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3_____Writing Practice/Question Diary (2202-)

Question Diary 240531FRI: Q802

240531FRI: Q802
What keeps you going?
무엇이 당신을 계속하게 합니까?

Various factors such as personal desires, responsibilities, goals, dreams, others' expectations, habits, ambition, and fun keep me motivated to keep moving forward.

개인적인 욕구, 책임감, 목표, 꿈, 타인의 기대, 습관, 야망, 재미 등 다양한 요소들이 저를 계속 앞으로 나아가게 합니다.




240531FRI: Q802

What keeps you going?


For me, there are a number of things that keep me going and motivate me to continue moving forward.


First and foremost, my desires play a big role in keeping me going.

Whether it's a desire for success, happiness, or personal growth, these desires drive me to work hard and strive for my goals.

I am always looking for ways to improve myself and achieve my dreams, and this desire to improve and succeed is what keeps me going.


In addition to my desires, my responsibilities also play a big role in keeping me going.

As a responsible adult, I have a number of obligations that I must fulfill, such as work, family, and financial responsibilities.

These responsibilities require me to be disciplined and organized, and they help me to stay focused and motivated.


Goals and dreams are also important factors that keep me going.

I have a number of long-term and short-term goals that I am working towards, and these goals provide me with a sense of purpose and direction.
I am always looking for ways to achieve my goals and make my dreams a reality, and this drive to succeed is what keeps me going.


Other people's expectations can also be a powerful motivator for me.

I want to be a good role model for my family and friends, and I want to be successful in my career.

I am always striving to meet and exceed other people's expectations, and this desire to be a good person and a successful professional is what keeps me going.


Habits and routines also play a big role in keeping me going.

I have a number of daily and weekly routines that help me to stay organized and productive.

These routines provide me with a sense of structure and stability, and they help me to stay focused and motivated.


Greed and ambition can also be powerful motivators for me.

I am always looking for ways to improve my financial situation and achieve greater success, and this desire for more is what keeps me going.

I am always striving to be better and do more, and this ambition is what drives me to work hard and achieve my goals.


Finally, simply for fun is also a big factor that keeps me going.

I enjoy many hobbies and activities, such as reading, traveling, and spending time with friends and family.

These activities provide me with a sense of joy and fulfillment, and they help me to stay motivated and energized.


In conclusion, there are many things that keep me going and motivate me to continue moving forward.

My desires, responsibilities, goals, dreams, other people's expectations, habits, greed, ambition, and simply for fun are all important factors that drive me to work hard and strive for my goals.

By staying focused and motivated, I am able to achieve my dreams and live a fulfilling and successful life.


Words 482 of 46786

Characters 2682 of 281690

Characters excluding spaces 2225 of 238441









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