[CSP 대본 066] A Look At Lithium Mining
066_220725_220512_A Look At Lithium Mining
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CNN 페이지 원본 스크립트
** 원본 스크립트
May 12, 2022
• Lockdowns In China Affect Goods Supplies Worldwide; Part Of California Could Harbor Huge Amounts Of Lithium; A Startup Aims To Fling Rockets Toward Space. Aired 4-4:10a ET
CNN 10
Lockdowns In China Affect Goods Supplies Worldwide; Part Of California Could Harbor Huge Amounts Of Lithium; A Startup Aims To Fling Rockets Toward Space. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 12, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET
Hi. I'm Carl Azuz for CNN.
The United States imports more goods from China than any other nation.
Between 18 and 19 percent of the goods brought into America come from China, the Asian country's been the world's largest exporter of goods since 2009, according to Investopedia.
It's known as the world's factory.
China is able to make things at lower cost than other countries and that can result in lower prices people have to pay.
But the downside is that when there are supply problems in China, like there are now, they can ripple around the world.
We've reported on the communist country's strict zero COVID policy.
While other nations have moved toward living with the virus, China continues to apply large scale lockdowns and mass testing policies whenever cases are detected.
The country says this policy quote puts life first and that it's effective at keeping coronavirus from spreading.
But critics say it goes too far, that it's hurting that country socially and economically, and that it's time for China to change it.
Right now, there's either a full or partial lockdown in more than 30 Chinese cities.
As many as 214 million people have been affected.
There's no sign China will make any changes and with strict containment rules in place in cities like Shanghai, which is China's financial center, manufacturing output is only a fraction of what it normally is, and unused factories have been turned into quarantine centers.
Despite protests from some Chinese workers, what this means for businesses that are oceans away is that wait times for products are months longer than usual.
Companies from Apple to General Electric say supply problems in China are hurting businesses in America and some small companies that depend on China to make their goods are afraid of going out of business.
Prices on Chinese products are expected to rise around the world.
Some experts predict that Chinese supply chain problems could get worse this year than they were in 2021, and that businesses may look to manufacture their products in other countries.
AZUZ (voice-over):
Ten-second trivia:
What is the lightest metal on Earth?
Titanium, lithium, aluminum or magnesium?
Of all the metals, lithium is the lightest.
Of all the cars, SUVs and trucks in America, less than one percent of them are electric.
That's according to the Reuters News Agency.
But the U.S. government says sales of electric and hybrid cars are growing almost doubling from 308,000 in 2020 to 608,000 in 2021.
Like gas powered vehicles, they have their pros and cons.
Electrics are less pollutive to drive than other cars and you can charge them at home without going to the gas station.
But charging stations are generally harder to find and it takes a lot longer to charge an EV than it does to gas up an internal combustion engine.
EVs are quieter and require less maintenance, but they're more expensive to buy and their battery packs are expensive to replace, while it's far less likely you'd replace the engine of a gas powered car.
Still, with sales on the rise, one thing electric car makers need is lithium.
It's the lightest of the metals and a crucial part of the batteries for computers, smartphones and electric cars.
But mining and refining lithium can threaten the natural environment and contribute to pollution.
So there's a trade-off there.
Eight thousand feet beneath my feet, there's enough lithium to power America's electric car industry into the foreseeable future.
There is a treasure potentially worth billions of dollars.
He takes us to a remote part of California near the border with Mexico.
And a billion-dollar project promising to transform this region.
Now what some people are calling California's lithium valley is an economic and environmental wasteland but it could be on the cusp of a boom like this area hasn't seen in 60 years.
It’s not like it was any big secret, it's not like people didn't know there was lithium in the groundwater here before, just wasn't worth enough to bother getting it out.
But now with lithium prices going through the roof companies that before were just concentrating on geothermal energy are seeing even more potential in the metal that's in the water.
Geothermal companies like energy source that has operations in the southern tip of the Salton Sea and is modifying its facilities for lithium extraction.
Why is there so much lithium in the ground here?
So geologically, this is, you know, an interesting place.
Colorado River has cut canyons in the west -- all of that mineral, all of those deposits have made their way here.
I have heard that there is theoretically at least enough lithium in this area to supply all the electric cars in America for some time.
There certainly is a lot of lithium potential here at the Salton Sea.
You could -- you could calculate approximately, you know, a little over a hundred thousand tons per year of lithium, you know, battery products.
That's quite a lot and certainly more than the US consumes right at the moment.
I think there's a realistic opportunity to potentially double that.
Geothermal facilities will use a method of extraction where they will both create geothermal power and collect the valuable lithium from the hot brine deep below.
This involves drawing the lithium from the brine after it has completed its journey to help produce electricity.
It's clean energy making clean energy, and the kind of investment and opportunity that could transform a region that only a half century ago was full of such promise.
This is the story of the miracle sea in the desert, the Salton Sea.
If you were -- you came here during the '50s and '60s, you will find, most likely people from Hollywood, the luminaries from southern California coming to boat and playing golf.
And only 50 years later, this is what we have.
It went from being the western Riviera to being one of the worst nightmares environmentally and public health-wise.
What happened?
We started losing water.
The water became more saline.
There were massive fish die offs.
We have more water being evaporated leaving more salt behind and other elements.
The sea is, is, an example of what is happening uh, pretty much all around the West.
While the geothermal companies are ramping up testing and facilities for regular lithium production, automakers from around the country are visiting the area and staking claim.
The automaker says it plans to be carbon neutral by 2040.
If automakers hope to fulfill their EV ambitions over the next decade, some like General Motors are cutting deals with local geothermal companies as a way to ensure their lithium supply chains.
Mary Barra's leadership and more the sustainability side and localizing of minerals, the federal administration really advanced that relationship.
So, you know, stage one is a 20,000 ton per year lithium hydroxide facility, which will go to General Motors.
And beyond stage one, we're looking at another hundred thousand for stage two.
And you would then ship that to a battery manufacturer?
Yes. So, at the moment, there's no real sort of the precursor or cathode manufacturers in the United States.
So, currently that would be the case which is a bit of a crying shame.
I mean to put it on a truck, put it on a ship, send it to South Korea or China and then send it back as a, as a, cathode active material.
The opportunity really is a blank canvas out here to co-locate those facilities, uh, would make, make commercial sense.
And that opportunity is quickly being fulfilled.
Already Italvolt has announced plans to build a massive battery production facility in the valley.
They could supply batteries for up to 650,000 EVs a year, and create possibly 2,500 jobs in the area.
What are your fears in terms of if it's not done right? How could it be done wrong?
Not being able to provide the benefits, you know, they are -- they claim to at least -- you know, they're promising to provide and the kind of jobs, you know, for the community, direct and in-direct benefits to the Salton Sea.
If all the conditions are played correctly, this can be really good for the economy.
This can be really good for the region.
Nationwide, it can be a catalyst.
If it is done right, it can be really good.
Launching a rocket typically takes a lot of fuel.
What if instead of blasting off, you were to spin the rocket around and around so fast that you could then fling it towards space.
That's the idea behind Spin Launch, a startup company that uses a centrifuge, a sort of high-tech slingshot to get a rocket up to 5,000 miles per hour and then release it.
After it's in the sky is when its engines would fire up and carry it to suborbital space.
If this gets off the ground, so to speak, the company hopes it'll be a lower cost launch option.
So, is this the central future of space travel?
When it gets up to speed, will folks one day say may the centripetal force be with you?
Or is it a slingshot in the dark that makes head spin but otherwise fails to catapult changes in Star Treks.
It's certainly space food for thought on your launch break.
I'm Carl Azuz.
You or some of you anyway are watching from Derby, Vermont.
Shout-out to North Country Union Junior High School.
We will fling another show your way tomorrow.
** 파파고 번역
파파고 번역기의 영한 번역 그대로의 문장을 다듬지 않고 붙여넣기한 것이기 때문에 학습에 혼동을 줄 수 있는 오역이 있는 점 참고하시기 바랍니다.
May 12, 2022
• Lockdowns In China Affect Goods Supplies Worldwide; Part Of California Could Harbor Huge Amounts Of Lithium; A Startup Aims To Fling Rockets Toward Space. Aired 4-4:10a ET
2022년 5월 12일
• 중국의 봉쇄는 전 세계의 물품 공급에 영향을 미친다; 캘리포니아의 일부는 엄청난 양의 리튬을 품고 있을 수 있다; 한 스타트업이 우주로 로켓을 발사하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. 4-4:10a ET 방영
CNN 10
Lockdowns In China Affect Goods Supplies Worldwide; Part Of California Could Harbor Huge Amounts Of Lithium; A Startup Aims To Fling Rockets Toward Space. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 12, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET
CNN 10
중국의 봉쇄는 전 세계의 물품 공급에 영향을 미친다; 캘리포니아의 일부는 엄청난 양의 리튬을 품고 있을 수 있다; 한 스타트업이 우주로 로켓을 발사하는 것을 목표로 하고 있다. 4-4:10a ET 방영
2022년 5월 12일 방송 - 04:00:00 ET
급하게 작성된 대본입니다. 이 사본은 최종 양식이 아닐 수 있으며 업데이트될 수 있습니다.
Hi. I'm Carl Azuz for CNN.
The United States imports more goods from China than any other nation.
Between 18 and 19 percent of the goods brought into America come from China, the Asian country's been the world's largest exporter of goods since 2009, according to Investopedia.
It's known as the world's factory.
China is able to make things at lower cost than other countries and that can result in lower prices people have to pay.
But the downside is that when there are supply problems in China, like there are now, they can ripple around the world.
칼 아주즈, CNN 10 앵커:
안녕하세요, CNN의 칼 아주즈입니다
미국은 다른 어떤 나라보다 중국에서 더 많은 상품을 수입한다.
Investopedia에 따르면 미국으로 수입되는 상품의 18-19%가 중국에서 수입되고 있으며, 이 아시아 국가는 2009년 이후 세계 최대의 상품 수출국이 되었다.
그것은 세계의 공장으로 알려져 있다.
중국은 다른 나라들보다 더 낮은 비용으로 물건을 만들 수 있고 그것은 사람들이 지불해야 하는 더 낮은 가격을 초래할 수 있다.
하지만 단점은 지금처럼 중국에 공급 문제가 생기면 전 세계에 파급될 수 있다는 점이다.
We've reported on the communist country's strict zero COVID policy.
While other nations have moved toward living with the virus, China continues to apply large scale lockdowns and mass testing policies whenever cases are detected.
The country says this policy quote puts life first and that it's effective at keeping coronavirus from spreading.
But critics say it goes too far, that it's hurting that country socially and economically, and that it's time for China to change it.
Right now, there's either a full or partial lockdown in more than 30 Chinese cities.
As many as 214 million people have been affected.
There's no sign China will make any changes and with strict containment rules in place in cities like Shanghai, which is China's financial center, manufacturing output is only a fraction of what it normally is, and unused factories have been turned into quarantine centers.
우리는 공산주의 국가의 엄격한 코로나 제로 정책에 대해 보고했다.
다른 나라들이 바이러스와 함께 사는 방향으로 나아가는 동안, 중국은 사례가 발견될 때마다 대규모 봉쇄와 대량 실험 정책을 계속 적용하고 있다.
그 나라는 이 정책 인용문이 생명을 최우선으로 하며 코로나바이러스가 확산되는 것을 막는 데 효과적이라고 말한다.
그러나 비판론자들은 이것이 너무 지나치다고 말하며, 그것은 그 나라에 사회적, 경제적으로 해를 끼치고 있으며, 중국이 그것을 바꿔야 할 때라고 말한다.
현재 중국 30개 이상의 도시에서 전면 또는 부분적인 봉쇄가 이루어지고 있습니다.
무려 2억 1400만 명의 사람들이 영향을 받았다.
중국이 변화를 일으킬 기미가 보이지 않고, 중국의 금융 중심지인 상하이와 같은 도시에서는 엄격한 봉쇄 규칙이 시행되고 있고, 제조업 생산량은 평상시의 극히 일부에 불과하며, 사용되지 않는 공장들은 검역소로 바뀌었습니다.
Despite protests from some Chinese workers, what this means for businesses that are oceans away is that wait times for products are months longer than usual.
Companies from Apple to General Electric say supply problems in China are hurting businesses in America and some small companies that depend on China to make their goods are afraid of going out of business.
일부 중국 노동자들의 항의에도 불구하고, 이것이 바다에 떨어져 있는 기업들에게 의미하는 것은 제품의 대기 시간이 평소보다 몇 달 더 길다는 것이다.
애플에서 제너럴 일렉트릭에 이르는 회사들은 중국의 공급 문제가 미국의 사업체들에게 피해를 주고 있으며, 중국에 의존하여 상품을 만드는 일부 소규모 회사들은 폐업을 두려워하고 있다고 말한다.
Prices on Chinese products are expected to rise around the world.
Some experts predict that Chinese supply chain problems could get worse this year than they were in 2021, and that businesses may look to manufacture their products in other countries.
중국 제품의 가격은 전 세계적으로 오를 것으로 예상된다.
일부 전문가들은 중국 공급망 문제가 올해 2021년보다 더 심각해질 수 있고, 기업들이 다른 나라에서 제품을 제조하는 방안을 모색할 수 있다고 전망한다.
(비디오 클립 시작)
AZUZ (voice-over):
Ten-second trivia:
What is the lightest metal on Earth?
Titanium, lithium, aluminum or magnesium?
AZUZ (나레이션):
10초 상식 퀴즈:
지구에서 가장 가벼운 금속은 무엇일까요?
티타늄, 리튬, 알루미늄, 마그네슘?
Of all the metals, lithium is the lightest.
모든 금속 중에서, 리튬이 가장 가볍다.
(비디오 클립 끝)
Of all the cars, SUVs and trucks in America, less than one percent of them are electric.
That's according to the Reuters News Agency.
But the U.S. government says sales of electric and hybrid cars are growing almost doubling from 308,000 in 2020 to 608,000 in 2021.
Like gas powered vehicles, they have their pros and cons.
미국의 모든 자동차, SUV, 트럭 중 1% 미만이 전기 자동차입니다.
로이터 통신에 따르면 그렇습니다.
그러나 미국 정부는 전기차와 하이브리드차의 판매가 2020년 308,000대에서 2021년 608,000대로 거의 두 배 이상 성장하고 있다고 말한다.
가스 자동차처럼, 그들은 장단점을 가지고 있다.
Electrics are less pollutive to drive than other cars and you can charge them at home without going to the gas station.
But charging stations are generally harder to find and it takes a lot longer to charge an EV than it does to gas up an internal combustion engine.
EVs are quieter and require less maintenance, but they're more expensive to buy and their battery packs are expensive to replace, while it's far less likely you'd replace the engine of a gas powered car.
전기제품은 다른 차들보다 운전하기에 오염이 덜하고 당신은 주유소에 가지 않고도 집에서 충전할 수 있다.
그러나 충전소는 일반적으로 찾기가 더 어렵고 내연기관에 기름을 넣는 것보다 EV를 충전하는 데 훨씬 더 오랜 시간이 걸린다.
EV는 소음이 적고 유지보수가 덜 필요하지만, 구입 비용이 더 많이 들고 배터리 팩을 교체하는 비용이 많이 드는 반면, 가스 자동차 엔진을 교체할 가능성은 훨씬 낮습니다.
Still, with sales on the rise, one thing electric car makers need is lithium.
It's the lightest of the metals and a crucial part of the batteries for computers, smartphones and electric cars.
But mining and refining lithium can threaten the natural environment and contribute to pollution.
So there's a trade-off there.
그럼에도 불구하고, 판매가 증가하고 있는 가운데, 전기 자동차 제조사에 필요한 한 가지는 리튬이다.
그것은 가장 가벼운 금속이며 컴퓨터, 스마트폰, 전기 자동차용 배터리의 중요한 부분이다.
하지만 리튬을 채굴하고 정제하는 것은 자연 환경을 위협하고 오염에 기여할 수 있다.
그래서 거기에는 절충안이 있습니다.
(비디오 테이프 시작)
Eight thousand feet beneath my feet, there's enough lithium to power America's electric car industry into the foreseeable future.
피터 발데스-다페나 CNN 비즈니스 수석 오토 리포터:
제 발 아래 8천 피트 아래에는 미국의 전기 자동차 산업을 예측 가능한 미래로 이끌 충분한 리튬이 있습니다.
There is a treasure potentially worth billions of dollars.
신원미상의 남성:
잠재적으로 수십억 달러의 가치가 있는 보물이 있다.
He takes us to a remote part of California near the border with Mexico.
신원미상의 남성:
그는 우리를 멕시코와의 국경 근처에 있는 캘리포니아의 외딴 지역으로 데려간다.
And a billion-dollar project promising to transform this region.
신원미상의 남성:
그리고 이 지역을 변화시킬 것을 약속하는 10억 달러짜리 프로젝트입니다.
Now what some people are calling California's lithium valley is an economic and environmental wasteland but it could be on the cusp of a boom like this area hasn't seen in 60 years.
지금 몇몇 사람들은 캘리포니아의 리튬 계곡이라고 부르는 것은 경제적, 환경적 황무지이지만, 이 지역이 60년 동안 보지 못했던 붐의 정점에 있을 수도 있다.
It’s not like it was any big secret, it's not like people didn't know there was lithium in the groundwater here before, just wasn't worth enough to bother getting it out.
But now with lithium prices going through the roof companies that before were just concentrating on geothermal energy are seeing even more potential in the metal that's in the water.
이건 어떤 큰 비밀도 아니고, 사람들이 지하수에 리튬이 있다는 걸 몰랐던 것도 아닙니다. 단지 그걸 빼낼 만한 가치가 없었을 뿐이죠.
하지만 지금은 리튬 가격이 치솟으면서 지열 에너지에만 집중하던 회사들이 물속에 있는 금속에서 더 많은 잠재력을 보고 있습니다.
Geothermal companies like energy source that has operations in the southern tip of the Salton Sea and is modifying its facilities for lithium extraction.
지열업체들은 솔튼해 남단에 조업을 하고 리튬추출을 위해 시설을 개조하고 있는 에너지원을 좋아한다.
Why is there so much lithium in the ground here?
여기 땅에는 왜 이렇게 많은 리튬이 있을까?
So geologically, this is, you know, an interesting place.
Colorado River has cut canyons in the west -- all of that mineral, all of those deposits have made their way here.
Derek Benson, 에너지원 광물 부문 최고 운영 책임자:
그래서 지질학적으로 이곳은 흥미로운 곳입니다.
콜로라도 강은 서쪽의 협곡을 잘라냈습니다. 그 모든 광물과 퇴적물들이 이곳으로 들어왔습니다.
I have heard that there is theoretically at least enough lithium in this area to supply all the electric cars in America for some time.
나는 이론적으로 이 지역에 적어도 얼마 동안 미국의 모든 전기 자동차를 공급할 수 있을 만큼 충분한 리튬이 있다고 들었다.
There certainly is a lot of lithium potential here at the Salton Sea.
You could -- you could calculate approximately, you know, a little over a hundred thousand tons per year of lithium, you know, battery products.
That's quite a lot and certainly more than the US consumes right at the moment.
I think there's a realistic opportunity to potentially double that.
여기 솔튼해에는 확실히 많은 리튬 잠재력이 있다.
배터리 제품의 연간 리튬 생산량은 대략 10만 톤 이상입니다.
그것은 상당히 많고 확실히 현재 미국이 소비하는 것보다 더 많다.
나는 그것을 잠재적으로 두 배로 늘릴 수 있는 현실적인 기회가 있다고 생각한다.
Geothermal facilities will use a method of extraction where they will both create geothermal power and collect the valuable lithium from the hot brine deep below.
This involves drawing the lithium from the brine after it has completed its journey to help produce electricity.
It's clean energy making clean energy, and the kind of investment and opportunity that could transform a region that only a half century ago was full of such promise.
지열 시설은 지열을 발생시키고 깊은 곳의 뜨거운 소금물에서 귀중한 리튬을 모으는 추출 방법을 사용할 것이다.
이것은 전기 생산을 돕기 위한 여정을 마친 후 염수로부터 리튬을 끌어내는 것을 포함한다.
깨끗한 에너지를 만드는 것이 바로 청정에너지입니다. 그리고 불과 반세기 전만 해도 그런 약속으로 가득했던 지역을 변화시킬 수 있는 투자와 기회입니다.
This is the story of the miracle sea in the desert, the Salton Sea.
신원미상의 남성:
이것은 사막의 기적의 바다인 솔튼해에 대한 이야기입니다.
If you were -- you came here during the '50s and '60s, you will find, most likely people from Hollywood, the luminaries from southern California coming to boat and playing golf.
And only 50 years later, this is what we have.
It went from being the western Riviera to being one of the worst nightmares environmentally and public health-wise.
Frank Ruiz, Salton Sea 프로그램 디렉터, Audubon:
만약 여러분이 50년대와 60년대에 이곳에 왔다면, 헐리우드에서 온 사람들, 캘리포니아 남부에서 온 유명인들이 보트를 타러 와서 골프를 치는 것을 볼 수 있을 것입니다.
그리고 불과 50년 후, 이것이 우리가 가진 것입니다.
그것은 서부 리비에라에서 환경적으로나 공중 위생적으로나 최악의 악몽들 중 하나가 되었다.
What happened?
무슨 일입니까?
We started losing water.
The water became more saline.
There were massive fish die offs.
We have more water being evaporated leaving more salt behind and other elements.
The sea is, is, an example of what is happening uh, pretty much all around the West.
물이 빠지기 시작했어요.
물이 염분이 많아졌다.
엄청난 양의 물고기가 죽었다.
우리는 더 많은 소금과 다른 요소들을 남기고 증발되는 더 많은 물을 가지고 있다.
바다는 서양 전역에서 일어나고 있는 일의 한 예입니다.
While the geothermal companies are ramping up testing and facilities for regular lithium production, automakers from around the country are visiting the area and staking claim.
지열 회사들이 정기적인 리튬 생산을 위한 시험과 설비를 늘리고 있는 동안, 전국의 자동차 회사들은 그 지역을 방문하고 소유권을 주장하고 있다.
The automaker says it plans to be carbon neutral by 2040.
신원미상의 남성:
그 자동차 회사는 2040년까지 탄소 중립이 될 계획이라고 말한다.
If automakers hope to fulfill their EV ambitions over the next decade, some like General Motors are cutting deals with local geothermal companies as a way to ensure their lithium supply chains.
만약 자동차 회사들이 다음 10년 동안 그들의 EV 야망을 성취하기를 희망한다면, 제너럴 모터스와 같은 몇몇 자동차 회사들은 그들의 리튬 공급망을 보장하기 위한 방법으로 지역 지열 회사들과 거래를 끊고 있다.
Mary Barra's leadership and more the sustainability side and localizing of minerals, the federal administration really advanced that relationship.
So, you know, stage one is a 20,000 ton per year lithium hydroxide facility, which will go to General Motors.
And beyond stage one, we're looking at another hundred thousand for stage two.
Rod Colwell, CFO(최고경영자) 겸 책임자, 제어된 열자원:
Mary Barra의 리더십과 더 많은 지속가능성 측면과 광물의 국산화, 연방정부는 그 관계를 발전시켰습니다.
1단계는 연간 2만 톤의 수산화리튬 설비로 제너럴 모터스에 공급됩니다.
그리고 1단계 이후, 우리는 2단계에 대해 또 다른 10만명을 바라볼 것입니다.
And you would then ship that to a battery manufacturer?
그리고 나서 당신은 그것을 배터리 제조업체로 운송할 것입니까?
Yes. So, at the moment, there's no real sort of the precursor or cathode manufacturers in the United States.
So, currently that would be the case which is a bit of a crying shame.
I mean to put it on a truck, put it on a ship, send it to South Korea or China and then send it back as a, as a, cathode active material.
The opportunity really is a blank canvas out here to co-locate those facilities, uh, would make, make commercial sense.
네. 그래서 현재 미국에는 진짜 같은 종류의 전구자나 음극 제조업체가 없습니다.
그래서, 현재 그것은 약간 슬픈 경우일 것이다.
트럭에 실어서 배에 실어서 한국이나 중국으로 보내고 그다음에 양극 활물질로 다시 보내자는 겁니다.
이런 시설들을 함께 배치하는 것은 상업적으로 의미가 있을 것입니다.
And that opportunity is quickly being fulfilled.
Already Italvolt has announced plans to build a massive battery production facility in the valley.
They could supply batteries for up to 650,000 EVs a year, and create possibly 2,500 jobs in the area.
그리고 그 기회는 빠르게 충족되고 있다.
이미 이탈리아볼트는 이 계곡에 대규모 배터리 생산 시설을 건설할 계획을 발표했다.
그들은 연간 최대 65만 대의 EV에 배터리를 공급할 수 있고, 그 지역에서 약 2,500개의 일자리를 창출할 수 있다.
What are your fears in terms of if it's not done right? How could it be done wrong?
그것이 제대로 이루어지지 않을 경우, 당신은 무엇을 두려워합니까? 어떻게 그것이 잘못될 수 있습니까?
Not being able to provide the benefits, you know, they are -- they claim to at least -- you know, they're promising to provide and the kind of jobs, you know, for the community, direct and in-direct benefits to the Salton Sea.
이익을 제공할 수 없다는 것은, 적어도, 그들이 주장하는 바는, 그들이 지역사회를 위해, 솔튼해에 직간접적인 혜택을 제공할 수 있다는 것입니다.
If all the conditions are played correctly, this can be really good for the economy.
This can be really good for the region.
Nationwide, it can be a catalyst.
If it is done right, it can be really good.
만약 모든 조건이 올바르게 실행된다면, 이것은 경제에 정말 좋을 수 있다.
이것은 그 지역에 정말 좋을 수 있다.
전국적으로, 그것은 촉매제가 될 수 있다.
만약 제대로 한다면, 정말 좋을 수 있다.
(비디오 끝)
Launching a rocket typically takes a lot of fuel.
What if instead of blasting off, you were to spin the rocket around and around so fast that you could then fling it towards space.
That's the idea behind Spin Launch, a startup company that uses a centrifuge, a sort of high-tech slingshot to get a rocket up to 5,000 miles per hour and then release it.
로켓을 발사하는 것은 일반적으로 많은 연료를 필요로 한다.
만약 발사하는 대신에, 로켓을 아주 빠르게 회전시켜서 우주로 던질 수 있다면 어떨까요?
그것은 원심분리기, 일종의 첨단 기술 새총을 사용하여 로켓을 시속 5천 마일로 끌어올린 다음 그것을 방출하는 스타트업 회사인 스핀 런치(Spin Launch의 아이디어입니다.
After it's in the sky is when its engines would fire up and carry it to suborbital space.
If this gets off the ground, so to speak, the company hopes it'll be a lower cost launch option.
그것이 하늘에 있는 후엔, 엔진이 점화되어 궤도 아래 우주로 운반될 것입니다.
이 제품이 출시된다면, 말하자면, 회사는 더 낮은 비용의 출시 옵션이 되기를 바라고 있습니다.
So, is this the central future of space travel?
When it gets up to speed, will folks one day say may the centripetal force be with you?
Or is it a slingshot in the dark that makes head spin but otherwise fails to catapult changes in Star Treks.
It's certainly space food for thought on your launch break.
그렇다면 이것이 우주여행의 중심 미래일까요?
속도가 붙을 때, 사람들은 언젠가 구심력이 당신과 함께 할 수 있다고 말할까요?
아니면 어둠 속의 새총이 머리를 회전시키지만 그렇지 않으면 스타 트랙의 변화를 촉진시키지 못하는 것일까.
그것은 확실히 당신의 발사 휴식 시간에 생각할 수 있는 우주 음식이다.
I'm Carl Azuz.
You or some of you anyway are watching from Derby, Vermont.
Shout-out to North Country Union Junior High School.
We will fling another show your way tomorrow.
난 칼 아주즈야
여러분이나 여러분 중 일부는 버몬트 주 더비에서 보고 있습니다.
노스 컨트리 유니언 중학교에 소리쳐라.
우리는 내일 또 다른 공연을 할 것이다.
** END
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