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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240605WED: Q807

240605WED: Q807
Just write down anything you think you want to write.
쓰고 싶다고 생각되는 것은 무엇이든 적어주세요.

Today, I focused on being more productive by catching up on tasks, tending to my plants, preparing for upcoming exams, and maintaining my handwriting routine.

오늘은 밀린 일들을 따라잡고, 식물을 가꾸고, 곧 있을 시험을 준비하고, 손글씨 루틴을 유지함으로써 더 생산적이 되는 데 중점을 두었습니다.




240605WED: Q807

Just write down anything you think you want to write.


Today, I made a conscious effort to be more productive than usual, as I felt that my productivity levels were subpar the previous day.

I had planned to accomplish various tasks, but unfortunately, I ended up binge-watching "The 8 show" on Netflix, which left me feeling somewhat unfulfilled.

Despite this setback, I was determined to catch up on my tasks and make the most of my day.


One of my top priorities is tending to my plants, and I have been facing some challenges with pests lately.

In an attempt to find a solution, I decided to try something new: baking soil.

I placed the soil in the balcony and am currently allowing it to cool down.

I am hopeful that this method will help to eliminate the pests and keep my plants healthy.


As the final exams are approaching next week, I am feeling the pressure to get my act together and prepare for them.

I know that I need to focus and dedicate my time and energy to studying in order to perform well.

It is important for me to stay organized and manage my time effectively in order to achieve my goals.


In addition to my academic responsibilities, I am also trying to maintain a daily handwriting routine.

I have found that this practice helps me to relax and clear my mind, and I hope to be able to resume posting about it this month.

I am looking forward to sharing my experiences and progress with others who may be interested in this activity.


Overall, today has been a fulfilling day, despite the challenges I have faced.

I am grateful for the opportunity to learn and grow, and I am determined to continue working towards my goals.


Words 290 of 48035

Characters 1575 of 289321

Characters excluding spaces 1300 of 244956








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