[CSP 대본 071] Congress Discusses UFOs
071_220829_220519_Congress Discusses UFOs

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Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Finland And Sweden Apply To Join NATO; The U.S. Congress Holds A UFO Hearing; A VR Attachment Aims To Restrict Breathing. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired May 19, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY N
** 원본 스크립트
CNN 10
Finland And Sweden Apply To Join NATO; The U.S. Congress Holds A UFO Hearing; A VR Attachment Aims To Restrict Breathing. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 19, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET
Hey, it's good to see you.
Thanks for making us part of your Thursday.
I'm Carl Azuz.
This is CNN 10.
Northern Europe is where we're taking you first today.
Finland and Sweden have officially applied to become part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Since the NATO alliance was established in 1949, Sweden and Finland have stayed neutral.
They haven't joined many other nearby nations in applying for NATO membership which now includes 30 countries in Europe and North America.
So, what changed? Russia invaded Ukraine.
And Finland, which shares a border with Russia and Sweden which is right next to Finland, became concerned about their own security.
So, they decided to stop being neutral and try to join the NATO alliance which is led by the United States.
A Swedish government official said now is the time when the democracies of Europe and North America have to stand together against Russia's, quote, naked aggression against Ukraine.
When Finland started planning to do this, Russia threatened the neighboring country saying its application would be a mistake and that Russia would retaliate.
But experts say it looks like Russia's backed down on that threat.
What's ironic about all of this is that Russia said it invaded Ukraine in part to prevent countries from joining NATO.
Russian President Vladimir Putin sees the alliance as a threat.
It was originally formed as a guard against the Soviet Union, though it's been more focused on terrorism and peacekeeping in recent decades.
Ukraine is not a NATO member, though it had expressed interest in the past about joining.
But now, Finland and Sweden are moving toward NATO membership.
And if they're approved, they could officially become part of the alliance in a matter of months.
After a busy day of marathon parliamentary debates in Helsinki, followed by a vote overwhelmingly in favor of joining NATO and here in Stockholm in Sweden, a visit -- a state visit by the president of Finland to Sweden.
Finally, these two Nordic nations decided that they were going to sign their letters of intent to apply to join NATO that turns their back on generations worth of much cherished neutrality and military non-alignment.
However, in order to join the bloc, they'll have to get a unanimous consensus from all 30 NATO members.
Most NATO members are very enthusiastic about Sweden and Finland joining the bloc.
They spend a lot on their military, have very well-trained armies, air forces and navies, and would be welcome into the bloc to shore up the security alliance in this part of northern Europe.
There is one member though that is holding out for some concessions, at least according to its president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and that is Turkey.
And Russia appears to have backed down from earlier assertions that it might respond militarily or politically while these two countries to apply to join NATO.
Instead, they've said according to Russia's foreign minister that it makes no difference.
The president of Russia though, Vladimir Putin, has warned that if there are military installations on this territory of Sweden or Finland, that would certainly stoke a Russian response.
Well, now that the paperwork and letters of intent have been signed, they're heading over to Brussels to be submitted to the secretary general of NATO, Jen Stoltenberg, on Wednesday then in about a month and a half's time there'll be a big NATO summit taking place in Madrid.
But in the meantime, the leaders of these two countries have received an expression of support from the highest echelons of NATO, the most powerful member which is the United States, with an invitation by the U.S. president to visit Washington, D.C. and the White House on Thursday.
Nina Dos Santos, CNN, in Stockholm, Sweden.
AZUZ (voice-over):
Ten-second trivia:
In the 1950s and 1960s, America's Project Blue Book studied what?
Soviet espionage, gyres, automotive trends or UFOs?
UFO studies were shut down in 1969 partly because they found no aliens or threats to U.S. national security.
For the first time in more than 50 years, the U.S. Congress has held a hearing on UFOs.
Technically, what was discussed on Tuesday were unidentified aerial phenomena.
And before we get too excited, a U.S. military report last year said it found no evidence of aliens.
So we're talking about objects in the sky that are hard to identify.
The government's taking this more seriously than it did back in the 1960s, though, in part because American pilots and service members have reported 400 sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena, and some lawmakers worry they could be a threat to U.S. national security.
The deputy director of naval intelligence, Scott Bray, did confirm the authenticity of two videos that have been floating around the Internet for quite some time.
It shows some close encounters between Navy pilots and what the Pentagon describes as UAPs or unidentified aerial phenomena.
Here's one of those videos.
What you see here is an aircraft that is operating in a, in a U.S. navy training range that has observed a spherical object.
In that area and as they fly by it, they take a video.
And is this one of the phenomena that we can't explain?
I do not have an explanation for what this specific object is.
While there's not an explanation, officials say they haven't found anything extraterrestrial.
UFOs have often turned out to be weather balloons or new man-made technology.
But pilots are now being encouraged to report anything suspicious.
Next, researchers at an Austrian university have built a new kind of virtual reality attachment, one that aims to restrict breathing.
It looks like a large complex kind of snorkel.
We don't know how much it'll cost or when people will be able to buy it.
Could this be dangerous?
Well, it reportedly has a valve that automatically opens letting you breathe normally if the battery gets low.
Of course, there are limits to this hardware.
It could make the VR experience worse for people who think it's uncomfortable to begin with.
What could it be used for?
This virtual reality mask can control users' breath flow to make the experience more realistic.
Researcher Markus Tatzgern and his colleagues from Salzburg University of Applied Sciences developed the mask.
They can use reading as another input modality for the virtual reality experience and then can naturally interact with the environment.
Breaths blown into the mask can be translated into forces on virtual objects in real-time.
They can blow out birthday candles.
They can blow up balloons.
So, this improves the virtual reality experience.
The mask can also manipulate breathing resistance to simulate real world situations like navigating fire.
If users walk through a scene where there's smoke or heat, then the breathing gets harder as you would expect, so we manipulate the resistance a little bit more so that they feel an effect on their virtual avatar which on the other hand then increases embodiment so they feel more connected to this virtual character.
The goal of this research is to improve the multisensory user experience in virtual reality.
We are good at addressing vision.
We are good at addressing audio and hearing.
But what's missing to improve the experience which is not so easy to realize is haptic feedback.
Everything you touch in virtual reality is kind of, it doesn't have a real -- real object behind it.
So it's like you touch the air you interact with air basically.
And the more sensory input you provide for users, the better the experience.
Though this is still in the research stage, Tatzgern and his team hope to use this technology in more scenarios in the future.
There's a lot of potential of virtual reality in training simulations because they get more immersive.
You can experience things in a safe environment, in a training simulation and also make mistakes and learn from those mistakes.
There can be fires that you perceive in virtual reality but they are not really a danger to yourself.
And, of course, there are applications in psychotherapy and therapy in general, where you can create more immersive scenarios that are maybe more enjoyable for users so that they stick to their training regimens.
Paper airplane contests have come a long way from my middle school gym.
Take for example the Red Bull Paper Wings World Final which was held in an Austrian airplane hangar last weekend.
One hundred seventy-one students from 57 countries made it here.
Finalists could only use a standardized piece of paper and only fold it, no cutting, tearing, stapling, gluing or funny business.
The winner for longest distance flew 200 feet.
The winner for longest air time flew almost 15 seconds.
And the winner for aerobatics delivered an engaging artistic performance and also proposed to his girlfriend with a paper airplane.
Of course, paper is supposed to be for the first anniversary but that doesn't mean they should fold.
When a craft project landed them in Europe and love was on the wing, maybe it was time to increase their commitment, smooth out the edges, get a good grip and take flight to keep their hearts aloft.
I'm Carl Azuz.
Montford North Star Academy gets today's shout-out.
Thanks to our viewers in Asheville, North Carolina, for subscribing and commenting on our YouTube Channel.
Tomorrow is Friday.
You're only a day away.
** 파파고 번역
파파고 번역기의 영한 번역 그대로의 문장을 다듬지 않고 붙여넣기한 것이기 때문에 학습에 혼동을 줄 수 있는 오역이 있는 점 참고하시기 바랍니다.
CNN 10
Finland And Sweden Apply To Join NATO; The U.S. Congress Holds A UFO Hearing; A VR Attachment Aims To Restrict Breathing. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 19, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET
CNN 10
핀란드와 스웨덴은 북대서양조약기구(NATO·나토) 가입을 신청했고, 미국 의회는 UFO 청문회를 열었으며, VR 첨부 파일은 호흡을 제한하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. 4-4:10a ET 방송
2022년 5월 19일 방송 - 04:00:00 ET
급한 녹취록입니다 이 사본은 최종 형식이 아닐 수 있으며 업데이트될 수 있습니다.
Hey, it's good to see you.
Thanks for making us part of your Thursday.
I'm Carl Azuz.
This is CNN 10.
칼 아주즈, CNN 10 앵커:
안녕, 만나서 반가워요
우리를 당신의 목요일의 일부로 만들어 주셔서 감사합니다.
난 칼 아주즈야
여기는 CNN 10입니다.
Northern Europe is where we're taking you first today.
Finland and Sweden have officially applied to become part of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Since the NATO alliance was established in 1949, Sweden and Finland have stayed neutral.
They haven't joined many other nearby nations in applying for NATO membership which now includes 30 countries in Europe and North America.
북유럽이 오늘 여러분을 먼저 모실 곳입니다.
핀란드와 스웨덴은 공식적으로 북대서양 조약 기구의 일원이 되기 위해 신청했다.
1949년 북대서양조약기구(NATO·나토) 동맹이 수립된 이후 스웨덴과 핀란드는 중립을 지켜왔다.
그들은 현재 유럽과 북미의 30개국을 포함하고 있는 나토 가입을 신청하는 데 많은 인근 국가들과 합류하지 않았다.
So, what changed? Russia invaded Ukraine.
And Finland, which shares a border with Russia and Sweden which is right next to Finland, became concerned about their own security.
So, they decided to stop being neutral and try to join the NATO alliance which is led by the United States.
그래서, 무엇이 바뀌었을까요? 러시아가 우크라이나를 침공했다.
그리고 핀란드 바로 옆에 있는 러시아, 스웨덴과 국경을 접하고 있는 핀란드는 자국의 안보를 걱정하게 되었다.
그래서, 그들은 중립을 포기하고 미국이 주도하는 나토 동맹에 가입하려고 시도하기로 결정했다.
A Swedish government official said now is the time when the democracies of Europe and North America have to stand together against Russia's, quote, naked aggression against Ukraine.
스웨덴 정부 관계자는 지금이 유럽과 북미의 민주주의 국가들이 러시아의 우크라이나에 대한 노골적인 공격에 맞서 함께 맞서야 할 때라고 말했다.
When Finland started planning to do this, Russia threatened the neighboring country saying its application would be a mistake and that Russia would retaliate.
But experts say it looks like Russia's backed down on that threat.
핀란드가 이를 계획하기 시작했을 때, 러시아는 이웃나라를 위협하면서, 그것의 신청은 실수일 것이며 러시아가 보복할 것이라고 말했다.
그러나 전문가들은 러시아가 그 위협에 뒷걸음질친 것으로 보인다고 말한다.
What's ironic about all of this is that Russia said it invaded Ukraine in part to prevent countries from joining NATO.
Russian President Vladimir Putin sees the alliance as a threat.
It was originally formed as a guard against the Soviet Union, though it's been more focused on terrorism and peacekeeping in recent decades.
이 모든 것에서 아이러니한 것은 러시아가 나토 가입을 막기 위해 부분적으로 우크라이나를 침공했다고 말했다는 것이다.
블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령은 이 동맹을 위협으로 보고 있다.
이 단체는 원래 소련에 대항하는 경비병대로 결성되었지만, 최근 수십 년 동안 테러리즘과 평화 유지에 더 중점을 두고 있다.
Ukraine is not a NATO member, though it had expressed interest in the past about joining.
But now, Finland and Sweden are moving toward NATO membership.
And if they're approved, they could officially become part of the alliance in a matter of months.
우크라이나는 과거에 가입에 관심을 표명했지만 나토 회원국은 아니다.
하지만 이제 핀란드와 스웨덴은 나토 가입을 향해 나아가고 있다.
그리고 만약 그들이 승인된다면, 그들은 몇 달 안에 공식적으로 동맹의 일부가 될 수 있습니다.
(비디오 시작)
After a busy day of marathon parliamentary debates in Helsinki, followed by a vote overwhelmingly in favor of joining NATO and here in Stockholm in Sweden, a visit -- a state visit by the president of Finland to Sweden.
Finally, these two Nordic nations decided that they were going to sign their letters of intent to apply to join NATO that turns their back on generations worth of much cherished neutrality and military non-alignment.
니나 도스 산토스 CNN 유럽 편집자:
헬싱키에서 열린 의회 토론의 바쁜 하루 후, NATO 가입에 대한 압도적 찬성의 투표와 여기 스웨덴의 스톡홀름에서의 방문, 핀란드 대통령의 스웨덴 국빈 방문에 이어졌습니다.
마침내, 이 두 북유럽 국가는 매우 소중히 여기는 중립과 군사적 비동맹에 등을 돌리는 나토에 가입하기 위해 그들의 의향서에 서명하기로 결정했다.
However, in order to join the bloc, they'll have to get a unanimous consensus from all 30 NATO members.
Most NATO members are very enthusiastic about Sweden and Finland joining the bloc.
They spend a lot on their military, have very well-trained armies, air forces and navies, and would be welcome into the bloc to shore up the security alliance in this part of northern Europe.
그러나, 그 블록에 가입하기 위해서는, 그들은 30개 나토 회원국 모두의 만장일치의 동의를 얻어야 할 것이다.
대부분의 나토 회원국들은 스웨덴과 핀란드가 그 블록에 가입하는 것에 매우 열광한다.
그들은 군대에 많은 돈을 쓰고, 매우 잘 훈련된 군대, 공군, 해군을 가지고 있으며, 북유럽의 이 지역에서 안보 동맹을 강화하기 위해 이 블록에 들어오는 것을 환영할 것이다.
There is one member though that is holding out for some concessions, at least according to its president Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and that is Turkey.
적어도 레제프 타이이프 에르도안 대통령에 따르면, 일부 양보를 위해 버티고 있는 한 회원이 있는데, 바로 터키이다.
And Russia appears to have backed down from earlier assertions that it might respond militarily or politically while these two countries to apply to join NATO.
Instead, they've said according to Russia's foreign minister that it makes no difference.
그리고 러시아는 이 두 나라가 나토 가입을 신청하는 동안 군사적으로나 정치적으로 대응할 수도 있다는 이전의 주장에서 물러난 것으로 보인다.
대신, 그들은 러시아 외무장관에 따르면 그것은 아무런 차이가 없다고 말했다.
The president of Russia though, Vladimir Putin, has warned that if there are military installations on this territory of Sweden or Finland, that would certainly stoke a Russian response.
그러나 블라디미르 푸틴 러시아 대통령은 스웨덴이나 핀란드에 군사 시설이 있다면 러시아의 반응을 불러일으킬 것이라고 경고했다.
Well, now that the paperwork and letters of intent have been signed, they're heading over to Brussels to be submitted to the secretary general of NATO, Jen Stoltenberg, on Wednesday then in about a month and a half's time there'll be a big NATO summit taking place in Madrid.
But in the meantime, the leaders of these two countries have received an expression of support from the highest echelons of NATO, the most powerful member which is the United States, with an invitation by the U.S. president to visit Washington, D.C. and the White House on Thursday.
자, 이제 서류와 의향서가 서명되었으므로, 그들은 수요일에 나토 사무총장인 젠 스톨텐베르크에게 제출하기 위해 브뤼셀로 향하고 있으며, 약 한 달 반 후에 마드리드에서 NATO 정상회담이 열릴 예정입니다.
그러나 그동안 양국 정상은 미국 대통령으로부터 목요일 워싱턴 D.C.와 백악관을 방문하라는 초청을 받아 미국이라는 가장 강력한 회원국인 나토의 최고위층으로부터 지지 의사를 표명받았다.
Nina Dos Santos, CNN, in Stockholm, Sweden.
스웨덴 스톡홀름에서 CNN의 니나 도스 산토스입니다.
(비디오 종료)
(비디오 클립 시작)
AZUZ (voice-over):
Ten-second trivia:
In the 1950s and 1960s, America's Project Blue Book studied what?
Soviet espionage, gyres, automotive trends or UFOs?
AZUZ (나레이션):
10초 상식 퀴즈:
1950년대와 1960년대에 미국의 프로젝트 블루북은 무엇을 연구했는가?
소련 스파이, 자이어, 자동차 트렌드, UFO?
UFO studies were shut down in 1969 partly because they found no aliens or threats to U.S. national security.
UFO 연구는 부분적으로 외계인이나 미국 국가 안보에 대한 위협을 발견하지 못했기 때문에 1969년에 중단되었다.
For the first time in more than 50 years, the U.S. Congress has held a hearing on UFOs.
Technically, what was discussed on Tuesday were unidentified aerial phenomena.
And before we get too excited, a U.S. military report last year said it found no evidence of aliens.
So we're talking about objects in the sky that are hard to identify.
미국 의회가 50여 년 만에 처음으로 UFO에 대한 청문회를 열었다.
기술적으로 화요일에 논의된 것은 미확인 항공 현상이었다.
그리고 우리가 너무 흥분하기 전에, 작년 미군 보고서는 외계인의 증거를 발견하지 못했다고 말했다.
그래서 우리는 식별하기 어려운 하늘의 물체들에 대해 이야기하고 있습니다.
The government's taking this more seriously than it did back in the 1960s, though, in part because American pilots and service members have reported 400 sightings of unidentified aerial phenomena, and some lawmakers worry they could be a threat to U.S. national security.
그러나 정부는 1960년대보다 이것을 더 심각하게 받아들이고 있는데, 부분적으로는 미국 조종사와 군인들이 미확인 항공 현상에 대한 400건의 목격담을 보고했고, 일부 국회의원들은 이것이 미국의 국가 안보에 위협이 될 수 있다고 우려하고 있기 때문이다.
(비디오 시작)
The deputy director of naval intelligence, Scott Bray, did confirm the authenticity of two videos that have been floating around the Internet for quite some time.
It shows some close encounters between Navy pilots and what the Pentagon describes as UAPs or unidentified aerial phenomena.
Here's one of those videos.
스콧 브레이 해군 정보국 부국장은 꽤 오랫동안 인터넷에 떠돌던 두 동영상의 진위를 확인했다.
그것은 해군 조종사들과 국방부가 UAP 또는 미확인 항공 현상으로 묘사하는 것 사이의 근접한 만남을 보여준다.
여기 그 영상들 중 하나가 있습니다.
What you see here is an aircraft that is operating in a, in a U.S. navy training range that has observed a spherical object.
In that area and as they fly by it, they take a video.
스콧 브레이 해군 정보국 부국장:
여기 보이는 것은 구형의 물체를 관찰한 미 해군 훈련장에서 비행 중인 항공기입니다.
그 지역에서, 그리고 그들이 그곳을 지나갈 때, 그들은 비디오를 찍습니다.
And is this one of the phenomena that we can't explain?
아담 쉬프(D-CA):
그리고 이것이 우리가 설명할 수 없는 현상 중 하나일까요?
I do not have an explanation for what this specific object is.
나는 이 특정한 물체가 무엇인지 설명할 수 없다.
(비디오 클립 종료)
While there's not an explanation, officials say they haven't found anything extraterrestrial.
UFOs have often turned out to be weather balloons or new man-made technology.
But pilots are now being encouraged to report anything suspicious.
이에 대한 설명은 없지만, 관계자들은 외계인을 발견하지 못했다고 말한다.
UFO는 종종 기상 관측 기구 또는 새로운 인공 기술로 밝혀졌다.
그러나 조종사들은 이제 의심스러운 것은 무엇이든 보고하도록 장려되고 있다.
Next, researchers at an Austrian university have built a new kind of virtual reality attachment, one that aims to restrict breathing.
It looks like a large complex kind of snorkel.
We don't know how much it'll cost or when people will be able to buy it.
다음으로, 오스트리아 대학의 연구원들은 호흡을 제한하는 것을 목표로 하는 새로운 종류의 가상 현실 애착을 만들었다.
그것은 크고 복잡한 종류의 스노클처럼 보인다.
우리는 그것이 얼마가 들 것인지, 언제 사람들이 그것을 살 수 있을지 모른다.
Could this be dangerous?
Well, it reportedly has a valve that automatically opens letting you breathe normally if the battery gets low.
위험할 수 있을까요?
음, 배터리가 부족하면 정상적으로 숨을 쉴 수 있도록 자동으로 열리는 밸브가 있다고 합니다.
Of course, there are limits to this hardware.
It could make the VR experience worse for people who think it's uncomfortable to begin with.
물론 이 하드웨어에는 한계가 있습니다.
그것은 VR 경험을 처음부터 불편하다고 생각하는 사람들에게 더 나쁘게 만들 수 있다.
What could it be used for?
그것은 무엇에 사용될 수 있습니까?
(비디오 시작)
This virtual reality mask can control users' breath flow to make the experience more realistic.
이 가상현실 마스크는 사용자의 호흡 흐름을 조절하여 보다 현실적인 경험을 할 수 있다.
Researcher Markus Tatzgern and his colleagues from Salzburg University of Applied Sciences developed the mask.
잘츠부르크 응용과학 대학의 연구원 Markus Tatzgern과 그의 동료들이 이 마스크를 개발했습니다.
They can use reading as another input modality for the virtual reality experience and then can naturally interact with the environment.
마르쿠스 타츠게른, 연구원, SALZBURG 대학교응용 과학 기술:
그들은 가상 현실 경험을 위한 또 다른 입력 양식으로서 읽기를 사용할 수 있고 자연스럽게 환경과 상호 작용할 수 있다.
Breaths blown into the mask can be translated into forces on virtual objects in real-time.
마스크로 불어오는 숨결은 실시간으로 가상 물체에 가해지는 힘으로 변환될 수 있다.
They can blow out birthday candles.
They can blow up balloons.
So, this improves the virtual reality experience.
그들은 생일 초를 불어서 꺼낼 수 있다.
그들은 풍선을 불 수 있다.
그래서, 이것은 가상 현실 경험을 향상시킨다.
The mask can also manipulate breathing resistance to simulate real world situations like navigating fire.
마스크는 또한 호흡 저항을 조작하여 화재를 탐색하는 것과 같은 실제 상황을 시뮬레이션할 수 있다.
If users walk through a scene where there's smoke or heat, then the breathing gets harder as you would expect, so we manipulate the resistance a little bit more so that they feel an effect on their virtual avatar which on the other hand then increases embodiment so they feel more connected to this virtual character.
만약 사용자들이 연기나 열이 나는 장면을 걸으면, 여러분이 예상하는 것처럼 호흡이 더 힘들어집니다. 그래서 우리는 그들이 그들의 가상 아바타에 영향을 느끼도록 조금 더 저항력을 조작합니다. 그리고 다른 한편으로는 그들이 이 가상 캐릭터와 더 연결되어 있다고 느끼도록 표현력을 증가시킵니다.
The goal of this research is to improve the multisensory user experience in virtual reality.
본 연구의 목적은 가상현실에서의 다감각 사용자 경험을 향상시키는 것이다.
We are good at addressing vision.
We are good at addressing audio and hearing.
But what's missing to improve the experience which is not so easy to realize is haptic feedback.
Everything you touch in virtual reality is kind of, it doesn't have a real -- real object behind it.
So it's like you touch the air you interact with air basically.
And the more sensory input you provide for users, the better the experience.
우리는 비전을 다루는 데 능숙합니다.
우리는 오디오와 청력을 다루는 데 능숙하다.
하지만 실현하기 쉽지 않은 경험을 개선하기 위해 부족한 것은 촉각적 피드백이다.
가상 현실에서 여러분이 만지는 모든 것들은, 그 뒤에 진짜 -- 진짜 물체가 없습니다.
기본적으로 공기와 상호작용하는 공기를 만지는 것과 같습니다.
그리고 사용자에게 더 많은 감각적 입력을 제공할수록 더 나은 경험을 할 수 있습니다.
Though this is still in the research stage, Tatzgern and his team hope to use this technology in more scenarios in the future.
비록 이것이 아직 연구 단계에 있지만, Tatzgern과 그의 팀은 미래에 더 많은 시나리오에서 이 기술을 사용하기를 희망한다.
There's a lot of potential of virtual reality in training simulations because they get more immersive.
You can experience things in a safe environment, in a training simulation and also make mistakes and learn from those mistakes.
There can be fires that you perceive in virtual reality but they are not really a danger to yourself.
And, of course, there are applications in psychotherapy and therapy in general, where you can create more immersive scenarios that are maybe more enjoyable for users so that they stick to their training regimens.
훈련 시뮬레이션은 몰입도가 높아지기 때문에 가상 현실의 잠재력이 크다.
여러분은 안전한 환경, 훈련 시뮬레이션에서 무언가를 경험할 수 있고 또한 실수를 하고 그 실수로부터 배울 수 있습니다.
당신이 가상 현실에서 인지하는 불이 있을 수 있지만, 그것들은 실제로 당신 자신에게 위험한 것은 아니다.
물론, 일반적으로 심리치료와 치료에도 응용할 수 있습니다. 사용자가 훈련 요법을 고수할 수 있도록 사용자가 더 즐길 수 있는 더 몰입적인 시나리오를 만들 수 있습니다.
(비디오 종료)
Paper airplane contests have come a long way from my middle school gym.
Take for example the Red Bull Paper Wings World Final which was held in an Austrian airplane hangar last weekend.
One hundred seventy-one students from 57 countries made it here.
Finalists could only use a standardized piece of paper and only fold it, no cutting, tearing, stapling, gluing or funny business.
종이비행기 대회는 중학교 체육관에서 먼 길을 걸어왔다.
지난 주말에 오스트리아의 비행기 격납고에서 열렸던 레드불 종이 날개 세계 결승전을 예로 들어보자.
57개국에서 온 1771명의 학생들이 이 곳에 도착했습니다.
결승 진출자들은 표준화된 종이 한 장만 사용할 수 있었고, 절단, 찢기, 스테이플링, 접착 또는 재미있는 사업은 하지 않고 접기만 할 수 있었다.
The winner for longest distance flew 200 feet.
The winner for longest air time flew almost 15 seconds.
And the winner for aerobatics delivered an engaging artistic performance and also proposed to his girlfriend with a paper airplane.
최장거리 우승자는 200피트를 날았다.
가장 긴 방송 시간 우승자는 거의 15초를 날았습니다.
그리고 곡예비행의 우승자는 매력적인 예술 공연을 했고 또한 종이비행기를 가지고 여자친구에게 청혼했다.
Of course, paper is supposed to be for the first anniversary but that doesn't mean they should fold.
When a craft project landed them in Europe and love was on the wing, maybe it was time to increase their commitment, smooth out the edges, get a good grip and take flight to keep their hearts aloft.
물론, 종이는 1주년이 되어야 하지만 그것이 접어야 한다는 것을 의미하지는 않는다.
공예 프로젝트가 그들을 유럽에 상륙시키고 사랑이 날고 있을 때, 아마도 그들의 헌신을 늘리고, 가장자리를 매끄럽게 하고, 잘 잡고, 그들의 마음을 위로 유지하기 위해 비행을 해야 할 때였을 것이다.
I'm Carl Azuz.
Montford North Star Academy gets today's shout-out.
Thanks to our viewers in Asheville, North Carolina, for subscribing and commenting on our YouTube Channel.
Tomorrow is Friday.
You're only a day away.
난 칼 아주즈야
몽포드 노스 스타 아카데미가 오늘의 shout out에 선정되었습니다.
North Carolina Ashville에 계신 시청자 여러분께서 저희 유튜브 채널을 구독하고 댓글을 달아주셔서 감사합니다.
내일은 금요일입니다.
이제 하루밖에 안 남았어요.
** END
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