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PPLEB050. 5-7 N 중, V-는 중 - 230123MON PPLEB050. 5-7 N 중, V-는 중 - 230123MON PPLEB050. 5-7 N 중, V-는 중 - 230123MON 교재 페이지 148-150 Unit 5. Time Expressions - 7 N 중, V-는 중 7 N 중, V-는 중 Noun (명사) 중, Verb (동사) -는 중 지하철 공사 중입니다. The subway is under construction. (= 지하철 공사하는 중입니다.) The subway is in the course of construction. 사장님은 회의 중입니다. The president is in a meeting. (= 사장님은 회의하는 중입니다.) The president is currently having a meeting. 지금 집에 가..
Question Diary 230123MON 230123MON 308 What made you dissatisfied recently? Nothing, I don't really have something that made me dissatisfied recently. My physically tired feeling wouldn't be something I would be satisfied with but I am still happy, the feeling that I am getting stronger actually. Some stupid customers are really upsetting me sometimes, but lovely customers make me happy and forget bad feelings. Their be..
DPM230123MON Daily Practice Materials DPM230123MON Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q354 - 230123MON Q354 - 230123MON Q354. Do you think you are a good listener? 자신이 이야기를 잘 들어주는 사람이라고 생각하나요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. I try to be, but being a good listener is actually quite difficult. People tend to jump to conclusions and speak about themselves instead of hearing someone out. My answer to this question. Yes, I try to be a good listener even though it’s sometimes har..
Question diary 230122SUN 230122SUN 307 What is the best place that you have been to? Why? I would like to say right here right now is the best place I have been to. I believe that this place means a lot to me and wherever I am, the most important thing is who I am with and what I feel there. I have been to some fancy places a lot though, I reckon the current place right here makes me happy the most, at least for now.
DPM230122SUN Daily Practice Materials DPM230122SUN Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q353 - 230122SUN Q353 - 230122SUN Q353. Are you good at giving advice? 조언을 잘 해주는 편인가요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. I don't go around imposing my opinions on others, but I will gladly offer my advice to those who come to me for advice. My answer to this question. Yes, I think I am good at giving advice but I don't do that for everyone. Sometimes people don’t need advice but just empathy..
Question Diary 230121SAT 230121SAT 306 Do you think the 'you' at present time is the person you wanted to be in the past? No, I don't think I am the person I wanted to be in the past. I still love myself at present time anyway even though I became quite a different person from what I expected when I was younger. I had really high hopes but those were unrealistic, I don't think that was wrong or bad back then though, now..
DPM230121SAT Daily Practice Materials DPM230121SAT Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q345 - 230114SAT Q352 - 230121SAT Q352. Do you like adventures? 모험을 좋아하나요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. I love adventures! I feel that we learn most about ourselves when we push ourselves out of our everyday routine. Adventures and traveling is what I live for. My answer to this question. I love adventures. I think I am an adventurer but I love a quiet and ordinary lifestyle as well. I ..
Question Diary 230120FRI 230120FRI 305 Can a person live without love? I would say technically yes, but it depends. Love can become any sort of form in your life. Love is sometimes not about relationships or socializing. Religion, self love, education, any activity with no one else just by yourself is also sort of love in your life. People say all you need is love, but it doesn't mean you can't live without love. Life w..
DPM230120FRI Daily Practice Materials DPM230120FRI Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q351 - 230120FRI Q351 - 230120FRI Q351. Do you think you look your age? 자신이 본인 나이대로 보인다고 생각하나요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. I think that I look my age, or possibly a bit older. Unfortunately, I am already starting to lose some hair on my head. Some people however think that I look young. My answer to this question. No, I don't really look my age. I usually look younger than my age and ..
Question Diary 230119THU 230119THU 304 Name three gifts that you wish to have the most. I would say really big things. one of the promising commercial-residential complex shopping centers, infinite fitness, lovely people around me who I can love forever. If I have to say just realistic things that someone can give me then, I would say I wish to have their best book in life, constant effort to show me their love, and som..
DPM230119THU Daily Practice Materials DPM230119THU Daily Practice Materials Today's Quotes from Instagram app, Cake app, BBC NEWS app, ABC NEWS app, KBS NEWS app 인스타그램 오늘의 긍정 메세지, 케이크 어플, BBC 뉴스, ABC 뉴스, KBS 뉴스 어플 말하기와 읽기 연습 및 공부를 함께 하기 위해 영어 및 한국어 공부 자료를 스터디 그룹챗에 매일 공유하고 있습니다. 케이크 미션의 텍스트를 직접 소리내어 읽고 연습하신 녹음 파일을 언어교환 채팅방에도 공유해주세요. 카카오톡 오픈채팅 그룹챗 PPLE LANGUAGE EXCHANGE 언어교환 스터디그룹 https://open.kakao.com/o/gFrlHrHd PPLE Language exchan..
영어 일기 Q350 - 230119THU Q350 - 230119THU Q350. Who do you quarrel with the most? 당신이 가장 많이 싸우는 사람은 누구인가요? Sample diary entry written by the author of this book. I used to quarrel with my siblings a lot. Now, we're all moved out from our parents' home, so we hardly ever get the chance to quarrel. I sometimes miss those quarrels. My answer to this question. Isaac used to be the person who I quarrel with the most in recen..
