[CSP 대본 077] Flooding In Pakistan, A Newborn Star, And A CNN Hero
077_221010_220914_Flooding In Pakistan, A Newborn Star, And A CNN Hero | September 14, 2022
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077_221010_220914_Flooding In Pakistan, A Newborn Star, And A CNN Hero
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Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 Pakistan devastated by Flooding; Just Released Images of Newborn Stars; A CNN Hero Who is Turning Discarded Tech into Life-Changing Opportunity. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired September 14, 2022 - 04:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH T
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** 원본 스크립트
CNN 10
Pakistan devastated by Flooding; Just Released Images of Newborn Stars; A CNN Hero Who is Turning Discarded Tech into Life-Changing Opportunity. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired September 14, 2022 - 04:00 ET
What's up, everyone?
I'm Coy and I am so grateful that I get to hang out with you this week right here on CNN 10.
We have a rocking show for you this wonderful Wednesday, but we do have to start with the latest out of Pakistan where people are hurting as their nation's been devastated by flooding.
Severe floods have swept away roads, homes, schools and hospitals, leaving nearly one-third of the South Asian country under water.
Millions of people have been forced from their homes and are struggling through waist-deep water to reach safety.
The current crisis began when severe monsoon rains hit the country last week piling water on top of more than two months worth of record flooding that has already killed hundreds of people and displaced millions more.
Nearly all of the country's crops and significant amounts of livestock and fertilizer have been damaged by the floods, harming the food supply.
Pakistan was already reeling from the economic inflation which makes the price of food unattainable for many of its citizens.
Experts are now concerned about another round of food shortages and disease which could be transmitted through contaminated water in the coming weeks.
Authorities say that the flooding could take up to six months to recede which could even impact the country's planting season in October.
As the flooding threatens to set the country's progress back and potentially worsen existing political tensions, the United Nations is currently urging support for Pakistan.
Trying to get to higher ground, this is one of the few roads that has not been completely submerged underwater and there's just a steady flow of people coming here and you can see they're crammed into buses, they're on rickshaws, they're on motorcycles, and they've just tried to grab whatever they possibly can salvage from their homes and move it to higher ground.
But the fear is this isn't going to be higher ground for that much longer because even though there's no rain forecast here for the next five days, the water levels here are still rising.
And that's because this is essentially a catchment area.
This is right between the Indus river and the marcher lake and the end result of that is that there is nowhere for this water to run off to and all the rain that's coming from other parts of the country in the north is kind of running down here and swelling into this area.
And what is so pronounced here is you don't see any aid workers here.
You don't see any aid being distributed.
These are hard to reach areas.
The Pakistani government is doing its level best to get people what they need, but the demand is so huge, one U.N. official calling it a logistical nightmare.
All right.
Let's go 10-second trivia time.
Which constellation is known as the Hunter?
Is it Andromeda, Orion, Gemini or Taurus?
One of the most recognizable in the night sky is the belt-wearing Orion constellation that's known as the Hunter.
Next up, we're traveling to the Orion constellation with a photo that is five years in the making.
On Monday, new images were released showing thousands of never seen before stars and this image of a newborn star from the Orion nebula.
The images were taken by the James Webb telescope and hopes are that the data from it can help us understand how stars and planetary systems are formed.
According to scientists, these images reveal an environment similar to our own solar system when it formed more than 4.5 billion years ago.
The technology works by detecting infrared light in the cosmos which allows observers to see through layers of dust, illustrating what's happening inside the Milky Way.
The images are said to be the sharpest ever taken and part of the goal for the Webb telescope is detecting distant and faint galaxies.
The telescope itself was launched in 2021.
According to NASA, the telescope will cost the American taxpayer $10 billion.
Next up, some inspiration and motivation in the form of a story of a young girl from rural Kenya.
Growing up, she'd never even heard of a computer.
Now, she's enhancing the lives of young people in her community through repurposing discarded technology.
She's aiming to create positive change in this world one computer at a time.
I never forget what it was like growing poor.
I never forget what it was like my stomach churning because of hunger at night.
I would have to go and scavenge for food at trash bits.
We grew up in a tin roof house.
It was full of potholes.
I used to look at the different light bouncing from the holes from the roof, and then just imagine what we look like to sustainably fix poverty.
I was a very hardworking student even though I wasn't in school often, and even though I was the most hardworking person I knew, I still did not know what a computer was.
I am from Mogotio which is a small village in rural Kenya.
And there isn't much of an economic activity here.
I got a full-ride four-year scholarship in America at Augustana College in 2012.
I got a job as a janitor cleaning bathrooms.
I discovered computer science in my junior year of college just out of accident.
I needed to take an introduction to Java for my math major and I just fell in love with it.
I just knew this was what I wanted to do and also bring it to my community.
Every three years, companies are upgrading their IT.
Most of these computers are ending up in landfills.
Well, we have kids here, myself included back in the day, who don't even know what a computer is.
And so, what we're doing is that we're working with institutions, colleges, companies, even individuals and then we bring it to the schools.
We refurbish them.
We install our own custom operating system that is geared towards teaching our kids self-efficacy troubleshooting and Internet skills.
All of you are going to be graphic designers today.
Right now, we're working with 4,000 kids.
My hope is that when the first TechLit kids graduate high school, their families and themselves will not need aid because they can make money online.
That money will support their families.
Their money will support themselves.
I can't even describe just how dehumanizing poverty is.
Just getting crushed over and over again my mom was working really hard and I was still going to bed hungry.
I was still living in a house that was flooding, but the world is your oyster when you are educated.
The thing that was really fascinating me growing up, not seeing change, not seeing hope, not even seeing progress.
I feel like with this kid, I can see a path like, I can see a way where they can make a living online.
And that is really like why we're doing this work.
My life is bigger than myself.
If I have the power to change anything, I have to do it.
I have to give it my all.
I can keep doing it.
All right.
How's this for a 10 out of 10?
Four people broke a Guinness world record by playing putt-putt for 24 hours straight.
They walked 20 miles during their mission.
Two thousand ninety-seven holes, that's the most holes of mini golf ever completed by a foursome in a 24-hour span.
It happened at a putt-putt course in northern Kentucky and they blasted past the previous record set in Germany back in 2005 by 657 holes.
And it gets better.
They did it to help raise money for a humanitarian and disaster relief organization.
Putting for a purpose.
But 24 hours straight, way to go team.
All right.
Got to give some special shout-outs.
First, the two middle schools that I attended in good old Pennsylvania, Lemoyne and New Cumberland.
I miss pizza day in the cafeteria.
I miss my hair too.
Oh, the good old days.
What's up, little brother?
Also, we see you Crusaders of the Saint Joseph School in Martinsburg, West Virginia.
We hope you and everyone watching around the world have a wonderful one.
I'm Coy.
Thanks for watching CNN 10.
** 파파고 번역
파파고 번역기의 영한 번역 그대로의 문장을 다듬지 않고 붙여넣기한 것이기 때문에 학습에 혼동을 줄 수 있는 오역이 있는 점 참고하시기 바랍니다.
CNN 10
Pakistan devastated by Flooding; Just Released Images of Newborn Stars; A CNN Hero Who is Turning Discarded Tech into Life-Changing Opportunity. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired September 14, 2022 - 04:00 ET
CNN 10
홍수로 황폐해진 파키스탄; 갓 태어난 별들의 이미지 공개; 버려진 기술을 삶을 바꿀 기회로 바꾸는 CNN의 영웅. 4-4:10a ET 방송
2022년 9월 14일 방송 - 04:00 미국 동부 표준시
급히 작성된 대본입니다 이 사본은 최종 형식이 아닐 수 있으며 업데이트될 수 있습니다.
What's up, everyone?
I'm Coy and I am so grateful that I get to hang out with you this week right here on CNN 10.
코이 와이어, CNN 10 앵커:
여러분, 안녕하십니까?
저는 코이입니다. 이번 주에 여러분과 함께 하기 위해 바로 여기 CNN 10에 출연하게 되어 정말 감사합니다.
We have a rocking show for you this wonderful Wednesday, but we do have to start with the latest out of Pakistan where people are hurting as their nation's been devastated by flooding.
Severe floods have swept away roads, homes, schools and hospitals, leaving nearly one-third of the South Asian country under water.
Millions of people have been forced from their homes and are struggling through waist-deep water to reach safety.
이번 멋진 수요일에 여러분을 위한 락킹 쇼가 있습니다. 하지만 우리는 홍수로 나라가 황폐해져서 사람들이 피해를 보고 있는 파키스탄에서 가장 최근의 것부터 시작해야 합니다.
심각한 홍수로 인해 도로, 집, 학교, 병원 등이 휩쓸려 남아시아 국가의 거의 3분의 1이 물에 잠겼다.
수백만 명의 사람들이 집에서 쫓겨났고 허리까지 오는 물을 헤치며 안전에 도달하기 위해 애쓰고 있다.
The current crisis began when severe monsoon rains hit the country last week piling water on top of more than two months worth of record flooding that has already killed hundreds of people and displaced millions more.
Nearly all of the country's crops and significant amounts of livestock and fertilizer have been damaged by the floods, harming the food supply.
현재의 위기는 지난 주 강력한 장맛비가 이미 수백 명의 사망자와 수백만 명의 이재민을 발생시킨 두 달 이상의 기록적인 홍수 위에 물을 쌓으면서 시작되었다.
그 나라의 거의 모든 농작물과 상당한 양의 가축과 비료가 홍수에 의해 손상되어 식량 공급을 해치고 있다.
Pakistan was already reeling from the economic inflation which makes the price of food unattainable for many of its citizens.
Experts are now concerned about another round of food shortages and disease which could be transmitted through contaminated water in the coming weeks.
Authorities say that the flooding could take up to six months to recede which could even impact the country's planting season in October.
파키스탄은 이미 많은 시민들이 식량 가격을 달성할 수 없게 만드는 경제적 인플레이션으로 비틀거리고 있었다.
전문가들은 이제 앞으로 몇 주 안에 오염된 물을 통해 전염될 수 있는 또 다른 식량 부족과 질병에 대해 우려하고 있다.
당국은 홍수가 물러나는 데 최대 6개월이 걸릴 수 있으며, 이는 심지어 10월의 국가의 모내기 계절에 영향을 미칠 수 있다고 말한다.
As the flooding threatens to set the country's progress back and potentially worsen existing political tensions, the United Nations is currently urging support for Pakistan.
홍수로 인해 파키스탄의 발전이 지연되고 기존의 정치적 긴장이 잠재적으로 악화될 수 있기 때문에, 유엔은 현재 파키스탄에 대한 지원을 촉구하고 있다.
(비디오 시작)
Trying to get to higher ground, this is one of the few roads that has not been completely submerged underwater and there's just a steady flow of people coming here and you can see they're crammed into buses, they're on rickshaws, they're on motorcycles, and they've just tried to grab whatever they possibly can salvage from their homes and move it to higher ground.
But the fear is this isn't going to be higher ground for that much longer because even though there's no rain forecast here for the next five days, the water levels here are still rising.
And that's because this is essentially a catchment area.
This is right between the Indus river and the marcher lake and the end result of that is that there is nowhere for this water to run off to and all the rain that's coming from other parts of the country in the north is kind of running down here and swelling into this area.
CNN 수석 국제 특파원 클라리사 워드:
더 높은 지대로 올라가기 위해, 이것은 물에 완전히 잠기지 않은 몇 안 되는 도로 중 하나이고, 사람들이 계속 몰려오고 있다는 것을 볼 수 있습니다. 그들은 버스에 꽉 차 있고, 인력거에 있고, 오토바이에 있고, 그들은 집에서 구할 수 있는 모든 것을 잡고, 그것을 더 높은 땅으로 옮기려고 합니다.
하지만 우려되는 점은 앞으로 5일 동안 비가 예보되지 않았음에도 불구하고, 이곳의 수위는 여전히 상승하고 있기 때문입니다.
그리고 그것은 이곳이 본질적으로 유역 지역이기 때문입니다.
이것은 인더스 강과 마처 호수의 바로 사이에 있는 것입니다. 그리고 그 결과 이 물이 흐를 곳이 없다는 것입니다. 그리고 북쪽의 다른 지역에서 오는 모든 비는 이곳으로 흘러들어가 이 지역으로 흘러들어갑니다.
And what is so pronounced here is you don't see any aid workers here.
You don't see any aid being distributed.
These are hard to reach areas.
The Pakistani government is doing its level best to get people what they need, but the demand is so huge, one U.N. official calling it a logistical nightmare.
그리고 여기서 분명히 드러나는 것은 여기에서는 구조대원들이 보이지 않는다는 것입니다.
분배되는 어떤 원조도 보이지 않습니다.
이것들은 도달하기 어려운 지역들이다.
파키스탄 정부는 국민들이 필요로 하는 것을 얻기 위해 최선을 다하고 있지만, 수요가 너무 많아서, 한 유엔 관리는 그것을 물류 악몽이라고 말했다.
(비디오 종료)
All right.
Let's go 10-second trivia time.
10초 상식 퀴즈 시간으로 갑시다.
Which constellation is known as the Hunter?
Is it Andromeda, Orion, Gemini or Taurus?
어떤 별자리가 사냥꾼으로 알려져 있나요?
안드로메다, 오리온, 쌍둥이자리, 황소자리?
One of the most recognizable in the night sky is the belt-wearing Orion constellation that's known as the Hunter.
밤하늘에서 가장 눈에 띄는 것 중 하나는 사냥꾼으로 알려진 띠를 두른 오리온 별자리입니다.
Next up, we're traveling to the Orion constellation with a photo that is five years in the making.
On Monday, new images were released showing thousands of never seen before stars and this image of a newborn star from the Orion nebula.
The images were taken by the James Webb telescope and hopes are that the data from it can help us understand how stars and planetary systems are formed.
다음으로, 우리는 오리온자리로 여행하고 있습니다. 사진 한 장이 제작 5년 전입니다.
월요일, 수천 개의 별과 오리온 성운에서 발견된 신생 별의 이미지를 보여주는 새로운 이미지가 공개되었다.
그 이미지들은 제임스 웹 망원경에 의해 찍혔고 그것으로부터의 데이터가 우리가 어떻게 별과 행성계가 형성되는지 이해하는 데 도움이 될 수 있기를 희망한다.
According to scientists, these images reveal an environment similar to our own solar system when it formed more than 4.5 billion years ago.
The technology works by detecting infrared light in the cosmos which allows observers to see through layers of dust, illustrating what's happening inside the Milky Way.
과학자들에 따르면, 이 사진들은 우리 태양계가 45억년 전에 형성되었을 때와 비슷한 환경을 보여줍니다.
이 기술은 관측자들이 우리 은하 내부에서 무슨 일이 일어나고 있는지 보여주면서 먼지 층을 통해 볼 수 있게 해주는 우주의 적외선을 감지함으로써 작동한다.
The images are said to be the sharpest ever taken and part of the goal for the Webb telescope is detecting distant and faint galaxies.
이 사진들은 지금까지 찍힌 것 중 가장 선명한 것으로 알려져 있으며 웹 망원경의 목표 중 일부는 멀고 희미한 은하를 탐지하는 것이다.
The telescope itself was launched in 2021.
According to NASA, the telescope will cost the American taxpayer $10 billion.
망원경 자체는 2021년에 출시되었다.
나사에 따르면, 이 망원경은 미국 납세자들에게 100억 달러의 비용이 들 것이다.
Next up, some inspiration and motivation in the form of a story of a young girl from rural Kenya.
Growing up, she'd never even heard of a computer.
다음으로, 케냐 시골에서 온 어린 소녀의 이야기 형식으로 영감과 동기 부여가 있습니다.
어렸을 때, 그녀는 컴퓨터에 대해 들어본 적도 없었다.
Now, she's enhancing the lives of young people in her community through repurposing discarded technology.
She's aiming to create positive change in this world one computer at a time.
이제, 그녀는 버려진 기술의 용도 변경을 통해 지역 사회의 젊은이들의 삶을 향상시키고 있다.
그녀는 한 번에 한 대의 컴퓨터만 있으면 세상을 긍정적으로 변화시키는 것을 목표로 하고 있다.
(비디오 시작)
I never forget what it was like growing poor.
I never forget what it was like my stomach churning because of hunger at night.
I would have to go and scavenge for food at trash bits.
We grew up in a tin roof house.
It was full of potholes.
넬리 체보이, 2022 CNN 영웅:
나는 가난해지는 것이 어땠는지 결코 잊지 않는다.
밤에 배가 고파서 배가 출렁거렸을 때의 기분을 나는 결코 잊지 않는다.
나는 쓰레기 더미에서 음식을 뒤져봐야 할 것이다.
우리는 양철 지붕 집에서 자랐다.
그것은 구멍으로 가득 차 있었다.
I used to look at the different light bouncing from the holes from the roof, and then just imagine what we look like to sustainably fix poverty.
저는 지붕의 구멍에서 반사되는 다른 빛을 보곤 했습니다. 그리고 나서 우리가 가난을 지속가능하게 고치기 위해 어떤 모습일지 상상해보곤 했죠.
I was a very hardworking student even though I wasn't in school often, and even though I was the most hardworking person I knew, I still did not know what a computer was.
나는 학교에 자주 있지 않았음에도 불구하고 매우 열심히 공부하는 학생이었고, 내가 아는 사람 중 가장 열심히 일하는 사람임에도 불구하고 여전히 컴퓨터가 무엇인지 몰랐다.
I am from Mogotio which is a small village in rural Kenya.
And there isn't much of an economic activity here.
I got a full-ride four-year scholarship in America at Augustana College in 2012.
나는 케냐 시골의 작은 마을인 모고티오에서 왔다.
그리고 여기에는 많은 경제활동이 없다.
저는 2012년에 미국에서 오거스타나 대학에서 4년 장학금을 받았습니다.
I got a job as a janitor cleaning bathrooms.
I discovered computer science in my junior year of college just out of accident.
I needed to take an introduction to Java for my math major and I just fell in love with it.
I just knew this was what I wanted to do and also bring it to my community.
나는 화장실을 청소하는 관리인으로 취직했다.
나는 대학교 2학년 때 우연히 컴퓨터 과학을 발견했다.
수학 전공을 위해 자바에 대한 소개를 들어야 했는데, 그냥 좋아하게 됐어요.
저는 이것이 제가 하고 싶은 일이고 또한 제 지역사회에 가져다주고 싶다는 것을 알았습니다.
Every three years, companies are upgrading their IT.
Most of these computers are ending up in landfills.
Well, we have kids here, myself included back in the day, who don't even know what a computer is.
기업들은 3년마다 IT를 업그레이드하고 있습니다.
이 컴퓨터들의 대부분은 쓰레기 매립지에 버려지고 있다.
자, 여기엔 컴퓨터가 무엇인지도 모르는 아이들이 있습니다.
And so, what we're doing is that we're working with institutions, colleges, companies, even individuals and then we bring it to the schools.
We refurbish them.
We install our own custom operating system that is geared towards teaching our kids self-efficacy troubleshooting and Internet skills.
All of you are going to be graphic designers today.
그래서 우리는 기관, 대학, 회사, 심지어 개인들과 함께 작업하고 있습니다. 그리고 나서 우리는 그것을 학교로 가져갑니다.
우리는 그것들을 새롭게 단장한다.
우리는 우리 아이들에게 자기 효능감 문제 해결과 인터넷 기술을 가르치도록 만들어진 우리만의 맞춤형 운영 체제를 설치한다.
여러분 모두는 오늘 그래픽 디자이너가 될 것입니다.
Right now, we're working with 4,000 kids.
My hope is that when the first TechLit kids graduate high school, their families and themselves will not need aid because they can make money online.
지금 우리는 4천명의 아이들과 함께 일하고 있습니다.
제 희망은 첫 번째 테크라이트 아이들이 고등학교를 졸업할 때, 그들의 가족과 그들 스스로가 온라인에서 돈을 벌 수 있기 때문에 도움이 필요하지 않게 되는 것입니다.
That money will support their families.
Their money will support themselves.
그 돈은 그들의 가족을 부양할 것이다.
그들의 돈은 자립할 것이다.
I can't even describe just how dehumanizing poverty is.
Just getting crushed over and over again my mom was working really hard and I was still going to bed hungry.
I was still living in a house that was flooding, but the world is your oyster when you are educated.
나는 가난이 얼마나 인간성을 해치는지를 묘사할 수조차 없다.
엄마는 정말 열심히 일하고 계셨고 나는 여전히 배가 고팠다.
나는 여전히 홍수가 난 집에 살고 있었지만, 교육을 받으면 세상은 너의 굴이다.
The thing that was really fascinating me growing up, not seeing change, not seeing hope, not even seeing progress.
I feel like with this kid, I can see a path like, I can see a way where they can make a living online.
And that is really like why we're doing this work.
제가 자라면서 정말 신기했던 것은, 변화를 보지 못했고, 희망을 보지 못했고, 진보도 보지 못했습니다.
저는 이 아이와 함께 있으면, 그들이 온라인에서 생계를 유지할 수 있는 방법을 볼 수 있다고 생각합니다.
이것이 바로 우리가 이 일을 하는 이유입니다.
My life is bigger than myself.
If I have the power to change anything, I have to do it.
I have to give it my all.
I can keep doing it.
내 인생은 나 자신보다 더 크다.
내가 무언가를 바꿀 힘이 있다면, 나는 그것을 해야만 한다.
나는 최선을 다해야 한다.
계속 할 수 있어요.
(비디오 종료)
All right.
How's this for a 10 out of 10?
이거 10점 만점에 10점 코너 소식으로 어때요?
Four people broke a Guinness world record by playing putt-putt for 24 hours straight.
They walked 20 miles during their mission.
Two thousand ninety-seven holes, that's the most holes of mini golf ever completed by a foursome in a 24-hour span.
It happened at a putt-putt course in northern Kentucky and they blasted past the previous record set in Germany back in 2005 by 657 holes.
네 명의 사람들이 24시간 연속으로 퍼트를 해서 기네스 세계 기록을 깼습니다.
그들은 임무를 수행하는 동안 20마일을 걸었다.
297홀, 이것은 24시간 동안 포섬에 의해 완성된 미니 골프 중 가장 많은 홀입니다.
그것은 북부 켄터키에 있는 퍼트 퍼트 코스에서 일어났고 그들은 2005년에 독일에서 세운 이전 기록을 657홀 차로 뛰어넘었다.
And it gets better.
They did it to help raise money for a humanitarian and disaster relief organization.
Putting for a purpose.
But 24 hours straight, way to go team.
점점 나아지죠.
그들은 인도주의와 재난 구호 단체를 위한 기금을 모으는 것을 돕기 위해 이 일을 했다.
목적을 위해 퍼팅을 했습니다.
하지만 24시간 연속으로, 팀 힘내세요.
All right.
Got to give some special shout-outs.
First, the two middle schools that I attended in good old Pennsylvania, Lemoyne and New Cumberland.
I miss pizza day in the cafeteria.
I miss my hair too.
Oh, the good old days.
What's up, little brother?
특별한 함성을 질러야 해
먼저, 내가 다녔던 오래된 펜실베니아에 있는 두 중학교, 레모인과 뉴 컴벌랜드.
나는 카페테리아에서 피자 데이가 그립다.
나도 내 머리가 그리워.
오, 좋았던 옛날.
무슨 일이야, 동생?
Also, we see you Crusaders of the Saint Joseph School in Martinsburg, West Virginia.
We hope you and everyone watching around the world have a wonderful one.
또한 웨스트버지니아주 마틴스버그에 있는 성 요셉 학교의 십자군도 볼 수 있습니다.
우리는 여러분과 전 세계를 보고 있는 모든 사람들이 멋진 하루를 보내시길 바랍니다.
I'm Coy.
Thanks for watching CNN 10.
난 코이야.
CNN 10을 시청해 주셔서 감사합니다.
** END
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