[CSP 대본 068] A Total Lunar Eclipse
068_220808_220516_A Total Lunar Eclipse

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Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 A Shooting In Buffalo, New York Appears To Be A Hate Crime; Crypto Markets Tank, An Eclipse Reveals A "Super Flower Blood Moon". Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired May 16, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COP
** 원본 스크립트
CNN 10
A Shooting In Buffalo, New York Appears To Be A Hate Crime; Crypto Markets Tank, An Eclipse Reveals A "Super Flower Blood Moon". Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 16, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET
With two weeks left to go in our spring broadcasting season, we're happy to have you watching our show.
I'm Carl Azuz.
In the city of Buffalo, New York, local and federal investigators are searching for answers after an unprovoked act of violence was carried out on Saturday.
Police say an 18-year old suspect drove to Buffalo from another area that's hours away.
After Payton Gendron arrived at a supermarket, he's accused of shooting several people in the parking lot before moving inside the store and attacking more there.
Buffalo's police commissioner says the suspect was heavily armed and wearing body armor, which is why he wasn't stopped when a security guard shot him.
The security guard was a retired police officer and one of 10 people who were killed in the shooting.
Three others were injured in the attack but they're expected to survive.
After police arrived, they say the suspect eventually dropped his gun and surrendered he has pleaded not guilty to the initial charge of first-degree murder.
Why did he allegedly do this?
One thing investigators are looking at is a manifesto, a public declaration of views that was reportedly posted online under the name of the suspect.
The manifesto's author claimed to be a white supremacist and spoke out against Jews and other races.
Of the 13 people who were shot, 11 were African-American and two were white, according to police.
Authorities are calling the attack a hate crime, an act that can be motivated by racism.
It was straight up racially motivated hate crime, from somebody outside of our community, outside of the city of good neighbors as the mayor said, coming into our community and trying to inflict that evil upon us.
Prosecutors are expected to announce more charges against the suspect.
Also, as we produced today's show, we were getting reports of another separate attack at a church in Laguna Hills, California, where at least five people were shot on Sunday.
CNN.com will have the latest information on that.
Our second story today follows up on something we reported on Wednesday concerning the rise and fall of bitcoin.
The cryptocurrency's recent rise was last autumn when the value of one bitcoin was close to seventy thousand dollars.
The fall was last week when that value dropped to below thirty thousand dollars.
What it'll do in the months ahead is anyone's guess.
Some experts say one bitcoin could still be worth a hundred thousand dollars or more by year's end.
But others say bitcoin and crypto in general could go the other direction altogether.
It's touted as nearly impossible to counterfeit, fast to transfer, keeping users anonymous, and not beholden to any central bank.
The appeal of cryptocurrency has led to skyrocketing value.
Its market cap peaking at $3 trillion before recently dropping to $1.2 trillion.
Well, it's the future of currency.
It's an unstoppable financial vehicle that's going to take over the world.
I get that, but what is it, man?
Made possible by Blockchain technology, the most popular cryptocurrencies are virtually mined.
Sophisticated software crunching complex, computational math problems with the first to find a solution winning a block of digital coins which users can then sell.
Boosted by an unprecedented level of easy money in low-interest rates and stimulus spending, cryptocurrencies soared the last couple of years.
And it's already changed the way our system works.
Investors, entrepreneurs, and even governments bought in.
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez pushing to make the city the U.S. crypto capital.
And El Salvador adopting Bitcoin as an official currency.
In El Salvador, we are trying to rescue this idea and it started to sign up our country for the future.
But the mining process consumes tons of energy which presents serious environmental concerns.
The anonymity also invites crime.
Crypto has been used for everything from buying illicit drugs to paying off hackers and ransomware attacks.
Critics also charged that crypto scams are rampant.
The mania has led to instability.
Prices spiking and crashing, and in the last month alone, close to a trillion dollars' worth of value has been lost.
Given the extreme volatility in cryptocurrency markets, a newer kind of coin has become increasingly popular.
Stable coins like Tether are backed by hard assets, things like bonds.
They allow users of Tether to exchange one coin for one U.S. dollar at any given time.
Similarly, algorithmic stable coins, like TerraUSD are not backed by hard assets, but a nebulous term called financial engineering that ties it to the U.S. dollar.
That financial engineering has recently spooked investors.
And over the last few days, both of these coins have faltered.
Tether, the world's largest stable coin, broke its peg from the U.S. dollar before rebounding.
And TerraUSD fell into a death spiral dropping to just 16 cents as of Saturday.
Terra's sister coin Luna also lost more than 90 percent of its value in just 24 hours.
They're built on these quite complicated mechanisms that rely on people trusting the system.
And as soon as trust evaporates, the entire thing can collapse.
The drop triggering a panic with a recent report indicating that regulators at the Federal Reserve are concerned little oversight could doom confidence in the entire digital economy.
I think right now is the kind of pivotal testimony for crypto to either prove the doubters wrong that there is something new, different, and valuable here, or I think the entire industry will start to look like a very bizarre sideshow that people should ignore.
AZUZ (voice-over):
Ten-second trivia:
What is the popular term for the second full moon in a calendar month?
Red moon, blood moon, blue moon, or harvest moon?
The phrase "once in a blue moon" can refer to the second full moon in a month.
But it's a moon of a red shade that stargazers across the Americas were looking up for on Sunday night.
The total lunar eclipse was also at least partly visible in Africa, Europe and some Pacific nations.
It was called the "super flower blood moon" and here's what all that means: a super moon might appear to be bigger and brighter than a normal full moon, because it occurs when the moon is closer in its elliptical orbit of earth.
It was there at perigee on Sunday night.
Flower because as the old farmer's almanac says this is the time of year when flowers bloom in the northern hemisphere.
And blood is the result of the moon's reddish shade during a total lunar eclipse.
A lunar eclipse is when the moon passes through the earth's shadow this only occurs during a full moon.
Two factors decide which of three possible eclipses the moon will experience: the tilt of the moon's orbit around the earth, and which of the earth's two shadows the moon falls behind.
The earth's darker inner shadow is known as the umbra and the lighter outer one is called the penumbra.
The penumbral eclipse is when the moon passes through -- you guessed it -- just the penumbra.
NASA says this type of eclipse is so subtle that if you didn't know it was happening, you might not even notice it.
A partial eclipse is when the moon only gets covered by part of the earth's umbra, so only part of it is shaded in darkness by the earth.
A partial eclipse happens at least twice a year.
And then there's the big one, the total lunar eclipse.
These are rare, often separated by years, and require the moon, earth and sun to be in perfect alignment.
But don't think this blacks out the moon, as the moon shifts deeper into the umbra, it takes on a red hue which is sometimes called a blood moon.
The moon turns red because the atmosphere is filtering out color at the opposite end of the visible spectrum, the blue light.
The short wavelengths of blue don't travel as far as the long red wavelengths so they scatter before reaching our eyes, leaving behind the red glow.
Not everyone on earth can see a lunar eclipse at the same time.
You'll need to be in an area facing the moon during the moments it's shaded by earth.
Unlike a solar eclipse, you don't need any special equipment to enjoy a lunar eclipse.
They're safe to watch at any stage, although a pair of binoculars might make it more fun.
If you're a millionaire and you like spending your money on skeletons, and who doesn't, all this could have been yours.
The Christie's Auction House just sold off a velociraptor, at least some of the bones of one, for almost 12.5 million dollars.
That's almost twice what they thought it'd go for.
Christie says 126 of these bones are real, the rest had to be fabricated, including most of the head according to "The New York Times".
Now some would call $12.5 million outrageous, but others would call it cretaceous.
And a Mesostoic investor who's not dino-soured on the market might think nothing of digging up monstrous amounts of money to Triassic his claw and managing a skeleton of ancient history as long as it had good bones.
We are shouting out the Roughriders today.
We're talking about you, the students of Red River High School in Grand Forks, North Dakota, for CNN 10.
I'm Carl Azuz.
** 파파고 번역
파파고 번역기의 영한 번역 그대로의 문장을 다듬지 않고 붙여넣기한 것이기 때문에 학습에 혼동을 줄 수 있는 오역이 있는 점 참고하시기 바랍니다.
CNN 10
A Shooting In Buffalo, New York Appears To Be A Hate Crime; Crypto Markets Tank, An Eclipse Reveals A "Super Flower Blood Moon". Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 16, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET
CNN 10
뉴욕 버팔로에서의 총격 사건이 증오 범죄인 것 같다; 암호화폐 시장 탱크, 일식이 "슈퍼 플라워 블러드문"을 공개하다. 방송 4-4:10a ET
2022년 5월 16일 방송 - 동부 표준시 04:00:00
급하게 작성된 대본입니다. 이 사본은 최종 형태가 아닐 수 있으며 업데이트될 수 있습니다.
With two weeks left to go in our spring broadcasting season, we're happy to have you watching our show.
I'm Carl Azuz.
칼 아주즈, CNN 10 앵커:
봄 방송 시즌 종료가 2주 앞으로 다가오고 있고 여러분들이 저희 방송을 봐주셔서 감사합니다.
저는 칼 아주즈입니다.
In the city of Buffalo, New York, local and federal investigators are searching for answers after an unprovoked act of violence was carried out on Saturday.
Police say an 18-year old suspect drove to Buffalo from another area that's hours away.
After Payton Gendron arrived at a supermarket, he's accused of shooting several people in the parking lot before moving inside the store and attacking more there.
뉴욕주 버팔로 시에서 현지 및 연방 수사관들이 지난 토요일 이유 없는 폭력 행위가 발생한 후 해답을 찾고 있습니다.
경찰은 18세 용의자가 몇 시간 거리에 있는 다른 지역에서 버팔로로 차를 몰고 갔다고 밝혔습니다.
페이튼 겐드론이 슈퍼마켓에 도착한 후, 그는 주차장에서 여러 명을 총으로 쏘고 가게 안으로 들어가서 더 많은 사람들을 공격한 혐의를 받고 있다.
Buffalo's police commissioner says the suspect was heavily armed and wearing body armor, which is why he wasn't stopped when a security guard shot him.
The security guard was a retired police officer and one of 10 people who were killed in the shooting.
Three others were injured in the attack but they're expected to survive.
버팔로 경찰국장은 용의자가 중무장을 하고 방탄복을 입고 있어 보안요원이 총을 쐈는데도 제지당하지 않았다고 말했습니다.
그 경비원은 은퇴한 경찰관이었고 총격으로 사망한 10명 중 한 명이었다.
다른 세 명은 그 공격으로 부상을 입었지만 그들은 살아남을 것으로 예상된다.
After police arrived, they say the suspect eventually dropped his gun and surrendered he has pleaded not guilty to the initial charge of first-degree murder.
Why did he allegedly do this?
경찰이 도착한 후, 그들은 용의자가 결국 그의 총을 떨어뜨리고 투항했다고 말하는데, 그는 1급 살인 혐의의 최초 혐의에 대해 무죄를 주장해왔다.
왜 이런 짓을 했을까요?
One thing investigators are looking at is a manifesto, a public declaration of views that was reportedly posted online under the name of the suspect.
수사관들이 살펴보고 있는 것은 용의자의 이름으로 온라인에 게시된 것으로 알려진 공개 의견서인 성명서이다.
The manifesto's author claimed to be a white supremacist and spoke out against Jews and other races.
Of the 13 people who were shot, 11 were African-American and two were white, according to police.
Authorities are calling the attack a hate crime, an act that can be motivated by racism.
이 선언의 저자는 백인 우월주의자를 자처하며 유대인과 다른 인종에 대해 공개적으로 반대했다.
경찰에 따르면 총에 맞은 13명 중 11명은 아프리카계 미국인, 2명은 백인이라고 한다.
당국은 이번 공격을 인종 차별로 동기가 부여될 수 있는 행동인 증오 범죄라고 부르고 있다.
(비디오 클립 시작)
It was straight up racially motivated hate crime, from somebody outside of our community, outside of the city of good neighbors as the mayor said, coming into our community and trying to inflict that evil upon us.
존 C. 가르시아, ERIE 카운티 보안관:
그것은 바로 인종적으로 동기부여가 된 증오범죄였습니다. 시장님이 말씀하신 것처럼, 선한 이웃의 도시 밖에서, 우리 지역사회에 들어와서 우리에게 그 악을 씌우려고 했던 것입니다.
(비디오 클립 종료)
Prosecutors are expected to announce more charges against the suspect.
Also, as we produced today's show, we were getting reports of another separate attack at a church in Laguna Hills, California, where at least five people were shot on Sunday.
CNN.com will have the latest information on that.
검찰은 이 용의자에 대한 추가 혐의를 발표할 것으로 보인다.
또한, 오늘 쇼를 제작하면서, 일요일에 적어도 다섯 명이 총에 맞은 캘리포니아 라구나 힐스의 한 교회에서 또 다른 공격이 있었다는 보고를 받고 있었습니다.
CNN.com은 그것에 대한 최신 정보를 가지고 있을 것이다.
Our second story today follows up on something we reported on Wednesday concerning the rise and fall of bitcoin.
The cryptocurrency's recent rise was last autumn when the value of one bitcoin was close to seventy thousand dollars.
The fall was last week when that value dropped to below thirty thousand dollars.
What it'll do in the months ahead is anyone's guess.
오늘 우리의 두 번째 이야기는 수요일에 비트코인의 흥망성쇠에 관해 보도한 것에 대한 후속 보도입니다.
이 암호화폐의 최근 상승세는 비트코인 1개 가치가 7만 달러에 육박했던 지난해 가을이다.
그 가치가 3만 달러 이하로 떨어진 것은 지난 주였다.
그것이 앞으로 몇 달 동안 무엇을 할지는 누구나 짐작할 수 있다.
Some experts say one bitcoin could still be worth a hundred thousand dollars or more by year's end.
But others say bitcoin and crypto in general could go the other direction altogether.
일부 전문가들은 연말까지 비트코인 하나가 여전히 10만 달러 이상의 가치가 있을 수 있다고 말한다.
그러나 다른 사람들은 비트코인과 암호화가 완전히 다른 방향으로 갈 수 있다고 말한다.
(비디오테이프 시작)
It's touted as nearly impossible to counterfeit, fast to transfer, keeping users anonymous, and not beholden to any central bank.
The appeal of cryptocurrency has led to skyrocketing value.
Its market cap peaking at $3 trillion before recently dropping to $1.2 trillion.
보리스 산체스, 뉴데이 위크엔드 앵커 (나레이션)
위조가 거의 불가능하고, 송금 속도가 빠르며, 사용자를 익명으로 유지하며, 중앙은행에 신세를 지지 않는다고 선전되고 있다.
암호화폐의 매력은 가치 급등을 이끌었다.
그것의 시가총액은 최근 1조 2천억 달러로 떨어지기 전에 3조 달러로 정점을 찍었다.
Well, it's the future of currency.
It's an unstoppable financial vehicle that's going to take over the world.
일론 머스크, 테슬라 CEO:
자, 이것은 화폐의 미래입니다.
그것은 세계를 장악할 수 있는 막을 수 없는 금융 수단입니다.
I get that, but what is it, man?
미확인 남성:
그건 알겠는데, 그게 뭐야?
Made possible by Blockchain technology, the most popular cryptocurrencies are virtually mined.
Sophisticated software crunching complex, computational math problems with the first to find a solution winning a block of digital coins which users can then sell.
블록체인 기술로 가능해진 가장 인기 있는 암호화폐는 가상으로 채굴된다.
사용자가 판매할 수 있는 디지털 동전 블록을 획득한 최초의 솔루션을 찾는 복잡한 컴퓨터 수학 문제.
Boosted by an unprecedented level of easy money in low-interest rates and stimulus spending, cryptocurrencies soared the last couple of years.
저금리와 경기부양 지출에서 전례 없는 수준의 손쉬운 자금에 힘입어 암호화폐가 지난 몇 년간 급등했다.
And it's already changed the way our system works.
프란시스 수아레스, 마이애미 시장:
그리고 그것은 이미 우리의 시스템이 작동하는 방식을 바꾸어 놓았습니다.
Investors, entrepreneurs, and even governments bought in.
Miami Mayor Francis Suarez pushing to make the city the U.S. crypto capital.
And El Salvador adopting Bitcoin as an official currency.
투자자들, 기업가들, 그리고 심지어 정부들도 그것을 샀다.
프란시스 수아레스 마이애미 시장은 이 도시를 미국의 암호 수도로 만들 것을 추진하고 있다.
그리고 엘살바도르는 비트코인을 공식 통화로 채택했다.
In El Salvador, we are trying to rescue this idea and it started to sign up our country for the future.
NAYIB BUKELE, 엘살바도르 대통령:
엘살바도르에서, 우리는 이 아이디어를 구하기 위해 노력하고 있습니다. 그리고 그것은 미래를 위해 우리나라를 등록하기 시작했습니다.
But the mining process consumes tons of energy which presents serious environmental concerns.
The anonymity also invites crime.
Crypto has been used for everything from buying illicit drugs to paying off hackers and ransomware attacks.
Critics also charged that crypto scams are rampant.
그러나 채굴 과정은 심각한 환경 문제를 야기하는 엄청난 에너지를 소비한다.
익명성은 또한 범죄를 유발한다.
크립토는 불법 마약 구매에서부터 해커들의 돈 갚기, 랜섬웨어 공격에 이르기까지 모든 것에 사용되어 왔다.
암호화폐 사기가 기승을 부리고 있다는 비판도 제기됐다.
The mania has led to instability.
Prices spiking and crashing, and in the last month alone, close to a trillion dollars' worth of value has been lost.
그 열기가 불안정을 초래했다.
물가가 급등하고 폭락했고, 지난 한 달 동안만 1조 달러에 가까운 가치가 사라졌습니다.
Given the extreme volatility in cryptocurrency markets, a newer kind of coin has become increasingly popular.
Stable coins like Tether are backed by hard assets, things like bonds.
They allow users of Tether to exchange one coin for one U.S. dollar at any given time.
암호화폐 시장의 극심한 변동성을 고려할 때, 새로운 종류의 코인은 점점 더 인기를 얻고 있다.
테더와 같은 스테이블 코인은 채권과 같은 하드 자산으로 뒷받침된다.
그들은 테더의 사용자들이 주어진 시간에 하나의 코인을 하나의 미국 달러로 교환할 수 있도록 한다.
Similarly, algorithmic stable coins, like TerraUSD are not backed by hard assets, but a nebulous term called financial engineering that ties it to the U.S. dollar.
That financial engineering has recently spooked investors.
And over the last few days, both of these coins have faltered.
비슷하게, 테라 USD와 같은 알고리즘 안정 코인은 하드 자산에 의해 뒷받침되는 것이 아니라, 그것을 미국 달러와 결부시키는 금융 공학이라는 모호한 용어이다.
그 금융공학은 최근 투자자들을 놀라게 했다.
그리고 지난 며칠 동안, 이 두 코인 모두 흔들렸다.
Tether, the world's largest stable coin, broke its peg from the U.S. dollar before rebounding.
And TerraUSD fell into a death spiral dropping to just 16 cents as of Saturday.
Terra's sister coin Luna also lost more than 90 percent of its value in just 24 hours.
세계 최대 스테이블코인 테더가 반등에 앞서 미국 달러화에 대한 가치보다 더 떨어졌다.
그리고 TerraUSD는 토요일 현재 16센트로 떨어지는 죽음의 소용돌이에 빠졌다.
테라의 자매 코인 루나 역시 24시간 만에 90% 이상의 가치를 잃었다.
They're built on these quite complicated mechanisms that rely on people trusting the system.
And as soon as trust evaporates, the entire thing can collapse.
Ethan Wu, 파이낸셜 타임즈:
그것들은 사람들이 시스템을 신뢰하는 것에 의존하는 꽤 복잡한 메커니즘 위에 구축되어 있습니다.
그리고 신뢰가 증발하는 순간, 모든 것이 무너질 수 있다.
The drop triggering a panic with a recent report indicating that regulators at the Federal Reserve are concerned little oversight could doom confidence in the entire digital economy.
연방준비제도이사회(FRB)의 감독당국이 감독 소홀이 전체 디지털 경제에 대한 신뢰를 떨어뜨릴 수 있다고 우려하는 최근의 보고서와 함께 이 하락이 공황을 촉발시켰다.
I think right now is the kind of pivotal testimony for crypto to either prove the doubters wrong that there is something new, different, and valuable here, or I think the entire industry will start to look like a very bizarre sideshow that people should ignore.
저는 지금 암호화폐가 의심자들에게 무언가 새롭고, 다르고, 가치 있는 것이 여기 있다는 것을 잘못 증명하거나, 아니면 업계 전체가 사람들이 무시해야 할 아주 엽기적인 소규모 서커스 번외공연처럼 보이기 시작할 것이라고 생각합니다.
(비디오테이프 종료)
(비디오 클립 시작)
AZUZ (voice-over):
Ten-second trivia:
What is the popular term for the second full moon in a calendar month?
Red moon, blood moon, blue moon, or harvest moon?
10초 상식 퀴즈:
달력에서 두 번째 보름달을 가리키는 인기 있는 용어는 무엇입니까?
레드문, 블러드문, 블루문, 아니면 추수 달?
The phrase "once in a blue moon" can refer to the second full moon in a month.
"once in a blue moon"이라는 말은 한 달에 두 번째 보름달을 가리킬 수 있다.
(비디오 클립 종료)
But it's a moon of a red shade that stargazers across the Americas were looking up for on Sunday night.
The total lunar eclipse was also at least partly visible in Africa, Europe and some Pacific nations.
It was called the "super flower blood moon" and here's what all that means: a super moon might appear to be bigger and brighter than a normal full moon, because it occurs when the moon is closer in its elliptical orbit of earth.
It was there at perigee on Sunday night.
Flower because as the old farmer's almanac says this is the time of year when flowers bloom in the northern hemisphere.
And blood is the result of the moon's reddish shade during a total lunar eclipse.
하지만 그것은 일요일 밤에 아메리카 대륙의 별똥별들이 고대하던 붉은 그늘의 달입니다.
개기월식은 아프리카, 유럽, 그리고 일부 태평양 국가에서도 최소한 부분적으로 관측되었다.
그것은 "슈퍼 플라워 블러드문"이라고 불렸고, 이것이 의미하는 바는 슈퍼문이 보통의 보름달보다 더 크고 밝게 보일 수 있다는 것입니다. 왜냐하면 그것은 달이 지구의 타원 궤도에 더 가까이 있을 때 생기기 때문입니다.
그것은 일요일 밤에 근처에 있었다.
노농의 연감에서 말하듯이 지금이 북반구에서 꽃이 피는 시기이기 때문이다.
그리고 블러드는 개기월식 동안 달의 불그스레한 그늘의 결과이다.
(비디오테이프 시작)
A lunar eclipse is when the moon passes through the earth's shadow this only occurs during a full moon.
RACHEL CRAIN, CNN 특파원 (나레이션)
월식은 달이 지구의 그림자를 통과할 때 보름달 동안만 일어난다.
Two factors decide which of three possible eclipses the moon will experience: the tilt of the moon's orbit around the earth, and which of the earth's two shadows the moon falls behind.
The earth's darker inner shadow is known as the umbra and the lighter outer one is called the penumbra.
달이 지구 주위를 도는 달의 궤도의 기울기와 달이 지구로부터 떨어지는 두 가지 그림자 중 어느 것을 경험할 것인가를 결정하는 두 가지 요인이 있다.
지구의 더 어두운 안쪽 그림자는 움브라로 알려져 있고 더 밝은 바깥쪽 그림자는 페넘브라라고 불립니다.
The penumbral eclipse is when the moon passes through -- you guessed it -- just the penumbra.
NASA says this type of eclipse is so subtle that if you didn't know it was happening, you might not even notice it.
반월식은 달이 반월만 통과할 때 일어납니다. 짐작하셨겠지만요.
NASA는 이런 종류의 일식은 매우 미묘해서 만약 여러분이 그것이 일어나고 있는지 몰랐다면, 여러분은 그것을 알아차리지 못했을지도 모른다고 말한다.
A partial eclipse is when the moon only gets covered by part of the earth's umbra, so only part of it is shaded in darkness by the earth.
A partial eclipse happens at least twice a year.
부분일식은 달이 지구의 일부에만 가려져 그 일부만이 지구에 의해 어둠에 가려지는 것을 말한다.
부분일식은 적어도 1년에 두 번 일어난다.
And then there's the big one, the total lunar eclipse.
These are rare, often separated by years, and require the moon, earth and sun to be in perfect alignment.
But don't think this blacks out the moon, as the moon shifts deeper into the umbra, it takes on a red hue which is sometimes called a blood moon.
그리고 큰 개기월식이 있습니다.
이들은 드물고, 종종 년 단위로 구분되며, 달, 지구, 태양이 완벽하게 정렬되어야 한다.
하지만 이게 달을 새까맣게 만들 것이라고 생각하지 마세요, 달이 더 깊은 곳으로 이동함에 따라, 이것은 때때로 블러드문이라고 불리는 붉은 색을 띠게 됩니다.
The moon turns red because the atmosphere is filtering out color at the opposite end of the visible spectrum, the blue light.
The short wavelengths of blue don't travel as far as the long red wavelengths so they scatter before reaching our eyes, leaving behind the red glow.
달은 대기가 가시광선의 반대쪽 끝인 푸른 빛에서 색을 걸러내기 때문에 빨간색으로 변한다.
파란색의 짧은 파장은 긴 빨간색 파장만큼 멀리 이동하지 않기 때문에 붉은 빛을 남기고 우리 눈에 닿기 전에 흩어진다.
Not everyone on earth can see a lunar eclipse at the same time.
You'll need to be in an area facing the moon during the moments it's shaded by earth.
지구상의 모든 사람이 동시에 월식을 볼 수 있는 것은 아니다.
달이 지구에 가려지는 순간에는 달을 마주보는 곳에 있어야 할 것이다.
Unlike a solar eclipse, you don't need any special equipment to enjoy a lunar eclipse.
They're safe to watch at any stage, although a pair of binoculars might make it more fun.
일식과 달리, 여러분은 월식을 즐기기 위해 특별한 장비가 필요하지 않습니다.
쌍안경이 있으면 더 재미있을지 모르지만, 그들은 어느 단계에서 보더라도 안전하다.
(비디오테이프 종료)
If you're a millionaire and you like spending your money on skeletons, and who doesn't, all this could have been yours.
The Christie's Auction House just sold off a velociraptor, at least some of the bones of one, for almost 12.5 million dollars.
That's almost twice what they thought it'd go for.
Christie says 126 of these bones are real, the rest had to be fabricated, including most of the head according to "The New York Times".
만약 당신이 백만장자이고 해골에 돈을 쓰는 것을 좋아한다면, 그리고 누가 그렇지 않다면, 이 모든 것이 당신의 것일 수도 있다.
크리스티 옥션 하우스는 벨로시랩터, 적어도 한 개의 뼈 중 일부를 거의 1250만 달러에 팔았다.
그것은 그들이 생각했던 것보다 거의 두 배나 되는 것이다.
크리스티는 이 뼈들 중 126개가 진짜이며, 나머지 뼈들은 대부분 조작된 것이라고 말했다.
Now some would call $12.5 million outrageous, but others would call it cretaceous.
And a Mesostoic investor who's not dino-soured on the market might think nothing of digging up monstrous amounts of money to Triassic his claw and managing a skeleton of ancient history as long as it had good bones.
어떤 사람들은 1,250만 달러를 터무니없다고 하지만, 다른 사람들은 그것을 백악기라고 부를 것이다.
그리고 시중에 디노 사워하지 않는 메소스토이 투자자는 트라이아스기의 발톱에 엄청난 양의 돈을 긁어모으고 뼈가 좋은 한 고대 역사의 뼈대를 관리하는 것을 아무렇지도 않게 생각할지도 모른다.
We are shouting out the Roughriders today.
We're talking about you, the students of Red River High School in Grand Forks, North Dakota, for CNN 10.
우리는 오늘 Roughriders를 외치고 있다.
우리 CNN 10을 위한 노스다코타주 그랜드포크스에 있는 레드 리버 고등학교의 학생 여러분들에 대해 얘기하고 있습니다.
I'm Carl Azuz.
저는 칼 아주즈입니다.
** END
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