreme Court has a busy season ahead deciding on upcoming cases on voting discrimination, and the college admissions process.
대법원은 다가오는 투표 차별과 대학 입학 절차에 대한 결정을 앞두고 바쁜 시즌을 보내고 있다.
(비디오 클립 시작)
Ten-second trivia:
What pro sports league has the biggest viewership?
10초 상식 퀴즈:
가장 시청률이 높은 프로 스포츠 리그는 어디인가요?
Major League Baseball,
National Basketball Association,
National Football League
or Major League Soccer?
메이저 리그 야구,
전미 농구 협회,
내셔널 풋볼 리그
아니면 메이저 리그 사커?
Answer is NFL, which in 2021 averaged 17 million viewers per game on TV and digital.
답은 2021년에 TV와 디지털에서 경기당 평균 1,700만 명의 시청자를 기록한 NFL이다.
(비디오 클립 종료)
The NFL is under fire this week after the Miami Dolphins quarterback was taken off the field in a stretcher during Thursday night's game.
Last Sunday, Tua Tagovailoa hit his head on the turf and stumbled off the field when playing Buffalo.
He was taken off the field evaluated for concussion but was cleared and allowed to return with what the team called a back injury.
이번 주 NFL은 마이애미 돌핀스 쿼터백이 목요일 밤 경기 도중 들것에 실려 경기장에서 떨어져 나간 후 비난을 받고 있다.
지난 일요일, Tua Tagovailoa는 버팔로와 경기할 때 잔디밭에 머리를 부딪히고 경기장에서 비틀거렸다.
그는 뇌진탕을 위하여 평가되었으나 팀이 부른 허리 부상과 함께 복귀하는 데 허가되었다.
The NFL and the players association launched a joint investigation.
The players association has reportedly fired the unaffiliated neurotrauma consultant involved in clearing Tua to return.
The Dolphins maintained they did follow concussion protocol.
NFL과 선수 협회는 공동 조사에 착수했다.
선수협은 투아의 복귀를 허가하는 데 관여한 무소속 신경외상 컨설턴트를 해고했다고 한다.
돌고래들은 뇌진탕 프로토콜을 따랐다고 주장했다.
Well, just four days after that hit, Tagovailoa's head was slammed to the turf again, resulting in a frightening scene.
He was taken to the hospital, diagnosed with a concussion.
Tua tweeted on friday that he's feeling better and focused on recovering.
음, 그 때린 지 불과 4일 만에, 타고바일로아의 머리가 다시 잔디밭에 부딪혀서 무서운 장면을 연출했습니다.
그는 뇌진탕 진단을 받고 병원으로 옮겨졌다.
Tua는 금요일에 트위터를 통해 기분이 좋아졌고 회복에 집중했다고 말했습니다.
On Saturday, the NFL and the NFLPA began conversations that could result in changes to the current concussion protocol.
Tua Tagovailoa is expected to be interviewed as part of the ongoing investigation in the coming days.
토요일, NFL과 NFLPA는 현재의 뇌진탕 프로토콜에 변화를 가져올 수 있는 대화를 시작했다.
Tua Tagovailoa는 앞으로 수일 동안 진행 중인 조사의 일환으로 인터뷰를 할 것으로 예상됩니다.
And for today's 10 out of 10, one of America's most iconic landmarks is getting all prettied up for its 100th birthday.
The Hollywood sign in Los Angeles getting a fresh coat of paint.
The last time was 10 years ago.
The painstakingly long process takes two months and 400 gallons of paint and primer.
The sign is one and a half football fields long, with each letter standing 45 feet tall.
그리고 오늘의 10점 만점에 10점 코너에 대해, 미국의 가장 상징적인 랜드마크 중 하나는 100번째 생일을 위해 모든 것을 아름답게 꾸미는 것입니다.
로스앤젤레스의 할리우드 간판이 페인트칠을 새로 하고 있다.
마지막은 10년 전이었다.
그 고된 긴 과정은 두 달과 400갤런의 페인트와 프라이머가 필요하다.
이 표지판은 축구장 길이 1.5m로 각 글자의 높이가 45피트이다.
Did you know that when the sign was first built in 1923, it originally said "Hollywood land" to lure home buyers to the hillside's real estate development?
Land was then dropped in 1949 and today, Hollywood is a world famous symbol for the entertainment industry.
여러분은 1923년에 처음 간판이 지어졌을 때 원래 언덕의 부동산 개발로 주택 구매자들을 유혹하기 위해 "Hollywood land"이라고 쓰여 있었다는 것을 알고 있었나요?
그 후 1949년에 Land가 없어졌고 오늘날, 할리우드는 엔터테인먼트 산업의 세계적으로 유명한 상징이다.
Well, that's all we have time for, for now.
But before we go, special shout-out to Romig Middle School in Anchorage, Alaska.
Thanks for subscribing and commenting some love on our YouTube channel.
지금은 그것밖에 시간이 없어요.
하지만 가기 전에 알래스카 앵커리지에 있는 로미그 중학교에 특별한 함성을 지릅니다.
저희 유튜브 채널 구독해주시고 댓글 달아주셔서 감사합니다.
I'm Coy Wire and this is CNN 10.
저는 Coy Wire이고 여기는 CNN 10입니다.
** END
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