[CNN10 대본 109] Can Guardian Caps Make Football Safer?
109_241007_240903_Can Guardian Caps Make Football Safer?
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109_241007_240903_Can Guardian Caps Make Football Safer?
109_241007_240903_Can Guardian Caps Make Football Safer? 영상+대본 포스팅 https://jesswithpp.tistory.com/2123 원문 + 표현 정리 구글독스 https://docs.google.com/document/d/19vJKHhBLpKgt4izFXV8K4L2U8tQEt2sQ4OUlRfjeBdg/edit?usp=sharing Youtub
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Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Large-Scale Protests in Israel Where Different Groups are Placing Blame for the Deaths of Six Hostages; Brazil Declares Arson War as Wildfires Rage in the Country; Can Guardian Caps Make Football Safer? Aired 4-4:10a
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CNN 10
Large-Scale Protests in Israel Where Different Groups are Placing Blame for the Deaths of Six Hostages; Brazil Declares Arson War as Wildfires Rage in the Country; Can Guardian Caps Make Football Safer? Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired September 03, 2024 - 04:00 ET
Hello, and welcome to the show.
We are off and running into September.
For many of you, the start of a new school year as well.
Shoutout to the teachers out there.
Thank you for making us part of your day.
I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10, where I get you your news representing all sides equally, no opinion, no slant in 10 minutes time.
And we are going to have some fun along the way too.
Let's start today with a couple international headlines.
An update on the Israel-Hamas war that started back on October 7th of last year.
This weekend, large-scale protests were seen in Israel after its military recovered the bodies of six hostages killed in Gaza by the militant group Hamas.
The protesters accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of not doing enough to protect these hostages, adding to the pressure on the leader to complete a ceasefire deal with Hamas.
Three of the hostages killed in Gaza were expected to be released in a ceasefire deal.
That deal is now in question, with the U.S. National Security Adviser saying that the next few days will be critical.
In response to the development, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu blamed Hamas, saying whoever murders hostages doesn't want a deal.
Hamas, on the other hand, has blamed the deaths on Israel and the United States, accusing them of dragging out the talks by issuing new demands.
In Gaza, a wide-scale humanitarian crisis continues.
The majority of Gaza's two million residents have been forced to flee their homes.
Next, Brazil's government is declaring war on arson, as unprecedented fires have spread across the nation over the past few weeks.
Tens of thousands of acres of rainforest, wetlands and farmland have burned, and officials say not a single fire started from natural causes.
Let's take a closer look at what might be going on.
Flames engulfing the world's largest rainforest, the world's largest wetlands and now the southeastern state of Sao Paulo.
Fires in the Brazilian state have burned almost 150,000 acres, an area nearly as large as the city of Chicago.
This video showing the critical moment when flames jump over a river.
Smoke turning day to night and covering entire cities, including the capital, Brasilia, hundreds of miles away.
But this is no natural disaster.
Authorities blame the recent rash of fires on the perverse chemistry of climate change, extreme weather events and human actions.
People are starting fires, Environment Minister Marina Silva says, in the Amazon, in the wetlands and in Sao Paulo.
Ten people suspected of arson have been arrested so far and police are investigating whether criminal networks could be behind these wildfires.
In a span of 90 minutes, multiple hotspots appeared.
Satellite images show.
In one single day, last Friday the 23rd, the number of fires hotspots were even higher than the ones registered in the Amazon biome.
VARGAS JONES (voice-over):
Meanwhile, in the Amazon, almost 50,000 active fire spots have been detected so far this year.
And officials say none of them started due to natural causes.
Deforestation via arson continues to be a common practice to set up illegal mining sites and cattle farms, researchers and activists say.
Pop quiz hot shot.
Who is known as the father of American football?
Abner Doubleday, Walter Camp, James Naismith or Bart Starr?
Walter Camp was given the distinction for playing a leading role in adapting the rules of the game, making it distinct from rugby.
Next we're going to an invention that might be a game changer for the sport of football.
There have been 50 rule changes in the NFL the last two decades aimed at making the game safer and advancements in technology and equipment have accelerated.
Inventions like Guardian Caps aimed at helping to prevent concussions weren't around when I played in the NFL.
We're taking a closer look at their potential to make the game safer.
WIRE (on camera):
Each football season, sporting cathedrals like this, Mercedes-Benz Stadium are full of excitement about the game.
But each season also brings concerns for families and players about the dangers that come with it.
There has been a recent uptick and efforts to make the game safer.
One of them, these protective helmet covers called Guardian Caps.
But do they work?
The Georgia-based company aims to reduce damage that can be caused to the brain by the sudden stopping or rotation of the head.
The NFL's research led them to make these caps mandatory for all players during practices, aside from kickers and quarterbacks who are off limits for contact.
Players can also choose to wear the caps during the games.
(On camera):
NFL Executive Vice President Jeff Miller says the statistics show the caps increased safety.
As a result of the last two seasons, we saw about a 50% decrease in concussions in the positions that were mandated to wear them.
So, of course, we said OK, all positions will now wear them in this pre-season.
Now, NFL rule changes and advancements in the helmets themselves could also be leading to a decrease in concussions.
The company says that more than 3,000 high schools and more than 750 youth programs currently use the caps.
One question is, if the NFL is making them mandatory for the pros, why aren't they mandatory for kids?
One potential drawback could be cost.
Each one of these runs about $70, $56 when bought in bulk for a team, many schools are already struggling with funding, and the National Athletic Trainers Association has said that such products come with little to no independent scientific evidence showing that they actually work.
The helmet and head protection is really the last line of defense.
The first thing to do is minimize the number of head impacts that kids and other athletes are experiencing.
WIRE (on camera):
One other potential drawback is the way it feels.
Some NFL players saying it makes them feel top heavy at times.
Although research will continue to be done in the push to make the game safer.
Next, we're traveling to Togo.
The country located in Western Africa is among the smallest on the continent.
It's also where you'll find a program created by CNN hero Payton McGriff.
The goal? To cover the cost of mandatory school uniforms that can keep some girls out of school.
McGriff helped create a uniform that grows.
That's now key to a movement that educates and employs hundreds of girls and women.
To put their uniform on for the first time, that's one of the most joyous experiences that we see.
Poverty is a tremendous barrier to girls' education and a uniform is typically one of the more expensive pieces.
They can be one of the most cost-effective ways to keep girls in school.
So the name is Style Her Empowered.
We go by She and today She is a non-profit that creates sustainable education and employment opportunities for girls and women around the world.
Today, when a girl enters our program, she not only receives a new school uniform, but she receives a full tuition scholarship, full year of school supplies, and a year-round tutoring from our local staff.
After we provided our first round of uniforms, we realized our students were outgrowing them very quickly.
So that was where the uniform that grows was born.
It grows six sizes and up to 12 inches in length.
It adjusts in various parts of the body to provide a well-tailored fit.
We employ 20 seamstresses in Togo.
We intentionally hire women from low-income, low-education backgrounds who haven't had the opportunity to go to school previously.
We guarantee salaries on average 75% higher than minimum wage.
We provide three-month paid maternity leave, unlimited sick leave, and kind of a whole host of benefits that ensure that women in the workplace can thrive.
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10, proves it's not always sunshine and rainbows.
Sometimes it's lightning and rainbows.
A rare weather phenomenon was witnessed in the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul in Minnesota when severe thunderstorms swept through the area.
While the scary storms knocked out power to thousands of people there, they also brought these remarkable moments of beauty.
I saw Mother Nature just showing off right there.
All right, we're looking forward to your #YourWordWednesday submissions, your vocab word in tomorrow's show.
Follow me @coywire on Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok.
Put your word and definition in the comment section of my most recent post, and we'll choose a winner to work into tomorrow's show with a shout out for you and your school.
Today's shout out is going to my friends at West Boynton in Boynton Beach, Florida. Rise up.
Have an awesome day, everyone.
I'll see you right back here tomorrow on CNN 10.
** 독해 및 어휘 정리
*** 오역, 오타 등 수정이 필요한 부분을 발견하시면 방에 공유 부탁드립니다.
CNN 10
Large-Scale Protests in Israel Where Different Groups are Placing Blame for the Deaths of Six Hostages; Brazil Declares Arson War as Wildfires Rage in the Country; Can Guardian Caps Make Football Safer? Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired September 03, 2024 - 04:00 ET
CNN 10
이스라엘에서 대규모 시위, 여섯 명의 인질 사망에 대해 서로 다른 그룹들이 책임을 전가하는 상황; 브라질은 국가적으로 산불이 번지면서 방화와의 전쟁을 선포; 가디언 캡이 미식축구를 더 안전하게 만들 수 있을까? 방영 시간: 동부 표준시 4시부터 4시 10분까지
방영일: 2024년 9월 3일, 동부 표준시 04:00
이것은 급히 작성된 전사본입니다. 이 사본은 최종 형태가 아닐 수 있으며 업데이트될 수 있습니다.
Protest 시위, 항의
Demonstration, objection
A protest is an organized public demonstration expressing opposition or disagreement, usually against government policies or social issues. Protests can range from peaceful gatherings to disruptive actions meant to draw attention to a cause.
Hostage 인질
A hostage is a person held against their will by a person or group, typically as a bargaining tool to meet certain demands. Hostage situations often involve threats of harm unless the captors’ demands are fulfilled.
Declare 선언하다, 발표하다
Announce, proclaim
To declare means to formally announce or state something publicly and clearly, often with a sense of authority. This can apply to a wide range of actions, such as declaring independence, declaring war, or making official statements.
Rage 분노, 격노
Intense anger, fury
Rage refers to an extreme form of anger or uncontrollable fury. It is often characterized by intense emotional reactions that may lead to aggressive behavior or strong verbal outbursts.
Guardian Cap 보호 헬멧, 가디언 캡
Protective helmet covers
"Guardian Caps" are soft protective covers worn over football helmets, designed to reduce the impact of head collisions during practice. They are used to prevent or minimize head injuries and concussions, providing an extra layer of cushioning during contact sports.
Hello, and welcome to the show.
We are off and running into September.
For many of you, the start of a new school year as well.
Shoutout to the teachers out there.
Thank you for making us part of your day.
코이 와이어, CNN 10 앵커:
안녕하세요, 저희 프로그램에 오신 것을 환영합니다.
우리는 9월로 힘차게 달려가고 있습니다.
많은 분들에게는 새 학년의 시작이기도 하겠네요.
선생님들께 큰 감사의 인사를 전합니다.
오늘 저희와 함께 해주셔서 감사합니다.
Running into 우연히 마주치다, 부딪히다
Encountering, bumping into
"Running into" refers to unexpectedly meeting or encountering someone or something, often by chance. It can also mean physically colliding with an object or person.
Shoutout 감사의 인사, 공개적으로 언급하다
Public recognition, special mention
A "shoutout" is a verbal or written acknowledgment given to someone in order to thank or recognize them, often in a public setting. It is commonly used in social media, speeches, or broadcasts to give credit to someone for their contributions or support.
I'm Coy Wire. This is CNN 10, where I get you your news representing all sides equally, no opinion, no slant in 10 minutes time.
And we are going to have some fun along the way too.
저는 코이 와이어입니다. 여기는 CNN 10, 10분 안에 편향 없이 모든 입장을 공정하게 다루는 뉴스를 전해드리는 곳입니다.
그리고 그 과정에서 함께 즐거운 시간도 보낼 겁니다.
Representing 대표하다, 나타내다
Acting on behalf of, symbolizing
"Representing" refers to the act of speaking or acting on behalf of someone or something, such as a person, group, or organization. It can also mean symbolizing or standing for an idea, belief, or identity.
Slant 기울다, 편향
Tilt, bias
"Slant" refers to a specific angle or perspective, both literally (as in a physical slope) and figuratively (as in presenting information with a certain bias or viewpoint). It often implies that the information is not neutral but skewed in a particular direction.
Along the way 과정에서, 그동안
During the process, on the journey
"Along the way" refers to something happening during the course of a journey or a process. It indicates that events or experiences occurred while moving toward a particular goal or destination.
Let's start today with a couple international headlines.
An update on the Israel-Hamas war that started back on October 7th of last year.
This weekend, large-scale protests were seen in Israel after its military recovered the bodies of six hostages killed in Gaza by the militant group Hamas.
오늘은 국제 헤드라인 몇 가지로 시작해보겠습니다.
작년 10월 7일에 시작된 이스라엘-하마스 전쟁에 대한 업데이트입니다.
이번 주말 이스라엘에서는 무장 단체 하마스가 가자지구에서 살해한 인질 6명의 시신을 군이 수습한 후 대규모 시위가 벌어졌습니다.
Hamas 하마스
Hamas is a Palestinian militant organization and political group that controls the Gaza Strip. It is designated as a terrorist organization by several countries, including the United States, the European Union, and Australia. Hamas is known for its military actions against Israel, as well as for providing social services in Palestinian territories.
Gaza 가자
Gaza, or the Gaza Strip, is a Palestinian territory located along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, bordering Israel and Egypt. It is a densely populated area and is governed by Hamas. The region has been a focal point of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, with frequent clashes and humanitarian concerns due to blockades and military operations.
The protesters accused Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of not doing enough to protect these hostages, adding to the pressure on the leader to complete a ceasefire deal with Hamas.
시위대는 이스라엘 총리 베냐민 네타냐후가 인질 보호를 충분히 하지 않았다고 비난하며 하마스와 휴전 협정을 체결하라는 압박을 가중시켰습니다.
Accused 피고인, 혐의를 받은 사람
The person charged, defendant
"Accused" refers to someone who has been formally charged with a crime or wrongdoing. In legal contexts, the accused is the person who is alleged to have committed an offense and is undergoing trial or investigation.
Ceasefire 휴전, 정전
Truce, suspension of hostilities
A ceasefire is an agreement between opposing parties, typically in a conflict or war, to stop fighting for a period of time. Ceasefires can be temporary or lead to more permanent peace agreements, depending on negotiations and conditions set by both sides.
Three of the hostages killed in Gaza were expected to be released in a ceasefire deal.
That deal is now in question, with the U.S. National Security Adviser saying that the next few days will be critical.
가자에서 살해된 인질 중 세 명은 휴전 협정에서 석방될 예정이었으나, 그 협정은 이제 불확실합니다. 미국 국가안보보좌관은 향후 며칠이 매우 중요하다고 말했습니다.
In response to the development, Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu blamed Hamas, saying whoever murders hostages doesn't want a deal.
이러한 사태에 대해 이스라엘 총리 네타냐후는 하마스를 비난하며, "인질을 살해하는 자는 협상을 원하지 않는다"고 말했습니다.
Development 발전, 개발
Progress, growth
"Development" refers to the process of growth or improvement in a particular area, such as economic, social, or technological advancement. It can also refer to the creation of something new, like a product, building, or idea, through planning and effort.
Murder 살인
Homicide, killing
"Murder" is the intentional killing of another person, usually with malice or premeditation. It is considered one of the most serious crimes and is punishable by severe legal penalties, including long-term imprisonment or death, depending on the jurisdiction.
Hamas, on the other hand, has blamed the deaths on Israel and the United States, accusing them of dragging out the talks by issuing new demands.
반면 하마스는 이들의 죽음이 이스라엘과 미국 때문이라고 비난하며, 그들이 새로운 요구를 제기해 협상을 지연시켰다고 주장했습니다.
Dragging out 질질 끌다, 오래 끌다
Prolonging, extending unnecessarily
"Dragging out" refers to making something take longer than necessary, often by delaying or extending a process unnecessarily. It can be used in both literal and figurative contexts, such as dragging out a meeting or conversation.
Demand 요구, 수요
Request, need
"Demand" has two primary meanings. It can refer to a strong request or requirement for something (e.g., demanding a response). In economics, it refers to the desire or need for goods and services in the market, often measured by consumers' willingness to purchase.
In Gaza, a wide-scale humanitarian crisis continues.
The majority of Gaza's two million residents have been forced to flee their homes.
가자지구에서는 대규모 인도주의적 위기가 계속되고 있습니다.
가자지구 주민 200만 명 중 대다수가 집을 떠나야 했습니다.
Humanitarian 인도주의적인, 인도적 지원의
Compassionate, related to human welfare
"Humanitarian" refers to efforts aimed at improving human welfare and relieving suffering, often in times of crisis or disaster. Humanitarian aid involves providing food, medical care, and other resources to people in need, typically in response to emergencies such as conflicts or natural disasters.
Forced 강제적인, 억지로 하게 된
Compelled, involuntary
"Forced" refers to something done against one's will or under pressure. It can be used to describe actions, decisions, or movements that are compelled by external circumstances or authorities, such as forced migration or forced labor.
Crisis 위기
Emergency, critical situation
A "crisis" is a time of intense difficulty, danger, or instability, often requiring urgent intervention. Crises can be political, economic, environmental, or personal, and they typically lead to significant changes or challenges.
Flee 도망가다, 피하다
Escape, run away
"Flee" means to run away from a place or situation, typically to escape danger or threat. It is often used to describe people escaping from war, persecution, or natural disasters, seeking safety elsewhere.
Next, Brazil's government is declaring war on arson, as unprecedented fires have spread across the nation over the past few weeks.
Tens of thousands of acres of rainforest, wetlands and farmland have burned, and officials say not a single fire started from natural causes.
Let's take a closer look at what might be going on.
다음으로, 지난 몇 주 동안 전례 없는 화재가 전국적으로 확산됨에 따라 브라질 정부는 방화와의 전쟁을 선포했습니다.
수만 에이커의 열대우림, 습지, 농경지가 불에 탔으며, 당국은 자연적 원인으로 화재가 발생한 것은 단 한 건도 없다고 밝혔습니다.
무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 좀 더 자세히 살펴보겠습니다.
Arson 방화
Intentional fire-setting
"Arson" is the criminal act of deliberately setting fire to property, buildings, or land. It is considered a serious offense, often resulting in significant damage or danger to people.
Unprecedented 전례 없는, 유례없는
Never seen before, unparalleled
"Unprecedented" refers to something that has never happened or been experienced before. It is often used to describe events or situations that are completely new or extraordinary in their scale or impact.
Acre 에이커 (면적 단위)
A unit of land area
An "acre" is a unit of measurement used to quantify land area, primarily in the United States and the UK. One acre equals about 4,047 square meters, or approximately the size of a football field.
Rainforest 열대우림
Tropical forest
A "rainforest" is a dense forest, typically found in tropical regions, with high rainfall throughout the year. Rainforests are home to a wide variety of plant and animal species and play a crucial role in regulating the Earth's climate.
Wetlands 습지
Marshes, swamps
"Wetlands" are areas of land where water covers the soil, either permanently or seasonally. They include marshes, swamps, and bogs, and are important ecosystems that support a wide range of wildlife and plant species.
Farmland 농지, 농경지
Agricultural land
"Farmland" refers to land that is used for agricultural purposes, such as growing crops or raising livestock. It is essential for food production and can vary in size and productivity depending on the region and farming methods.
(비디오테이프 시작)
Flames engulfing the world's largest rainforest, the world's largest wetlands and now the southeastern state of Sao Paulo.
줄리아 바르가스 존스, CNN 특파원 (내레이션):
세계에서 가장 큰 열대우림, 가장 큰 습지, 그리고 이제는 브라질 남동부의 상파울루 주가 불길에 휩싸였습니다.
Flame 불꽃, 화염
Fire, blaze
"Flame" refers to the visible, bright, and often hot part of a fire. It is the result of a chemical reaction during combustion, where fuel and oxygen combine to produce heat and light. Flames can vary in size and intensity depending on the type of fuel and environment.
Engulfing 삼키다, 휩싸다
Surrounding, consuming
"Engulfing" means completely surrounding or covering something, often in a destructive way. It is commonly used to describe situations where fire, water, or another force overwhelms and overtakes an area or object.
Sao Paulo 상파울루, 브라질에서 가장 큰 도시
São Paulo is the largest city in Brazil and one of the most populous cities in the world. It is an important cultural, financial, and economic center in South America. Known for its diverse population and bustling city life, São Paulo plays a crucial role in Brazil’s economy and global business.
Fires in the Brazilian state have burned almost 150,000 acres, an area nearly as large as the city of Chicago.
브라질 주에서 발생한 화재로 시카고 시와 거의 비슷한 면적인 약 15만 에이커가 불에 탔습니다.
This video showing the critical moment when flames jump over a river.
Smoke turning day to night and covering entire cities, including the capital, Brasilia, hundreds of miles away.
이 영상은 불길이 강을 넘어가는 위급한 순간을 보여줍니다.
연기가 낮을 밤으로 바꾸고 수도 브라질리아를 포함한 수백 마일 떨어진 도시 전체를 덮고 있습니다.
Jump over 뛰어넘다
Leap over, hurdle
"Jump over" refers to the action of leaping across or over an object, obstacle, or barrier. It can be used both literally, as in jumping over a fence, and figuratively, such as overcoming challenges or difficulties.
Brasilia 브라질리아, 브라질의 수도
Brasília is the capital city of Brazil, known for its modernist architecture and unique urban planning. It was inaugurated in 1960 and designed by architect Oscar Niemeyer. The city serves as the political and administrative center of Brazil and is a UNESCO World Heritage site due to its innovative design.
But this is no natural disaster.
Authorities blame the recent rash of fires on the perverse chemistry of climate change, extreme weather events and human actions.
하지만 이것은 자연 재해가 아닙니다.
당국은 최근의 빈번한 화재를 기후 변화, 극한 기상 현상, 그리고 인간의 활동이 결합된 왜곡된 결과로 비난하고 있습니다.
Authorities 당국, 권위자
Officials, governing bodies
"Authorities" refers to individuals or organizations with power and control, especially in legal or governmental contexts. These may include law enforcement agencies, government officials, or other groups responsible for enforcing laws and regulations.
Rash 발진, 성급한
Skin eruption, hasty
"Rash" has two meanings. As a noun, it refers to a skin condition characterized by redness, bumps, or irritation. As an adjective, it describes actions taken without careful thought or consideration, often leading to negative consequences.
Perverse 비뚤어진, 삐딱한
Contrary, stubbornly wrong
"Perverse" refers to behavior or actions that are deliberately unreasonable or go against what is considered normal or right. It can also describe a tendency to act in a way that is contrary to expectations, often with negative or harmful intent.
Chemistry 화학, (사람 사이의) 교감
Chemical science, interpersonal connection
"Chemistry" refers to the branch of science dealing with the properties, composition, and reactions of substances. In a social context, it also refers to the natural rapport or connection between people, often implying mutual attraction or harmony.
People are starting fires, Environment Minister Marina Silva says, in the Amazon, in the wetlands and in Sao Paulo.
환경부 장관 마리나 실바는 아마존, 습지, 그리고 상파울루에서 사람들이 화재를 일으키고 있다고 말합니다.
Ten people suspected of arson have been arrested so far and police are investigating whether criminal networks could be behind these wildfires.
지금까지 방화 혐의로 10명이 체포되었으며, 경찰은 범죄 조직이 이러한 산불의 배후에 있을 가능성을 조사하고 있습니다.
Suspected of ~의 혐의를 받다, ~로 의심받다
Alleged to, believed to have
"Suspected of" refers to someone being believed to have committed a particular action, often a crime or wrongdoing, based on available evidence or suspicion, though not yet proven guilty. It implies that there is enough reason to doubt their innocence.
Investigating 조사하다, 수사하다
Examining, looking into
"Investigating" refers to the process of thoroughly examining or researching a matter to uncover facts, gather evidence, or determine the cause of an event. It is commonly used in legal, scientific, and journalistic contexts to describe efforts to find out the truth.
In a span of 90 minutes, multiple hotspots appeared.
Satellite images show.
90분 동안 여러 화재 발생 지역이 나타났습니다.
위성 사진이 이를 보여줍니다.
In a span of ~의 기간 동안, ~에 걸쳐
Over a period of, within
"In a span of" refers to a specific duration of time during which something occurs. It indicates the length of time over which an event or series of events takes place.
Satellite 위성
Orbital device, artificial satellite
A "satellite" refers to an object that orbits a larger body, such as a moon orbiting a planet. In modern usage, it often refers to man-made devices launched into space that orbit the Earth or other celestial bodies for purposes like communication, weather monitoring, or scientific research.
Hotspot 화재 발생 지역, 고온 지점
Fire-prone area, high-temperature zone
"Hotspot" refers to an area where intense heat or fire activity is detected, often in the context of wildfires or volcanic activity. In environmental monitoring, hotspots are typically identified using satellite technology, showing areas of high temperature that may indicate active fires or other thermal anomalies. Hotspots can also refer to areas of high activity or significance in various fields, but in this context, it specifically relates to regions where fires are breaking out.
In one single day, last Friday the 23rd, the number of fires hotspots were even higher than the ones registered in the Amazon biome.
크리스티아네 마제티, 그린피스 브라질:
지난 23일 금요일, 단 하루동안 아마존 생태계에서 기록된 것보다 더 많은 화재 발생 지역이 있었습니다.
Biome 생물군계, 생태계
Ecosystem, biological community
A "biome" is a large ecological area characterized by specific types of plants, animals, and climate. Examples include rainforests, deserts, and tundras. Each biome supports distinct life forms adapted to its unique environment.
VARGAS JONES (voice-over):
Meanwhile, in the Amazon, almost 50,000 active fire spots have been detected so far this year.
And officials say none of them started due to natural causes.
Deforestation via arson continues to be a common practice to set up illegal mining sites and cattle farms, researchers and activists say.
바르가스 존스 (내레이션):
한편, 아마존에서는 올해 현재까지 거의 5만 개의 화재 발생 지점이 감지되었습니다.
당국은 이들 중 자연적 원인으로 시작된 화재는 하나도 없다고 말합니다.
방화를 통한 삼림 벌채는 불법 채굴장과 목축장을 짓기 위한 일반적인 관행이라고 연구자와 활동가들은 말합니다.
Meanwhile 그 동안에, 한편
At the same time, in the meantime
"Meanwhile" refers to something happening simultaneously with another event. It is often used to contrast different actions or situations that are occurring at the same time.
Detected 발견된, 감지된
Discovered, identified
"Detected" means something has been discovered or identified, usually through careful observation, measurement, or investigation. It is commonly used in scientific, medical, or technological contexts to refer to the finding of something hidden or not immediately obvious.
Deforestation 산림 파괴
Forest clearing, logging
"Deforestation" refers to the large-scale removal of forests or trees, often to make way for agriculture, urban development, or other land uses. This process can lead to environmental damage, such as loss of biodiversity and increased carbon emissions.
Common practice 일반적인 관행, 통상적인 관례
Standard procedure, usual method
"Common practice" refers to actions or behaviors that are widely accepted and regularly followed in a particular field, culture, or industry. It indicates that the method or habit is typical and generally regarded as normal in certain contexts.
(비디오 테이프 종료)
Pop quiz hot shot.
Who is known as the father of American football?
Abner Doubleday, Walter Camp, James Naismith or Bart Starr?
깜짝 퀴즈를 맞춰라, 실력자.
미식축구의 아버지로 알려진 사람은 누구인가요?
애브너 더블데이, 월터 캠프, 제임스 네이스미스, 바트 스타?
Pop quiz hot shot 깜짝 퀴즈를 맞춰라, 실력자.
Surprise quiz, listen up!
"Pop quiz, hot shot"는 일상적으로 갑작스럽고 예상치 못한 상황에서 누군가에게 도전하거나 긴장을 유발할 때 사용하는 구어적인 표현입니다. "Pop quiz"는 예고 없이 주어지는 짧은 테스트를 의미하며, "hot shot"은 자신만만하거나 능력 있는 사람을 부르는 속어입니다. 이 표현은 주로 영화나 대중문화에서 긴장감을 높이거나 누군가의 능력을 시험할 때 사용됩니다.
Walter Camp was given the distinction for playing a leading role in adapting the rules of the game, making it distinct from rugby.
월터 캠프는 럭비와 차별화되는 경기 규칙을 적용하는 데 주도적인 역할을 했다는 점에서 공로를 인정받았습니다.
Distinction 구별, 차이, 탁월함
Difference, excellence
"Distinction" refers to a clear difference between two or more things. It can also mean recognition of excellence or superiority in a particular field. In an academic context, "distinction" can refer to high achievement or honors.
Adapting 적응하다, 조정하다
Adjusting, modifying
"Adapting" refers to the process of changing or adjusting to new conditions, environments, or circumstances. This can involve altering behavior, methods, or structures to better fit a situation or to overcome challenges. It is commonly used in both biological and social contexts.
Next we're going to an invention that might be a game changer for the sport of football.
There have been 50 rule changes in the NFL the last two decades aimed at making the game safer and advancements in technology and equipment have accelerated.
Inventions like Guardian Caps aimed at helping to prevent concussions weren't around when I played in the NFL.
We're taking a closer look at their potential to make the game safer.
다음으로 축구 스포츠의 판도를 바꿀 수 있는 발명품에 대해 알아보겠습니다.
지난 20년 동안 NFL은 경기를 더 안전하게 만들기 위해 50번의 규칙 변경이 있었고 기술과 장비의 발전이 가속화되었습니다.
제가 NFL에서 뛰었을 때는 뇌진탕을 예방하는 데 도움이 되는 가디언 캡과 같은 발명품이 없었습니다.
이 발명품이 경기를 더 안전하게 만들 수 있는 가능성에 대해 살펴보겠습니다.
Accelerated 가속된, 촉진된
Sped up, hastened
"Accelerated" refers to something that has been made to move or progress faster than normal. It can apply to various processes, such as learning, development, or physical movement, where the speed or pace has been increased.
Concussions 뇌진탕
Brain injuries, head trauma
"Concussions" are a type of brain injury caused by a blow or jolt to the head that disrupts normal brain function. Symptoms can include headaches, dizziness, confusion, and memory problems. Concussions are commonly associated with contact sports or accidents and require medical attention to prevent long-term effects.
(비디오테이프 시작)
WIRE (on camera):
Each football season, sporting cathedrals like this, Mercedes-Benz Stadium are full of excitement about the game.
But each season also brings concerns for families and players about the dangers that come with it.
There has been a recent uptick and efforts to make the game safer.
One of them, these protective helmet covers called Guardian Caps.
But do they work?
와이어 (카메라 앞에서):
매년 미식축구 시즌이 되면 메르세데스-벤츠 스타디움과 같은 대형 경기장이 경기에 대한 설렘으로 가득합니다.
하지만, 시즌마다 가족과 선수들은 경기에 따르는 위험에 대해 우려합니다.
최근에는 경기를 더 안전하게 만들기 위한 노력이 늘어나고 있습니다.
그 중 하나는 가디언 캡이라고 불리는 보호 헬멧 커버입니다.
그런데 정말 효과가 있을까요?
Sporting Cathedrals 스포츠 성지, 대형 경기장
Iconic sports venues, grand stadiums
"Sporting cathedrals" is a metaphorical term used to describe large, iconic stadiums or sports arenas that hold great significance to fans and athletes, much like cathedrals hold religious significance. These venues are often revered for their history, architecture, or importance in the world of sports.
Stadium 경기장
Sports arena
A "stadium" is a large structure designed to host sports events, concerts, and other public gatherings. It typically has seating for spectators surrounding a central field or stage. Famous examples include football stadiums, baseball parks, and Olympic arenas.
Uptick 증가, 상승
Increase, rise
"Uptick" refers to a small or noticeable increase in something, often in statistics or trends. It can be used to describe a rise in numbers, such as sales, stock prices, or incidents, and suggests positive or upward movement.
The Georgia-based company aims to reduce damage that can be caused to the brain by the sudden stopping or rotation of the head.
The NFL's research led them to make these caps mandatory for all players during practices, aside from kickers and quarterbacks who are off limits for contact.
Players can also choose to wear the caps during the games.
조지아에 본사를 둔 이 회사는 머리의 갑작스러운 정지나 회전에 의해 뇌가 입을 수 있는 손상을 줄이는 것을 목표로 하고 있습니다.
NFL의 연구 결과에 따라, 접촉 금지 선수인 키커와 쿼터백을 제외한 모든 선수가 연습 중에 이러한 캡을 의무적으로 착용할 수 있도록 했습니다.
선수들은 경기 중에도 이 커버를 착용할 수 있습니다.
Mandatory 의무적인, 필수의
Required, compulsory
"Mandatory" refers to something that is required by law, rule, or regulation. It implies that there is no choice in the matter, and the action or requirement must be followed or fulfilled.
Aside from ~을 제외하고, ~뿐만 아니라
Except for, in addition to
"Aside from" is used to indicate something being excluded or included in addition to something else. It can mean both "except for" and "as well as," depending on the context of the sentence.
Quarterbacks 쿼터백 (미식축구 포지션)
Football playmakers
"Quarterbacks" are key players in American football who lead the offensive team and are responsible for directing plays, passing the ball, and making strategic decisions on the field. They are often considered the leaders of the team and play a central role in determining the outcome of a game.
(On camera):
NFL Executive Vice President Jeff Miller says the statistics show the caps increased safety.
(카메라 앞에서):
NFL 부사장 제프 밀러는 통계적으로 이 헬멧 커버가 안전성을 높였다고 말합니다.
Executive 임원, 경영진, 집행의
Leader, high-ranking official
"Executive" refers to a person in a high-level position within a company or organization, often responsible for decision-making and management. It can also describe actions or roles related to implementing and enforcing decisions or policies.
Statistics 통계
Numerical data, figures
"Statistics" refers to the collection, analysis, interpretation, and presentation of numerical data. It is used to provide insights into trends, averages, and probabilities in various fields such as economics, sports, and health, helping to make informed decisions based on quantitative information.
As a result of the last two seasons, we saw about a 50% decrease in concussions in the positions that were mandated to wear them.
So, of course, we said OK, all positions will now wear them in this pre-season.
제프 밀러, NFL 부사장:
지난 두 시즌 동안, 헬멧 커버 착용이 의무화된 포지션에서 뇌진탕이 약 50% 감소한 것을 확인했습니다. 그래서 이번 프리시즌에는 모든 포지션이 착용할 예정입니다.
Mandated 명령된, 의무화된
Required, officially ordered
"Mandated" refers to something that has been officially ordered or required by law, regulation, or authority. It means that a specific action or rule must be followed, often as a result of legal or institutional requirements.
Pre-season 시즌 전, 프리시즌
Before the season, preparatory period
"Pre-season" refers to the period before the official sports season begins, during which teams practice, play exhibition games, and prepare for the regular season. It is a time for players to improve their skills, evaluate strategies, and get into competitive shape.
Now, NFL rule changes and advancements in the helmets themselves could also be leading to a decrease in concussions.
이제 NFL 규칙 변경과 헬멧 자체의 발전도 뇌진탕 감소로 이어질 수 있습니다.
The company says that more than 3,000 high schools and more than 750 youth programs currently use the caps.
One question is, if the NFL is making them mandatory for the pros, why aren't they mandatory for kids?
이 회사는 현재 3,000개 이상의 고등학교와 750개 이상의 유소년 프로그램에서 이 헬멧 커버를 사용하고 있다고 말합니다.
그런데 NFL에서는 프로 선수들에게 의무화하고 있는데, 왜 어린이들에게는 의무화하지 않는 걸까요?
One potential drawback could be cost.
Each one of these runs about $70, $56 when bought in bulk for a team, many schools are already struggling with funding, and the National Athletic Trainers Association has said that such products come with little to no independent scientific evidence showing that they actually work.
한 가지 잠재적인 단점은 비용일 수 있습니다.
한 개당 약 70달러, 팀 단위로 대량 구매 시 56달러로 가격이 내려가지만, 많은 학교들이 이미 재정난에 시달리고 있습니다. 또한, 전국 운동 트레이너 협회는 이러한 제품들이 실제로 효과가 있다는 독립적인 과학적 증거가 거의 또는 전혀 없다고 말했습니다.
Potential 잠재력, 가능성
Possibility, capability
"Potential" refers to the inherent ability or capacity for something to develop or happen in the future. It indicates what could be achieved or what might occur if certain conditions are met.
Drawback 단점, 문제점
Disadvantage, flaw
"Drawback" refers to a negative aspect or limitation of something. It is a factor that reduces the overall value or usefulness of a situation, product, or decision.
Runs about 대략 ~이다, ~정도이다
Approximately, is around
"Runs about" refers to an approximate amount or range, indicating that something is roughly or close to a certain value. It’s often used to give a general estimate.
Bulk 대량, 대부분
Large quantity, majority
"Bulk" refers to a large portion or the main part of something. It can mean buying or dealing in large amounts, or it can refer to the primary mass or volume of a given object or group.
Struggling 고군분투하는, 어려움을 겪는
Having difficulty, facing challenges
"Struggling" refers to experiencing hardship or difficulty in dealing with a task, situation, or circumstance. It can apply to both personal efforts or businesses facing challenges in performance.
Funding 자금, 자금 지원
Financial support, monetary backing
"Funding" refers to the money provided for a specific purpose, such as starting a business, supporting a project, or running an organization. It can come from various sources like investors, governments, or donations.
The helmet and head protection is really the last line of defense.
The first thing to do is minimize the number of head impacts that kids and other athletes are experiencing.
스티브 로슨, 버지니아 공대 헬멧 연구소:
헬멧과 머리 보호는 정말로 마지막 방어선입니다.
가장 먼저 해야 할 일은 아이들과 다른 운동선수들이 겪는 머리 충격의 횟수를 최소화하는 것입니다.
Impacts 영향, 충격
Effects, consequences
"Impacts" refers to the effect or influence that one thing has on another. It can be positive or negative and is often used to describe how actions, decisions, or events affect individuals, systems, or environments. It can also refer to physical force or collision.
Athlete 운동선수
Sportsperson, competitor
An "athlete" is a person who is trained or skilled in physical sports or exercises. Athletes compete in various sports disciplines at amateur or professional levels, requiring strength, endurance, agility, and skill.
WIRE (on camera):
One other potential drawback is the way it feels.
Some NFL players saying it makes them feel top heavy at times.
Although research will continue to be done in the push to make the game safer.
와이어 (카메라 앞에서):
또 다른 잠재적인 단점은 착용감입니다.
일부 NFL 선수들은 가끔 이 장비가 상체에 무거운 느낌을 준다고 말합니다.
경기를 더 안전하게 만들기 위한 노력 속에서 연구는 계속될 것입니다.
(비디오 테이프 종료)
Next, we're traveling to Togo.
The country located in Western Africa is among the smallest on the continent.
It's also where you'll find a program created by CNN hero Payton McGriff.
다음은 토고로 여행을 떠납니다.
서아프리카에 위치한 이 나라는 아프리카 대륙에서 가장 작은 나라 중 하나입니다.
이곳은 또한 CNN 히어로 페이튼 맥그리프가 만든 프로그램이 운영되는 곳입니다.
Togo 토고
Togo is a small West African country located on the Gulf of Guinea, bordered by Ghana, Benin, and Burkina Faso. Its capital is Lomé, and the country is known for its diverse cultures, tropical climate, and phosphate mining. It gained independence from France in 1960.
Continent 대륙
Large landmass
A continent is a large, continuous landmass that makes up the Earth's geography. There are seven continents: Africa, Antarctica, Asia, Europe, North America, Australia, and South America. Continents are home to diverse ecosystems, climates, and cultures.
The goal? To cover the cost of mandatory school uniforms that can keep some girls out of school.
McGriff helped create a uniform that grows.
That's now key to a movement that educates and employs hundreds of girls and women.
목표는? 학교에서 필수인 교복 비용을 지원하는 것입니다. 교복 비용 때문에 학교에 가지 못하는 소녀들이 있기 때문입니다.
맥그리프는 자라는 교복을 만드는 데 도움을 주었습니다.
이 교복은 이제 수백 명의 소녀들과 여성들에게 교육과 고용 기회를 제공하는 중요한 운동의 핵심입니다.
(비디오테이프 시작)
To put their uniform on for the first time, that's one of the most joyous experiences that we see.
페이튼 맥그리프, CNN 히어로:
소녀들이 처음으로 교복을 입는 순간은 우리가 보는 가장 기쁜 경험 중 하나입니다.
Joyous 기쁜, 즐거운
Happy, cheerful
"Joyous" refers to a feeling or atmosphere of great happiness and delight. It is often used to describe moments or events that bring a sense of celebration, positivity, and emotional fulfillment.
Poverty is a tremendous barrier to girls' education and a uniform is typically one of the more expensive pieces.
They can be one of the most cost-effective ways to keep girls in school.
가난은 소녀들의 교육에 엄청난 장애물이며, 교복은 보통 가장 비싼 물품 중 하나입니다.
이러한 방법은 여자아이들이 학교에 계속 다닐 수 있게 하는 가장 비용 효율적인 방법 중 하나가 될 수 있습니다.
Poverty 빈곤, 가난
Lack of wealth, destitution
"Poverty" refers to the state of being extremely poor, where individuals or communities lack the financial resources to meet basic living needs, such as food, shelter, and healthcare. It can also imply a lack of opportunity or access to essential services.
Tremendous 엄청난, 대단한
Huge, enormous
"Tremendous" refers to something very large in size, amount, or intensity. It can describe physical dimensions, emotional impact, or the scale of an achievement or challenge.
So the name is Style Her Empowered.
We go by She and today She is a non-profit that creates sustainable education and employment opportunities for girls and women around the world.
이 프로그램의 이름은 ‘Style Her Empowered'입니다.
우리는 간단히 'She'라고 부릅니다. 오늘날 'She'는 전 세계 소녀들과 여성들에게 지속 가능한 교육 및 고용 기회를 제공하는 비영리 단체입니다.
Empowered 권한을 부여받은, 자율성을 갖춘
Given authority, enabled
"Empowered" refers to someone having the confidence, power, or legal authority to make decisions or take action. It can relate to gaining control over one's own life or situation, often through knowledge, skills, or resources.
Sustainable 지속 가능한, 환경 친화적인
Environmentally friendly, long-lasting
"Sustainable" refers to the ability to maintain something over the long term without depleting resources or causing harm. In environmental contexts, it relates to practices that do not harm ecosystems or future generations. Sustainable development aims to balance economic growth, environmental health, and social well-being.
Today, when a girl enters our program, she not only receives a new school uniform, but she receives a full tuition scholarship, full year of school supplies, and a year-round tutoring from our local staff.
오늘날 우리 프로그램에 참여하는 소녀들은 새 교복뿐만 아니라 전액 장학금, 1년간의 학용품, 그리고 우리 현지 직원으로부터 1년 내내 과외를 받습니다.
Tuition 수업료, 학비
Educational fees, school fees
"Tuition" refers to the cost of instruction or education at a school, college, or university. It is the money that students pay to attend classes and receive education from an institution.
Scholarship 장학금
Financial aid, grant
A "scholarship" is financial support provided to a student based on academic merit, talent, or need, to help cover the cost of education. Scholarships do not need to be repaid and can be awarded by schools, organizations, or governments.
Full Tuition Scholarship 전액 장학금
Full financial coverage of tuition fees
A "full tuition scholarship" covers the entire cost of tuition fees for a student. It may not include other expenses like room, board, or supplies, but it ensures that the student does not need to pay any tuition fees during their studies.
Supplies 물품, 학용품
Materials, resources
"Supplies" refers to the materials or tools needed for a particular activity, such as education or work. In a school context, it typically includes items like notebooks, pens, textbooks, and other learning materials.
After we provided our first round of uniforms, we realized our students were outgrowing them very quickly.
So that was where the uniform that grows was born.
It grows six sizes and up to 12 inches in length.
It adjusts in various parts of the body to provide a well-tailored fit.
처음 교복을 제공했을 때, 학생들이 너무 빨리 자라서 교복을 입지 못하게 된다는 사실을 알게 되었습니다.
그래서 자라는 교복이 탄생했습니다.
이 교복은 6사이즈까지, 길이는 최대 12인치까지 늘어납니다.
이 교복은 몸의 여러 부분에서 조정이 가능해 잘 맞도록 설계되었습니다.
Outgrowing (몸이나 능력 등이) 자라서 맞지 않게 되다, 벗어나다
Growing beyond, surpassing
"Outgrowing" refers to the process of becoming too large or mature for something, whether physically (such as outgrowing clothes) or figuratively (such as outgrowing a habit or environment). It implies development or progress beyond what was previously suitable.
Well-tailored 잘 맞는, 맞춤 제작된
Perfectly fitted, custom-made
"Well-tailored" describes something that is skillfully designed or customized to fit a specific individual or purpose. This term is often used in fashion to describe clothing that fits well, but it can also refer to plans, strategies, or solutions that are well-suited to the needs or goals of a particular situation.
We employ 20 seamstresses in Togo.
We intentionally hire women from low-income, low-education backgrounds who haven't had the opportunity to go to school previously.
우리는 토고에서 20명의 재봉사를 고용하고 있습니다.
저희는 이전에 학교에 갈 기회가 없었던 저소득, 저학력 여성을 의도적으로 고용하고 있습니다.
Seamstresses 재봉사 (주로 여성)
Female tailors, dressmakers
"Seamstresses" are women who sew and make clothes, often working professionally in tailoring, fashion design, or garment repair. They are skilled in stitching and garment construction.
Intentionally 의도적으로, 고의로
Deliberately, on purpose
"Intentionally" means doing something with a specific aim or purpose in mind. It implies that the action was planned or deliberate, rather than accidental or spontaneous.
Previously 이전에, 미리
Before, earlier
"Previously" refers to something that happened or existed at an earlier time. It is used to indicate a prior event, action, or state before the current situation.
We guarantee salaries on average 75% higher than minimum wage.
We provide three-month paid maternity leave, unlimited sick leave, and kind of a whole host of benefits that ensure that women in the workplace can thrive.
평균적으로 최저임금보다 75% 더 높은 급여를 보장합니다.
또한 3개월 유급 출산 휴가, 무제한 병가, 그리고 직장에서 여성이 성공할 수 있도록 다양한 혜택을 제공합니다.
Salaries 급여, 봉급
Pay, compensation
"Salaries" refer to the fixed regular payments made to employees, usually on a monthly or yearly basis, for their work or services. Salaries are typically offered to professionals or employees in permanent positions and do not vary with the number of hours worked.
Wage 임금, 시급
Hourly pay, earnings
"Wage" refers to the payment received by an employee for work or services, often calculated on an hourly, daily, or weekly basis. Unlike a salary, wages can vary based on the amount of time worked or the specific tasks completed.
Maternity 출산, 모성
Motherhood, related to childbirth
"Maternity" refers to aspects related to motherhood and childbirth. In employment contexts, it is commonly associated with "maternity leave," which is the period of leave granted to a mother before and after giving birth.
Whole host of 수많은, 다양한
A large number of, a wide range of
"Whole host of" refers to a large group or variety of something. It is used to describe many different options, people, or things present in a particular context.
(비디오 테이프 종료)
Today's story getting a 10 out of 10, proves it's not always sunshine and rainbows.
Sometimes it's lightning and rainbows.
A rare weather phenomenon was witnessed in the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul in Minnesota when severe thunderstorms swept through the area.
While the scary storms knocked out power to thousands of people there, they also brought these remarkable moments of beauty.
I saw Mother Nature just showing off right there.
10점 만점에 10점을 받은 오늘의 이야기는, 항상 햇빛과 무지개만 있는 건 아니라는 걸 보여줍니다. 가끔은 번개와 무지개가 함께하기도 합니다.
미네소타에 위치한 미니애폴리스와 세인트 폴, 이 쌍둥이 도시에서 심한 뇌우가 이 지역을 휩쓸고 지나갈 때 드문 기상 현상이 목격되었습니다.
무서운 폭풍이 지역을 휩쓸며 수천 가구의 전력을 끊어버렸지만, 그와 동시에 놀라운 아름다움의 순간들도 가져왔습니다.
바로 그곳에서 대자연이 뽐내는 것을 보았습니다.
Phenomenon 현상, 사건
Event, occurrence
"Phenomenon" refers to a remarkable or unusual event or situation that can be observed or experienced. It can be used in scientific contexts to describe natural occurrences or in everyday language to refer to something extraordinary or notable.
Witnessed 목격한, 증언한
Observed, seen
"Witnessed" means to have seen or experienced something firsthand, often a significant event or incident. It can also refer to someone giving testimony about what they have seen.
Severe 심각한, 극심한
Serious, intense
"Severe" describes something that is very intense or extreme in nature, often used to describe harsh conditions, such as weather, injuries, or difficulties. It indicates a high level of seriousness or intensity.
Thunderstorms 뇌우, 천둥번개
Storms with thunder and lightning
"Thunderstorms" are weather events characterized by thunder, lightning, heavy rain, and sometimes hail or strong winds. These storms are caused by the rapid movement of warm, moist air and are often accompanied by dramatic weather changes.
Swept through 휩쓸고 지나가다
Passed through forcefully, moved across
"Swept through" refers to something moving quickly and powerfully through an area, often causing disruption or damage. It is commonly used to describe storms, fires, or other forces that impact a large area in a short time.
Knocked out 작동을 멈추게 하다, 쓰러뜨리다
Disabled, made inoperative
"Knocked out" refers to something being rendered inactive or damaged, such as power being cut off or a person being rendered unconscious. It is often used to describe interruptions caused by external forces like storms or accidents.
Showing off 자랑하다, 과시하다
Boasting, flaunting
"Showing off" refers to displaying something proudly or trying to attract attention by demonstrating skills, possessions, or achievements in a way that may seem boastful or excessive.
All right, we're looking forward to your #YourWordWednesday submissions, your vocab word in tomorrow's show.
Follow me @coywire on Instagram, Snapchat, TikTok.
Put your word and definition in the comment section of my most recent post, and we'll choose a winner to work into tomorrow's show with a shout out for you and your school.
좋아요, 우리는 내일 방송에서 여러분의 #YourWordWednesday 제출물, 여러분의 어휘 단어를 기대하고 있습니다.
인스타그램, 스냅챗, 틱톡에서 @coywire를 팔로우하세요.
제 최근 게시물의 댓글에 단어와 정의를 남겨주시면 내일 쇼에 참여할 우승자를 선정하여 여러분과 여러분의 학교의 이름을 불러드리겠습니다.
Submissions 제출물, 제출
Entries, applications
"Submissions" refers to materials, documents, or work that is handed in for consideration, review, or approval. This can include assignments, applications, or creative works provided to a person or organization within a specified deadline.
Work into ~에 포함시키다, ~에 넣다
Incorporate into, include in
"Work into" means to integrate or include something into a larger plan, process, or project. It implies making adjustments or adding new elements into an existing framework or schedule.
Today's shout out is going to my friends at West Boynton in Boynton Beach, Florida. Rise up.
오늘의 인사는 플로리다 주 보인턴 비치의 West Boynton 친구들에게 보냅니다. 힘차게 일어나세요!
Have an awesome day, everyone.
I'll see you right back here tomorrow on CNN 10.
모두 좋은 하루 보내세요.
내일 바로 여기 CNN 10에서 뵙겠습니다.
** 어휘 정리
Protest 시위, 항의
Demonstration, objection
Hostage 인질
Declare 선언하다, 발표하다
Announce, proclaim
Rage 분노, 격노
Intense anger, fury
Guardian Cap 보호 헬멧, 가디언 캡
Protective helmet covers
Running into 우연히 마주치다, 부딪히다
Encountering, bumping into
Shoutout 감사의 인사, 공개적으로 언급하다
Public recognition, special mention
Representing 대표하다, 나타내다
Acting on behalf of, symbolizing
Slant 기울다, 편향
Tilt, bias
Along the way 과정에서, 그동안
During the process, on the journey
Hamas 하마스
Hamas is a Palestinian militant organization and political group that controls the Gaza Strip.
Gaza 가자
Gaza, or the Gaza Strip, is a Palestinian territory located along the eastern coast of the Mediterranean Sea, bordering Israel and Egypt.
Accused 피고인, 혐의를 받은 사람
The person charged, defendant
Ceasefire 휴전, 정전
Truce, suspension of hostilities
Development 발전, 개발
Progress, growth
Murder 살인
Homicide, killing
Dragging out 질질 끌다, 오래 끌다
Prolonging, extending unnecessarily
Demand 요구, 수요
Request, need
Humanitarian 인도주의적인, 인도적 지원의
Compassionate, related to human welfare
Forced 강제적인, 억지로 하게 된
Compelled, involuntary
Crisis 위기
Emergency, critical situation
Flee 도망가다, 피하다
Escape, run away
Arson 방화
Intentional fire-setting
Unprecedented 전례 없는, 유례없는
Never seen before, unparalleled
Acre 에이커 (면적 단위)
A unit of land area
Rainforest 열대우림
Tropical forest
Wetlands 습지
Marshes, swamps
Farmland 농지, 농경지
Agricultural land
Flame 불꽃, 화염
Fire, blaze
Engulfing 삼키다, 휩싸다
Surrounding, consuming
Sao Paulo 상파울루, 브라질에서 가장 큰 도시
São Paulo is the largest city in Brazil and one of the most populous cities in the world.
Jump over 뛰어넘다
Leap over, hurdle
Brasilia 브라질리아, 브라질의 수도
Brasília is the capital city of Brazil, known for its modernist architecture and unique urban planning.
Authorities 당국, 권위자
Officials, governing bodies
Rash 발진, 성급한
Skin eruption, hasty
Perverse 비뚤어진, 삐딱한
Contrary, stubbornly wrong
Chemistry 화학, (사람 사이의) 교감
Chemical science, interpersonal connection
Suspected of ~의 혐의를 받다, ~로 의심받다
Alleged to, believed to have
Investigating 조사하다, 수사하다
Examining, looking into
In a span of ~의 기간 동안, ~에 걸쳐
Over a period of, within
Satellite 위성
Orbital device, artificial satellite
Hotspot 화재 발생 지역, 고온 지점
Fire-prone area, high-temperature zone
Biome 생물군계, 생태계
Ecosystem, biological community
Meanwhile 그 동안에, 한편
At the same time, in the meantime
Detected 발견된, 감지된
Discovered, identified
Deforestation 산림 파괴
Forest clearing, logging
Common practice 일반적인 관행, 통상적인 관례
Standard procedure, usual method
Pop quiz hot shot 깜짝 퀴즈를 맞춰라, 실력자.
Surprise quiz, listen up!
"Pop quiz, hot shot"는 일상적으로 갑작스럽고 예상치 못한 상황에서 누군가에게 도전하거나 긴장을 유발할 때 사용하는 구어적인 표현입니다. "Pop quiz"는 예고 없이 주어지는 짧은 테스트를 의미하며, "hot shot"은 자신만만하거나 능력 있는 사람을 부르는 속어입니다. 이 표현은 주로 영화나 대중문화에서 긴장감을 높이거나 누군가의 능력을 시험할 때 사용됩니다.
Distinction 구별, 차이, 탁월함
Difference, excellence
Adapting 적응하다, 조정하다
Adjusting, modifying
Accelerated 가속된, 촉진된
Sped up, hastened
Concussions 뇌진탕
Brain injuries, head trauma
Sporting Cathedrals 스포츠 성지, 대형 경기장
Iconic sports venues, grand stadiums
Stadium 경기장
Sports arena
Uptick 증가, 상승
Increase, rise
Mandatory 의무적인, 필수의
Required, compulsory
Aside from ~을 제외하고, ~뿐만 아니라
Except for, in addition to
Quarterbacks 쿼터백 (미식축구 포지션)
Football playmakers
"Quarterbacks" are key players in American football who lead the offensive team and are responsible for directing plays, passing the ball, and making strategic decisions on the field.
Executive 임원, 경영진, 집행의
Leader, high-ranking official
Statistics 통계
Numerical data, figures
Mandated 명령된, 의무화된
Required, officially ordered
Pre-season 시즌 전, 프리시즌
Before the season, preparatory period
Potential 잠재력, 가능성
Possibility, capability
Drawback 단점, 문제점
Disadvantage, flaw
Runs about 대략 ~이다, ~정도이다
Approximately, is around
Bulk 대량, 대부분
Large quantity, majority
Struggling 고군분투하는, 어려움을 겪는
Having difficulty, facing challenges
Funding 자금, 자금 지원
Financial support, monetary backing
Impacts 영향, 충격
Effects, consequences
Athlete 운동선수
Sportsperson, competitor
Togo 토고
Togo is a small West African country located on the Gulf of Guinea, bordered by Ghana, Benin, and Burkina Faso.
Continent 대륙
Large landmass
Joyous 기쁜, 즐거운
Happy, cheerful
Poverty 빈곤, 가난
Lack of wealth, destitution
Tremendous 엄청난, 대단한
Huge, enormous
Empowered 권한을 부여받은, 자율성을 갖춘
Given authority, enabled
Sustainable 지속 가능한, 환경 친화적인
Environmentally friendly, long-lasting
Tuition 수업료, 학비
Educational fees, school fees
Scholarship 장학금
Financial aid, grant
Full Tuition Scholarship 전액 장학금
Full financial coverage of tuition fees
Supplies 물품, 학용품
Materials, resources
Outgrowing (몸이나 능력 등이) 자라서 맞지 않게 되다, 벗어나다
Growing beyond, surpassing
Well-tailored 잘 맞는, 맞춤 제작된
Perfectly fitted, custom-made
Seamstresses 재봉사 (주로 여성)
Female tailors, dressmakers
Intentionally 의도적으로, 고의로
Deliberately, on purpose
Previously 이전에, 미리
Before, earlier
Salaries 급여, 봉급
Pay, compensation
Wage 임금, 시급
Hourly pay, earnings
Maternity 출산, 모성
Motherhood, related to childbirth
Whole host of 수많은, 다양한
A large number of, a wide range of
Phenomenon 현상, 사건
Event, occurrence
Witnessed 목격한, 증언한
Observed, seen
Severe 심각한, 극심한
Serious, intense
Thunderstorms 뇌우, 천둥번개
Storms with thunder and lightning
Swept through 휩쓸고 지나가다
Passed through forcefully, moved across
Knocked out 작동을 멈추게 하다, 쓰러뜨리다
Disabled, made inoperative
Showing off 자랑하다, 과시하다
Boasting, flaunting
Submissions 제출물, 제출
Entries, applications
Work into ~에 포함시키다, ~에 넣다
Incorporate into, include in
** END
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