[CSP 대본 072] U.S. Soccer Makes A Change
072_220905_220520_U.S. Soccer Makes A Change
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Return to Transcripts main page CNN 10 North Korea Reports Its First COVID Outbreak; U.S. Soccer. Announces Equal Pay. Aired 4-4:10a ET Aired May 20, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET THIS IS A RUSH TRANSCRIPT. THIS COPY MAY NOT BE IN ITS FINAL FORM AND MAY BE UPDATED
** 원본 스크립트
CNN 10
North Korea Reports Its First COVID Outbreak; U.S. Soccer. Announces Equal Pay. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 20, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET
Fridays are awesome.
I had to make that a good one because I'll only be able to say it on air one more time this season.
I'm Carl Azuz.
Welcome to the show.
The coronavirus pandemic has officially found its way to North Korea.
We say officially because this is a secretive, tightly controlled communist country and while it's probably had COVID cases before, this month marked the first time an outbreak was reported by North Korean media which are controlled by the government.
The nation's borders have been closed since January of 2020, but unusual cargo flights have been observed this week, traveling between North Korea and China.
That country is considered North Korea's closest ally and while observers don't know exactly what's on these flights, China has promised to help North Korea with its COVID outbreak.
So, the planes are thought to be carrying some kind of aid to the Korean peninsula.
Since last week, North Korea has reported almost 2 million cases of what it calls fever.
Government media say it's a major national emergency.
The silver lining is that the main variant of COVID that's spreading right now is the omicron strain.
It's less severe than previous versions of the disease but it spreads very easily.
Vaccines do not prevent people from catching and spreading COVID, according to U.S. government health officials but they say the shots can help prevent serious illness and hospitalizations from the disease.
The thing is North Korea is so closed off and impoverished that the impact of COVID could be worse there than it is in other countries.
Still, the country continues to cause controversy by test-firing missiles into the ocean, a way of asserting its military power and threatening its rivals.
This is likely the first time we've seen North Korean leader Kim Jong-un wear a mask in public since the pandemic began, ordering all cities to lock down after admitting the first COVID-19 case in Pyongyang.
We think that there have probably been cases before, but they haven't admitted them.
And the fact that they've admitted them now would indicate that there's really no hiding it.
The number of cases of Omicron variant are unknown, but North Korea is one of only two countries in the world believed to have delivered zero COVID vaccinations.
Even in other settings where there's very low immunization coverage, presumably, there would be higher levels of prior exposure.
So, this is really a unique situation that we have in North Korea right now.
COVAX, the global vaccine sharing hub, has moved to a needs-based vaccine allocation, saying it's currently not committed any for North Korea.
Pyongyang last year has believed to have rejected vaccines from China, according to the U.N. China now says it's ready to provide full support.
The level of testing is low.
Up until March 31st, just 64,000 people have been tested out of a population of over 25 million since the pandemic began.
And health infrastructure in the country is fragile, at best.
Even developed health systems around the world have struggled under omicron outbreaks.
I would imagine that in North Korea, the high levels of malnutrition may be an additional risk factor for severe disease, and death associated with COVID-19 right now.
It is a population under lockdown in a country not set up for delivery of food and survival items.
Extended isolation could have a serious impact on future food supply already at a crisis in the country.
It can affect agriculture and harvest.
It can affect, obviously, interior commerce within the country, the ability of the public food distribution system, which is already not working very well, to function.
HANCOCKS (on camera):
As many experts wondered whether an omicron outbreak would halt its recent run-on missile and weapons tests, Pyongyang answered Thursday evening with another launch.
Paula Hancocks, CNN, Seoul.
AZUZ (voice-over):
Ten-second trivia:
Which of these events was held for the first time in 1991?
Summer Olympics in Barcelona,
FIFA Women's World Cup,
Consumer Electronics Show,
or MLB game at Tropicana Field?
The FIFA women's world cup has been held every four years since 1991.
For the first time, a soccer federation will split its pay and prize money evenly between its men's and women's national teams.
That federation is U.S. Soccer.
After years of legal battles with female soccer players, the organization announced this week that it would pay men and women the same amount when they compete on U.S. national soccer teams, like the ones that play in the World Cup.
This agreement does not apply to all professional soccer players in America.
Men's salaries across the sport still far exceed those of women.
But for players on the U.S. national teams, the agreement that lasts through 2028 aims to give men and women equal pay and equal benefits.
FIFA, the international soccer association, will still give millions more in prize money to World Cup men's teams than it will to World Cup women's teams.
But U.S. soccer will now evenly split that money between American men and women.
On one hand, this means members of the U.S. men's national team may have to give up some of their pay so that members of the women's national team are compensated the same.
On the other, the U.S. women's team has been far more successful in the World Cup.
It's a game changing deal.
I am just so incredibly proud of what we've achieved.
In a new contract, U.S. soccer women and men's player associations agreeing to equal pay for all players.
Both men and women will now get around $450,000 a year.
Commercial and event revenue will be divvied up.
The team's also shaking hands on sharing World Cup prize money, a first of any soccer organization in the world.
That part of today's agreement is especially notable -- as the women's team clinched the last two World Cups, four overall.
The men haven't won yet.
The women's 2015 win netted less than $2 million, while the men made more than $5 million, losing in the round of 16 the year before.
That propelled a movement for equal pay.
Today's deal is the culmination of that battle between the U.S. Soccer Federation and prominent members of the U.S. women's team who filed a federal wage complaint in 2016, and a gender discrimination lawsuit in 2019.
Players settled the suit earlier this year for $24 million dollars.
This comes at a pivotal time as the men head to Qatar later this year for the 2022 World Cup.
Brynn Gingras, CNN, New York.
A lot of times when you envision a sinkhole, you probably picture something like this, a crater that opens up in a road or parking lot and needs to be filled.
Not far from a village in China, something a little more expansive was recently discovered but it was not recently formed.
You are looking at a giant sinkhole that's roughly 650 feet deep and it's old.
How old is it? Well, it's said to have an ancient forest growing in the bottom, so it's been sunken long enough for that.
The trees stretch 130 feet high; the plants are up to a person's shoulders.
Experts say it's possible that new species will be discovered here.
This is one of 30 sinkholes that have been found in this part of southern China.
Giant landforms like it are relatively common in that country, as well as Mexico and Papua New Guinea.
Among the many treasures people have found at the beach, dentures are probably the last thing a vacationer in Gulf Shores, Alabama, expected to see.
That actually scared me.
I was like -- yeah, I said, where's the rest of this guy's teeth?
Thankfully, the rest of them were in his head.
But an unexpected wave had literally knocked another man's teeth out and it wasn't until a few days later that a swimmer looked down and saw them smiling back up at him in the water.
The owner's name was printed on the dentures, so with little social media legwork, the swimmer located and returned the teeth but not before taking them on a bit of a road trip.
A bit of a road trip.
Truth be told that story's gold.
It's teething with excitement.
What biter way to make a bridge between two strangers than to have one give a Denton to another's root problem.
It's a crowning achievement.
You can see why we're enameled with it and happy to use it to fill our show.
Warwick Veterans Middle School has been chomping at the bit for a shout-out.
Great to see you, our viewers in Warwick, Rhode Island.
We have one week left to go in our spring broadcasting season.
I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10.
** 파파고 번역
파파고 번역기의 영한 번역 그대로의 문장을 다듬지 않고 붙여넣기한 것이기 때문에 학습에 혼동을 줄 수 있는 오역이 있는 점 참고하시기 바랍니다.
CNN 10
North Korea Reports Its First COVID Outbreak; U.S. Soccer. Announces Equal Pay. Aired 4-4:10a ET
Aired May 20, 2022 - 04:00:00 ET
CNN 10
북한, 첫 번째 코로나19 발생 보고: 미국 축구 동일 급여를 알립니다. 4-4:10a ET 방송
2022년 5월 20일 방송 - 04:00:00 ET
급한 녹취록입니다 이 사본은 최종 형식이 아닐 수 있으며 업데이트될 수 있습니다.
Fridays are awesome.
I had to make that a good one because I'll only be able to say it on air one more time this season.
I'm Carl Azuz.
Welcome to the show.
칼 아주즈, CNN 10 앵커:
금요일은 정말 멋져요.
이번 시즌 방송에서는 한 번만 더 말할 수 있기 때문에 나는 그것을 좋은 것으로 만들어야 했다.
칼 아주즈입니다.
쇼에 오신 것을 환영합니다.
The coronavirus pandemic has officially found its way to North Korea.
We say officially because this is a secretive, tightly controlled communist country and while it's probably had COVID cases before, this month marked the first time an outbreak was reported by North Korean media which are controlled by the government.
코로나바이러스 팬데믹이 공식적으로 북한으로 가는 길을 찾았다.
우리는 공식적으로 북한이 비밀리에 엄격하게 통제되는 공산주의 국가이고, 아마도 전에는 코로나 환자가 발생했겠지만, 이번 달은 정부에 의해 통제되는 북한 매체에 의해 발병 사례가 보고된 첫 번째 달이기 때문이라고 말한다.
The nation's borders have been closed since January of 2020, but unusual cargo flights have been observed this week, traveling between North Korea and China.
2020년 1월 이후 국경은 폐쇄됐지만 이번 주에는 북한과 중국을 오가며 이례적인 화물 비행이 관측되고 있다.
That country is considered North Korea's closest ally and while observers don't know exactly what's on these flights, China has promised to help North Korea with its COVID outbreak.
So, the planes are thought to be carrying some kind of aid to the Korean peninsula.
그 나라는 북한의 가장 가까운 동맹국으로 간주되고 관찰자들은 이 비행편에 무엇이 있는지 정확히 알지 못하는 동안, 중국은 COVID 발생으로 북한을 돕겠다고 약속했다.
그래서, 그 비행기들은 한반도에 어떤 종류의 원조를 운반하고 있는 것으로 생각된다.
Since last week, North Korea has reported almost 2 million cases of what it calls fever.
Government media say it's a major national emergency.
The silver lining is that the main variant of COVID that's spreading right now is the omicron strain.
It's less severe than previous versions of the disease but it spreads very easily.
Vaccines do not prevent people from catching and spreading COVID, according to U.S. government health officials but they say the shots can help prevent serious illness and hospitalizations from the disease.
지난 주 이후로, 북한은 소위 말하는 열병에 대해 거의 200만 건을 보고했다.
정부 언론들은 국가적으로 중대한 비상사태라고 보도했습니다.
현재 확산되고 있는 코로나 바이러스의 주요 변종이 오미크론 변종이라는 것이 낙관적이다.
이전 버전보다는 덜 심각하지만 아주 쉽게 퍼집니다.
미국 정부 보건당국에 따르면, 백신이 사람들이 COVID에 감염되고 퍼지는 것을 막지는 못하지만, 그들은 백신이 COVID로부터 심각한 질병과 입원을 예방하는 데 도움이 될 수 있다고 말한다.
The thing is North Korea is so closed off and impoverished that the impact of COVID could be worse there than it is in other countries.
Still, the country continues to cause controversy by test-firing missiles into the ocean, a way of asserting its military power and threatening its rivals.
문제는 북한이 너무 폐쇄적이고 가난해서 코로나 영향이 다른 나라보다 더 심각할 수 있다는 것이다.
그럼에도 불구하고, 한국은 군사력을 주장하고 경쟁국들을 위협하는 방법인 미사일을 바다에 시험 발사함으로써 계속해서 논란을 일으키고 있다.
(비디오 시작)
This is likely the first time we've seen North Korean leader Kim Jong-un wear a mask in public since the pandemic began, ordering all cities to lock down after admitting the first COVID-19 case in Pyongyang.
폴라 핸콕스 CNN 특파원 (나레이션):
김정은 북한 국무위원장이 평양에서 첫 코로나19 확진자를 인정한 뒤 모든 도시에 폐쇄 명령을 내리며 공개 석상에서 마스크를 쓴 것은 이번이 처음일 것으로 보인다.
We think that there have probably been cases before, but they haven't admitted them.
And the fact that they've admitted them now would indicate that there's really no hiding it.
메이슨 리치, 한국 대학교:
우리는 아마 전에도 그런 사례가 있었을 거라고 생각하지만, 그들은 그것을 인정하지 않았다.
그리고 그들이 지금 그들을 인정했다는 사실은 그것을 숨길 수 없다는 것을 의미할 것이다.
The number of cases of Omicron variant are unknown, but North Korea is one of only two countries in the world believed to have delivered zero COVID vaccinations.
오미크론 변종 사례의 수는 알려지지 않았지만, 북한은 코로나19 백신 접종을 전혀 하지 않은 것으로 추정되는 세계에서 단 두 나라 중 하나이다.
Even in other settings where there's very low immunization coverage, presumably, there would be higher levels of prior exposure.
So, this is really a unique situation that we have in North Korea right now.
브라이언 월, 존스 홉킨스 블룸버그 학교:
예방접종 범위가 매우 낮은 다른 환경에서도, 아마도 더 높은 수준의 사전 노출이 있을 것입니다.
그래서 이것은 우리가 지금 북한에서 가지고 있는 정말 독특한 상황입니다.
COVAX, the global vaccine sharing hub, has moved to a needs-based vaccine allocation, saying it's currently not committed any for North Korea.
글로벌 백신 공유 허브인 코백스는 현재 북한을 위해 어떤 약속도 하지 않았다며 니즈 기반 백신 할당으로 전환했습니다.
Pyongyang last year has believed to have rejected vaccines from China, according to the U.N. China now says it's ready to provide full support.
유엔에 따르면 북한은 지난해 중국으로부터 백신을 거부한 것으로 추정되고 있으며, 중국은 현재 전폭적인 지원을 할 준비가 되어 있다고 밝혔습니다.
The level of testing is low.
Up until March 31st, just 64,000 people have been tested out of a population of over 25 million since the pandemic began.
And health infrastructure in the country is fragile, at best.
Even developed health systems around the world have struggled under omicron outbreaks.
테스트 수준이 낮습니다.
전염병이 시작된 이후 3월 31일까지 2천 5백만 명 이상의 인구 중 단지 6만 4천 명의 사람들이 검사를 받았다.
그리고 그 나라의 의료 인프라는 기껏해야 취약하다.
전 세계적으로 개발된 의료 시스템도 오마이크론 발생으로 어려움을 겪고 있다.
I would imagine that in North Korea, the high levels of malnutrition may be an additional risk factor for severe disease, and death associated with COVID-19 right now.
나는 북한에서 높은 수준의 영양실조가 심각한 질병과 코로나19와 관련된 사망에 대한 추가적인 위험 요인이 될 수 있다고 상상할 것이다.
It is a population under lockdown in a country not set up for delivery of food and survival items.
Extended isolation could have a serious impact on future food supply already at a crisis in the country.
그것은 식량과 생존 물품의 배달을 위해 설정되지 않은 국가에서 봉쇄된 인구이다.
장기간의 고립은 이미 그 나라에서 위기에 처해 있는 미래의 식량 공급에 심각한 영향을 미칠 수 있다.
It can affect agriculture and harvest.
It can affect, obviously, interior commerce within the country, the ability of the public food distribution system, which is already not working very well, to function.
그것은 농업과 수확에 영향을 미칠 수 있다.
그것은 분명히 국가 내의 내부 상업에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다. 이미 잘 작동하지 않고 있는 공공 식품 유통 시스템의 기능에 영향을 미칠 수 있습니다.
HANCOCKS (on camera):
As many experts wondered whether an omicron outbreak would halt its recent run-on missile and weapons tests, Pyongyang answered Thursday evening with another launch.
많은 전문가들이 오미크론 발병이 최근의 미사일과 무기 실험을 중단시킬지 궁금해하자 북한은 목요일 저녁 또 다른 발사로 대응했다.
Paula Hancocks, CNN, Seoul.
폴라 핸콕스, CNN, 서울.
(비디오 종료)
(비디오 클립 시작)
AZUZ (voice-over):
Ten-second trivia:
Which of these events was held for the first time in 1991?
Summer Olympics in Barcelona,
FIFA Women's World Cup,
Consumer Electronics Show,
or MLB game at Tropicana Field?
The FIFA women's world cup has been held every four years since 1991.
AZUZ (나레이션):
10초 상식 퀴즈:
이 행사들 중 1991년에 처음으로 개최된 것은?
바르셀로나 하계 올림픽,
FIFA 여자 월드컵,
가전 전시회,
아니면 트로피카나 필드에서 열리는 MLB 경기?
FIFA 여자 월드컵은 1991년부터 4년마다 열리고 있다.
(비디오 클립 종료)
For the first time, a soccer federation will split its pay and prize money evenly between its men's and women's national teams.
That federation is U.S. Soccer.
After years of legal battles with female soccer players, the organization announced this week that it would pay men and women the same amount when they compete on U.S. national soccer teams, like the ones that play in the World Cup.
처음으로, 축구 연맹이 남녀 국가 대표 팀 간에 급여와 상금을 균등하게 분배할 것이다.
그 연맹은 U.S. 축구이다.
여성 축구 선수들과의 수년간의 법적 다툼 후에, 그 단체는 이번 주에 월드컵에서 경기하는 것과 같은 미국 국가 대표 축구 팀에서 경쟁할 때 남성과 여성에게 동일한 금액을 지불할 것이라고 발표했다.
This agreement does not apply to all professional soccer players in America.
Men's salaries across the sport still far exceed those of women.
이 협정이 미국의 모든 프로 축구 선수들에게 적용되는 것은 아니다.
스포츠 전반에 걸친 남성의 급여는 여전히 여성의 급여를 훨씬 능가한다.
But for players on the U.S. national teams, the agreement that lasts through 2028 aims to give men and women equal pay and equal benefits.
그러나 미국 국가 대표 팀 선수들의 경우, 2028년까지 지속되는 협정은 남성과 여성에게 동등한 급여와 동등한 혜택을 주는 것을 목표로 한다.
FIFA, the international soccer association, will still give millions more in prize money to World Cup men's teams than it will to World Cup women's teams.
But U.S. soccer will now evenly split that money between American men and women.
On one hand, this means members of the U.S. men's national team may have to give up some of their pay so that members of the women's national team are compensated the same.
On the other, the U.S. women's team has been far more successful in the World Cup.
국제 축구 협회인 FIFA는 여전히 월드컵 여자 팀보다 월드컵 남자 팀에게 수백만 달러의 상금을 더 줄 것이다.
하지만 미국 축구는 이제 그 돈을 미국 남성과 여성 사이에 균등하게 나눌 것이다.
한편으로, 이것은 미국 남자 대표팀의 구성원들이 여자 대표팀의 구성원들이 똑같이 보상을 받을 수 있도록 그들의 급여의 일부를 포기해야 할 수도 있다는 것을 의미한다.
반면에, 미국 여자팀은 월드컵에서 훨씬 더 성공적이었다.
(비디오 시작)
It's a game changing deal.
브린 깅그라스 CNN 특파원 (나레이션):
판도를 바꾸는 거래입니다.
I am just so incredibly proud of what we've achieved.
신원 미상 여성:
나는 우리가 성취한 것에 대해 매우 자랑스럽다.
In a new contract, U.S. soccer women and men's player associations agreeing to equal pay for all players.
Both men and women will now get around $450,000 a year.
Commercial and event revenue will be divvied up.
The team's also shaking hands on sharing World Cup prize money, a first of any soccer organization in the world.
새로운 계약에서, 미국 여자 축구와 남자 선수 협회는 모든 선수들에게 동일한 보수를 주기로 합의했다.
이제 남성과 여성 모두 연간 약 45만 달러를 받게 될 것이다.
상업 및 이벤트 수익은 분배될 것이다.
그 팀은 또한 세계 최초의 축구 단체인 월드컵 상금을 나누기 위해 악수를 하고 있다.
That part of today's agreement is especially notable -- as the women's team clinched the last two World Cups, four overall.
The men haven't won yet.
오늘 협정의 그 부분은 특히 주목할 만합니다. 여자 대표팀이 지난 두 번의 월드컵에서 종합 4번 우승을 차지했기 때문입니다.
그 남자들은 아직 이기지 못했다.
The women's 2015 win netted less than $2 million, while the men made more than $5 million, losing in the round of 16 the year before.
2015년 여자부 우승은 200만 달러 미만을 기록했고, 남자부 우승은 500만 달러 이상을 벌어들여 전년도 16강에서 패했다.
That propelled a movement for equal pay.
Today's deal is the culmination of that battle between the U.S. Soccer Federation and prominent members of the U.S. women's team who filed a federal wage complaint in 2016, and a gender discrimination lawsuit in 2019.
Players settled the suit earlier this year for $24 million dollars.
그것은 동일 임금에 대한 운동을 추진했다.
오늘의 거래는 2016년 연방 임금 제소와 2019년 성차별 소송을 제기한 미국 축구 연맹과 미국 여자 팀의 저명한 멤버들 간의 싸움의 정점이다.
선수들은 올해 초 2천 4백만 달러에 소송을 해결했다.
This comes at a pivotal time as the men head to Qatar later this year for the 2022 World Cup.
이것은 남자 선수들이 2022년 월드컵을 위해 올해 말에 카타르로 향할 때 중추적인 시기에 온다.
Brynn Gingras, CNN, New York.
뉴욕 CNN의 브린 깅그라스입니다.
(비디오 종료)
A lot of times when you envision a sinkhole, you probably picture something like this, a crater that opens up in a road or parking lot and needs to be filled.
Not far from a village in China, something a little more expansive was recently discovered but it was not recently formed.
You are looking at a giant sinkhole that's roughly 650 feet deep and it's old.
여러분이 싱크홀을 상상할 때, 여러분은 아마도 이런 것을 상상할 것입니다. 도로나 주차장에서 열려서 채워져야 하는 분화구입니다.
중국의 한 마을에서 멀지 않은 곳에서, 조금 더 넓은 무언가가 최근에 발견되었지만 그것은 최근에 형성되지 않았다.
여러분은 약 650피트 깊이의 거대한 싱크홀을 보고 있고 그것은 오래되었습니다.
How old is it? Well, it's said to have an ancient forest growing in the bottom, so it's been sunken long enough for that.
The trees stretch 130 feet high; the plants are up to a person's shoulders.
Experts say it's possible that new species will be discovered here.
얼마나 된 거지요? 음, 바닥에는 고대의 숲이 자라고 있어서, 충분히 오랫동안 가라앉아 있었다고 합니다.
나무들은 130피트 높이로 뻗어 있고, 식물들은 사람의 어깨까지 닿아 있다.
전문가들은 이곳에서 새로운 종이 발견될 가능성이 있다고 말한다.
This is one of 30 sinkholes that have been found in this part of southern China.
Giant landforms like it are relatively common in that country, as well as Mexico and Papua New Guinea.
이것은 중국 남부의 이 지역에서 발견된 30개의 싱크홀 중 하나입니다.
이와 같은 거대한 지형은 멕시코와 파푸아 뉴기니뿐만 아니라 그 나라에서 비교적 흔하다.
Among the many treasures people have found at the beach, dentures are probably the last thing a vacationer in Gulf Shores, Alabama, expected to see.
사람들이 해변에서 발견한 많은 보물들 중에서 틀니는 아마도 앨라배마 걸프 쇼어스의 피서객들이 볼 것으로 마지막으로 기대했던 것일 것이다.
(비디오 클립 시작)
That actually scared me.
I was like -- yeah, I said, where's the rest of this guy's teeth?
신원 미상 남성:
정말 무서웠어요.
저는 "네, 제가 말했죠, 이 남자의 나머지 이빨은 어디 있죠?
(비디오 클립 종료)
Thankfully, the rest of them were in his head.
But an unexpected wave had literally knocked another man's teeth out and it wasn't until a few days later that a swimmer looked down and saw them smiling back up at him in the water.
The owner's name was printed on the dentures, so with little social media legwork, the swimmer located and returned the teeth but not before taking them on a bit of a road trip.
고맙게도, 나머지 것들은 그의 머릿속에 있었다.
그러나 뜻밖의 파도가 말 그대로 다른 사람의 이빨을 때려눕혔고 며칠이 지나서야 한 수영 선수가 아래를 내려다보고 물 속에서 그를 향해 웃고 있는 그들을 보았다.
주인의 이름이 틀니에 인쇄되어 있어서, 소셜 미디어 다리 작업이 거의 없는 수영 선수는 치아를 찾고 돌려주었지만, 약간의 도로 여행을 하기 전에는 치아를 찾지 못했습니다.
A bit of a road trip.
Truth be told that story's gold.
It's teething with excitement.
What biter way to make a bridge between two strangers than to have one give a Denton to another's root problem.
It's a crowning achievement.
You can see why we're enameled with it and happy to use it to fill our show.
도로 여행 좀 다녀요.
사실대로 말하면 그 이야기는 금이다.
흥분해서 이가 들뜨고 있다.
한 사람이 다른 사람의 근본적인 문제에 덴튼을 주도록 하는 것보다 두 낯선 사람 사이에 다리를 놓는 더 쓰라린 방법이 있다.
그것은 최고의 업적이다.
여러분은 우리가 왜 그것에 에나멜을 입혔는지 알 수 있고 그것을 우리의 쇼를 채우는 데 사용하는 것이 행복합니다.
Warwick Veterans Middle School has been chomping at the bit for a shout-out.
Great to see you, our viewers in Warwick, Rhode Island.
워릭 재향군인 중학교는 함성을 지르기 위해 조금씩 으르렁거리고 있다.
로드아일랜드 워릭의 시청자 여러분, 반갑습니다.
We have one week left to go in our spring broadcasting season.
I'm Carl Azuz for CNN 10.
봄 방송 시즌이 일주일 남았어요.
저는 CNN 10의 칼 아주즈입니다.
** END
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