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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240603MON: Q805

240603MON: Q805
Which movie could you watch over and over again, at any time?
언제든지 반복해서 볼 수 있는 영화가 있습니까?

I can watch "Amelie" for its charm and beauty, and "Inception" for its complex narrative and stunning visuals, over and over again.

그 영화의 매력과 아름다움으로 '아멜리에'를, 복잡한 서사와 놀라운 비주얼로 '인셉션'을 반복해서 볼 수 있습니다.




240603MON: Q805

Which movie could you watch over and over again, at any time?


When asked which movie I could watch repeatedly, two films immediately come to mind, "Amelie" and "Inception."

Despite having answered this question numerous times, these two movies remain my top picks, and for good reason.


"Amelie," directed by Jean-Pierre Jeunet, is a French film that I find endlessly charming and delightful.

The whimsical soundtrack by Yann Tiersen, with its enchanting piano tunes, perfectly complements the quirky and heartwarming story.

The movie's vibrant cinematography, with its picturesque scenes of Paris, is a visual treat that never gets old.

Amelie's journey of bringing happiness to others while finding her own place in the world is a narrative that always leaves me feeling uplifted and inspired.


On the other hand, "Inception," directed by Christopher Nolan, offers a thrilling and intellectually stimulating experience.

This sci-fi thriller's complex plot about dreams within dreams is endlessly fascinating.

Each viewing reveals new details and layers, making it a movie that invites repeated analysis.

The stunning visual effects, such as the zero-gravity fight scenes and the collapsing cityscapes, are breathtaking and make the film visually captivating.

The strong performances by Leonardo DiCaprio and the supporting cast bring the intricate story to life.


In essence, "Amelie" captivates me with its charm and beauty, while "Inception" engages my mind with its complex narrative and stunning visuals.

Both films provide endless enjoyment and fascination, making them movies I can watch over and over again.


Words 233 of 47469

Characters 1539 of 286118

Characters excluding spaces 1319 of 242271








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