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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240607FRI: Q809

240607FRI: Q809
Are you currently feeling happy?
현재 행복을 느끼십니까?

I'm happy right now because I enjoy my cozy homewear, a well-stocked fridge, and the growth of my Monstera plant.

포근한 홈웨어의 감촉이 좋고, 냉장고에 음식이 가득 차 있으며, 몬스테라가 아주 잘 자라고 있기 때문에 지금 행복합니다.




240607FRI: Q809

Are you currently feeling happy?


Yes, I am feeling happy at the moment.

I tend to maintain a positive attitude and strive to keep my spirits high.

The weather has turned quite chilly as winter has arrived, so I have been wearing cozy, fluffy homewear to keep myself warm and comfortable.

I find the soft texture and warmth of my pajamas to be quite soothing and satisfying.


Additionally, I am pleased to report that my fridge is well-stocked with a variety of delicious food options, which provides me with a sense of security and contentment.


One of my greatest sources of joy right now is my Monstera deliciosa plant, which has just unfolded a brand new leaf.

I find it incredibly rewarding to watch my plant grow and thrive, and it brings me great satisfaction to see the results of my care and nurturing.


In conclusion, I am happy right now because of a combination of factors.

The cozy feeling of winter, the comfort of my homewear, the satisfaction of having a well-stocked fridge, and the joy of watching my Monstera plant thrive all contribute to my happiness.

Additionally, practicing gratitude, mindfulness, and cherishing my relationships helps me maintain a positive state of mind.

Happiness is not just about the big moments.

It's about finding joy in the little things and appreciating the present.

By focusing on these aspects of my life, I can continue to cultivate and sustain my happiness.


Words 236 of 48610

Characters 1362 of 292759

Characters excluding spaces 1139 of 247860








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