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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 241005SAT: Q929

241005SAT: Q929
Have you ever wanted to cry without a reason?
이유 없이 울고 싶었던 적이 있습니까?

Sometimes we cry for no reason, and that's just our body releasing built-up stress or emotions.

가끔 이유 없이 눈물이 나올 때가 있는데, 그건 우리 몸이 쌓인 스트레스나 감정을 풀어내는 자연스러운 반응입니다.




241005SAT: Q929

Have you ever wanted to cry without a reason?


I’ve had that happen a few times, but it’s not very common.

Most of the time, I know exactly why I want to cry.

Usually, it’s because I’m upset, sad, or stressed about something specific, like a tough day at work, a personal issue, or just feeling overwhelmed.

In these moments, the reasons are clear.


But then, there are those times when the tears come out of nowhere.

You’re just going through your day, and suddenly, you feel emotional, but you can’t explain why.

When I think about it more, I realize that even when it seems like there’s no reason, there’s usually something deeper going on.

Maybe I’ve been overworked or feeling emotionally drained for a while, and it just finally catches up with me.


Crying without a clear reason happens when I’m mentally or physically exhausted.

Even if there’s no big event triggering it, it’s usually a sign that I’ve been pushing myself too hard or not giving myself enough time to rest and process everything that’s happening.


I think society often teaches us to hold in our emotions and be strong, but I don’t see crying as a sign of weakness.

It’s a reminder that we’re human, with emotions that need to be felt.

Even if we don’t fully understand them at the moment, those feelings are valid.


So, if you ever feel like crying without knowing why, it’s okay.

It’s a natural part of life, and sometimes we just need to let our emotions out, even when we can’t explain them.

You don’t always need a reason to cry.

Sometimes, the best thing you can do is let the tears flow and trust that your body knows what it needs.


Words 284 of 82047

Characters 1547 of 487209

Characters excluding spaces 1280 of 411831








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