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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 250106MON: Q1022

250106MON: Q1022
If your life were a news article, what would be the headline?
당신의 삶이 뉴스 기사라면, 헤드라인은 무엇일까요?

"Rest in Peace, a Persistent and Restless Lady" sums up my drive to grow and improve every day.

"근성의 부단한 여인, 이제 편히 쉬세요"는 매일 성장하고 발전하려는 저의 열망을 요약합니다.




250106MON: Q1022

If your life were a news article, what would be the headline?


If my life were a news article, the headline would be: "Rest in Peace, a Persistent and Restless Lady."


This reflects how I’ve approached life in recent years.

While my younger days felt unproductive and wasted, I’ve worked hard to turn things around.

I’m now more focused, determined, and driven to make the most of my time.


Persistence has become one of my strongest traits.

I face challenges head-on and keep pushing forward, even when it’s difficult.

At the same time, I’m restless.

I’m always striving for more, setting new goals, and looking for ways to improve.


This mix of persistence and restlessness gives my life purpose and energy.

I’m constantly growing and working toward becoming a better version of myself, whether it’s through big achievements or small daily progress.


If my life were summed up in a headline, I’d want it to show my determination, effort, and endless desire to grow and improve.

It’s how I hope to live every day.


Words 162 of 1531

Characters 936 of 9018

Characters excluding spaces 786 of 7681








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