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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 241002WED: Q926

241002WED: Q926
Even though you worked hard, have you ever felt a sense of futility, regardless of the outcome?
열심히 일했음에도 불구하고 결과와 상관없이 허무함을 느낀 적이 있습니까?

Even if things don’t go as planned, every experience teaches me something valuable, so no effort is ever wasted.

일이 계획대로 되지 않아도, 모든 경험은 가치 있는 것을 가르쳐주기 때문에 어떤 노력도 헛되지 않습니다.




241002WED: Q926

Even though you worked hard, have you ever felt a sense of futility, regardless of the outcome?


I suppose it could have happened to me, but I can't recall a specific time.

If I worked really hard for someone and they ended up disappointing me, maybe I would feel that way.

But generally, I focus on doing things for myself rather than sacrificing too much for others.

While I enjoy helping others, I make sure it also benefits me in some way.

I think it's important to find a balance between doing things for others and taking care of yourself.


When I put effort into something, I usually feel satisfied if the result turns out well.

Even if it doesn’t, I try to find some meaning or a lesson from the experience.

I believe every failure teaches something valuable, and that makes the effort worth it.

This way, I don't see my hard work as wasted.


It's all about perspective.

When things don’t go as expected, I remind myself that every experience, good or bad, helps me grow.

Instead of feeling defeated, I focus on what I learned and how I can improve next time.

This mindset keeps me from feeling like my efforts were pointless.


Sometimes, I might feel brief frustration or disappointment, but I don’t let it last.

I remind myself that no effort is ever truly wasted.

Every action, even the ones that don’t lead to success, helps me develop in some way.

And often, the lessons I learn from setbacks are the ones that have the most impact on my life.


In conclusion, while I might have had moments where things didn’t work out as planned, I’ve learned to see the value in every experience.

My efforts are never wasted because they always teach me something, and that keeps me going, even when things don’t go my way.


Words 295 of 81157

Characters 1603 of 482203

Characters excluding spaces 1327 of 407647








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