분류 전체보기 (2278) 썸네일형 리스트형 Question Diary 230313MON: Q357 230313MON: Q357 Are you a confident person? Yes, I think I am a quite confident person, to be honest. I try not to be too confident because there are thousands of great and humble people everywhere. Staying confident is a good thing for your happiness and it usually helps situations. I don’t like people too showing off but I like confident people. These two groups have quite a big difference. Co.. PPLEB087 16-2 V-(으)려면 - 230313MON PPLEB087 16-2 V-(으)려면 - 230313MON PPLEB087 16-2 V-(으)려면 - 230313MON 교재 페이지 255-256 Unit 16. Conditions and Suppositions - 2 V-(으)려면 2 V-(으)려면 Verb (동사) -(으)려면 농구를 잘하려면 점프를 잘해야 돼요. If you want to play basketball well, you have to be able to jump high. 동대문에 가려면 지하철 4호선을 타세요. If you're trying to get to Dongdaemun, then please take subway line 4. 이 선생님을 만나려면 월요일에 학교로 가세요. you want to meet with teach.. Question Diary 230312SUN: Q356 230312SUN: Q356 What do you think of before going to bed? I usually think about my plans for the next day before going to bed or what I should have finished but I couldn’t. I remind how I am going to spend the next day better and my plans, appointments, schedules and daily goals. I sometimes think about some big events on the day if it was quite impressive. I think about it and come up with what.. PPLEB086 16-1 A/V-(으)면 - 230312SUN PPLEB086 16-1 A/V-(으)면 - 230312SUN PPLEB086 16-1 A/V-(으)면 - 230312SUN 교재 페이지 252-254 Unit 16. Conditions and Suppositions - 1 A/V-(으)면 1 A/V-(으)면 Adjective (형용사) / Verb (동사) -(으)면 컴퓨터를 많이 하면 눈이 아파요. If you spend too much time on the computer, you'll hurt your eyes. 나는 기분이 좋으면 춤을 춰요. Idance when I'm in a good mood. 돈을 많이 벌면 집을 살 거예요. If I make a lot of money, I'm going to buy a house. ** Grammar .. Question Diary 230311SAT: Q355 230311SAT: Q355 What is the most memorable experience you had in recent times? It should be some moments that happened during several days after I arrived in South Korea. It feels quite timely question since I have been thinking that this 3 months will be really memorable and special period in my life and writing about it in my journal quite often. My older sister’s birthday was just one night a.. PPLEB085 15-5 V-기로 하다 - 230311SAT PPLEB085 15-5 V-기로 하다 - 230311SAT PPLEB085 15-5 V-기로 하다 - 230311SAT 교재 페이지 248-250 Unit 15. Purpose and Intention - 5 V-기로 하다 5 V-기로 하다 Verb (동사) -기로 하다 건강 때문에 올해부터 담배를 끊기로 했어요. I made the decision to stop smoking for my health starting this year. 주말에 친구하고 같이 등산하기로 했어요. I decided to go hiking with my friend over the weekend. 우리는 3년 후에 결혼하기로 했습니다. We've decided to get married three years from now.. Question Diary 230310FRI: Q354 230310FRI: Q354 What topic do you like to talk about the most? My favorite topic is about hopes, dreams, and goals. Something productive, inspiring, and positive is the topic I like to talk about the most. This topic also helps me to understand someone new to me and their personality. Everyone loves talking about themselves and so do I when I am with some close people. The frequently written top.. PPLEB084 15-4 N을/를 위해(서), V-기 위해(서) - 230310FRI PPLEB084 15-4 N을/를 위해(서), V-기 위해(서) - 230310FRI PPLEB084 15-4 N을/를 위해(서), V-기 위해(서) - 230310FRI 교재 페이지 245-247 Unit 15. Purpose and Intention - 4 N을/를 위해(서), V-기 위해(서) 4 N을/를 위해(서), V-기 위해(서) Noun (명사) 을/를 위해(서), Verb (동사) -기 위해(서) 건강을 위해서 매일 비타민을 먹고 있습니다. I take vitamins daily for my health. 군인은 나라를 위해서 일하는 사람입니다. Soldiers are people who work for their country. 훌륭한 스케이트 선수가 되기 위해 열심히 연습을 합니다. I.. Question Diary 230309THU: Q353 230309THU: Q353 What is the ideal way to die according to you? I think no one can say the ideal way to die because death can never be ideal in any ways. If I have to choose the way I die one day, I would say when I am old enough to die in common sense, in the day that people around me can predict, the way everyone has predicted, with just right timing, without pain, I hope it happen in a sleep j.. PPLEB083 15-3 V-(으)려고 하다 - 230309THU PPLEB083 15-3 V-(으)려고 하다 - 230309THU PPLEB083 15-3 V-(으)려고 하다 - 230309THU 교재 페이지 243-244 Unit 15. Purpose and Intention - 3 V-(으)려고 하다 3 V-(으)려고 하다 Verb (동사) -(으)려고 하다 여름휴가 때 여행을 하려고 해요. I plan to travel during the summer vacation. 결혼하면 아이를 두 명 낳으려고 해요. I intend to have two children once I'm married. 방학 동안 운전을 배우려고 했어요. 그런데 팔을 다쳐서 못 배웠어요. I had planned on learning how to drive during the vacatio.. Question Diary 230308WED: Q352 230308WED: Q352 Is there any activity that you are doing only for yourself? Yes, I believe this is also the activity that I am doing for myself, but it's not “only” for myself but also for everyone around me. I was trying to come up with some regular activities that I am doing only for myself, but actually, every single thing that I was going to write down, was not only for myself but also for o.. PPLEB082 15-2 V-(으)려고 - 230308WED PPLEB082 15-2 V-(으)려고 - 230308WED PPLEB082 15-2 V-(으)려고 - 230308WED 교재 페이지 240-242 Unit 15. Purpose and Intention - 2 V-(으)려고 2 V-(으)려고 Verb (동사) -(으)려고 살을 빼려고 매일 세 시간씩 운동을 해요. I exercise three hours a day to try to lose weight. 아내에게 주려고 선물을 샀어요. I bought a present to give to my wife. 잠을 자지 않으려고 커피 5잔이나 마셨어요. I drank five cups of coffee so that I wouldn't go to sleep. ** Grammar Focus -(으)려고 exp.. Question Diary 230307TUE: Q351 230307TUE: Q351 Can you love only one person all your life? I would possibly be able to love only one person all my life if the person is the right one for my life. I love reading the same book repeatedly three or more times in a row or watching movies in the same way too, because each time it always gives me different feelings, ideas, and views. I don't easily get bored by repeatedly doing thin.. PPLEB081 15-1 V-(으)러 가다/오다 - 230307TUE PPLEB081 15-1 V-(으)러 가다/오다 - 230307TUE PPLEB081 15-1 V-(으)러 가다/오다 - 230307TUE 교재 페이지 238-239 Unit 15. Purpose and Intention - 1 V-(으)러 가다/오다 1 V-(으)러 가다/오다 Verb (동사) -(으)러 가다/오다 옷을 사러 동대문 시장에 가요. We're going to Dongdaemun Market to buy clothes. 한국 팬들을 만나러 한국에 왔어요. I came to Korea to see my Korean fans. 은행에 돈을 찾으러 가요. I'm going to the bank to withdraw some money. ** Grammar Focus -(으)러 가다/오다 expr.. Question Diary 230306MON: Q350 230306MON: Q350 What is falling in love to you? I was a bit confused with this question whether it means asking my opinion and definition on "falling in love" or whether there is anything getting to love me. Of course, I guess it's about the meaning of falling in love, according to common sense. I would say falling in love is something you can't predict. I don't easily fall in love with random p.. PPLEB080 14-2 V-(으)니까 (2) - 230306MON PPLEB080 14-2 V-(으)니까 (2) - 230306MON PPLEB080 14-2 V-(으)니까 (2) - 230306MON 교재 페이지 235-236 Unit 14. Background Information and Explanations - 2 V-(으)니까 (2) 2 V-(으)니까 (2) Verb (동사) -(으)니까 (2) 집에 들어오니까 맛있는 냄새가 나요. I arrived home to (discover) the smell of something tasty. 아침에 일어나니까 선물이 있었어요. When I woke up in the morning, the gift had already arrived. 집에 오니까 밤 12시였어요. When I arrived home, it was m.. 이전 1 ··· 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 ··· 143 다음