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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 250105SUN: Q1021

250105SUN: Q1021
Do you believe in life after death?
당신은 사후의 삶을 믿습니까?

I’m unsure about life after death, but I focus on living fully in the present.

사후의 삶에 대해서는 확신이 없지만, 현재를 온전히 살아가는 데 집중하고 있습니다.




250105SUN: Q1021

Do you believe in life after death?


I can’t say I fully believe in life after death, but I also can’t completely dismiss the idea.

My thoughts on it have shifted over time.


For much of my life, I believed in it.

The idea was comforting and gave me a sense of purpose.

But there was also a time when I didn’t believe at all, focusing instead on the idea that life ends when we pass away.


Now, I’m somewhere in between.

I’m open to the possibility but not entirely convinced.

To be honest, it’s not something I think about often.

My focus is more on the present, living fully, creating meaningful experiences, and making the most of the time I have now.


In a way, not knowing has made me value the present even more.

Instead of worrying about what comes next, I concentrate on what I can do today to grow, connect with others, and leave a positive impact.


While life after death remains a mystery, what truly matters to me is how I live this life.

Whether or not there’s something beyond, I know I can shape the time I have now.


Words 188 of 1343

Characters 978 of 7943

Characters excluding spaces 803 of 6775








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