[CSP 대본 062] Explaining Tornadoes
062_220627_220506_Explaining Tornadoes
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CNN 페이지 원본 스크립트
** 원본 스크립트
May 06, 2022
• Wildfires Spread and Threaten Thousands of Homes in New Mexico; Tornadoes Strike Several Southern U.S. States; A Robot Tries Its Hand At Manicuring. Aired 4-4:10a ET
CNN 10
Wildfires Spread and Threaten Thousands of Homes in New Mexico; Tornadoes Strike Several Southern U.S. States; A Robot Tries Its Hand At Manicuring. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 06, 2022 - 04:00 ET
Two different natural disasters headline today's show as we wrap up the first full week of May.
I'm Carl Azuz.
Right now, there are seven wildfires burning in the U.S. state of New Mexico.
The National Interagency Fire Center says that's the most in any state and while seven might not seem like a huge number in a state that sees hundreds of wildfires every year, the largest one is the second biggest New Mexico has had in decades.
More than 170 homes have been destroyed in the northern part of the state, thousands of other houses have been evacuated.
And if this largest fire, the Hermit's Peak Calf Canyon Fire continues to grow, it could threaten more than 15,000 homes in the days ahead.
Earlier this week, NASA reported that the blaze was 20 percent contained, meaning firefighters had blocked it from spreading over one-fifth of the total area it covered but local governments said they didn't think authorities would have complete control of the fire anytime soon.
Like other parts of the American West, New Mexico has been experiencing a severe drought.
It's affected almost 99 percent of the state, according to the U.S. drought monitor.
That makes fire conditions worse.
Governor Michele Lujan Grisham asked the federal government to declare a disaster in New Mexico.
President Joe Biden did that.
What it means is that government help in the form of money and recovery assistance has been sped up to the state.
Governor Grisham said New Mexico has emergency funds of its own to fight the fires but that it's not enough.
According to the National Weather Service, the average number of acres that wildfires burn in New Mexico each year is around 300,000.
That's about how much has burned so far in this year's fire season.
AZUZ (voice-over):
Ten-second trivia:
Which of these U.S. states is located in "Tornado Alley"?
South Dakota,
or Michigan?
Though tornadoes have formed in every state, South Dakota is part of the region nicknamed "Tornado Alley".
There are different definitions for "Tornado Alley".
It's supposed to describe an area where tornadoes commonly occur in America, but the federal government says the threat of these storms actually moves around the country depending on the time of year.
One thing that's not disputed about tornado alley is that Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas are in it.
This twister was recorded a week ago in Kansas and a line of storms that moved across the southern U.S. this week spawned several reported tornadoes in Texas and Oklahoma.
Buildings were torn apart.
A resident of Oklahoma who was interviewed by the weather channel said some structures and houses were completely blown away.
Thankfully, no deaths or injuries were reported.
But the system didn't just cause tornadoes, it also brought flooding into parts of Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri, along with the need for numerous water rescues, according to the National Weather Service.
Forecasters said some areas of Arkansas and Louisiana were at risk for severe storms Thursday as this system moved east.
Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia could see storms on Friday.
The United States is said to have the most violent weather in the world and tornadoes are a big part of that.
Technically, a tornado is just a violent rotating column of air coming out of the bottom of a thunderstorm.
But it takes a lot to get that violently rotating column to come out.
CNN Explains:
All you need for a tornado really to form though are thunderstorms and a jet stream.
That jet stream's aloft.
It makes the energy.
If you have moisture at the surface, dry air, cold air pushing that moisture up, you can get a tornado to form in any state.
Those days where all the ingredients combined, you get the humidity, you get the dry air, you get the jet stream, you get upper energy in the jet stream.
You get winds turning as you go aloft, the higher you go the winds actually change direction.
That can cause storms -- those things all cause storms to exist and get big.
Those are the ingredients that cause a big tornado day.
Rating Tornadoes
So now the EF scale, and enhanced Fujita scale, starts at zero, goes only to five, and anything above 200 miles per hour is considered an EF 5 tornado.
If you have a zero, you're going to lose shingles.
A one, you may lose a couple of boards on the roof.
A two, you'll lose all the windows and maybe even a wall.
A three, EF 3, you will lose a couple of walls on the outside but there will still be a part of the home standing.
And at four, most of the home is gone but you'll still see the refrigerator, you'll still see a closet and you'll still see the bathroom.
An EF 5, you cannot find the house.
It's completely gone.
We don't know how big that Fujita scale will be, how big that tornado will be, literally until after we look at the damage.
Tornado Alley
We have this -- this almost this triangulation that no other country in the world has, no region in the world has.
We have the Rocky Mountains to our west.
We have the Gulf of Mexico in our south.
We have Canada and very cold air masses coming down from the north.
All of those things combined make tornado alley, typically the plains, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, all the way to Chicago, as far south as the Southeast, including Georgia and Alabama, that's basically the new or the bigger tornado alley.
Tornado Safety
The greatest threat of a tornado is being hit by something that the tornado is moving.
If you're outside or if you're not protected inside, if you get hit by a 140-mile-per-hour 2x4, you're going to be killed.
So you need to be inside on the lowest level somewhere in the middle of the home away from windows.
When you hear the word "warning" and you hear your county, that's when you need to take cover.
When you hear the word "watch", that means something might happen today, let's have a plan.
When you hear the word "warning," it's too late to make a plan.
You need to already have the plan.
Warning's the long word, it's the bad one.
Among the jobs you might not think could be done by robots -- manicures.
The nail care industry in the United States is worth more than $8 billion a year.
Could a robotic newcomer that offers a lot less conversation and interaction change the way people get their nails done?
It's not exactly a cure for getting manicures,
Robot nails.
It's a robo manicure.
The robot doesn't expect tips.
Instead of the buzz of conversation, there's the whirring noise of the robot.
A company named Clockwork debuted two robots at a pop-up store in San Francisco recently.
The robot takes a 3D photo of each nail, then paints it.
Says one of the first customers --
For $8, I'm happy to have a robot do a much better job than I could do.
Posted one commenter, so I wouldn't have to make awkward conversation? Love it!
But others were worried.
This is kind of sad.
I love my nail lady.
She works so hard for her business.
Clockwork's co-founder says what they do is different from salons.
Quick serve beauty is what we call it.
We're going to be the express beauty experience versus, you know, the artistry and the relaxation of a nail salon.
Eventually, they hope to put the nail robots in airports, malls and gyms.
Another company is working on a similar device for home use, selling for 400 bucks.
The robo manicure caused one commenter to post:
I would be terrified it would eat my fingers.
And the reality is that the machine is very safe.
No one has ever been hurt by it.
Though they have a jokey nickname.
We call it Frankie which is short for Frankenstein.
What can't Frankie do?
No clipping, no filing, no cutting cuticles.
Forget comparisons to --
Barbie digital nail printer.
-- that made print designs, but it can't paint.
And for 8 to 10 bucks a manicure, Frankenstein's creators are hoping customers say --
I'll be back.
Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.
Some may say it's loony (lunula), some might call it beautiful.
To let a robot box detox deals right down to the cuticle.
It's an edgy concept, leaving many who are picky unimpressed from epithelium down to the hyponychium.
But when it comes to manicures, if you've tried and failed, it might be thought from those polished clips that that nail machine might nail it.
Fridays are awesome!
We've got Union Grove High School watching today from McDonough, Georgia.
It's great to see you.
Our YouTube channel is the one and only place we look for your shout-out requests.
I'm Carl Azuz.
** 파파고 번역
파파고 번역기의 영한 번역 그대로의 문장을 다듬지 않고 붙여넣기한 것이기 때문에 학습에 혼동을 줄 수 있는 오역이 있는 점 참고하시기 바랍니다.
May 06, 2022
• Wildfires Spread and Threaten Thousands of Homes in New Mexico; Tornadoes Strike Several Southern U.S. States; A Robot Tries Its Hand At Manicuring. Aired 4-4:10a ET
2022년 5월 6일
• 뉴 멕시코에서 산불이 확산되어 수천 가구에 위협을 가하고 있습니다; 토네이도가 미국 남부 여러 주를 강타하고; 로봇이 매니큐어 작업을 시도합니다. 4-4:10a ET 방영
CNN 10
Wildfires Spread and Threaten Thousands of Homes in New Mexico; Tornadoes Strike Several Southern U.S. States; A Robot Tries Its Hand At Manicuring. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 06, 2022 - 04:00 ET
CNN 10
뉴 멕시코에서 산불이 확산되어 수천 가구에 위협을 가하고 있습니다; 토네이도가 미국 남부 여러 주를 강타하고; 로봇이 매니큐어 작업을 시도합니다. 4-4:10a ET 방영
2022년 5월 6일 방영 - 동부 표준시 04:00
급하게 작성된 대본입니다. 이 사본은 최종 양식이 아닐 수 있으며 업데이트될 수 있습니다.
Two different natural disasters headline today's show as we wrap up the first full week of May.
I'm Carl Azuz.
칼 아주즈, CNN 10 앵커:
5월의 첫 주를 마무리하는 두 가지 다른 자연 재해들이 오늘 쇼의 헤드라인을 장식하고 있습니다.
난 칼 아주즈야
Right now, there are seven wildfires burning in the U.S. state of New Mexico.
The National Interagency Fire Center says that's the most in any state and while seven might not seem like a huge number in a state that sees hundreds of wildfires every year, the largest one is the second biggest New Mexico has had in decades.
More than 170 homes have been destroyed in the northern part of the state, thousands of other houses have been evacuated.
And if this largest fire, the Hermit's Peak Calf Canyon Fire continues to grow, it could threaten more than 15,000 homes in the days ahead.
현재, 미국 뉴 멕시코 주에서는 7개의 산불이 타고 있습니다.
National Interagency Fire Center는 매년 수백 건의 산불이 발생하는 주에서는 7건의 산불이 큰 수치로 보이지 않을 수 있지만, 가장 큰 산불이 발생한 주는 수십 년 동안 뉴멕시코 주에서 두 번째로 큰 산불이 발생했다고 밝혔습니다.
주 북부에서는 170여 채의 가옥이 파괴됐으며 수천 채의 가옥이 대피했다.
그리고 만약 이 가장 큰 화재인 Hermit's Peak Calf Canyon 불이 계속 커지면 앞으로 1만 5천 가구 이상의 집을 위협할 수 있습니다.
Earlier this week, NASA reported that the blaze was 20 percent contained, meaning firefighters had blocked it from spreading over one-fifth of the total area it covered but local governments said they didn't think authorities would have complete control of the fire anytime soon.
이번 주 초, NASA는 불길이 20%로 잡혔다고 발표했는데, 이는 소방관들이 불길이 전체 면적의 5분의 1로 번지는 것을 막았음을 의미하지만, 지방 정부들은 당국이 가까운 시일 내에 불길을 완전히 잡을 수 있을 것이라고 생각하지 않는다고 말했다.
Like other parts of the American West, New Mexico has been experiencing a severe drought.
It's affected almost 99 percent of the state, according to the U.S. drought monitor.
That makes fire conditions worse.
미국 서부의 다른 지역들처럼, 뉴 멕시코도 심각한 가뭄을 겪고 있다.
미국 가뭄 감시기구에 따르면, 그것은 주의 거의 99%에 영향을 미쳤다.
그것은 화재 상황을 더 악화시킨다.
Governor Michele Lujan Grisham asked the federal government to declare a disaster in New Mexico.
President Joe Biden did that.
What it means is that government help in the form of money and recovery assistance has been sped up to the state.
주지사 Michele Lujan Grisham은 연방정부에 뉴멕시코에 재난을 선포할 것을 요청했다.
조 바이든 대통령은 그렇게 했다.
그게 무슨 말인가 하면 정부 차원의 자금·복구 지원이 국가까지 속도를 냈다는 것이다.
Governor Grisham said New Mexico has emergency funds of its own to fight the fires but that it's not enough.
According to the National Weather Service, the average number of acres that wildfires burn in New Mexico each year is around 300,000.
That's about how much has burned so far in this year's fire season.
그리샴 주지사는 뉴멕시코주에는 화재 진압을 위한 자체 긴급 자금이 있지만 그것만으로는 충분하지 않다고 말했다.
국립기상청에 따르면, 매년 뉴멕시코에서 산불이 타는 평균 면적은 약 30만 에이커이다.
올해 화재 시즌에 지금까지 탄 양이 그 정도입니다.
(비디오 클립 시작)
AZUZ (voice-over):
Ten-second trivia:
Which of these U.S. states is located in "Tornado Alley"?
AZUZ (나레이션):
10초 상식 퀴즈:
이 미국 주들 중 "Tornado Alley"에 위치한 주는 어디인가?
South Dakota,
or Michigan?
와이오밍 주
아니면 미시간?
Though tornadoes have formed in every state, South Dakota is part of the region nicknamed "Tornado Alley".
모든 주에서 토네이도가 발생했지만 사우스다코타는 토네이도 골목이라는 별명을 가진 지역의 일부이다.
(비디오 클립 끝)
There are different definitions for "Tornado Alley".
It's supposed to describe an area where tornadoes commonly occur in America, but the federal government says the threat of these storms actually moves around the country depending on the time of year.
One thing that's not disputed about tornado alley is that Kansas, Oklahoma, and Texas are in it.
토네이도 골목에 대한 정의는 다양하다.
그것은 미국에서 토네이도가 흔히 발생하는 지역을 묘사하는 것으로 되어 있지만, 연방정부는 이러한 폭풍의 위협이 실제로 일년 중 시기에 따라 전국을 돌아다닌다고 말한다.
토네이도 골목에 대해 논란의 여지가 없는 한 가지는 캔자스, 오클라호마, 텍사스가 그 안에 있다는 것이다.
This twister was recorded a week ago in Kansas and a line of storms that moved across the southern U.S. this week spawned several reported tornadoes in Texas and Oklahoma.
Buildings were torn apart.
이 토네이도는 일주일 전 캔자스에서 기록되었고 이번 주 미국 남부 전역에 걸쳐 발생한 일련의 폭풍은 텍사스와 오클라호마에서 보고된 여러 토네이도를 낳았다.
건물들이 산산조각이 났다.
A resident of Oklahoma who was interviewed by the weather channel said some structures and houses were completely blown away.
Thankfully, no deaths or injuries were reported.
But the system didn't just cause tornadoes, it also brought flooding into parts of Arkansas, Kansas, Oklahoma and Missouri, along with the need for numerous water rescues, according to the National Weather Service.
기상 채널과 인터뷰를 한 오클라호마 주민은 일부 건물과 주택이 완전히 날아가 버렸다고 말했다.
다행히 사망자나 부상자는 보고되지 않았다.
그러나 국립기상청에 따르면 이 시스템은 토네이도를 일으킬 뿐만 아니라 아칸소주, 캔자스주, 오클라호마주, 미주리주 일부 지역에도 홍수를 일으켰으며 수많은 물 구조 필요성도 가져왔다.
Forecasters said some areas of Arkansas and Louisiana were at risk for severe storms Thursday as this system moved east.
Georgia, North Carolina and Virginia could see storms on Friday.
The United States is said to have the most violent weather in the world and tornadoes are a big part of that.
기상 통보관들은 아칸소주와 루이지애나주 일부 지역이 태풍의 위험이 있다고 밝혔다.
조지아주, 노스캐롤라이나주, 버지니아주는 금요일에 폭풍우를 볼 수 있다.
미국은 세계에서 가장 사나운 날씨를 가지고 있고 토네이도가 그 중 큰 부분을 차지하고 있다고 한다.
(비디오 테이프 시작)
Technically, a tornado is just a violent rotating column of air coming out of the bottom of a thunderstorm.
But it takes a lot to get that violently rotating column to come out.
채드 마이어스, AMS 기상학자:
엄밀히 말하면, 토네이도는 뇌우의 바닥에서 나오는 격렬한 회전하는 공기의 기둥일 뿐이다.
하지만 격렬하게 회전하는 기둥이 나오려면 많은 시간이 필요합니다.
CNN Explains:
CNN의 설명:
All you need for a tornado really to form though are thunderstorms and a jet stream.
That jet stream's aloft.
It makes the energy.
If you have moisture at the surface, dry air, cold air pushing that moisture up, you can get a tornado to form in any state.
하지만 토네이도가 형성되기 위해 필요한 것은 뇌우와 제트기류뿐입니다.
제트기류가 높아
그것은 에너지를 만든다.
만약 여러분이 표면에 습기가 있고, 건조한 공기, 그 습기를 밀어 올리는 차가운 공기가 있다면, 여러분은 어떤 상태에서도 토네이도를 형성할 수 있습니다.
Those days where all the ingredients combined, you get the humidity, you get the dry air, you get the jet stream, you get upper energy in the jet stream.
You get winds turning as you go aloft, the higher you go the winds actually change direction.
That can cause storms -- those things all cause storms to exist and get big.
Those are the ingredients that cause a big tornado day.
모든 재료들이 합쳐지고, 습도가 생기고, 공기가 건조해지고, 제트기류가 생겨나고, 제트기류가 생겨나고, 제트기류가 생겨나고, 제트기류가 상위에너지가 생기는 시대입니다.
높은 곳으로 올라갈수록 바람이 방향을 바꾸게 됩니다. 더 높이 올라갈수록 바람은 실제로 방향을 바꿉니다.
그것은 폭풍을 일으킬 수 있습니다. 그것들은 모두 폭풍이 존재하고 커지게 합니다.
그것들은 큰 토네이도의 날을 일으키는 성분들이다.
Rating Tornadoes
등급 토네이도
So now the EF scale, and enhanced Fujita scale, starts at zero, goes only to five, and anything above 200 miles per hour is considered an EF 5 tornado.
이제 EF 스케일과 향상된 후지타 스케일은 0에서 시작하여 5까지 떨어집니다. 그리고 시속 200마일을 초과하는 것은 EF5 토네이도로 간주됩니다.
If you have a zero, you're going to lose shingles.
A one, you may lose a couple of boards on the roof.
A two, you'll lose all the windows and maybe even a wall.
A three, EF 3, you will lose a couple of walls on the outside but there will still be a part of the home standing.
And at four, most of the home is gone but you'll still see the refrigerator, you'll still see a closet and you'll still see the bathroom.
An EF 5, you cannot find the house.
It's completely gone.
레벨 0이 되면 지붕널이 없어집니다.
레벨 1, 지붕 위의 널빤지 몇 개를 잃어버릴지도 몰라.
레벨 2, 모든 창문과 심지어 벽까지 잃어버릴 거야.
레벨 3, EF 3번, 외벽이 두 개 없어지겠지만 홈스탠드 부분은 남아있을 겁니다.
그리고 레벨 4가 되면, 대부분의 집은 사라졌지만, 냉장고는 여전히 보이고, 옷장은 여전히 보이고, 화장실은 여전히 보입니다.
EF5는 집을 찾을 수 없다.
완전히 사라졌어요.
We don't know how big that Fujita scale will be, how big that tornado will be, literally until after we look at the damage.
우리는 후지타 규모가 얼마나 클지, 토네이도가 얼마나 클지 모릅니다. 말 그대로 피해 상황을 살펴보기 전까지는 말이죠.
Tornado Alley
토네이도 골목
We have this -- this almost this triangulation that no other country in the world has, no region in the world has.
We have the Rocky Mountains to our west.
We have the Gulf of Mexico in our south.
We have Canada and very cold air masses coming down from the north.
우리는 거의 이 삼각측량을 가지고 있습니다. 세계 어느 나라도, 세계 어느 지역도 가지고 있지 않습니다.
우리 서쪽에는 로키 산맥이 있다.
우리의 남쪽에는 멕시코만이 있다.
캐나다와 북쪽에서 내려오는 매우 추운 기단이 있습니다.
All of those things combined make tornado alley, typically the plains, Texas, Oklahoma, Kansas, Nebraska, all the way to Chicago, as far south as the Southeast, including Georgia and Alabama, that's basically the new or the bigger tornado alley.
이 모든 것들이 합쳐진 토네이도 골목은 보통 평야, 텍사스, 오클라호마, 캔자스, 네브래스카, 시카고, 남동쪽, 조지아, 앨라배마까지, 기본적으로 새롭고 더 큰 토네이도 골목입니다.
Tornado Safety
토네이도 안전
The greatest threat of a tornado is being hit by something that the tornado is moving.
If you're outside or if you're not protected inside, if you get hit by a 140-mile-per-hour 2x4, you're going to be killed.
So you need to be inside on the lowest level somewhere in the middle of the home away from windows.
토네이도의 가장 큰 위협은 토네이도가 움직이는 무언가에 부딪히는 것이다.
만약 여러분이 밖에 있거나 안에서 보호를 받지 못한다면, 시속 140마일의 2x4에 치이면, 여러분은 죽을 것입니다.
그래서 당신은 창문으로부터 멀리 떨어진 집의 중간 어딘가에 가장 낮은 층의 실내에 있어야 합니다.
When you hear the word "warning" and you hear your county, that's when you need to take cover.
When you hear the word "watch", that means something might happen today, let's have a plan.
When you hear the word "warning," it's too late to make a plan.
You need to already have the plan.
Warning's the long word, it's the bad one.
"경고"라는 단어와 당신의 카운티를 들을 때, 그때 당신은 엄호해야 합니다.
"관찰"이라는 말을 들으면, 오늘 무슨 일이 일어날지도 모른다는 뜻이니, 계획을 세워보자.
"경고"라는 말을 들으면 계획을 세우기에 너무 늦습니다.
넌 이미 계획을 세워놔야 해
경고는 긴말이고, 나쁜말이에요.
(비디오 끝)
Among the jobs you might not think could be done by robots -- manicures.
The nail care industry in the United States is worth more than $8 billion a year.
Could a robotic newcomer that offers a lot less conversation and interaction change the way people get their nails done?
여러분은 로봇으로 할 수 없다고 생각하실 수도 있습니다. 매니큐어죠.
미국의 네일 케어 산업은 연간 80억 달러 이상의 가치가 있다.
훨씬 더 적은 대화와 상호작용을 제공하는 로봇 신참자가 사람들의 손톱 손질 방법을 바꿀 수 있을까?
(비디오 테이프 시작)
It's not exactly a cure for getting manicures,
진 무스, CNN 특파원:
매니큐어를 받는 것은 정확하게 치료(cure)는 아니지만
(cure, manicure 말장난)
한국에서는 보통 ‘매니큐어’를 손톱에 컬러를 칠하는 제품 : normal polish, regular polish 를 의미하지만 영어권에서는 손톱관리를 받는 모든 과정 및 시술을 manicure라고 합니다.
매니큐어, 페디큐어를 받다. : 손발 관리, 시술을 받다.
Robot nails.
신원미상 여성:
로봇 손톱.
It's a robo manicure.
로봇 매니큐어예요.
The robot doesn't expect tips.
신원미상 여성:
로봇은 팁을 기대하지 않습니다.
Instead of the buzz of conversation, there's the whirring noise of the robot.
대화의 윙윙거리는 소리 대신, 로봇의 윙윙거리는 소음이 있다.
A company named Clockwork debuted two robots at a pop-up store in San Francisco recently.
The robot takes a 3D photo of each nail, then paints it.
Clockwork라는 이름의 한 회사는 최근 샌프란시스코의 한 팝업 스토어에서 두 개의 로봇을 선보였다.
그 로봇은 각 손톱의 3D 사진을 찍은 다음 손톱을 칠합니다.
Says one of the first customers --
첫 번째 고객 중 한 명이 말했습니다.
For $8, I'm happy to have a robot do a much better job than I could do.
신원미상 여성:
8달러로, 저는 로봇이 제가 할 수 있는 것보다 훨씬 더 나은 일을 하게 되어 기쁩니다.
Posted one commenter, so I wouldn't have to make awkward conversation? Love it!
누군가가 올린 댓글, 어색한 대화 안 해도 되겠다? 너무 좋아!
But others were worried.
This is kind of sad.
I love my nail lady.
She works so hard for her business.
하지만 다른 사람들은 걱정했다.
좀 슬프네요.
나는 나의 단골 네일 시술자를 좋아하거든요.
그녀는 사업을 위해 열심히 일한다.
Clockwork's co-founder says what they do is different from salons.
Clockwork의 공동 설립자는 로봇들이 하는 일이 살롱과 다르다고 말한다.
Quick serve beauty is what we call it.
We're going to be the express beauty experience versus, you know, the artistry and the relaxation of a nail salon.
신원미상 여성:
퀵 서브 뷰티는 이른바 '퀵 서브 뷰티'입니다.
우리는 네일 살롱의 예술성과 휴식의 표현적인 뷰티 체험이 될 것입니다.
Eventually, they hope to put the nail robots in airports, malls and gyms.
결국, 그들은 네일 로봇을 공항, 쇼핑몰, 체육관에 두기를 희망한다.
Another company is working on a similar device for home use, selling for 400 bucks.
또 다른 회사는 400달러에 판매되는 가정용 비슷한 장치를 개발하고 있다.
The robo manicure caused one commenter to post:
I would be terrified it would eat my fingers.
로보 매니큐어는 한 평론가가 글을 올리도록 만들었다.
내 손가락을 잡아먹을까봐 두려울거야.
And the reality is that the machine is very safe.
No one has ever been hurt by it.
신원미상의 남성:
그리고 현실은 그 기계가 매우 안전하다는 것입니다.
아무도 그것에 의해 상처받은 적이 없다.
Though they have a jokey nickname.
비록 그들은 농담하는 별명을 가지고 있지만.
We call it Frankie which is short for Frankenstein.
신원미상 여성:
우리는 그것을 프랑켄슈타인의 줄임말인 프랭키라고 부른다.
What can't Frankie do?
프랭키가 못하는 게 뭐야?
No clipping, no filing, no cutting cuticles.
Forget comparisons to –
클리핑도, 서류철도, 큐티클도 안 돼요
비교는 잊으십시오.
Barbie digital nail printer.
신원미상 여성:
바비 디지털 네일 프린터.
-- that made print designs, but it can't paint.
And for 8 to 10 bucks a manicure, Frankenstein's creators are hoping customers say --
-- 인쇄 디자인을 만들었지만 칠은 할 수 없어요
그리고 8~10달러에 매니큐어 한 개에 프랑켄슈타인의 크리에이터들은 고객들이 이렇게 말하길 바란다.
I'll be back.
아놀드 슈워제네거, 배우:
또 올게요.
Jeanne Moos, CNN, New York.
뉴욕 CNN의 진 무스입니다
(비디오 끝)
Some may say it's loony (lunula), some might call it beautiful.
To let a robot box detox deals right down to the cuticle.
It's an edgy concept, leaving many who are picky unimpressed from epithelium down to the hyponychium.
But when it comes to manicures, if you've tried and failed, it might be thought from those polished clips that that nail machine might nail it.
어떤 사람들은 그것이 미친 짓이라고 말할 수도 있고, 어떤 사람들은 그것을 아름답다고 말할 수도 있다.
로봇 박스가 해독하게 하는 것은 큐티클에 대한 것이다.
그것은 날카로운 개념으로, 까다롭게 구는 많은 사람들이 상피에서 저포니슘에 이르기까지 감명을 받지 못하게 한다.
하지만 매니큐어에 관해서라면, 만약 여러분이 시도했지만 실패했다면, 그 네일 기계가 그것을 못으로 고정시킬 수도 있다고 생각할지도 모릅니다.
Fridays are awesome!
We've got Union Grove High School watching today from McDonough, Georgia.
It's great to see you.
금요일은 정말 멋지다!
유니언 그로브 고등학교가 오늘 조지아주 맥도너에서 보고 있습니다.
다시 만나서 정말 반가워요.
Our YouTube channel is the one and only place we look for your shout-out requests.
I'm Carl Azuz.
우리의 유튜브 채널은 우리가 당신의 외침 요청을 찾는 유일한 장소입니다.
난 칼 아주즈야
** END
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