[CSP 대본 073] What Is A Bear Market?
073_220912_220523_What Is A Bear Market?
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CNN 페이지 원본 스크립트
** 원본 스크립트
CNN 10
The U.S. Ups Its Support For Ukraine; Shipments Of Baby Formula Are Flown Into America; Gas And Diesel Prices Hit New Records; A Stock Index Raises Concerns. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 23, 2022 - 04:00 ET
Hi. I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10.
This is our last week on the air in our spring broadcasting season.
So after this Friday, we'll be working behind the scenes until the daily show resumes in August.
First up, more American assistance is on the way to the nation of Ukraine.
The two countries are not officially allies through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Ukraine's not a member of NATO.
But the U.S. has been a leading supporter of Ukraine as it fights the invasion launched by Russia in February.
While on a trip to Asia, U.S. President Joe Biden signed a bill to provide $40 billion in new assistance to Ukraine.
It includes military equipment and humanitarian aid for the European country.
This is in addition to the $13.6 billion that Congress approved for Ukraine in March.
These packages have had bipartisan backing from Democrats and many Republicans on Capitol Hill.
The president says they're a sign of strong support for Ukraine as it defends itself from Russia but some Republicans say the U.S. is spending too much to help Ukraine that it should be selling the nation weapons instead and that European countries should be spending more to support Ukraine.
Meanwhile, a product from Europe is arriving to help out with a problem in the United States.
That problem is a widespread shortage of baby formula.
One of America's largest manufacturing plants was shut down in February over safety concerns and it won't be able to reopen for at least another week.
Seventy thousand pounds of formula landed in America from Switzerland yesterday, and President Biden says his administration's working around the clock to get it to people in need.
But critics say that administration waited too long and moved too slowly in taking action.
Here at Ramstein Air Force Base, we've been watching service members putting together these pallets.
You can see them all throughout here.
It's 1.5 million bottles, each bottle, 8 ounces.
One-point-five million bottles of baby formula being sent by a European company to the United States.
The Department of Defense is doing the shipping.
Let's take a look at what they're sending.
If you look at this, you can see it says Nestle.
That's a Swiss company.
Alfamino, that's a formula that's hypoallergenic.
That's because a lot of the children in the United States, their parents who are having trouble finding formula often those children have particular medical conditions or they have allergies and they're looking for a particular kind of formula like a hypoallergenic formula.
So it's – there's a lot of hope that this could help families in the U.S.
Now, we want to be clear-eyed about this as great as it is to have these 1.5 million bottles, this will not solve the infant formula shortage.
There are other steps that are being taken too, but even all put together this will not solve anything.
Hopefully, it will alleviate it to some extent, but as far as getting those shelves full again, that could take many, many, many weeks.
In the United States, fuel is at its highest price ever.
The AAA Automobile Association says the latest record for a gallon of gasoline was set on Sunday at more than $4.59 per gallon on average.
Diesel's record was set last Wednesday at over $5.57 per gallon.
Here's how that impacts inflation, the rising prices for goods.
It could be gasoline, it could be diesel, it could be jet fuel.
So, but that fuel is eventually going to be distributed.
Right now, those tank levels are pretty low, though.
Is that concerning for you?
YURKEVICH (voice-over):
These oil tanks in New York harbor sit at alarmingly low levels not seen in 30 years, as demand outpaces supply.
Over there.
This is one of seven critical fuel points across the country, supplying our nation's gas stations, planes, trucks and homes, critical to fueling the U.S. supply chain.
And really high diesel prices get passed on to the consumer.
And whether that's for construction, whether that's for delivering groceries to the grocery store where you buy whatever it is you need.
U.S. diesel prices are already at record highs, with particular pain here in the Northeast.
And now with tankers like these exporting much needed diesel to Europe, instead of supplying the U.S., prices are spiking higher.
But there are also fewer U.S. diesel refineries after years of closures to make up that difference in supply.
Right now, there's just a global shortage of diesel.
It's really tight.
Katie Child, owner of Berkshire Energy Depot in New Haven, Connecticut, is responsible for setting the price of diesel here.
How does it feel to have to make the price higher every day?
You can see the pain in their face when they come in and see the price and you just -- you apologize and say I'm sorry.
And it just, there's nothing -- there's nothing I can do about it.
She's a small business owner who services other small businesses and says the record prices have lost her customers.
When prices are high, people shop around more.
Well, if you know you'll save, you know, 10 cents down the road, you're going to go there.
Hudson Square Pharmacy, back in New York, is also facing the same problem.
Everything from cereal to toilet paper is more expensive.
We do pay a gas surcharge too.
Now that gas has gone up a lot, we notice on our bills $2, $3, $5 surcharge for gasoline.
That extra charge has to be recouped from somewhere.
Once the prices become a little too much, then we just have to pass it on to the consumer.
But the consumer holds some power to turn the tide of high prices.
A relentless buying and spending inflicted on a brittle supply chain are contributing to the high price of diesel.
And at some point the consumer's going to say, all right, enough's enough.
I got to -- I got to slow down because this is taking too much of my disposable income.
If we do have a pullback in economic activity, that might help, but kind of level off supplies, but for the time being, things are really tight.
AZUZ (voice-over):
Ten-second trivia:
Which of these animals symbolizes a lasting decline in the stock market?
Bull, turtle, bear, or pig?
A bear market can describe a condition when stock prices drop for a sustained amount of time.
So far, this year has not been a good one for the U.S. stock market.
Continued inflation, rising interest rates, global instability worries about a possible recession which is an economic downturn, all of these have been factors in why major indexes like the Dow Jones have taken a significant hit in 2022.
Another index you hear a lot about is the S&P 500 or the Standard and Poor's 500.
It tracks the stocks of 500 large American companies and last Friday, the S&P 500 temporarily sank into the territory of a bear market.
So we talk about being in a bear market.
People were panicking.
The market is not functioning properly.
What exactly is a bear market?
It's when stocks drop 20 percent from a recent high.
When we talk about the overall stock market, we usually look at a broad index like the S&P 500.
But individual stocks or commodities can also fall into a bear market if they decline 20 percent.
A bear market is different from a correction.
That's a 10 percent decline.
So if the S&P 500 falls into a bear market, it's already had a correction and then fallen another 10 percent.
Since World War II, there have been 14 bear markets for the S&P 500.
A bear market doesn't always signal a severe economic downturn in the last 40 years, four bear markets have occurred without a recession.
But the drops that coincide with recessions tend to be worse.
The good news is bear markets don't tend to last as long as bull markets.
The average lasted 339 days and declined nearly 32 percent.
But history shows it takes about a year for stocks to fully bounce back.
The S&P 500 did bounce back a bit on Friday.
After temporarily meeting that bear market definition, the index ended the day at 19 percent below its high in January so just shy of bear market territory.
But the recent drop is its biggest since March of 2020 when the COVID pandemic was sinking in.
And the Nasdaq, a different index, is already in a bear market.
Its stocks are down 30 percent from their recent high last fall.
So all this will be closely watched.
After a three-year hiatus, the tram driver championship returned to Europe over the weekend and what a championship it was.
One event involved tram pool, bump the queue and try to get the ball to roll to the middle.
Another looks like a tram version of bowling though I'm not sure the whole train was supposed to smack the pins.
There's the no hands did she program in enough braking power to stop in time event.
She did not.
But if you want to see what a perfect tram stop looks like -- wow is right.
Five hundred points for this masterful maneuver.
Sometimes there was too much speed, sometimes there wasn't enough.
But if your favorite kind of transport is tram sport and you're not afraid of the tramifications of trampling the comptration, train your eyes on an event that tracks the best conductors as they toe the line with the trolley and cry of keeping it real.
Old Orchard Junior High School is keeping it real.
Shout-out to our viewers in Skokie, Illinois.
And thank you for your requests on our YouTube channel.
I'm Carl Azuz.
** 파파고 번역
파파고 번역기의 영한 번역 그대로의 문장을 다듬지 않고 붙여넣기한 것이기 때문에 학습에 혼동을 줄 수 있는 오역이 있는 점 참고하시기 바랍니다.
CNN 10
The U.S. Ups Its Support For Ukraine; Shipments Of Baby Formula Are Flown Into America; Gas And Diesel Prices Hit New Records; A Stock Index Raises Concerns. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 23, 2022 - 04:00 ET
CNN 10
미국은 우크라이나에 대한 지지를 높이고, 아기 분유의 출하가 미국으로 날아오고, 가스와 경유 가격이 신기록을 세웠고, 주가지수는 우려를 불러일으키고 있다. 4-4:10a ET 방송
2022년 5월 23일 방송 - 04:00 미국 동부 표준시
급한 녹취록입니다 이 사본은 최종 형식이 아닐 수 있으며 업데이트될 수 있습니다.
Hi. I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10.
This is our last week on the air in our spring broadcasting season.
So after this Friday, we'll be working behind the scenes until the daily show resumes in August.
칼 아주즈, CNN 10 앵커:
안녕하세요. CNN 10의 칼 아주즈입니다.
이번 주가 봄 방송 시즌 마지막 주입니다.
그래서 이번 주 금요일 이후에 8월에 일일 쇼가 재개될 때까지 막후에서 작업을 할 거예요.
First up, more American assistance is on the way to the nation of Ukraine.
The two countries are not officially allies through the North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
Ukraine's not a member of NATO.
But the U.S. has been a leading supporter of Ukraine as it fights the invasion launched by Russia in February.
우선, 더 많은 미국의 원조가 우크라이나로 향하고 있다.
두 나라는 북대서양조약기구(NATO)를 통해 공식적으로 동맹국이 아니다.
우크라이나는 북대서양조약기구(NATO·나토)의 회원국이 아니다.
그러나 미국은 지난 2월 러시아가 감행한 침공과 싸우면서 우크라이나의 주요 지지자였다.
While on a trip to Asia, U.S. President Joe Biden signed a bill to provide $40 billion in new assistance to Ukraine.
It includes military equipment and humanitarian aid for the European country.
This is in addition to the $13.6 billion that Congress approved for Ukraine in March.
These packages have had bipartisan backing from Democrats and many Republicans on Capitol Hill.
아시아 순방 중 조 바이든 미국 대통령은 우크라이나에 400억 달러의 새로운 원조를 제공하는 법안에 서명했다.
그것은 유럽 국가에 대한 군사 장비와 인도적 지원을 포함한다.
이는 지난 3월 의회가 우크라이나에 대해 승인한 136억 달러 외에 추가되는 것이다.
이 패키지들은 민주당과 국회의사당에서 많은 공화당원들로부터 초당적인 지지를 받았다.
The president says they're a sign of strong support for Ukraine as it defends itself from Russia but some Republicans say the U.S. is spending too much to help Ukraine that it should be selling the nation weapons instead and that European countries should be spending more to support Ukraine.
대통령은 우크라이나에 대한 강력한 지지의 표시라고 말했지만, 일부 공화당원들은 미국이 우크라이나를 돕기 위해 너무 많은 돈을 쓰고 있다며 대신 우크라이나를 지원하기 위해 유럽 국가들이 더 많은 돈을 써야 한다고 말했다.
Meanwhile, a product from Europe is arriving to help out with a problem in the United States.
That problem is a widespread shortage of baby formula.
한편, 유럽에서 온 제품이 미국에서 문제를 해결하기 위해 도착하고 있습니다.
그 문제는 분유의 광범위한 부족이다.
One of America's largest manufacturing plants was shut down in February over safety concerns and it won't be able to reopen for at least another week.
미국에서 가장 큰 제조 공장 중 하나가 안전 문제로 지난 2월에 문을 닫았고 적어도 다음 주까지는 다시 문을 열 수 없을 것이다.
Seventy thousand pounds of formula landed in America from Switzerland yesterday, and President Biden says his administration's working around the clock to get it to people in need.
But critics say that administration waited too long and moved too slowly in taking action.
7만 파운드의 조제 분유가 어제 스위스에서 미국에 도착했는데, 바이든 대통령은 그의 행정부가 도움이 필요한 사람들에게 조제 분유를 전달하기 위해 24시간 내내 노력하고 있다고 말했습니다.
그러나 비판론자들은 정부가 너무 오래 기다렸고 조치를 취하는 데 너무 느리게 움직였다고 말한다.
(비디오 시작)
Here at Ramstein Air Force Base, we've been watching service members putting together these pallets.
You can see them all throughout here.
It's 1.5 million bottles, each bottle, 8 ounces.
One-point-five million bottles of baby formula being sent by a European company to the United States.
The Department of Defense is doing the shipping.
Elizabeth Cohen CNN 선임 의료 특파원:
여기 람슈타인 공군 기지에서, 우리는 이 팔레트들을 조립하는 군인들을 지켜보았다.
이 모든 곳에서 그들을 볼 수 있습니다.
한 병당 150만 병, 8온스입니다.
유럽 회사가 미국으로 보내는 분유 150만 병.
국방부에서 선적 작업을 하고 있습니다.
Let's take a look at what they're sending.
If you look at this, you can see it says Nestle.
That's a Swiss company.
Alfamino, that's a formula that's hypoallergenic.
그들이 무엇을 보내는지 봅시다.
이걸 보시면 네슬레라고 쓰여 있는 것을 보실 수 있습니다.
저것은 스위스 회사입니다.
알파미노, 저알레르기성 분유입니다.
That's because a lot of the children in the United States, their parents who are having trouble finding formula often those children have particular medical conditions or they have allergies and they're looking for a particular kind of formula like a hypoallergenic formula.
So it's – there's a lot of hope that this could help families in the U.S.
그 이유는 미국의 많은 아이들, 그들의 부모들이 종종 그 아이들이 특정한 의학적 조건을 가지고 있거나 알레르기를 가지고 있고 그들은 저알레르기성 조제분유와 같은 특정한 종류의 조제분유를 찾고 있기 때문입니다.
그래서 이것은 – 이것이 미국의 가족들에게 도움이 될 수 있다는 많은 희망이 있다.
Now, we want to be clear-eyed about this as great as it is to have these 1.5 million bottles, this will not solve the infant formula shortage.
There are other steps that are being taken too, but even all put together this will not solve anything.
Hopefully, it will alleviate it to some extent, but as far as getting those shelves full again, that could take many, many, many weeks.
자, 우리는 이 150만 개의 병을 가지고 있는 것만큼이나 이 문제에 대해 명료하게 생각하고 싶습니다. 이것은 유아용 분유 부족을 해결하지 못할 것입니다.
다른 조치들도 취해지고 있지만, 이 모든 것을 합친다고 해서 어떤 것도 해결되지는 않을 것이다.
바라건대, 어느 정도 완화될 수 있기를 바라지만, 진열대를 다시 가득 채우는 한, 몇 주, 몇 주가 걸릴 수 있습니다.
(비디오 종료)
In the United States, fuel is at its highest price ever.
The AAA Automobile Association says the latest record for a gallon of gasoline was set on Sunday at more than $4.59 per gallon on average.
Diesel's record was set last Wednesday at over $5.57 per gallon.
미국에서, 연료는 사상 최고 가격이다.
AAA 자동차 협회는 휘발유 1갤런에 대한 최근 기록이 일요일에 평균적으로 갤런당 4.59달러 이상으로 세워졌다고 말한다.
디젤의 최고 기록은 지난 수요일 갤런당 5.57달러 이상으로 세워졌다.
Here's how that impacts inflation, the rising prices for goods.
이것이 물가 상승, 즉 상품 가격 상승에 어떤 영향을 미치는지 보여줍니다.
(비디오 시작)
It could be gasoline, it could be diesel, it could be jet fuel.
So, but that fuel is eventually going to be distributed.
Right now, those tank levels are pretty low, though.
가솔린, 디젤, 제트 연료일 수 있습니다.
그래서, 하지만 그 연료는 결국 분배될 것입니다.
하지만 지금은 탱크 레벨이 꽤 낮아요
Is that concerning for you?
그게 걱정되나요?
그렇고 말고요.
YURKEVICH (voice-over):
These oil tanks in New York harbor sit at alarmingly low levels not seen in 30 years, as demand outpaces supply.
유르케비치 (나레이션)
뉴욕 항구에 있는 이들 석유 탱크는 수요가 공급을 앞지르면서 30년 만에 볼 수 없을 정도로 낮은 수준에 머물러 있다.
Over there.
This is one of seven critical fuel points across the country, supplying our nation's gas stations, planes, trucks and homes, critical to fueling the U.S. supply chain.
이것은 미국의 공급망을 부채질하는 데 중요한 역할을 하는 미국의 주유소, 비행기, 트럭, 집을 공급하는 7개의 중요한 연료 지점 중 하나입니다.
And really high diesel prices get passed on to the consumer.
And whether that's for construction, whether that's for delivering groceries to the grocery store where you buy whatever it is you need.
그리고 정말로 높은 디젤 가격은 소비자에게 전가됩니다.
그리고 그것이 건축을 위한 것이든, 식료품점에 식료품을 배달하기 위한 것이든, 필요한 것은 무엇이든 사는 것입니다.
U.S. diesel prices are already at record highs, with particular pain here in the Northeast.
And now with tankers like these exporting much needed diesel to Europe, instead of supplying the U.S., prices are spiking higher.
But there are also fewer U.S. diesel refineries after years of closures to make up that difference in supply.
미국 경유 가격은 이미 사상 최고치를 기록하고 있으며, 특히 이곳 동북지방은 고통을 겪고 있다.
그리고 이제 이런 유조선이 미국에 공급하는 대신 유럽에 많이 필요한 디젤을 수출하면서 가격이 치솟고 있다.
그러나 공급의 차이를 메우기 위해 몇 년 동안 문을 닫은 후 미국의 디젤 정유소도 더 적다.
Right now, there's just a global shortage of diesel.
It's really tight.
지금 당장은 전 세계적으로 디젤이 부족할 뿐입니다.
정말 빠듯해요.
Katie Child, owner of Berkshire Energy Depot in New Haven, Connecticut, is responsible for setting the price of diesel here.
코네티컷주 뉴헤이븐에 있는 버크셔 에너지 디포의 소유주인 케이티 차일드는 이곳에서 디젤 가격을 책정할 책임이 있다.
How does it feel to have to make the price higher every day?
매일 가격을 올려야 하는 기분이 어때?
You can see the pain in their face when they come in and see the price and you just -- you apologize and say I'm sorry.
And it just, there's nothing -- there's nothing I can do about it.
케이티 차일드, 버크셔 에너지 창고 주인:
여러분은 그들이 와서 가격을 볼 때 그들의 얼굴에서 고통을 볼 수 있습니다. 여러분은 사과하고 미안하다고 말합니다.
그리고 그것은, 아무것도 없습니다. 제가 할 수 있는 일은 아무것도 없습니다.
She's a small business owner who services other small businesses and says the record prices have lost her customers.
그녀는 다른 중소기업에 서비스를 제공하는 중소기업 소유주이며 기록적인 가격이 고객을 잃었다고 말합니다.
When prices are high, people shop around more.
Well, if you know you'll save, you know, 10 cents down the road, you're going to go there.
물가가 높을 때, 사람들은 더 많이 발품을 판다.
음, 만약 여러분이 앞으로 10센트를 절약할 수 있다는 것을 안다면, 여러분은 거기에 갈 것입니다.
Hudson Square Pharmacy, back in New York, is also facing the same problem.
Everything from cereal to toilet paper is more expensive.
뉴욕에 있는 허드슨 스퀘어 약국도 같은 문제에 직면해 있습니다.
시리얼부터 화장지에 이르기까지 모든 것이 더 비싸다.
We do pay a gas surcharge too.
Now that gas has gone up a lot, we notice on our bills $2, $3, $5 surcharge for gasoline.
허드슨 스퀘어 약국 주인 알 솔만:
우리는 주유할증료도 지불한다.
휘발유가 많이 올랐기 때문에, 우리는 청구서에 휘발유에 대해 2, 3, 5달러의 할증료가 있다는 것을 알 수 있다.
That extra charge has to be recouped from somewhere.
그 추가 요금은 어딘가에서 회수해야 한다.
Once the prices become a little too much, then we just have to pass it on to the consumer.
일단 가격이 너무 비싸지면, 우리는 그것을 소비자에게 전가하면 된다.
But the consumer holds some power to turn the tide of high prices.
A relentless buying and spending inflicted on a brittle supply chain are contributing to the high price of diesel.
하지만 소비자들은 높은 가격의 흐름을 바꿀 힘을 가지고 있다.
취약한 공급망에 가해진 끊임없는 구매와 지출이 디젤의 높은 가격에 기여하고 있다.
And at some point the consumer's going to say, all right, enough's enough.
I got to -- I got to slow down because this is taking too much of my disposable income.
If we do have a pullback in economic activity, that might help, but kind of level off supplies, but for the time being, things are really tight.
그리고 어느 순간 소비자는 "좋아, 충분해"라고 말할 것입니다.
저는 속도를 줄여야만 했습니다. 왜냐하면 이것이 제 가처분소득의 너무 많은 부분을 차지하기 때문입니다.
만약 우리가 경제활동에서 후퇴한다면, 그것은 도움이 될 수 있지만, 공급은 어느 정도 평준화되지만, 당분간은 상황이 정말 빠듯합니다.
(비디오 종료)
(비디오 클립 시작)
AZUZ (voice-over):
Ten-second trivia:
Which of these animals symbolizes a lasting decline in the stock market?
Bull, turtle, bear, or pig?
A bear market can describe a condition when stock prices drop for a sustained amount of time.
10초 상식 퀴즈:
이 동물들 중 어느 것이 주식 시장의 지속적인 하락을 상징합니까?
황소, 거북이, 곰, 돼지?
약세 시장은 주가가 지속적인 시간 동안 하락하는 상황을 설명할 수 있다.
(비디오 클립 종료)
So far, this year has not been a good one for the U.S. stock market.
Continued inflation, rising interest rates, global instability worries about a possible recession which is an economic downturn, all of these have been factors in why major indexes like the Dow Jones have taken a significant hit in 2022.
지금까지, 올해는 미국 주식 시장에 좋은 해가 아니었다.
계속되는 인플레이션, 금리 상승, 경기침체 가능성에 대한 글로벌 불안 우려, 이 모든 것이 다우존스 등 주요 지수가 2022년 큰 타격을 입은 이유였다.
Another index you hear a lot about is the S&P 500 or the Standard and Poor's 500.
It tracks the stocks of 500 large American companies and last Friday, the S&P 500 temporarily sank into the territory of a bear market.
여러분이 많이 듣는 또 다른 지수는 S&P 500 또는 스탠더드 앤드 푸어스 500입니다.
그것은 500개의 미국 대기업의 주식을 추적하고 있으며, 지난 금요일 S&P 500은 일시적으로 약세 시장의 영역에 가라앉았다.
(비디오 시작)
So we talk about being in a bear market.
신원 미상 여성:
그래서 우리는 약세장에 있는 것에 대해 이야기합니다.
People were panicking.
신원 미상 남성:
사람들은 공황 상태에 빠졌다.
The market is not functioning properly.
신원 미상 남성:
시장이 제대로 작동하지 않고 있다.
What exactly is a bear market?
크리스틴 로만스 CNN 최고 비즈니스 특파원:
약세장이란 정확히 무엇인가?
It's when stocks drop 20 percent from a recent high.
When we talk about the overall stock market, we usually look at a broad index like the S&P 500.
주가가 최근 최고치에서 20% 하락할 때다.
주식시장 전반을 이야기할 때, 우리는 보통 S&P 500과 같은 넓은 지수를 본다.
But individual stocks or commodities can also fall into a bear market if they decline 20 percent.
그러나 개별 주식이나 상품도 20% 하락하면 약세장에 빠질 수 있다.
A bear market is different from a correction.
That's a 10 percent decline.
So if the S&P 500 falls into a bear market, it's already had a correction and then fallen another 10 percent.
Since World War II, there have been 14 bear markets for the S&P 500.
약세장은 조정과 다르다.
그것은 10% 감소입니다.
그래서 S&P 500지수가 약세장에 빠지면, 그것은 이미 조정을 받았고 그리고 나서 10퍼센트 더 떨어졌다.
제2차 세계 대전 이후 S&P 500의 약세 시장은 14개였다.
A bear market doesn't always signal a severe economic downturn in the last 40 years, four bear markets have occurred without a recession.
But the drops that coincide with recessions tend to be worse.
약세장이 항상 지난 40년 동안 심각한 경기 침체를 나타내는 것은 아닙니다. 네 번의 약세장이 불황 없이 발생했습니다.
그러나 경기 침체와 일치하는 하락은 더 나쁜 경향이 있다.
The good news is bear markets don't tend to last as long as bull markets.
The average lasted 339 days and declined nearly 32 percent.
But history shows it takes about a year for stocks to fully bounce back.
좋은 소식은 약세장이 강세장만큼 오래 지속되지 않는 경향이 있다는 것이다.
평균은 339일 동안 지속되었고 거의 32% 감소했다.
그러나 역사는 주식이 완전히 회복되려면 약 1년이 걸린다는 것을 보여준다.
(비디오 종료)
The S&P 500 did bounce back a bit on Friday.
After temporarily meeting that bear market definition, the index ended the day at 19 percent below its high in January so just shy of bear market territory.
But the recent drop is its biggest since March of 2020 when the COVID pandemic was sinking in.
S&P 500 지수는 금요일에 약간 반등했다.
일시적으로 약세 시장의 정의를 충족한 후, 지수는 1월의 최고치보다 19퍼센트 낮은 수준으로 장을 마쳤기 때문에 약세 시장 영역에는 미치지 못했다.
하지만 최근 하락폭은 코로나 팬데믹이 가라앉던 2020년 3월 이후 가장 크다.
And the Nasdaq, a different index, is already in a bear market.
Its stocks are down 30 percent from their recent high last fall.
So all this will be closely watched.
그리고 다른 지수인 나스닥은 이미 약세장에 있다.
그것의 주식은 작년 가을의 최근 최고치보다 30% 하락했다.
그래서 이 모든 것은 주의 깊게 지켜볼 것이다.
After a three-year hiatus, the tram driver championship returned to Europe over the weekend and what a championship it was.
3년간의 공백 끝에 지난 주말 유럽으로 돌아온 트램 드라이버 챔피언십은 정말 대단한 챔피언십이었다.
One event involved tram pool, bump the queue and try to get the ball to roll to the middle.
한 이벤트는 트램 풀, 대열을 부딪치고 공이 가운데로 굴러가도록 하는 것이었다.
Another looks like a tram version of bowling though I'm not sure the whole train was supposed to smack the pins.
다른 것은 트램 버전의 볼링처럼 보이지만, 기차 전체가 핀을 때리기로 되어 있는지는 확실하지 않다.
There's the no hands did she program in enough braking power to stop in time event.
She did not.
그녀가 제시간에 멈출 수 있을 만큼 충분한 제동력으로 프로그램을 짠 사람은 아무도 없다.
그녀는 하지 않았다.
But if you want to see what a perfect tram stop looks like -- wow is right.
Five hundred points for this masterful maneuver.
Sometimes there was too much speed, sometimes there wasn't enough.
하지만 만약 여러분이 완벽한 트램 정류장이 어떤 모습인지 보고 싶다면 -- 와우 맞습니다.
이 뛰어난 기동에 500점.
때로는 속도가 너무 빨랐고, 때로는 부족했다.
But if your favorite kind of transport is tram sport and you're not afraid of the tramifications of trampling the comptration, train your eyes on an event that tracks the best conductors as they toe the line with the trolley and cry of keeping it real.
하지만 여러분이 가장 좋아하는 종류의 교통수단이 트램 스포츠이고 압축물을 짓밟는 트램이 두렵지 않다면, 트롤리와 선을 따라 최고의 지휘자를 추적하는 이벤트에 눈을 훈련하고 그것을 현실로 유지하라고 외쳐라.
Old Orchard Junior High School is keeping it real.
Shout-out to our viewers in Skokie, Illinois.
And thank you for your requests on our YouTube channel.
I'm Carl Azuz.
올드 오차드 중학교는 그것을 현실로 유지하고 있다.
일리노이주 스코키에 계신 시청자분들께 큰소리로 인사드립니다.
그리고 저희 유튜브 채널에 요청해주셔서 감사합니다.
저는 칼 아주즈입니다.
** END
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